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serethereal · 2 years ago
doctors diagnosed me with ntep (need to eat pussy) syndrome. it’s severe
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vmeasure101 · 28 days ago
The Role of Pallet Dimensioners in Adapting to New NMFC Standards 
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The logistics and shipping industries are rapidly evolving, particularly with the introduction of new standards such as the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC). As companies seek to meet these standards while improving their operations, pallet dimensioners have become a valuable tool.  
This blog post aims to address the role of pallet dimensioners in adapting to new NMFC followed by the benefits and its importance in modern logistics. 
Understanding NMFC Standards 
The NMFC is a standardized system for classifying freight shipments based on various characteristics, including density, stowability, handling, and liability. These classifications help to establish transportation prices and are crucial for less-than-truckload (LTL) freight. The NMFC has been a standard practice for over 60 years, but recent modifications have introduced changes that require business to adjust quickly. 
Key Factors of NMFC Classifications  
Density: This is calculated by dividing the weight of the shipment by its volume. The Accurate measurements are vital as they directly influence freight costs. 
Stowability: Refers to how readily a shipment can be loaded into a transport vehicle without taking up unnecessary space. 
Handling: This factor analyzes how simple or difficult it is to handle the freight during transport. 
Liability: Different types of goods carry varying risks, influencing their classification. 
Recent Changes in NMFC Standards 
With the changing world of shipping and logistics, the NMFC has undergone revisions that affect how freight is classified. These changes frequently require shippers to reassess their processes and ensure compliance with new regulations. Accurate dimensioning and weight measurement become even more important in this setting. 
The Role of Pallet Dimensioners 
Pallet dimensioners are automated systems designed to measure the dimensions and weight of pallets quickly and accurately. They utilize advanced technologies such as 3D sensors and high-definition cameras to capture data efficiently.  
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Here’s how they support businesses in adapting to new NMFC standards: 
1. Improved Accuracy  
Using people to measure freight by hand often leads to errors. These errors can further lead to inaccurate freight classifications and increased shipping costs. Deploying pallet dimensioners can help eliminate these inaccuracies by providing exact freight measurements all the time. This level of accuracy is essential especially to determine freight density and ensure compliance with the NMFC standards. 
2. Increased Efficiency  
Time plays a lead role in making money, particularly in busy moving logistics landscape. Placing the right pallet dimensioners in your workspace can seamlessly boost the measurement process compared to manual measurement techniques. This smart equipment can capture multiple pallet dimensions in a fraction of the time instead of using tape, leading to overall warehouse productivity enhancement. 
3. Automated Data Capture 
Deploying pallet dimensioners can help you automatically capture, and store data related to dimensions, weight, and images of each pallet. This automation minimizes the need for manual data entry, eliminating errors and freeing up staff to focus on other priority tasks. 
4. Legal Compliance  
If your business charges customers based on how big and heavy pallets are, you need measuring equipment that is officially approved by NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) to ensure that your pallet measurements follow commercial standards. This protects your business from customers who may have disputes over freight charges, since you can prove your dimensional measurements meet the legal requirements. 
5. Cost Savings  
Accurate measurements lead to better freight classifications, which can result in significant cost savings for shippers. By ensuring that pallets are classified correctly under NMFC standards, companies can avoid overpaying for shipping due to misclassification. 
6. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction  
When you measure pallets correctly and process quickly you can serve your customer better. Getting shipments out fast and ensuring everything is done right aids in keeping customers happy and makes them want to keep working with you in the long run. 
7. Effective Dispute Resolution 
In cases where disputes arise regarding shipment conditions or dimensions, having photographic evidence captured by pallet dimensioners can be invaluable. This documentation serves as proof when addressing claims from customers or carriers.  
Implementing Pallet Dimensioners in Your Operations 
Using pallet dimensioners in your logistics operations is an important decision that requires careful thought. It means you need to closely examine how you currently work and plan carefully for how to put this new technology into action. 
