martyrbat · 11 months
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harley's little black book #3
[ID: Zatanna sitting on a black motorcycle as she holds a helmet in her hands, her black hair flowing behind her shoulders glamorously. She's wearing a zipped up black jacket and her blue eyes are lined with dark eyeliner with a sharp wing and she has maroon lipstick on. She's looking at someone off panel as she tells them, “Me! I'm Zatanna Zatara. You booked me for a three-night engagement.” END ID]
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mononezu · 4 years
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layer 001 :    the outside.
NAME  : Piers O’Reilly
EYE   COLOUR  : Blue-green/light teal
HAIR   STYLE   /   COLOUR  : Naturally black with white patches thanks to Poliosis. Long, very very long, just past his rump. Kept in a messy style to fit his punk/goth look and either worn down or tied into three ponytails, which he twists to make his hair colors ‘spiral’ together. It’s a lot, i know, hes extra
CLOTHING   STYLE  : Punk/goth clothing, mostly dark colors and whites with a pop of pink here and there. He goes hard into the aesthetic and likes platform boots, leather jacktes, fishnets, tight pants, croptops, and all the accessories. style, man
BEST   PHYSICAL   FEATURE  :  He wouldn’t say anything personally, but his eyes.
layer 002 :    the  inside.
FEARS  :  Love, something happening to Marnie, abandonment, failure, dynamaxing 
GUILTY   PLEASURE  :  Dance music, sweets
BIGGEST   PET   PEEVE  :  People, being looked down on, being pittied
AMBITIONS   FOR   THE   FUTURE  : Bringing Spikemuth back to its glory, being so content with life that he can be happy, tour other regions with his music.
layer 003 :   thoughts.
FIRST   THOUGHTS   WAKING   UP  : What fuckin’ time is it, am I in my apartment?
WHAT   THEY   THINK   ABOUT   MOST  : Marnie, his songs
WHAT   THEY   THINK   ABOUT   BEFORE   BED  :  Too much, he thinks way too much before bed and usually can’t sleep for a while, usually stays up until he passes out from being exhausted.
layer 004 :    what’s better ?
SINGLE   OR   GROUP   DATES  :  Single.
TO   BE   LOVED   OR   RESPECTED  : Respected, though secretly he wants to be loved more. don’t tell him.
BEAUTY   OR   BRAINS  : Brains
DOGS   OR   CATS  :  whatever the fuck Zigzagoons are tbh
layer 005 :    do they…
LIE  :  He’s pretty bluntly honest with everyone, but sometimes even he can’t help it.
BELIEVE   IN   LOVE  :  He has... a complicated relationship with love. He does want to believe in it, it’s gotta be true, but he also doesn’t think he deserves it and is low-key afraid of it and would quite possibly literally run away from someone if they confessed their love!
layer 006 :    have they ever…
BEEN   ON   STAGE  : every night baybeeeee
DONE   DRUGS  :  Yup. He mostly sticks to weed, but he also has fun with some other things.
CHANGED   WHO   THEY   WERE   TO   FIT   IN  :  Nope. He’s tried to be someone else before when he was broken teenager, but it didn’t work. So he’s himself, for better or worse.
layer 007 :    favourites.
FAVOURITE   COLOUR  :  Hot pink and black
FAVOURITE   BOOK  :  He hasn’t read much these days.
FAVOURITE   MOVIE :  Horror movies and b-rated horror movies. They’re funny.
FAVOURITE   GAME  : He’s pretty decent with card games.
layer 008 :    age.
DAY   THEIR   NEXT   BIRTHDAY   WILL   BE  : July 19th
HOW   OLD   WILL   THEY   BE  :  26
layer 09 :    finish the sentence.
I   LOVE  :  “Marnie.”
I   FEEL  : “Exhausted.”
I   HIDE  : “A lot.”
I   MISS  :  “... My mom.”
I   WISH  : “I had done better.”
tagged by: @darkpulse061​ Thank!!!
I tag: UHHHH @dragontamer​ @yourchampion​ and ANYONE ELSE!!
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iheardarumorxxx · 4 years
Midnight Sun, Chapter 9 - Port Angeles
Right. I remember this chapter from Twilight. I also have heard quite a bit about this chapter. This is gonna be a ride. 
Eddie starts off this chapter saying that he used to be the ‘responsible’ one. I would like to remind everyone that Edward Anthony Masen Cullen spent a few years eating people he percieved to be horrible criminals because he didn’t like animal blood and was being a whiny baby. But go off, Eddie.
SM is still trying to paint Jessica as a rude bitch and I still don’t buy it. It is extremely clear to anyone with eyeballs that Mike has a thing for Bella, and it is pretty obvious that this date he’s going on with Jessica is because Bella said no. So her thoughts come off as insecure. She’s a teenage girl, so I think insecure is a pretty standard thing. Not always, but SM has painted these kids as the stereotypical teens, so.
Basically, I still don’t buy the attempt to make Jessica seem evil.
Bella has wandered off to go get that book she wanted, and Eddie is simply freaking out because he let his daughter out of his sight for one minute and she wandered off. He’s about half a second away from considering getting a leash to put on her. Seriously, though, that’s how this reads. A parent frantic because they lost their child in a crowded store or park. We all know she’s gonna get a serious scolding for this one. Maybe even grounded.
a volly of snarls erupted from my throat
Okay, we’re still not to the big rant about vampire instincts in this universe, yet, but I want you guys to remember this for later. It absolutely aides in the point I plan to make there. Also a ‘volly’ of snarls. That sounds so forced and I genuinely laughed out loud when I read it. Anyway, Eddie has found Bella and she is with the Evil Bad Guys Who Have Ill Intentions. 
I would see how he enjoyed the hunt when he was the pray. I would see what he thought of my style of hunting.
