hevalxx · 10 months
Enes ve Mehmet Kılınç - TUKENDI NAHTI OMRUM !! - OYYYY OYYY
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eksopolitiikka · 9 months
UFO nähty lentokoneesta Kaliforniassa
Havaintopäivämäärä: 11.3.2023 Havaintopaikka: Stratford, Kalifornia, USA Lähde: MUFON Silminnäkijä liitti mukaan valokuvadataa, joka ei ole postattu tähän, jonka mukaan lentokone oli suoraan Stratfordin yläpuolella Kaliforniassa. Kalifornia tunnetaan UFO-havainnoistaan, joten tämä ei ole yllättävä. UFO on tictac johtuen sen omituisesta valkoisesta väristä ja muodosta. Aluksi luulin sen olevan lentokone, joten zoomasin ja kuten videolla näkyy, sillä […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/ufot/ufo-nahty-lentokoneesta-kaliforniassa/
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princemick · 1 year
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valorousimperial · 6 years
Nahtie can't stand yet but they want to pose for ALL the pictures. They should be walking in a few hours to a couple of days, trolls are like that, but right now they're just chilling in their short pants showing off their glitter.
I mean it, it's fused into their chitin. Rainbow glitter.
It'll shed out in a few weeks when their growth kicks in.
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imfinewhosamity · 2 years
Today is Wordgirl’s 15th anniversary!
To celebrate, I’m gonna post my WG fan fiction from when I was in 2nd grade. Spelling errors and all.
I thought I threw this out a long time ago, but I found it in the basement last year.
I’m aware it’s not very good, I cringe reading this today.
My name is gonna be replaced with Kiki, as that is my profile pic at the moment.
If any of my friends come across this, I’m sorry you had to see this. 💀
Mr. Bigs apples and fruitPunch
By Kiki
Just a fine day at the Bosverters house. When Becky and Bob played go fish Sudedly aman Said Help! Mr big is giving evreone some apples and fruit punch! Beky said to Bob come on bob. and beky said wordup. Stop right there Mr Big. Mr. Big Said hey Word girl. Want some apples and fruit Punch? Sure Said Word girl. but wordgirl didint know that Mr. Big Put Mind Control juice in the apples and fruit Punch. And guess What…. WORDGIRL GOT MIND CONTROL! A Villain named Kiki took some of Mr. Bigs apples and some of Leslies fruit punch. And She got mind control too! Evreyone got Mind control! Even Animals got mind Control! When Kiki was going home she looked inthe miorr and She Said What will my mother Say? She wrote a letter that said Dear mom Today I amblind. I can not talk. my Behavivr might be a little nahty today. love Kiki. She showed the letter to her mother and She said thanks for telling me Kiki. When Kiki got to school She acted Just likethe note. The other kids did not have mind control. But… WE WERE CELABRATING SOMEONE’S BIRTHDAY! She passed out apples and fruit punch. then evreyone got mindcontrol in the class. even the teachers. Kiki’s best friend got mind control too! NoOne could Stop mr. Big! When Kiki came on the bus Sge noticd evreyone on the bus got mind control. When Kiki Came home She noticed Mommy and the neighbor’s dog got mind control. When Kiki and mommy came inside, she looked at her brother sister and daddy and they had mind Control. Even Chuck (our fish) got mind control. Even our webkinz pets get mind control. Then a Police Man said what does this button do? He pressed it then the Police man took Mr.Big to Jail. But….. MR. BIG AND LESLIE GOT OUT OF JAIL! He gave evreyone mind control again. Then Mr.Big Said I need a eviler plan. and then The pepole helped M.r. Big.
The end
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ered · 7 years
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and another one o/
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autistocracy · 3 years
flōwǣþ, mīnas tahrōs, fallǣþ fram iseras cellans! gafærbannada furi alān, lētǣþ meg murnan; hwar nahtis blacus fuglas hes dapruno unhrōþa lyþōne, þar lētǣþ meg būwan færlysada.
"Flow, my tears, fall from your springs! Exiled for ever, let me mourn; Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings, There let me live forlorn"
from a song by composer John Dowland writen in 1596
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givenxi · 3 years
F I T 1 0 | D I O R.
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If you love her, DIOR her! Modelin' in a white Nahty fur jacket (and thong) drippin' in diamonds, with MissC's glass heels.
HAIR - illtaste
DIOR CHAIN - Drippinz
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himechouko · 3 years
I was wondering where you got those cute outfits cause I'm really into Lolita pastel things and I can't find anything good on Imvu, I hope you can help♥️
Just saw this cutie, ok so some good cute creators on imvu are : Hwime, Fair, Meikin, konpeitou, Nahty, NekoHime, iPam, KisaTheCutie, Concubi, Sayumi, yunosenpai, neeko, Toupees.
Hope you find something you like
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venatusmaps · 4 years
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Regional map for Nahti-Natu, otherwise known as the ‘Island of Illusions’ and used as a hideaway for a band of pirate raiders. Available now on my website.