Here are some key points to consider about when deploying pallet dimensioners to your operations: 
1. Assessing Your Needs 
Before procuring pallet dimensioners, it’s essential to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current measurement processes.  
This involves: 
Analyzing Current Workflows: Look closely at how you currently measure pallets. Check who is responsible, and how long it takes to complete the process. Identify the bottlenecks or inefficiencies that could be fixed with automation. 
Identifying Pain Points: Talk to employees who are involved with measuring pallets. Their feedback can help you identify the issues that automation could address, making the process more seamless. 
Evaluating Volume and Variety: Think about the different types of products you handle and their sizes. If you work with many pallets of various sizes and weights, using an automated pallet dimensioning system can save you much time and improve measurement accuracy.  
Setting Goals: Decide what you want to achieve with the new technology. Are you looking to speed up the process, reduce mistakes, improve compliance, or enhance customer service? Having clear goals will help you choose the right pallet dimensioning system. 
2. Choosing the Right Technology 
Not all pallet dimensioners are the same, so picking the right one is important to get the most benefits.  
Here are some key factors to bear in mind: 
Speed: Check how fast the dimensioner can measure pallets. Look for models that can quickly measure multiple pallets one after another without losing accuracy. 
Accuracy: Accuracy is paramount in freight measurement. Make sure the dimensioner you choose has a good reputation for being accurate and reliable. Look for certifications like NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) that show it meets legal standards. 
Size Capabilities: Consider the range of pallet sizes that your operation handles. Some dimensioners are limited in size capabilities, while others can accommodate larger or irregularly shaped pallets. Choose a model that fits your specific goals and requirements. 
Integration with Existing Systems: Look for dimensioners that can seamlessly integrate with your existing warehouse management systems (WMS) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. This interface enables automated data transfer, which reduces manual entry errors and streamlines procedures. 
User Interface: A user-friendly interface is required for smooth operation. Ensure that the technology is intuitive so that employees can quickly learn how to use it without extensive training. 
3. Training Staff 
Once you have picked a pallet dimensioner, investing in staff training is paramount for extending its benefits: 
Set a Comprehensive Training Programs 
Provide opportunities for Hands-On Practice. 
Establish a system for Ongoing Support. 
Encourage employees to provide Feedback. 
4. Monitoring Performance 
Deploying a pallet dimensioning system is just the beginning; continuous monitoring is essential to ensure it meets operational needs: 
Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs 
Conduct Regular Audits  
Adaptation to Changes  
Feedback Loop. 
As the logistics industry adjusts to new NMFC standards for freight classification, pallet dimensioners play a pivotal role. By automating the measurement process, businesses can save money, work more efficiently, and keep their customers happy – key factors in today's competitive market. 
Investing in pallet dimensioning technology makes operations smoother and helps companies succeed in dealing with intricate freight classification standards. As these standards change, firms that leverage advanced dimensioning tools will be better equipped to face challenges and boost their supply chain. 
In short, using pallet dimensioners is not just about keeping up with industry changes; it's about leveraging technology to enhance growth and efficiency in logistics now and in the future. 
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mnovenia · 1 month ago
2025 faith declaration
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amen amen..
Every year I begin with not putting high expectations and fear that it’s not going to be a better year. However, since I move to Bali, things are just getting better for each year.. and I cookeum tteo being used greater by God, enlarged and stretched. So then today I’m going to take a bit of reflection before clinging on to the words and yearly promises that God has prepared, so I can go on without fear nor doubt..
2020: started from 0, bottom but God provides and kept me, even I found so much joy in the lacking and solitude.. it was a memorable year & many meetings that save!!
2021: slowly got the job, obeyed God to quit, bought my 1st car in Bali, meeting new groups to grow while stick w HMCC family who turned out gave me benefit until today..
