paixarina · 2 years
crying, sobbing, rolling on the floor right now
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afreakingdork · 6 months
Everything Leo's done and he's outclassed by SANDWICH /j but oof. I knew Leo must have an understandable miff against Reader but seeing him admit just how deep that jealousy goes?? Because of course. Because Donnie's his *twin*, because they've had this song and dance of being at eachother's throats and in spite of that Leo still yearns for some sort or connection or an excuse to sever it completely.
It lowkey makes me remember the discussion if how WS!Donnie would react to his close-canon self/Crush too much self. How would *Leo* react to seeing a version of him that got into Donnie's space freely and without worry? A version of himself that got to wholly have Donnie as family,as a full fledged twin brother with no hard eggshells to walk on?
This Leo reveal is so momentousness because I've been sitting on it for years and you've summed it up so nicely here! If we think about the timeline first in Weak Spot, though scary, when the bastard's three are introduced, we seem them as a little scary, but Leo is trying to do this bit in the midst of it and it doesn't fit and it feels wrong. Then when reader really meets Leo, he's bitter and paranoid and nothing like that person and so knowing what we know now, you see the aptly named song and dance was Leo's only source of connection. As bitter and cruel was it was, as lethal, it was the only one he had and that worked, but then we piece in more such as how Leo talks about how Donnie was finally gone, how they finally beat him back and there's such a bile there, like that's not something he wanted and then Donnie reappears, with some human, and he's different, he isn't playing the game and by all accounts he's wrong. Donnie is new and not the person Leo has known almost a lifetime and this upset Leo so so very deeply. Then, then, we place a recent piece about how reader said they understood Leo's banter comment from chapter 60. That's Leo comment about how they always do banter from chapter 19. In 60, Leo laughs. Leo laughs. Why laugh? Just because of the callback or because of something else? Because Leo then specifies he's lost his mind. Because reader doesn't get it. Because reader has made a critical error. Reader interfered.
I don't know! That came from somewhere where I've been sitting on this for WAY WAY too long!!! Thanks for letting me expound on it!
Oh DOING THAT WITH LEO!? THAT'S DELICIOUS, LET'S SEE: WS!Leo would need to talk to CTM!Leo. He would need to hear the story, just seeing it would not be enough for him. Hearing this other Leo talk about being the ultimate wingman and how he sacrificed for the team and all he did would bring WS!Leo to absolute tears. CTM!Leo would be sort of embarrassed like, hey big guy, it can't be that bad right? And WS!Leo would clamp a hand on his shoulder and try to suck it back up and tell him he did a good job which would surely water CTM!Leo's eyes from that (older) adult and self approval! For canon, he'd watch it like he were watching the TV show and just smile.
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ckret2 · 6 months
saw your recent reblog about feedback and, though I’ve been occasionally gushing in tags, you deserve to hear what I tell my friends! In general, your writing style is perfect at capturing the timing and delivery of the show itself. I’ve never read a fic i’ve been able to visualize more clearly than this one. You write each character so well that between chapters it feels like i’m right back where i used to be, waiting for new episodes again. I do think you haven’t *quite* solved your side-character-ification (applejackification?) of Dipper problem yet, but other than that you’re doing an astounding job at balancing all the characters and their interactions with each other and with bill in a way that feels natural (plus with these more recent chapters i’m seeing lots of good dipper stuff so you’re definitely getting there with him too! besides, it is nice to see Mabel get the spotlight after all these years anyway. healing, even.) You know exactly how to control an audience’s emotions, you know when to drag something out and when to shut it down, you know when to cut off a conversation and when bring up the fact it was cut off later. Little foreshadowings like the loose tooth are well-planted and plot beats like lucid dreaming are dropped and picked back up delicately and with precision, like pressing piano keys. i don’t doubt for a second it’s all a part of some grand instrument, though i wouldn’t be surprised if you told me most of it was improvised - another way you’re just like the show was. you’ve done the episodic-and-serialized thing better than at least half of all silver-age cartoons that have attempted to do so! I adore the way you show kindness to all characters in your scenes, from gideon’s characterless mother to the little freak himself. It truly feels as though you pick no favorites, and that’s something you do better than the show did tbh. Not that TBOB needed to hook me in with a marketing campaign, but hypothetically, in a universe where I didn’t own a hand-sewn bill cipher throw-pillow and yet somehow still found this fic, I would definitely be excited for it after reading! you’re gifted, and i hope this does numbers on AO3. I truly cannot stand hazbin hotel, but I may go back and read your other works once this one’s over, just to hear your narrative voice. it’s a voice worth hearing, and may it be forever amplified.
oh WOW thank you so much??? 😭 this is SUCH a sweet comment and it means so much to me that you took the time to write all this!!
