arisenreborn · 4 months
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DD2 text posts: NPC's (with spoilers!)
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agentnash · 3 days
npcs + important people in parker's life.
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also known as the countdown killer, though he is yet to be properly discovered by parker or the authorities. nathan has been killing since his 20's, leaving a steady trail of bodies, even now that he was hitting his 50 year mark. nathan killed parker's parents when parker was 12, and parker has been hunting him ever since. the first time they crossed paths in his adult years, nathan tried encouraging the darker side out of parker, which caused the agent enough hesitation for nathan to get away. parker vows not to let that happen again. nathan is a wildly charismatic family man who kills because of a religious delusion he had when he was 21.
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amelia was the first woman parker had ever fallen in love with. they met in college. she was the complete opposite of him, which parker supposed is why he had been so infatuated with her. they had only been together 7 months before amelia revealed she was pregnant. panicked, the couple eloped and had a shotgun wedding. the marriage lasted an unhappy 3 years - parker was distant, drank too much, and was an absent father and husband. amelia asked for a divorce, and parker allowed her to keep the house. parker feels tremendous guilt for ruining amelia's life ( she had been on track to become a lawyer, but had to stay home and take care of their daughter, instead ). they talk, sometimes, when amelia drops their daughter off for parker's alternating weeks in watching sonny, but there is still plenty of tension between them. played by @roseguided.
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content to be alone, parker had lashed out when he realized his supervisor was transferring a partner to him. he didn't like lara when she first arrived, mostly because she had never been afraid to stand up to him. over the next few months they worked together, yelling and arguing was a regular thing, interjected with short intervals of drinking and talking with one another. opening up over time, parker began to realize that lara saved him, in a way. she never backed down, always told him how it was ( held him when he needed it, kissed him like he meant something in the world ). now, lara was the only thing keeping parker afloat. played by @giallifilm.
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despite being a shit father, sonny was parker's pride and joy. he can rarely fathom how much he loves her, which adds to the guilt of him not being able to be what she really needs. she's smart like her mother, and ready to stand up for anyone like her father. parker gets her every other week, which doesn't always go exactly to plan. parker can feel the resentment start to grow within his daughter every time he has to cancel their plans, but he always tries to make it up to her. they share a love for grunge rock and punk bands, often sharing earbuds while they're home or going for a walk in the park. he loves him more than anything, but still doesn't know how to properly show it.
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supervisory special agent cassandra kim might be the only person who can calm parker down when he's ready to explode. she's seen what he's like when he's drunk, when he's exhausted, when he's angry. this stern, take no shit woman always knows exactly the right thing to say to help parker think just a minute more before doing something irrational. parker wouldn't admit it aloud, but he was grateful to have her as his boss - he imagined having anyone else would ensure his resignation immediately upon arrival.
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she was sick, and he was hopeless, which meant that julianna and parker ran around the city without a care in the world. always wanting to get away from the foster family that didn't give a shit about them, they would do everything together, never thinking about the consequences, only living in the moment. he often took care of her, especially when her illness got worse, and when she was bullied for using her oxygen tank, he would fight those that had anything to say about it. deciding at 17 he was going to run off and make his own life, he offered to take jules with him, only for her to be put in the hospital shortly before he left. they kept in touch over the years, parker glad to hear she got better as she aged. they often meet up for coffee, and take care of each other when they're at their lowest. they've been to aa meetings together, just as they've gotten black out drunk together.
