#Nadine Schwartz
Küss mich bitte, Boss! Von Nadine Schwartz
Vielleicht sollte ich vorab sagen, dass ich sehr selten Liebesromane lese, weil ich immer noch diese Bücher im Kopf habe, die ich in meiner Jugend gelesen habe. Mädchen verliebt sich in Junge, himmelt ihn an, traut sich nicht ihn anzusprechen und wenn er sich dann doch endlich in das (natürlich!) hässliche Entlein verliebt, darf er alles mit ihr anstellen, was er will, weil sie ihm hoffnungslos…
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quordleona03 · 9 months
Fic Writer 2023 Review
I got this from @jaelijn, who generously tagged me - 30 questions about my fic writing through this year.
I hope for a better 2024 for all of us.
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
I wrote the first three chapters - well, I can hardly say "wrote" - of a fandom fusion - Blake's 7 scripts with MAS*H characters replacing them. To find them funny - even to know what's going on - you would have to be simultaneously a B7 fan and a MASH fan. Judging by the response on AO3, I would say there are about four such. Maybe less. I probably won't finish it - though anything's possible - and I doubt very much if I'll do anything like that again. The problem was that it was not very creative, but even so, it took up a fair amongt of time.
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!)
I wrote about 211,000 words of All We Know - pretty steadily through the year. I was writing the September 1962 section last January, and I'm writing the April 1963 section now. I'm publishing chronologically, so the section I'm working on now will be posted in April 2024 - after being proofread, edited, beta-read, edited, and so on.
I also completed three MASH stories - Crabapple Cove, Major Heart, Under the Apple Tree, and one Star Trek story, Kirk and Spock's First Kiss. M*A*S*H works in progress include Rosary, Nurse Doctor, MirrorMASH, and another strange crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer And Her Gay Foster Dads.
And there's Gray-Eyes, which is something else again.
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
All We Know is easily the longest story I've ever written. I found that I can hold a story that length inside of my head and my heart, and keep writing it - and be confident I'll finish it. I found, too, that I do a lot of my writing inside my head before I sit down and stare at the screen. This last I always knew, I suppose, but now I really know it.
4. What piece of media inspired you the most?
Well, M*A*S*H, of course. Some lovely soul managed to upload All The MASH Episodes to the Internet Archive in such a way that they went unnoticed for over a year. (They are now gone- helpful people on the very public Mash subreddit started posting links to them, and whaddya know, once declared publicly, they're gone.)
I also watched some few episodes of E.R., most of the first episode of AfterMASH, a couple of episodes of Trapper John M.D., a specific episode of Sports Night, and I read Herman Wouk's Marjorie Morningstar and Kathy Hulme's The Nun's Story, among other relevant material.
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
M*A*S*H. Star Trek. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Blake's 7, a little.
6. What ship(s) captured your heart?
Hawkeye/Mulcahy. Over, and over, and over again. Also, because they're so very sweet together, Sam Pak/Sidney Freedman.
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
Well, besides Francis Mulcahy and Hawkeye Pierce, 2023 was the year I got to like Trapper very much indeed, as I wrote him in October and in December. I saw a very old fanvid, Trapper Never Got To Say Goodbye, and watched a bunch of good Trapper episodes, and - I just got to like him. I also invented/discovered in my heart several newly adorable people: Sam Colquhoun and his daughter Barbara, Martine LeClerc, Pauline Morley and her partner Thea Schwartz and their friend Nadine Royer, Loretta Bradford, Doctor Jerome White and Doctor Aaron Elharar, Sarah Pargeter Pierce and her 12-year-old daughter Mary, Sister Maria Angelica and Sister Raymond, and of course Cathryn Jamieson.
8. Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year?
No. Well, yes: I gave Margaret Houlihan the best possible husband I could imagine for her. I like Sam Colquhoun.
9. What fic meant the most to you to write?
At the time? Gray-Eyes. Ongoing through the whole year: All We Know.
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
Crabapple Cove. I got the idea and wrote it and giggled most of my way through writing it.
11. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
Well, besides Gray-Eyes, I only finished four stories this year, plus some bits of tumblrfic: Crabapple Cove, Major Heart, Under the Apple Tree, and Kirk and Spock's First Kiss. They were all very satisfying to finish.
12. What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it?
MirrorMASH. I have got to a point in that story where I know how it ends, and yet I am really struggling to write that ending - because when it's done, I shall never write MirrorHawkeye again.
But there was an idea for a story I thought of - "AfterMASH, only like the Golden Girls, Max and Charles and Francis sharing a house…" - and Honoria of course - and I wrote the opener for it, and then realised that I didn't see a way to write any more of it. I could see it in my mind's eye as an endlessly enjoyable TV series - but to write another word of it felt like climbing up the Cliffs of Insanity with Fezzik on my back and Inigo on his shoulders. It was like contemplating a land war in Asia. I just gave up.
13. What fic was the easiest to write?
Kirk and Spock's First Kiss. I wrote it at a writer's workshop at an online K/S con, and the story just unpacked itself into dialogue.
14. What were your shortest and longest fics this year?
Kirk and Spock's First Kiss is the shortest - a perfect drabble of 100 words. All We Know is the longest - 261,000 words in the current document, 143,314 words published on AO3.
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023
I'm very pleased with M*A*S*H goes to Pride - thinking through what each of our surviving friends from MASH 4077th would do at the world's first Pride March in New York City in 1970, and whether I think they are LGBT or ally or neither.
16. What were you go-to writing songs?
I was writing the first draft of Christmas in Maine (just posted on Christmas Day) in the middle of a really, really hot August (for Scotland), and I played a list of Christmas carols over and over. I was then writing a chapter from Sister Maria Angelica's point of view and I made a playlist of Christian religious music. Otherwise, usually Leonard Cohen, Janis Ian, Willie Nelson, Tracy Chapman, Johnny Cash, k. d. lang, and so on.
17. What were your go-to writing snacks?
Cashew nuts.
