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NCERT Panel Recommends ‘Bharat’ Over ‘India’ in School Textbooks
NCERT Committee Proposes Changes to School Curriculum
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) established a high-level committee on social sciences to review the school curriculum. According to committee chairperson CI Isaac on Wednesday, the committee recommended substituting the name “India” for “Bharat” in textbooks and adding “classical History” in place of ancient History.
According to Isaac, the seven-member committee’s unanimous suggestion was acknowledged in the final position paper on social sciences, a crucial guide that lays the groundwork for the creation of new NCERT textbooks.
The Constitution’s Article 1(1) declares that “India, that is, Bharat, shall be a Union of States.”
The name Bharat is ancient. As per Isaac, the expression “Bharat” is utilized in books as old as the 7,000-year-old Vishnu Purana.
“It was only after the establishing of the East India Organization and the Plassey fight in 1757 that the term India turned out to be broadly utilized,” he expressed. Subsequently, as per Isaac, the board of trustees has consistently suggested that the expression “Bharat” be utilized in course readings for understudies in every single branch of knowledge.
The authority name Bharat arose when the Leader of India was welcome to the G20 as “Leader of Bharat,” instead of “Leader of India,” by the public authority.
Afterward, at the culmination in New Delhi, Head of the state Narendra Modi’s nameplate read “Bharat” as opposed to “India.”
Isaac went on to say that the committee, one of the 25 established by the NCERT in 2021 to draft position papers on a range of topics and themes, has additionally suggested that “classical history” be included in textbooks rather than “ancient history.”
Emphasis on Classical Achievements and Hindu Victories
According to him, the British split Indian history into three periods: ancient, medieval, and modern. These periods depicted India as being in the dark, uninformed of advancements in science and technology. However, he pointed out that Aryabhatta’s work on the solar system model is just one of many examples of India’s accomplishments during that era.
Thus, in addition to the medieval and modern eras of Indian history, we have recommended that students be taught about the classical period as well, according to Isaac.
He mentioned that the committee suggested emphasizing “Hindu victories” in the textbooks as well.
The textbooks currently discuss our shortcomings. However, our successes against the Mughals and Sultans are not,” Issac, a member of the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), stated.
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In addition, the committee has suggested that the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) be included in the curriculum for every topic.
The curriculum of the school textbooks is being revised by the NCERT to align with the 2020 National Education Policy (NEP). A 19-member National Syllabus and Teaching Learning Material Committee (NSTC) was recently established by the council to finalize the curriculum, textbooks, and instructional materials for these classes.
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just remembered i have a ps1 somewhere that i havent cracked open yet
#i bought it like 2 months ago?#the seller had stated that it wouldnt read discs but it turns out that the console is perfectly fine its some the discs that are bad#some need resurfacing#it came all the way from Hawaii#its pretty clean despite it sitting for a good while#i didnt realized i was getting it from hawaii until it arrived lmao#i have no way to resurface the discs(honestly i need to invest into something to do that it would save me hassle when looking for some game#im still looking for an nstc region Smash Brawl disc that wont break the bank(and i do mean just the disc cause a cib one is NOT worth it)#maybe i could resurface a trashed one?
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新設されるのは「国立半導体技術センター (NSTC) 」で、これは米国製造業トップがホワイトハウスに集まり、二年越しで協議してきたプロジェクトである。
「業界の転換点になる」とライモンド米国商務長官は発言し、 次世代半導体を(台湾など)に依存していると状況は危険である。そればかりかAIにより、次世代技術はエネルギー効率の高い、コスト効率の高い半導体への需要が爆発的に増加するからだ。」
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India is equally important to Russia’s and the US’ grand strategies, which places it in the unique role of possibly facilitating their talks, especially since Modi is close friends with both of their leaders.
Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar announced during this week’s Russian-Indian Trade Forum in Delhi that “The three connectivity initiatives between us, as mentioned by the First Deputy PM [of Russian Denis Manturov] as well - INSTC, Chennai-Vladivostok Corridor and the Northern Maritime Route - all need continued attention, if we are to realize full potential.” This amounts to advancing the Russo-Indo Ring proposal that was shared in January here.
The gist is that the North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) through Iran, the Vladivostok-Chennai Maritime Corridor (VCMC, later rebranded as the Eastern Maritime Corridor or EMC), and the Northern Sea Route (NSR) can converge into a new multinational trade corridor around Eurasia. Its grand strategic importance is that it’s not centered on China like other trade corridors, which from Trump’s perspective can help “un-unite” Russia and China like he promised to do, ergo why he should appreciate this.
