westvalleyfaultph · 1 month
Protecting the Past: NHCP Urges Disaster Preparedness for Philippine Heritage Sites
In a world increasingly threatened by natural disasters, the need to safeguard our cultural and historical heritage has never been more critical. Richard Baula, a conservator from the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), is ringing the alarm for government agencies, local governments, and various institutions to prioritize disaster risk management plans for the country’s…
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dalandan-oranges · 10 months
Boss, most of the history books u reference here, where do u find a copy?
some of them are articles on jstor that you can access for free with an account!
others are books I've acquired over the years (some from before the current administration shut down the presidential museum/library website, others are from university publishers that made books open access in celebration of something, the Ayala Museum has a lot of historic texts available to read on a browser as well!!! etc etc) and the NHCP also has an online digital catalogue of texts but their website. is very. uhhhhhh. broken, in places. if it's one of the Martial Law ones, there's an online Martial Law archive!
also feel free to email me (email in my pinned post)! and if it's a book and I have a pdf, I'll send it to you :)
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mynameismckenziemae · 7 months
In Case You Didn’t Know Part 1
(next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OFC
Summary: Jake and Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Mason (you) have been best friends since diapers. You’ve been there for each other every step of the way; middle school bullies, broken hearts, baseball games, grad school and the Navy. Jake’s shaken to the core when a mission goes south and he takes his medical leave at home, knowing you’re the only thing that’ll make him feel okay again.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI-this chapter doesn’t contain smut but future ones will, discussions of death and cancer, swearing, etc.
Jake always thought the whole ‘life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to die’ saying was bullshit.
But as his jet plummets toward the ground and smoke fills the cockpit, he realizes it’s true; with one exception.
Every memory features you.
The engine failure alarms serve as the background music to each one that flies by. On the first day of kindergarten when you took his hand to lead him inside because he was too scared to go in alone. Being each other’s first kiss the night before Becca Wilson’s birthday party since seven minutes in heaven was rumored to happen. The relieved smile when you found out you were allowed to play on the boy’s high school baseball team since there weren’t enough girls for softball. How you blushed at his whistle when you walked down the stairs in your prom dress. The way you melted when he handed you the black lab puppy you wanted so badly after grad school but couldn’t afford. Finally, the heart-wrenching sobs as he held you when cancer stole your mom 6 months ago. He never wanted to hear it again.
Will you cry like that if he dies?
“No,” he mutters, picturing your tears, your devastation.
Is it better or worse that you don’t know he’s in love with you?
“Hangman, I need you to eject,” your voice whispers.
His brow furrows. You’ve never called him by his callsign.
��Charlie?” He mumbles, unconsciousness fighting to pull him under.
“HANGMAN! EJECT!” Rooster screams, pleading over the radio.
He snaps out of it and adrenaline pumps through his veins when he sees the ground rapidly approaching.
Everything goes black when he pulls the ejection handle.
“…recovery is at least 12 weeks. We’ll get you transferred to NHCP-“
“No. I’m going home,” Jake interrupts the doctor. He hates everything medical; between the needles, blood, fluorescent lighting, antiseptic smells, he feels like he could crawl out of his skin.
“Lt. Seresin, you’re going to need a lot of assistance. Help showering, stairs are out of the question, you can’t drive, daily physical therapy-“
“I know. I’ll have help at home and I know a great physical therapist,” Jake says in a tone that leaves no room for discussion.
The doctor hesitates before resigning with a sigh. “Alright. I’ll get the write the orders and finish your discharge paperwork so we can get you out of here.”
A loud crash from your front porch has you sitting straight up in bed with a racing heart.
The hair on your dog’s (named Cash, after the Man in Black himself) back stands straight up as he growls low in his throat.
You slip out of bed and pick up the baseball bat you keep by your bed before creeping down the hall behind your dog.
“Charlie? It’s me,” Jake groans through the door. Cash relaxes when he hears Jake’s familiar voice and his tail starts to wag excitedly.
