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25 notes · View notes
triviallytrue · 6 months
I'm moving different. This shit ain't nothing to me man. I'm a dog. I'm biting the fart bubbles in the bath. We smoking symbiotes. Smoking that Whoopi Goldberg South Egyptian Furburger Deluxe Mega Million Scratcher Skunk Bubba Kush. We smoking dung beetle. I'm on twelve Vicodins smoking on Scooby Doo dick. We smoking Sequoia banshee boogers? We snorting that good buffalo soldier tamarind Jordanian Jibbies. They must have amnesia, they forgot that I'm Him. That Burberry backwoods pack kitten that pussy smell, like a Hellcat VH. We smoking shit in a glass pipe blowing the Lord's bubbles. I'm sick in the head. I'm on them Broward County tic tacs. I'm on them Georgetown geronimos. I'm on them Nashville nibblers. I left my Margielas in the Benz truck, I'll have to stunt on them next time. I don't give a fuck if I go blind. I don't need to see the price tag anyway. We s- I'm high on twelve Jason Bournes looking to beat the cum out of a thick fresh hoe. We smoking filtered crack you stupid piece of shit. I'll fucking kill you. Call that pussy The Matrix cuz I'm in this bitch, and I can't get out. Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some Givenchy gloves. The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them. Slowly faded into darkness, and I let the archangels take him. I need more Sequoia banshee boogers! Don't be shy girl, I love me some, pastrami mud flaps. I'm moving like French Montana. Hæh? Welcome to the cream kingdom bitch, open up! Blac Chyna, I drink her piss out of another man's balls. My shooter a crackhead, he look like Woody Herrelson. You ain't seen ten bands in your life, chit! Reach for my neck you'll get turned into an example. Y'all gotta stop playing with me man. I threw diamonds at the strip clubs under the Great Pyramids. I pushed a camel through the eye of a needle. This shit ain't nothing to me man. Tied the opps to the back of a track hog. And dragged him around the block for twenty four hours. Motherfucker! Looked like a Resident Evil 5 campaign extra after we was done with him. Opps wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant. I'm moving like Oppenheimer. She drop that ass on me from an egregarious angle, they thought I was Steven Wallace. Top shelf zaza, disrupted my circadian rhythm. I have seen the Magna Carta, I have seen the eye of Horuh. I was flipping bricks for Mansa Musa before you all even became a type 1 civilization. This shit ain't nothing to me you stupid piece of shit. Step the wrong way and you will perish. That pussy feel like Biscoff butter. You think I care about this shit? Ask me if I care about this shit, cuz I don't give a shit. If I had a dollar for every time they said I gave a shit, I'd be broke, cuz I don't give a shit. My bitch look like David Hasselhoff. I balled so hard they thought I was a fucking nutsack. This shit ain't nothing to me man I'll kill you you stupid piece of shit
dracula flow is the spiritual complement to the northern boys
37 notes · View notes
claredanko · 1 year
I’m moving different
This shit ain’t nothing to me man, I’m a dog. I’m biting the fart bubbles in the bath
We smoking Symbiote
Smoking that Whoopi Goldberg South Egyptian fur burger Deluxe Mega Millions scratcher skunk bubba kush
We smoking dung beetle
I’m on 12 vicodins, smoking on Scooby-Doo dick
We smoking Sequoia banshee boogers
We snorting that good Buffalo Soldier tamarind Jordanian gibbies
They must have amnesia, they forgot that I’m him. That Burberry backwoods pack hitting that pussy smell like a Hellcat V8
We smoking shit in a glass pipe, blowing the Lord’s bubbles
I’m sick in the head
I’m on them Broward county Tic-Tacs, I’m on them Georgetown Geronimoes
I’m on them Nashville nibblers
I left my Margiela’s in the Benz trunk, I’ll have to stunt on them next time
I don’t give a fuck if I go blind, I don’t need to see the price tag anyways
I’m high on 12 Jason Bournes, looking to beat the cum out of a thick, fresh oak
We smoking filtered crack you stupid piece of shit, I’ll fucking kill you
Call that pussy The Matrix, cause I’m in this bitch and I can’t get out
Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some Givenchy gloves. The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them. Slowly faded into darkness, and I let the archangels take him. I need more Sequoia banshee boogers
Don’t be shy girl, I love me some Pastrami mudflaps
I’m moving like French Montana: haan
Welcome to the Cream Kingdom bitch, open up. Blac Chyna, I’d drink her piss out of another man’s balls
My shooter a crackhead, he look like Woody Harrelson
You ain't seen ten bands in your life, jit
Reach for my neck, you'll get turned into an example
Y'all gotta stop playing with me man
I threw diamonds at the strip clubs under the great pyramids. I pushed a camel through the eye of a needle. This shit ain't nothing to me man
Tied the opps to the back of a Trackhawk and dragged them around the block for 24 hours
Motherfucker look like a Resident Evil 5 campaign extra after we was done with him
Opps wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant
I'm moving like Oppenheimer
She dropped that ass on me from an egregarious angle, they thought I was Stephen Wallace
Top shelf zaza, disrupted my circadian rhythm
I have seen the Magna Carta, I have the seen the eye of hor
I was flipping bricks for Mansa Musa before y'all even became a type I civilization
This shit ain't nothing to me you stupid piece of shit
Step the wrong way and you will perish
That pussy feel like Biscoff Butter
You think I care about this shit? Ask me if I care about this shit, cause I don't give a shit
If I had a dollar for every time they said I gave a shit, I'd be broke cause I don't give a shit
My bitch look like David Hasselhoff
I balled so hard they thought I was a fucking nutsack
This shit ain't nothing to me man, I'll kill you, you stupid piece of shit
56 notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 5 months
Wild Horses - Two
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Summary: Amber Crosby didn’t end up with the life she’d expected, but that didn’t keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn’t until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
A/N: Please note all portions in italics are meant to be flashbacks :).