Technically a spoiler because it hasn’t happened yet in this book, but not because we’ve seen it in Twilight. Eddie literally does not do anything to this Lanny guy or his friends. He gets out of the car, makes a mean face at them, and then gets back in the car and drives off. Maybe SM has Eddie go back out and hunt them later after he drops Bella off, but that doesn’t fit in with his squeaky clean good boy persona that Daddy Carlisle puts on him, so I doubt it. The scene as we know it comes off as very ‘man, if my girlfriend wasn’t here I’d kick your ass’. Because Eddie is a lot of bloated, puffed up talk.
When SM uses dialogue tags like ‘ordered’ to describe how Eddie says things, it just really hammers home that point I’ve been making about red flags. Even if it’s practical, like him telling Bella to put on a seat belt, especially since Pires bend the will of cars to their inane and idotic physics.
We went on a tangent about one of Eddie’s kills from his Vampire Batman days, and like honestly? I watch a lot of Criminal Minds. I see a lot of this kind of stuff, and it is absolutely awful that people like that exist in the world. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be stopped. HOWEVER, this idea Eddie has that he was playing a good guy by taking justice into his own hands, I don’t jive with that. Now, I am aware of how faulty the criminal justice system is, especially with victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. I’ve lived that, myself. But if Eddie is so comfortable taking another life, no matter how he tries to justify it, he is no better than the people who he’s deciding to kill for their crimes.
a highly justifiable murder
See, this. This is why I don’t buy that SM’s Cullens are the paragons of good that she is constantly trying to say they are. There is no such thing as a justifiable murder, no matter what. Solving heinous acts with heinous acts simply perpetuates a cycle of heinous acts. 
I wasn’t giving her a chance to say no.
This is a trend that will continue throughout the entire series. I will point you to all of the times that Edward never gave Bella a choice in a matter, including leaving her in New Moon, and DISMANTLING HER CAR ENGINE IN ECLIPSE SO THAT SHE COULDN’T GO SEE HER FRIEND. That one in particular rubs me the wrong way for reasons, but we won’t do that here. Just know that Edward never actually lets Bella make a choice in this series, and even when he pretends to, he does everything in his power to make the outcome go his way.
And now we’re at the restaruant. I’ve heard some stuff about this scene and god, can I not WAIT, but for now, let’s just talk about the one off waitress character. She is clearly only here to be a rival to Bella for this scene. Brief, unimportant, underdeveloped. And honestly? One off characters don’t actually need that development, not really, but what I can’t stand about this one is that she is literally only here, both in this book and in Twilight, so that SM can puff up how clearly Bella is so much better than she is. Because, you see, Eddie doesn’t find the pretty hostess attractive, he only has eyes for Bella. Her entire point is so that Edward can look at Bella, and therefore, the audience as Bella is their SI for this world, and go on about how much better and prettier and more perfect she is than this woman. It’s just gross.
“Do I dazzle you?”
This is still, in my personal opinion, the best and most iconic line in a series full of iconic lines. Eddie the Dazzle Machine. Charming the pants off people when he’s trying to scare the shit out of them. It’s hilarious, and so fuckin’ romance novel cliche, and I love it.
This restaurant is apparently a real place in the real Port Angeles. And from what I understand, at least when the Twilight craze was in full swing back in 2008, they got a lot of extra business and a lot more people ordering the mushroom ravioli. Even put something about Twilight on their menu. Good for them, taking advantage of that free marketing. I have never been to Port Angeles, and am allergic to mushrooms, so I can’t say I’ve experienced the dish, but if any of you have, please let me know if it’s worth the hype.
Its so funny that right now, Eddie is worried about Bella being cold and going into shock, while Bella is over there huffing the fumes off his jacket like it’s a paint can, and he can’t even tell that that’s what she’s doing. The girl is doing everything short of just shoving her whole face in it and inhaling, but he’s too thick to get it. 
And here we are folks. The meat and potatoes of this chapter. The big comparison. The reason the cover has a pomegranete on it. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen has the absolute GALL to compare Bella, the boring, walking video game avatar to Persephone. Lets break down Persephone for a second here. There’s a lot to break down, but let’s stick to the basics, for fear that this rant gets wickedly out of hand before I can stop it. Persephone radiates optimism and hope. Persephone is soft, sweet, but has a temper that could kill a man. Persephone is sympathetic. When in the ever loving FUCK has Isabella Swan ever shown any of those characteristics? She is NEVER optimistic about anything. She fucking exists in a constant cloud of negative thought and assuming the worst. She isn’t hopeful about ANYTHING, not even her future with her PRECIOUS Eddie because she’s always questioning his intentions and feelings for her. She is not sympathetic in the slightest, no matter what SM tries to shove down my throat. She treats her friends like shit, she manipulates and lies her way through conversations so she doesn’t have to deal with them, she compares Mike to a FUCKING DOG. Bella is not comparable to Persephone, and it’s fucking beyond ham-fisted, it’s fucking EGREGIOUS to try to make that comparison. 
I could see more of an argument for comparing Eddie to Hades, since, ya know, Hades fucking stole Persephone to be his wife and most stories about Hades paint him as kind of a moody, brooding dickbag, but I’m still calling fucking foul on this attempt at comparison, SM. No dice.
Moving on.
Eddie describing Bella’s skin as ‘velvety’ gives me war flashbacks to those grocery store checkout novels with Fabio on the cover that my mom used to read. Eghhh.
So, Bella touches Eddie’s hand and it’s described in a way that gives me very G-rated sex vibes. Which just makes me wanna tell them to get a room because they’re in public right now, and also don’t do that in front of Bella’s salad ravioli.