To be clear, the creation of a non-Chinese trade corridor around Eurasia along the lines of the Russo-Indo Ring (which could be rebranded as something more inclusive upon the involvement of more countries like those in ASEAN) isn’t aimed at reducing Russian-Chinese trade, which is mutually beneficial. All that it’ll do is preemptively avert Russia’s potentially disproportionate dependence on China by balancing the aforesaid out with other trade partners, principally India but ideally also ASEAN with time.
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U.S. Chip Revival Plan Chooses Sites
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2024年10月25日 12時00分 サイバーセキュリティ最大の脆弱性は「人間」、ヒューマンエラーを防ぐ3つの戦略とは? 悪質なハッカーが狙っているのはPCやシステムの脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性に限らず、人間の心の隙や人為的ミスに付け込んだソーシャル・エンジニアリングなどもセキュリティの重大な脅威となっており、ある調査ではデータ侵害の原因の68%はヒューマンエラーだったことが判明しています。人間の存在がサイバーセキュリティ最大の弱点となっている問題に対処する方法について、認証技術の専門家が解���しました。 Human error is the weakest link in the cyber security chain. Here are 3 ways to fix it https://theconversation.com/human-error-is-the-weakest-link-in-the-cyber-security-chain-here-are-3-ways-to-fix-it-241459 ◆ヒューマンエラーの本質を知る オーストラリア・メルボルン大学コンピューティングおよび情報システム学部の上級研究員であるJongkil Jay Jeong氏によると、サイバーセキュリティの分野では、ヒューマンエラーは大きく2つに分けられるとのこと。 1つ目は「スキルベースのエラー」で、これは日常的な作業中、特に注意力が散漫になっているときに好発します。 例えば、ある人が職場のPCのバックアップを忘れたとします。その人は、バックアップの方法もバックアップの必要性も知っていましたが、早く帰宅しなければならない用事や、山積みになっている返信待ちメールなどでバックアップにまで気が回りませんでした。 もし、このタイミングでサイバー攻撃が発生すると、データを復旧する手段がありません。そのため、ランサムウェアなどでデータが人質に取られてしまうと、ハッカーにゆすられてしまうことになります。これがスキルベースのエラーです。 2つ目は「知識ベースのエラー」で、これは経験が浅くて重要な知識が不足している場合や、特定のルールに従わなかった場合に発生するサイバーセキュリティ上のミスです。 例えば、見知らぬ連絡先から届いたメールを不用心にクリックしてしまうと、そこからマルウェアがシステムに侵入してハッキングされ、金銭を奪われたりデータをかすめ取られたりするリスクとなります。これが、知識ベースのエラーです。 ◆なぜ従来のアプローチでは不十分なのか? こうしたヒューマンエラーを防ぐため、政府やさまざまな団体がセキュリティ教育に多額の投資を行ってきましたが、必ずしも効果的とは言えませんでした。その理由のひとつは、「テクノロジー中心の画一的なアプローチをとっていたため」だと、Jeong氏は指摘しています。 従来の教育プログラムの多くは、パスワード管理の改善や多要素認証などの技術的側面に依存していることがよくありました。そのため、人間の心理や行動原理に根ざした問題の改善は軽視されがちだったとのこと。 テクノロジーに頼らず、行動を変えることで大きな成果を挙げた事例として、Jeong氏はオーストラリアとニュージーランドで展開された日焼け防止キャンペーンの「Slip, Slop, Slap運動」を挙げています。長袖のシャツやラッシュ��ードを着る(Slip)、日焼け止めを塗る(Slop)、帽子をかぶる(Slap)の3つを呼びかけたこのシンプルなキャンペーンが始まってからの40年で、両国における悪性黒色腫(メラノーマ)の発生は大幅に減少しました。 Jeong氏は「『人間の行動を変えるには、意識を高めるための継続的な投資が必要』だという原則は、サイバーセキュリティ教育にも当てはまります。人々がベストプラクティスを知っているからといって、それが実行されるとは限りません。特に、優先事項や時間的なプレッシャーに負われている場合はなおさらです」と述べました。 また、オーストラリア政府は2024年10月に、企業と政府機関の情報共有を強化したり、スマートデバイスのセキュリティ基準を定めたりすることを盛り込んだ包括的なサイバーセキュリティ法案を発表していますが、これも技術的側面と手順的側面に焦点が当てられています。 一方、アメリカは人間中心のアプローチに目を向けており、2023年12月に国家科学技術会議(NSTC)が打ち出した(PDFファイル)連邦サイバーセキュリティ研究開発戦略計画には「情報技術システムの設計、運用、セキュリティを決定する上では、人々のニーズ、動機、行動、能力を最優先とした人間中心のアプローチをより重視する必要があります」と記されています。 ◆人間中心のサイバーセキュリティの3つのルール 人間中心のアプローチを採用して、サイバーセキュリティにおけるヒューマンエラーの問題に対処するにはどうすればいいのかについて、Jeong氏は最新の知見に基づいた以下の3つの戦略を提唱しました。 1.認知負荷を最小限に抑えること サイバーセキュリティは、できるだけ直感的かつ簡単に実践できるよう設計する必要があります。またトレーニングプログラムは、複雑な概念を簡素化してセキュリティの実践を日常のワークフローにシームレスに組み込めるようにすることに重点を置くべきとのことです。 2.サイバーセキュリティに対する前向きな姿勢を育てること セキュリティ教育では、恐怖戦術ではなく、優れたサイバーセキュリティの慣行を実践することの肯定的な成果を強調する必要があります。そうすることで、サイバーセキュリティに関する行動を見直すモチベーションが生まれます。 3.長期的な視点を取り入れること 行動や態度を変えるのに必要なのは、単発のイベントではなく継続的なプロセスです。というのも、サイバーセキュリティ教育は継続的に行う必要があり、進化する脅威に対抗するためには定期的なアップデートが欠かせないからです。 Jeong氏は「要するに、真にセキュアなデジタル環境の構築には、総合的なアプローチが必要だということです。ロバストな、つまり強固なテクノロジーや健全なポリシーも大切ですが、最も重要なのは十分な教育を受けたセキュリティ意識の高い人材の��保です。ヒューマンエラーが起きる背景を深く理解できれば、人間の性質に合わせて機能する、より効果的なトレーニングプログラムやセキュリティ計画を設計できるでしょう」と述べました。
