#Na$ty Matt
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Idk how many people still on here or still listening but here’s the soundcloud link to my new song, if you’re interested.
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Wchodząc do sali na początku nie podnosił wzroku. Słyszał pikanie kiedy podszedł do stóp łóżka. Widział białe prześcieradła. Czuł zapach mocnych dezynfekujących chemikali i zapewne krwi. Serce biło, ale co zobaczy jak podniesie wzrok? Nigdy nie widział go pokonanego. Nawet jak coś mu się nie udawało to złościł się, przeklinał, ale z większą werwą podchodził do zadania aby je spełnić. Teraz było tutaj cicho. Zbyt cicho.
Podniósł wzrok i od razu zakrył usta. Był przerażony. Dookoła Branda było pełno maszyn, do których był podłączony. Jego ciało wyglądało na sromotnie poobijane i te wszystkie wenflony, rurki, bandaże i usztywnienia. To właśnie w tym momencie okazało się jak bardzo ludzki i kruchy był grafik.
Powoli Matt oparł się o balustradę łóżka. Pragnął dotknąć ukochanego, uściskać go a nade wszystko po prostu się do niego przytulić i usłyszeć, że wszystko będzie dobrze. Tak, on potrzebował to usłyszeć. Jednak tego nie mógł dostać. Po raz kolejny wstrząsnęło go to, że teraz to on musi wszystkiemu podołać. Sam. Nie tak się umawiali.
Delikatnie wziął szatyna dłoń w swoją, jak najmniej ją poruszaj��c by nic mu nie zrobić. Była taka zimna, jak nie jego partnera dłoń. Josh zawsze był ognisty, energia i gorąc rozsadzały go od środka. Najgorsze myśli zaczęły teraz krążyć po bruneta głowie, jednak nic nie powiedział. Otarł łzy, pierwsze na jakie sobie pozwolił, będąc w samotności przy ukochanym.
- Zobacz, przynajmniej prawa ręką jest cała, poza jednym zadrapaniem. Jak zawsze masz szczęście. – nie miał pojęcia dlaczego akurat to powiedział, jednak wiedział, że grafika i malowanie były dla Branda ważne, na tyle ważne aby postawić się ojcu w sprawie studiów i swojego życia. Przynajmniej wypadek tego mu nie odebrał.
Na korytarzu zaczęło się jakieś zamieszanie. Matt starał się na nie nie zwracać uwagi, chciał być tylko przy Joshu a tam pewnie kogoś przywieźli karetką i tyle.
- Odpocznij sobie chwilę, zdrowiej, ale wróć do nas. Z Eve czekamy. – zamilkł na moment słysząc coraz głośniejsze krzyki. – Ja czekam.
Nie mógł zostać dłużej w sali kiedy zrozumiał, że zna te podniesione głosy a płacz dziecka był płaczem Eve. Rzucił ostatnie spojrzenie na partnera i wyszedł z pokoju do wręcz przedziwnej sytuacji.
Na korytarzy byli państwo Brand, Ellie i Eve oraz dwie pielęgniarki. Każde się przekrzykiwało i ciągnęło a dziecko będące u dziadka na rękach szarpało się i płakało w niebogłosy. Okularnik nie wierzył własnym oczom. Ellie z matką próbowały przemówić ojcu Josha do rozsądku, pielęgniarki ich uciszały, bo był środek nocy a Matt myślał, że znajduj się w środku koszmaru. Najgorszego koszmaru, z którego nie dało się obudzić.
- Zatrzymać go! Próbuje porwać moje dziecko!
Evans nie krzyczał, nawet nie podnosił tonu. Może sam Josh ledwo parę razy słyszał jak to się działo, więc ta sytuacja była tak dziwna a jego głos tak donośny, że ten kłębek ludzi, który był już prawie przy wyjściu stanął. Nawet Eve przestała na moment płakać, będąc w całkowitym szoku kiedy Matt zaczął do nich podchodzić.
- Na co się pani patrzy?! Ochrona i policja! Nie wolno mu wyprowadzić mojego dziecka stąd!
Pielęgniarka będąca na recepcji wezwała natychmiast ochronę i zadzwoniła po policję. Okularnik już chciał Evę wyciągnąć z rąk pana Branda kiedy ten gwałtownie się obrócił odgradzając ja od niego swoim ciałem.
- Jakie do kurwy nędzy twoje dziecko?! To moja wnuczka! Córka mojego syna i mam do niej .prawo! Ty jesteś zupełnie nikim!
Jakby na te słowa, przecząc wszystkiemu, Eve zaczęła się rzucać w ramionach rzekomego dziadka, wyciągając do Matta ręce i krzycząc, że chce do niego.
- Proszę pana, proszę odstawić dziecko i się uspokoić. – w końcu pojawił się ochroniarz. – Wszystko sobie wytłumaczymy. Na spokojnie. Proszę pamiętać, że jesteśmy w szpitalu i jest środek nocy.
Mężczyzna podchodził do pana Branda niczym do zranionego lwa, który może w każdej chwili znienacka zaatakować. Trzeba było pogratulować mu dobrego wyczucia.