APPLEJACKIFICATION... that made me laugh. Dipper will get some serious development before the end of the eclipse plot and he's key in the next plot, so I think that'll help him make some progress. But yeah—he's not gonna be as important as Mabel, but I do want to make sure he has a plot that stands on its own, smaller though it may be.
It's 2/3 planned, 1/3 improvised. 😁 I've got a lead time of about 15 chapters between what I've posted and what I've written, so I can do stuff like write the poppet chapter, write the tooth fairy arc, edit the poppet chapter, realize that as long as I'm giving him a bloody lip maybe I can loosen his tooth, edit the tooth fairy arc, have him mention that that tooth was loose. And many chapters I haven't written or outlined yet I have loosely planned in my head so I know how to aim toward them.
Wanting to show kindness to all the characters and wanting to give as many of them an internal life as possible is so important to me, and I'm so glad that's showing through so far!
And honestly I think "I hate [xyz] but I'll read it if you're writing it" is the highest compliment. 😂 All my hazbin fics were written pre-season 1 when all we had was the pilot, a couple comics, creator comments, and some Helluva to go by; but idk maybe you'd consider that a plus lol. (If you're interested, on ao3 I've also written Transformers, Godzilla, some Pokémon, and a smattering of other things.)
Thanks again for sending such a nice message!
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I almost hate how much i switched teams from 2718 to abacus, but its just bc he's new and shiny and pretty and pushy. He stifles autonomy so i know 2817 is better in the long run bc u can reason w him and he puts mcs best interests first. Abacus gives me the kind of vibe that he'd let mc get hurt so long as shes his, and tbh i feel like he might enjoy it? Like he'd like to fix her up and *accidentally* press a lil too hard into her wounds wheras 2718 would just use his abilities so that she wont feel the pain to begin w. That's just my assumption tho given what we've seen. Abacus seem the type to only use his powers thingy to subdue reader.
We know that 2718 has met readers past forms/reincarnation w.e u call it and i originally thought abacus did too. Maybe he was her affair or lover in a previous reincarnation methinks? I just felt like he knows her before. This changed a bit towards the end when they were walkin thru the streets while he was giving her the endoscopy (😮‍💨💦) and we learned just how badly mc is seen. Now im starting to wonder if aba is just greedy n wanted her as his lil disabled spouse genuinely, no past relation. Idk. I still feel like they know each other previously. Or maybe he sensed something abt her back when 2817 brought her in to that place all the way back then. Mc is key to the universe type thing. Doubt that tho.
Neyways i think aba is gnna take her home where he reveals that he not only has four arms, but also two dicks n he's gnna try to fawk her but some event will inconveniently stop him. I also think he lives in an oasis like place, their version of natural wood everywhere, running waterfalls from the cieling, tons of glass that he can mentally control and shatter at will to threaten reader while having a saccharine smile on his face, the works really.
I wnna believe translator(TA) is gnna get 2718 and theyll find mc but now im thinking maybe they might not meet up like that. 2718 might find TA n ditch her to find mc and TA has to scramble to keep up, might even meet her on the way back after 2718 saves the day. Also wondering whts gnna happen to TA bc i dont think anything criminally bad happened to her even tho we heard her screaming. Be real interesting if she were screaming bc 2817 found her and juuuust missed mc and aba. I think when 2718 finds mc and aba they're gnna be familiar w eachother but not fight bc aba is one slippery bastard. Or maybe itll be convenient where aba leaves mc unattended for a bit and someone tries to harm her and then 2718 makes him big appearance, like when mc was first dropped into the world and 2718 saved her. I have more thoughts on that but ive already wrote an essay here and in my other ask 😭
Anywhooo ty fr the chapter, hope your healing well 💕💕💕 -🐰
Damn this sure is a well written essay 😳 its either ur a really good analyst or im just a predictable writer cause it almost seems like u have access to my drafts
Cuase that... Kinda exactly whats gonna happen ngl, its still pretty rough around the edges part 15 is just still in its embryo stage with a 50 word list of whars going to hapoen, but yea it pretty similar to what you just described , havent been writing cause i regained my leg freedom finally and i spent literally every waking hour outside, driving and shit
There is going to be a fawking scene in p15 ill tell u and whoevers reading that. Similar to what you descibe with their anatomy but a little different in sequence of events
Thanks for sending in this ask bunny anon this is so cool and i had a great read ❤️❤️ lovely motivation youve given me and i really appreciatte the essay asks -- like, i appreciate if A LOT actually, thanks for reading language barrier too
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Did you see them yet?
