#NO HIYOKO HATE ON THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!ok thanks
stargloom · 4 months
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you are a product of everything that has ever happened to you
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bullshittierlists · 3 years
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A few notes before I start: Sorry about the white backgrounds, that’s how they showed up and I didn’t know how to fix them. Also, these summaries are going to be a lot shorter than they have in my last few posts just since there are so many characters. Anyway, let’s begin.
Literally godly, this should be your regular outfit -
Rantaro Amami - I shouldn’t have to be the first person to point out to you that he’s hot. Not to mention that the pink bottoms work wonders with his hair.
Nagito Komaeda - Hhhhhhhh
Byakuya Togami - I will admit, I’m basing this position more off of his appearance in the promo art. I don’t know how much I like this look on his regular sprite, but he’s so hot in that promo art, you don’t even know.
Show me who picked this out for you so I can thank them -
Sayaka Maizono - SHE LOOKS SO CUTE OML. I’d go through each detail, but in short: everything.
Gundham Tanaka - Shirtless Gundham, what more can I say?
Ibuki Mioda - I absolutely adore how her swimsuit doesn’t just go with her hair, but matches it. Perfection.
Korekiyo Shinguji - When the trailer first dropped and I saw the screen with all of the released swimsuits, I immediately started scanning to see if they put Korekiyo in a wetsuit and by God, they did.
Shuichi Saihara - He looks more tired than usual, but I just have a gut feeling his other sprites will look better.
Mondo Owada - I probably should’ve put him in standard, but he looks so good without a shirt on, I couldn’t possibly.
Kaito Momota - Space shorts.
Sakura Ogami - She was actually going to be somewhere in the first tier originally, but I just can’t put her there because of the color. I probably should’ve put her down with the other people with this problem (Uhhh... okay... I guess) but I couldn’t bear to.
Cute!/Cool! -
Chihiro Fujisaki - a;lskdfh;adskfijshdkjc He’s so cute, someone help. I’m drowning in cute. He looks so excited to be wearing it, too. I think this was the best choice they could’ve gone with to not give him something too masculine or feminine, fantastic choice.
Leon Kuwata - This category was originally just going to be “Cute!” but his bottoms looked so cool, I had to put him up here.
Toko Fukawa - Not only does her swimsuit look good on her, but I love the way that they designed her and Genocide Jack to be wearing the same swimsuit in different styles. Super cool.
Tenko Chabashira - I think this was one of the only palette swaps that I actually liked. There are probably a few other swaps that I didn’t even notice, but I like this one specifically because of the color swap. She looks great in pink.
Kyoko Kirigiri - I think I would’ve normally put her in standard, but her gloves are just too cool.
Mukuro Ikusaba - Love the colors and love the pattern. Simple, yet great.
Mahiru Koizumi - Mahiru, your camera. You can’t take that in the water. Mahiru- MAHIRU
Akane Owari - This is actually the swimsuit she wore during chapter 2 in the original game and I thought she looked great both times.
Chiaki Nanami - Same as Akane, so there’s not really any reason for either one to be higher or lower than the other. Peko would be up here too, but it’s really basic.
Gonta Gokuhara - I just really like the pattern and also that he’s still carrying the thing over his shoulder. It’s really weird who got to keep accessories and who didn’t, but we’ll get there.
Masaru Daimon - He just looks so cool in his shorts, I’m sure he’s excited to have them.
Shirokuma - Despite how I may feel about Shirokuma, this is a very cute outfit for them.
Standard -
Kaede Akamatsu - Definitely the best-looking of the protagonists, even if Shuichi’s higher. He’s only higher because I have faith that his faults are because of the sprite choice. If I’m wrong, sue me.
Kirumi Tojo - This is another instance of getting to keep the accessories. She still has her headband on. Why?? It wasn’t crucial to her character or anything. I get that Kyoko has backstory reasons and Gonta and Mahiru’s personalities revolve around their items, but why Kirumi? She had other things that defined her better.