- Joseph. Proszę cię, odstaw ją na ziemię. Przyjechaliśmy dowiedzieć się co z naszym synem. Sprawdźmy najpierw co z Joshem.
- Cokolwiek z nim jest dobrze wiesz, że nie może się wychowywać wśród tego plugastwa! Potrzebuje dobrego przykładu!
Matt wiedział, że Josh byłby tak wściekły, że rzuciłby się na mężczyznę w tej chwili, nie zważając na sytuację. On sam miał ochotę zrobić mu krzywdę, ale już raz się przekonał czym to mogło skutkować. Jednak jego partner był zapobiegawczy i teraz brunet źle się czuł, że wcześniej trochę śmiał się z tego co robił. Będzie musiał mu podziękować za to jak tylko tamten się obudzi.
Evans szybko wyciągnął telefon, wybrał odpowiedni numer i poprosił osobę po drugiej stronie aby przyjechała zabierając wszystkie dokumenty do szpital. Podał adres i przytaknął kilka razy wspominając o tym, że policja została już wezwana.
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Digital Nas Slams Producers and A&R Over 'Carnival' Credit Dispute Following
Digital Nas Criticizes Producers and A&R Over ‘Carnival’ Credit Dispute Digital Nas was seriously ranting out loud through his various social networking outlets about how he worked with Kanye West and Ty Dolla Sign for the hit song “Carnival,” under which he had linked the A&R Matt Geffen, who reportedly said that the producers Traxster, 88-Keys, and Morning Estrada “couldn’t confirm” the…
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Kanye West Producer Digital Nas Goes On Fiery Rant About 'Carnival' Credits
Kanye West collaborator Digital Nas is not happy about how the credits have been listed for Ye and Ty Dolla $ign‘s hit single “Carnival.” In a heated rant on social media, the producer began by posting a screenshot of an email from A&R Matt Geffen who informed Digital Nas that his contributions to the Vultures 1 track had not verified by fellow producers Traxster, 88-Keys and Morning…
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"Not... a than... oth guns? Real-ly?" Nemesis very nearly had a philosophical aneurysm at the absurdity of that statement. How the hell was Rain not a fan of guns?! But as he looked her, he could see that it was true. The woman was very obviously uncomfortable with what had just occurred, in ways that the original Rain would never have been. It only served to further drive home the concept that he was not looking at Rain, not really. Not the Rain he'd known. Despite the obvious similarities and the shared name, this woman was, for all intent and purpose, a completely different person.
He wished he had a better alternative to offer her than suddenly turning violent, but if one wasn't willing to kill to survive, then one simply didn't the way the world was now. And considering they were inside an Umbrella facility, pacifism was definitely not an option. "Sor-ry. It's a ne-ces-sa-ry ethil," he said apologetically. "You're gon-na hath... to learn... how to use one. I'll try... to tro-tect you... dut it'd de good... ith you could learn... how to shoot."
"Thank you," he said sincerely when she said she'd stick to calling him Matt. He may not have borne a human countenance anymore, but at his core, he was still Matthew Addison, and it was nice to be referred to as such. It was comforting, some small remnant of when life used to be normal. "Un-thor-tu-nate-ly..." he lamented as the horror of what infection could do began to set in for her. "I'n a car-ri-er, so I nu-ta-ted in-stead of dy-ing and turn-ing into that," he explained, pointing to one of the corpses. "I guess... I'n just lucky," he concluded with a shrug.
Nemesis sighed as she asked more questions. It wasn't that he minded answering them, necessarily, it was only that he was getting antsy. More undead could come their way, or worse, Umbrella commandos. But if answering her questions helped her to trust him and ultimately got her moving, then he was all for it. "They tried... to turn ne in-to a suter sol-dier," he explained. "Sone-one who could take... a lot... and not die, and who could de... con-trolled. This is... the se-cond tine... they'th held ne trisoner. See-ing... ones I know... seens to dreak the con-trol. When I saw you... it shocked ne... dack to ny own nind again."
"All oth this... is owned dy the Un-drel-la Cor-tor-ation. They en-gage... in ne-di-cal re-search. This tha-ci-li-ty... is used... thor test-ing... the results... oth these kinds oth out-dreaks. It's all to sell the thi-rus... on the dlack narket. It's all a-doubt noney." And didn't that just freaking suck. What the hell good was money now that the world was coming apart at the seams?
"As thor this..." he said, looking down at his embarrassingly butcher-esque goth uniform, as she so descriptively put it, "it hold ethery-thing in." He patted around his torso. "With-out it... I could hath dack issues... or hernias... or what-ether else. De-cause ethery-thing is ad-nor-nally nu-ta-ted... and larger than it should de." It was so embarrassing to be discussing his body like this. It made him sound like such a freak. "Also... it con-tains the thi-rus... so it doesn't nu-tate ne... any thurther. Other-wise, I night grow nore things... like these ass-holes..." he said, grabbing one of his tentacles for a second.
