fernsehn · 3 months
Dachte ohne jegliche Basis Julian Nagelsmann wäre irgendwie bisschen eitler und oberflächlicher random Fußball dude. Turns out: lieber mal nicht Leute vorschnell verurteilen 😬🫠.
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miasanmuller · 7 months
This is pure hubris. Like. We were so spoiled. We had everything and used to complain from lack of clean sheets despite winning by 5, 6, 7 goals. We had a stellar squad and complained of games getting a bit boring on the 2nd half. We had titles. And yet we called ourselves clowns. And now the gods decided to show us what a clown really looks like. We Bayerned too close to the sun this time.
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sportu · 1 year
FC Bayern draws the line: Last Nagelsmann confidant has to go
He came to Munich with ex-coach Julian Nagelsmann. Now team psychologist Maximilian Pelka has to leave Bayern. Upheaval at FC Bayern: After the expulsion of Julian Nagelsmann, Marco Neppe, Dino Toppmöller or Toni Tapalović, the next member of staff has to leave the German record champions, as the club announced on Monday. The “kicker” previously reported. Team Psychologist Dr. Maximilian Pelka…
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leonsliga · 6 months
God, I'm so happy for Leon! He hasn't been able to score a goal lately. He was constantly trying, he couldn't do it, it was noticeable how upset and angry he was. Now it happened, he was so happy, it was great to see him smile. I think it's such a relief for him.
Now on March 14, Nagelsman has to announce the line-up for NT, and I'm so nervous about it. Yes, there are a lot of players in the midfield right now, but Leon is in such great shape that it's a crime not to call him up. Even if Nagelsmann sees the midfield differently, it's stupid to give up a player like Leon because he can help the team. I am glad that Leon played such a good match right now before the announcement of the squad, he left no choice to the coach, and it would just be unfair if he stayed at home.
Same here 🥹 I know that it’s difficult for him to get on the scoresheet these days, especially since Tuchel tends to use him more defensively. Selfishly though, I’m so glad we got to see Leon Scoretzka make his triumphant return, not once, but twice!
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It’s so good for his confidence too; after all, his performance was more than just his beautiful brace (although I’m sure he was proud of it—rightfully so); he was excellent all around. It was his perfectly-weighted assists and his constant involvement in the buildup, coupled with those two goals, that made him a veritable man of the match. He was Bayern’s motor, powering them to victory at every turn, both defensively and offensively.
It’s funny…Leon’s role on the pitch is intended to be subtle; he’s supposed to extinguish fires before they start, and to feed attackers with all the through-balls they could ever need. Nevertheless, it was impossible to overlook him against Mainz. I couldn’t help but think back to some of his best performances during Bayern’s treble-winning season; I mean, how could I not? What we saw vs. Mainz was the Leon we know and love—the Leon we’ve always known was in there, even if his powers have been somewhat subdued recently. After all, we’ve seen him perform like this before, and when he does, it’s hard not to fear the prospect of facing him.
Hell, if even Tuchel, who’s not exactly his biggest fan, was impressed with him, it says a great deal about just how good he was:
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Leon even had time after the match to regale us with a wholesome story about his friends who came to watch him play:
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I’d love to be a fly on the wall when he catches up with them after the match. I don’t think even they could’ve expected him to carry Mainz around in his pocket for all 90 minutes 😂 regardless, I think I speak for everyone when I say it’d be awesome if those friends came around more often! Clearly they bring out the best in Leon, and their support means a lot to him :)
Ah yes, the dreaded March 14, looming as large over Leon’s head as it is for all of us who support him. Good thing Leon came out guns blazing against Mainz. Of the all the times to rediscover your form, right? 🤣 With nt call-ups right around the corner, getting Nagelsmann’s attention is definitely a good thing. Especially if you believe the current reports (which I’m taking with a grain of salt because I like to live in delusion 😅):
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Even if it is a bit last minute, Leon put up a damn strong argument of why he belongs on the national team. Right now though, it’s all in Nagelsmann’s hands. Leon’s done everything he can. Now we just need to hold our breath and hope it was enough 🙏❤️
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julesbranddt · 1 year
I feel all I known since 2006 is truly over now so I'll be sentimental for a while but also I want to make one thing clear, the players need to take responsibility too, I've seen things in that documentary that speak of children who are not acting like professional footballers who were called to play for their country.
The chain breaks on the weakest link with Hansi and Bierhoff leaving but the issues don't end there unless this was some sort of personal vendetta which I doubt
And I do not once think of Nagelsman as the right coach for us.
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impossibletimes-us · 2 years
Manuel Neuer
Interview is very hard.
Right or wrong, none of this would have happened under the old bosses. Oliver Kahn proves to be a real amateur in managing the team; he learned nothing from his predecessor.
Toni Tapalovic's sacking is infamous and sounds a lot like a way to hit Neuer from behind in a moment of weakness. What will be the next move, removing the captain's armband from him?
And all this for what?! A hypocritical way to get rid of a legend without taking any responsibility or yet another gift to the absolute genius of Nagelsmann?!