You drop the bat and throw it open. “What are you doing here at 5 in the morning?!” You laugh, but it dies when you see him on the ground. “Oh my God, Jake! What happened?! Are you okay?!” You gasp, crouching to help him onto his back. Cash stays back, sensing something isn’t right.
“I lost my balance on the step trying to juggle my suitcase and these fucking crutches,” he grits out, trying to right himself.
“Leave the crutches. I’ll hand them to you once I get you up. On three, okay? 1,2,3,” you say, hoisting him to his feet. Well, foot.
But before you can hand him the crutches, he wraps you in a tight hug with a choked sob.
“Oh Jake,” you whisper, tears prickling in your own eyes. You’ve only seen him cry a handful of times, and never like this.
You rub soothing circles on his back, only releasing him when he finally relaxes. “Let’s get you inside and off that leg.”
“You look like awful,” you observe as you get him settled on your couch.
“Thanks,” he grimaces when you elevate his foot.
“What am I working with here?” You nod to his cast.
“Fractured the 2 bones in my lower leg. Nothing else is broken, I’m sore everywhere and my shoulders are pretty bruised too, but I was lucky.”
“You had to eject,” you conclude when he pulls his collar to show you the dark purpling.
“Yeah, in a heavily wooded area, hence the scratches on my face. I suppose it was a good thing though, slowed me down a little before I hit the ground.”
You bite your lip to stop the many questions on the tip of your tongue. He looks so exhausted, in pain, and not ready to talk about it yet.
“I’ll make us something to eat and I’m going back to sleep for a bit. You look like you could some too.”
He nods in agreement. “I haven’t slept in days…I just wanted to get home.”
“Well, now you are and can rest. I’ll be back in a few.”
“Here, take these,” you hand him some over-the-counter pain meds and a glass of orange juice once he has some food in his stomach.
“Thanks, I’m sorry to drop in like this. I don’t-I didn’t think things through, I just needed to get out of that hospital-“
“It’s okay,” you interrupt, unable to watch him getting more and more anxious. “Really, Jake. You know I’m always here for you. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Charlie. So much,” he says, voice cracking. But he clears his throat and changes the subject. “This couch is amazing, but do you really need 50 pillows?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and roll your eyes. “Yes, I really do,” you say, smacking him gently with one of the said pillows before handing him the remote. “Wanna find something to watch while I throw these in the dishwasher?”
“Sure, thanks again.”
“Welcome,” you reply, ruffling his hair like you always have. It used to drive him crazy but now he relishes those touches.
“Yessssss, Joe Dirt! I haven’t seen this in ages,” you say, throwing a blanket over him as you come back to the living room.
“We watched it last time I was home,” Jake says, giving you a look.
“Yeah, that was 5 months ago though,” you reply. Recalling why he was here.
Your mom had died early on a Tuesday morning. It was as peaceful as it could be when cancer ravishes someone so quickly. Cash was curled around your legs as you held one of her hands in yours, while Jake’s mom, Ruth held the other. Jake’s sister, Emma, played with the short hair that started to grow back when she stopped the chemo like she always did when she was little. Jake’s dad, Tom had a hand on her leg while he hummed ‘I’ll Fly Away’.
Jake’s family left once the funeral home took her body away after much convincing and reassuring that you were fine, and finally you could fall back into bed. That’s where you stayed for the next 18 hours until Jake found you, so empty and unlike yourself. He was on his way home when he found out Lisa had taken a turn for the worst, but she went downhill quicker than anyone expected. Your first tears fell as he climbed into bed and held you when the sobs wracked your body.
You’re not sure what strings he pulled but he stayed with you for 3 weeks. He helped you bathe and dry your hair the day of the funeral, making you smile when he said he couldn’t do make up. He held your hand at the service, and talked to everyone who approached to give their sympathies so you didn’t have to. He cleaned up her room, packed her clothes into totes, and arranged for the hospital bed to be taken away so you didn’t have to look at it.
“You could go years without watching it and be able to recite it by heart with how many times we’ve seen this movie,” Jake sighs dramatically.
“It’s my favorite. Can you blame me? Look at that mullet.”
