#NR Hunt Studio
cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Why should Kuai Liang even try or want to lead the people who: 1. Ran him and Tomas out of their home 2. Tried to kill him in his wedding 3. Attempted to or killed many of his friends?
Kuai has no footing there in Lin Kuei. They blindly followed Bi-Han to commit crimes in a cowardly ambush and most don't regret what they did after all if the dialogues are any indication. They're as bad as the old timeline Lin Kuei.
While Kuai Liang has to eventually unite both clans, now can't be the time. They've hurt and abused him too much.
Before I answer your very good question, let me preface it by saying this: I do not have a habit to base my judgment on source material I’m not familiar with, especially when the source in question is not even officially released yet. Thus I can’t and at this moment won’t address the Lin Kuei attack on Kuai Liang at his wedding, because - again, officially - it did not happen yet and so far beside spoilers and leaks I DID NOT READ, there is only Kuai Liang’s ending hinting at this upcoming confrontation that hardly looks like cowardly ambush, as both forces face each other while preparing themselves for fight.
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Not saying leaks won’t turn out to be true, but I wish to see the storyline and examine source material to get the whole picture before leaping to any conclusion. The fandom is already emotionally explosive as it is and I do not wish to add fuel to it based on things I heard so far from other fans. So you need to forgive me skipping this certain part - once the NRS releases the expansion story mode we can happily come back to the matter.
Now, for the rest of your question, Lin Kuei hurting Kuai Liang is nothing new. His character arc in original and alternative timelines walked this road already. 
His own father, a Lin Kuei warrior himself, kidnapped Kuai Liang and Bi-Han, presumably killing the boys’ mother and younger sister in the process. He and his brother were forced into a clan that trained them into merciless assassins, taking away any chance for normal and safe childhood. After Bi-Han’s death, Kuai Liang was hunted down, his friends turned into soulless machines, or in an alternative timeline he himself became Cyber Sub-Zero against his will. And he still fought tooth and nail to take over this morally corrupt clan - a clan that hurted him emotionally and physically, a clan that exploited him and Bi-Han for literal decades. All to set Lin Kuei on a (more) righteous path. Because despite what happened, or how cold-hearted over the years Kuai Liang became, he cared for Lin Kuei. If not for people itself, then for principles like honor, legacy and duty. His dedication to the clan, the desire to reclaim lost honor and build a better future for his people overcame any other senses. 
Is that a realistic choice to make? In real life most likely not. If Kuai Liang was a real human being, then absolutely his safety and emotional peace of mind should come above any duty or responsibility to the family that on purpose hurted him and his friends. And the safety and people who deeply and sincerely care for him would be the thing I wished for him. But since Kuai Liang is fictional character and as such represents specific archetypes and themes that are part of bigger worldbuilding, I do think Netherrealm Studio’s eventual choice to remove Kuai Liang from his own legacy will simply not work. Not just from the perspective of the story but also from the perspective of MK1 Scorpion’s character arc. 
(And yes, I said I won’t judge characters and events on source material that isn’t even released yet and maybe the expansion story mode will provide rational and sensible reasons behind NRS’ choices. So this is less judging Kuai Liang as character for his (authors’) choice and more explaining my own feelings on the matter.)
I assume the question "Why should Kuai Liang even try or want to lead Lin Kuei" comes from my previously posted statement:
“But if Kuai Liang decided to not replace Bi-Han as Grandmaster and fulfill his duty, then half of the intros will sound very hypocritical of him, I think? Original/alternative Kuai Liang dedicated his life to reforming his clan because he cared for Lin Kuei. Scorpion!Kuai Liang appointing someone else to rule it is, wow, weird as hell. ”
and I stand by it. We all may argue over this or that character’s choice, but there is no doubt that Mortal Kombat has a certain theme assigned to each character. Kuai Liang’s from the start is “Honor” and “Duty”, be it to Earthrealm or father’s teaching.
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A trait he shares with original/alternative Kuai Liang and ironically, the strong sense of duty is what he and MK1 Bi-Han have in common too. Their sense of duty is currently contradictory, but both brothers put duty to clan (Bi-Han) or to Earthrealm/tradition (Kuai Liang) over their own blood ties. Now, the thing with Scorpion is that available source material clearly states Kuai Liang:
Always wanted to be Lin Kuei and nothing else
Did not give up on Lin Kuei and is willing to battle with Bi-Han for control over the clan and brings it to its original purpose
This was established in
Scorpion’s Bio before the game even came out
Like his cherished father, Scorpion is dedicated to the Lin Kuei and its defense of Earthrealm. When his father died, Scorpion was bereft. Though he took pride in knowing that his brother, Sub-Zero, would succeed their father as the Lin Kuei's grandmaster. But Sub-Zero's unprecedented moves to cast off the Lin Kuei's traditional duties have frozen Scorpion's enthusiasm. He fears that one day he may have to battle his brother for control of the Lin Kuei's legacy.
hinted/ mentioned in the story mode itself
Kuai Liang: "I knew Bi-Han's frustrations ran deep. But I never thought they could inspire such madness. We can't let his corruption spread."
Tomas: "That the Lin Kuei won't aid us is unforgivable. Bi-Han has corrupted them totally." Kuai Liang: "When this crisis ends, we will deal with that one."
repeated in intro dialogues:
Raiden: Did you ever want to be an Earthrealm champion? Scorpion: I have only ever wanted to be Lin Kuei.
Geras: Your brother's Lin Kuei are an obstacle to peace. Scorpion: It is *my* duty to deal with them.
Scorpion: I fear the Lin Kuei is beyond redemption. Scorpion: Together, we will restore its honor.
Scorpion: From the ashes, the Lin Kuei will be reborn. Sub-Zero: Do not presume you can burn it down.
and again stated in Scorpion’s ending:
"No sooner had Titan Shang Tsung been defeated than Bi-Han and his loyalists hunted us down. Outnumbered, we fled to Japan. There we sought refuge from an old family friend. As children, we played together. But Harumi Shirai was a woman now, the head of her clan. Her strength, beauty, and intellect awed me. Also incensed by Bi-Han's betrayal, Harumi agreed to help me forge a new clan. One that would stand against him and defend Earthrealm. Her aid proved invaluable. And as time went on, we grew closer. To honor Harumi and pay respects to my new bride, I named the clan after her, calling it the Shirai Ryu. Now the battle against my brother begins in earnest. The Shirai Ryu won't rest until Bi-Han is defeated and the Lin Kuei's honor restored."
Current version of Kuai Liang is a mix of his original and Hasashi Hanzo’s traits, however despite the differences between MK1 and previous timelines, he never truly gave up on Lin Kuei. Shirai Ruy is a means to both protect Earthrealm and to bring back his original clan to its honorable roots. Even if we may argue Kuai Liang doesn’t care anymore for his rebellious brother or Lin Kuei warriors that hunted him and Tomas, Lin Kuei is still his rightful legacy - abandoning it completely, giving up on centuries old tradition would mean abandoning his cherished father and the man’s teachings. Something Kuai Liang refused to do repeatedly and was catalyst for the conflict between brothers.
So though it is understandable that Kuai Liang (and Tomas) may not wish to live with people that turned against him and brought so much misfortune - something that most sane humans would choose - he is still a Grandmaster’s son and pragmatic leader. The same as Bi-Han, Kuai Liang is a dutiful man that puts duty above personal feelings. Him letting Lin Kuei to be ruled by themselves (and in case of Cyrax, by one that once was Bi-Han’s absolute loyalist as stated by him in story mode) won’t resolve the conflict. The risk to Earthrealm will be still there, and any new conflict between Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei will be in great part his fault. Because he had a chance to unite two clans into even greater power for Earthrealm’s sake yet choose the “easy way out” by putting someone else in position of power, I presume hoping said person will share his mindset. Not to mention that with Smoke and Harumi at his side, Kuai Liang has a trusted family to either entrust the new clan under their care or be protected by them while he is cleaning up the mess created by his brother. 
For me, Kuai Liang rejecting his duty as rightful heir (that allows him to actively control and redeem Lin Kuei), also rejects his loyalty and duty to late father, Liu Kang and Earthrealm’s safety. But above everything else it put the whole Scorpion’s character arc into question - what was the point of all of this if ultimetaly he did not fulfill his goal of bringing Lin Kuei back to its honorable ways and ensuring personally it stays the way for good? A goal so clearly established in source material? Does that sounds satisfactionally to anyone? To be invested into the crusade against corruption of cherished tradition and father’s teaching only for character to ditch the responsibility like it never mattered in the first place?
Of course, this is just my speculation and personal feelings. Maybe the expansion story will lay out a well-thought-out, logical course of events that will perfectly excuse the change in Scorpion’s character arc or what will be the final deal between Lin Kuei, Shirai Ryu and Liu Kang. I’m holding back my final judgment over it as much as I can, but to be honest, I’m a bit worried at the prospect that Kuai Liang can be removed permanently from his Lin Kuei’s Legacy.