Nobody’s bigger the Club but Nagelsman?! Not even Pep was so spoiled and indulged…
What bitterness, what disappointment.
It’s perhaps the hardest thing said in the interview, but I fear it might be the truest: mia san mia... is it really still like this?!
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goretzkastits · 1 year
Leon wanted to form an era in Bayern with the boys of ' 95 . But Sule has already left, they want to sell Gnabry in the summer, and they want to put Leon on the bench because Kimmich can't control the midfield and they need a DM. Mia san Mia is really gone. Leon really needs to think about the future now. Liverpool are looking for a midfielder, where he can play with Thiago, who will be a better midfield partner than Kimmich. I think the relationship between Brazzo and Leon is not very good because he expressed his opinion about Nagelsman's dismissal. Kimmich did it too, but he can do anything.
CANNOT have Leon leave but Liverpool would be the one team I wouldn't hate if he did leave us
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7ooo-ru · 3 months
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Нагельсман назвал сумасшедшей игру против Дании на Евро-2024
Главный тренер сборной Германии Юлиан Нагельсман высказался о победе над командой Дании в матче 1/8 финала чемпионата Европы.
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Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/30/481-nagelsman-nazval-sumasshedshey-igru-protiv-danii-na-evro-2024-grss-320845571.html
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sportu · 1 year
FC Bayern: Last Nagelsmann confidant has to go
He came to Munich with ex-coach Julian Nagelsmann. Now team psychologist Maximilian Pelka has to leave Bayern. Upheaval at FC Bayern: After the expulsion of Julian Nagelsmann, Marco Neppe, Dino Toppmöller or Toni Tapalović, the next member of staff has to leave the German record champions, as the club announced on Monday. The “kicker” previously reported. Team Psychologist Dr. Maximilian Pelka…
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mountttmase · 6 months
😂 well if someone new comes in I’m sure they’ll live Mase just as much
I know it probably isn’t realistic but I just want us to get nagelsman
I need to consult with Carlotta first
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leonsliga · 4 months
The media writes that Nagelsmann decided to nominate 4 goalkeepers for EM. What??Especially after he said there would be 3 of them. The funny thing is that Leno got injured and couldn't be nominated, but Nagelsman nominated Nübel anyway as the 4th goalkeeper. He literally did everything to make sure that Mats and Leon weren't there. It's ridiculous to talk about justice after that. I'm looking forward to Nagelsmann's press conference, I want to laugh when he talks about the productivity principle again. Seriously, if someone gets injured during training, probably the coach will just call 5 goalkeepers, but definitely not Mats and Leon.
You and the media were right 😢 I just don’t understand why on earth you’d need to bring 4 goalkeepers, especially when you consider that the dfb has some truly world-class goalkeepers in their ranks. What was he expecting? Some massive injury spell or bout of food poisoning that affected only the goalkeepers? 😂 Wouldn’t that additional spot be better utilized elsewhere? An extra defensive slot in particular would add more depth where it’s needed, as the defense has been Germany’s Achilles heel in recent years. I’m just still stumped by this whole thing. Who tf wastes one of those 26 player slots on an extra goalkeeper? I think he’ll eventually cut one of them loose anyways, as his current shortlist consists of 27 players as opposed to 26.
I think we need some sort of drinking game to get us through the Euros at this point 🤣 what do you think? Take a shot every time Nagelsmann mentions the productivity principle?
Istg Nagelsmann’s tested me enough for one year. If there’s an injury and he calls up another goalkeeper, I’m suing for emotional damage. Just kidding. Unless??
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sportsfanmy · 1 year
Нагельсманн может завтра возглавить сборную Германии
Нагельсманн может завтра возглавить сборную Германии
Немецкий футболист и футбольный тренер Юлиан Нагельсманн может возглавить сборную Германии. Как утверждает инсайдер Фабрицио Романо, стороны пришли к согласию по всем основным вопросам будущего контракта. Получено согласие 36-летнего специалиста по договору и заработной плате. По информации Sport1.de, DFB (организация управляющая футболом в Германии) объявила, что в течении завтрашнего дня состоится мероприятие для СМИ, на... Подробнее
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Actualités foot : Les dernières infos de ce mardi 25/04/2023
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Thomas Tuchel prochainement limogé ? Tottenham tient son futur entraineur ? Le PSG à fond sur un milieu de terrain de classe mondiale ? On vous dit tout sur les dernières actualités qui ont animé la planète foot. Tomas Tuchel sur la sellette moins d'un mois après son arrivée La situation de Thomas Tuchel, l'entraîneur du Bayern Munich, est de plus en plus incertaine. Après une troisième défaite face à Mayence ce week-end, soit autant que son prédécesseur Julian Nagelsmann en 37 matchs, la question du timing du changement d'entraîneur se pose. Si la direction du club allemand avait affirmé que Tuchel ne serait pas en danger, l'ancien joueur du Bayern et de Liverpool, Dietmar Hamann, a quant à lui déclaré dans les colonnes du journal allemand Actualités de la Ruhr que Tuchel sera limogé s'il ne gagne pas