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
Well - All We Know. I'd been calling it "Virtues and Sins" til May, til I realised that if I was going to post the opening chapter in two months time, I really, really had to think of a proper title.
19. Share your favorite opening line
""What do you pray for?" Hawkeye asks: not every time, but often. And when he doesn't ask, he looks: he stares at Mulcahy's rosary sometimes as if he hated it."
20. Share your favorite ending line
"First and foremost: Francis J. P. Mulcahy, formerly chaplain 4077th MASH: without you, this book would not have been written, and without you, I would not have been here to tell it."
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue
"Doctor Pierce - debauched him?" "It does seem unlikely, doesn't it?" Charles said. "But then whatever else Pierce lacked, it was not persistence or audacity. Good God, did he know the Irishman could write like this? How?"
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
After a moment, Mulcahy laughed. He sounded more tired than amused. "All right," he said. "Should I move this chair?" He got up. Hawkeye caught him by the arm as he was about the pick up his own chair. "Let me." he said. "I know just where it has to be." He moved the chair around, where the light from the central lamp would be falling at the right angle on Mulcahy's head, and waved Mulcahy to sit down again. All Hawkeye had time for, that morning, was to check that there was no indication of a concussion, and no broken bones. He meant to give Mulcahy a haircut, but he wanted to check his scalp for cuts or bruises. "And what can I do for you, sir? Pompadour, bouffant, some stylish Victory rolls?" Hawkeye was gently combing Mulcahy's hair out with his fingers. "Perhaps a little scalp massage?"
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
Winchester folded his hands in front of him. He looked calmer. He also looked pompous, and embarrassed. "It appears I owe you an apology." "Thank you," Mulcahy said, after a moment's effort. "I didn't intend to say anything to upset you. I'm sorry. Is Hawkeye all right?"
It may not look very difficult, but the whole passage of Charles Emerson Winchester and Francis Mulcahy talking in Charles's study in December (in All We Know) was hugely difficult and very painful to rewrite and rewrite and rewrite. I was so hugely on Francis's side that I was having difficulty seeing Charles's side. I am very happy with how it eventually turned out. Jakrar is a wonderful person to work through a story with.
24. What’s something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
While writing the final September section of All We Know, back in February, I realised something about Charles Emerson Winchester's son, Charles Emerson Winchester Jr, that I genuinely had not realised previously, and while it didn't change the story much, it did affect it. (Our Charles's father and grandfather are dead at the time All We Know opens, so CEW III has lost his ordinal number and his son CEW is Junior.)
25. What did you use to write? (e.g. writing programs, paper & pen, etc.)
I use LibreOffice on a Windows 10 desktop. I can and do write on my laptop if I have to, but my favourite place to write is at my desk in the little room with the window that looks out only on the sky, facing the wall. I take notes on Notepad.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
"Please don't worry," Mulcahy said. "We can find our own way out."
(You will find out why, next year.)
27. Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
28. How did you recharge between fics?
What is this "between fics" you speak of?
29. If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
I would thank my demonic proofreader Jakrar, who is enabling me to keep writing this story in the best demonic style, Ajay, who has been my closest fannish friend for getting on for forty years, and @rescue-ram whose fabulous pro-Trapper comments (and fic) make me very, very happy. Also, for ideas presented to me in 2022 and 2023 that I stole without conscience and used ruthlessly in my own words in 2023: FaustianSlip for Not A Second Time, @allcanonisrelative for Every time, I think of you, @yeats-infection for What the Thunder Said, and also Crystalrose and @topshelf2112-blog for their very different but quite illuminating takes on Charles Emerson Winchester in particular and his relationship with Hawkeye Pierce, which was not something I'd thought much about before I started planning All We Know.
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I want to finish All We Know and Rosary and Nurse Doctor and MirrorMASH and I would quite like to write a few more episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's gay foster dads. And I look forward to getting more ideas for something new.
Posted at 31:12:23:23:12:31.
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thewalkingdeadroll · 3 years
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Nunca te fíes de este grupo...
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sarahbrandner-fans · 3 years
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Sarah Brandner, Anna-Christina Schwarz and Nadine Wimmer for Daller Tracht SS21.
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whoworewhatjewels · 3 years
The Best Jewelry at 2021 BET Awards
The Best Jewelry at 2021 BET Awards
What a red carpet! The 2021 BET Awards which honors Black individuals’ achievements in music – aired live Sunday night and guests such as Saweetie, Zendaya & Queen Latifah were dripping in show-stopping gems! Catch up on all the must-see jewelry looks we can’t stop talking about! BTW it was a hell of a night for brand Bulgari as Megan, Saweetie, and Zendaya all wore gems from the Italian jewelry…
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myfontz · 5 years
Creative Characters
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#025 | Alejandro Paul | Sudtipos
#077 | Daniel Hernandez, Luciano Vergara | Latinotype
#080 | René Bieder | René Bieder
#081 | Maximiliano Sproviero | Lián Types
#098 | Mika Melvas | Mika Melvas
#103 | Cindy Kinash | Cultivated Mind
#108 | Freda Sack & David Quay | The Foundry
#111b | Nicky Laatz | Nicky Laatz
#112b | Veneta Rangelova | DearType
#113 | Martin Majoor | FontFont
#112 | Fernando Diaz, Vicente Lamonaca, Martin Sommaruga | TipoType
#111 | Alisa Nowak | Black Foundry, Indian Type
#110 | Akira Kobayashi | Linotype, Monotype
#109 | Ole Sondergaard & Morten Olsen | Fontpartners
#107 | Richard Starkings, John Roshell | Comicraft
#106 | Nadine Chahine
#105 | Zuzana Licko | Emigré
#104 | Zoran & Nikola Kostic | Kostic Type
#102 | Marconi Lima | TypeFolio
#101 | Jovica Veljovic
#099 | Sabrina Mariela Lopez | Typesenses
#097 | Verena Gerlach
#096 | Ryan Martinson | Yellow Design Studio
#092 | Satya Rajpurohit | Indian Type
#090 | Alejandro Lo Celso | PampaType
#089 | Carlos Fabián Camargo Guerrero | Andinistas
#085 | Måns Grebäc | Aring Typeface
#078 | Mariya Pigoulevskaya, Jonathan Hill | The Northern Block
#072 | Rui Abreu | R-Topography
#067 | Dave Rowland | Schizotype
#066 | Emil Bertell | Fenotype
#062 | Bruno Maag | Dalton Maag
#059 | Emily Conners | Emily Lime
#052 | Erica Jung, Ricardo Marcin | Pintassilgo Prints
#050 | René Bieder | René Bieder
#037 | Laura Worthington | Laura Worthington
#029 | Jos Buivenga | Exljbris
#027 | Robert Leuschke | TypeSETit
#015 | Veronika Burian | Typetogether
#013 | Tomáš Brousil | Suitcase Type
#010 | Jim Parkinson | Parkinson Type
#009 | Ronna Penner | Typadelic
#008 | Richard Kegler, Carima El-Behairy | P22
#007 | Akiem Helmling. Sami Kortemäki, Bas Jacobs | Underware
#006 | Ellinor Maria Rapp | Font Garden
#005 | Dino dos Santos | DSType
#004 | Christian Schwartz
#003 | David Berlow | Font Bureau
#002 | Frantisek Storm | Storm Type
#001 | Hans Samuelson | Samuelstype
Even more Foundries: Deberny & Peignot - Haas Type
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dingfest-literatur · 6 years
  This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Von überall erreichen uns nun schöne Rückmeldungen und Bilder von glücklichen all over Heimat– AutorInnen von und mit ihren Exemplaren. Das freut uns sehr! Demnächst werden wir an dieser Stelle noch einige von ihnen ausführlicher vorstellen.