In regard to: “They blindly followed Bi-Han to commit crimes in a cowardly ambush and most don't regret what they did after all if the dialogues are any indication. They're as bad as the old timeline Lin Kuei.” The same as withholding my judgment over the attack during Kuai Liang’s wedding, I have nothing to say at this moment about your statement. I did not read leaks and so far people threw spoilers at me that I have no will to research for confirmation, because again, I would like to experience the story mode as it is in the final form. Maybe the leaks provided enough data, but at this moment I personally did not read anything from Lin Kuei’s perspective that didn’t come from Bi-Han, Tomas or Kuai Liang. Still, I doubt MK1 Lin Kuei are even close to being as bad as the original clan. From what I know so far, Sub-Zero does not sell their skills for the best bidding the way assassin Lin Kuei did, so there is a reason to assume MK1 Bi-Han does not exploit its people the way original Sub-Zero brothers were. 
Though I think we could also argue that what people call “blindly following Sub-Zero” is less about enjoying the criminal activity on their part and more about fulfilling their duty, as Lin Kuei pledged to obey their leader. Which raises an interesting question, if personal morality should stand above one’s duty the way Kuai Liang and Tomas rejected Bi-Han, or it is the other way. I assume the answer will vary from one person and culture to another but the game most likely won’t explore this sadly.
Once the story is out, I’m more than happy to come back to discussion about Lin Kuei’s morality if anyone will be still interested 🙂
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insolitus-academy · 5 months
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♚ //  Face Claim Full name Face claim: Ji Chang-wook Group/Band/Occupation: Actor and singer Nationality: Korean Faceclaim age: 36 ♚ // Character ;  Basic information Quote: My idea of "help from above" is a sniper on the roof. Full name character: Jaewon Kim Nickname: Jason Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Korean peninsula Age: circa 135 Date of Birth: winter of (most likely) 1888 Gender: Male Preferred Pronouns: He/himRace: Gargoyle (hunter) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Native speaker ♚ // Character ; Appearance Skin Color:  light brown to light grey Eye color: Dark brown Scars: None Piercings: None Tattoos: None Hair color: Black Abnormalities: Jason weighs around 650 kilograms Horns/ wings/ etc.: Wings (and horns in gargoyle shape) Transformed form: n/a ♚ // Character ; Personality Six personality traits: Stoic, stubborn, well-organized, tidy, aloof, sharp-minded. Likes: The smell of winter season, nature documentaries, working out, riding his motorbike, playing chess Dislikes: bodies of water, extremely hot temperatures, demons, the smell of seafood, loud early morning noises Manias: None Phobias: Water Animal: Raven Religion: Relatively, yes (Protestant) Favorite song: American Pie - Don McLean Vice: Pride Virtue: Diligence Personality description: Raised as a protector and a warrior, Jaewon possesses a stoic - some might argue unshakeable - character. Though he can generally be described as a chronic introvert, he doesn't mind spending time with people he feels he can trust, though trust is a relative term and more often than not, it takes time to build; once lost, it's also very difficult to regain. He is a martial art enthusiast and can often be seen either in his studio, a gym or somewhere quiet or in a natural surrounding, having replaced interaction with other creatures with meditation, exercise and well-being practices. He is a gentleman above all else, though stubborn as a mule so getting him to do anything he doesn't feel like doing at a specific point in time can be quite a challenge.
♚ // Character ; Powers Magical Powers: Gargoyle glare - the possibility of turning someone into stone for set periods of time; Flight - Jason has wings in his gargoyle form, though he isn't all too fond of flying, unless it's a means to escape Rock hard skin - his skin is nearly impenetrable, but also very cold to touch and dry.Non-magical Powers: Hand-to-hand combat, aikido, hapkido, increased physical strength and durability.Weaknesses: Jason would die if his stone form was broken and a piece of him wasn't retrieved; he doesn't go anywhere near bodies of water because if he fell in, he wouldn't be able to swim back up which would effectively imprison him forever; though he is very strong and durable, his weight makes it impossible to run very fast, therefore he has to rely on other techniques and methods when hunting. ♚ // Character ; The Villager Job/Occupation: Hapkido master at the Kyung Ri Training School Lives in: Vighulir Lives in: Dultirm Plaza Nr. 210 ♚ // Character ; The Past Date of Birth: winter season of 1888 Date of Death: n/a Crime Record: Jason would've had a pretty rich criminal record...if he were terrible at his job. Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past? No Background: The first Protestant Church on the Korean peninsula, Sorae Church, was built in the spring of 1883. That is, at least, what the history books and their diligent scribes have recorded. However, in the darkest, seldom visited corners of the National Library of Korea, in Seoul, in between manuscripts of nearly forgotten authors, poets and poetesses, lies a single, hand-written letter, signed by one Kwon Dohyuk. In this letter, addressed to an unknown receiver, Kwon Dohyuk describes a smaller establishment - an unimposing Protestant Church, of an unknown name and location, supposedly hidden somewhere deep within the peninsula's forests. This church, which the author of the letter claims was erected just months before Sorae, hid more than just one secret. An excerpt from the letter reads: [...] I have seen, with my very own eyes, the guardian they have named Kim Jaewon - Kim after the monk who has been so kind to receive me, and Jaewon after his supposed creator. Though I have barely spoken with this young man, I could see - even as I admired him from afar - that his intentions and faith were pure, though I do not know for how long he can remain where he is now. When asked about the boy's family and the reason behind his unyielding dedication to the Church and its servants, the monk has given nothing but vague, meaningless answers. I fear that I must leave this place soon without concrete answers. The Church - and the "magic wielder" - who had created Kim Jaewon, one of the (at the time) few gargoyles in the region, continued to maintain Jaewon's existence a secret. So much so that, by the time the church was destroyed and faded into oblivion, there was not a single soul left that could attest neither to the work Jaewon had done, nor to his very existence. Jaewon, a fairly devout Christian, served his purpose for decades. Protecting the church and its believers, he extended his service to all followers of the faith across the peninsula, defending the poor and the meek from the evils of the world. A paid hunter and relentless fighter, he not once questioned the purpose that he had been given. That is - until the 50s and the Korean War. By then, Jaewon had already put the church he served behind him, and a new purpose had presented itself before him: that to the State. For three years, while diligently maintaining the secret of his creation, Jaewon fought side-by-side with his human (and non-human) comrades, but by the time the war ended and the country-to-be was ravaged by corruption and poverty, he was disillusioned. By the mid '60s, he left Korea and travelled all the way to London where he assumed a slightly different name, but a brand-new identity. He would become Jason Kim, a man of unusual strength and remarkable intelligence, a shadow that followed evil and extinguished it - often before it even had the chance to take in its first breaths of life. By the turn of the century, Jason Kim was a well-known name among the world's largest intelligence agencies - though only by name and obscure pictures. A for-hire hunter with a dizzying fee, he was hired by a handful of them, though others kept him at a safe distance, unable to accept that they were, indeed, holding decades worth of data about a single individual, active since the war. Concerned with the matters of his privacy, Jaewon collected his belongings and funds and thus decided to take a significant leap of faith. Having heard, from a fairy acquaintance, about a certain place name Vighulir and its nearby Insolitus Academy, he was quick to pack up and start a new life. Something new, something he hoped would be quiet, though, Jaewon knows that when you're as good as he has been at his job - there's always that one bull's eye on his back and a solid list of those he's rubbed the wrong way. ♚ // Roleplayer [ optional ] Time zone: GMT+2 OOC! Triggers: None Themes/genres you like writing the most?: Fantasy, mystery, action, slice of life, horror.
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soldouthaz · 4 years
hi!! what are some good larry fics you’ve been reading lately? every fic you recommend is always super good :’) i have not preference.
hi!! thank you for asking :) 
again - there’s so many more amazing fics that were out these past few months but these were some of the ones i got around to reading and loved recently! i tried to include a bit of everything for you (but i just now realized most of these are abo so if that’s not your thing please let me know!) 
✰ before we knew (E, 39k, b!L) by @risthebrave / falsegoodnight 
Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed into his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
✰ collision (NR, 209k, b!L) by @tequiladimples
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
✰ through lonely streets and neon lights (E, 25k, b!H) by sweetly_disposed
1920's era, Great Gatsby inspired. Harry is a poor boy living in the South Village. Every night he watches the North City come alive and longs of crossing the river to be a part of it and escape his dreary life. The infamous Mr Tomlinson lives across the river from Harry. His parties are the stuff of legend; people on both sides know about them, and all Harry wants is a chance to go to one. When fate swings his way and he finds himself in Mr Tomlinson's house, he gets much more than he could ever have bargained for.
✰ my love’s not simple it’s fragile (E, 27k, b!L) by @risthebrave / falsegoodnight 
Harry's new job is threatened by his impending rut. Desperate for a solution, he allows Niall to introduce him to Louis, an omega whose heat begins the same day. They click.