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hellsurvivr · 5 months
Emma D’Arcy 👀
*      ―    ﴾  𝙽𝙿𝙲 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙴  ﴿ // still accepting ( @carnagebled )
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AGE : eternal SPECIES : knight of hell JOB : varies depending on her mood
    INTRODUCING :    aurelia. aurelia, is the only female knight of hell. and to put it lightly [ ... ] she is also lucifer's favourite. the golden child, his favourite warrior. his named leader of his army. which is amusing, given she can't fucking stand him. she hates both him, and his agenda.
                it was of course, never always this way. for eons, aurelia was the favoured daughter, and wrecked whatever damage lucifer asked of her. she relished in killing angels, in torturing humans. in twisting the world into lucifer's agenda. she was also behind     ━  the birth of half demons.   half demons that were related to the knights. understanding, that if she and her 'brothers' were able to get the select ones of the angelically blessed bloodline to have children with them. then they would have the perfect little army. an army that could do more on earth, than the demons could. an army that could slip under the radar, and cause havoc when needed. which was why aurelia was the one, who found the set bloodlines that were needed. her tireless work, being the solution. to the building, of the perfect army.
                things of course started to change     ━   when aurelia became a mother herself.   she'd told herself all through the pregnancy, that she'd be fine leaving her child with it's father. and never interacting. that she'd handle the rule set in place by the angels, and by lucifer, that once the children were born. the knights could not influence their destinies. and that the children had to find their own way. aurelia believed she could stick to this. she just never expected her motherly instincts to outweigh her previous alliance to lucifer. and leaving her first born son behind, tore out the heart she didn't know she had. unlike her brothers, she couldn't remain emotionless, and she missed her baby, ever single day the two were separated. to the extent that lucifer, personally killed the child. hoping it would correct aurelia's temperament. and get him his warrior back.
                aurelia grew hateful of what lucifer did. hating him for killing her child. but she knew she couldn't go up against the devil. that was not her destiny. it was instead the destiny     ━  of one of the children.   so instead she plays it safe. she pretends to be his warrior. she pretends to be loyal. and as she has more children she keeps her longing, deep within her. something she manages by checking on them every now and then. mindful to not get too close lest she enact the wrath of the angels as well as lucifer. but the whole time aurelia bides her time. knowing that her revenge, would come one day. and it does, in the form of her niece.
                aurelia hears about payne     ━  when she dies.   and the knight wishes with everything, that she could get her niece out of the hands of elijah. but knew she couldn't interfere. so instead she watches. watches the way drakos manages to interfere and once more, hates that she can't interfere. as sure drakos wasn't her true brother, but to her these children were family. the knights had been together for so long, that it was only how she could see them. but soon aurelia's time come, and she is able to tell payne the truth. th truth of her father [ ... ] as well as her true nature. for aurelia could feel it. payne was the strongest one born. the one they'd all heard would either lead the army of hell. or would destroy it from the inside out. and if aurelia guessed correctly. payne was aiming for the latter.
                and when payne kills two knights of hell     ━  aurelia feels a sense of pride .   knowing that finally the cycle of pain, would one day come to an end. sure she had a feeling that one day, the young demon would kill her too. but with the way things were going, there was only one truth she cared about. and that was, that lucifer wasn't going to win this war. and that was all she truly, hoped would one day come to pass.
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dvarapala · 3 months
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the dress saga continues // endless edits of udyati rao
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catboii · 9 months
╔                🩹                  ╝
Let's try something a little different, shall we?
Your name, is Kreedence. But your pets call you Kreed.
Today has been particularly disappointing. One simple task you gave to each of them, without the others knowing it was in fact a competition. To find a suitable devotee, to sacrifice. Not one of them returned with anyone worthwhile. Candor and Yale returned with absolute jokes dressed up in the guise of naive passersby, Tirade, Fusche and Pelt returned empty handed with stories they apparently believed you would accept, and Tiiamos had flat out refused to engage with your little game from the get go.
You're starting to lose your patience.
Yale picks a fight with Pelt, thinking that returning with anything was better than returning with an excuse, when in fact they're just as useless as each other. You think about breaking it up, but if they kill each other then it's one less job for you.
When Fusche butts in to break up the fight you do lose it, how dare it think it gets a say in what happens in your quarters? You raise a hand and bring it down like a karate chop, right in the centre of it's forehead with such force it splits it's entire skull open like a coconut, chunks of whatever spilling to the floor in wet slaps as its body flops to the ground. Candor falls to their knees, scooping up the bits and shoveling them back inside it's skull cavity, glancing at you with fear in their eyes as if you would cut off their hands for doing such a thing, but they're trying to save it some time upon their revival. You suppose you'll let it have that...