2022: new clients, new work with cun & ebi, met ci maurin fam, sold the house in Bandung, bought the land in Kedungu, met WanYang, started the small community church & RUTC, went to Korea, met Eunjung onni who changed many things in me.. moved to Tintin
2023: started w Pingkan, a bit sick w noi&ivan, starting Little Kedungu’s project, sold arian, genk nya grace, suddenly Bali camp again & WRC & kontrak gedung gereja baru..
2024: ‘Enlarge the place of your tent’ truly being fulfilled! Solideo was launched & numbers/leaders were increased, moved to new church building, Little Kedungu was handed over beautifully, enlarge my car, heart & capability to not serve with emotion or shaken/lack of faith. Enlarge my ministry to other countries, bangkok, korea, USA.. so God kept His promises & I will not doubt from this testimony.. He will hold on to His promises, He is not weak Marshella not those who disappointed me.. HE IS GOD.. so in
2025: I believe God will give Bali to Marshella, as I came here holding on to GEN 12:1 “The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”
Numbers 14:8 Ia Akan memberikan negeri itu (BALI) kepada kita (Shella)
Jika Tuhan berkenan kepada Shella, maka Tuhan akan membawa Shella masuk ke Bali dan akan memberikan kpd Shella, suatu wilayah yang berlimpah2 susu & madunya (kekayaannya)..
(backsound: Family protected by God & According to His Word)
New Year’s Message from Yewon Church:
Numbers 23:19 “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” -> Allah berfirman dan Ia pasti melaksanakan firmanNya.. Musa, Yosua, Caleb, Marshella menyaksikan penggenapan firman Allah secara nyata, sehingga bisa dg iman menyatakan firman Tuhan..
Dg penuh kasih Allah memakai Shella sbg alatNya. Melalui perjanjian Allah yg Shella pegang, Tuhan melaksanakan pekerjaan-Nya. Berkat terbesar untuk Shella, bukan hanya keselamatan, tapi jg dapat ‘digunakan & dipilih’ sbg perpanjangan alat Tuhan dimanapun Shella berada: tintin, keluarga gondo, soobali, w colleagues & clients, elite people like arlene genks, keluarga ivan, ci maurin, bahkan sampai keluarga di Korea & America: Nagels, Mahan, Kersey, Ry’s family (remember Pak Dave Nagel said on the last day when he dropped me to the Pittsburgh Airport: your presence has blessed our family, so thank you for coming, eventhough I felt the other way around)..
Responi firman: Tuhan akan memberikan negeri itu kepada Shella & keturunan (keluarga shella in the future)., sbg tentara Allah yg kuat & pasukan suci untuk mengambil tanah perjanjian & memperluas kerajaan Allah. Tantang perjanjian: rumah misi, pelayanan para elite & ahli property (reach out to Ntep & Esther, Patrice, Silvi)..
Yes 42:13 TUhan keluar berperang spt pahlawan, spt prajurit Ia membangkitkan semangatNya, memekik musuhNya & tampil sbg pahlawan. Tuhan sendiri yg akan menjadi pahlawan yg mengalahkan musuh2 Shella, sy hanya perlu sepenuhnya memandang kpd Allah yg berjalan di depan Shella & mengikutinya.
Ketaatan tidak bisa menunggu! Ketaatan thd firman Allah kehilangan makna jika tdk segera dilakukan.