Eddie is still being super controling and weird about Bella eating, and honestly, I super wish that Bella had had the good sense to get the hell out of there with Jess and Angela. Or that she would have the good sense now to excuse herself, find someone on staff, ask to borrow a phone, and call her dad. Because this guy is literally throwing out every red flag that exists. I know I say this a lot, but if Bella were a normal girl, she would not be charmed by this guy, she would be freaking creeped out and trying to get away from him. He isn’t even subtle about his creep factor or charming enough to play it off.
Edward thinking he has any edge at all is like white bread thinking it’s the right kind of bread for a hamburger.
Anyway, chapter ends with Eddie paying the bill and the pair getting in the car to head home. And the drama chord of the last sentence that’s supposed to play in your head when you read it falls flat. They’re on the way back to Forks and Eddie is chomping at the bit to hear Bella’s latest theory that we know from Twilight isn’t actually a theory so much as she heard a story from Jacob and then did some searching on some shitty Angelfire website. Or Geocities. Either way. And then she just went ahead and had a big old prophetic dream about it. 
Next time, we get the awkward car ride home and more. Thanks for hanging around guys. As always, feel free to message me (though, please note to anyone who has sent me anon messages that are rude or angry because I’m making fun of this book, I’m gonna ignore you.), recommend what books I should put on my list for my next recap series, and feel free to buy me a snack using the CashApp tag in my bio.
See you next time, babes.
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jeonginsdimple · 6 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*soft bias tag*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
okay so i was tagged for this about five times i swear but they’re so deep in my notifs that i Can’t remember who tagged me and im too lazy to look but whoever u are i love u with all of my heart thank u it’s like this tag was made 4 me i am such a soft stan
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 1. Who is your bias?
g o d not this question. i’ll do jeongin bc he probably owns the most uwus of mine
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 2. What made you notice them?
hm.... honestly his b o y s sweater in hellevator was the first thing i saw HJDSHJS i was like “wow.......... that’s...... kinda gay also he’s really cute” but if i’m being completely honest he got such little screen time + lines i couldn’t tell whether he was a part of the group. later on when i looked up their profiles and i saw him i screeched he rly stole my heart very very early on. before i watched the show i kept thinking abt how excited i was to see more of him on screen PFF
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 3. What’s your favorite thing about them?
okay uhhhh u must be the Biggest Bool around if you think im going to name one thing anyway here’s my eight page essay--
fr ok i was going to list some things but i started writing about the first one and it’s too much i’m just going to keep that LMAO
his deep heart is something i think about a lot. i have to admit that i didn’t start watching the show until around when the fifth episode? came out. beforehand i had seen a clip from the fourth episode where jeongin had been practicing for school life, and he started admitting all of his struggles n insecurities n everything (the clip is called ‘jeongin is tired’ or something to that effect on youtube). anyway that was the first thing about stray kids i ever cried about! i sobbed so hard watching that y’all i felt like the Largest Clown around crying alone in my room sobbing over some boy that doesn’t know me PFF. watching him work so hard and worry so much about everything made my heart ache so bad hdsfsjkfdsjk especially since about .2 seconds before watching that clip i had seen a few people hating on him on twitter (which is why stan twt is inferior! too much hate tbh). i think it was at that moment, even if i wasn’t fully aware at the time since i hadn’t seen enough of them, that i really fell in love with jeongin anyway this is getting Too Soft god i’m moving on
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 4. Who would initiate skinship more?
ME HAHA WHAT KIND OF QUESTION-- have y’all seen that boy he’s like a metal rod when it comes to skinship. there’s this one video where minho’s doing a little pat pat 2 jeongin u kno nd he was STIFF AS HELL it was so funny. i’m so annoying and touchy i’d be attached to that boy deadass like some kind of leech he couldn’t get rid of me if he tried. trying 2 sleep? too bad Big Fool! suddenly i am Your Pillow
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 5. Who would hog blankets more?
hm............ well usually i’d say me because i get cold way too fast, but tbh if it was in a situation where i was laying w jeongin??? i’d let myself contract hypothermia and die he can have it
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 6. Who would be more clingy?
i kind of covered this already but 100% me y’all i’m so loud when it comes to being clingy. i’d be around him all the damb time if i had the chance fr
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 7. Who would say ‘I love you’ first?
also me i say i love you way too much. like on a more serious (kind of) note i sometimes worry that i say it to the point where it loses its meaning. i feel like that i should sometimes find other things to say because if there comes a time where someone really needs to hear “i love you” and they can’t believe me because of all of the casual times i’ve said it i’ll probably hate myself lmao. but that’s not important anyway in this situation i’d probably tell this loser i love him every time he came into my line of sight
*♡ 。・゚゚・  8. Who would be more easily flustered?
honestly ion know prob both? idk i’m such a loser and i get embarrassed so easy but @ the same time jeongin seems like he sucks at receiving attention without dying. so probably both depending on the situation
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 9. What cuddling position would you two have?
i am Embarrassed writing this but whatever i’ll just go 4 it. so i really love cuddling. like a Lot. also i have to take into account that i am Large and about two inches taller than jeongin. anyway i’d almost always prob be the Big Boy when cuddling. like i’d be wrapped around him in any way i could be. literally every position would be the one.......... if i wanted to give an example tho y’all know the vliev photoshoot that skz had........... the position that hyunjin n woojin were in? i’m hyunjin and jeongin is woojin that’s just how it is
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 10. Which colours remind you of them and why?
black bc he’s edgy uwu (no he’s not but for some reason black usually comes to mind......... it’s my favorite color tho so uhhh correlation) also pastel pink bc he’s so sweet and it’s like The soft color and i am Soft for him
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 12. Which season would you like to spend with them?