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448 Seiten Stories u. Friends Verlag ISBN-13: 978-3942181891 16€
Diese Anthologie versammelt 150 Autor*innen aus über 20 Nationen, darunter Österreich und die Schweiz, Belgien, Luxemburg und die Niederlande, Russland, Island, Tunesien, Italien, die USA und viele andere. Neben jungen Debütant*innen finden sich zahlreiche Autor*innen, die bereits bedeutende literarische Auszeichnungen erhalten haben.
Mit Lyrik und Prosa von Najet Adouani, Rodaan Al Galidi, Barney (Elizabeth) Bardsley, Roswitha Beer, Heinrich Beindorf, Gerhard Benigni, Oksana Beresuzkaja, Heide Bertram, Rolf, Birkholz, Marlies Blauth, Philipp Blömeke, Emeka Bob-Anyeji, Birgit Bodden, Bianca Boer, Hermann Borgerding, Gabriela Căluțiu Sonnenberg, Safiye Can, David Castillo, Ingo Cesaro, Orit Chazara, Carina Contreras, Volker W. Degener, Astrid Dehe, Larissa Dyck, Germain Droogenbroodt, Sigrid Drübbisch, Özlem Özgül Dündar, Eva von der Dunk, Matthias Engels, Achim Engstler, Patricia Falkenburg, Judith Faller, Nico Feiden, Armin Leonhard Fischer, Kerstin Fischer, Jürgen Flenker, Kersten Flenter, David Fox, Cornelia Franken, Doris Franzbach, Karin Friedle-Unger, Anke Fuchs, Martin Furtkamp, Velina van der Gaag, Clemens Bruno Gatzmaga, Thomas Geduhn, Daniela Gerlach, Anke Glasmacher, Marianne Glaßer, H. D. Gölzenleuchter, Axel Görlach, Annette Gonserowski, Tobias Grimbacher, Julia Grinberg, Dinçer Gücyeter, Lütfiye Güzel, Christin Habermann, Annette Hagemann, Aylin Rosa Hanka, Sören Heim, Paul Heinrich, Horst Hensel, Hans-Ulrich Heuser, Ghiath Hobbi, Claudia Hummelsheim, Klára Hůrková, Infrarot, Christa Issinger, Diana Jahr, Monika Jarju, Stefanie Jerz, Thomas Kade, Zarina Kanukova, Harald Kappel, Adrian Kasnitz, Chiara Nadine Kauffel, Manfred Kern, Irlan Khugaev, Christoph Kleinhubbert, Michael Köhler, Anne-Kathrin Koppetsch, Matthias Kröner, Josef Krug, Kathrin B. Külow, Axel Kutsch, Mariusz Lata, Fabian Lenthe, Monika Littau, Marc A. Littler, Sophie van Llewyn, Una López-Caparrós Jungmann, Britta Lübbers, Sylwia Ludas, Petya Lund, Alexander Makowka, Patricia Malcher, Hamdi Meça, Kerstin Meixner, Sophie Modert, Sudabeh Mohafez, Pega Mund, Anca Neubauer, Ngo Nguyen Dung, Jutta von Ochsenstein, Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, Hellmuth Opitz, Birgit Ottengraf, Laura M. Pellizzari, Ester Naomi Perquin, Heinrich Peuckmann, Martin Piekar, Gerd Puls, Dennis Puplicks, Judith-Katja Raab, Ángel Rebollar, Andreas Reichelsdorfer, Torsten Reters, Daniela Rieß, Wolfgang Rödig, SAID, Fethi Sassi, Wolfgang Schiffer, Norbert W. Schlinkert, Sigune Schnabel, Janine Schneider, Katja Schraml, Tessa Schwartz, Matthias Schwincke, Anita Seo Dornbach, Richard Sleboe, Derya Soytut, Peter Spafford, Carsten Stephan, Markus Streichardt, Werner Streletz, Ralf Thenior, Maria Topali, Imre Török, Kinga Tóth, Thorsten Trelenberg, Emanuil A. Vidinski, Nataša Vukelić, Tom Weber, Werner Weimar-Mazur, Stefan Wieczorek, David Wonschewski, Inge Wrobel, Sascha Wundes, Wolfgang Wurm und Péter Závada.
      All over Heimat -international- Von überall erreichen uns nun schöne Rückmeldungen und Bilder von glücklichen all over Heimat- AutorInnen von und mit ihren Exemplaren.