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bmkarkat · 5 years
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jkontinen · 4 years
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valorousimperial · 2 years
I've not been around in goddamn ages what happened to that gamzee with the fucked up ear and that sugar empress? And how are your lil grublings??
I don't like the way you're referring to Gamzee's scarring, but I'll fill you in all the same, I guess. Listen, though, do you think if you lost some fingers that you'd like your hand referred to as "fucked-up" by strangers? Put some respect on and be the person Mister Rogers knew you could be.
My Squishfish is getting on famously in the timeline she moved to, and I'm happy to say she'd doing even better now that she's not on social media all that often. It's poisonous, I'll tell you. Anyway, she'd abdicated to her heiress long before she stopped logging on.
Gamzee and I broke up a long time ago. We had been having relationship problems for a great long time before that and though we tried to at least live together for the grubs, ultimately he moved back in with his human dad, Scott. Our three wrigglers - Liosin, Nahtie, and Lycori - go and stay with him sometimes, but Scott's an old human man and the kids are just old enough to start doing their times tables; it's not a good time for them to be there right now. He...doesn't know what happened. But he doesn't need to know, cos I sent the wrigglers away once I knew it was unquestionably dangerous and we're moved in to the new spot now and all safe and happy.
Amolin is done shedding teeth (for now) and is in speech classes to learn how to work with the ones they have. They can talk in full sentences, and we don't mind it, but they're not very confident outside the palace. Mostly, they prefer sign language. Absolutely killing it at spelling, too. Not to mention that they're *wondrously* strong and bulky even for their little kid body! They almost picked up one of my cars the other day. Might've done, too, if they were any taller.
Tiumia is such a precious girl, and she's in to drawing dogs right now because Karkat showed her a way you can draw dogs with a few circles. They're on everything she owns now.
I took Liosin shopping and after we'd gotten him a few things to play with and a new blanket (his texture needs are extremely specific sometimes) he pointed out a very fancy-looking pen and asked for it. He keeps trying to click it. It is a cap-type. He cried to me twice to click it for him because I'm bigger and stronger. Both times I took the cap off for him. Both times he promptly forgot it was a cap within minutes. He is not quite three!
Nahtie developed Gamzee's voodoos early and teleports around the place, BUT since we've just moved into a new home TODAY, she's not familiar enough to escape bathtime! She had a physical recently and her doctor confirmed that he found muscle structures developed for controlling wings, so. Not looking forward to which pupation that's gonna be.
Lycori's the smallest and the youngest, and she's started talking recently. She started late. She says some weeeeiiiird stuff, though. Or, she did before we moved. She's not ready for talking right now, I guess. She's practically totally blind, so I guess that this move is probably the hardest on her.
And that's it for now!! Mituna's hale and healthy after everything, I'm still having daymares but normal bad memory stuff and not the curse shit, uh
Oh, yeah, actually after Kannus died, uhhh....the planet became explosively biodiverse and a bunch of people started accidentally messing quite a bit up as APPARENTLY we most all got magic! Which is great! I guess! Everything Kannus does makes my life harder, he can't even die politely. Can't kick this corpse anywhere.
So yeah we're just getting settled in the new palace, waiting on the new egg to hatch...Karkat's been on a trip with Sollux and Terezi, hosted by Resolute, and he just got back! Easy business.
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eksopolitiikka · 9 years
Hesekielin pyörä nähty Norjassa?
Hesekielin pyörä nähty Norjassa?
 Hessdalen on pieni laakso keski-Norjassa ja se tunnetaan omituisista, selittämättömistä valoista jotka ilmestyvät useassa paikassa pitkin laaksoa.
Viime kuussa Hessdalenin ulko-webcam tallensi kaksi tuntematonta lentävää esinettä. Lisäksi 2. huhtikuuta jälleen kerran saa kamera tallensi omituisen ilmiön Hessdalenin taivaalla.
Esinettä ei voida selittää, mutta siinä on nähtävissä monta samankaltaisuutta Hesekielin pyörän kanssa.
Kaikista UFO-tapauksista raamatussa Hesekielin pyörä on tunnetuin. Hesekiel selkeästi kuvaa UFOn seuraavassa raamatunkappaleessa (Hesekiel 1.16, Biblia 1776):
Ja ne rattaat olivat teostansa niinkuin yksi turkos, ja olivat kaikki neljä yhden muotoiset; ja ne olivat näköänsä ja tekoansa niinkuin yhdet rattaat olisivat olleet toisestansa sisällä.
  Artikkelin julkaissut UFO Sightings Hotspot.
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kazoosarentsatanic · 7 years
(N.I.N.A.) the best fic ever (NSFW?)
peter was soo hournee for him they feel so gud they screm yes as he rip into their ass wit his big big cuc nd make them lube it at sam tim. he sey in deep voice you r very nahty i will tech you. he fill peter wit seed and they colaps on bed holdin ech othr. he say i luv you peter. peter say i luv u too smash mouth.
(Yes, I shipped you with the guy from Smash Mouth. You’re welcome)
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phi-imvu · 7 years
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Hair: Glamtron Bodysuit: Nahty Jacket: Phi Choker: Phi
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