✰ the space between (E, 40k, b!L) by @lads-laddylads / emma1234
Harry Styles is the alpha rockstar who can’t sleep and doesn’t know why.
Louis Tomlinson is the omega PhD student who helps him figure it out.
✰ canyon moon (E, 40k, b!L) by @eeveelou
For as long as Louis has remembered, he has been promised to be mated to Harry, his best friend and the future pack alpha. But Louis’s heart belonged to the forest and to the hunt more than he could ever imagine it belonging to Harry.
Then Harry’s father dies in a violent accident, and Louis’s future alpha disappears on the wind.
An A/B/O Lion King AU
✰ whoever, however (E, 9k, b!H) by @brooklyn-babylon
Louis could feel his heart rate pick up as he positioned the camera and Harry slowly stood up. They both knew what came next –– it had been clearly outlined in the advert Harry answered. The studio Louis worked for was filming a new series of camboy videos. Louis’ job was to make it look like amateur porn –– sweaty, sensual, dirty –– but well lit and edited. He was an artist, thank you very much.
Or: Louis has a much better day at work than he’d expected.
✰ everywhere and nowhere (E, 16k, b!L) by @2tiedships2
Niall took a seat and said, "Apparently Louis' downstairs neighbor is a fan of giving Louis creepy gifts. Maybe I should go introduce myself and tell him that Louis actually prefers food."
"What has he given you?" Liam asked.
Louis shrugged as it were no big deal. "There was a rabbit's foot keychain on the door a little after he left from introducing himself and there was a small teddy bear sitting by my door tonight. Obviously I can't prove it's from him, but they seem to have his scent. I could be wrong though."
"Wow," Liam said, looking deep in thought. "That's old school."
"What's old school?" Niall asked. "Giving creepy gifts?"
"I've never known an alpha to do it, to be honest, but he's courting you."
Louis couldn't contain his look of disbelief directed at Liam. "He's courting me. Like some sort of romantic shit they'd do in the 1800s or something?"
✰ we should open up (before it’s all too much) (E, 43k, b!H) by @disgruntledkittenface
Struggling with grieving and depression since his dad died, Harry has never felt so alone. It’s too much to cope with on his own, but he feels like a burden when he tries to open up with people.
Then he meets Louis.
✰ just a bit of work (E, 4k, b!L) by missyoutoosweetcheeks 
In which Marcel is a virgin, and becomes his office's amorous co-worker's next big conquest.
here’s the first 10 i could come up with! please let me know if i tagged anything incorrectly or if you’d like more :) happy reading! 
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djemerald · 5 years
My ‘sweetest’ Favorite 2019
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もはやただのメモ!だけど、今年もやっぱりやっておこう。 ということで、2019年のスウィートな音楽をずらりと。 画像はアルバム・LP・EPのみの分をコレクションしてみました。 去年書いた「過去最高のスピードで世界中の音楽が聴けるようになった」のは、今年も継続中。 ただ、画面の中で自動的にレコメンドされるよりも、周りの友達に「これよかったよ〜」とか、「これ好きそう」とか教えてもらう方が、断然、うれしい。 ジャンルは相変わらずいろいろだけど、ジャズ的な要素が増えた気がする。(dublab.jpの影響か、原雅明さんの影響かしら、どうかしら) あと、今年はアルバム通して聴く機会が多かった、というか、その方がフィットしてた。もともとCDを買っていたときの感覚に戻ったようで、なんだかしみじみしちゃう。 そして、11月あたりからじんわりとミニマルハウス〜テクノに惹かれ中。シンプルがゆえに、好みを見つけるのがむずかしい、でも楽しい。新しい境地。 DJ MIXはほとんど聴かなかったなぁ。音楽の聴き方って、1年の間にこんなにも変わるものなのね。 dublab.jpでラジオ番組をはじめたことも大きいかな。 ありがとう、グッドバイ2019年。 2020年は、審美眼を磨きつつ、軽快に。生身の肌で感じたい。 *アルファベット順です *今年リリース以外のものも多くあります *Vanessa Paradis、Marlene Dietrichは常時アイコンなのではぶきます * - My ‘sweetest’ Favorite 2019 - ▽▼▽ ALBUM / LP / EP ▽▼▽ AFK & Bludwork / Loyalty N Service [100% Silk] Akira Rabelais / CXVI [Boomkat Editions] Alexis Le-Tan & Jess present / Space Oddities [Permanent Vacation] Amazondotcom / Mirror River [SUBREAL] Ambien Baby / En Transito [FATi Records] Ana Roxanne / ~~~ [Leaving Records] Anna Homler ‎/ Deliquium In C [Präsens Editionen] Archie Shepp, Jasper Van't Hof ‎/ Mama Rose [SteepleChase] Bartosz Kruczynski, Poly Chain / Pulses [Into The Light Records] Basil Kirchin / I Start Counting [Trunk Records] Basil Kirchin / Primitive London [Trunk Records] Black Boboi / Agate [BINDIVIDUAL] C.Tappin / Ashes to Ashes [Melting Pot Music] Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny / Beyond The Missouri Sky [Verve Records] Chihei Hatakeyama(畠山地平) / Void XIX [White Paddy Mountain] Chocolate Lips / Chocolate Lips [Sony Music] Derric Gobourne Jr. / Supremacy [P-Vine Records] Deweekend / Deweekend [OutOfStock] Dome / Dome 2 [Editions Mego] Eberhard Weber / Encore [ECM Records] Eleventeen Eston / Delta Horizon [Growing Bin Records] Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou / Ethiopiques, Vol. 21 [Buda Musique] Eric Serra ‎/ Le Grand Bleu (Bande Originale Du Film) [Virgin] G.S. Schray / First Appearance [Last Resort] Giovanni Guidi / Avec Le Temps [ECM Records] h hunt / Playing Piano for Dad [Tasty Morsels] Helena Deland ‎– Altogether Unaccompanied Vol. III [Luminelle Recordings] Holdie Gawn|Micawber ‎/ Gleech Huis|Parsec Telemetry [Sylphe] infinite bisous / Period [Tasty Morsels] Ion Ludwig / A Better Future To Long [Metereze] J!N /pink stm & wite ptl [Hizz] JAB / Erg Herbe [Shelter Press] Jacqueline Humbert & David Rosenboom / Daytime Viewing [Unseen Worlds] Jai Paul / Do You Love Her Now|He [XL Recordings] jan and naomi / Fracture [cutting edge] Jan Jelinek / Loop-Finding-Jazz-Records [~scape] Jeff Majors / Yoka Boka (For Us All) [Invisible City Editions] Joao Gilberto / Amoroso [Warner Bros. Records] Joe Tossini and Friends / Lady of Mine [Joe Tossini Music] Joseph Shabason / Anne, EP [Western Vinyl] Juan Hidalgo / Rrose Sélavy [Discos Transgénero] Kali Malone / The Sacrificial Code [iDEAL Recordings] Khotin / Beautiful You [Ghostly International] Kit Sebastian / Mantra Moderne [Mr Bongo] Leech / Data Horde [Peak Oil] Leonardo Marques / Early Bird [180g x Disk Union] Leonore Boulanger / Practice Chanter [Le Saule] Les Yeux Orange / Ghost Dog [Good Plus] Lifted / 2 [PAN] Liv.e / ::hoopdreams:: [Not On Label] Lloyd Miller / A Lifetime In Oriental Jazz [Jazzman] Loren Connors / Evangeline [Recital] Loving / Lately In Another Time [Last Gang Records] Lucas Arruda / Onda Nova [Favorite Recordings] Lunz / Lunz 3 [Curious Music] Mary Lattimore / Hundreds Of Days [Ghostly International] Mega Bog / Dolphine [Paradise Of Bachelors] Meitei(冥丁) / Komachi [Métron Records] melodiesinfonie / A Journey to You [JAKARTA] Molinaro / What The Future Was [Apron Records] Nadia Reid / Preservation [Basin Rock] Neu Balance / In My Life, I've Loved Them All [Budget Cuts] Nia Andrews / No Place Is Safe [rings] Nico Rico / Primitive Thinking EP [Not On Label] Nina Keith / MARANASATI 19111 [Grind Select] Nitai Hershkovits / Lemon the Moon [AGATE / Inpartmaint] Normal Brain / Lady Maid [Vanity Records] Olsen / Dream Operator [100%Silk] Operating Theatre / Miss Mauger [Allchival] Pejzaż / Pejzaż Remiksy [The Very Polish Cut-Outs] Powder / Powder In Space [Beats In Space Records] Priori & RAMZi / Jumanjí [FATi Records] Profit Prison ‎/ Six Strange Passions [Avant!] RAMZi / Multiquest Niveau 1: Camouflé [FATi Records] Regularfantasy /Sunsets & Sublets [Total Stasis] Repetentes 2008 / Galaxia Fini [Superconscious Records] Repetentes 2008 / Gelo Gerônimo [Gop Tun] RIP Swirl / 9TEEN90 [Public Possession] Robert Minden Ensemble / Long Journey Home [Otter Bay Recordings] Robert Minden Ensemble / The Boy Who Wanted To Talk To Whales [Otter Bay Recordings] Robert Minden Ensemble / Whisper in My Ear [Otter Bay Recordings] Robert Wyatt / Shleep [Domino] Rupert