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 Wicked @ Victoria Apollo Theatre 2009 (#171)
Title: Wicked
Venue: Victoria Apollo Theatre
Year: 2009
With ticket 11th June 2009
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Condition: Creasing
Author: Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz. Book by Winnie Holzman. Based on the Novel by Gregory Maguire
Director: Joe Mantello
Choreographer: Musical Staging by Wayne Cilento
Cast: Kerry Ellis, Helen Dallimore, Adam Garcia, Martin Ball, James Gillan, Katie Rowley-Jones, Simon Adkins, Paul Ayres, Annalene Beechey, Elinor Collett, Joseph Connor, Nadine Cox, Sarah Earnshaw, Jye Frasca, Maria Graciano, Nicky Griffiths, Simon Hardwick, Pippa Higgs, Melissa Hunte, Kady-Jo Jackson, Cassidy Janson, Caroline Keiff, Joshua Lacey, Andy Mace, Adam Murray, Dominic Shaw, Philippa Stefani, Craig Stein, Oliver Tompsett, TIm Walson, Kerry Washington, Shona White
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emzeciorrr · 3 years
FULL CIRCLE FILM (4K) from Jake Blauvelt on Vimeo.
Full Circle documents Jake Blauvelt and friends, snowboarding in some of the best freestyle backcountry terrain in the world, all while Jake reflects on what keeps him and his family happy and healthy.
A film by : Gabe Langlois Featuring : Jake Blauvelt Also featuring : Kazu Kokubo, Austen Sweetin, Austin Smith and Beau Bishop Produced by : Friday02, Jake Blauvelt and Gabe Langlois Editor : Gabe Langlois, Jack CW Camera’s : Gabe Langlois ,Kyle Schwartz, Justin Hare Drone Operator : Gabe Langlois, Jason Fentiman Colour : Brian Ralph Title Animation : Stu MacKay Smith Cover Image : Colin Wiseman Music Supervisor : Florent De Maria Midnight Music
« Like A Mighty River » Written by Browan Lollar, Paul Janeway, Jesse Phillips, Benjamin Griner, Andrew Lee, John Branstetter Performed by St. Paul And The Broken Bones ℗ Single Lock Records © Amish Email Publishing, Otis My Distant Lover, Canadian Feather Music, Trombonin Publishing, Si Baby and Branstetter Publishing Administered by Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd
« Neighborhood » Performed by Whomadewho ℗ & © 2018 Embassy of Music Taken from the Album « Through The Walls »
« Secret Of Life » Words & Music by Ben Schneider Performed by Lord Huron ℗ Courtesy of Universal Republic Under licence to Universal Music Operations Ltd © Sony/ATV Sounds LLC / Suraja Publishing
« Down The Line » Written & Performed by Todd Hannigan ℗ & © Brotheryn Studios
Special Thanks Kristin and Nella Blauvelt The Blauvelt Family Leah langlois Darren aka Dazzza at Black Tusk Beau Bishop Wildlife Dave Stu MacKay Smith John Wright Colin Wiseman Colin Adair Blake Jorgenson Cole Barash The Brailorne Adventure Lodge Nadine Wrede Reed Watson Addy Kimbrell Aislinn Kane Emma Heywood Ricole Marshall-Appleby Todd Hannigan
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usnewsrank · 3 years
Landlord sells Banksy mural ‘for £2,000,000’ after ripping it off wall
Landlord sells Banksy mural ‘for £2,000,000’ after ripping it off wall
‘Crowbar Girl’ by Banksy was removed from the wall of an old electric shop in November (Pictures: SWNS) A Banksy mural ripped from a wall has sold for a rumoured £2 million, sparking outrage among residents of a seaside town. Depicting a child with a crowbar next to a sandcastle, the graffiti had appeared on an old electrical shop in Lowestoft, Suffolk, in August. Gary and Nadine Schwartz, the…
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Interview mit dem Club der Selfpublisher
Auch dieses Jahr hat der Club der Selfpublisher wieder eine Spendenanthologie in Form eines Adventskalenderbuches herausgebracht. Ich habe mit Jes Schön, Nadine Schwartz und Antje Grube über die Entstehung der Anthologie und über den Club gesprochen. Hör gerne mal rein: Interview mit dem Club der Selfpublisher Im letzten Jahr habe ich die Anthologie ein wenig eher gelesen, so dass ich dir vor…
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Octobre 09. No Place trio (Aidan Baker, Thor Harris & Simon Goff) + Contre-Ciel + Satellite – Supersonic (gratuit) 09. Stacian + Phantom Love + Froe Char – L'International 09. Bérangère Maximin + Brutter + Gosheven (Biennale Nemo) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 10. Richie Hawtin – Olympia 11. John Carpenter – Salle Pleyel 11. Laurence Wasser + Elmpai + Makata-o + It's Everyone Else – L'International 12. Les Négresses vertes – Cabaret sauvage 12. Ferraille + Substencia + Selector Putricide – Le 45 tours (gratuit) 12. Thorofon + Control + Te/DIS – Les Voûtes 12. Les Ramoneurs de menhir vs SP23 – Gibus 12. The Mugwump + Mourn + Camera + Jessica93 (dj) + France sauvage + Lastrack (dj) + Teki Latex (dj)... – La Station 12. Villejuif Undergournd + Le Réveil des tropiques + Casse Gueule – Théâtre d'Ivry 12. Red Zebra + Frustration (dj set) – Supersonic 12. Shifted + Shxcxchcxsh + Antenes + You Should Not Care + JPLD – Concrete 12. Détente + Dear Abra + Françoise Pagan + Peanuts – La Java 12. Hyphen Hyphen (dj) + Arnaud Rebotini + Jennifer Cardini + Rag + Sônge (dj) – L'Olympia 12. Ansome + ABSL + Noyade – Le Consulat 12. Len Faki + Ancient Methods + 16H07 + Dasha Rush + Francesca