"So with you... they're testing what sone-one with Rain's D-N-A... would de adle to do... in this situation. With ne... they want to test how well I take or-ders and take down tar-gets." Which led him to the next topic at hand. "Well... not an exact car-don coty... or you'd real-ly like guns. Like... a lot," he said with an affectionate chuckle for the Rain he remembered. "I'n sor-ry, though." And he meant that. Hehad no idea how he ever would have coped with the news of being a clone of someone else if he were in her place.
When she challenged him to prove it, he could definitely see the original Rain's defiant DNA coming through for a second. "O-kay," he said. "Cother your head. Don't look ut," he warned, for he had no idea if glass or other materials would rain down once he did what he was going to do. Looking up himself and angling his chain gun upwards, he fired up the large weapon and shot a number of rounds straight into the "sky." Once they made contact, a static, short-circuiting noise could be heard, and part of the sky was, quite literally, glitching. There was a black hole now in the otherwise blue, serene sky, in the shape of a couple rectangular panels. A few panels surrounding those were glitching in and out, reflecting blue sky, and digital scramble, and back again, over and over. "Okay, look," he said, pointing up at the damaged sky.
"It's not... a real sky. They're tanels. Di-gi-tal tanels, cre-a-ting a holo-gra-thic inage." He then looked around, seeing that the street they were on would, if they started walking in a certain direction, take them to the barrier of the simulation in just a couple minutes. "Ith you wanna get the hell out oth here... I can show you... the edge... oth the si-nu-la-tion... down the road," Nemesis said, pointing past her.
[From Good Rain] The chaos that had overtaken the simulated streets finally seemed to have settled down. Rain thought that she might finally have a moment to catch her breath, but then found herself blanketed by the shadow of a massive figure.
Nemesis lived his life in a sedative-induced haze, whether he was asleep or awake. Most of the time he was kept sedated to the point of being knocked out, but even while awake, it was as if his mind was lethargic or something. His personality, the parts of him that were Matt instead of Nemesis, were buried deep, half-asleep, too tired and distant to take control. All he could do is watch through his own eyes as he did things he didn't want to do, killed people he didn't want to kill, because he was ordered to. The controlled parts of his mind went on autopilot once an order was given, and his body moved without him wanting it to. It was like being an unwilling passenger in a car driven by a homicidal robot.
Being recaptured after Raccoon City was his absolute worst nightmare. Why couldn't he have just been killed by the nuclear weapon like other normal human beings? No, he had to strangely regenerate, his virus-permeated form only spurred on by the radioactivity and too focused on survival to allow him to die. It hadn't been bad at first... Oh, sure, he'd grown tentacles, and he was a few inches taller than he'd been before. Maybe more muscular too. Had his bones gotten thicker? But regardless, he was alive and free and could do whatever he wanted. Until Umbrella caught him with a trap they'd laid out for him...
And that was that. He was taken to some cold-ass place in Russia, under the ocean and the glaciers he used to advocate to save as an environmental activist, and re-enslaved. He had a vague sense of who he was, of what had come before this. It came more to him in dreams than anything else. But for now, he just couldn't seem to take back his autonomy. Without Alice to help quite literally in beating some sense into him, Nemesis felt forever doomed to repeat simulation after simulation, killing innocent people again and again.
He hated the New York testing environment. Before he'd been plunged into hell, he'd been a nature lover, a camper, a hiker... and frankly, the smell of gasoline, metal, rubber, and city funk was something that had become downright triggering to him. Not to mention the hulking creatures with massive nails and spikes through their heads he was sometimes made to battle. Axemen, they were called. Gross, he thought, and yet he felt sorry for whoever they used to be.
So at first, when he'd been released into an entirely different simulation with blue skies, green grass, and the occasional pet dog running around, Nemesis thought something had changed for the better. But... no. He recognized these streets. They were the suburbs of Raccoon. He could almost walk to his house from here... Not only that, but they had him hunting down innocent people again. Why? Like, what purpose does this serve? Of course I'm gonna be able to kill these poor people, what does this prove?! All he could do was watch in horror, unable to stop seeing the world through his left good eye and Umbrella's orders and ticker data through his experimentally altered right one.
During times like this, Matt tried to distract himself so he didn't have to face the reality of what he was being made to do. It helped that he always felt foggy, like he was asleep and couldn't quite wake up. It was easy to just let go and be a passenger when he couldn't even hold a coherent thought long enough to-
Wait, I know her!
Nemesis stopped for a moment when he saw the woman. The sight of her was like glass shattering inside his mind, breaking windows and letting in air and light where there had only been a dark void before. It hurt, the sudden flood of memories, and it was anything but coherent. Flashes of people he knew but couldn't remember the names of, glimpses of the Hive, creatures and sounds and screams... It gave him a headache, breaking Umbrella's control on him for a second time, but it was the best pain ever. He felt like he'd woke up after years of slumber, dazed but in control.