サイバーセキュリティ最大の脆弱性は「人間」、ヒューマンエラーを防ぐ3つの戦略とは? - GIGAZINE
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Global semiconductor shortage: How the US plans to close the talent gap
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/global-semiconductor-shortage-how-the-us-plans-to-close-the-talent-gap/
Global semiconductor shortage: How the US plans to close the talent gap
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The semiconductor industry, which is a cornerstone of modern technology and economic prosperity, has been dealing with a serious labour shortage for some time. The skills shortage appears to be worsening, with more than one million additional skilled workers required by 2030 to meet demand in the semiconductor industry, according to Deloitte. This pervasive issue extends beyond the US, affecting key players worldwide and threatening to impede the sector’s growth and innovation.
Since countries have been striving to expand their semiconductor capabilities to meet escalating global demand, particularly since the pandemic, a skilled worker shortage has emerged as a critical bottleneck, undermining efforts to maintain and advance technological leadership in this vital industry. With over two million direct employees worldwide in 2021 and more than one million extra skilled professionals required by 2030, Deloitte expects that more than 100,000 hires are needed every year.
For background, there are less than 100,000 graduate students enrolling in electrical engineering and computer science in the US each year, as per Deloitte’s data. Even countries like Taiwan, South Korea, China, Japan, and Europe are facing challenges in finding enough qualified workers to meet the demands of their rapidly expanding semiconductor sectors. For instance, Taiwan had a shortfall of over 30,000 semiconductor workers in late 2021, and South Korea is projected to face a similar shortfall over the next decade.
China’s shortfall is even more severe, with estimates suggesting a need for over 300,000 additional workers, even before the current chip growth and supply chain problems. This shortage is attributed to several factors. Many nations have seen their semiconductor manufacturing expertise erode over the years as production moved offshore.
In the US, for example, the industry accounts for only about 12% of global chip production, with most of the advanced manufacturing know-how residing in Asia. The lack of awareness about semiconductor careers among potential recruits also contributes to the talent gap, making it difficult to attract new workers to the field. To top it off, the competition for semiconductor talent has also been showing signs of getting even tighter.
CHIPS Act and workforce development
In response to this growing issue, the US has introduced measures under the CHIPS and Science Act, aimed at boosting the domestic semiconductor industry and addressing the labour shortage. The Act allocates substantial funding towards the development of the semiconductor workforce, focusing particularly on technician roles and jobs that do not require a bachelor’s degree. This is significant because about 60% of new semiconductor positions fall into these categories, according to McKinsey’s report.