Lombardo + Hannah Addams + Hito + Hollsön + La Fleur + Marc Houle + Ochon – Docks de Paris 12. Molécule + Dave Clarke + Miyako – Rex Club ||COMPLET|| 13. Brount Poignard + Rikky Marshall + Stefan Thanneur + Ravi Shardja + Ramuntcho Matta + Vincent Epplay + Jérôme Poret + Ozkär Krapö + Arnaud Bailly + Cyril Lacaud (10 ans de Souffle continu) – Souffle continu (gratuit) 13. Les Négresses vertes – Cabaret sauvage 13. Françoiz Breut + David Fenech : hommage à Daniel Johnston – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 13. Charo Calvo + Mario Mary + Marie-Hélène Bernard + Benjamin Thigpen + Michèle Bokanowski (Akousma : concerts de création) – MPAA (gratuit sur résa) 13. En attendant Ana + Duds + Yen Yen + Saint DX... – La Station 13. Leila Bordreuil + Lionel Fernandez + Bobby Moo + Calcutta Desert – Le Petit Café 13. Basses terres + Richard Francés & Konpyuta + Mika Oki – Péripate 13. Aquaserge + Mohamed Lamouri + P.r2b – Théâtre d'Ivry 13. SNTS + Shdw & Obscur Shape + Boston 168 + Under Black Helmet + Airod + Illnurse + Silent-One – tba 13. Kuss + Lea Occhi + Moth + Sina – L'Aérosol 13. Sunil Sharpe b2b Umwelt + Mike Dearborn + Verset zero + BLNDR + Terdjman + Paulie Jan + Panzer – La Machine 13. Low + Nadine Khouri – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 14. Washington Dead Cats + Rock'n'Bones + Tulamort (Soutien à la librairie Quilombo) – CICP 14. Andrea Martignoni & Pierre Hébert : "Scratch"(perf. ciné musicale) – Auditorium|musée du Louvre 14. Muyassar Kurdi + Lazy Terms + Juhász Tamás + NPNP + Ohaguro + z(xW+yV) – Les Nautes 15. No More + Reatful Moon + Dorcel – Supersonic (gratuit) 15. Lloyd Cole – Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord 15. Nicolas Vérin : "L'Apocalypse de Jean" de Pierre Henry – Athénée 15. Petra Pied de Biche + Thharm + Fiasco – La Comedia (Montreuil) 15. The Necks – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) ||COMPLET|| 16. Feromil + In Bear Suits + Seine – La Cantine de Belleville 17. Blurt – Espace b 17. Minus Pilots + Federico Dal Pozzo & Frederico Pimpao + Simiskina & Xavier Quérel + Olgarym – Les Voûtes 17. Mark Morgan + La Race – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 18. Trotski nautique – Chair de poule (gratuit) 18. Max Cooper + Marc Melià – La Gaîté lyrique 18. Laurent Garnier b2b Pedro Winter + TEZ + Safia Bahmed-Schwartz + Sons of Raphael + Miley Serious – Centre Pompidou 18. Vox Low + Chris Imler – Badaboum 18. Automat + Vincent Privat + Sinead O'Connick (Serendip fest.) – La Java 19. Carl Simon + FM Aether + Prince Scream (Radiante Pourpre & Violent quand on aime) + Mechanical Heaven + Allpass + Rallye mondain (Serendip fest.) – Jazz y Jazz 19. Tiny Tramp + Forme étrangère + Trottoir – La Pointe Lafayette 19. Blush Response + Corbeille Dallas + Sina + Z.A.N – La Station 20. Les Hôpitaux + Danse avec les Shlags – Le Zorba (gratuit) 20. Tallinn Chamber Orchestra : Fratres, Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten, Adam's Lament, Salve Regina et Te Deum d'Arvo Pärt – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 20. Les Tétines noires + Dear Deer – Petit Bain 20. Mokuhen + Inévitable + David Chouferbad (Serendip fest.) – Station E (Montreuil) 22. Dead Meadow – Petit Bain 23. Ever Present Orchestra joue Alvin Lucier – église Saint-Merry 24. Motorama – Petit Bain 25. Marissa Nadler – Point FMR 25. Fews – Olympic café 25. Cat Power – Trianon 25. Die Selektion + Structures – Petit Bain 25. Erwan Keravec : "Sonneurs" + Louis Aurain : "Unique Horns" – église Saint-Merry 25. Notstandskomitee + Unglee Izi + Deeat Palace + Riposte (Serendip fest.) – Cirque électrique 26. AKM + Goodiepal & Pals + Lesinge + Back Office + Myako + Aprile (Serendip fest.) – Le Sultan 26. Jon Hopkins – Trianon 26. Alvin Lucier : "Heartbeats to the Moon" (2018) – Palais de Tokyo (gratuit sur présentation du billet d'entrée) 26. Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe (aka Lichens) + Lucy Railton – église Saint-Merry 26. Hey Colossus + Pratos – Le Klub 26. Joe Colley – tbc 26. The Horrorist + Philipp Gorbachev + Fernanda Arrau + Militant Cheerleader on the Move + Monsieur Nobody + Pussycious + Aubry b2b F/cken Chipotl – La Station 27. Killing Joke – Cabaret sauvage 27. CAR + Sentimental Rave – Petit Bain 27. Silent Front + Le Mal des ardents + La Coupure – tba 27. CJ Bolland + 999999999 + 747 + Jibis + JKS b2b Mayeul + Jaquarius – La Machine 27. Anetha + Headless Horseman + Nur Jaber + Parfait + Phase fatale – tba 27. Sina + Hash + Moody b2b Size Pier + Panzer b2b BLNDR – rue Cartier-Bresson (Pantin) 28. Sir Richard Bishop + Sylvain Darrifourcq – La Dynamo 30. David Eugene Edwards & Alexander Hacke + Wovenhand – La Maroquinerie 30. Mariachi & Maria Bertel + Rafael Toral – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 31. Acid Mothers Temple + Bambara (Le Beau fest. off) – Glazart 31. Thierry Balasse joue Pierre Henry – La Gaîté lyrique 31. Terrine + Regalec + Victime – La Pointe Lafayette 31. Marie Davidson + Oktober Lieber – Petit Bain 31. Ensemble Economique + Jeremiah Cymerman – Le vent se lève 31. Archetype + Ujjaya (Sleep Concert) – Les Miroirs de l'âme 31. Phill Niblock & Thierry Madiot + Trio Grands Lacs – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 31. Operant + Panzer b2b X + Resonant Pole + 9hz (Unhuman b2b Sinus O) + Ahxat – tba (gratuit avant 00h30)