Lowering his chain gun to his side, Nemesis clomped over to the woman as his visual overlay courtesy of his retinal implant identified her as Rain Ocampo. Rain... The name came with another traumatic flash of memories, and Nemesis didn't get his hopes up. Rain was dead. He remember now... he had killed her himself. It was something he'd seen in his nightmares a multitude of times before Umbrella had leashed him again. It was one of the worst things he'd ever had to do, shooting Rain. So this... couldn't be her. Unless...
Nemesis knew the testing environments were populated with clones because Umbrella considered them expendable stand-ins for "real" humans. It was incredibly sick, even if the technological advancements that had created them and the environments themselves were nothing short of amazing. Oh man, now he was pissed. They cloned Rain? Really? What the fuck, Umbrella, seriously?!
As he got closer to her, he knew this probably wouldn't go well. He looked like road pizza. Actually... most roadkill looked better than he did at this point. But he had to try, nevertheless. Even if she was just a clone, she was some part of Rain that was still alive, and that meant something to him. "Rain...?" he asked, hoping he wouldn't scare the shit out of her...
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tagged by @languizinealfredo ty ty I love these sm 💙💙
tagging: @stephendorff & @calamitycowboy
rule: shuffle your playlist & post the first 10 songs and then tag 10 people
Candy Paint - Post Malone
Dreamlander (mindchatter remix) - Glass Animals
Lafayette - Orville Peck
Give Peace a Chance - Elton John
Memories are all I have Left - Owsey
Problems - Matt Maeson
June - Surfaces
Ponpon Shit - Namakopuri
Land of All - Woodkid
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Omegaverse - Josh
Umówili się z Joshem, że zaczeka na niego. W końcu wracanie po nocach nawet w Seulu nie było do końca bezpieczne. Zawsze pozostawał jakiś margines zagrożenia. Josh nie zamierzał ryzykować, Matt za to chciał sprawić mu przyjemność. W tym mieście to miał być jego ostatni pokaz. Zamknięcie jakiegoś etapu życia. Josh miał prawo być proporcjonalnie sentymentalny. Całe kilka lat spędzonych w tym mieście, w dodatku z dobrą przyjaciółką. Mimo to nie wyglądał na mocno smutnego, przynajmniej na razie, jakby nie do końca czuł to pożegnanie.
A przecież spakowali już część pudeł. Przez te trzy i pół roku, Josh zebrał tutaj więcej rzeczy niż Matt przez całe swoje życie. Do tego jego pokój w Birmingham nie był pusty. Jeśli kiedyś przeniesie się całkowicie do tego mieszkania, musieli pomyśleć nad zrobieniem z jednego pokoju garderoby.
Josha wyjazd do Stanów jednak usuwał ten problem.
- Hej! – Josh dopadł do Matta w swoich normalnych ubraniach, ale wciąż z ciemnym makijażem oczu i z białymi włosami. – Jak się podobało? Wow, zawsze mnie zaskakuje jak tu jest ciemno – zaśmiał się, rozglądając się po otoczeniu. W głównej sali zostały poszczególne osoby, dosłownie garstka. Prawdopodobnie rodzina pozostałych pracowników lub projektantów. – Ze sceny nie widzisz NIC. Nie byłem pewny czy przyszedłeś – objął dłonią jego kark, pochylając swoje czoło. Był zgrzany, wciąż podniecony i pełen adrenaliny. Z perspektywy widza było to tylko przejście po podeście, z jego? Masa emocji. Nawet same blokery do końca nie wyrabiały z produkcją hormonów i feromonów, pozwalając wyczuć delikatny zapach kardamonu. – I spójrz na siebie. To ty powinieneś brać udział w pokazach – okręcił go wokół osi, zaraz przyciągając do siebie. – Chodź, to był finał. Idziemy świętować – ścisnął go za rękę, ciągnąć do klubu w pobliżu.
Ostatni pokaz, ostatnia zabawa… Przynajmniej do powrotu tutaj. A Josh planował wrócić.
To co jednak dzisiaj miało znaczenie było przed nimi, w najbliższym otoczeniu hali.
- Okej, kilka zasad. Nie można nagrywać w lożach, jeśli cokolwiek wyjdzie stamtąd, to ja wyrok śmierci. Są tak ogromne kary i linczowanie społeczne, że nawet góra ma z tym problem. Więc jakbyś podpisał NDA – wyjaśnił, prowadząc go pod klub. Ich nazwiska pojawiły się na zamkniętej liście, a i tak stali ponad 5 minut w kolejce. Tej krótszej. Kolejka obok oznaczała godzinę stania, zakładając, że w ogóle wejdą do środka.
- Możesz się zrelaksować. Będzie tu część z pokazu – Josh krzyknął do ucha Matta, pozwalając mu pierwszemu zejść po schodach do podziemi. Klub miał dwa piętra, z tego parter był parkietem, a z dwóch pozostałych można było pobujać się na sofach. Josh zaskoczył za Mattem z ostatnich schodków, wciąż rozpierany energią. Obejmując go ręką za szyję, pociągnął w stronę pierwszego piętra i prywatnej części. Obaj unieśli nadgarstek z bransoletką, którą zaczytał bramkarz. Schodami na górę, i niemalże od razu przy wejściu siedziała Amanda z kilkoma innymi osobami. Wszyscy mieli na sobie jakieś pozostałości po pokazie.