Chapter Two Word Count: 4.6k+
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“Same hurt in every heart, same trailer, different park…” - Kacey Musgraves; Merry Go ‘Round
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“You’re joking, right?” asked Brendan. “We just drove all the way to Nashville for nothing?”
“Not for nothing,” Amber shook her head. “We played a festival. That’s huge, Bren.”
Amber knew it had been a mistake not to tell them they weren’t getting paid for the gig. Her bassist scoffed just as her guitarist interjected.
“She’s right, bro,” said Johnny. “At this point, exposure is more important than how much money we made.”
“But we didn’t make any money!” exclaimed Brendan.
“Enough!” shouted Carter, banging his fists on the table. The entire band stared at him, wide-eyed. “It’s already over and done. We got to play a major gig. You got your own fucking hotel room. Now let’s move on and shut the fuck up about it!”
Amber cleared her throat, nervous to say anything else.
“Um...yeah. Let’s just...move on.”
The band was just outside of St. Louis, on their way to Kansas City. It was roughly an eight hour drive from Nashville, and they probably could have made it in one day. But with having a gig the next evening, they’d decided to break up the trip, leaving the festival after they’d played and spending the night along the way.
Grateful for a little silence, Amber finished her BLT and fruit bowl while the boys all scrolled through their phones, an occasional snort or grunt coming from each of them. She thought briefly about Harry Styles and how he’d been so kind to her earlier that day, rooting her on before she’d stepped out onto the stage, and staying for their entire set. Just before their last song, she’d turned, grabbing her guitar for the acoustic number and catching his eye as he watched from behind the equipment. He was clapping, his arms raised above his head, a huge grin on his face. She couldn’t help but feel the spark of electricity jolt through her veins as he lowered his arms and gave her a thumbs up. She felt like she played the final song the best she ever had, whether or not her bandmates noticed.
She really wished she could have stayed and seen his set. She was a fan of his, always had been, the music lover she was. She credited Faith for the One Direction introduction in her early teens as they’d argued over who was the cutest, but eventually it was more about the music for Amber, even after Faith had moved on to new obsessions.
She wondered how Faith was. It had been a while since she’d heard from her. She made a quick mental note to text her later before she wiped her hands on her napkin and rose from the table.
“You guys can stay if you like,” she announced to the boys. “I’m heading back to my room.”
Brendan and Johnny each gave nods and waves, but Carter watched her with questioning eyes as she made her way to the exit. Then dropping a couple ones on the table, he stood up so quickly, he knocked it with his knee, nearly making the drinks spill.
“Hey, watch it!” yelped Brendan.
“Sorry,” Carter breathed. “I’m gonna turn in, too.”
“Turn in?” Brendan looked at his watch. “It’s 8:30.”
“I know, but...I need a shower and...I could use a good night’s sleep.”
Running a hand through his hair, Carter turned for the door, stopping when he heard Brendan mutter under his breath.
“Could use some pussy is what you mean. Good luck with that.”
With a huff, Carter pushed open the door hard, making it rattle. He didn’t feel like taking any more of Brendan’s shit. Crossing the parking lot with a jog, he called out to Amber just before she reached her room. Looking over her shoulder, she slowed her pace before stopping. Carter caught up with her, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
Amber made a face, lifting her hand to show her room key. “Um...going inside.”
“Mind if I join you?”
Her shoulders dropping, Amber let out a loud sigh. “Yes.”
Carter raised his brow, hopeful. “Yes?”
“I mean, yes, I mind,” Amber said firmly. “I’m going to bed.”
“Sounds good to me,” he smirked, stepping closer to her.
Amber held out her hand to stop him, pressing it against his chest. “Carter...no. I told you, we’re not going there anymore.”
“C’mon, Ambs, we used to have such a good time. It was fun. Why can’t we have that again?”
“It was fun when I drank so much, I woke up puking? It was fun passing out so hard you had to pour water on my face to wake me up at all? Sounds like a fucking blast.”
Amber turned towards her motel room door, slipping the key inside.
“That’s not what I mean,” Carter said softly. “I’m talking about the other stuff.”
Pushing the door open, Amber stood just over the threshold, leaning against the frame.
“That’s just sex Carter,” she said before closing the door in his face.
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Amber wouldn’t really call Faith her best friend. Her mother said she was a cousin, but Amber figured she was so far removed that she barely even counted as one. She’d grown up with Faith, however, her family’s trailer next door to hers. She was two years older and knew more about Amber than anyone, so that probably made her as good a friend as any, if not her only friend.
“Hurry up,” groaned Amber as she kicked her cowboy boot against the trailer steps.