“That’s what does it for ya? Maybe I’ll have to grow one,” Jake jokes, lifting his head as you sit down and resting back down on your thighs. Cash jumps up on the other side, resting his head between Jake’s and your stomach.
“Don’t tease me, you’ll turn me on with that visual,” you laugh. “Can you do the white-trash facial hair too? That combination? Phew! Panty dropping!”
He looks up from your lap and laughs for the first time since the accident.
The tension leaves his body as your fingers run through his hair, and he’s asleep within minutes.
Your chest tightens as you look him over; the dark circles under his eyes, a cut under his chin has stitches that will need to come out soon, the purple bruising by his shoulders when you shift his collar, and his leg swelling above the cast.
Yet he’s as beautiful as ever. He’s always been attractive-cute as a boy, hot as a teenager but downright mouth-watering as a man. You started to develop feelings in high school and hoped when you went your separate ways after that those feelings would fizzle out, but they didn’t. They were always simmering on the back burner with the absence, rising to the top with every reconciliation and boiling over when he took care of you 6 months ago.
You aren’t sure how Jake feels. He’s always been a flirt but sometimes you catch the heat in his eyes and the way he reaches for you before catching himself. As much as you long to find out, you aren’t willing to risk ruining your friendship.
Jake’s choking, panicked gasps wake you a few hours later.
“Jake, sweetheart, it’s okay. You’re okay,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his clammy forehead before you think better of it.
His eyes fly open and his panicked gaze meets yours. Cash comes over and nudges Jake's hand with his nose, whining until Jake puts his hand on his head.
“Take some deep breaths with me. In…one, two, three. Hold…one, two, three. Out…one, two, three. Good Jake, again.”
You repeat it until his breathing regulates.
“Charlie, we need to talk. I need you…r help.”
A/N: I think this is the first thing I’ve written without smut. Don’t worry, it’s coming. Sorry this was a little short, but it felt like a good stopping point.
Fun fact: Joe Dirt is the movie my husband and I watched the first time we hung out (back in 2009 🥴)
Every interaction is appreciated but I really like hearing what you think ☺️ Especially since this is the first time I’ve written something not based around smut haha.
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ilaw-at-panitik · 1 year
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From Xiao Chua on Twitter: "TODAY is a historic day. On the very first day of History Month 2023, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) will unveil the National Memory Project Philippines, which will make available for free online thousands of books on the history of the Philippines culled from the various museums and the NHCP Serafin Quiason Resource Center. There will also be contributions from the National Library of the Philippines and other institutions and individuals. A true bayanihan to fulfill the theme of this History Month, "Democratizing History for the People." This is a giant leap forward for public history in the Philippines."
Visit the National Memory Project Philippines and enjoy!
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asylumseriesdaily · 3 months
Forgot to update yesterday
(Asylum, Chapter 2)
Look, life's been a mess, okay? Anyway let's get into it.
(Spoilers not just for this chapter but also, like, the entire second book)
Right off the bat we get a reminder that Apple products were not always in vogue. Nice. When did this book come out? 2013? That was only 11 years ago! How things have changed.
Also Dan worshipping nerdism like a cult. That's the only explanation. There's no way everyone on this campus is so pretentious that the more books you have the cooler you are.
The NHCP vs. New Hampshire College Prep detail is... really weird. This strikes me as an odd thing to specify. Like no shit, Dan, they looked at you a little funny for saying the whole thing instead of abbreviating. I would too. I am beginning to think Dan is a slightly unreliable narrator.
Wasn't this place originally built as a mental institute? Was it just fancy as fuck or are you telling me that they added the chandelier and wood panelling while converting this thing into college dorms? The fuck? Also wasn't Brookline built in the '50s? The architecture is suspicious as hell.
Why is Brookline built like a hotel? I'm no expert but this isn't adding up. Dan. Dan I think they lied to you about what Brookline was. Get out of there. This is scarier to me than the actual horror.
Love how much Dan points out his roommate's organizational habits. Can't wait for the part where he starts getting overtly ableist. Yippee... (not yippee)
Dan, it's not a hotel. There's not going to be a Gideons Bible in your room. And anyway, those go in the bottom of your bedside table, not the top drawer of your desk.