- Cześć! I jak wrażenia? – Amanda przywitała się. Całe ramiona i obojczyki miała w srebrnym spreju, a sukienka tuba nie ukrywała wiele. – Reszta poszła się przebrać!
- Amatorzy! – Josh rzucił, trzymając rękę na plecach Matta. Przedstawił towarzystwo, ale nawet tutaj muzyka była głośna, a głosy zlewały się ze sobą.
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O termo bourgeois pode até significar algo semelhante a classe média na França, porém é indiscutível que o nome carrega uma influência inigualável, não só ao solo francês como também em âmbito mundial. São os fundadores do Groupe Styx, um conglomerado multinacional reconhecido por ser a maior empresa de artigos de luxo do mundo e especializada em roupas, perfumes, lojas, jóias, bebidas e hotéis, com grandes marcas como, por exemplo, Louis Vuitton, Moët & Chandon e Bulgari. Além disso, possuem também metade das ações da Orange SA, a principal empresa de telecomunicações da França, e também ligações com a política local.
O patriarca da família, Jean-Claude Bourgeois Robert De Niro, é um empresário francês que nasceu no seio de uma família de pequenos industriais. Durante a adolescência, conheceu e se apaixonou por Cécile Moitessier Julie Andrews, a única filha de uma atriz e um rico empresário, que lhe confiou com a gerência de suas empresas e mais tarde com sua posse. Foi sob seu controle ambicioso que elas floresceram e o nome Bourgeois se tornou a potência que é. Atualmente, é o chairman da Styx e foi eleito um dos empresários mais ricos do mundo pela Forbes Magazine, com sua rede digna de 110 bilhões de dólares.
É válido resssaltar que Cécile também não fica para trás nos negócios da família. É uma colecionadora de artes e sua coleção pessoal inclui peças de Picasso, Yves Klein, Henry Moore, e Andy Warhol. Ela foi de extrema importância em estabelecer Styx como o maior patrono de artes na França. O grupo oferece competições anuais e internacionais para estudantes de belas artes de todo o mundo terem um ano de estágio em suas marcas e também é uma grande contribuidora do Louvre.
𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Uma lista parcial incluindo algumas das marcas e subsidiárias mais conhecidas da Styx:
Grégoire Bourgeois George Clooney, é o primogênito de Jean-Claude e Cécile e o atual CEO da Styx, bem como deputado na Assembléia Nacional Francesa. Desde a juventude, demonstra ser a imagem do herdeiro perfeito: ambicioso, focado, responsável. Seguiu os passos do pai com primor, tanto nos estudos, como também nas conquistas em seu meio. Aos 29 anos já demonstrava capacidade e qualificação de sobra para atingir posto altíssimos. Em 1993, ele se casou com a namorada de longa data, Anne-Marie Cayard Kate Beckinsale, uma socialite e sobrinha de um rico empresário de bebidas. O casal possui quatro filhos: Maxence Ben Barnes, Édouard Matt Hitt, Eliott Nick Robinson e Sabine Hailee Steinfeld.
Ronan Bourgeois Leonardo DiCaprio, sempre foi de longe o mais carismático dos quatro, Cecile alega que era o que mais havia puxado a veia dramática de sua mãe, uma antiga estrela do cinema francês. Ao invés de seguir os passos da família, foi para os EUA, estudar direito em Harvard. Foi lá que conheceu Denise Hudson Cate Blanchett, uma colega bolsista, com quem acabou se casando, para a surpresa do público de fora. Desta união vieram: Manon Elle Fanning, Philippe Ty Simpkins e Daphné Mckenna Grace. Em 2014, Ronan surpreendeu a todos ao anunciar no jantar anual dos Bourgeois que, em suas palavras, finalmente se livrariam dele, pois haviam descoberto um câncer em seu coração. Faleceu em maio de 2016, após dois anos de luta, deixando sua esposa a frente de suas ações. Denise, hoje, é uma das grandes forças por trás da Styx, junto do sogro e o cunhado.
Roméo Bourgeois Tom Hardy é o gênio, playboy, bilionário e filantropo do grupo. Com o jeito irreverente e até caótico, chocou a nação quando anunciaram que ele fora aceito na École de l'Air, onde mais tarde se formou como oficial e piloto de engenharia. Roméo possui também um doutorado em matemática e já assumiu alguns cargos nas empresas da família. Assim como a mãe, é apaixonado por artes e demonstra um talento apurado para fotografia, já tendo inclusive publicado alguns livros com suas fotos. Um solteirão incorrigível, é famoso por seus inúmeros relacionamentos com modelos e atrizes belíssimas. Roméo é também um piloto profissional qualificado pela IFR e possui 3 recordes de velocidade.