Negeri/Tanah yg Tuhan Janjikan (Kedungu, just like I dreamt of as God gave me vision back in NL) itu sudah ada di depan mata Shella (even Bella took surfing lessons there).. Josua & Caleb were sure they had to surely grab the land, not like the rest who doubt, fearful & cannot move on from the past.. Tuhan sudah menyatakan dg tegas berulang kali & bersumpah.. Jika Shella hidup sesuai dg Kehendak Allah, sepenuhnya berpegang pada perjanjian Allah, semua janji Allah akan digenapi. Penaklukan tanah ini bukan pekerjaan manusia (Shella) tapi Allah melalui kuasaNya.. Josua, Caleb & Shella percaya sepenuhnya akan hal ini
Mata Beriman. Numbers 14:24 Tetapi hambaKu Kaleb (Shella), karena ada roh yg lain padanya, ia akan mengikuti Aku dg sepenuh hati. Aku akan membawa Shella ke negeri yg telah dimasukinya & keturunannya akan memilikinya.. Anak2 masa depan Shella pun termasuk dalam rencana istimewa Allah.. milikilah kesadaran sbg pemenang, spt Josh & Caleb: jangan takut kpd bangsa negeri itu, KITA PASTI AKAN MENGALAHKANNYA (dg keyakinan bahwa Allah telah menyiapkannya) dia sudah menang sebelum bertarung meanwhile yg lainnya ketakutan krn fisik org local & apa yg mereka lihat dg mata dunia (mental gagal, pesimis, ketidakpercayaan, seseorang yg tidak akan maju satu langkah pun)
Penglihatan (VISI) adalah kemampuan untuk melihat esensi inti dari sesuatu, yg tdk bisa dilihat orang lain.. MATA IMAN, jika kita punya ini kita akan hidup berada di dimensi yg berbeda, sbg pelaku penggenapan perjanjianNya..
Apa yg ada di belakang & depan kita hanyalah hal kecil dibanding apa yg ada di dalam diri kita -> iman & Yesus Kristus di dalam kita yg memiliki dampak paling besar dlm perjalanan hidup kita. Ini adalah latar belakang tertinggi dalam hidup Shella. Tuhan Yesus yg memiliki segala kuasa di surga & bumi telah berjanji untuk menyertai Shella sampai selama-lamanya.. Tidak ada alasan untuk terjebak pada keadaan, merasa putus asa atau khawatir. Spt Kaleb, Shella harus mau terus melampaui segala hal & maju dg penuh keberanian dalam iman.. Semangat spt Elang: bahkan di tengah badai, Elang mampu menggunakan angin kencang itu untuk terbang lebih tinggi.. (di tengah tantangan).. Pajuk Jise: kekuatan spt membelah bambu: pertama kali memang sulit, tp ketika mulai terbelah, akan sampai ke ujung dg mudah.. KEMAJUAN YG KUAT & TIDAK TERHENTIKAN -> doa fokus Kristus, surrender & tidak mengandalkan kekuatan/akal dunia/background Shella..
Di hadapan Tuhan Allah, bentuklah komunitas yang memberikan sukacita terbesar bagi Allah. AMIN. kl dikit2 quit, ga ok nih, bosen nih, ga menguntungkan sy, ga excited, males berantem, kapan bertumbuhnya? kapan bisa jadi saksi Tuhan bekerja & penggenapan janji? justru tugas km disitu kasih tau, bantu perbaiki, kl Yesus melayani km inconsistent spt kita gmn jadinya?