Now we get into something interesting: the photo.
We get to see this photo, actually, which is good because Dan's description doesn't quite do it justice.
The way that the eyes are scratched out feels a lot more realistic than how most media would do it. Someone really just took a pencil and pressed down as hard as they could and scribbled out the eyes one at a time. There's even rips where they pressed down too hard.
This guy looks really young, right? I can't get the pic up right now but he looks really young. He looks like a kid with resting bitch face playing at being grown up. It's... oddly fitting. Dan is young. Daniel was young (if memory serves, this IS Daniel, right?) when he started doing fucked up shit to people. He was a kid. He played at being grown up from a really young age because he wanted power, he wanted respect, he wanted to be in charge. This is exactly what I'd want Daniel Crawford to look like: like a child taking himself too seriously. Forcing himself to be an adult. Or maybe I'm reading too deep into it. Anyway this had disastrous consequences. Both Daniel's actions on his victims and this not-really-a-revelation on my psyche. Okay goodnight.
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thebaronmunchausen · 1 month
For the celebration of the History Month and the National Language Month, the NHCP Museum of Philippine Social History presents:
"Leona Florentino: First Published Filipina Poet"
A Lecture-workshop on the life and works of Leona Florentino this will be held in the Museum of Philippine Social History together with invited group Linangan sa Imahen, Retorika at Anyo, Inc. (LIRA) and their members to facilitate a whole day poetry lecture-writing workshop. The lecture aims to relive the life of an iconic individual Leona Florentino who is known as the mother of Feminist Literature and witness how she left an indelible mark among Filipinos her contributions as a foundational poet, dramatist, satirist, and playwright.
After the lecture Ms. Mikka Ann V. Cabangon will launch her book “Duongan”
This will be followed by a lecture of poetry writing exploring different forms of poetry and the participants will be asked to create their own poems. Participants will be asked to identify the forms and devices of the poems to be read, as well as applying it in their own written poems by applying particular forms and utilizing certain poetic devices.
This will be on 24 August 2024, Saturday, 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM, at the Audio Visual Room, Museum of Philippine Social History, Angeles City.
It is a FREE event, however, for the afternoon session, only selected pre-registered participants will be included.
MakeItHistoric #NHCPMuseums #BuwanNgWika #HistoryMonth2024 #filipinoliterature
The Museum of Philippine Social History is one of the museums of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines and is open to the public. It is housed at the Old Florentino Pamintuan's Mansion, Santo Entierro St. cor. Miranda St., Sto. Rosario, Angeles City, Philippines 2009. Visit us from Tuesdays to Sundays, 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM.
For other inquiries send us a message or give us a call at (045) 963-0641, you can also send us an email at [email protected]
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researchbuzz · 1 month
Jose Rizal, TeacherServer, Australia WWII Records, More: Monday Afternoon ResearchBuzz, August 12, 2024
NEW RESOURCES Philippine News: Original Manuscripts of Jose Rizal’s Works Now Available Online. “The original manuscripts of Dr. Jose Rizal’s important works including ‘Noli Me Tangere,’ ‘El Filibusterismo,’ and ‘Mi Ultimo Adios.’ are now available online. The National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) has made the original manuscripts of Dr. Jose Rizal’s important works available…
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New NHCP Chair: Expert on Philippine Church Heritage
Regalado Trota Jose, a church heritage expert, is the new chair of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP). #southeastasianarchaeology #Philippines #NHCP #culturalheritage #RegaladoTrotaJose
via Inquirer, 17 Jul 2024: Regalado Trota Jose, a distinguished expert in the history and heritage of Philippine churches, has been appointed as the new chair of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines. His expertise includes modernizing the UST Archives and contributing to numerous publications on Philippine church history. Regalado Trota Jose, renowned for his expertise in the…
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newhomecobroker · 3 months
Mastering New Home Sales: The Path to Becoming a Certified Professional
Becoming a certified professional in new home sales entails a structured process designed to enhance an agent's proficiency in this specialized field. One of the most recognized certifications is the New Home Certified Professional (NHCP) designation, offered by reputable organizations within the real estate industry.