Odelia Bourgeois Margot Robbie, uma socialite e colecionadora de artes. Há quem diga que a herdeira, em sua adolescência, foi uma das maiores it girls de sua geração, atraindo olhares e flash por onde passava e também criando tendências. Nunca houve dúvidas que era a maçã dos olhos de seu pai, mas também não são poucos os boatos sobre o relacionamento conturbado com sua mãe. Dizem as más línguas que Odelia causou inúmeros escândalos que foram varridos para debaixo do tapete com a influência de sua família. Aos 21 anos, companhou o irmão até os EUA ( dizem as más línguas que após uma grande briga com Cecile ), e eventualmente foi aceita e se formou em Yale. Logo depois disso, se casou com o herdeiro de um grande empresário americano, contudo, a união acabou de forma inesperada, quando ela pediu o divórcio, abrindo mão de qualquer bem, e meses depois se casou novamente com Arthur Walters Joseph Morgan, o padre que realizou a cerimônia de renovação das bodas de seus antigos sogros. O casal hoje tem uma filha, Gabrielle Summer Fontana.
#eu ia fazer um edit bonitinho mas a preguiça mds...#na vdd eu não ia fazer nada mas ai essa árvore genealogica saiu do nada então eu TIVE q fazer isso#não serve pra absolutamente nada além da minha loucura mas bem quando sem muse vc tem q se localizar ne#prfv ignorem o print eu não sabia como botar bonitinho dessa maneira#familia baseada em quase todos os milionarios franceses ....... q ódio mds#* ♡ › 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 ∶ a sombre wish for a lasting pyre¸ of wood and timber feeding the fire ❜#G&G:PONTOS
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[Filmy-1080p] Ava: Bez soucitu [HD] Sleduju Film Online CZ Dabing
🎬 Navštivte ➥ https://bit.ly/31hfQ0d
Akční / Drama / Krimi / Mysteriózní / Thriller
USA, 2020, 98 min
Režie: Tate Taylor Scénář: Matthew Newton Kamera: Stephen Goldblatt Hudba: Bear McCreary Hrají: Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, John Malkovich, Geena Davis, Common, Jess Weixler, Joan Chen, Diana Silvers, Ioan Gruffudd, Matt Lindquist (další profese)
Ava je zatraceně sexy a setkání s ní přežije jen málokdo. Ava je výjimečně dobrá nájemná vražedkyně, která pro tajnou organizaci likviduje zadané lidské cíle. Dostává ty nejvybranější úkoly - obvykle kravaťáky z vysokých kruhů byznysu. Ava pracuje bez soucitu rychle, čistě a nenápadně v různobarevných parukách, chic kalhotových kostýmech nebo v elegantních večerních šatech. Po jedné zpackané akci se ale všechno nebezpečně změní. Organizace, pro kterou pracovala, potřebuje zahladit stopy. Oficiálně se má ukrýt, vzít si volno a dopřát si odpočinek. Neoficiálně ji šéf organizace chce poslat na odpočinek navěky a zcela bez soucitu vypíše Avu jako cíl k likvidaci. Ava se mezitím rozhodne ukrýt doma, kde dlouhá léta nebyla, trochu napravit svoje vztahy s matkou a sestrou. Její otec mezitím zemřel a její expřítel a bývalý snoubenec propadl gamblingu a zapletl se s místní hráčskou mafií, kterou ona sama z dřívějška zná až příliš dobře. Nedá se říci, že by ji domov přivítal s otevřenou náručí. A to samozřejmě netuší, že se z ní stal kontrakt a oběť na odstřel a na každém kroku ji může čekat jiný zabiják
Ava: Bez soucitu online bombuj, Ava: Bez soucitu online cely film, Ava: Bez soucitu online ke shlednuti, Ava: Bez soucitu cz dabing online ke shlednuti, Ava: Bez soucitu online, Ava: Bez soucitu online film cz, Ava: Bez soucitu Bombuj, Ava: Bez soucitu bombuj cz, Ava: Bez soucitu online ke shlédnutí, Ava: Bez soucitu celý film cesky, Ava: Bez soucitu celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Ava: Bez soucitu celý film cz dabing, Ava: Bez soucitu zkouknito, Ava: Bez soucitu sleduj filmy, Ava: Bez soucitu online cz titulky,
❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documenta””&ry, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed] In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings!”
Thanks for watching the video today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Like, share or share if you like what we share to get more excited. Spread a happy smile so that the world returns in a variety of colors. :)
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[Celý-Film]] AVA: Bez soucitu (2020) CZ dabing Sledujte-Filmy Online
MovieS.4K.UltraHD!~FERVOR* HOW to Watch Ava Online legally & For Free; here you can Watch Full Movie 3D Action HD Watch Ava (2020) Online Free Full Movie, 8 Movies to Watch ‘Ava’ Film, Full. Ava 2020 Full Movie Free Streaming Online with English Subtitles ready for download,Ava 2020 720p, 1080p, BrRip, DvdRip, High Quality.