Clervaux / After Masterpieces [Whities] Santilli / Surface [Into The Light Records] Sarah Davachi / Pale Bloom [W.25th] Sebastian Gandera / Le Raccourci [Efficient Space] Simone De Kunovich / Mondo Nuovo Vol. 1 [Superconscious Records] Sipprell / I Could Be Loved [Sipprell] Sonia Sanchez / Full Moon Of Sonia [VIA International Artists] Sonny Sharrock / Black Woman [Vortex Records] Soundwalk Collective / What We Leave Behind | Jean-Luc Godard Archives [mAtter] Sparrows / Berries [flau] St. Joseph / Player Nr. 1 EP [Dokutoku Records] Stephen Steinbrink ‎/ Utopia Teased [Western Vinyl/Melodic Records] Takayuki Shiraishi / Missing Link [Studio Mule] Tamaryn / Dreaming The Dark [Dero Arcade] Teebs / Anicca [Brainfeeder] Teiji Ito / Music For Maya [Tzadik] The Caretaker / An empty bliss beyond this World [History Always Favours The Winners] Tim Hecker / Anoyo [Kranky] Tujiko Noriko / Kuro(OST) [PAN] Unknown Mobile / Daucile Moon [Pacific Rhythm] Vanishing Twin / The Age of Immunology [Fire Records] Various ‎/ I Am The Center (Private Issue New Age Music In America, 1950-1990) [Light In The Attic] Various / Visible & Invisible Persons Distributed In Space [Numero Group] Various / Wys! V&a Ep [WYS! Recordings] Various / زمان يا سكر = Zamaan Ya Sukkar - Exotic Love Songs And Instrumentals From The Egyptian 60’s [Radio Martiko] Various Artists / 4 Down [Deek Recordings] Various Artists / Turkish Hamam House Disco [Arsivplak] Viola Klein / A Passport And A Visa Stamped By The Holy Ghost [Meakusma] Violet / Togetherness [Togetherness] Voices In Latin / Voices In Latin [Morgan] Wilson Tanner / II [Efficient Space] Yasuaki Shimizu / Music For Commercials [Crammed Discs] Yohuna / Mirroring [fear of missing out records] Yoshiharu Takeda / Aspiration [METANESOS Records] Yoshinori Hayashi / γ [Smalltown Supersound] Zenit / Straight Ahead [P-Vine Records] 元ちとせ / 元唄 幽玄 ~元ちとせ 奄美シマ唄REMIX~ (Remixes) [Au(g)tunes] 孔雀眼 JADE EYES / 渴望 [香港商黑市音樂股份有限公司台灣分公司] ∞σ / DG Hadi [Hizz] ⣎⡇ꉺლ༽இ•̛)ྀ◞ ༎ຶ ༽ৣৢ؞ৢ؞ؖ ꉺლ / ⣎⡇ꉺლ༽இ•̛)ྀ◞ ༎ຶ ༽ৣৢ؞ৢ؞ؖ ꉺლのʅ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡(ƟӨ)ʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ ꐑ(ཀ ඊູ ఠీੂ೧ູ࿃ूੂ✧ළඕั࿃ूੂ࿃ूੂੂ࿃ूੂළඕั✧ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ɵੂ≢࿃ूੂ೧ູఠీੂ ඊູཀ ꐑ(ʅ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡(ƟӨ)ʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ [༈೧ູ≢)ꐑʅ(Ɵↂↂ. l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡͡.̸̸̨̨ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູ࿃ूੂ༽(ଳծູ l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡͡ ɵੂ≢)_̴ı ̡͌ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ꐑ*:・✧(ཽ๑ඕัළඕั)ꐑʅ(Ɵↂ๑)✧*:・ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡͡.̸̸̨̨ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູʅ(ƟӨ)ʃ ꐑ(ཀ ඊູ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູ࿃ूੂ༽(ଳծູɵੂ≢ↂ. l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡.]
▽▼▽ SONG ▽▼▽ Akis / New Age Rising (Part VIII) [Into The Light Records] Anatolian Weapons / Ofiodaimon (Tolouse Low Trax vs Anatolian Weapons Remix) [Beats In Space Records] Anna Karina / Pierrot Le Fou-Jamais Je Ne T'Ai Dit Que Je T'Aimerai Toujours (いつまでも愛するとは言わなかった) [Barclay] Baba Stiltz / Showtime [XL Recordings] Bartosz Kruczyński / Pastoral Sequences [Growing Bin Records] Beatrice Dillon / Workaround Two [PAN] Bee Gees / How Deep Is Your Love [RSO] Bell Biv DeVoe ‎/ Poison [MCA Records] Betonkust, Palmbomen II / Rejected Demo Tape [Dekmantel] Blue Gas / Shadows From Nowhere [Archeo / Best Record] Bobby Hutcherson / Tranquillity [Blue Note] Bohren & und Club of Gore - Karin [[PIAS] Recordings] Cécile McLorin Salvant / One Step Ahead [Mack Avenue Records] Cigarettes After Sex / Heavenly [Partisan Records] Cleaners From Venus / Corridor of Dreams [Man At The Off Licence] De Beren Gieren / Broensgebuzze 8.2 [Sdban Ultra] Dolphins Into The Future & Lieven Marten Moana / Lava (Long Version) [Edições Cn] DOS / Need U [Nerang Recordings] Dove, Le Makeup / Angel Diaries [Pure Voyage] Duval Timothy / DYE [NTS Radio] Eliza Dickson, Braxton Cook, Lauren Desberg / Gold [Tokyo Dawn Records] Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch / End Scene [130701 (FatCat Records)] Empress Of / When I’m With Him (Perfume Genius Cover) [Terrible Records] Fafá de Belém / Aconteceu Você [Som Livre] Gary Burton / Las Vegas Tango [Atlantic] Hanne Mjøen / Sounds Good To Me [Spinnin' Deep] Haruomi Hosono (細野晴臣) / 薔薇と野獣(New ver.) [Speedstar] Jay Som / Superbike [Lucky Number] John Cameron / Half-Forgotten Daydreams [KPM Music] John McLaughlin, Mahavishnu Orchestra / You Know, You Know [Columbia] Joni Mitchell / Shine [Hear Music] Karen Gwyer / Ian on Fire [Don't Be Afraid] Kelsey Lu / I’m Not In Love [Columbia] Klein Zage / Womanhood (DJ Python Remix) [Orphan Records] Kllo - Back To You [PLANCHA] Laurie Anderson, Tenzin Choegyal, Jesse Paris Smith / Lotus Born, No Need to Fear [Smithsonian Folkways] Laurie Spiegel / The Unquestioned Answer [Unseen Worlds] Leon Vynehall / I, Cavallo [Ninja Tune] Lucrecia Dalt / Tar (Jan Jelinek Remix) [Rvng Intl.] mabanua / Call on Me feat. Chara (Knxwledge Remix) [Lawson Entertainment] Madeline Kenney / Nick of Time [Not On Label] Marc Johnson, Eliane Elias / Swept Away [ECM Records] Marcella Bella / Nell'aria [CBS] Mary Lou Williams / It Ain’t Necessarily So [Jazzman] Matthew Halsall, The Gondwana Orchestra, Josephine Oniyama / Into Forever (feat. Josephine Oniyama) [Gondwana Records] Mehmet Aslan / Beat Two Chase [Highlife] Mehmet Aslan / Lobster Is Coincidence [Planisphere Music] Men I Trust / I Hope to Be Around [Men i Trust] Michael Andrews / I’m Not Following You [Everloving] millennium parade / Plankton [PERIMETRON] Murlo / Ferment (Yamaneko’s Flashback) [Coil Records] Noname / Self [Not On Label] Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan / Mustt Mustt (Massive Attack Remix) [‎Real World Records] O Terno / volta e meia [Risco] Octo Octa / I Need You [Technicolour] Ralph Tresvant / Sensitivity [MCA Records] Ratna Das / Rajuan Bulan [Rice Records] Roberto Musci / The Advent of Rose + Croix [Les Disques Victo] Ronald Langestraat / Lowdown [South of North] Salami Rose Joe Louis / Nostalgic Montage [Brainfeeder] Simon Hinter / Makros [Purveyor Underground] SKRS / Dub Shoulda Known [Ancient Monarchy] Smoke Trees / Man in the Moon [Urban Waves Records] Steve Hauschildt ‎/ Strands [Kranky] Tash Sultana / Salvation [Mom + Pop] Tei Shi / Even If It Hurts (feat. Blood Orange) [Downtown] The Golden Filter / Autonomy [4GN3S] Tyme./Tatsuya Yamada / Catch A Fire [astrollage] Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Hanoi 6 [Jagjaguwar] Will Saul / Room 9 [Aus Music] WONK / Sweeter, More Bitter [EPISTROPH] Yo La Tengo / Eight Candles [Verve Forecast] ギターウルフ / バッテラ惑星 [GuitarWolf Records] ちあきなおみ / 泣かせるぜ [TEICHIKU ENTERTAINMENT] んoon / Gum [Flake Sounds] 近田春夫 / 超冗談だから [Victor Entertainment] 佐藤千亜妃 / Lovin' You [EMI Records] 小沢健二 / 彗星 [Universal Music] 大貫妙子 / タンタンの冒険 [Dear Heart] 中原理恵 / ヒーローはあなた [CBS/Sony] 優河 / June [P-Vine Records] (Sandy) Alex G / So [Lucky Number] ▽▼▽ DJ / LIVE ▽▼▽ Sapphire Slows at SUPER DOMMUNE [28 Nov] Nia Andrews at Blue Note Tokyo [31 Oct] Julianna Barwick / Mary Lattimore / DJ Shhhhh at Shibuya WWW [1 Jul] Meakusma X dublab.jp at Shimokitazawa Cage LỒNG VÀ QUÁN [28 Apr] 東京楽所第12回定期公演「奉祝の雅楽」 at サントリーホール[2 Feb] 12月25日のdublab.jpの番組《In Every Second Dream》内で、一部楽曲をON AIRしたのでそちらも是非◎ アーカイヴはこちらから↓
愛を込めてxxx DJ Emerald