“I’m coming, I can’t find my...oh, thank God, there it is.”
“What?” asked Amber as Faith shut the door behind her.
“What couldn’t you find?”
“Oh...nothing,” Faith answered sheepishly, her dark hair blowing in the breeze. She wore far too much makeup as far as Amber was concerned, but otherwise she thought she looked pretty in her floral sundress. She had the kind of body Amber envied, and she was always quickly surrounded by boys at any social event. She knew tonight would be no exception.
“You’re sure it’s okay that I tag along?” asked Faith as they made their way to her truck.
“I told you, it’s just a party,” replied Amber, climbing into the passenger seat. “Some guy at school I barely even know. Nobody’s gonna care if you tag along. Besides, you’re my ride.”
Faith gave her younger cousin a smirk and shifted the truck into reverse, backing out of the gravel parking space.
“So you don’t really know this boy, but is anyone else you know gonna be there?” asked Faith once they were down the road.
Amber shrugged. “I’m not sure. Some girls in my English class mentioned it. And Lisa Durham said she’ll probably go.”
Faith scoffed. “That’s not what I mean, Amber. Who cares about them? I mean cute boys.”
Amber made a face, rolling her eyes. “Is that all you care about?”
“When it comes to a party, yes.”
“I don’t even know if it’s that kind of party,” muttered Amber. “I mean, there will be guys there, but...I’m not sure about alcohol. We are a bunch of sophomores, you know.”
“Oh sweetie,” Faith shook her head. “Where there’s guys...there’s alcohol.”
Amber folded her arms across her chest. She hated when Faith called her sweetie. She may have only been fifteen, but she wasn’t stupid. Faith liked to take advantage of her two years a little too much, and it irked Amber to the core.
“Well, if you decide you’re bored with no Senior boys there, let me know. I’ll be by the lemonade.”
Faith side-eyed Amber, knowing a dig when she heard one.
“Is this where I turn?” she asked a mile up the road.
“Uh, yeah.”
As they turned onto the street that lead them into a subdivision, Amber gasped. The entire street was filled with cars parked along the curb. She could already hear music before they even found the house.
“Looks like a party to me!” exclaimed Faith when she found a spot to park. Then she looked at Amber with a toothy grin. “Text me if we get separated and you need me.”
“As if you’ll even reply,” Amber mumbled as she climbed out of the truck.
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Harry sat cross-legged at the long table, leaning back in his chair. He watched the faces of the men across from him, knowing their reactions were bound to be less than pleased.
“She’s a country artist, Harry,” argued Tommy. “How does that fit in with you and your fans?”
Harry shrugged. “She’s good. She’s young, but she’s solid. She’s got a fantastic band.”
“There’s no doubt she’s got talent, H,” Jeffrey agreed. “But I thought we were going with someone a little more well-known.”
“I changed my mind,” Harry remarked. “I like this girl. I think she’s got something. And I’d like to be the one to help her get the exposure she deserves. Besides...I don’t think my fans are interested in just one type of music. I like to think they’re more open-minded than that.”
“Good point,” Jeff nodded. He leaned back in his chair, looking between Harry and Tommy who let out a reluctant sigh. “Alright, H. We trust your judgment. Let’s give her a shot.”
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The gig in Kansas City had been a decent one. It was in a dive bar, something the band was all too familiar with, but the crowd had seemed to grow since the last one. Radio had been playing their single more, and Amber figured the festival in Nashville had helped as well. One guy in a cowboy hat had been buying Amber drinks all night, and by the end, she was feeling pretty good.
“Thank y’all,” she beamed as the audience cheered.
Taking a long swig from her water bottle, she stepped off the stage. The cowboy made a beeline towards her, stopping her before she reached the backstage door.
“One more drink, darlin’?” he offered, his eyes gazing down her body.
She smiled at him, knowing he had other things in mind than just one more drink. “I think I’ve had enough but thank you.”
“Aw, c’mon, just one. For the road.”
“You heard her, bro, she said she’d had enough.”
Amber turned to see Carter standing behind her, his eyes blazing as he glared at the cowboy.
“What the heck do you know about it, bro?” he mocked, getting into Carter’s personal space. “You her daddy?”
Carter moved slightly, barely making the cowboy flinch. Amber stopped him with her hand on his arm.
“Carter,” she muttered, shaking her head. “It’s okay.”
He stared at her blankly as she grinned back at the other guy. “Maybe one more drink would be nice.”
The cowboy smiled triumphantly as he turned for the bar and Amber followed, leaving Carter dumbfounded and cursing under his breath.
“What was that about?” asked Johnny as he stepped off the stage, his guitar slung over his shoulder.
“Did you see that shit?” Carter turned. “Fucker’s trying to get into her pants.”
“Dude…” Brendan shook his head with exasperation. “Let it go.”
Walking past the other two boys, he opened the backstage door. Dropping onto the worn-out couch, he ran his hand through his hair.
“What’s with you?” asked Carter as he followed, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Nothing, man. It’s just some guy buying her drinks. You need to get used to it.”
“Why should I?”
Brendan chuckled. “Because...she’s a good looking girl. She’s twenty-one. She’s got the voice of an angel. She’s gonna have guys coming on to her.”
Johnny stepped around Carter, leaning his guitar against the wall before sitting down next to Brendan.