Peko Pekoyama - Like I said before, basic and kinda bland. She still looks good, though.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu - He actually gained an accessory. Why does he have a necklace now? His shorts are nice, though.
Hajime Hinata - O r a n g. Or maybe red.
Maki Harukawa - Basic swimsuit, no color change whatsoever. A nice swimsuit, but nothing special.
Genocide Jack - Everything I said before about Toko’s swimsuit still applies, Genocide Jack’s is just way more boring.
Aoi Asahina - A good color swap, but not good enough to make up for her basic swimsuit.
Monomi - I like that they put her in a one-piece. Very cute. Wish they would do that all the time...
Monaca Towa - I just noticed that she is the only character other than Monomi to wear a one-piece. Why??
Makoto Naegi - The most basic swimsuit imaginable combined with his regular color scheme and pattern.
Hiroko Hagakure - I think I like that she kept her jacket? Maybe? It’s a different jacket, but it still counts.
Nagisa Shingetsu - Black and white bottoms. Okay. You do you, buddy.
Imposter - It’s fine. It’s just fine.
Izuru - I like that they gave him a separate swimsuit from Hajime, but why is it so bland and boring?
I love you, so I’ll forgive it -
Sonia Nevermind - She actually looks great and is so cute. So cute that she’d be in the top tier if not for one crucial fact. If you’ll notice, I mentioned earlier that Peko, Chiaki, and Akane are all wearing the same swimsuit here that they had worn in the original second game. However, there’s another character that appears in the scene I’m talking about that is wearing a different outfit than they are here. That charcter is Sonia, who was seen in a wetsuit in the original game. It was thrown off as a joke, but I still can’t stop thinking about how pretty she looked in that wetsuit. It’s literally my profile picture for my main blog, that’s how pretty she is wearing it. I’m mad because they’re basically agreeing that she didn’t look pretty/sexy in the wetsuit when that couldn’t be more wrong.
Celestia Ludenberg - I literally just wish she was wearing a one-piece, it can be the same style and everything. Honestly a missed opportunity.
Kotoko Utsugi - It’s just a weird pattern. Love the colors, though.
K1-B0 - I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love the floaty, but he still deserves more respect.
Miu Iruma - The pattern is... fitting... but still bad.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Taka... sweetie... why...?
Uhhh... okay... I guess -
Angie Yonaga - I like the look, but it’s exactly what she usually wears just without the jacket. Does that mean that she’s always wearing a swimsuit? Why? Even Asahina didn’t wear a swimsuit as her regular outfit.
Kazuichi Soda - I definitely like this color better than the piss yellow he used to have, but it’s still not great. I like that he got to keep his little logo thing, but I’m confused as to why he gets to keep his hat. It’s just like Kirumi keeping her headpiece. I’m fine with it in this case, but why him and not...? Well, we’ll get there.
Komaru Naegi - A lot of the outfits in this tier are just because I like the look and not the color scheme, including Komaru. Yellow’s just an odd fit for the shade of green that her hair is.
Tsumugi Shirogane - The same as Komaru. Nice style, but the yellow and blue clash for me.
Hiyoko Saionji - Surprise surprise, it’s the same thing. I think the style really fits her, but I hate the yellow and green. Not into it.
Junko Enoshima - Ok, we’re out of the color scheme repetition. I don’t know why she’s wearing a tanktop. It just looks a little off, but I can’t place why. I don’t know why she isn’t just wearing the regular swimsuit like she was in the promo art. If she was, I’d probably put her in Standard.
Yasuhiro Hagakure - I’ll be honest, I didn’t notice the alien pattern on his shorts until after I had already downloaded the picture and closed out of the tier list tab. If I had noticed before, I’d probably put him in Cute!/Cool! but I still don’t really like the color scheme. Fitting, but not pleasing.
Kurokuma - The only reason he’s above Kokichi is because he has a water gun and I think that’s cute.
Kokichi Oma - Literally just gut instinct. I like that he kept his checkered pattern and purple color scheme. Something just told me he should be down here.
Monokuma - It just feels wrong, but I can’t place why, same as Kokichi.