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wondercookieunicorn · 5 years
Haha that's alright! Take your time and there's no rush ^^ I hope you're having fun with your mom! N I'll prolly wont be back online until later tonight bc work. And the pink is no problem for me! I think it's cute ^^ and the message STILL hasnt come through?!? I guess i'll have to try again tonight 🙄 and you're really such a soft person im so lucky that i was assigned to you ^^ n i'd like it if you did the mission but ofc you dont have to! - 🌱💚
1/? whoooo!!! and awwwe :( well, even if you didnt get to spend it with your friend, i hope you had a good day! And yes, Muriel seems like such a sweetheart, but i havent seen him much yet so i cant say for certain what i think of him. But yes, i dO want to be taller! It was was my one goal in life to be tall since the doctor said i could grow to be 179cm! but i got stuck! i didnt even reach the 170cm TT it's really frustrating bc people here are tall and im not :
2/? sjnsd i try to be kind^^ the world's full of shitty people as it is. and okey! I'll keep that in mind~ ofc you can always rant or vent to me too about anything ^^ and ugh, yes it should. SHDBCASJDJ am i really that cute when i talk about doie??? and if you called that cute then boi do i have another thing comin for ya XD that was nothing compared to how i can be when it concerns idols (doie specifically) but pls dont crack yuta's nr i dont want you to be jailed for privacy invasion - 🌱💚             
3/4 and i know you are still joking dw! idk why i even said that i think it was an oppertunity too good to pass by XD and yes, johnny's hair really was tragic. i'm all here for long hair on guys but that was just a little too much even for me (yuta's red mullet nowadays though ohohoho i am living my best life bc of it) and ye, we're here now! that's what matters^^ n i can see why t7s didnt work out XD it's,,, sth that has to grow on you, i think. - 🌱💚       
4/4 Ye they're new movies. Missing Link is not a scary movie though! It was really cute and funny and revolved around the found family trope (god, i love that trope soooo much) and the studio that made Missing Link (Laika studios) has made some other really great stop motion films. My favourite genre would be drama ig? I live for drama in stories! And i also like comedic elements and superhero/monster stuff (tho not horror i hate horror!) and my fave movie is Hunt For The Wilderpeople^^ - 🌱💚       
I´m glad that you´re feeling that way sksks my soul is pleased ~
Day was llooong, I just arrived at home. I´ve successfully harvested about like 12 buckets full of small yellow plums and there still ain´t no storm I- anyway. Hope your day went well so far as well and that you´ll get sum nice “After work” rest!!  ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
I rlly wanna try the mission, tho I´m kinda tired rn so might be doing it tmr. Also chances are high that I´ll go to sleep rather soon, so just in case we won´t get to talk today; just wanna let you know that I´ll be at a friends houseparty that I rlly wanna ditch tmr evening and I´ll be sleeping there and saturday I´ll probably be home around 4PM or sumthn.. so like- Just wanted to let you know idk, since we´re on anon and all and not DMs. Okay anyway xD
Ya huney, I can crack into Yuta´s contacts without anyone knowing becuz he´ll prolly accidentaly reveal doyoungs number himself lolol Anyway, what are your like, idk let´s say 5 top Idols? Incase you stan more then NCT? I´m excited to see more cuteness directed to Doyoung I cant get myself to write dl,,,oe,,e,,,,
Who doesn´t live their best life, with Yuta walkin around like that?? Sir gotta cAlm down!!!
Aww I don´t know your fav movie. Might gonna watch it on sunday, who knows; then we can tallk about it ;3 ❦ 
My fav movie aside from the old disney beauty and the beast would probably be identity? I´m all for Thrillers. And I hate horror too!! Like especially when it´s like supernatural horror yet here I am, loving Supernatural lol becuz it just isn´t explainable and if there ain´t logic to it then it´s not my thing sksks. I do mostly shit my pants at Thrillers too but if the Thrillers are good, Then. They.  Are. Just. Way. Too. Interesting. Gotta. Watch!!!!
But yeah, I still don´t know the situation between your pets AND whether or not you commented on my cursing thing :´))))
Anyway, imma see where this evening brings me to. In any case I´ll wish you a good night ~ ❦ 
Love you ❦
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funkfelicity · 7 years
Scavangas Ft. Blacc El (Radio Edit) by Temu Music Scavangas, from Temu’s upcoming album “Relic of the Mothership”, tells the story of a survival through a hostile unknown world, furthermore, Scavangas reflects on his personal life yet universal struggles as an artist looking to fulfill one’s destiny; all spun into a fantastical voyage. Composed and Produced by: Temu Written and Performed by Temu and Blacc El Additional Bass by: Mogens Palsbøll Addition Keys by: Daniel Fridell Recorded by Temu at TemuMusic Studios, Seth Hjorth at TSA Studios (Denmark) & Eric Bradley at SAE Institue (NYC) Mixed By Temu Verse 1 Monopoly, politics, alternate realities, divided to conquer the best of you and me, no! well Im on the defense, trekking thru the void of shattered memories dissipated history while the vultures are circling man I’m telling ya Chorus Its a treasure hunt, every man for himself now, watch out for the scavengers, scavengers, there gonna find ya, take a piece of everything you got, watch out for the scavengers, scavengers, Verse 2 Humor me, what's it you make of your success? a sense of accomplishment? or do you feel, rather important and relevant, I cant imagine any of that is really true, but as my body is slowly decaying, hyperventilating, you stand there waiting, well go ahead, quench your thirst, get your fix, cause ill be back and up and running in no time, on some other tip, try me mothaf*#$%! i got it locked from heavy artillery, garlic remedies, necromancing abilities, interstellar technology, black magic and sorcery im ready Chorus (repeat) They hear the purpose in his word/ Wordsmith when im working this/ On the other side/ The grass gets greener and the serpents tend to surface then/ Get to servicing/ How the earth a spin/ Turbulence be the current event/ My world analysis - Precise/ Blood splatter analyst/ Beat serial killer no copycatting the catalyst/ Try to capture El/ Pitch black out these cameras Panorama view/ Figure out how these scavengers hunt/ My caliber/ Nr. 1 second to none/ Prayers ain’t saving traitors in the name of the father and son I/ Splash em’ with holly water/ The hold no honor and know no moral for that alone I show you no tomorrow/ I am/ Ichiban Origininja shinobi style/ '99 define him as a poet/ Live by a creed a code keep my enemies closer/ Keeping my composure amongst/ Villanous vultures cuz you know its a treasure hunt/ Chorus (repeat)
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metalshockfinland · 4 years
Michael Imperioli and CRO-MAGS Frontman Harley Flanagan Film “Between Wars” pivots to Vimeo release amidst Global Pandemic.
BETWEEN WARS – Shot in nine days with one camera – A team that worked 15-hour days and nights during a heatwave in Philadelphia and the Bronx- No permits- No insurance- Barely any money to get food for cast and crew. Raw, independent film-making to the core.