“He’s right, man. Whatever you guys had...it’s over.”
“She told you?” Carter glared.
“No. She told you. I just happened to hear it.”
Carter scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. “She told me just last night she didn’t wanna get drunk anymore, but yet here she is getting drunk with that asshole.”
“Carter, man…” Brendan added with a sigh as he rose from the sofa. “You think you’re the only asshole who’s trying to get into her pants?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Carter shot at him. Crossing the room, he pushed the bass player in the chest, pinning him against the wall. Then with his fist in the air and quick breaths, he stared him down, ready to throw the first punch.
“Jesus, Carter, let him go, man!” shouted Johnny.
“Not until he tells me what he fucking means!”
“Carter, seriously dude, get a trip!” cried Brendan, trying his best to break free. “I’m on your side!”
“Doesn’t fucking sound like it!”
“Carter!” Johnny yelled again as he managed to grab the drummer’s fist.
“What the hell is going on?” another voice sounded. All three boys froze as their singer entered the room. “Carter!”
Carter slowly released his grip on Brendan’s shirt, stepping back. Johnny let go of his arm and cleared his throat.
“Sorry you had to see that, Amber,” he said sheepishly.
“See what exactly?” she asked with her hands on her hips.
“Nothing,” Carter shook his head. “Just...a little argument...got out of hand. It’s alright now.”
Amber eyed Brendan who was straightening his shirt. “You sure? Brendan?”
“Oh, um, yeah…” he nodded meekly, giving her a weak reassurance as he looked between her and Carter. “It’s...it’s fine.”
Dropping her shoulders, Amber rolled her eyes and turned back for the door. “We need to start loading up. That is, if you guys can handle it without clawing at each other and acting like babies.”
“Yeah, sure,” muttered Brendan, following her back out to the stage, but not before he gave Carter a serious go-to-hell look.
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The band made it back to Amber’s hometown of Perry, Georgia three days later, stopping for one more gig on the way in Alabama. Amber and the boys had been a little perturbed with their road manager, Joel Burkus, before they’d left, wondering why in Sam hell they had several shows in Georgia and the Carolinas, another in Kansas City and finally in Mobile, with nothing in between. At least their last short road tour had been consistent, the stops after only a few hours of travel time.
“We’re trying to make it here, Joel,” remarked Brendan. “Not spending our lives driving here, there and yonder!”
Mr. Burkus had assured them he was trying their best to book them more gigs, but insisted that he wasn’t going to waste time with people who said they’d never heard of them. The band called bullshit, though at that point, there wasn’t much they could do about their manager, and they would just need to settle it after their shows.
It had actually been Amber who’d gotten them a spot at the Nashville festival. Though it had only been one gig, and they’d played for room and board only, she hoped she could continue to book them for more shows that would get them the same kind of exposure, and eventually say goodbye to Mr. Burkus.
“Home sweet home,” Carter announced as he pulled into the gravel driveway next to Amber’s trailer, having already dropped off Brendan and Johnny.
“Hmm,” Amber sounded, gazing out of the window. “Hardly much of a home anymore.”
“Why do you say that?”
Amber turned to look at Carter with a shrug. “I guess I just feel like...since I left, this isn’t really my home anymore. It’s my mom’s and Laci’s. I just come to visit.”
“But isn’t that what you wanted?” asked Carter. “I mean...you still want to make it, right?”
“Yes, of course. I’m not really sad. Just...nostalgic.”
“If you say so,” Carter said with a smirk.
Amber knew he wasn’t being facetious. He just didn’t get it. He grew up with money, his parents had a big house in Macon. He had his own place in another nearby town and up until the band decided to go on the road for the first time, he’d had a good job. The van was even his, though Amber had a feeling his parents had helped him out.
“Well, see ya later,” she said, reaching for the door handle.
“Amber,” Carter muttered, stopping her with his hand on her arm. “I wanted to say I’m sorry for before.”
Amber blinked. “For what exactly?”
“For being an asshole. I kept hoping you’d change your mind about us. And when you didn’t...when you let that guy buy you drinks...I guess I was jealous.”
“Is that why you looked like you were about to punch Brendan’s lights out when I walked in?”
“And why you huffed and puffed the entire time we were loading up the van?”
“And why you basically gave me the silent treatment all the next day?”
“Yes, Amber, I’m sorry, okay?”
“Carter…” she sighed, looking down at her lap. She thought for a moment, gathering her next words. Then lifting her head, she looked him in the eye. “If you want to be in a band with me...if you still want to be my drummer, I would absolutely love that. You’re amazingly talented, and I truly believe you’re a good person. But you need to let go of these feelings you have for me.”
“No,” she shook her head, holding her hand up. “Get one thing straight, Carter. What we had...or, what we used to do together...that’s over. I didn’t like the person I was then. I’m trying to get better. I’m not even close yet, I know. But I can’t ever get there if I keep turning back and going down that road.”
“But you said you didn’t wanna drink anymore, and you were drinking with…”
“Stop, Carter. This isn’t about you anymore. Yeah, I had a few drinks, but I didn’t get so wasted, I passed out. I knew my limits. Maybe I shouldn’t have let the guy buy me any drinks, but that’s not for you to decide. Do you get that? I have to make my own decisions. And my decision right now is that you’re my drummer...and my friend...but nothing else. Okay?”