Regarding relationship: your standard shows your value and you have to set it with the help of holy spirit (eg: kiss or physical boundaries before marriage) -stephen furtick
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odnewsin · 2 months ago
Odisha launches 100-day campaign to combat Tuberculosis
A vigorous new campaign aimed at eradicating tuberculosis from Odisha within 100 days was launched on Saturday. Health Minister Mukesh Mahaling inaugurated the campaign. As per the information shared by Health Minister Mahaling, this effort, a part of the broader National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP), will be implemented in as many as 19 districts known for higher TB prevalence. The…
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dr-iphone · 4 months ago
Noodoe 與西門子攜手,推出 NTEP 認證電動車充電站,優化北美充電體驗
台灣電動車充電站管理系統公司 Noodoe 與美國科技巨頭西門子(Siemens)攜手合作,成功獲得美國NTEP(國家型式評估計劃)認證,這標誌著雙方在提升電動車充電精準計量與市場規範的技術上邁出重要一步。此舉將為北美電動車市場帶來更穩定、可靠的充電解決方案,進一步改善駕駛者的充電體驗。 Continue reading Noodoe 與西門子攜手,推出 NTEP 認證電動車充電站,優化北美充電體驗
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sudheervanguri · 7 months ago
Applications are invited for various positions under the National Health Mission (NHM) in Jogulamba Gadwal District, Telangana State. This notification presents an excellent opportunity for qualified individuals to contribute to public health initiatives in a variety of roles. Interested candidates can apply by downloading the application form from the official website and submitting it along with the required certificates to the Office of the District Medical & Health Officer (IDOC), Gadwal. The last date for submission is 10th July 2024 by 5:00 PM. OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COLLECTOR AND DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, JOGULAMBA GADWAL DISTRICT NOTIFICATION NO. 1483/2024 Applications are invited for various positions under the National Health Mission (NHM) in Jogulamba Gadwal District, Telangana State. How to Apply: Download the application from the official website: Jogulamba Gadwal District Website from 28-06-2024 to 10-07-2024, till 5:00 PM. Fill in the application, enclose the required certificates, and submit it to the O/o District Medical & Health Officer (IDOC), Gadwal, Jogulamba Gadwal District by 10-07-2024, 5:00 PM. Qualifications: Vaccine Cold Chain Manager (VCCM) Unit: DPMU Programme: CH&I Qualification: Any Graduation Degree Post: 1 Salary: ₹22,000/- PM Mid-Level Health Provider/Community Health Officer (MLHP/CHO) Unit: HWC Programme: CPHC Qualification: MBBS (Registered with TS Medical Council) BAMS (Registered with Board of Indian Medicine/TS) B.Sc Nursing (Registered with Nursing Council for TS) + 6 months Bridge Program in Community Health (CPCH) through IGNOU GNM (Registered with Nursing Council for TS) + 6 months Bridge Program in Community Health (CPCH) Post: 16 Salary: MBBS/BAMS: ₹40,000/- PM B.Sc Nursing/GNM: ₹29,900/- PM Staff Nurse (24x7) Unit: 24x7 Programme: ΜΗΝ Qualification: Must have passed Intermediate or equivalent General Nursing Midwifery (GNM)/B.Sc. Nursing Recognized with TS Nursing council Post: 10 Salary: ₹29,900/- PM Staff Nurse (NCD) Unit: DP/Clinics Programme: NCD Qualification: Same as Staff Nurse (24x7) Post: 4 Salary: ₹29,900/- PM Senior Dots Plus TB HIV/STS Unit: District Programme: NTEP Qualification: Bachelor's Degree OR Recognized Sanitary Inspector's Course Certificate course in Computer Operation (minimum 2 months) Permanent two-wheeler driving license Tuberculosis Health Visitor's Recognized Course Govt. recognized Degree/Diploma in Social work OR Medical Social work Post: 1 Salary: ₹22,100/- PM ANM Unit: UPHC Programme: NUHM Qualification: Must have passed MPHW (Female) Training Course or Intermediate Vocational Multi-Purpose Health Worker (Female) Training Course + clinical/apprenticeship training Registered with Telangana State Nurses and Midwives Council or Telangana Paramedical Board Post: 9 Salary: ₹27,300/- PM Staff Nurse (NUHM) Unit: UPHC Programme: NUHM Qualification: Same as Staff Nurse (24x7) Post: 3 Salary: ₹29,900/- PM Pharmacist (NUHM) Unit: UPHC Programme: NUHM Qualification: Intermediate D.Pharmacy Recognized with Pharmacy council Registration Post: 2 Salary: ₹27,300/- PM Data Entry Operator cum Accountant Unit: UPHC Programme: NUHM Qualification: B.Com with 2 years experience Proficiency in Computers Post: 1 Salary: ₹18,000/- PM Physicians (Palliative Care) Unit: DPMU Programme: PALLIATIVE CARE Qualification: MD/MBBS Registered with Telangana Medical Council Post: 1 Salary: MD: ₹78,000/- PM MBBS: ₹52,000/- PM Pharmacist (RBSK) Unit: MHT Programme: RBSK Qualification: Same as Pharmacist (NUHM) Post: 2 Salary: ₹27,300/- PM Total Vacancies: 50 Age: Minimum: 18 years Maximum: 46 years (as of 01.07.2024) Age relaxations: SC/ST/BC/EWS: 5 years Ex-servicemen: 3 years + length of service NCC instructors: 3 years + length of service Physically challenged: 10 years [caption id="attachment_87128" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]
Pharmacist Recruitment Under National Health Mission in Jogulamba Gadwal District[/caption] Method of Recruitment: Recruitment by the District Selection Committee on behalf of the District Health Society. Selection based on merit (90 marks from qualifying examination and 10 marks for age). Rule of Reservation: As per Government of Telangana's orders and Presidential order. Submission of Applications: In person or through registered post to the District Medical & Health Officers, (IDOC), Gadwal, Jogulamba Gadwal District. Important Links: Application Form & Instructions Note: Late applications will not be considered. Sd/- COLLECTOR AND DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, JOGULAMBA GADWAL DISTRICT.