“Working with Tom is exactly what independent film-making should be. Hit the ground running, roaming the streets, stealing shots, running, and gunning. It’s as far away from Hollywood as you can get and that’s the way we like it. All passion, inspiration, and fearlessness. Tom is as indomitable and tenacious as they come and that’s what it takes to make a truly independent movie… without a studio, on a shoestring budget, and defying the odds. This one is all heart and a fuck-of-a lot of soul.” –Michael Imperioli (GOODFELLAS; The Sopranos, LINCOLN RHYME: HUNT FOR THE BONE COLLECTOR)
At the height of The Sopranos’ fame, Michael Imperioli read Tom Phillips’ original script, BETWEEN WARS, during a screenwriting workshop at his STUDIO DANTE in NYC. He immediately agreed to come on board.
The screenplay, although optioned by Hollywood, sat on a shelf for nearly 2 years. At the same time, BETWEEN WARS co-writer and friend, Joe Panebianco, was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gherig’s disease), which he continues to fight to this day. This heartbreaking situation fueled Phillips’ resolve to take the project into his own hands and shoot the film himself.
Inspired by Ed Burns, Guy Ritchie, early Scorsese, Abel Ferrara and Tarantino, true independent filmmaking had always been Phillips’ original vision for BETWEEN WARS, and Panebianco’s illness was the wake-up call he needed to make it happen. Production began in 2019.
Artists, raw actors, veteran actors, musicians, rappers, IG personalities, ex-cons, and the NYC and Philadelphia arts communities all banded together to shoot BETWEEN WARS in extreme conditions with no time and no budget.
“As an artist, I knew breaking rules was imperative for this story,” recounts Phillips. “In fact, the more rules the artists involved wanted to break – the more dynamic the story became. Anyone who came to work on this project learned very quickly that this was a different flow and the players were creating something different. Allowing the actors on set to explore their ideas and use it in a way that would vibrate through the screen into the soul of the audience was the intention.”
The film takes a unique approach in camera technique, led by Emmy-Award winner Director of Photography Alastair Christopher, giving the audience the feeling that they are walking in the characters’ shoes…blurring the line between real life and the fictional lives on-screen. “I want the audience inside the story with our characters: living it, breathing it, feeling it on a level that moves them to rethink their own conditions in life,” says Phillips, who fell in love with the videography in ESPN’s 30 FOR 30 Felipe Lopez Story, found out who shot it and reached out to “Gee Lock” who immediately jumped on board.
Since the beginning, Michael Imperioli stayed loyal to his commitment to the script and plays “Sarge,” Marine-turned PTSD psychologist. Lead, ShaunPaul Costello (“Franny Malloy”) fell in love with the story. He had a Red Weapon camera and tenacity to do it completely independently. “We cast as close to the characters as we could. We wanted real dialogue… people playing themselves or characters they knew well, so they were able to improv and own their roles completely,” says Phillips.
Next on board, Punk Rock/Hard Core music legend Harley Flanagan. Having worked with him and wife Laura Flanagan on other projects, Phillips knew he was “McManus.” “He owned it right from the start,” says Phillips. Harley also came on as music supervisor, with his band Cro-Mags contributing three tracks off their forthcoming 2020 album to be released by Mission Two Entertainment and Arising Empire.
Sean Michael Nugent (“Eddie”) was a friend of a friend. Turns out Phillips’ and Nugent’s fathers both owned neighborhood bars in the Bronx and Yonkers. Sean played Whitey Bulger in the King Pin Series on the History Channel, “so we knew he was Eddie,” says Phillips. “He was once that guy and knew exactly who the character was.”
Dom Chianese Jr. and Phillips met through Instagram and instantly hit it off. The role of “Carlo” was a perfect fit and he had worked with Imperioli on The Sopranos. What could be better?
“Crazy Jimmy”- James Huddleston- was on board from the beginning. Phillips wrote the role specifically for him.
BETWEEN WARS puts an emphasis on very real human conditions, isolated individuals under agonizing circumstances and themes that dive into the fire of powerful societal issues. “You will feel the pain, the torment, the love, insanity, and loneliness in all of our characters. We want the audience to really question that what they are experiencing; is it truly a movie or real life? Crossing the boundaries of reality and fiction is without a doubt a deliberate intention.”
2020 Global Pandemic:
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We have clinical and non-clinical leaders who mentor, guide, and recalibrate the compass of life for our members. We fight together and thrive together. We are family.
BETWEEN WARS Genre: Drama Running Time: 1 Hour and 41 Minutes Rating: NR Language: English Director: Tom Phillips Written by: Tom Phillips and Joe Panebianco Produced by: Tom Phillips Director of Photography: Alastair Christopher Film Editor: Alastair Christopher Music Supervisors: Harley Flanagan and Rain 910 Executive Producers: Marino Ricart Producers: Sean Michael Nugent, Alastair Christopher, Julie Stackhouse, and Shaun Costello
Michael Imperioli, CRO-MAGS Frontman Harley Flanagan Film “Between Wars” Pivots To Vimeo Release Amidst Global Pandemic Michael Imperioli and CRO-MAGS Frontman Harley Flanagan Film “Between Wars” pivots to Vimeo release amidst Global Pandemic.
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A call to arms for the UK fighting game community • Eurogamer.net
Deputy Editor's note: A year ago I reported on Hypespotting 5, one of the UK's biggest fighting game tournaments, after it suffered a raft of technical issues and disappointed some fans. After we ran the article I was contacted by a number of people embedded within the UK fighting game community who defended the scene and called for a deeper look. I thought now, with Hypespotting 6 taking place, it was a great time to do just that and investigate the state of the UK fighting game community.
Below is a feature from Ryan Esler, a freelance writer who has been a part of the UK fighting game community since the release of Street Fighter 4 in 2009. He has competed in Scottish tournaments in both Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Tekken and founded the Tekken group W3D. Photos courtesy of Stephanie Lindgren.
Easter. For some, it's a religious experience. For others, it's a chance to bargain hunt. But for the UK fighting game community, it might just be the most important time of the year.
Once a year, and for five of the past six years, several hundred fighting game players embark on a pilgrimage to Glasgow to compete at Hypespotting, the crowning achievement for the Scottish fighting game community. And being there is a site to behold.
The atmosphere is electric and as the weekend runs on, tensions run high. I see familiar faces, those who attend every year, and a few professional players. Stoic in their appearance, the likes of Ryan Hart, Olivier "Louffy" Hay and many more look on with intent. They analyse every fight, note every move. Behind them sits the more casual players, those who didn't make it out of pools and those who narrowly missed out on a top eight finish. They support the surviving players who push on towards first place. Cheers ring out as Ireland's Chris "Coblecog" McEntee narrowly clutches out round after round with his impressive Cammy. This is why over 400 players travelled across the country and Europe - for moments like this.
:: Resident Evil 7 Not a Hero walkthrough
Cobelcog moves on.
To understand why this sense of community is so important to the UK fighting game scene, you need to look at where it's at. Many, if not most, of the players can be found in one of the UK's many fighting game Facebook groups, groups that, unfortunately, thrive on negativity.
And Street Fighter 5 is a game that fuels division. It has been embroiled in controversy since it came out in early 2016, with its disastrous launch hampering sales and dominating the online discourse. Since then, Capcom has worked to improve matters, but for many the damage has already been done. Divisive balance patches, a lack of communication from Capcom and delayed DLC characters have done little to turn the debate around. Is Street Fighter 5, then, dead?
These Facebook groups are often the place where the first interaction with the UK FGC occurs, and to put it lightly, it often isn't an affirming one. Esmond "MBA Ez" Fong, co-founder of Northwest UK fighting gaming community MBA Gaming, is no stranger to this kind of negativity. "They feel the need to vent on social media and demand change," he says. It's true, time and time again we see players complain about balance and match-ups, but often with no real discussion. Slowly, these groups descend into anarchy as more players weigh in.
Complaining on social media has become part of the norm when it comes to Street Fighter 5, but it isn't the first game in the series to face such judgement. Justin Xavier, the tournament organizer of VS Fighting, reckons it's "normal for part of the older player base to dislike a new game", which is something Matthew Edwards, community manager at Capcom UK, describes as "unavoidable". Yet, in spite of all the complaints and online furor, over 160 people entered the Street Fighter 5 tournament at Hypespotting. This is nearly 100 down on what Street Fighter 5 pulled in in 2016 (the year the game came out), but it's clear Street Fighter 5 is far from dead.
Just like every other fighting game, Street Fighter 5 has a dedicated fanbase and thanks to events like the Capcom Pro Tour, it's not going anywhere. According to Edwards, Capcom wants to "give Street Fighter players from all over the world a chance to compete and meet their heroes". Players did indeed get the chance to meet their heroes at Hypespotting. Some of these competitors were even lucky enough to beat their heroes in Top 32 - in front of a massive audience.