With his jaw set, Carter licked his lips. “Fine.”
“Fine,” Amber nodded curtly before sliding out of the van. Carter jumped out as well, rounding the bumper to open the back. He grabbed Amber’s guitar while she slung her bag over her shoulder.
“I’ll call you if something comes up,” she said.
As soon as he slammed the door shut, Carter returned behind the wheel and peeled out of the driveway, his tires spinning and leaving dust behind. With a sigh, Amber turned and climbed the steps to her mother’s trailer, knocking on the screen door.
“You silly goose, why’d you knock?” called Pauline as soon as she opened the door. When Amber set down her things inside, mother pulled her daughter into a tight embrace, rocking her side to side. “Oh, I missed you.”
“I wasn’t gone that long,” Amber remarked with a grin.
“Longer than last time, and not as long as the next, so let me get used to saying it.”
The sound of little feet made Amber turn around, and with her arms open wide, she lifted Laci onto her hip.
“What have you been doing, little ballerina?” she asked her, her eyes already welling up with tears.
“Playing what?”
“Pony and princess!”
“Of course you were,” Amber beamed before placing a tiny kiss on Laci’s tiny nose.
“Her teacher says she’s gotten really good at her A-B-C’s,” conveyed Pauline.
“Really? Let’s hear it! Will you sing with me?”
Laci began her alphabet song, both Amber and Pauline helping when needed. When they reached the end, “next time won’t you sing with me”, Amber twirled Laci around, dropping her onto her back on the sofa and tickling her sides.
“I hear Faith’s coming to town this weekend,” said Pauline when the girls had taken a breath.
“Really? I tried texting her the other day, but she didn’t reply.”
“Maybe she’s busy. She’s gotten a new job in Savannah.”
“Oh, she’s not at the salon anymore?” asked Amber, recalling Faith’s long-time job since she moved away two years ago.
“No she’s still at a salon, just a different one. Margaret said she likes it much better. It’s downtown.”
“Good for her,” Amber remarked.
Just then, her phone vibrated in her pocket. Pulling it out, Amber noticed an unknown number on the screen, one that had phoned a few times in the last couple days. Curious, and ready to give whomever was on the other line a piece of her mind, she decided to answer this time.
“Hello, is this Amber Crosby?” the voice asked. A male voice.
“Maybe. Who’s asking?”
“Hi, Ms. Crosby. This is Jeffrey Azoff from Full Stop Management. How are you today?”
“Um...I’m fine,” she answered hesitantly. Giving Pauline a gesture, she took the phone to her bedroom down the hall. “How are you?”
“I’m great. But I must say, you’re a difficult woman to get a hold of.” Jeffrey let out a low chuckle, though Amber noted a slight tone of annoyance. Though the name sounded familiar, she couldn’t quite pinpoint where she’d heard it before.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Azoff,” she said. “I’ve been...out of town and I don’t always answer my phone...especially to a number I don’t recognize.”
“I understand. I also tried contacting your manager...a Mr. Joel Burkus?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Unfortunately he’s not answering any of my calls. But because this is your private number, I felt it best not to discuss business with your voicemail.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Azoff?” Amber questioned.
“Jeff, please.”
“Jeff. What exactly is this regarding?”
“Oh, pardon me. I suppose I should get to the point. I represent Harry Styles. I understand you and your band performed at the Nashville Summertime Festival?”
Jeffrey Azoff. Of course, Amber thought. He was Harry’s manager.
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, Harry told me he liked what he heard from you,” said Jeff. “We sat together and he played me some of your music, and I can see why he said that.”
“Oh,” Amber sounded, already feeling her cheeks getting warm. “Thank you. I’m flattered.”
“I know it’s a bit unorthodox, and a little last minute, but Harry has made it his mission to get you to be his opening act for the American leg of his tour.”
“Are you serious?” Amber blurted, unable to control the word vomit.
Jeffrey chuckled. “Dead serious, Ms. Crosby. In fact, Harry would like to speak with you about it on the phone as well. That is, after you’ve accepted, of course.”
“Oh my God!”
“I will give you some time to think about it,” offered Jeffrey. “And discuss it with your band. But Harry wishes to talk to you personally before the end of the weekend.”
“Okay,” Amber managed to breathe.
“Would you mind if I pass your number on to him?”
“Oh! Oh, of course, yes, that’s fine. I’d love to talk to him, too.”
“Good,” Jeff said with a smile in his voice. “I really hope we can work something out between us. Which reminds me. Ms. Crosby, how satisfied are you with your current management?”
Amber sat down on her bed for the first time since entering her room.
“To tell you the truth, Mr….um Jeff, things are...rocky to put it mildly.”
“I see. Well, after you speak with Harry, I’d be happy to have another chat with you. How does that sound?”
“Yes, sir, that sounds great.”
“Please, Amber, call me Jeff,” he insisted.
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“Amber!” Pauline called from the living room. “We have company!”