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Ava: Bez súcitu Akční / Drama / Krimi / Mysteriózní / Thriller
USA, 2020, 98 min
Režie: Tate Taylor Scénář: Matthew Newton Kamera: Stephen Goldblatt Hudba: Bear McCreary Hrají: Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, John Malkovich, Geena Davis, Common, Jess Weixler, Joan Chen, Diana Silvers, Ioan Gruffudd, Matt Lindquist (další profese)
Ava je zatraceně sexy a setkání s ní přežije jen málokdo. Ava je výjimečně dobrá nájemná vražedkyně, která pro tajnou organizaci likviduje zadané lidské cíle. Dostává ty nejvybranější úkoly — obvykle kravaťáky z vysokých kruhů byznysu. Ava pracuje bez soucitu rychle, čistě a nenápadně v různobarevných parukách, chic kalhotových kostýmech nebo v elegantních večerních šatech. Po jedné zpackané akci se ale všechno nebezpečně změní. Organizace, pro kterou pracovala, potřebuje zahladit stopy. Oficiálně se má ukrýt, vzít si volno a dopřát si odpočinek. Neoficiálně ji šéf organizace chce poslat na odpočinek navěky a zcela bez soucitu vypíše Avu jako cíl k likvidaci. Ava se mezitím rozhodne ukrýt doma, kde dlouhá léta nebyla, trochu napravit svoje vztahy s matkou a sestrou. Její otec mezitím zemřel a její expřítel a bývalý snoubenec propadl gamblingu a zapletl se s místní hráčskou mafií, kterou ona sama z dřívějška zná až příliš dobře. Nedá se říci, že by ji domov přivítal s otevřenou náručí. A to samozřejmě netuší, že se z ní stal kontrakt a oběť na odstřel a na každém kroku ji může čekat jiný zabiják.
FILMY PODLE ŽÁNRU: Akcní, Animovaný, Dobrodružný, Drama, Erotický, Fantasy, Historický, Horor, Hudební, Katastrofický, Komedie, Krimi, Muzikál, Mysteriózní, Pohádka, Psychologický, Road movie, Rodinný, Romantický, Sci-Fi, Sportovní, Thriller, Válecný, Western, Životopisný.
AVA: Bez soucitu Filmové Novinky, AVA: Bez soucitu celý film Cesky, AVA: Bez soucitu Filmové premiéry, AVA: Bez soucitu celý film cz dabing, AVA: Bez soucitu zkouknito, AVA: Bez soucitu sleduj filmy, AVA: Bez soucitu online cz titulky, AVA: Bez soucitu Program filmy, AVA: Bez soucitu CZ HD Film o filmu, AVA: Bez soucitu CZ dabing, AVA: Bez soucitu premiéra, AVA: Bez soucitu online cz, AVA: Bez soucitu online cz dabing, AVA: Bez soucitu Zadarmo, AVA: Bez soucitu Celý Film, AVA: Bez soucitu Titulky, AVA: Bez soucitu nový film, AVA: Bez soucitu DVD filmy, AVA: Bez soucitu Blu-ray filmy, AVA: Bez soucitu 3D filmy, AVA: Bez soucitu online bombuj, AVA: Bez soucitu online cely film, AVA: Bez soucitu online ke shlednuti, AVA: Bez soucitu cz dabing online ke shlednuti, AVA: Bez soucitu online, AVA: Bez soucitu online film cz, AVA: Bez soucitu Bombuj, AVA: Bez soucitu bombuj cz, AVA: Bez soucitu online ke shlédnutí, AVA: Bez soucitu celý film Cesky, AVA: Bez soucitu celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, AVA: Bez soucitu celý film cz dabing, AVA: Bez soucitu zkouknito, AVA: Bez soucitu sleduj filmy, AVA: Bez soucitu online cz titulky,
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Sơn Joton
Chào mừng đến với Jotun! Đối tác của bạn cho tất cả các dự án của bạn, từ ý tưởng đến hoàn thành và hơn thế nữa sơn joton . Tại Jotun, chúng tôi bảo vệ tài sản bằng cách cung cấp các giải pháp không chỉ cải thiện vẻ ngoài của tài sản của bạn mà còn đảm bảo độ bền lâu dài. Phạm vi sơn và sơn của chúng tôi được lấy cảm hứng từ công nghệ, đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn công nghiệp mới nhất và được phát triển với ý tưởng bền vững. Đặc sản của chúng tôi bao gồm sơn trang trí chất lượng cao cho bề mặt bền và đẹp cũng như lớp phủ chống ăn mòn và chống ô nhiễm của bề mặt kim loại và chống cháy thụ động của thép. Đại lý Megamatt Megamatt Agent là một phụ gia làm phẳng một thành phần có thể được trộn vào các lớp phủ trên du thuyền lớn để đạt được độ bóng mong muốn. Megamatt Agent có khả năng chống mài mòn tuyệt vời và tính linh hoạt rất tốt. Để giảm độ bóng của topcoats du thuyền đến kết thúc mong muốn từ satin đến matt hoặc phẳng.
tìm hiểu thêm tại https://vuongquocson.vn/danh-muc/hang-san-xuat/son-joton Sự thật về Đại lý Megamatt Đơn giản chỉ cần trộn đến mức độ bóng mong muốn Với tỷ lệ khác nhau của Megagloss HG so với môi trường Megamatt, có thể đạt được kết thúc từ lụa mờ đến mờ
Chống mài mòn tuyệt vời Megamatt-Mittel có khả năng chống mài mòn rất cao và bảo vệ bề mặt ngay cả với bề mặt mờ.