Street Fighter 5 wasn't the only game to draw big numbers. Tekken 7 filled its available entrant positions and kicked off the Tekken 7 UK Championship with a bang, and it's clear publisher Bandai Namco wants to stay on the right side of the community. Edwin "Mr E" Chuah, Bandai Namco Games UK community chief, says the UK Championship was a response to the community "voicing their demand for more events in the UK prior to the game's release". The lack of events in the UK for Tekken 7 has been a concern for many competitive players as the game has been playable in Asia for two years, and there have been many North American tournaments throughout its development.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, of course. Thankfully, Namco showed its commitment to the Tekken scene during the tournament itself. During Hypespotting there were a few minor delays that would have resulted in top Tekken players missing their flights home. But Namco stepped in, offering to pay for new flights for these players to ensure they were at their best and free from the worry of potentially missing a flight.
One of these players, Kane "KaneandTrench" Hartfield, went on to win the tournament and retain his crown as the current UK champion for Tekken 7 while solidifying his position at the Grand Finals of the Tekken 7 UK Championship at MCM Comicon London later in May. But is Tekken 7 on the rise in the UK?
One of the issues facing the Tekken community in the UK is that it is disparate. Many Tekken players remain active within their own smaller online communities, such as The Snake Pit and one of the FGC's last remaining forums, Tekken Zaibatsu. But there is hope. "The UK Tekken community that exists now can work together to shape Tekken 7 into one of the biggest fighting game titles out there," Hartfield says, and I agree. If it can pull more players in from the disenfranchised community that exists online, Tekken 7 could become something great.
Tekken 7 isn't the only game struggling to gain recognition. Nintendo's Smash Bros. scene is another community that has established itself outside the general populace of the UK FGC. The scene has split off from the main scene so much that Melee was removed from this year's Hypespotting line-up, and Smash Wii U saw a smaller number of entrants than the previous year.
To understand this cataclysmic shift in attendance, you need to understand the Smash community as a whole. The fighting game community has for years looked down its nose at the Smash community, and every so often the debate around whether Smash is a "real fighting game" crops up in groups and forums.
Alan "Afro Smash" Gardner, a top three UK Smash player, sees an insular side to the community he calls home. "Taking care of yourself probably became ingrained in the mindset of the Smash community," he admits. It's a worrisome quote for a scene on the brink. At Hypespotting 5, over 120 entered the Smash tournament. Hypespotting 6 struggled to reach 50.
"Nintendo has very limited to no involvement in the Smash scene," Gardner says, suggesting a possible explanation for the dip in numbers. Certainly compared to the support the likes of Capcom, Bandai Namco and NetherRealm Studios offers their communities, Nintendo's effort is disappointing. But there may be another explanation: the Smash community is divided between two games, to an even greater extent than the Street Fighter community is divided between Street Fighter 5 and Street Fighter 4.
It's not all doom and gloom. David "Gimble" Barrett, one of the tournament organisers, says that while "the majority of people playing Smash only seem interested in playing their game", there is growth. Barrett says UK Smash events such as Albion and Heir can sustain the community. "Heir could potentially be the biggest fighting game event in the UK," he says. So, perhaps the Smash community is perfectly happy with where it is, independent from the larger UK FGC and established in its own right.
The Smash community is divided between those who play Melee and those who play on Wii U.
Other scenes have gone for a best of both worlds approach. The NetherRealm Studios community is one such example. These players have established themselves in their own right, creating groups such as Outworld Fighters UK on Facebook, and setting up websites such as Test Your Might.
And much like the Smash community, the NRS community has suffered from elitism. Professional esports commentator and competitor Ryan "Ketchup" Neal has seen this himself. "The type of person that judges a game based on what others say is always counterproductive," Neal says. Perhaps that's why the UK scene has grown "incredibly close". This was borne out by the small number of Mortal Kombat XL entrants at Hypespotting, who banded together to play through the weekend. In their own small section of the venue, I saw happy faces. Players had travelled far and wide to compete, to give Mortal Kombat XL a proper send off as Injustice 2 looms large over the horizon.
The NRS community is certainly looking forward to Injustice 2, and while it didn't turn up at Hypespotting this year , it was playable down at iSeries - the largest PC LAN event in the UK. "Injustice 2 will give us a much needed kick-start," UK NRS community member Justin Xavier says. The NRS community has already established itself, with regular streams and online tournaments supported by esports organisation ESL, but it exists online. Jake "Mustard" Neal, the other half of ESL's 'Ketchup & Mustard' commentary duo, wants the NRS community to get out and about, to "support their local scenes".
This, they already do, to an extent. There hasn't been a year when Mortal Kombat X hasn't had somebody representing it at their local scene. And every player I spoke to at Hypespotting about Mortal Kombat and the wider NRS scene was not only excited about the future, but had faith in NetherRealm's vision for community support.
Even old fighting games still enjoy a community.
What of the smaller games, some of which came out over a decade ago? Games such as Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, Street Fighter 2: Turbo, Darkstalkers, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Killer Instinct. There are still dedicated scenes that show up and represent at tournaments. The fires still burns brightly.
Christopher "The Janitor" Johnston, a member of the VS staff and organiser of the Killer Instinct and UMVC3 tournaments at Hypespotting 6, helps to keep these communities going by dedicating space to the games. Many of these games were housed in an offshoot room called Affro's Arcade. "It's inspiring to see all these people with a love for the same types of games pull together to create a community," Johnston says.
That, to me, is the UK FGC at its heart. It is a community. Many of these games left their prime behind long ago. Some declare them dead. But if you look hard enough, you will find a community, and if you don't, well, create it. This is, after all, how all fighting game tournaments began - a group of dedicated friends with a handful of monitors and consoles. Ryan "Ketchup" Neal remembers the days when fighting game fans fought in bars. The current scene is "a far cry from the small bars and locations we all used to play in".
Events such as Hypespotting are a chrysalis for what the scene can become. Even smaller games still have much going for them. Marvel, which was cast aside from the main event in its last year, still brings the hype and draws a very respectable crowd for its age. I can't help but feel proud of the UK FGC.
It's easy to get bogged down by negativity online, especially when it appears that a community is unhappy. But the reality is far removed from this mentality. The UK FGC is one big family. And like all families, the FGC has its ups and downs, its arguments and its tantrums. But it continues to support its members through thick and thin and, crucially, it continues to grow year upon year. Today we have many big events that host fighting game tournaments - Hypespotting, VSFighting, Rival Scenes and of course EGX.
Ireland's Cobelcog faces off against France's Louffy in the Street Fighter 5 Grand Final.
Where to next? I would love the UK FGC to find its feet on the playing fields of professional esports, but I fear that will never be achieved with such a fractured community split across so many games. To truly be the best it can be, the UK FGC needs to put aside its petty bickering and stop projecting the wrong image to newcomers. Each year players and organisers break their backs to put on grassroots tournaments, and with events such as the E-League and Red Bull Kumite coming to the fore, there is now a clear path for fighting games to take toward big-budget esports. 2017 is an opportunity to embrace a new outlook, take on the new games and put them on the biggest and best pedestal possible.
Hypespotting is my local major. It is where I cut my teeth six years ago. Now I know half of the 400 entrants. Now, I sit at the back and enjoy watching so many excited players cheer on their favourites. I enjoy the whoops as Coblecog scores another round. I enjoy the tension between rounds. So why not bite the bullet? Suck up your tournament nerves and dive right in. The worst that can happen is you go out without a win, much like I did in Marvel, but at an event like this there's always somebody who'll pat you on your back and give you the encouragement you need to fight on.
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theart2rock · 7 years
Evanescence with Orchestra Zürich
Evanescence zählen zu den größten Phänomenen der US-amerikanischen Rockszene des letzten Jahrzehntes. Von Anfang an liegen die Fans der Sängerin, Pianistin und Songwriterin Amy Lee und ihren Mitstreitern zu Füßen. Zwei Grammys, über 25 Millionen verkaufte Alben und ebenso viele Singles verdeutlichen ihren internationalen Erfolg. Im vergangenen Dezember reüssierte die Band mit „The Ultimate Collection“, einer gewaltigen Box, die alle ihre Studioarbeiten (inklusive des lange vergriffenen Debütalbums „Origin“) sowie einen neuen Song enthielt. Diese Box markierte die Rückkehr der Band nach einer über vier Jahre andauernden Pause. Nun steht für Herbst mit „Synthesis“ das vierte Evanescence-Album an, und auch die folgende Live-Umsetzung bietet eine Synthese von ganz besonderer Qualität: Die neue audiovisuelle Liveshow „Evanescence – Synthesis: Live with orchestra“ wird eine einzigartige Symbiose aus Pop, Rock, Elektronik und orchestraler Größe bieten. Zwischen dem 20. und 26. März spielen Evanescence vier Konzerte in Zürich, Stuttgart, Leipzig und Düsseldorf.