The CHIPS Act, passed in 2022, promotes various initiatives to build a robust talent pipeline. However, according to a recent report by Bloomberg, the US government is intensifying its efforts to address the semiconductor labor shortage through new initiatives, under the CHIPS Act, highlighting a significant expansion of educational and training programs aimed at developing a skilled workforce tailored to the industry.
“The program, described as a workforce partner alliance, will use some of the $5 billion in federal funding set aside for a new National Semiconductor Technology Center. The NSTC plans to award grants to as many as 10 workforce development projects with budgets of $500,000 to $2 million,” Bloomberg noted.
The NSTC will also be launching additional application processes in the coming months, and officials will determine the total level of spending once all the proposals have been considered. All of the finance comes from the 2022 Chips and Science Act, the landmark law that set aside $39 billion in grants to boost US chipmaking, plus $11 billion for semiconductor research and development, including the NSTC
Labour shortage: A long-term problem
Even with all these efforts, the semiconductor industry is likely to continue facing labour shortages in the long-term. The report from McKinsey highlights that even with substantial investments in education and training, the sector will struggle to find enough skilled workers to meet its needs.
This is compounded by issues such as lack of career advancement opportunities, workplace inflexibility, and insufficient support, which drive many employees to leave the industry, according to various analyses. Moreover, the competition for semiconductor talent is intensifying globally. Companies like Taiwan’s TSMC are recruiting experienced semiconductor workers from the US, India, Canada, Japan, and Europe.
This global competition underscores the urgent need for collaborative initiatives to attract and retain skilled workers in the semiconductor industry. After all, the labor shortage in the semiconductor industry is a complex challenge that requires multifaceted solutions.
(Photo by Vishnu Mohanan)
See also: US clamps down on China-bound investments
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Tags: chips act, law, Legislation, Politics, semiconductor
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The Necessity of Government, Industry and Academia:Expanding Sports Tech to Catalyze Talent Cultivation, Research and Development and Industry Advancement
On the final day of the 2024 TaiSPO, NSTC and NTNU worked together with Bureau Français de Taipei to hold an international forum on sports technology, diversity and openness. The event was hosted by NSTC’s Department of Humanities’ and Social Science Dire
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若要以一句話定義《艾索羅夫》的高概念(high concept),我會說它是一部「亞洲未來主義(Asian Futurism���式的類《星際爭霸戰》(Star Trek)舞台劇」。
《艾索羅夫》配合創作延伸研發的科技項目主要有「舞蹈動作資料庫」、「文字情感辨識系統」、「5G異地共演」等,其中結合人工智能演算技術建構出的「文字情感辨識系統」是我感到最好奇的部分,近期ChatGPT的爆火和人工智能文字對話互動技術呈飛速進展,但我仍對此感到有所質疑,例如我個人在使用ChatGPT進行角色扮演互動、或與Inflection AI閒聊時,經常會感到人工智能對於探測和轉譯人類真情實感的侷限,畢竟一句話所傳遞的情緒感受,可能依據不同的當下而有截然不同的狀態,也會受前後文關聯的影響,人類乃至生物間的能量場心電感應,更是目前的人工智能尚無法同步的範疇。