winter bc 1: his birthday uwu i’d spoil the fuck out of that boy with my 7 dollars and 2: so many kinship opportunities bc of the cold i’d live 4 it. plus there could b like........ hot chocolate and stuff wowow
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 13. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
hm........... i like baking....... so i’d prolly bake n jeongin would snatch the batter and i would absolutely Not be angry that boy owns my heart and he can own that batter too
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 14. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
ok i’d make so many bad puns every chance i got. fr give him incentive to smarten up and get the fuck away from my annoying ass
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 15. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
hhhhhh probably me. like i can’t recall any specific time that jeongin’s even talked abt animals. even tho i’m wildly allergic 2 both (but i have two of each rn i’m not weak y’all can fight me) i’d force him to get AT LEAST one dog with me
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 16. Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen try to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
okay i would definitely be the one burning shit down i have literally burnt mac n cheese. i may b able to bake but once it comes to anything that involves an appliance that isn’t an oven i’m screwed
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 17. Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
that boy would lean over a railing on like the twentieth floor deadass “owo whats this” and i’d barrel across the room breaking the sound barrier in the process to save that boy i’m way too nervous all the time
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 18. What would watching a horror film with them be like?
ok well i for one enjoy a good Spook. if it’s like..... real scary tho i’m a little bitch lol. anyway i’d be holding that boy to me like he was on the verge of death the whole time. if he ever jumped i’d probably hold him tight enough to the point where he couldn’t breathe it rly be like that
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 19. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
i’d be cheesy 100% i’m so greasy. idk if jeongin would be smooth but considering he likes to introduce himself by saying he falls into our hearts and i introduce myself by messing up my first name i’ll take a chance and say he’s smoother
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 20. Who is more competitve?
him i’m literally so lame i’m not competitive at all. i’d let that boy win in a heartbeat if it made him happy (unless we were playing some like video game shit i get immersed in that)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 21. Who would have to be given constant reminders? (Remember to eat, don’t forget to your keys, etc)
me all the way i am the most forgetful person on earth. i could be leaving the house n boy’s like “hey loser don’t forget ur fuckin pants”
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 22. Who sends memes and who sends cute ‘I miss you’ texts at 3am?
i send both and he purposely leaves me on read until i apologize
Tagging: anyone fr i don’t know who’s done it already except @dinonugggies u have to
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wenamedthedogkylo · 7 years
Tagged Yo
Name: Briana, but I go by Bree and sometimes Bryn
Gender: Genderfluid (65% female, 30% nonbinary/other, 5% male)
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′ 8″
sexuality: Bisexual
What image do you have as wallpaper: A pic I took in FFXV of Ardyn which looks like he stole the camera and took a selfie. It’s my lockscreen and my wallpaper.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: In like 2nd grade, cause all the boys in my year were trolls and I was sick of them. We don’t talk about it. Or 2nd grade in general, it was a bad year.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: It’d be nice if I was settled in a successful acting/writing career, but the way things are going who knows.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: England. Preferably London. Unless we’re talking, like, LITERALLY anywhere, including places that don’t exist, cause then I’ll take Middle-earth or Eos.
What was your coolest Halloween costume: Uh... hm. Tough. I’m gonna go with my Phantom of the Opera Red Death costume sophomore year of college, because I made the mask myself. It was based on the movie version, obvs, and of course it was far from perfect, but it still turned out awesome and since it was also for a class, I got the highest grade on that mask-making project. So booyah. But in high school, I was Darth Vader, Eric Draven aka The Crow, Batman, and then I was gonna do The Joker (Dark Knight version) but I could only get the makeup and scars and not the suit, so my friend lent me a purple fairy costume and I was a Joker Fairy. I won a costume contest.
What’s your favorite 90s show: Uhhhhhh... I suddenly forgot literally all 90s shows. I didn’t really watch TV in the 90s, so... hang on lemme look some up. Okay uh... Dexter’s Lab, Powerpuff Girls, I really liked those. Um, Freaks & Geeks was pretty good? Oh, Friends is pretty classic. 
Who was your last kiss?: I literally have no idea, it’s been years lmao
Have you ever been stood up?: Not that I can think of, that sort of requires someone to ask you out, ya feel me?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Once, my freshman year of college. My bff from high school’s mom paid for us to go see Avenged Sevenfold at the Hard Rock Café, only it was RIGHT before my very first finals. So obviously I said FUCK IT cause finals week was Thur-Wed, and I didn’t have any finals until Monday at 8:00 AM. So we flew out Friday morning, went to the concert Saturday night, and flew back Sunday. And then I went to my final hating the world but happy for the experience. Since I was still 17 at the time, we didn’t do any gambling or drinking but neither of us wanted to anyway so it was all good.
Favorite pair of shoes: Whichever one I’m wearing the most at any given time lmao
Favorite fruit: Probably mangoes, I really can’t resist them
Favorite book: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, followed closely by the Inferno from The Divine Comedy, Frankenstein, and Dracula.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Only one thing? Jeez. Um. It’s either a) the time I stuck a prop necklace for a play I was doing in a floor socket, nearly electrocuted myself, destroyed the necklace the day before opening, and looked like a moron in front of my cast and crew, all because my brain literally went, “hey, this part of the necklace is flat! I bet it would fit in that slot on the socket!”; b) the time I tried networking at the place I was temping because I wanted them to offer me a permanent job, and ended up so drunk that I passed out on the MAX home, stumbled off a stop, fell over and puked on my boots, and had to be taken to the emergency room; or c) the time I was at a band trip up the river in high school and wanted to swim across the river with my friends, forgetting that I was a scrawny weakling until I was at the mercy of the current, nearly got run over by a jet boat, and was so tired by the time I crawled to the rocks on the other side that they were already ready to go back across, I had to rest, and then almost drowned trying to swim/float my way back over because I was so tired. Straw poll, what do you think was the stupidest?
