mylawcitrus · 17 days
Adult education: the Chinese are already investing on it
One of these days, I was watching Bloomberg TV and a Chinese speaker was invited to talk about how much of the young generation of China is inevitably going to age, and so they’ll have about 300 million people that today are under 18 pursuing new interests. As globalization pivots on, companies try to seize opportunity now rather than wait to launch a project without proper research (hello,…
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mylawcitrus · 22 days
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How it's been
Two annoyed people talking to each other every day.
One complains about life, the other follows and they compete to see who's got it worse.
Noticing that it's getting ridiculous, they try to do something different.
One plays games, watches YouTube, stitches, does her make up, brushes her hair, listens to music singing along.
The other is like "hey, I'm talking".
But it doesn't matter. I should know that if she's not interested in hearing me talk, I should keep quiet. And if she doesn't have the space to talk, it's because "I didn't ask".
That's why I said "I don't like bullshit", last night.
She's not happy, the problem isn't me but I'm not a realistic solution, so everything stays the same.
Even the guys hitting her up will not be stopped by me, oh no, outraged and wanting to do something about it.
Please don't, I like when guys approach me. Makes me feel wanted.
What a puppet I've become.
All for someone who's in many ways not my type.
And I thought I was falling in love for her, but then you start hearing some opinions and the rudeness with which they're revealed, and you're like: "wait a second..."
I deserve better. If not with her changing her attitude, a different person.
And she'll say she doesn't read my Tumblr, because she uninstalled it, but here are the facts: she uninstalled Instagram, Discord and WhatsApp, which most people would consider essential apps (Discord not quite), and I have messages I sent her that were not even read.
Hard messages.
This isn't how I should be treated, and neither is the average chatroom talk what I should be seeking.
Maybe people dispute for attention, but they can't determine what's gonna happen in my life.
I put things out asking for attention, but I assume people will inevitably pay attention. If they don't, I'm failing to assess the real situation.
Here's a snippet of my blog views through the years. That's what I know. Along with LinkedIn saying my posts had 15 impressions, on average.
Is the internet broken? Do you have to choose now between living a personal life and a professional life on the screen? Who was the mastermind behind it?
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mylawcitrus · 22 days
Uma questão de prioridades
Uma reflexão sobre o projeto que me proponho a tocar e alguns pontos em comunicação.
Ando assistindo aos debates oficiais e em mídias sociais à Prefeitura de São Paulo, e me parece que algo deu muito errado com essa ideia de eleger o bom palestrante. Sem medo de contradições, sugiro a todos que pensem no caso de Sílvio Santos. Se são os seus feitos que importam, convém dizer que esta que foi uma das figuras públicas mais proeminentes do país já protagonizou muitas situações…
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mylawcitrus · 26 days
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I saw this on LinkedIn and thought Tumblr deserved to hear it...
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mylawcitrus · 28 days
On my writing
I know you care about my poetry. That's what brought us together, wasn't it? So then, let it be known that I have the following the show you:
The album "Transplant", with the note that I stopped posting my singles on Soundcloud 2 years ago, but this album is only available there, because I couldn't get it done with ONErpm's platform to upload it on Spotify: https://soundcloud.com/ivoescobar/albums
The singles, some of them deleted, on Bandcamp: https://ivoescobar.bandcamp.com/
The album "Privacy for Whom?", on Spotify (and a few singles): https://open.spotify.com/album/3lz5R6C8CuuqrhpglxI89A?si=bqz_622aTSWw6cC53YFRkA
A collection of my older poetry can be accessed via this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YFccisXjTzhsZ_y9CudlhekV1aDZ5FZ9RS2lFCZH5MQ/edit?usp=sharing
My short stories, some in English, some in Portuguese (like the poetry, but the music is only in English, though I've written in Portuguese before) are on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/ivoesc
You can keep me going in many ways. A Tumblr follow is nice, but you know what's nicer? Financial support. I've done all my creative work for the internet to see, and not only do I have the feeling that the internet hasn't seen it yet, but also that it's really good and people should see it, but most importantly, I should get something back. And I don't care who follows me. It would be nice building community, but I wanna pay late bills and I wanna travel, but sometimes I have to worry about my health and my diet.
All this to say that you can support me via Patreon. On there, you'll find what you've seen sometimes here, if you've been following, which is the teaching blog, and the themes that generally go around technology and its impacts, other than teaching and the global context of communication in English. I teach language in a social perspective, so if you wanna know more, check out the recent updates on Patreon with the link https://linktr.ee/partfluency
Thanks, and don't hesitate to contact!