Teruteru Hanamura - I probably would’ve liked his outfit better if his shirt was buttoned up at least a little bit. Now that I think about it, Mondo should’ve had one of these, too.
Who signed off on this? -
Nekomaru Nidai - I can absolutely see him picking this swimsuit to wear, but that doesn’t mean I like it.
Mikan Tsumiki - You know why she’s here.
God no. I hate it -
Ryoma Hoshi - So Mahiru gets to keep her camera, Kirumi gets to keep her headpiece, and Kazuichi gets to keep his hat.. but Ryoma doesn’t get anything? I genuinely had to take a second to figure out who this was the first time I saw him. He can’t even have a sunhat or anything? That would’ve been cute.
Himiko Yumeno - I can’t imagine a world in which she would choose this swimsuit for herself. The color is off, the style is off, I could much more easily see her wearing something similar to Monaca’s swimsuit. Basically, just let some of the girls wear one-pieces. They don’t all have to be in bikinis.
Jataro Kemuri - The pattern. I can’t even stand to look at it long enough to figure out what it is.
Hifumi Yamada - It did take me a second to figure out what his swimsuit was, but as soon as I did, he hit the bottom of the list. Again, it’s definitely fitting, but I still hate it.
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chadteru · 6 years
I know everyone and their grandma already talked about this, i probably made a post like this already at some point, but here’s my essay on why Ishimaru Kiyotaka should have survived:
If you play Ishimaru’s FTEs, you will learn that because of his grandfather, his family’s reputation has been tarnished. Now, here’s a question: what would have completed his character arc better than helping the world discover from despair???? Literally no other character had a reason to survive nearly as strong as Ishimaru’s. Ishimaru surviving and joining Future Foundation would have made so much sense plot-wise and would feel like a natural and satisfying turn of events. “But Kat,” you might say, “The point of Danganronpa is that some people who deserve to live die! Death doesn’t discriminate!” But here’s the thing: Chihiro, Mondo, Sakura, Impostor*, Mahiru*, Gundham*, (*technically SDR2 characters did not actually die, but we don’t learn about it until DR3. The actual game’s ending seemed to leave it up to interpretation.) and many others didn’t deserve to die either. You know why I don’t complain about their deaths? Because they made sense narrative-wise. They were satisfying. There was nothing about their backstories that would have made the story better if these characters were to survive instead of dying. In fact, their deaths made an impact on the player and the story. Like I said, it was satisfying. With Ishimaru, however, not only would his character arc reach a satisfying conclusion if he survived, it made no sense for him to die. In fact, chapter 3 kind of brushed over his death in general! It would have made literally no difference if anyone else with a watch was killed instead of him. If they wanted to kill off Ishimaru that bad, they should have just done what the stageplay did and made anyone that votes incorrectly get executed and made Ishimaru vote for himself. That would have been actually meaningful! That would have actually been tragic! It’s literally that simple. His death in the game was just there for shock value. It’s not deep, it’s bad writing.
Here’s an another reason: Ishimaru was mourning Mondo’s death when he was killed. “But Kat! Hiyoko was mourning Mahiru’s death when she was killed!” Here’s why that comparison doesn’t work: Hiyoko and Ishimaru are fundamentally different characters. Ishimaru was extensively bullied and literally had no friends before Mondo, therefore he was automatically closer tho Mondo than Hiyoko was to Mahiru. Also, he was more emotionally devastated because it turned out that his only friend ever was a murderer! It would be way more fair to compare Ishimaru and Mondo to Fuyuhiko and Peko instead. And you know what? Fuyuhiko survived. He went out and became more trusting of others and made friends. Ishimaru should have survived as well. He should have slowly but steadily recovered from Mondo’s death and lived on with hope for the future. He should have made friends! My top picks for him are Aoi (both are literal rays of sunshine + Aoi could have cheered him up after Mondo’s death), Naegi (obviously), and.... (and i can’t stress this hard enough!) ...Togami. Yeah, Togami. Which brings me to my next point.
