#ND Joy
elaurianwellness · 1 year
Some relaxing earth magic to start the week 🌿🌱☘️
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cerubean · 3 months
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johnny zest but he goes by john landgraab and hasn't dropped out of college and been disowned yet and is also arranged to be married to dina caliente
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not-equippedforthis · 11 months
H: can i wear...sunglasses and ear defenders?
W: yeah, wear whatever you want, mate.
H: ...fine.
W: hmm ^^
deadass what if i just started crying
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nerdsandbabyteeth · 25 days
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madmanii · 2 months
I love your art! You are awesome!!
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For you❤️❤️
Hope you like it! I did my best with my little paws!
Thank you soo MUCH--- OH MY GOODD!! It's so precious, i love it SM, you're absolutely sweet-- thank you for taking the time and drawing this for me, eee-- yes! everything is perfect, even the little stars and hearts and aaa HERE x" 🖤❤️
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pawyuta · 16 days
𖦁ׅ ࣪ ׂ 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒻𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝒾 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉 . . ៵ ࣪ ִֶָ ⋆
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‘when i talk to you oh, cupid walks right through, and shoots an arrow through my heart . . ꒰ ♪ ˊ͈ ロ ˋ͈ ꒱ ੭ ~ and i sound like a loon, but don't you feel it too ? confess i loved you from the start . . ಇ’
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#𐔌ꨄ︎. ꣓ ˖ 𝓎𝓊𝓊𝓍𝒾 ྀི ੭੭#selfship art#yuta okkotsu#credits tew da sweetest most talented angel @/sxftmintx 🥺#EHHUUHUUUU ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა .ᐟ .ᐟ :SAWBLES: 🥺💧🥺💧🥺💧#all da sugary 'n sweetly saccharine emotions i hold in m’ heart are surging forth at an unprecedented pace 'nd intensity . .#🥺 how happi 'nd overjoyed i am tew b granted a peek of m’ own 'nd yūta's world thru ur vision#'n wat a delightful view it is . . m’ small form being bundled up 'nd smothered wif tenderness#'n adoration by his strong 'nd sturdy embrace is an image dat shall stay etched in m’ memory#one dat shall serve as an instant reminder of da unfiltered wub he holds for me . . 🥺🥺#oh . .#dis piece is undoubtedly a masterpiece . . i can practically feel da warmth emanating from da screen dat encapsulates our two figures . .#each stroke is a testament tew ur talent 'n passion#'n each dab of colour adds a layer of beauty 'n depth tew the final product . . 💘🥹#i can taste euphoria on da vrrie tip of m‘ tongue#a feeling i am sure i shall relive a thousand times over ‘nd in each i will not forget tew thanku fwor giving mi a reason tew smile . .#rekindled joy 'n delight is a sensation i had not been anticipating todae#but here i am basking in it 'nd embracing it as though it is an old dear fwend . . 🥺 yūta’s angel-faced#expression 'nd loving yet protective gaze . . m' shy yet content countenance#'nd m' eyes#which are shining wif utter bliss 'nd glee . . witnessing it all brings mi a deep solace— comfort beyond words . .#oh how i wish tew stay in dis moment of elation forevermore . . 🩷🥹🥹
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winepresswrath · 1 year
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something about how mad Ambrosius gets when his special nemesis time in interrupted! something about how smug and gleeful Ballister looks when he vaporizes the arrows. something about the way Nimona literally can't be put in a box the same way she can't be contained by the narrative and everywhere she goes things change because she changes. sparks joy makes me smile 10/10.
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 7 months
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Also bonus sketch because I'm trying to figure out how to draw Von Kaiser bc he's literally my favorite character but I cannot fucking draw him FOR THE LIFE OF ME I SWEAR IT'S HIS FUCKING 90S TEEN BOY MIDDLE PART THAT FUCKS ME UP EVERY TIME 💀😭 I love him though so I'm gonna keep trying and maybe one day I'll do his fine ass justice 🙏
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cowardlycowboys · 2 months
god I miss acting i miss singing I miss preforming
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cenobitebf · 2 years
The ADHD/OCD comorbid struggle of being prone to both obsession (good, makes me happy) and obsession (horrible, makes me ill) and sometimes they combine on the same topic as a horrid ball of spiralling distraction
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dreamtigress · 1 month
Working side by side on a project to pad his armor and make it more comfortable. Joking and laughing while we get messy with epoxy. Sharing music and songs back and forth. Adore that we both communicate in music. Kisses that feel like comfort and then feel like fire. Soaking in the NRE and the happy glow we bring each other. Discovering fun and passion and new ways to make him make *those* noises. Giggling like fools in between all of it. Then watching him and the Husbeast chat happily. Yep. Date nights going well.
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drewlyyours · 5 hours
I’m afraid Her Interactive is falling for the Disney problem. The sheer AMOUNT of female characters in these games with dead mothers is actually funny:
Joy Trent (the OG sad mom story)
Frances Humber
Emily Crandall
Pua Mapu
Kyler Mallory and Fiona Malloy
Rachel and Kim Hubbard
Yumi and Miwako Shimizu
Jamila El-Dine
Harper, Charlotte, and Clara Thornton (and Jessalyn, depending on the ending you get 👀)
Elisabet Grimursdottir
Lauren Holt
Elka Strojník
It makes the number of living mothers in Curse of Blackmoor Manor (3 if you count step-mom Linda) astounding!