至於動態捕捉結合5G網路進行異地共演的技術形式,近年已有一些代表案例,例如筆者曾在雪梨歌劇院(Sydney Opera House)線上平台觀賞過中國新媒體藝術家陸揚的《獨生獨死:二元世界》(DOKU, The Binary World),與《艾索羅夫》均以兩地舞者各自在場和操演另一處背景投影中的虛擬實境化身(avatar)呈現。為了更了解《艾索羅夫》的創研過程,我向參與該專案的舞蹈博士生陳冠瑋提問,想得知他作為主創表演者的個人感想,冠瑋表示雖然5G網路已經大幅降低延遲率,卻仍存在延遲並影響作品的呈現,但他進一步提出一個很有趣的觀點,他說:「我覺得在科技藝術中,『科技』備受禮遇,在某些條件下人類會盡力協助它,不像一般的科技產品,功能只是為了服務人類而存在。」我回應:「作為科技藝術家,對於這樣的美中不足,有個切入點是:有時我們反倒能利用這種科技的『缺陷』進行創作和反思。」
《艾索羅夫》專案的最終呈現,除了最主要的虛實整合現場展演,還有與中華郵政和OpenSea平台合作發行的NFT(非同質化代幣,Non-fungible Token)典藏郵票,是由王希俊老師負責研究的視覺化二維碼(QR Code)技術的應用成果。結合NFT藝術商務應用之專案近年已有不少實例,包含黃心健老師曾與EchoX平台合作推出的《We Are What We Eat》、媒體藝術家張碩尹和SOYL平台合作推出的《她與你與她的戀愛》,和姚瑞中老師近期於耿畫廊展出的《擬聖空間》(Alterspace)系列等,都是臺灣當代藝術圈中值得參考的代表案例。
關於質疑XR發展的議題,我覺得許多質疑的論調多半源於論者對其的不熟悉。 以頭顯規格而言,目前各大小廠商推出的最新品顯示畫質已達5K,而且大家都已知道能自動調節眼距是必備功能,一些較輕薄、外型如墨鏡的款式也相繼上市,此外也有些週邊配件如觸控手套、氣味面罩等正在被開發,所以我覺得器材方面不是問題,願意做事的人總是在默默耕耘、為世人帶來福祉,每種新興產業嚆矢本來就有其自然的發展週期,所以我們要看的是其本質是為了什麼。 以作品型態和主題而言,包羅萬象、五花八門,而仍在拓展、演化、進階。 回想影視發展也不過約莫百年(不把更早的動畫箱和幻燈片鏡算進去的話,想想那曾在微膠卷上作畫製片和投幣進如顯微鏡般的偷窺式觀影木箱的年代),如今沒有人會再問「為何要看電影?」我相信百年後,也不會有人再問「幹嘛要體驗虛擬實境?」無論是遠古山中的壁畫、王公貴族的動畫鏡收藏、瓦舍勾欄裡老百姓愛聽的各式戲曲、近代才出現的電視機、電影院到如今的串流平台,以及各式XR體驗場景,都承載人類對於生命多樣性和體驗故事不輟的熱愛,XR技術是觀影方式的再進化,甚至超出視覺而能串聯、激活其餘四感乃至第六、七感—意識和超意識—的範疇。從Storytelling過渡到Storyliving,人類永遠渴望能有再突破感知疆界、直擊心靈深處的可能性,為了用更有趣的方式喚醒沉睡的自我、讓自身在塵世遊歷的麻木邊緣不致徹底昏聵,我們需要一定程度的刺激,並創造和憑藉更合適的媒介,體驗一段又一段反映自我虛實的幻境,這就是我目前對XR發展之價值的基本肯定詮釋。
本展從國科會「科技藝術跨域融合與創新計畫」出發,以「擴散耦Diffusion Couple」為題,試圖思考「工程」與「人文」領域在界之間互相消融、混合,如同不同元素相互結合般,形成新的鍵結與特性,並將研究成果轉譯為科技藝術展演。 「科技」是人類創意想像的現實實踐,「藝術」則為各種思惟、文化、想像的分享平台。觀者在兩者擴散或互融並行之間,真正地探索藝術、科技、媒體與社會之間的關係與互動。透過科技與藝術的結合,思考藝術的平權體驗、探索生活形態的可能、想像著自由的移動、更創造出各種不可能到可能。
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"The grind"
Back in the day, it used to be a choice between NSTC and PAL. You had an electronic device, you chose the option, and thee image aspect changed with basic principles of photography applied.
Now you got this freaking encrypted code to paste on a software that takes 10 minutes to install and your laptop's supposed to be good, then you have whatever the hell is a cloud server where you'll click one thing and it will allow remote access to this other software, and your account is logged in, and you don't know if your face is gonna show up on every TV in the city but people act like this is like, how dumb you are, instead of helping you live a F-ing decent life?
And I swear I'll never be over it.
I don't even need to bring up the subject or keyword. You get it.
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Calls, Tunghai International Conference on Second Language Teaching and Research
2nd Call for Papers: [Second Call for Abstracts] Conference: Tunghai International Conference on Second Language Teaching and Research Time: 2023/10/21 (Sat) Venue: Language Building & College of Arts Building, Tunghai University Organizers: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, International Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, and the English Center of Tunghai University Sponsors: NSTC, R & D Office, and College of Arts of Tunghai University Conference Theme: http://dlvr.it/SrHNPx
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US outlines plan to expand low-Earth orbit economy • The Register
And commercial operators, with NASA a keen customer...
Joe Boutte's insight:
The National Low Earth Orbit Research and Development Strategy was released by the NSTC, and outlines five policy objectives for the US to follow that it loftily claims will “prioritize the use of LEO for the benefits of humanity."
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