Visit- https://newhomecobroker1.blogspot.com/2024/06/mastering-new-home-sales-path-to.html
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archiyugos · 8 months
Historical Structure Should We Preserve or Demolish?
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History is one of the significant identities of a community, whether it may symbolize a building structure or a person who could identify themselves as one of the contributors to the nation. But part of historical preservation is understanding the sentiment of the community towards the structure or that person that is relevant to the events of the past.
Let me start with the topic that I want to discuss with, in a recent article, there is a structure that is located at Sta Mesa, Philippines. A Fire station that is built during world war II, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines wanted to preserve the historical structure while Architects wanted to demolish the structure to make use of the structure. To better understand both points this is between cultural preservation or cultural identity of the community and architectural safety or architectural use of the structure. In my own perspective the priority of architectural use should be the basis of preserving of a historical structure, I have been to NHCP and understand the process of preserving artifacts and authenticity of the structure there are ways and category that a structure should be preserve for generations to come. Questions like “is the structure a part of a history events?”, “is the structure important to the events of the past?”, “is the structure was used by the important people from the past?”. These questions are relevant to what means of preserving a structure. The standing of the Fire station should be demolish and rebuilt into something more useful and impactful to the community. The fire station like any other houses that are built during the World War II are not ideally be preserve because of lack of historical events that are involve during that timeframe. Demolishing the Fire station doesn’t mean that the structure itself is wasted but rather it can be used again as the same use of the structure. I understand that cultural identity is part of the history of the community but as an architect wasted space should be uphold and can be used again for the improvement of the community rather that being wasted and not used for significant reason for the sake of preserving the structure.
In conclusion, demolishing the fire station is ideal for the change of the community, the proposed fire station is an improvement and can be used again for the community rather than being a wasted structure that can’t be used for its purpose of the structure. I understand the significant value of the cultural identity of the community but understanding the state of the structure it should be concur that the structure itself cannot be used for its own purpose for the sake of preserving the structure.
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thxnews · 11 months
Philippines Honors 650 Years of Heritage
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  History and Heritage of the Muslim Community
The Office of the President has taken a significant step in recognizing and celebrating the rich history and heritage of the Muslim community in the Philippines. In an administrative order issued on November 7, the creation of the "Situmiayat Wakhamsum Aldhikraa National Committee" (SWANC) was announced. This committee will play a pivotal role in planning and implementing a series of programs, activities, and projects to commemorate the 650th anniversary of Philippine Muslim History and Heritage.   A Commemorative Journey Begins The Administrative Order No. 10, spanning five pages, underscores the importance of commemorating the 650th anniversary. Signed by Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin, the order emphasizes that SWANC's mission is to organize, coordinate, and synchronize various programs, projects, and activities for the upcoming commemoration. It's a journey that will extend from next year through 2030, showcasing the enduring legacy of Muslim Filipinos in shaping the nation's history and heritage.   More Than History Beyond a mere reflection of the past, the commemoration anniversary will have a multi-faceted impact. It will not only promote local and national tourism but also reignite a sense of nationalism in every Filipino. The emphasis is on instilling values for the common good, strengthening the social cohesiveness of the community, and intensifying social awareness.  