Novembre 01. Elysian Fields – La Maroquinerie 01. Casual Hex + Hyäne – La Pointe Lafayette 01. Kiku, Blixa Bargeld & Black Cracker – Petit Bain 01. John Maus + Mac DeMarco + The Voidz + Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever + Étienne Daho... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 02. [Fever Ray : ANNULÉ] + Blood Orange + Chvrches + Chromeo + Bagarre + Car Seat Headrest + Dream Wife + Lewis OfMan + Boy Pablo + Kaytranada... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 02. Arne Vinzon + Lem + Bertrand Désert – bar du Grand hôtel Amour 02. Perc + Hermann b2b Sentimental Rave – Rex Club 03. Bon Iver + dj Koze + Jeremy Underground + Stephan Malkmus & The Jicks + Unknow Mortal Orchestra + Avalon Emerson + Snail Mail + Daniel Avery + Muddy Monk... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 02. Emma Ruth Rundle + Jaye Jayle – Petit Bain 03. Cheb Gero + Ko Shin Moon + Kink Gong – musée Guimet (gratuit) 04. Peaches Christ Superstar – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 04. Crack Cloud + Escape-Ism – Olympic café 04. Deena Abdelwahed – Concrete 05. Colin Stetson – Café de la danse 05. Echo & The Bunnymen – Bataclan 05. David Byrne – Zénith 06. Soft Kill – Olympic café 06. Agnostic Front + Fishing With Guns + Blackened – Gibus 07. M.A. Beat! + Domotic – Olympic café 08. Cold Cave + Choir Boy – Petit Bain 09. Le Syndicat – Centre d'animation Vercingétorix 09. Words & Action – Le Klub 09. Rendez-Vous + Prurient + Silent Servant + Poison Point + Crave + Low Jack b2b Moyo + Clara 3000 & Coni – La Machine 09. Regis + Vatican Shadow + Samuel Kerridge + December – Rex Club 09. AZF – Concrete 09. The Hacker – Badaboum 09>11. Baba Commandant & The Mandigo Band + Senyawa + Brothers Unconnected (Alan & Richard Bishop) + Porest Group + King Gong + Robert Millis & Jesse Paul Miller – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 11. Bo Ningen + Cassels – Point FMR 13. Hot Snakes – Point FMR 13. MellaNoisEscape + Puts Mary – Petit Bain 13. Sophie Agnel, Joke Lanz & Michael Vatcher – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Cocaine Piss – Supersonic (gratuit) 14. Peter Murphy & David J jouent "In the Flat Fields" – Bataclan 14. Jerusalem In My Heart + Good Luck In Death + Florian Abou Yehia – Petit Bain 15. Father Murphy + Le Jour du seigneur & Kaïto Winsé + Arnaud Rivière – Les Nautes 15. Méryll Ampe + Emmanuelle Bouyer + Anne Flore Cabanis + Matthieu Crimersmois + Frédéric Mathevet + Colin Roche + Anton Mobin... (Extended Score #2) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 16. Frigs + Plomb – Supersonic (gratuit) 16. Parquet Courts – Elysées Montmartre 16. Jasss + Nkisi + Bonaventure (Biennale Némo) – La Gaîté lyrique 16. Ellah A. Thaun + Love Coffin + Bryan's Magic Tears – La Station 16. Noir Boy George + Officine – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. The Damned – Elysées Montmartre 18. Ensemble Links : « Drumming » de Steve Reich – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 19. U.S. Girl – La Maroquinerie 21. The Breeders – Le Trianon 21. Lydia Lunch & Ian White – Espace B 21. Ekafaune + Badbad – Le cirque électrique 22. Société étrange + Pyjamarama – Le Zorba 22. Scout Niblett + Miles Oliver – Petit Bain 22. Cookies + Trotsky nautique + Guns'n'Ganseblumchen – La Pointe Lafayette 22. Tomoko Sauvage - tba 22. Serge Teyssot-Gay, Christian Vialard & Éric Arlix : Hypogé – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 23. Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel 23. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 23. Kollaps + Trepaneringsritualen + Verset Zero – Gibus 23. Le Mystère des voix bulgares – église Saint-Eustache 23. Saravah revisité (Areski, The Recyclers, Arlt, Bojan Flames...) + Hyperculte + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 23. Tommy Four Seven + AnD + Stephanie Sykes + VSK – Concrete 23>25. Anne-James Chaton & Manuel Coursin : L'Affaire La Pérouse – La Pop 24. Geometric Vision + Solveig Matthildur – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Seefeel joue "Quique" + Insides – Petit Bain 24. Endless Boogie + Pan American + Facs + Von Limb + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. Frustration + Twin Arrows – Rack'am (Brétigny/Orge) 25. Satan + Kill + Necrodancer – Espace B 25. Evan Crankshaw & The Dead Mauriacs + The Mauskovic Dance Band + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 27. Mudhoney – Trabendo 27. Etienne Jaumet – New Morning 28. Andy Moor & Anne-James Chaton – Cité de l'architecture (gratuit) 28. Adult. – Petit Bain 28. Borja Fames + Eloïse Decazes + Èlg – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28. Ensemble IRE :  “Nexus Entropy” d’Ulrich Krieger (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis gras (Arcueil) 29. Interpol – Salle Pleyel 29. Esben & The Witch – Point FMR 29. CHDH + Mariachi + Lårs Akerlund + Sten Backman (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 30. Mick Harvey – Petit Bain