Okay okay,, hot take: Ishimaru x Togami would have been a good friendship/ship. Ishimaru hates Togami because he feels like he got everything handed to him instead of having to work to reach his position. However, if you play through Togami’s FTEs, you will know that that is in fact not the case and that Togami did have to work hard to get where he is now. Both Ishimaru and Togami worked to earn their Ultimate talents and take pride in their achievements. If Ishimaru survived, I believe they could have developed mutual respect and a meaningful friendship. Also since their personalities are so different, it would be interesting to see how they would interact as friends/lovers. (Ok before y’all yell at me, I love Ishimondo, but I do think that Ishimaru’s and Togami’s relationship had a lot of unexplored potential)
Basically, Ishimaru’s death was a huge waste of potential and was there just for shock value. Okay that’s it thanks for coming to my TEDtalk!
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sushisara · 5 years
Hi, this is the person who put up the confession, thank you for the explanation! I still have a few problems though- by the empathy I did somewhat mean the FTEs as he seemed more empathic in the class trials. And also the instance where he showed more concern over Kokichi's getting cut than his head injury , though there was an investigation going on and he brushed it off, so that's kind of ok.
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If I'm being honest with you, I, most of the times, ignore posts like that, because lots of fans tend to express their opinions in a very harsh way, so well, I really don't want to destroy my fun times in fandom by arguing about something like that; but anon, you're good, you have my uwus because you actually made a fun discussion without any hate or negativity. You just shared your takes and that's respectful. I hope I didn't sound bad though xD
Anyway, let's back to the main topic. Now you explain it more, I understand your points better.
Okay, you're saying that Shuichi is more empathetic in trials than in the FTEs... that's kind of right.
As we understand from Shuichi's FTE [in chapter 1]:
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Or kaede mentioned in his report card: "...being sympathetic is like how he and his uncle." When It comes to his use of talent, he is always being sympathetic toward others. I mean even in his backstory, he was being sympathetic toward the killer, this is why he was suffering from the consequences of his actions [although the people's opinion about the situation seemed to bother him as well]
But FTEs are less serious situation for him According to his profile from the last post, he's more determined when it comes to using his talent. Although I wouldn't say he never tried in understand his classmates in FTEs, he pretty much did, but he wasn't as gentle he actually was in trials [like Ch4 trial with Gonta], he tried to fix them help them but in a more forceful way [like Ryoma, Rantaro or Gonta's], Free time events aren't stressful as trials, I feel it actually makes sense for him to be more gentle toward his classmates because how stressful the trials are for them, and trials aren't even the right place to fix his classmates in a forceful way.
But about the Kokichi thing, your point is valid and it's really up to you how to feel about it; but in animes overall, when something is solely for lolz, is always overlooked by the characters, because lots of the times the writer believes that they would destroy that funny scene by having characters react in a negative way. It's the same with Hiyoko bullying Mikan and no one really reacting to it, because it was for lolz and we shouldn't take it seriously... unfortunately, I see Kokichi's case is the same, Shuichi and Maki didn't react to it so much because we were supposed to laugh at it. Is it annoying? Yes it is. Do I hate it? Yes I do. You're valid for having any opinions about it anon.
About passivity, I would say I can explain why he didn't do much in chapter 2,3 and 5. His actions in chapter 1 led Kaede to commit a murder, and he was in his lowest in chapter 2, he began to become better with Kaito's support. And in chapter 5, Kaito told them that he had a plan and everyone relied on him. Chapter 4 you say? Yes, that really didn't make sense for him to feel guilty about doing nothing and do nothing [I hope I made sense lol], I bothered by it as well anon-san. I feel they didn't want Shuichi to steal other characters' screen time.
I hope it answered your questiond. If you have other questions, you can ask me.