Hogwarts House: Ravendor, it’s really a 50/50 split at this point
Hours of sleep: Who the hell knows anymore? Usually 6+, often 12 because ~my brain doesn’t work properly~.
Blankets you sleep with: Preferably like one or two sheets, a comforter, and maybe some soft throws on top of that, but I’m not picky anymore.
Favorite Bands: Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy are probably the top right now, also Imagine Dragons and WALK THE MOON probably, and Golden Bough which I’ve listened to literally since I was born. And I guess you could count Vitamin String Quartet. I don’t really listen to music that required bands much...
Favorite Solo artists: I actually listen to more solo artists than bands, but still less than just classical and instrumental. Faves are probably Lady Gaga, David Bowie, The Living Tombstone, Kesha, Andrew Bird, Sia, and Syrano.
Song stuck in my head: O-FUCKING-KAY LET ME TELL YOU, so for the last like two weeks I’ve had three songs cycling through my head and I wanna die. Bitch Better Have My Money (okay, not bad, it’s a fuckin awesome song); Tunak Tunak (SWEAR TO GOD WHY, WHY DID IT COME BACK TO HAUNT ME); and to my utter horror The Living Tombstone’s “W* *r* N*mb*r *n*” remix (I WANT TO FUCKING DIE AND IT’S @chocokweehn‘S FAULT)
Last movie I watched: Alice in Wonderland (1951), I got nostalgic
Why did I create my blog: Someone on the ProBoards RP I was on posted a gif, and I was like 😱 what is this soRCERY? WITCHCRAFT?! And so I boogied over here and just started exploring. And I’ve been here ever since, just cause I liked the format and the reblogging and the Idk the community feel? And now I’m trapped like the rest of you lol.
What do I post: Basically anything I think is worth it. Humor, politics/activism stuff, art (mostly others, sometimes mine), fandom stuff, pretty things, Idk just whatever.
When did I create my blog: Like early 2011? I think February 2011, I’d have to check which I don’t know how to do
Do I have other blogs?: So fuckin many, mostly RP blogs, but the main other ones are @peredhelhathladring, which was my last URL that I wanted to save so I made it a Star Wars only blog (which is funny cause the URL is in Sindarin, a very not-Star Wars language), and @breerps which is my writing/RP/inspiration blog.
Do you get asks?: Now and then.
Following Blogs: 1,836, and honestly so many are probably inactive and I need to go cull them but who has the energy for that
Favorite colors: Dark red, dark purple, black, and gold
Lucky numbers: 7
Instruments: I played flute from 5th grade to I think sophomore or junior of high school, then switched to alto saxophone from then to freshman year of college. I still have my instruments, I just haven’t lived anywhere where I could play them without disturbing other people. I’ve dabbled with piano and guitar for a long time and I have a keyboard that I plunk at sometimes.
What am I wearing: Black t-shirt, black, gray, and pink fuzzy pj pants, and Star Wars socks
Dream job: Actor and writer
Dream trip: Paris, specifically to Notre Dame
Favorite food: Chocolate. Just, yeah... chocolate.
Nationality: American
Followers: 1,441, with blocking all porn blogs lmao
Reasons for your url: Because I’m Star Wars trash, and I was thinking about how Indiana Jones named himself after the dog and was like how funny would it be if Kylo Ren did that?
Tagging: @aceofaces20, @comepraisetheinfanta, @maiievshadowsong, @arcanerogues, @hey-hey-shutthefuckup, uh yeah just whoever wants to
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tiemeupspidey · 7 years
Vacation,and Sweatpants
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Series: Dog Mom Life
Relationship: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom, Reader,Tessa and Harrison go on a trip! Tom has a surprise for the Reader.
Warning: Slight smut... SMUT who am I kidding by saying slight! Also swearing :,)
Word Count: 1,700+
A/N:Before the Reader & Tom are married and the Reader is pregnant FYI. Clarifying if some of you haven't read any of my Dog Mom Life Imagines. If not GO LOOK AT MY MASTERLIST.
Sorry I posted this late, I was preparing for my first class tomorrow.
More Dog Mom Life REQUEST FROM: @lettherosesgrow
*Slides down the stripper pole throwing you the imagine*
[Reader’s POV]
“Tessa Bear you ready to go?”You ask rolling your suitcase towards the jet. She lets out a happy bark looking up at you. Her tags jingling as she ran up the stairs to the plane.
    The three of you plus Harrison were going on a trip. Harrison wanted to take photos of the scenery so Tom invited his best mate along. Tom and Harrison were tugging their luggage behind us. Tom drags your extra suitcase along cause he insisted. The two of them having their own conversation about the scenery there.
“Tom how long is this flight going to be?” You ask lifting your bag up as you ascend the stairs. Tessa sat at the top looking down at you. Huffing out a laugh as you look at her. She’s lucky she doesn’t have to carry anything. Looking back at Tom real quick for a response.
“Quite a while babe, there’s a bed in the back of the plane, we can take a nap if you want” Tom responds eyes glued to your ass that was in front of him.
“Sounds good, we got up so early.. I’m tired” you groan rolling your suitcase inside and opening up a suitcase latch. Lifting it up you put it in while Tom lifts the others placing them in. Harrison shuts the latch after him and Tom put the suitcases away.
    Tom pulls you close giving you a kiss on the lips. Harrison groans parting the two of you like the red sea. The both of you laugh as he finds a spot on one of the couches. Rolling your eyes at what Harrison just did,Tom unfolding the couch bed. His ass being hugged by the jogger sweatpants he was wearing. 
    A cough fills the air making you look up to see Tom smirking. He had a cheeky grin on his face. Harrison stifles a laugh as you flip him off with an eat shit and die look.He’s your man, with a nice ass to look at.. you can’t help it one bit.