Amber laid her guitar she’d been playing on the bed and combed her fingers through her hair. “Company” usually meant family or one of Pauline’s friends. The only other people who ever came by were her bandmates, and she’d just met with them the day before at Johnny’s apartment. She’d told them about her phone conversation with Jeffrey Azoff, and though they were a bit apprehensive about performing in front of a large crowd of mostly young women who were only there for a certain ex-boybander, they were ecstatic to have a legitimate gig, a touring gig. She had yet to hear from Harry himself, but Jeff had said he’d call before Sunday night, and it was only Saturday.
Making her way down the hall, she heard an all-too familiar voice, and as she rounded the corner she caught sight of the dark hair.
Setting down Laci whom she’d been holding, her cousin stepped forward and gave her a hug.
“Oh, sweetie, I’ve missed you,” she declared in her ear.
“Me too,” said Amber, letting the sweetie remark slide this once. “How’s Savannah?”
“Ah-ma-zing!” exclaimed Faith. “You should totally move there, Ambs.”
“Um...can’t,” she shoved her hands in her pockets. “I sort of live on the road now?”
“Oh right. The music thing. How’s that going?” Faith sat down on the couch next to Pauline, pushing her long hair off her shoulders.
“Pretty good, actually?” she wasn’t sure why all her points were coming out as questions, but she’d forgotten how obtuse Faith could be. “I have a song on the radio. It just made the top twenty.”
“No shit? How about that. Sorry, I hardly ever listen to the radio anymore.”
Unable to hide her disgust, Amber crossed her arms and turned for the kitchen, rolling her eyes.
“Aren’t you going to tell her?” asked Pauline.
“Tell me what?” urged Faith.
Amber grabbed a banana from the counter and eyed her mother with a piercing glare. But she seemed oblivious.
“She might be going on tour with Harry Styles!” cheered Pauline.
“Oh my God, are you serious?” Faith gasped.
“It’s not set in stone yet,” explained Amber. “But I’ve been talking to him and his manager.” She figured Faith didn’t need to know all the details.
“But I thought you sang country music. He was in a pop band.”
“Apparently he likes my style,” Amber couldn’t help but jab with a wink before she took a bite from her banana.
“Well shit!” said Faith, throwing her hands up. “Who knew?”
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She’d missed his call. She wanted to kick herself. It was another unknown number displayed on her phone, but Amber knew it was him.
Not wanting to spend the rest of the evening making herself sick over it, she tried her best to focus on her music, on a new song she’d been writing. After an hour or so, it wasn’t working, so she put down her guitar and went into Laci’s room. She sat on the floor coloring in a book.
“That’s so pretty!” she exclaimed, pointing at the picture.
“Butterfly!” declared Laci.
“Yes, it’s a beautiful butterfly.”
Laci rose from the floor and began flapping her arms, pretending to fly. Once she decided she was tuckered out, she plopped herself back down next to Amber. Then she handed her a crayon.
“You color, too!”
“Okay, don’t mind if I do. What should I color, Lace?”
Laci hummed to herself for a moment, turning pages in her book. Settling on two pictures side by side that hadn’t been colored yet, she looked up at Amber.
“I color the bird, you color the bear.”
“Hmm, but bears are brown or black,” said Amber. “You gave me an orange crayon.”
Laci shrugged. “Him a orange bear.”
Giggling, Amber nodded and got to work. “Alright then. Orange bear it is.”
Halfway through coloring Mr. Orange Bear, Amber’s phone rang. Nearly jumping, she looked at her phone to see the unknown caller again.
“Lace, I have to take this call, but I’ll be right back, okay?”
Slipping out of Laci’s room, Amber quickly swiped the screen so the call wouldn’t go to voicemail.
“Hello?” she greeted just as she made it to her bedroom and shut the door.
“Hello, Amber,” said the deep voice with a British accent. “This is Harry Styles.”
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tagging: @freedomfireflies
If you'd like to be tagged, please let me know :)
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 7 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Happy Sunday! Here is Chapter 7 :) this one is a little bit shorter but I promise the next chapter will be a doozy!
18+ Content - Minors, do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 4500+
Warnings: 18+ content - angst, fluff, unprotected sex, light amount of choking but just for a minute
Both you and Jake had fallen asleep until the early afternoon, Jake being the first one to wake up. You were snuggled into his side as usual, he was wrapped completely around you. It made him happy knowing that your unconscious state sought him out and curled up into him, as if he was protecting you. I’ll keep you safe for the rest of my life baby, if you let me.
He started kissing your hair and forehead in an attempt to wake you up. You gently stirred, lifting your head slightly and opening one eye to see your boyfriend grinning at you. You opened your other eye and blinked a few times, a sleepy smile on your face. 
“Missed those eyes. How was your nap?” Jake said softly as he ran his fingers through your hair, knowing you were still waking up. 
“Mmm, I love naps.” You mumble, before tucking yourself back into his warm and soft chest. His arms tighten around you as you feel a chuckle rumble through his chest. And I love you. 
“Yeah, me too.” Jake says, shaking the thought about you out of his head before attempting to peel your limbs off of him. You groan, not wanting to leave his comforting embrace. 
He finally gets you on your back, no longer curled against his side, and starts kissing your lips before moving down to your neck. 
“Do you…know… how much… I missed you… all of you…” Jake said lowly, pausing his words to leave kisses past your collarbones and chest, before bringing one hand up to tangle in your hair while the other lightly dipped below the band of your sweatpants, starting to tug them away from where they were resting on your hips.