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prabirkc · 10 months ago
Shortage of TB medicines
The National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) acknowledges “An uninterrupted supply of quality assured Anti TB Drugs is an essential component of DOTS strategy under NTEP”. An inadequate and poorly administered treatment regimen facilitates drug-resistant strains. The most severe impact of these persistent stock-outs of anti-TB drugs is on people currently on treatment, leading to a situation of…
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📆 08 Oct 2023 📰 Study by Karnataka researchers finds high rate of paediatric TB infection in household contacts of index patients 🗞 The Hindu
While 50% of the 686 children (below 15 years) examined in the study were found to be infected, the infection had developed into disease in 3% of them
A study by researchers from Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal, and ESIC Medical College and Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Rajajinagar and State Tuberculosis (TB) division in Bengaluru and Udupi districts has found high rates of paediatric TB infection among household contacts of TB patients. While 50% of the 686 children (below 15 years) examined in the study were found to be infected, the infection had developed into the disease in 3%. Nearly 80% of these cases occurred in the 6-15 years group. The study titled “TB screening for paediatric household contacts in India: Time to adapt newer strategies under the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP)” was published in PLOS ONE, an open access journal, on October 5.
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Led by Kiran Chawla from KMC and Sharath B.N. from ESIC, the study is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of screening paediatric household contacts (under the age of 15 years) for TB through verbal screening, tuberculin skin testing (TST) and chest radiography at intervals of 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. The study was funded by the Central TB Division, Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
“The current NTEP guidelines only require verbal screening for contacts under six-years-old at TB treatment initiation. The study aimed to fill this knowledge gap and provide valuable insights for improving TB screening in paediatric household contacts in India,” said Dr. Sharath.
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livestockscales · 1 year ago
Digital weighing Hook crane Hanging Scale in Kampala
A clear and easy-to-read digital display is essential for convenient weight reading. Look for a scale with a bright and backlit display that allows for quick and accurate weight readings, even in low-light conditions.
Construction and Durability: Commercial use often involves heavy-duty and demanding environments. Choose a digital crane weighing scale that is built with durable materials, such as sturdy metal construction, to withstand harsh conditions and ensure longevity. Additionally, consider scales with protective features like shock-resistant housings to protect against accidental impact or rough handling.
Remote Display Option: Some digital crane weighing scales offer a remote display option, allowing you to mount the display unit at a convenient location for easy visibility. This feature is useful when the scale is installed at a height or in a location where the display is not easily accessible.
Wireless Connectivity: Depending on your specific commercial requirements, you may consider scales with wireless connectivity features. These scales can transmit weight data wirelessly to external devices, such as computers or printers, for data recording, analysis, or integration with other systems.
Compliance and Certification: Ensure that the digital crane weighing scale complies with relevant industry standards and certifications. Look for scales that meet international accuracy standards, such as OIML or NTEP, to ensure legal compliance and adherence to quality standards.