I was at rehearsals all day so when it was actually happening 😭😭😭 and I couldn't take the risk of breaking down at work so XD
Chapter 51/Mix_21 Initial Thoughts
Spoilers below the cut, my thoughts, not in order:
I AM FULL BLOWN CRYING 😭😭😭 my Given boys, they've graduated and debuted!
I love that Mafuyu and Kasai formed some sort of a friendship, Kasai grew to be bigger than her jealousy of Mafuyu and that's wholesome AF
I LOVE that Kizu still had Mafuyu not loving that Uenoyama is playing support for SYH (just like Akihiko a few chapters back LOL) but they are all learning to put their ego aside a bit and their partner's happiness first
Haruki apartment hunting 😳😳😳
Mafuyu posting Given's CD to Ugetsu is literally my fav. Ok if Uegstu received Mafuyu's CD and he's only been in Paris for like a day, that means Ugetsu probably received the CD in NY and had time to listen to it for a while and think about what he was going to say before calling Mafuyu. So him "calling on a whim" is actually him calling after much thought as to what he was to say to Mafuyu. But I LOVE THAT SO MUCH because Ugetsu 2.0 has grown so much where he's not just emotionally dumping on Mafuyu, he's really thinking through how his words affect other people (MY BABY 😭❤️)
I love that Mafuyu offered Uenoyama icecream, one of Mafuyu's love language is definitely sharing food, we see that in one of the initial chapters with him offering meat to Haruki when Aki and Ue but dug in without much thought at the grill.
AND I LOVE THAT Uenoyama is learning to reciprocate by giving Mafuyu coffee. (another cute thing he probably also picked up from Papa Aki when he was trying to live up to be a man worthy of Haruki by getting coffee for him)
MAFUYAMA KSS WHERE UE INITIATES: *CHEFS KISS* Our munchkin cat boi comfortable enough to PDA in public YESSSS
Uenoyama falling asleep all the time still kind of concerns me. Musician burnout is real and he's so young still so I hope he's looking after himself 🥲
I don't think this chapter necessarily means that Mafuyu is "FULLY OVER" Yuki, I think Mafuyama going to the beach means that Mafuyu feels comfortable to TALK ABOUT himself and his past openingly with Uenoyama. The journey of healing from grief is not a linear one, but it is about open communication and letting loved ones in. And because Mafuyu finally is about to show his vulnerable self fully to Uenoyama,
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So much of the manga is angsty so I kind of loved that it was a really fun end without completely sexualising minors. Also this doesn't really feel like a gag to me because it's both Uenoyama overcoming internalised homophobia and being able to openly display his love to Mafuyu in public and Mafuyu able to open himself up to Ue. I think the timing is great.