“I missed you so much baby, so so much.” You whisper, already trembling under the touch of his soft lips and calloused fingers, your body crying out for him. He could feel you already coming undone with just a few sweet touches, and he started to become hard because of the way your body was responding to him.
Jake kissed up your neck before landing at your lips, his light brown eyes turning dark as they stared into yours. “Do you know what you do to me? I was fucking aching every night that I was away, wishing I could bury myself in your pretty little pussy.” He paused to kiss you deeply before pulling away to bite on your earlobe. “Are you going to let me play with you, baby?” He nearly growled into your ear, wetness already pooling between your legs.
You nodded, already at a loss for words, when Jake wrapped his hand around your throat. “You know I need words, baby.”  He loosened his grip slightly so you could get the words out.
“Please, please, I want you to play with me.” You manage to get out with a strangled breath, Jake’s grin growing along with his already impossibly hard cock. He let go of your throat and then eased your pants and underwear all the way off before sticking two fingers inside of you, bringing his lips back up to your ear. He had to bite back a moan as he felt how wet you were. 
“God baby, is all of this for me? You dirty, dirty girl.” He started pumping his fingers in and out, swirling them every so often and flicking them with precision, causing a series of moans and whines to leave your mouth. 
“You are so fucking gorgeous when you sing for me,” Jake spoke into your ear in a deep rasp, “the prettiest fucking noises I’ve ever heard.”
He started kissing you passionately while his fingers were still working inside of you and you moaned into his mouth, the vibrations hitting the back of his throat, causing his cock to strain further in his pants.
“Jake…baby…I’m gonna c-“
“No,” Jake growled, “no you aren’t. Not until I say you can.” He abruptly pulled his fingers out of you, licking them clean, before yanking your shirt off and his clothes at lightning speed.
He climbed back on top of you, kissing you deeply and teasing you with the head of his dick right at your entrance.
“Please Jake, I need you,” you begged, “please baby.” 
He loved hearing you beg and his eyes rolled back into his head hearing you whine for him, knowing that you were craving him but he was craving you even harder. 
He finally pushed himself into you, all the way, stretching you out completely. Jake moaned before whispering into your ear, starting to pump quickly, “Only you make me feel like this, no one else, FUCK baby, you feel so fucking good.” He nipped at your neck before continuing. “I was fucking made for you, you know that?” 
You nodded, panting heavily, feeling him push in and out of you at a pace that was almost punishing, but in the best way. Jake abruptly paused his movements to pull your legs around his waist, before resuming his pounding. He loved hitting it so deep inside of you, he needed it. 
Sweat was dripping down Jake’s forehead and you ran your fingers through his sweaty curls, wanting to keep the drips out of his eyes. 
“You are so fucking good to me,” Jake panted, “so fucking good baby.” He continued his relentless pace, as if slowing down meant he had to stop completely. 
“Jake,” you whined, “I’m gonna-“
He interrupted you, knowing he was close to his finish as well. “Let go sweetheart, let go for me.” You came instantly, your walls clenching around his cock causing him to throw his head back as he finished inside you, slowing his movements until he came to a complete stop, resting his head on your chest as you felt him softening inside of you.
You both were breathing heavy when he picked his head up to look at you, a lopsided smile on his sweaty face. “I missed that.” He said sweetly, and you laughed before agreeing. He cleaned himself up and then you, before climbing back into bed, both of you still naked. 
The afternoon sun was coming in through the window, and Jake quietly admired the soft rise and fall of your chest as you breathed deeply laying on his chest, the planes of your nose and how your cupid’s bow was so pronounced, the dusting of freckles across your cheeks and forehead, the way you were starting to get wrinkles around your eyes and lips from the way you expressed your joy, and he knew it was the time. 
“Baby?” He asked you, and you looked up at him with a soft smile. “Hi, Jake.” You said sweetly and he gave you a soft smile in return. His heart was pounding and the butterflies in his stomach were swarming. He grabbed one of your hands and linked your fingers together, resting your joined hands on his chest, comforting his own nerves and satiating his desire to feel you intimately in this moment. 
“I love you,” he said quietly but confidently, his eyes twinkling, he was beyond sure of it, “I’m so in love with you.” He finished, his voice even stronger. 
Now you knew what that look was, the one he had been giving you for weeks. 
You squeezed his hand and gave him the biggest smile, kissing his lips before looking into his beautiful eyes. 
“I love you too, Jake.” You said, your free hand caressing his jaw. “I really love you.” You giggled, knowing it was the absolute truth. You truly did, there was no way that you couldn’t be in love with Jake Kiszka. 
He was beaming in the most radiant way before fully pulling you on top of him and squeezing you to his chest. “Oh thank god,” he breathed, “I’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile.” He said shyly and you looked down at his blushing cheeks and gave him another sweet kiss. “I figured.” You chuckled before he playfully rolled his eyes and kissed you deeply, pulling away to settle you into his chest, whispering into your hair about how much he loved you. 
After laying in bed until the last possible moment, you both knew you had to get up and get ready to meet up with the rest of the boys for dinner. Thankfully, they had picked a more casual spot, so you threw on a simple outfit of jeans and a crop top and quickly got ready. 