When sourcing a digital crane weighing scale for commercial use, consider contacting Accurate weighing scales (U) Ltd industrial equipment suppliers or distributors in your area. They can provide information on available options, specific brands or models, and any additional services they may offer, such as installation, calibration, or maintenance.
Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.
For inquiries on deliveries contact us
 Office +256 705 577 823, +256 775 259 917
 Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036
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Digital weighing Hook crane Hanging Scale in Kampala
Commercial Digital crane weighing scale in Kampala
A digital crane weighing scale for commercial use is a specialized weighing scale designed to accurately measure the weight of loads suspended from cranes or hoists in commercial and industrial applications. These scales utilize digital technology to provide precise weight readings and often offer additional features for enhanced functionality.
Features to consider when looking for a digital crane weighing scale for commercial use:
Weight Capacity: Determine the weight capacity you require for your commercial operations. Digital crane weighing scales are available in various weight capacities, ranging from smaller capacities suitable for lighter loads to larger capacities capable of weighing heavier loads. Ensure that the scale you choose can handle the maximum weight of the loads you intend to weigh.
Accuracy and Precision: Look for a digital crane weighing scale that offers high accuracy and precision in weight measurements. Consider scales with advanced load cell technology, which helps to ensure reliable and consistent readings. Higher accuracy is particularly important for commercial applications where precise weight measurements are crucial for billing, shipping, or compliance purposes.
Digital Display: A clear and easy-to-read digital display is essential for convenient weight reading. Look for a scale with a bright and backlit display that allows for quick and accurate weight readings, even in low-light conditions.
Construction and Durability: Commercial use often involves heavy-duty and demanding environments. Choose a digital crane weighing scale that is built with durable materials, such as sturdy metal construction, to withstand harsh conditions and ensure longevity. Additionally, consider scales with protective features like shock-resistant housings to protect against accidental impact or rough handling.
Remote Display Option: Some digital crane weighing scales offer a remote display option, allowing you to mount the display unit at a convenient location for easy visibility. This feature is useful when the scale is installed at a height or in a location where the display is not easily accessible.
Wireless Connectivity: Depending on your specific commercial requirements, you may consider scales with wireless connectivity features. These scales can transmit weight data wirelessly to external devices, such as computers or printers, for data recording, analysis, or integration with other systems.
Compliance and Certification: Ensure that the digital crane weighing scale complies with relevant industry standards and certifications. Look for scales that meet international accuracy standards, such as OIML or NTEP, to ensure legal compliance and adherence to quality standards.
When sourcing a digital crane weighing scale for commercial use, consider contacting Accurate weighing scales (U) Ltd industrial equipment suppliers or distributors in your area. They can provide information on available options, specific brands or models, and any additional services they may offer, such as installation, calibration, or maintenance.
Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.
For inquiries on deliveries contact us
Office +256 705 577 823, +256 775 259 917
Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036
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planindiango · 2 years ago
Plan India Supply Chain Management Strengthening
The Supply Chain Management Strengthening (SCMS) Project is also funded by the Global Fund for the prevention, control and elimination of HIV/AIDS and TB in India. The project is supporting two national programs of the Government of India including the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) and National TB Elimination Program (NTEP) thereby contributing to achieving SDG 3 targets.
The aim of the project is to provide specialised technical assistance to National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and Central TB Division (CTD) to strengthen the supply chain system across the country. It is working to improve the delivery of high-quality Anti retroviral and TB drugs, diagnostics and other commodities for effective implementation of both the programs through an agile, sustainable and responsive supply chain.
Starting in the Year 2018, the project is being implemented across the country with the support of sub-recipient and a private partnership for logistics services to ensure product availability and accessibility till the last mile. It is supporting the uninterrupted supply of drugs and diagnostics to all the service delivery points across the country.