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cafecinnamon8 · 5 years
I really like your hb oc and his backstory!! I hope you decide to share even more info about him! (Like honestly just go off and rant about everything and anything about him, if you want, I love hearing people talk about their ocs!!!) But, i'd love to hear more about his relationship with his sister and how he behaved in St. Pigeonations!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im really happy!!!!;;;;;;;www;;;;;;; aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA
I…love when ppl ask abt…ocs….even if i dont make them A Lot…and abandon them after like a week….thank u omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diivng in headfirst uMM…first of all him and his sister!! maki really liked drawing and the two of them would draw and color thngs together…if maki. lived past 7, she would love art a lot and get her ass into art school ok im sad… maki rlly loved her brother and vice versa, they would play pretend with each other, build forts, get into trouble, etc.
this is really long so ill put it under a read more!
i also told this to my friend and!! maki is really brave, specifically she is totally okay with thunderstorms and even likes them, but haru is really scared of them, so she’s like “its ok haru!! ill protect you from the storm!!! dont worry!!!” and they build another protection fort + double protection because of makis stuffed animals!!!! and every time haru gets ;_; because of the thunder she’s like “the thunder is screaming because its scared of us!!”
theyre just. ok theyre rlly close…more specific details there is also a little store next to their house that they go to all the time to spend their allowance and buy dumb little trinkets!!! when maki was home sick before her Death, haru promised to get her something when he came home that day,,,,,and she was really excited and couldn’t wait for him to come home…. and then. dies. oops
i don’t know yet what that Thing was exactly but…maybe it was a new set of hair pins…eyes emoji because haru didnt wear pins as a child that was maki, and now he doeshehHEHEH im dying
…ok his behavior at st pigeonations tho!! originally he was supposed to be >:3 basically, but that changed after. All That SHIT
i think it’s a given thing that he’s pretty withdrawn - years of brainwashing n Mental Torture probably do a doozy on ur brain after all - yet I don’t think he’s necessarily intimidating?? he seems kinda strange, he stares at others for too long especially if they interest him, and following that he probably also follows people for the same reason and then walks away when he loses interest. and also hes withdrawn because dude cant even talk
i also put him in anghels class, 2-2 i think? also, since his. basic skills kinda deteriorated in 5-6 years, he probably also isn’t the best when it comes to school? so, that leads to me bringing up the headmaster was in on operation hurtful in bbl right?? and he was also probably aware of harus Role at the school, and his grades aren’t accurate (like, his true grade should’ve been like. a 23, but he gets a much higher grade).
im sorry that might be confusing and im also all over the place bc i l ove him so much!!!!! the only grade that’s accurate for him is gym class though
 i didnt mention this, and this is kinda fucked up but..hawk party..haru being Successfully Brainwashed would probably lead to a bunch of brainwashed human-hating soldiers - including child soldiers
with THAT out there, he’s probably being drugged and trained excessively to be physically strong in that case. so basically, he’s terrible academically, but he can Run, Jump, Pick Things Up, bc of all that. so he’s very good in gym
...ok i kind of sidetracked for his behavior, again he’s very withdrawn and seems eccentric. im...sorry for putting ocs with canon characters because i know ppl see that as cringy but,,, like i said before in the story post, he is a part of the infirmary staff and shuu supervises him (”supervises” is a loose term, like i also said there are cameras everywhere to watch him). my friend and i discussed that, on a hypothetical haru route, instead of hiyoko finding Anghel’s ID on the floor, she sees haru disposing of it because shuu told him to
god this is getting so long but omg...i need to finish Eventually so ill just. talk about another scenario 
for context, hypothetically after BBL - which i still dont know his. again. hypothetical role there completely - he gets his collar removed and gets Help to reverse everything the hawk party did. yes its gonna take a long ass time. but hes my child i do what i want, he needs his happy ending (bc all the hypothetical routes and bbl scenario = sadness. spoiler alert he kills hiyoko in his route)
his absolute zero self...i want to draw it soon. there’s two versions, and idek the class yet but, as his first class, he’s a puppet being controlled by hands that float above him, and is connected by strings and the strings force him to fight the enemies, but his second class is him as the puppet master, and he controls his own abilities this time
hes...gonna get healthy ok...idc if it takes years hes my child and hes gonna b ok and at least slowly start speaking again aaHHHHHHH
im sorry this is so long i love him...this isnt even..ALL of it eyt sdfidsihosdff
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