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mylawcitrus · 1 month
A situação do professor de inglês, em tempos de inflação
Recentemente, um post no LinkedIn me fez refletir sobre algumas coisas. Era uma imagem com 3 carrinhos de supermercado, e em cima, uma nota de 50 euros. O primeiro carrinho estava cheio, pois estávamos em 2004. O segundo, consideravelmente mais escasso, pois o ano era 2014. Em 2024, mal havia itens, a não ser um cacho de bananas. Aquilo me fez pensar. Mas aparentemente, não ficou claro, quando eu…
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mylawcitrus · 1 month
The bottom of the well is not enough
The bottom of the well is not enough
The fringes of your cells will be deterred
And parts of every limb will turn to dust
While rain falls in the next year, something must be done
The courage to receive love isn't taken for granted
But it's perceived as failure and easily disbanded
The marks over your lips are easy to be mended
But you will never kiss again, not even fake it
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mylawcitrus · 1 month
Did you really think I was gonna choose Tumblr?
Tumblr allowed my ex to be doxxed and abused by several men, and when I opened my mouth, the report said I was the abuser. I just don't trust technology on the corporate level. And not necessarily do I trust storytelling. But I've been open about most issues. When I have a definitive raw statement to put out, I know there will be reactions. And then I remember: "wow, they think I'm an abuser, because that's what people told them".
You see... there's no poetry to be made in times of scandal and outrage. I don't have that coldness. But justice will come...
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mylawcitrus · 1 month
From the USA comes a glimmer of hope
For a moment I thought I could have a new home
But then moments fast-tracked and the missiles alone
Could make you miss your sleep while whole families are bombed
I could say you got worse but my memory’s foggy
It’s the fires that burn, it’s the engine of stalking
And reporters at night, talking of rich men’s earnings
While the mass of the nations are so sick legs are numbing
There’s no time for the music
To be played
Our lives, no distractions,
And low pay
Our time, moral standards disobey
From the eye of the night comes a fear in your bones
But you turn to the comfort of technological
Ears of dogs will be vigilant but you’ve got a soul
That wants to fly above helicopters and drones
You’ll be crying for help, waiting for recognition
Working years like a hell that’s your only ambition
And as far as success if you have the permission
You’ll be talked about like you’re some kind of rendition
That is art, that is tragedy
Then we laugh
Don’t ask why, don’t ask nothing
Pay respects
If you might, show your body to  distract
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mylawcitrus · 2 months
35 seemed really far. Looking back, I didn't even know who I was.
On August 5th, every year, I get a hug from someone early in the morning and then more recently I’ve just read messages on the WhatsApp family group and Facebook wall posts wishing me good things and dreams realized, that God may lead me to good fortune and happiness, and for the closer relatives and friends (who are actually the only ones posting, but sometimes I get a few distant people) they…
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mylawcitrus · 2 months
The arts
I've made my Tumblr a members-only thing a while ago because when Live was happening, I figured it was all normal, and I just needed to talk to people.
I don't know who I reached.
The people who determine who your posts are gonna be shown to are thinking about profitability. Not well-being or creativity or anything we, poets, musicians, writers, stand for.
I'm a teacher. It's a big responsibility.
To teach people what they might find online and how to respond is almost like preparing people for a potential missile strike. It's a metaphor, Bing, but it stands valid.
And at this point I just don't know.
I need a hug.
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mylawcitrus · 2 months
It's been a while
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mylawcitrus · 2 months
For the locals
You're at the BNH
And everyone knows who you are
You tell them straight
Don't wanna ride a police car
You can't be late
Brothers won't treat you like a star
I'm gonna wait
Until I'm rich and way too far
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mylawcitrus · 3 months
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My baby @battyglittergirl and I are celebrating 3 months together! :)
It's been tough, but we've supported each other and listened a lot. I wouldn't know what to do with my life without her.
This picture means a lot to me. I was able to capture her smile, which fills up my heart with hope and joy. And she looks all fluffy and cute. Natural beauty. A loving soul. An amazing human being, who has stuff to teach you and who should be praised.
I'm not sure if she's gonna care that I'm sharing the picture.
This person has made my life so much better and I just wanna be a good man for her. I try hard.
Sometimes I wanna do things my way, but she doesn't mind a song suggestion or a video, she just wants to spend time with me. And helps me with so many things, and answers all my questions.
She's my best friend, and I can't bear the thought of having to work and be away from her. We talk late at night, and I'd have to reschedule everything. Maybe we'd talk only on the weekends. I want my Mel every day.
She's too special, you all have no idea.
I'm lucky to have met you, baby. My cheeky baby.
My heart is yours.
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mylawcitrus · 3 months
Can we have a sketch of the Internet Common Core?
Some issues in the internet experience of the average person seem to point out to necessary updates. After completing a course on Instruction Design and recording videos for my own proposal of pedagogical materials to be used, I figured the public wasn’t going to see anything I put out and it was unlikely that people paid any attention if I didn’t write about general topics. That’s always been…
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mylawcitrus · 3 months
A poem to show to musicians.
regret is hard to measure - bruised into shapes of want, I cannot think of a thing more unkind - ruins that were never finished,                                        the pain again                                                                               (as anne says) and my own, turned into something else           away from me                                                      like all of life      the songs we make to disparage the darkness
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mylawcitrus · 3 months
Endless turmoil and chaos are not love. They have never been and never will be.
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