My Given Metas Masterlist
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gen4grl · 3 months
Wheeze, here we are at long last before I have to go into College/Life lockdown again. You won't believe how much can happen in a month and the huge projects that lie ahead, but anyways! - It's cool how you have a PHD in Silver Handling. The closest acronym I could get for that was calling it a Psy.D (precarious Silver yeeting doctorate LOL) anyways you're so right, good analytic potential AND its interesting that it's him being Giovanni's son that you point out. I like that bit too, and I'd love to hear what about it makes it so dope to you :D - Twitter is the trenches </3 glad you like it here more :3 tumblr is THE place for neurodivergent folks like us and HARD AGREE on reading game dialogue. its my favorite lore hunting technique. I cannot fight Gyms until every inch of that city has been explored. - Literally bouncing up at down at the mental imagery of Leaf sitting at a blocky computer with Bill. I can just vaguellyyyy reach out to that era through memory, of idk, images, did I ever see them in person? in dreams? all I know is that even in the early 20s the age of dial-up phones wasn't instantly forgotten. maybe at someone's house. but there is SO much 90s to project there and it can be so enjoyable. nostalgia + growing up + that one era that is more romanticized in retro aesthetic and the social culture bc that's how the neighbors eldest daughters grew up and how do we, in modern times, achieve that? - if it's controversial, nobody's yapping about it when it comes to other characters lol. Leaf is pretty consistent if you keep an open mind so taking from other media 100% makes sense. I do it too :P oooh Silver and Leaf meeting on 5 island I love that!! aw man, with the Rocket base and that Scientist I'm just full of giggling here. Pff, Archer is going to get his butt kicked by the boss's son's friend HA tfw the same kids you see running around take down TR - oh I like how you bring the environment and economy into it, solid reasoning for moving + Pallet connects to the ocean that leads to Cinnabar, no? but yeah :D great customer base, little homey place but close to Viridian and the Indigo Plateau as well, plenty of people stopping by! omg Leaf coming from the hair sprouts 😭 oh that's clever I like it! - really enamored with the Bill + Leaf aspects of your story, it's just really speaking to some deep corner of my soul's memory. im so stoked somebody else likes this haha my Leaf is a bit more politically motivated (at least in one universe lol, bc it's the anime which is an utter disaster and she wants to be Champion to clean house and heal the economy) but also someone oughta do something bc Lance is working like 5 different jobs 😭 also, I can imagine with most of your HCs centered around character relationships they might feel like a hard sell compared to cold facts and I 100% feel you. so much of my fic is just character dynamics nobody else would get it LOL. but I'm honored you have so much you'd want to yap about it. fully encourage and love yapisodes - I looked at your Silver post and you said it's only if you're playing as Red but good news, Scientist Gideon STILL asks that if you play as Leaf. He says "Giovanni's kid" not his son :D - at the time you asked that, I was writing 6.1k of a chapter for another fandom, but lately I've had Leaf on the brain again and rlly want to get a solid outline for that series going. <-- the kind of yapping better suited for DMs lol. yess, love seeing how the Pokemon world is connected in media. utterly obsessed with Gen/Evo Specials, you can imagine the cheering when Silver's episode dropped 7 years ago he's so <3 <3 <3 if you like Silver + Leaf sibs then you feel like someone I can smuggle into Dad Lance city that doesn't leave her out, but hey. oldest daughter problems maybe if we incorporate the tendency to focus on Kris/Lyra/Ethan and thanks to Masters, LILLIE?!?!? <-- understand Johto kids but LILLIE???? and every time I see Lance with Red/Blue I'm like "aight, so I gotta fill this vacancy myself"
helllloooo first of all i want to say sorry for taking so long to get to this😭 my last couple months have been a mess and i’ve been dealing with annoying health issues (in every way). i apologise if this reply isn’t as long or thorough as usual🤧
i think what i like about the silver giovanni connection so much is how well it connects johto + kanto story wise. johto to me is still a very undeveloped and lowkey forgotten region unfortunately but silvers character is easily the shining part of the region. i also think it’s cool how he’s also connected to red (or leaf) due to the whole reason giovanni abandoning him being because of red/leaf’s defeat of team rocket, ultimately crushing his ego lol - just one big butterfly effect that i thoroughly enjoy :p and as stated in my post, i like despite how hard he tried not to be, silver was quite similar to his dad until the events of the the johto story. seeing his growth makes me so happy 🤧🤧🤧✨
lmao talking of reading game dialogue … the offical pokemon twitter account made this post for fathers day (i think…? my fathers day isn’t till september 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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and the amount of people in the comments literally suprised gave me a stroke like??? lacey being clays daughter is explicitly stated LOL pokemon fans never cease to amaze me 😭😭😭
you’ve really got me thinking about kantrio in the 90s now LOL. i can see them all tryna message eachother on some aol type site and someone’s dial up cutting totally ruining their convos - most likely blue cause daisy wants to talk on the phone to bill or something … hmmm… ideas are brewing!!!! actually to sound old my family had dial up till 2009… insane😭😭 i used to get so mad at my mumma using the phone cause i just wanted to play club penguin LOL - oh and thx u for the compliment on the leaf + bill dynamic <3 bill is one of those random ass side characters that still is so iconic … i have so many hc’s for him too LOL no character can escape my headcanons
oh and i am the minister at the dad lance church!!! i’ve always seen him as not just a mentor to silver but the other johto kids and definitely the kanto trio before they grew up - that saying i still think as adults they turn to him alot since … half of them don’t have dads (both in canon and my hc LOL). i think as adults, the kantrio definitely have a more friend based relationship with him but as kids he definitely helped them through the spotlight that was put on them at such a young age.