“Get a room you two” Harrison rolls his eyes as Tessa snuggles up to him. He puts his beats on scrolling through his phone. His head moving to the beat as he listened to his music. Turning on his left side his back is now facing the two of you. Tom grins looking over at Harrison’s back making your brows furrow together in confusion. Why the hell was he grinning?
    Tom pulls you towards him making you fall on top of his lap straddling him. His hand covers your mouth silencing the sound that almost escaped your lips. Watching as he bit his lower lip. Your clothed core throbbing when you felt how hard he was. Moving your hips creating friction Tom grips your throat in his hands.
    A small moan leaves your lips as his lips lightly kissed on your jaw peppering their way down. Your head turning to look over at Harrison’s body on the couch. Looking back at Tom his hand releases from your throat sliding down your body. His hand grips your ass tightly making you bite your lip. He smacked it gripping it again, smiling cause he knew Harrison didn’t hear that.
“Being a tease.. wearing those leggings,knowing they’re my favorite” Tom’s accent making your core clench. His voice is sinful when it lowers,this side of Tom is so sexy.
“T-Tom.. Harrison’s right there” you gasp out as his lips attacks your neck. His teeth bite your neck tugging your skin lightly. Letting go of your skin, Tom’s tongue glides over the mark making your eyes flutter shut.
“F-Fuck I need you” Tom grips your ass with both hands pushing your clothed core against his hard on. The harder friction he created made your breath shaky.
“What if he wa-” Your lips are silenced by his as he lifts you up. His hands holding onto your ass, your arms around his neck. Tangling your fingers in his curls tugging them a little. He lets out a grunt from the tug making you smirk.
   Tom carries you into the back of the plane. He slides a curtain back turning you then closing it again. A bed is in the right corner of the space with a door leading to a bathroom I guess. Your mind getting distracted but getting back on track when Tom sets you down on the bed. The bulge in his pants makes you even wetter. You knew he wasn’t wearing boxers, thank the lord.
   Tom looks to the side before looking back at you. His eyes were dark with lust as they scanned your body. Sitting up you move towards the edge of the bed reaching for his pants. They hung low on his hips, shirt lifted exposing his V muscle. Leaning you press a kiss to his exposed skin. Getting down on your knees in front of him he runs his fingers through your hair. Pulling his pants down you grasp his cock in your hand.  
 “F-Fuck I needed this” Tom moans out as you swirl your tongue around the tip and take him into your mouth. Bobbing your head up and down slowly to tease him.
     The grip on your hair tightens as he starts to move his hips slowly building up a rhythm. Looking up at Tom as he fucks your mouth causes him to let out another deep moan. He strips his shirt revealing his glorious toned torso. He stops fucking your mouth to allow you to suck. Pumping your hand on what couldn’t fit in your mouth. Keeping eye contact with him turned him on the most.
“C’mon babygirl get on the bed, you have to be quiet for me..” Tom releases your hair from the ponytail he had it in with his hand. Pulling back you get up like he says.
     Looking over at the doorway nervously praying that Harrison is dead asleep by now.Taking off your leggings and tossing them off of the bed. His hands lift your shirt off along with unclasping your bra. Laying back against the pillows your hair is sprawled against them. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins knowing Harrison was in the other room.
    He spreads your legs as his lips kiss along your collarbones. His hips lower settling himself between them. Feeling Tom stroke the tip up and down your slit painfully slow. A whimper leaves your lips as he slowly inserts himself into your dripping pussy. His thumb rubbing small slow circles on your clit. Tom’s thrusts were deep and hard making you let out a small gasp.
“T-Tom more baby” you moan out as his hips thrust faster. The grip he has on your hip for sure would leave a bruise. The pace he was fucking you had the bed shaking and your tits bouncing. He rolls the two of you over so you’re now on top. Lifting your hips then moving them down quickly making Tom’s head tilt back. You loved this position because you get to see how he reacts from your movements.   
      His hands grasp onto your ass tightly moving you in a steady motion. You had to bite your lip from letting out the moans. Tom thrusted up into you as you would come down making his cock go deeper into you. The pleasure that flowed inside you was insane, it felt so damn good.
“You’re so wet, fuckin’ hell” His accent thick from arousal. His abs flexing as he thrusted up into you. Sweat was beading on his temple as his eyes focused on you. 
“T-Tom.. please let me cum” your legs were shaking as his thrust kept going faster and deeper hitting your g-spot. The air in the bedroom cabin space felt tight,lungs feeling heavy. 
    He pulls you close to his body pressing his lips against yours. The kiss passionate with want and full of lust. Feeling his hand slide down your body to start rubbing your clit.Your head tilting back breaking apart from the kiss. A moan leaves you as the pleasure builds inside more and more.
“C’mon babygirl ,cum for me” His breathing ragged as he rubbed your clit faster. Euphoria floods through your body as you cum. The sound of the curtain being pulled to the side makes you look over to the entryway.
 “Tom you awake mate? Tess wo- OH MY GOD REALLY?!” Harrison shouts looking at the two of you. He shields his eyes taking off out of the room.
“I was in the other room for fucks sake!” Harrison whines from the main area of the plain.
“Haz- fuckin’ hell” Tom laughs covering you with the blanket. Grabbing his sweatpants he slips them on, you watch as they hug his ass perfectly.
“I’m so embarrassed” you groan slipping your leggings back on. Picking up your t-shirt and putting it back on. You head out to see Harrison’s face red as Tom is laughing on the couch next to him.
“Seriously? You couldn’t wait to get your dick wet till we got to the resort?” Harrison glares at Tom who’s gripping his side from laughing so hard. The sound of Tom’s laughter making you smile,it was your favorite sound.
“You had your headphones on” You defend earning a look from Haz silencing the laughter that wanted to escape.