Leadership and Coordination
The leadership of SWANC is in capable hands. Specifically, the chairman of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) serves as the committee's chairperson. In addition to the chairperson, the secretary of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos and the chairperson of the Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage will serve as co-vice chairpersons.   Collaborative Efforts The administrative order also includes a roster of esteemed member agencies. These agencies, including the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of National Defense (DND), Department of Tourism (DOT), and the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation, and Unity (OPAPRU), will play pivotal roles in the successful execution of the commemoration.   Authorized Representation The chairperson, co-vice chairpersons, and members of SWANC are empowered to designate their respective alternates, with the rank of Assistant Secretary or higher, who will have full authority to act on their behalf.   Administrative Support The NHCP will serve as the Secretariat of the SWANC, offering technical, administrative, and operational support to the Committee. When needed, the Secretariat may augment its staff with personnel from member agencies, pending authorization from their respective agency heads.   A Comprehensive Plan SWANC's primary responsibility is to craft a comprehensive plan for the commemoration of the 650th Anniversary of Philippine Muslim History and Heritage. We will submit this plan to the President for approval within six months of the order's effectiveness, laying the foundation for a journey that pledges to celebrate, educate, and unite a diverse nation around its shared heritage.   Sources: THX News & Presidential Communications Office. Read the full article
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dalandan-oranges · 9 months
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Apolinario Mabini, Revolutionary, Cesar Adib Majul
he was so fucking funny for this
I had actually spent a long time recreating the interior of his house for that first panel before I remembered he was exiled in guam when this happened lmao. the other guy in this comic is his brother, prudencio, who accompanied him into exile!
speaking of houses, let's talk about his glasses. he had them, and I get emotional whenever I see photos of his personal belongings.....
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photo taken from the NHCP Museo ni Apolinario Mabini
also the citation given in the screen cap!! I don't have access to Mabini's La Revolucion Filipina, but if you do and you want to read further: [8] 'Las memorias de Guam' La Revolucion Filipina, Volume II, p233
🍊 twitter 🍊 bsky 🍊 pixiv
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kp777 · 1 year
By Daniel Oropeza
May 17, 2023
You too, can be one of those people who confidently springs into action when there is a person in need: Save a Life and the National Health Care Provider Solutions (NHCPS) created a non-profit organization to certify people around the world with five different life-saving certifications and re-certifications, which, for an undisclosed amount of time, are being offered for free.
What is Save a Life by NHCPS?
Save a Life by NHCPS is a non-profit that offers accredited online life-saving certifications from board certified physicians and health care professionals by providing training materials and exams. The online trainings are tailored to those who cannot attend an in-person class for whatever reason. They provide more flexibility and cover the same materials as an in-person class, following the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) standards. They are accredited by the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM) and are Joint Commission (JCAHO) compliant, and their certifications are nationally and internationally accepted by a rate of 98%, according to their FAQ.
Upon completing the training, you can request a printed card by mail.
How to take the certifications free?
The following certifications are being offered for free:
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certified/Recertified (ACLS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certified/Recertified (PALS)
Basic Life Support Certified/Recertified (BLS)
AED & First Aid Certified (CPR)
Bloodborne Pathogens Certified (BBP)
Choose the certification or recertification you would like to get (if choosing a re-certification, un-select the certified option in the cart, which is added by default). At checkout, the coupon code “socialfreeacls0223" should be automatically applied. If applying the code doesn’t work, open the initial link in an incognito window and when you go to checkout, the code should automatically apply.
If you want to take multiple certifications, you’ll have to check them out one at a time using different emails at registration.
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nitro95 · 1 year
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soybin · 2 years
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Filipino activists and organizations from various sectors staged a protest at the EDSA People Power Monument in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines, commemorating the 37th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution, the peaceful uprising that overthrew the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr., father of the current Philippine president, on February 25, 2023.
The early Saturday morning was led by representatives from the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) along with Quezon City local government officials, Mayor Joy Belmonte, and the Armed Forces of the Philippines through flag-raising and wreath-laying ceremonies with its commemorating theme “Pagkakaisa Tungo sa Kapayapaan at Pagbangon”. They were later joined by the Spirit of EDSA Foundation (SOEF), church organizations, and labor groups with performances and fists as they recalled the injustices and how the revolution unfolded toppling its dictator out of power.
As of October 08, 2022, the first 100 days of Marcos Jr in the presidency, 81 human rights violations were recorded by the Student Christian Movement of the Philippines (SCMP). The same youth movement took participation in the First and Second EDSA People Power Revolution and was made illegal under Martial Law along Kabataang Makabayan.
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And 37 years after the historical bloodless revolution, the Marcoses have returned to power.