ehghhh i very much apologise for this reply, my brain feels very disconnected from my body today and i feel like this hot mess of a reply shows LOL. again, i really apologise for the late reply. i wish you the best of luck with ur studies and writing ✨✨✨🩷🩷🩷
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Sorry for the late response to the latest chapter of FMN. Okay I feel like Luke deserves to get a punch in on Aemond when he gets his memories back, maybe a few actually for what Aemond said in the past, even if he was trying to cover up his heartbreak. Everything about Daemon’s POV is spot on and I love how you managed to accomplish that! So what I gathered is that Daemon is still the uncle of the Targtower kids and Rhaenyra is his first cousin, right? And my god, reading Luke’s files from the past was absolutely crushing. I really hope there’s a copy of that video on Luke’s mom or they find her because I feel like there will be a damning piece of evidence that might be key in Luke’s trial. I think I got all of the hints you dropped and let me tell you I am freaking out about what it all means and how it will all play out as the story continues. Also Aemma, love you lots, but not good timing. Excellent writing as always and much love!
Luke deserves to get in more than a punch after everything he’s been through both in the past AND the present. Anger is an understandable emotion and if anyone in owed to take a few hits out on their murderer it’s Luke. Regardless of the fact that deep down he still might want to give Aemond smooches.
Despite all of this I can’t help but feel that the saddest part is even if he beat Aemond black and blue, no physical hit could amount to even a fraction of the pain he’s experienced and will have to learn to work through in order to make life worth living. It’s the most bittersweet part of the whole story. Even when everything is set and done, everyone kisses and makes up and all that jazz, these things still happened to Luke and truly healing is a process that’ll take years.
I’m so happy that you liked Daemon’s pov! He’s such a hard character to make come to life from a realistic angle because he’s such a confusing man. He’s not a bad guy but he’s definitely no where near a good guy either. Its that perfect gray area which makes it hard to get a good read on him. He maims rapists which is amazing, but clearly has less than familial feelings for his 14yr old niece. He loves both of his wife’s and adores their children to death but had no problem killing his first wife who did nothing to him he give him the same attitude he gave her (in show canon at least since he wasn’t in the Vale when Rhae died in f&b) Yea, he killed a little boy, but this is a world that operates on rules similar to the old testament. An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg, a son for a son.
Personally I feel that some people either write him like a stereotypical evil villain while others make him too uncaring and laid back. So i’m glad that I hit that good spot in the middle.
You’re correct! His brother Travis is the green kids father making him their uncle while Rhaenyra is his first cousin on his aunts side. I wanted everyone to still have that close familial relationship by blood while still switching things up enough to make their new relation believable and fit the timeline.