You straighten yourself up, click your fingers at Tiiamos and turn to leave. At first, it hesitates, looking over its companions as Fusche's body starts to steam and slowly reform itself. You give Tiiamos a pointed look, between itself and the other's, which presumably it interpreted correctly as 'follow me, now, or I will do another one', because it quickly jumps down from its perch and follows close behind you out of the room.
Once the door is closed and you're partway down the hallway, it touches your arm tentatively, then when you don't throw it off immediately, it clings to you as you walk. "Did you really need to do that?"
With a scoff, you pointedly keep walking. You don't need to answer anyone's questions.
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hopegained · 1 year
(some of) resistance intelligence personnel, 34 ABY
general calluan ematt: head of intelligence. veteran of the galactic civil war. human. major taslin brance: operations supervisor. human. captain zilaref olgad: comms & holo-security specialist. mirialan. captain nadhir: spy, intelligence officer. cathar. lieutenant eron skywalker: newest addition. infiltrator, intelligence officer. human. lieutenant janeza tal: expert slicer. twi'lek. sergeant salaka kuchimba: analyst. human. m9-g8 / migg: astromech droid c-3po / threepio: droid spymaster
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12piritarch · 1 year
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NPC demons (available for interaction). more in-depth info later i just wanted to have them listed here and not just on discord
some have larger areas of origin than others (ie continents vs countries) depending on their tendencies for or against travel during the era they were eternalized. ie seere is a traveling messenger vs amon who just kind of likes to chill out, etc. you can interact with them regardless of location, however.
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nightiingaled · 1 year
[Faceclaim NPC: Anya Taylor-Joy (idk she's just NEAT)]
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Tucker Red. Not a real name.
An Argentinean hacker. Part of a coalition of hackers that Tae-mi joined very early on in her escape from Talon. Of the coalition, Tuker is the only one that Tae has met in person before. They are good friends. Tucker has some connection to taking down Obsidian alongside Tae-mi and freeing Kit.
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highaver · 11 months
hello, i'm just putting all my current cate thoughts here in this post :)
aussie alt folk/pop artist, fairly well known, you've definitely heard more than a few of her songs - sounds somewhere in the realm of i.ndigo s.parke & b.illie m.arten. she's originally from mackay but relocated to london when her career started taking off. it was also a good excuse to get away from her family - she didn't have the best upbringing, and london feels to her about as far away from them as she can get, which suits her well.
she writes her own songs, and while her lyrics are, for the most part, inspired by her own life, she's never particularly forthcoming about the true, deep meaning behind her songs. you can dissect her lyrics all you want, you're never going to know her, never going to be invited to like some other, more open artists. she initially comes off as quite cold and aloof and disinterested, but she usually just needs time to warm up to a person. plenty of interviewers have come away thinking she's a bitch, but she's just not about giving bits of herself away to total strangers. she's private and she likes to be that way. it's her music that does the talking. nobody needs to know every shred of information about her.
she met balfour at 23, at a time in their lives where they were both struggling with Stuff and avoiding dealing with it by partying too much. she's slightly more of a household name than he is, especially because she has a habit of turning up on those sorts of j.ools h.olland-esque new year's countdown / celebration shows. they clicked almost instantly, and it was suddenly like they couldn't stand to be apart from each other - it was a surprise when they married each other after only three months of knowing each other, but maybe that shouldn't have surprised anybody who had spent any of those three months around them.
were they good for each other? no. they encouraged each others' unhealthy coping mechanisms, and while they did love each other, they didn't do much good for each other. unsustainable, is the word she always used when talking to friends about the state of their relationship. she left him just a year after they were married, and soon after found out that she was pregnant.
she's not a perfect mother, though her own gave her a pretty good sense of what not to do when raising a child. she and balfour - when he gets his shit together - do their best with calum, and they're still good friends. they're better at supporting each other now than they used to be. she's also still making music, her career is going well. her family remain an ever-present pain, constantly trying to insert themselves into her life - for their benefit, not hers - but she's as determined as ever to keep them out.
also, over the years, she's written quite a lot of songs about balfour. only a couple have ever made it onto various albums, and they're some of the few songs that people know exactly who and what they're about, just because his life has been so public.