Now that I think about it, I’m actually kinda perturbed that they fall back on making a female character more interesting by having a dead mom. They NEVER do this with the male characters, give them a dead mom or dead dad just for some edge, except maybe Henry and Grigor, but Grigor’s backstory was interesting because of how sucky the foster system is.
Lets find other ways to deepen female characters, okay?
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punk-pandame · 6 months
i understand laios and while i'm not in love with him i do think we should have sloppy autistic t4t furry sex about it
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lunarblazes · 2 years
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everyone say hello to arion, chromia’s color witch and my new empiressona! she/he pronouns :^D
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spoonyglitteraunt · 10 months
Brains are weird.
I struggled to log in yesterday. As I struggled, and failed, to log in all week. I wanted to, but something about having been gone so long made it feel too overwhelming to face.
Each time I made the decision that Today would be the day, my brain threw up ALL the executive dysfunctioning walls. It just noped out all the way into productively procrastinating on tasks months in the waiting. The accompanying inner monologue fluctuated between predictable to barely making sense.
It's so. much. work. Brain argued. So much backlog to go through and you're so tired. We'll do it tomorrow. (Not entirely unfair, but then I never have energy.)
You've got tasks to do today. You neglected your to do list all month. You'll get distracted. We'll do it tomorrow. (There is always one task more. Always.)
Oh but would you even still be able to follow? (As if the topics here don't shift with the memes wind.) You don't have the attention span today to try and make sense of the newest blorbo/horse-plinko/spn world news. We'll do it tomorrow.
Do you even have a place still? (Yeah, sorry, I've got nothing on this one either.)
Something was rallying the anxiety gremlins, but the "reasons", were really no more than attempted rationalisations for something grinding beneath the surface. Something I could not put my finger on. Something I could only describe as a wordless, undefined, yet all encompassing dread. ... Eventually I managed to force through. I'm glad I did, because in an odd way it felt a little like coming home. I missed the interesting and funny people in my magic box. Missed getting to see what you are all obsessed with getting up to now.
It wasn't until just now that I think I hit upon what was causing the anxiety gremlins' great wall of awful.
You're given balls to juggle. No choice, no guidance (or guidance you can't understand), just one instruction. Whatever you do. Just. Keep. Juggling.
You do your best, yet sooner or later you miss. An unexpected bump, a freak gust of wind, a miscalculation, and you lose your grip. The ball drops. Shattering to pieces on the ground.
Wait... The ball was made of glass? But why? Are other people's balls made of glass? You swear you just saw someone bounce and grab theirs. That one there is on the floor. A bit scuffed, but whole, and ready to be picked up again. So why did yours shatter on impact? Who even makes glass juggling balls and why did no one warn you?
There are a lot of questions and no answers. But the why doesn't really matter. What matters is that your ball is broken. Shards on the floor. Adrenaline in your veins.
You didn't want to drop it. Your tried so hard not to drop it. You tried so hard it hurt. But it's broken now and you can't put it back together.
This is when people take notice. Parents, teachers, authority figures, peers. They look at the shattered ball and don't, can't, won't understand.
It was so easy! They tell you. It was just a few balls, and they barely weigh anything at all. We told you to keep juggling. We told you it was important. Why can you do complicated tricks, but not keep this one tiny ball in the air? Why didn't you just pick it back up? How did you even break it? Were you even trying? Were you even listening? Do you even care?
There is a unique type of trauma that comes from growing up ND (or with a disability too really). Especially when only diagnosed in adulthood.
You've been given glass balls with no warnings, or functional guidance on how to keep them whole. Everyone makes mistakes, but where theirs bounce, yours seem to shatter. And everyone treats that as your fault somehow. It doesn't matter if it was out of your control, and you really did try very hard. Worse even if you are otherwise quite smart or capable. Because then "you have no excuse". But others aren't juggling glass balls. Glass that weighs nor acts like the rubber ones they are using.
So you learn to internalise that every minor mistake. Every minor failing. Every perceived carelessness, or heck even just one less confident grab that could have missed, is a personal failing. Something to incite ire, disproportionate consequences, and rejection.
I think that is what the anxiety gremlins were trying to wall in. The fear that me not having been able to log in for so long was dropping and shattering a ball. The dread that logging in would somehow end in blame and rejection. Even though I didn't choose to get sick, or get thrown a glass curveball.
Obviously, rational me can see that was never going to happen. But the part of my brain impacted by years of undiagnosed ND-ness? Not so much.
It chose to protect. To shield. To avoid. Unable to even properly convey what was going on beyond a general feeling of dread. Because when the shards are on the floor and the adrenaline is in your veins, you don't stand around analysing feelings. You run.
So yeah, brains are weird.
Good thing we're weirder.
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gemharvest · 28 days
Hmmmmm I might be developing facial hair. Which like, the gender euphoria of that aside, I might have to bring this up to my mom cuz idk. Idk if this is a sign of something I should have checked out or not.
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