There’s definitely a bigger plot playing out in the background and Luke’s mother is a key player. Everything from being the only person who knows Luke’s true father to getting that mysterious call from her his self-proclaimed sister and whatever lawyer was able to get her such a good get out of jail free card after how she treated Luke. Cathryne is an important puzzle piece who we can only hope will come out of hiding soon. (Or get dragged out 👀)
Lol, Aemma really chose the worst to show up didn’t she? Daemon’s world is falling apart as he tries to piece together his newly found sons past while his smartest most mature kids have decided to do the most idiotic thing ever and sneak into a club and get sloppy drunk + start a fight all while knowing that Luke is knee deep in serious legal trouble. Now isn’t the greatest time for grandma Aemma to pull up with homemade chocolate chip cookies 😭
I appreciate your sweet words babes. Much love to you too 🥰
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saintobio · 2 years
Hi saint! I just wanted to tell you how much i love your story, and it makes me sad to hear you’re having a bad time :( writing should be fun for the author! We’d be so sad if you dropped SY but we’d understand! Take care of yourself! But also while there’s the negative Nancys out there, I’m sure there’s much more positive interactions out there! I include myself! I’ve been having a rough time and reading SN/SY has seriously made my days better event though it’s full of angst haha. Thank you for making a difference to those of us that appreciate your writing, and regardless if I agree with a character or not, they’re YOUR characters who you’ve thought about and created these stories for. And besides the 20k+ word count? I LOVE IT, it sometimes feels like 2k words and not enough 😣
I loved the latest chapter and I heard happier as I believe one of your posts had recommended? I’ve listened to that song before but after reading chapter 8, MY GOD. the song broke my heart 🥲 I understand that y/n told Satoru to move on and utahime was there for him in his lowest times, so it makes sense their relationship evolved to that but I STILL will root for y/n and Satoru be together in the end 😭 “and I thought my heart was detached from all the sunlight of our past” like… this line? I want to believe she still has intense feelings for him, based on this song and all the character interviews but IDK 😭 I’m hoping time apart, being with other people, a coparenting relationship for sachiro will help them grow, heal and find their way back to each other 😍
@ao-minecchi said
ugh my poor saint, all i wanna do is give you the biggest hug ever, i swear. honestly, whatever you choose to do with this series and the future, you have my support 10000000%. I try not to send any asks that may come off as offensive to others, but it really annoys me to see the audacity and absolute ignorance that people can show towards your complex and beautiful writing, and extremely hard work. this is something we get to read FOR FREE, and something you dedicate yourself to all while having a job, and trying to live your personal life, too. i wish i could put my frustration into my words but i’m such a dunce when it comes to that but,i really, really want you to know i’ll always support you. :,) i always look forward to your posts, whatever they may be, or whatever you want to discuss because you’re truly one of my favorite people on tumblr. i hope you know so many of us will always be in your corner and are always here to give you all the extra love and support you may need. sending all my love and support as well. <33 (sorry if this made no sense, my head is so scrambled. T_T)
Anonymous said
i’m sorry that people are making you not want to continue this story! i hate that they can’t comprehend that this story is complex and full of angst with characters who are just as complex and who might not make decisions that would make everything instantly better. but that’s why this story is sooo amazing, bc it’s realistic in the fact that not everything is always going good, some things don’t have a happy ending. it’s a beautiful story! it’s raw, complex, broken but so well written. like if this was a book in a store i would buy it in a heartbeat. hope you don’t let them get to you but if you do decide to stop writing it, i support you 100%. <3
Anonymous said
saint, i beg you not give up on us as your readers. we love what you are writing and through it we would know how sy ending going to be. that one anon who blames you just got no akhlaq. so girl keep doing what you’re doing!!! saint best author <33
Anonymous said
Some of actually love your work and we love you tbh.. so we need you to prioritize your emotional well-being..♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@sagekko said
hey saint,
not a question again 😂 sorry for wasting ur time(maybee), but I just wanna say thank u for ur astonishing unparallel creativity, whenever u release a new chapter of sy I prepare myself beforehand to not get a heart attack but u always manage to kill me, give me anxiety for days and make me tear up!!!! im just in awee, u're amazing istg, I talk about how brilliant u are to all of my friends and they're like shut up we get it but i'm like nooo 😂😭 that's not even the half of it, I have more to tell u about herrrr
& I saw that u're thinking of quitting and I just wanted to say that ur work is so special, rare and original, people like to tear others down, I'm sorry if u received any kind of hate🥺 and no matter what decision u'll make, I'll, alongside every other reader of urs; support you 4evaa.
sending u lots of love and positivity 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍.
Anonymous said
tbh is you feel the need to drop SY or put it on hiatus you should. your mental health is more important than a fan fiction. the haters can suck my non-existent dick.
Anonymous said
TO MY FELLOW READERS, this is a friendly reminders that writers/authors are the god of their own work. They write what they want and they get to decide what the characters’ fate CAUSE IT’S THEIR STORY and we’re not to dictate them of what we want them to write just to match our feelings and emotions.
I’m so pissed. Saint, I love your works huhu please don’t stop writing😭 always take care.