“That is the last time I wear my headphones around the two of you” he huffs out going to the bar on the plane. If this were a cartoon he’d have smoke coming out of his ears. It was so funny how he was reacting, the embarrassment replaced by humor.
“Tom.. I’m tireddd” you whine pouting at your boyfriend. Harrison walks over with a glass filled with some type of alcohol. You couldn’t wait to drink over in Hawaii, you wanted all the alcohol and plenty of sex with Tom.
“Oh I bet you’re so TIRED from him fucking you eh?” Tom smacks him on the head before standing back up. He takes your hand flipping his best mate off with the other hand. 
“Yeah I’m so tired cause he fucks me so good Harrison, made me cum the energy I had left out of me” You retort flipping him off earning a snicker from Tom. Tessa goes to follow the two of you but Harrison stops her by calling her name.
“Your parents were nasty don’t lay on that bed Tessa, don’t stain your innocent fur” He jokes rubbing the top of her hair.
“SHUT UP HARRISON” Tom and you yell at the same time heading to the bed. Laying down he pulls you close wrapping his arms around you. Kissing his exposed neck he lets out a sigh of content. The two of you falling asleep in each other’s arms peacefully.
Pt.2 If you would like of more Vacation fun ;)
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deeisace · 7 years
heyyyy i’m finally answering your tag thingy! thanks for all the qu’s
i’m gonna do one big post cs it’s easier i guess
alright alright so
1. cats or dogs? am i allowed to say both? im not allowed to say both. uhhh dogs!
2. if money etc wasnt a problem where would you move? idk that i would? if money wasn’t a problem, i’d move like 10 minutes down the road and get a nice little flat haha
3. a moment you’d go back and do different? oh i have a ton of those
4. best ice cream flavour? mint choc chip!
5. fave school subject? english? maths? history? one a those
6. time machine - when and where would you go? fuck idk, i’d probably interrogate theis one grandfather of mine to find out where in scotland he was born, the form-shy sod
7. hide and seek - hide or seek? seek! when i was a kid i’d try like sherlock holmes it haha - rather, flavia gemina it
8. i do like being tagged in these things!
9. fave book? ah bugger don’t ask me that! i really like the rivers of london series, i’m gonna say
10. milk/dark/white choc? milk!
11. siblings? wish did/not? yeah! i’ve 3 brothers, 2 sisters, all step - they’re mostly great and i wouldn’t change!
12. what do you wear to sleep? generally just my pants?
13. colour of your sofa? i don’t have one, but the ones in uni halls are all black
14. smth you’d love to talk about but never really comes up? ooh idk, prolly a bunch of stuff
15. bbq or picnic? picnic!
16. 6 of your fave fictional characters.
ooh okay well at the mo - hardison, parker and eliot off leverage, uhhhhh draco malfoy, that’s 4, peter grant out of rivers of london... last one uhm fred best off ripper street? idk man, if you ask next week i’ll prolly have way different answers. oh! jamie off outlander and the guy his cousin the funny one, uhhh yeah i’ll shut it cs i’ll say a buuunch of characters
17. any films you can talk along to? i can a bit of Pride! i’ve watched it too many times haha - oh can i add mike and jeff out of that to the last answer? and steph. and whatserface the coucillor lady
18. opinion on scented candles? yeah alright, nice, better than incense
19. something that recently really made you smile
ohhh  i proper fell about laughing at something last night what was it
ah! my stepdad did an impression of one of the villagers complaining that our alpacas aren’t french enough, and then we said we should have dressed them up in berets
20. oh wait these are different hang on
nickname: people call me by my last name sometimes?
zodiac: aries hogwarts house: slytherin, but i reckon i’m a good bit hufflepuff too. hence me Trying to get into hufflepuff with the pottermore quiz thing, and ending up in slytherin, haha height: i got measured once at 5′4, but like i’m actually 5′2 but that’s really fuckin short so i say 5′3 haha sexuality: ehhhh gay? ethnicity: white british fave fruit: mango!
“ season: autumn, wayyy
“ book series: uhhhh harry potter or rivers of london? actually actually, riverss of london, cs mostly i just really like HP fanfiction yknow
“ fictional character: hhh idk man, bloody hell! uhhhh hardison off leverage?
“ flower: oh ah what are they called begins with H, hydrangeas! those are nice, and freesias and lavender and the butterfly ones what are they called, buddleia! “ colour: green! like when the sun shines through leaves, that’s good “ animal: oh hell idk there’s a bunch, cats? cats are good. “ band: there’s a bunch of these too, idk which! against me! or counting crows or new model army or or or idk. i tend to like uhhh individual songs over actual bands?
coffee tea or hot choc? tea! mint tea, mint and nettle if it’s there, which it generally isnt haha
average hours of sleep: like 7? between like 7 and idk 10 probably. the time i sleep is messed up sometimes
no. of blankets: i have a duvet, but in winter i like having like, 2 maybe blnkets to go with that so i can make a cocoon haha
dream trip: uhhh america? i’d like to go to new orleans, that seems fun, and new york and san francisco and seattle and places idk. also i want to go back to venice, and go to rome. maybe i’ll say rome, actaully, idk
last thing i googled: flowers butterfly bush name ( which are buddleias!) how many blogs do i follow: 328 no. of followers: 326 what i usually post: ah, fuck knows, whatever’s in my head like - i reblog a bunch of stuff more prolly?
do i get asks regularly: i’ve got a bunch off of you recently! but generally nah
okay last thing is a bold the stuff that applies to you an i’ll do that it a separate post cs this is already long as fuck prolly
thaaank you for all the questions!!
i’m sposed to tag a bunch of people and make up my own qu’s now but like, eh idk
okay, i’ll get bolding stuff!