Ihre individuelle Melange aus Dramatik, Poesie, Rockmusik und Momenten epischer Breite entstand bereits Ende der Neunziger. Mit 13 traf Amy Lee in einem Jugendcamp auf den 14-jährigen Gitarristen Ben Moody. Sie gründeten Evanescence und komponierten gemeinsam raumgreifende Songs zwischen Melancholie und Härte, großen Melodien und jugendlicher ‚Coming of Age’-Lyrik. Gleich für die ersten Aufnahmen erhielt das kreative Paar aus Little Rock/Arkansas regionales Radio-Airplay. Mehrere Jahre blieben Evanescence ein Duo, das so gut wie nie live auftrat und dafür umso engagierter an den Nuancen ihres Songwritings feilte, wie auch das inoffizielle erste Album „Origin“ belegte, das ursprünglich nur in einer Auflage von 2.500 Exemplaren gepresst wurde und erst im vergangenen Jahr im Zuge der großen Evanescence-Box „The Ultimate Collection“ wieder zugänglich gemacht wurde. Erst 2003, fünf Jahre nach ihrem gemeinsamen Start, rekrutierten sie drei Musiker, um aus Evanescence eine vollwertige Rockband zu formen. Noch im gleichen Jahr erschien das offizielle Debütalbum „Fallen“, es folgte die erste Welttournee.
„Fallen“ geriet im Fahrwasser der beiden Hitsingles „Bring Me To Life“ und „My Immortal“ zur absoluten Sensation: Allein in den USA hielt sich das Album über 100 Wochen in den Billboard Charts. Es stürmte Platz 1 der britischen Hitlisten, verkaufte sich weltweit über 15 Millionen Mal und erreichte in mehr als 35 Ländern Gold- und Platinstatus. Bei den Grammy-Awards desselben Jahres räumten Evanescence als absolute Newcomer gleich zwei Auszeichnungen ab. Dieser Trubel und die weltweiten Tourneen brachten die erste entscheidende Zäsur: Gründungsmitglied Ben Moody verließ die Band und wurde durch Terry Balsamo (ehemals Cold) ersetzt. Mit ihm komponierte Amy Lee in gewohnter Manier weiter. Sie selbst beschreibt den Stil von Evanescence als „epischen, dramatischen, dunklen Rock“. Das Ende 2006 veröffentlichte, zweite Album „The Open Door“ knüpfte nahtlos an die Erfolge des Debüts an: Es belegte die Nr. 1 der Charts in England, Deutschland, der Schweiz und vielen anderen Nationen, in den USA landete es auf Platz 2.
Ende 2010 gingen Amy Lee, die Gitarristen Terry Balsamo und Troy McLawhorn, Bassist Tim McCord und Drummer Will Hunt erneut ins Studio, um das dritte Album „Evanescence“ fertigzustellen, das gleich nach Erscheinen erneut die Hitlisten im Sturm einnahm. Hierauf hörte man einen deutlich veränderten, breiteren Gesamtsound, der auch darauf zurückzuführen war, dass Amy Lee einige Songs auf der Harfe geschrieben hatten. Diese Liebe zur Klassik äußert sich nun auch rund um das vierte, im Herbst erscheinende Album „Synthesis“, laut Amy „ein lang gehegter Traum“. Darauf mischen sich die düsteren Kompositionen der Band mit gefühlvoller Elektronik und der Wucht eines großen Symphonieorchesters. So lag es nahe, auch die anschließende Tournee mit einem Orchester zu bestreiten. Es dürfte ein einzigartiges Erlebnis werden.
Evanescence with Orchestra Zürich was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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loradmurphy · 8 years
Weekly Wedding News 03/02/2017
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Ending 4th February 2017
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Ending 5th February 2017
Fross Wedding Collections Sample Sale, 273 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TX. 4th – 5th February 2017
Charlotte Balbier ‘Untamed Love’ Trunk Show at One1 Bridal, 16 Minister Street, Cardiff, CF24 4HR. 4th – 5th February 2017
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Justin Alexander 2017 Collection Trunk Show at The Harrogate Wedding Lounge, 38 Forest Lane Head, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 7TF. 4th – 5th February 2017
Ian Stuart Designer Weekend at Devlin Bridal Couture, 109 St Thomas Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 7LT. 4th – 5th February 2017
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Designer Sample Sale at Teokath Canterbury, 78 Castle Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QD. 10am – 4pm, 5th February 2017
Halfpenny London Sample Sale, 10 Woburn Walk, Bloomsbury, London, WC1H 0JL. £10 entrance fee, 10am – 5pm, 5th February 2017
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Ending 10th February 2017
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Ending 12th February 2017
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Ending 13th February 2017
Jenny Packham Trunk Show at Teokath Canterbury, 78 Castle Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QD. 10th – 13th February 2017
Ending 16th February 2017
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Ending 18th February 2017
Augusta Jones Designer Event at Anne Priscilla Bridal, 57 Miller Street, Glasgow, G1 1EB. 17th – 18th February 2017
Sassi Holford Designer Day at Bridal Collection Harrogate, 29 Park Parade, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5AG. 10am – 5pm, 18th February 2017
Suzanne Neville Designer Event at Ellie Sanderson, 1 London End, Beaconsfield Old Town, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2HN. 18th February 2017
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Marchesa Trunk Show at Browns Bride, 12 Hinde Street, London, W1U 3BE. 17th – 18th February 2017
Enzoani Trunk Show at Creatiques, 151 Albert Road, Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0JW. 18th February 2017
Suzanne Neville Trunk Show at Sarah Elizabeth Bridal, 5 Montpellier Avenue, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 1SA. 18th February 2017
Ending 19th February 2017
Flora Designer Event at Blackburn Bridal, 56 Tranquil Vale, Lewisham, London, SE3 0BD. 17th – 19th February 2017
Alon Livne Trunk Show at Les Trois Soeurs, 34 North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HX. 18th – 19th February 2017
Isabelle Armstrong Fall 2017 Trunk Show at The Wedding Club, 10 Yeomans Row, London, SW3 2AH. 16th – 19th February 2017
Benjamin Roberts Designer Event at Brides of Churchtown, 7 Botanic Street, Churchtown, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 7NG. 17th – 19th February 2017
Isabelle Armstrong Fall 17 Trunk Show at The Wedding Club, 10 Yeomans Row, London, SW3 2AH. 16th – 19th February 2017
Ending 21st February 2017
Sassi Holford London Open Day, 82 Fulham Road, London, SW3 6HR. 21st February 2017
Ending 25th February 2017
Augusta Jones Designer Event at White Mischief Bridal, High Street, Henfield, West Sussex, BN5 9HP. 24th – 25th February 2017
Charlotte Balbier ‘Untamed Love’ Trunk Show at The Bottom Drawer Bridal, 3 High Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1BX. 23rd – 25th February 2017
Jenny Packham Designer Event at House of Snow, 5a Hatter Street, Bury st Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1LZ. 24th – 26th February 2017
Blackburn Bridal Designer Event, 56 Tranquil Vale, Lewisham, London, SE3 0BD. 24th – 25th February 2017
Suzanne Neville Portrait Collection 2017 Trunk Show at The Wedding Club, 16 Highfield Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B15 3DU. 24th – 25th February 2017
Stewart Parvin Designer Day at Carina Baverstock Couture, 11 Silver Street, Bradford on Avon, Nr Bath, Wiltshire, BA15 1JY. 25th February 2017
Ending 26th February 2017
Benjamin Roberts Designer Event at Take a Vow, 124/124 Frankwell, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8JU. 24th – 26th February 2017
Ending 5th March 2017
Jenny Packham Designer Event at The White Closet Studios, 39 Rodney Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 9EN. 24th February 2017 – 5th March 2017
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This post Weekly Wedding News 03/02/2017 first appeared on The Wedding Community Blog
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Movie Trailer - BRIMSTONE - Official Trailer (2017) Official Trailer (2017)- BRIMSTONE - Movie Trailer
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Wrongly accused of a crime she didn't commit, a frontier woman turned fugitive is hunted by a vengeful preacher in the menacing inferno of the old American West. Rating: NR (for brutal bloody violence, strong sexual content including disturbing behavior, graphic nudity, and language.) Genre: Art House & International, Mystery & Suspense, Western Directed By: Martin Koolhoven Written By: Martin Koolhoven In Theaters: Mar 10, 2017  Limited On DVD: Mar 10, 2017 Runtime: 148 minutes Studio: Momentum Pictures
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theshotgunlife · 8 years
Tumblr media
On May 10, 2016 North America’s buffalo, a living emblem of the Western frontier that roamed the continent by the millions before being hunted to near extinction in the late 1800s, was officially designated as the national mammal of the United States. Whether you hunt birds or big game, whenever you see a buffalo your pulse quickens.
One of the little-known heroes who saved the buffalo from annihilation is Scotty Phillips. Neil Hunt’s Buffalo King Trophy-Style Belt Buckle celebrates Phillips’ vision and valor. Learn more at http://goo.gl/rFqCHM
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