Anonymous said
hey saint! sorry you are feeling bad and frustrated, its totally valid. some of these anons need to realize it is not that deep. they are not yn. as a recommendation turn off the anon option like you did in your main (I saw another reader with this idea) at least just for a few chapters. if you still get this insane hate and stupid asks, you can block the people since they won't be anon
Anonymous said
I some how feel with the influx of bullshit your receiving, that people dropped your story on tiktok or something. The vile things people are spouting even in comments regarding Hime’s infertility is disgusting. In Hime’s case, her infertility isn’t permanent and we all know Gojou has super swimmers. If i knew POS wouldn’t make miscarriage comments, i’d enjoy Hime being pregnant even if it physically sickens me because of pure spite for the people who can’t handle MATURE, fictional works of art.
Anonymous said
Lmao people should really think like a writer.
As a reader I'm bias to certain characters but when I'm in writing mode i have to be neutral and give some "fairness" to all characters. I feel like discussions like these should be among the readers and not directly to you saint.
Anonymous said
To that one anon,
Please just step out for a bit. If you don't like how the story is going right now so much, just get out. You obviously can't handle rising actions. You don't get the point and the meaning behind the events in the story. Just wait for it to end, then read it. Just don't comment anything. It's not even finished yet. You're acting as if the fates of the characters have already been announced. And to accuse the author of being biased, how dare you
Anonymous said
THE AUDACITY OF THAT ANON OH MYGOD! They obviously doesn't understand the story and it's point. Please don't get bothered by people like them Saint. You have lots of supporters who trusts you and we all know that you know what you're doing. Shake them off, Saint. You're doing great.
Anonymous said
To that anon who basically called Saint biased:
what the fuck? we're only in episode 7 why are acting like as if it's already decided for the characters? You think Saint is being biased because Utahime's character got things going her way right now, but do you think it will be like that for the rest of story? The author knows what she's doing, sit down and wait for the story to unfold. y'all frustrating.
Anonymous said
Saint I'm so sorry that some readers get exhausting here 😔 Like yeah I'm mad at Gojohime too, but so was I at Sera&Gojo, Sophia etc... As long as YN gets her justice and happiness at the end I'll keep my sanity 💆🏻‍♀️... People really need to lay back and look forward for YN taking care of things, girl still needs to understand wtf is just happening. I really hope that you'll stop getting asks, that make you uncomfortable. Take care of yourself and thank you for your hard work 🛐🌻💐💓
@femhades said
hello! im so sorry that some anons are making you feel emotionally exhausted. sometimes i do feel annoyed too when you have to repeat your stance again and again, when people disregard the characters development in the series again and again, when people are rude in your asks/comments section and you entertain them anyways again and again. there's nothing much else i can say other than that if you feel that dropping sy would end this mess and make yourself happier, do it. by the end of the day, it's your story and efforts, so why should you listen to other people? there's seriously no reason for you to put your concerns on the back burner. do whatever that makes you happy (: every 50 hateful anons on this blog, there will be another 100 anons that are here to support you and i am one of them.
go read some manhwas, have a good meal and rest. you deserve it the most right now ((:
Anonymous said
They seem to lack reading comprehension… I’m so sorry, Saint. You’ve done an excellent job with this story.
I feel that your DEVOTION is overlooked by these unneeded comments. Your writing is compelling, dimensional and knotty (in the best way possible), the way you layered things attentively. You’ve given so much color and flavor to your work!
You’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. You’ve only made smart, considerate decisions.
Anonymous said
This is for you
Honestly I'm very thankful that you wrote sy and sn I hope you don't drop it. But if you ever feel stressed out you deserve a break at any time you want it's your book your rules. Sn and sy are amazing books and I hope you don't pay attention to all the negativity that you get and of course stay happy and healthy.
I wish you the best and I love your book and thank you for writing it again ❤️❤️❤️
Really this is the only book that's keeping me happy during my depression
(sorry for the bad grammar and spelling mistakes)
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hello hello hellooo i’m sorry i can’t respond to everyone but i do appreciate these words of encouragement :’( i’m just very, very disappointed this weekend bc i was rly looking forward to write sy8 and interact w u guys, but the moment i opened my askbox, there’s just so much unnecessary discourse and negativity. i guess it was a cherry on top on an already stressful week and i felt like i had no space to breathe. the fact that some asks i receive are just plain ridiculous too.
ngl it’s been making me think twice abt continuing the series bc i feel like i’m giving u guys my 101% pumping out 15-20k words a chapter and yet some people can be so entitled and ungrateful and just rude. but i know many of u aren’t like that so i guess that’s what’s really keeping me going T^T
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