Linh hoạt tốt son joton Tác nhân Megamatt trơ, điều này không ảnh hưởng đến hiệu suất của Megagloss HG và duy trì sự linh hoạt hoàn toàn. Bước vào thế giới đầy cảm hứng của Jotun Mỗi bức tường có một câu chuyện đầy cảm hứng để kể. Một câu chuyện có thể được đưa vào cuộc sống với màu sắc hoàn hảo. Đó là lý do tại sao chúng tôi thấy các sản phẩm của chúng tôi không chỉ là màu sắc. Chúng là những màu sắc được sinh ra từ những câu chuyện khác nhau. Chúng không chỉ là bộ sưu tập, chúng là nguồn cảm hứng.
Khám phá các sản phẩm chất lượng cao của chúng tôi để bảo vệ nội thất, ngoại thất và nội thất. Khám phá sự kết hợp màu sắc hoàn hảo, thiết kế và ý tưởng cho mọi phòng với Jotun. Jotun là một trong những nhà sản xuất sơn trang trí, sơn bảo vệ và sơn tĩnh điện hàng đầu thế giới. Tập đoàn này có 64 công ty và 40 cơ sở sản xuất trên toàn thế giới và có hơn 9.800 người. Jotun được đại diện tại hơn 100 quốc gia thông qua các công ty con, liên doanh, đại lý, chi nhánh và nhà phân phối riêng. Tập đoàn Jotun được chia thành bốn phân khúc và bảy khu vực địa lý và có trụ sở tại Sandefjord, Na Uy sơn joton .
Jotun đã có mặt tại Việt Nam từ năm 1994 và đã có cơ sở sản xuất đầu tiên đi vào hoạt động từ năm 1998. Vào tháng 11 năm 2004, Quốc vương Na Uy đã mở dự án mở rộng nhà máy của chúng tôi trong chuyến thăm chính thức nhà nước tới Việt Nam. Đến nay, năng lực sản xuất của chúng tôi đã đạt tới mười triệu rác, và một kế hoạch mở rộng khác đang được tiến hành để chuẩn bị cho sự phát triển hơn nữa trong tất cả các phân khúc thị trường mà chúng tôi hoạt động.
Là một trong những thương hiệu Na Uy nổi tiếng nhất có chi nhánh lâu đời tại Việt Nam, Jotun hiện là công ty dẫn đầu thị trường trong các phân khúc sơn biển và bảo vệ và đang phát triển nhanh chóng trong màu sắc trang trí với công nghệ đa sắc độc đáo. Với sự hợp nhất của việc kinh doanh sơn bột vào công ty vào tháng 8 năm 2010, sức mạnh và sự khác biệt lớn của chúng tôi đã tiến thêm một bước và tạo ra sự phối hợp kết hợp để cung cấp cho khách hàng một giải pháp tổng thể cho tất cả các nhu cầu về lớp phủ của họ - giải pháp nguồn đơn.
Tại Jotun, chúng tôi tin rằng con người là tài sản quan trọng nhất của chúng tôi, đó là lý do tại sao chúng tôi rất coi trọng sự phát triển của năng lực và thể hiện rõ các giá trị của chúng tôi: trung thành - quan tâm - tôn trọng - táo bạo.
Jotun bảo vệ tài sản son joton
Jotun phát triển, sản xuất và tiếp thị các sản phẩm và dịch vụ rẻ tiền và bền vững với chất lượng cao để bảo vệ và trang trí các bề mặt cho mục đích cá nhân, hàng hải và công nghiệp.
Mục tiêu của Jotun là trở thành người dẫn đầu toàn cầu trong các phân khúc thị trường xác định. Mức độ dịch vụ của nhân viên tận tâm và có thẩm quyền của chúng tôi là không ai sánh kịp.
Jotun xây dựng mối quan hệ lâu dài với khách hàng, nhà cung cấp, nhân viên và những người khác mà Jotun duy trì mối quan hệ. Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là liên tục đáp ứng hoặc vượt quá mong đợi của các nhóm này.
Giá trị cổ đông của Jotun sẽ tăng lên thông qua các hoạt động có lợi nhuận. Jotun ra mắt sản phẩm sơn có chứa chất chọn lọc trên thị trường Nhà sản xuất sơn Na Uy Jotun đã ra mắt hai sản phẩm sơn hàng hải mới có chứa chất chống bẩn Selektope từ I-Tech.
Selektope là một chất chống nấm mốc hữu cơ, không chứa kim loại, được thêm vào các lớp phủ ngoài biển để ngăn chặn các con vượn bay trên bề mặt phủ bằng cách giảm tạm thời hành vi bơi lội của chúng
Hãy truy cập Vuong Quoc Son
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