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professortora · 7 years
i got tagged | mun answers
Tagged by @drorah-walks
Are you named after anyone? Nope! I’m named after a beach in Hawai’i. My parents were going to name me Jordan, which... honestly I still think would’ve fit me just fine. But they switched to [REAL NAME REDACTED] at pretty much the last possible second, apparently because the nurse insisted that she’d never met a more [REAL NAME REDACTED] looking baby in her entire life.
When was the last time you cried? Man, I cry all the damn time, but the last time was probably after I didn’t get the job I’d been interviewing for last week. I was pretty drunk at the time, and it kind of. Stopped and started a few times so. I’ll just say, in fairness: pretty much all of last Wednesday.
Do you like handwriting? I do! I worked really hard to perfect my own handwriting and I still get self conscious about it, which is weird because I find it fairly easy to read other people’s handwriting no matter how terrible it is. I guess I’m just a perfectionist?? Ehhhh
What’s your favorite lunch meat? Tofurkey. No I’m... I’m really serious. I went back to eating meat almost a year ago now, but I still buy fake lunchmeat, because I legitimately like it better.
Do you have kids? Not yet, but I will eventually.
If you were another person would you be friends with you? Yeah, I probably would. I’m friends with a lot of different kinds of people, and even if we never vibed seriously, I know myself, and I know I go way out of my way for people -- I’m funny, and I’m kind, and I give people a lot of free stuff, which is pretty much the key to getting people to like you. I think I’d honestly like me better if I didn’t have to actually be me all the time.
Do you use sarcasm? No, never. Do you?
Do you still have your tonsils? Yup! 
What’s your favorite cereal? Honestly, it’s probably either Trix or Honey Nut Chex, but I can never afford either, so I just stick to my Special K with Strawberries because I honest to God think they forget to charge the right amount for it.
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Lmao yeah but only when I have to. I used to be able to just kick my workshoes off or toe em on and go, but my new ones always have to be tied and untied which probably adds a solid 4 minutes onto my commute
Do you think you’re a strong person? Yeah. I don’t like that I have to be, but I know that I am.
What’s your favorite ice cream? Mint chocolate chip. It’s boring, but I love it.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Size, skin color, and then, oddly, whether or not I think they could take me in a fight. I actually hone in on this quicker than on almost any other attribute. How confident I am around someone initially is usually based on this assessment; the people I try to either butter up or avoid at all costs are people who, I am usually forced to acknowledge, I do not think I could take in a fight.
What’s the least favorite thing you like about yourself? Man, a lot of things -- but mostly, my least favorite thing about myself is how I have this part of my brain that constantly hounds and attacks me over any tiny mistake I ever make. My internal peace is constantly disturbed by a shitty little voice that degrades my accomplishments and blows my missteps way out of proportion until I feel like I’m not worthy of love or success or life itself. Also: lowkey fuck off with this question
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? I’m fuckin pantsless my dude
What are you listening to right now? I got DS9 playing in an open tab and I was about to switch to Monster Factory which I just started watching and. Holy shit. I love
If you were a crayon what color would you be? Fuschia.
What’s your favorite smell? I have a super sensitive noise, so I love a whole bunch of smells. Probably my default favorite is vanilla? But I love the smell of oranges and lemons, too -- roses -- jasmine -- a match right after it goes out -- my grandma’s favorite brand of laundry detergent -- my mom’s house where I grew up -- dog fur -- my best friend from high school’s deodorant -- incense -- mint. 
Who’s the last person you talked to on the phone? My mommy uvu
Favorite sport to watch? Lmao does comedians going in on the president count as a sport?
Hair color? Pink. (Naturally: red.)
Eye color? Green.
Do you wear contacts? Nope, although I probably should - I wear my glasses all the time, and it would probably be easier to switch to contacts. But my glasses are part of my Look(TM) now, and also you have to pay to get a special consultation to get contacts and my poor ass can’t afford that, sooooooo
Favorite food to eat? I love Indian food to death, which is all @mochalatt3‘s fault if we’re being totally honest. I also really like Italian, Mexican, and Japanese. 
Scary movies or comedy? I kind of hate both? Generally? Scary movies I hate viscerally and often cannot sit through. Comedies... I just hate the trappings of. Like, gimme an OLD comedy and maybe we can talk, but modern comedy movies just. Ugh. They’re gross, unfunny garbage and I just. No thanks.
Last movie you watched? Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for an online class I’m taking. It wasn’t my favorite, but it was a good movie.
Color of shirt your wearing? White with rainbow text.
Summer or winter? Summer, although I don’t feel too strongly one way or the other.
Hugs or kisses? Hugs and kisses (but only if I like you and we’re cool and you don’t make it weird)
What book are you currently reading? I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up For Education and Was Shot by the Taliban. It’s a really good book - and timely, I think - but it’s a punch in the throat, emotionally.
Who do you miss right now? @mochalatt3 and @calamitylena who I literally always miss, constantly, because no amount of being together with either of them would ever be enough, being close to them is nourishment for my soul and I die a little bit every second that we’re apart.
What’s on your mousepad? There is no mousepad. Only mouse
What’s the last TV show you watched? I’m thinking about watching every Dukat episode of DS9 just all in a row.
What’s the best sound? My best friends laughing. Honestly, when I’m really upset, I’ll just think about the sound of my best friends’ laughter and it makes me feel better.
Rolling Stones or the Beetles? I’m good
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? Probably Kyoto.
Do you have a special talent? I’m pretty good at just...getting stuff. Not like physically but intellectually and spiritually. I’m pretty good at just understanding how things and people work.
Where were you born? If you wanna steal my social security number you’re gonna have to phish me like anyone else
Tagging: @skrain400babiesdukat, @mckaytriarchy, @astralmedic, @defectivevorta-and-changeling, @abadpenname
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