Décembre 01. Deux boules vanille + Jeff Mills + Molécule + Renart + Nicolas Horvath joue P. Glass, T. Riley et J. Adams + Ensemble Links : "Music for 18 Musicians" de S. Reich (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique 02. Beak> + Le Comte – Café de la danse 03. Idles + John – Bataclan 03. Pardans – Olympic café 05. Julia Holter – Petit Bain 05. Sudden Infant + Massicot – Centre culturel suisse 06. La Tène avec Jacques Puech, Louis Jacques, Guilhem Lacroux & Jérémie Sauvage – Centre culturel suisse 06. The KVB + M!R!M – Badaboum 07. Antoine Chessex + Nina Garcia + Francisco Meirino – Centre culturel suisse 08. Père Ubu – Théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 08. The Horrorist + Federico Amoroso – L'Officine 08. Jean Benoît Dunckel + NSDOS + CloZee + Kiddy Smile (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 09. Panteros666 + Matt Black + Erol Alkan + Kiasmos (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 09/10. Moriarty – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 12. Nova Materia – La Maroquinerie 14. New Model Army – Trabendo 14. Carol Robinson, Bertrand Gauguet, Julia Eckhardt & Yannick Guedon : "Sequel to Occam Ocean" (2018) d’Éliane Radigue – Palais de Tokyo 14. Hangman's Chair + Jessica93 + Revok – Les Cuizines (Chelles) 15. Gaspar Claus – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 15. AZF – Rex Club 18. Drab Majesty – Point FMR 22. Yan Wagner + Il est vilaine + Magnüm + Mayerling – La Maroquinerie
Janvier 18. Francis Dhomont (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 19. Armando Balice + Ingrid Drese + Jérôme Noetinger + Loïse Bulot + Robert Hampson (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 20.  Catherine Bir + Raphaël Mouterde + Francisco Meirino + Roland Cahen + Yoko Higashi & Lionel Marchetti (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 22. Emmanuelle Parrenin & Dominique Regref – La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 26. Chloé – Elysée-Montmartre
Février 02. The Residents – Gaîté lyrique 02. Shabazz Palaces + Dälek (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre de la Cité internationale 06. Brendan Perry – Petit Bain 07. VNV Nation – Le Trabendo 09. The Ex : "Ethiopian Night" (fest. Sons d'hiver) – salle Jacques-Brel (Fontenay-sous-Bois) 16. Anthony Braxton + Dave Douglas & Bill Laswell (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre Jacques-Carat (Cachan) 21. Mlada Fronta + Absolute Valentine + Neoslave – Petit Bain 22. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon
Mars 20. Oomph! – La Machine 22. Delia Derbyshire (diff.) + Lettera 22 + Evil Moisture + Caterina Barbieri + Drew McDowall : "Coil's Time Machines" (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Pierre Boeswillwald (diff.) + Max Eilbacher + Andrea Belfi + Sarah Davachi + Willima Basinski & Lawrence English (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Warren Burt (diff.) + Mats Erlandsson + Okkyung Lee + Low Jack + BJ Nielsen (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 29. Perturbator – Le Trianon 30. Marc Almond – Le Trianon
Avril 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27. She Past Away – La Machine 27. Chloé : Lumières noires – Le 104
Mai 10/11. Dead Can Dance – Grand Rex 11. Christina Vantzou + Eiko Ishibashi + Jan Jelinek + NPVR (Nik Void & Peter Rehberg) – Le 104 12. Massimo Toniutti + François Bayle – Le 104 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel
Septembre 13. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre)
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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thewalkingdeadroll · 3 years
Tumblr media
“ La madre cerró puertas y ventanas a cal y canto, esperando que su marido fuera a por ellas y le dijera lo que hacer. Pero la noche llegó y siguieron sin saber nada de él. Así los días comenzaron a sucederse, hasta que un día, un grupo de militares dijeron que declaraban la zona peligrosa y que debían trasladar a todos los supervivientes a un campamento de refugiados. Lyana, la madre de Nadine cree que su marido falleció en servicio al no haber recibido noticia alguna de él, y que ella y su pequeña deben salir adelante, pero Nadine se niega a pensar eso “
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sarahbrandner-fans · 3 years
Sarah Brandner x Daller Tracht behind the scenes.
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hihaho · 3 years
Right on Tracks - Just Be You from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
One of Four films gently encouraging kids to be kinder to each other.
Cheerios and 72andSunny commissioned song-writer Walter Martin to write some lovely songs and I was given the task of directing them at Nexus Studios.
More info (and sheet music!) here: rightontracks.com
Links to the other films: vimeo.com/johnnykelly/stepup vimeo.com/johnnykelly/itsallfamily vimeo.com/johnnykelly/sitwithsomeonenew
Making of: vimeo.com/johnnykelly/rightontracks-makingof
I roped in illustration collective Nous Vous to design the characters and handed them over to model maker Andy Gent and his team to bring them to life, creating a cast of 98 crazy little puppets.