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blemishezarchive · 1 year
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DAISY CHAINS! sapphic punk band. opening act on the "blemishes made me gay" tour. will bite the head off of any cishet man who comes into the vicinity - this is NOT a safe space.
pauline shen, vocalist. 27, non-binary, she/they, lesbian. a little bit of an ego; has beef with adam for absolutely no reason. friends with jodie and jude. indifferent to anwar. (fc: jessie mei li)
lydia devlin, bassist. 27, cis woman, she/her, bisexual. very bold, outspoken, will punch you in the face without question. hooked up with adam a couple times and then never again. (fc: emma mackey)
joanie martínez, lead guitarist. 28, trans woman, she/her, bisexual. absolute angel for the most part. (fc: zión moreno)
beatrice "bea" crawley, rhythm guitarist. 29, cis woman, she/her, lesbian. not quite the mom friend - more like the semi-absent reluctant father figure. (fc: olivia cooke)
charlie moss, drummer. 26, non-binary, they/them, lesbian. just a gremlin. gets along with all the members of blemishes, and pretty much everyone else. (fc: brigette lundy-paine)
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arisenreborn · 6 months
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"My mind is apt to stray, even here."
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walkafter · 2 years
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hellsurvivr · 5 months
Rhys Ifans
*      ―    ﴾  𝙽𝙿𝙲 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙴  ﴿ // still accepting ( @ anon ) *tagging @carnagebled erm .... just because I can*
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AGE : unknown SPECIES : demon JOB : hells grand torturer
    INTRODUCING :    aloysius. who also goes by the name of Alastair in more modern circles. the head demon, and torturer of hell.
                aloysius / alastair, is one of the handful of first demons ever created, after the creation of the knights of hell. the knights and lucifer, are the only things older than he is. he was known for his sadism and love of violence and torture     ━  making him perfect for his job.   that job being the grand torturer of hell. the one who is called in for specific souls that hell wishes to either break early, or the ones who must truly suffer whilst upon his rack. there is no forgiveness with Alastair, nor is there any potential of escaping the true limit of his sadism. not when his blade is cutting into your flesh, nor in the laughter he lets ring out in the room, as he sets about his work.
                over the years. alastair has trained many demons under his tutelage. some he calls his greatest masterpieces. and others he has simply killed or tortured himself, due to them not living up to his potential or his teaching. and in very rare circumstances     ━  he's turned souls into torturers.   that is a rarity in itself. but it happens. and when it does, Alistair knows, he has a new apprentice. someone he can shape and mould. to be his monster.
                payne and alastair first met     ━   in the bowels of hell.   upon her second trip to hell. payne took it upon herself, to taunt and insult elijah, alastairs student. and if rumours are to be believed, his grandson. it was due to payne's taunts, that alastair got involved. admiring payne for her strength of character, and also her previous escape from hell. for no one escaped his rack. but here she was again, and this time he wanted to see if he could break her. thus Alastair took over from elijah, and attempted to break the princess of hell. but much like elijah, payne reisisted. she never once screamed, she never once cried. she gave him nothing. and begrudgingly, he found himself admiring her. for he had met a multitude of souls, but none had resisted in the way payne had. and when she escaped again, he found humous in the situation. of course elijah had to go hunt her. but Alistair was amused. and couldn't wait for the day, the two would meet again.
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dvarapala · 1 year
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tempestuous and thunderous but madly in love all the same / template
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 7 months
It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post.
Unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door.
you are greeted by...... her
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hopegained · 1 year
zilaref "zil" olgad's full time job, holo-security and comms specialist aside, also includes being eron skywalker's #1 hater.
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