Last election, the battle of pink and red has been Marcos Jr. campaign and its infamous “unity” seemed to oppose by many as how the present economic crisis unfolds. Is it really an age of prosperity?
Hence, the data shows that the state of human rights violations and distortion of the Philippine economic depression during Marcos Sr, according to De Dios et al. (2021), the human cost and institutional damage it made were no complete economic justification of the social costs of its regime without mentioning social disorder and the death toll and liberty. The regime's crackdown on peaceful and armed impedance was marked by cruelty and torture: 3,257 individuals were killed under barbaric circumstances by the military, and 737 were victims of forced "disappearances". Some 35,000 cases of torture have been recorded, and 70,000 individuals have been apprehended, most without a warrant.
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As of this writing, the Sandiganbayan Fifth Division, on February 22, 2023, dismissed the ill-gotten wealth case of Marcos Sr. vs its cronies due to lack of evidence through dummy corporations. The Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) estimated the Marcoses' wealth in the totality of $5 billion to $10 billion, as recognized by the Guinness World of Record to be the “greatest robbery of government.”
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“Dapat laging gunitain ito upang maalala ang nangyari noong 1986,” Sis. Pilar Quemeda of Religious of the Good Shepherd said.
It is those militant and political activists’ nuns' unique positioning in the revolution that turned the tables of ousting a dictator possible---they invoked moral power in critical situations. Known to be as “Bantayog Sisters”, the Global Sisters Report stated that nine religious sisters' names were from various parishes and backgrounds. Four of the sisters, known as the "Cassandra martyrs," all members of the Religious of the Good Shepherd, died in a shipwreck in 1983. While the other five sisters kept their jobs in various ministries following the political change, they died of natural causes.
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As per Social Weather System (SWS) survey conducted just before the revolution, six out of 10 Filipinos still believe that the EDSA spirit exists after more than three decades of state upheaval.
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“Sa kalagitnaan ng lumalalang krisis, asahang dadami pa lalo ang tao na naniniwala sa diwa ng EDSA. Hangga’t tinataguyod ng rehimeng Marcos-Duterte ang mga panukalang nagpapahirap sa bayan at nagsisilbi sa iilan tulad ng RCEP at EDCA, habang niraratsada nila ang mga batas para manatili sa kapangyarihan tulad ng Mandatory ROTC, Cha-Cha, at SIM Card Registration, mula sa pagkilala sa diwa ng EDSA ay kikilos ang taumbayan upang lumaban!”, Anakbayan National Chairperson Jeann Miranda said.
Youths today continues to respond to the worsening social, political, and economic crisis. Therefore, it is inevitable that the number of young militants who fight against fascism and exploitation will increase. They are to reinforce the call from the mass campaign. They are united in the sectoral fight against farmers, laborers, workers, students, women, LGBTQ+, and all oppressed sectors of society, and heeds to the call, “Mula sa Masa, Tungo sa Masa!”
Their very goal is to unite all youths to make truths tangible and heard, organize, and mobilize to fight for our rights to land, work, education, justice, livelihood, and other social services.
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The commemoration of martial law and the spirit of EDSA will always not be through placards or a paper archive. It is always within the people remembering the horrors and not being blinded by those in power. Debt, deprivation, and dictatorial spoils became a real hallmark of the Marcoses in our history. As difficult and agonizing as that time was, it would turn out to be a greater tragedy if its experiences and hardships were abandoned by the future generation unaware of their impending doom to repeat past mistakes.
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After all, it is within us, autopsying our democracy’s wounds, as to what Karl Patrick (Co-Founder of Project Gunita) said.
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researchbuzz · 1 year
Philippines Cultural Heritage, FemBase Kenya, North Carolina Breastfeeding Support, More: Monday Afternoon ResearchBuzz, August 7, 2023
NEW RESOURCES PhilStar: NHCP kicks off History Month with free online archive launch. “Want to read Jose Rizal’s ‘El Filibusterismo’ in Tagalog and Ilokano or learn the rich history of Bohol and Cavite? The National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) got historians and history buffs covered through the National Memory Project (NMP). The website, featuring digitized records and…
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