Client: Cheerios Title: Right on Tracks Agency: 72andSunny
Executive Creative Director: Justine Armour Creative Director: Devon Hong Senior Writer: Eric Dennis Senior Writer: Hunter Fine Senior Designer: Gustavo Dao Senior Designer: Jon Randazzo Group Brand Director: Sveta Doucet Brand Director: Caitlin Patrick Brand Director: Alexia Schwartz Brand Manager: Dylan Levy Brand Manager: Blake Eisenberg Brand Coordinator: Anne MacKay Director of Production: Lora Schulson EP, Interactive: Vishal Dheiman EP, Film: Julia Lafferty Producer: Samira Mostofi Interactive Producer: Erica Kirsch Sr Partnerships & Legal: Marissa Burnett
Production Company: Nexus Studios ECD / Co-Founder: Chris O’Reilly Director: Johnny Kelly Senior Producer: Isobel Conroy Production Manager: Rebecca Archer Lead / Supervisor: Mark Davies Character Design: Nous Vous Environment Design: Callum Strachan 1st Assistant Director: George Cassavetti Director Of Photography: Matthew Day Camera Assistant: Toby Goodyear DIT: Matthew Hutchings Gaffer: Max Halstead Puppet and Set Fabrication: Andy Gent Art Department: Marina Ralph, Mich Chippington, Robin Jackson, Sofia Serrano, Nadine Patterson, Colin Armitage, Peter le Pard, Tom Sinden, Maggie Hayden, Nathalie Ellner, Jade Gerrard, Ola Kucharska
Lead Puppeteer: Matthew Cooper Assistant Puppeteer: Molly Freeman CRS Studio Managers: Elizabeth Day, Jen Newman
BTS Cameraman: James Alexander Catering: Konrad & Cissi Hammarborg 2D Animation: Alasdair Brotherston
Compositing / Tracking: Germán Díez, Ken Hau, Chris Glew, Ewelina Freuer, Gareth Tredrea, Gökçecan Gürsoy, Robin Yoojin Rhee, Peter Bailey Editor: David Slade
Music: Walter Martin Music Supervisor: Jessica Dierauer Sound Design And Mix: Mark Hills @ Factory
Special Thanks: Elizabeth Day
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William Morris rented a country retreat called Kelmscott Manor in Oxfordshire in 1871. He was greatly inspired by visits to Iceland, where he learned about Eirkr Magnansson and his work. He also translated some of the Icelandic Sagas.He founded the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings in 1877. He became a committed socialist activist after he embraced Marxism.In 1891, he started the Kelmscott Press, a limited-edition publishing house. He is best known for his poetry, but he also became known for his designs.Many of his buildings are open to the public, and his designs can be found in art galleries.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Morris
Tobias Frere Jones
📷Born in 1962, Tobias Frere-Jones is one of the world's most notable typeface designers. He has created some of the most widely used fonts, such as Interstate, Poynter Old Style, Gotham, and Retina.Born in Brooklyn, Frere-Jones grew up wanting to be a letter designer. He is the son of Elizabeth Frere-Jones and Robin Carpenter Jones, who both wrote for advertising agencies. He studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, where he was named the school's senior designer. He created a number of typefaces that are among the best known in the industry, including Interstate and Untitled.In 2014, Frere-Jones ended his relationship with Hoefler, and he filed a lawsuit against him. After the matter was settled, he founded his own company, Frere Jones Type, in 2015.In 2013, he received the AIGA Medal and the National Design Award for Communication Design. He married Christine Bateup in 2006.https://frerejones.comhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobias_Frere-Jones
Verena Gerlach
“A lot of inspiration comes from the unknown and the naive approach to discover things.”https://www.fontshop.com/content/interview-with-verena-gerlach
Nadine Chahine
Dr. Nadine Chahine is a type designer working as a specialist at Monotype. Her work focuses on the Arabic language and its relation to Latin scripts.She is the first to combine the Latin and Arabic parts of a typeface. She taught Arabic type design at the American University in Dubai. In 2005, she joined Linotype as its Arabic specialist.Since 2012, she has been working with the MIT AgeLab on a study on legibility and automotive HMI. Their work has been published in the Ergonomics Journal.She has also designed custom fonts for various clients, such as mbc, HSBC, Sony, An-Nahar, and Credit Suisse. She has also worked with various brand owners such as Emirates NBD, Abu Dhabi Tourism, and Dubai Airports.https://www.linotype.com/5282/nadine-chahine.html
Carol Twombly
One of her first projects was Trajan, which she worked on in 1988. She translated Roman inscriptions into a modern digital design using Trajan. She then drew upon her knowledge of paleography to create Charlemagne, which she also based on historical precedents. Another project she worked on was Lithos, which she based on ancient Greek lettering.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_Twombly
Paula Scher
Scher is one of the world's most iconic graphic designers. Her work has spanned the line between fine art and pop culture. Her images have entered the American vernacular.Her work for The Public Theater in the mid-1990s fused high and low, creating a new symbology for the cultural institutions that she has worked for. Her collaborations with the likes of the High Line and the Metropolitan Opera have re-imagined urban landscapes as dynamic environments of dimensional graphic design and branding.In 1996, she won the coveted Beacon Award for Integrated Corporate Design. She has also served on The Public Theater's board of directors and is a frequent contributor to various magazines and newspapers.She was inducted in 1998 into the Art Directors Club of Fame. In 2000, she was awarded the Chrysler Award for Innovation In Design. She was also named the first woman to be awarded the Type Directors Club medal.In 2012, she was awarded the Philadelphia Museum of Art's Design Collab Award, and in 2013, she received the National Award for Communication Design. She was also named a 2019 SEGD Fellow.https://www.pentagram.com/about/paula-scher
Jessica Hische
Jessica Nicole Hische is an American lettering artist, author, and type designer born in 1984. She was one of the first generation of letterers and is widely credited with developing the modern art of hand-coloring.After graduating from college, Hische moved to Brooklyn where she worked for Louise Fili Ltd., where she stayed until 2009. After leaving the studio, she went on to establish herself as a type designer, letterer, and illustrator. She shared her work with other prominent designers and artists at The Pencil Factory and Studiomates. In 2012, Hische moved to San Francisco where she worked at Title Case.She was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2010. She has also been featured as a Print New Visual Artist.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Hische
Erik Spiekermann
Noble works
Berliner Grotesk (original is from 1913, digitization is from c. 1978) Lo-Type (original is from 1911/14, digitization is from 1980) ITC Officina Sans (1990) ITC Officina Serif (1990) FF Meta (1991–1998) FF Govan (2001) FF Info (2000) Nokia Sans (2002-2011, corporate typeface for Nokia and the default UI font for Symbian S60 smartphones) FF Unit (2003) FF Meta Serif (with Christian Schwartz and Kris Sowersby, 2007) FF Unit Slab (with Christian Schwartz and Kris Sowersby, 2009) Fira Sans (designed in collaboration with Ralph du Carrois) for Firefox OS, released in 2013 under the SIL Open Font License) Case, Case Text, Case Micro (with Anja Meiners and Ralph du Carrois, 2020)
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