Key Achievements
  1.4 Million PLHIV received the ARV Drugs
    80,000 Estimated HIV clients received the testing services
    259,808 ARV drugs were distributed across the country
    958,443 HIV Testing kits were distributed across the country
    8,000 Facilities of NACP provided the supply chain services
    1.8 Million TB patients received anti-TB drugs
    1.8 Million Estimated TB clients received the testing services
    99,222 Anti-TB Drugs were distributed across the country
    33,641 TB diagnostics were distributed across the country
    15,608 Facilities of NTEP provided the supply chain services
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dandinidestana · 6 years ago
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nikshaysetu · 2 years ago
The Connection Between Tuberculosis and NTEP
Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It remains one of the world's deadliest communicable diseases, killing an estimated 1.5 million people in 2018 alone. Thankfully, there are treatments available to help combat TB, including the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP). But what is the connection between TB and NTEP? Let’s take a closer look.
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What Is NTEP?
The National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP) was created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1995 to address the growing problem of TB in the United States. The program works to reduce TB cases in individuals and communities by providing free or low-cost medical care, educational resources, and other support services. The goal of NTEP is to eliminate new cases of TB in the United States within 10 years, with a long-term goal of eliminating all new cases of TB worldwide within 20 years.
How Does NTEP Help Combat Tuberculosis?
Through its various initiatives, NTEP works to reduce new cases of TB through prevention efforts such as proper diagnosis, treatment with medications that are effective against drug-resistant forms of TB, and contact tracing for those who may have been exposed to someone infected with TB. Additionally, NTEP also supports research into new treatments for drug-resistant forms of TB as well as better diagnostic tools that could help identify individuals at risk for developing active TB more quickly. Finally, NTEP also provides educational resources about how individuals can reduce their risk of getting sick from someone who has been diagnosed with active tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease that affects millions around the world every year. While it can be deadly if left untreated, there are treatments available that can help eradicate it from affected individuals and communities alike. One such treatment is the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP), which works to reduce new cases through prevention efforts such as proper diagnosis and contact tracing while also providing educational resources about how individuals can reduce their risk of getting sick from someone who has been diagnosed with active tuberculosis. With continued support from both public health organizations and local communities alike, we can work together towards eliminating this deadly disease once and for all!
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ajustador · 7 years ago
Meu dente dói. Dói de uma forma que não posso - e nem consigo - expressar com palavras. Aproveitei para ficar a tarde toda deitado. Imóvel, esticado sobre a cama box que, no momento, se encontra totalmente gelada. Tento me mover, falho. Tento pedir ajuda, minha voz não sai. Tento levantar, meus músculos travam. O que era só uma dor de dente se generalizou. Agora, tudo dói.
Mas jovem, nem tudo está perdido.
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portaltributario · 4 years ago
Não se Presume Como Doença do Trabalho o Empregado Infectado Pelo Coronavírus
Não se Presume Como Doença do Trabalho o Empregado Infectado Pelo Coronavírus
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O Ministério da Saúde havia publicado a Portaria MS/GM 2.309/2020, atualizando a Lista de Doenças Relacionadas ao Trabalho (LDRT), a ser adotada como referência das doenças e agravos oriundos do processo de trabalho.
A referida portaria inseriu o coronavírus (Covid-19) como sendo doença relacionada ao trabalho, ensejando que todo empregado que fosse infectado, teria direito à estabilidade…
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ftndaily · 5 years ago
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#transfernews 📝 #DoneDeal: #Kayserispor have signed winger #PaulGeorgesNtep from #Wolfsburg on a season-long loan. 🌐 Follow @ftndaily for the latest transfer news 🔄📰 #ftn #transfermarket #transferwindow #transfertalk #transfers #footballtransfer #footballtransfers #soccertransfers #footballnews #soccernews #ntep #kayserisporfk #vflwolfsburg #allthebest https://www.instagram.com/p/B1mNUChgZ20/?igshid=zz0l829bsuu
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