la Bundesliga. Lire aussi : Tuchel au Bayern : Une révolution à venir pour le mercato ? Hamann a ajouté que Tuchel avait donné une impression confuse depuis son arrivée il y a quatre semaines. Il a également souligné que le Bayern avait rarement vu une situation où un changement d'entraîneur entraînait une aggravation à court terme de la situation. Le Bayern se retrouve actuellement en deuxième place de la Bundesliga, avec un point de retard sur le leader, Dortmund. Avec seulement cinq journées restantes pour changer la donne, Tuchel doit se montrer à la hauteur pour sauver sa place. Actualités foot : Tottenham sombre dans la crise Tottenham a subi une lourde défaite face à Newcastle United, perdant 6-1 avec 5 buts encaissés en 21 minutes. Cette défaite historique met en lumière les problèmes profonds du club. Le club doit maintenant se concentrer sur sa reconstruction, en commençant par trouver un nouvel entraîneur. Vincent Kompany et Julien Nagelsman sont les deux favoris pour prendre le relais. En attendant, Daniel Levy a opté pour Ryan Mason, afin d'assurer l'intérim. Lire aussi : Mercato de Tottenham : Un accord pour 2 joueurs de Southampton Deux joueurs majeurs de l'équipe, Harry Kane et Hugo Lloris, sont également sur le point de partir. Les dirigeants des Spurs ont jeté leur dévolu sur Alex Meret, le gardien de Naples, pour remplacer Lloris. Tottenham chercherait désormais à reconstruire son effectif avec de nouveaux joueurs et une nouvelle philosophie pour retrouver sa place parmi les meilleurs clubs d'Angleterre et d'Europe. Vers un duo Barella-Verratti au PSG ! Le Paris Saint-Germain est en quête d'un nouveau milieu de terrain pour accompagner Marco Verratti la saison prochaine. Après les échecs de Renato Sanches, Carlos Soler et Fabien Ruiz, arrivés l'été dernier, le club de la capitale s'active pour trouver le joueur idéal. Selon la Gazzetta dello Sport, les dirigeants parisiens suivent de près les performances de Nicolo Barella, milieu de terrain international italien de l'Inter Milan. Sous contrat jusqu'en 2026, le joueur serait séduit par l'intérêt du PSG et par la possibilité de retrouver son coéquipier de longue date en équipe nationale, Marco Verratti. Lire aussi : Harry Kane au PSG : Le club prêt à mettre 150 millions d'euros Convaincre l'Inter Milan de lâcher son joueur ne sera pas facile pour le PSG, surtout que Liverpool est également sur les rangs. Le club parisien a déjà recruté Achraf Hakimi et pourrait bien tenter de piller tous les talents de l'Inter, Milan Skriniar est aussi cité. Affaire à suivre pour les supporters parisiens, qui espèrent voir leur équipe renforcée pour la prochaine saison. ________ Pour retrouver toute l'actu foot, rendez-vous sur notre site web ou sur notre page Twitter. Read the full article
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coldcowboysoul · 1 year
Pochettino close to coaching Chelsea
According to the "Guardian" news, Chelsea is close to appointing 51-year-old Argentine coach Mauricio Pochettino as the new coach.
According to the newspaper, Chelsea and Pochettino have held talks in recent days and have made positive progress.
However, the newspaper also stated that although the negotiations went well, the two sides did not reach a final agreement. Chelsea still have someone else as an option if talks break down.
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Pochettino has been out of work since leaving Paris Saint-Germain last year. According to many previous media reports, Pochettino is not Chelsea's first choice. Among the coach candidates listed by the British media, Nagelsman and Enrique are the top two.
It is reported that Nagelsman expressed concern about Chelsea's chaotic situation, so he has no intention of taking over Chelsea and chooses to withdraw from the competition. "캡도메인" said that Nagelsman and Enrique were not the top candidates. Chelsea had concerns about Enrique's coaching style and doubts about whether Nagelsman could adapt to the Premier League. In contrast, Pochettino, who has coached Tottenham and is more familiar with the Premier League, is more reassuring.
After dismissing Potter, Chelsea hired Lampard as the interim coach to finish the season, but the team's state has not improved significantly. Owner Boehly and partner Egbaly hope to finalize the new coach as soon as possible to stabilize the mentality of Chelsea players.
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lalaloveschelsea · 1 year
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Me when I just found out that both nagelsman and Enrique are out of the race… knowing Chelseas board and their negative ball knowledge they would most likely sign poche (😦) or like stay with lampard (😦😦) and i don’t know which one is worse!!!
Chelsea stop clowning and get Enrique back here again we need someone with experience, someone that actually not only inspire the players but also control them. At this point we need someone that scares the players cause they are getting way too comfortable .
Todd, sir, mister, you know we can always get Jose mourinho… would not mind one bit!
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7ooo-ru · 9 months
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Нагельсман не исключил возвращения Крооса в сборную Германии
Главный тренер сборной Германии Юлиан Нагельсман прокомментировал возможное возвращение полузащитника «Реала» Тони Крооса в национальную команду.
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Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/12/18/135-nagelsman-ne-isklyuchil-vozvrascheniya-kroosa-v-sbornuyu-germanii-grss-266026657.html
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