Jake whistled as he walked into the bathroom, watching you put the finishing touches on your makeup. “Damn baby, you always look so good.” He walked over to you and placed a hand on your hip before kissing your hair. “Gonna be hard to keep my hands to myself at dinner, love.” He spoke lowly into your ear.
You blushed before shooting him a playful glare. “You have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself whether we are at dinner with your family or not.” Jake just giggled in response before squeezing your hip gently and walking out of the bathroom.
It was a short drive to the diner and the five of you crammed into a booth, nearly salivating at the thought of chicken tenders and fries and milkshakes. It didn’t take long for each of you to decide what fried food sounded best, and Jake excused himself to go to the restroom as soon as you all had placed your orders. Josh leaned in the second that Jake’s back was to you, clearly bursting at the seams to speak. 
“He really missed you, ya know. I haven’t seen him so into someone, I think, ever.” He whispered, a blush creeping across your cheeks. You looked down at the table before looking up at Josh’s sweet, knowing smile.
“I missed him so much too, more than I thought I would.” You admitted. “He…he told me he loved me today.” You couldn’t help the shy grin pulling at your lips as you confided in Josh.
Josh beamed at you. “He’s loved you for a long time, sugar.”
You nodded, your blush deepening, knowing he was telling the truth. Jake slid back into the booth, placing his arm around your shoulders. “You better not have said something to make my girl blush like that, Joshua.” He said in his deep rasp with a fake glare.
Both you and Josh just laugh, looking at each other, before you turn back to Jake and place a kiss on his cheek. He looked down at you, giving you a soft smile, before pulling you a little bit closer and whispering into your hair quietly so only you could hear.
“I love you.”
It was two weeks after the boys had returned home from tour, and they were going to be shooting a music video in a park about a half hour out of Nashville. When the band’s management team reached out weeks ago to ask if you were available to do their hair, you had immediately said yes, always loving the opportunity to work with them. But now, there was a pit in your stomach that you couldn’t ignore. Your relationship with Jake wasn’t exactly public knowledge to anyone other than Josh, Sam, and Danny (and Jake’s parents, he couldn’t help but tell them that he finally got together with you). There was half of your brain that was telling you it wouldn’t be a big deal if your relationship was public, and the other half of your brain was begging you to continue to keep your relationship quiet, that you would be viewed as unprofessional or trying to take advantage of Jake if their team and management found out you were together. Jake was patient and respected your wishes to keep things a little quiet for now, but it was killing him. He loved you, and despite his careful and reserved nature, he would scream about you from the mountaintops if he could.
The night before the shoot, you were over at Jake’s, per usual. He made dinner for you, and after you helped him clean everything up, the two of you sat cuddled up together on the loveseat on his back porch, watching the sunset with drinks in hand. You both had been quiet for a couple minutes, enjoying the peaceful sounds and watching the colors in the sky change as the sun fell. Jake set his drink down and turned his face towards yours. 
“I was thinking, for tomorrow, maybe we should head out around 9:30? I know they told us they want us there by 10:30 but I figured we could stop for coffee and I know you always like to show up early to get set up and stuff.” Jake said, a tiny smile on his face.
A slight pang echoed in your chest. He was so sweet. You knew it would look suspicious if the two of you - just the two of you - showed up together. You chose your next words carefully, trying to avoid offending him. “Jake, you don’t need to be there early. I’ll probably head out around then, but you should just come closer to the start time.” You said gently, hoping he would agree. You should have known better.
Jake furrowed his eyebrows and rested his head on his hand as gears turned in his brain. “You don’t want to show up with me. That’s what you really mean.” He said in a monotone voice. He was annoyed, not necessarily at you, but at the situation. He knew it would probably be fine if word got out to the GVF team that the two of you were together, that nobody would care, but Jake also knew that this was one of your anxiety’s pressure points.
You sighed. “I don’t want this to be a big deal, or for us to argue, but I’m-” you take a deep breath before continuing, “this is my livelihood, my career, Jake. I don’t want to risk future opportunities or be labeled negatively in the industry. These circles run smaller than we all realize. I don’t think I’m ready for everyone on your team to know, yet.” You finished in a small voice, feeling about six inches tall. Guilt wracked through you, knowing that you were upsetting Jake when all he wanted was to love you without any barriers.
Jake watched you carefully as you spoke. “Okay sweetheart, but we can’t live in secrecy forever. We’ve been official for over a month now, we’ve been together for more than two.” He wrapped his arms around you, trying to shake off the hurt that he was feeling. His stomach sank, knowing that you should be looking forward to all the fun that would be had tomorrow, instead of feeling worried about it. 
“I know,” you said quietly as he held you, “I just - tomorrow isn’t the day.” 
Jake nodded and kissed the side of your head. “Okay. Wait - am I going to have to pretend that I am not madly in love with you all fucking day tomorrow?” His tone felt a little playful, but under the surface, you could tell that he was upset. His lips were downturned into a frown that certainly wasn’t an act.
“We probably should talk about the shoot.” You sighed, not wanting to make this worse, but knowing that if you didn’t discuss it, he would likely be all over you tomorrow. “We just need to not be touchy, or talk to each other more than we normally would, or sit together on breaks. Like… we just need to act like we aren’t together.” 
Jake sighed deeply, the hurt he was feeling continued to grow inside of him. “Baby, I will do this tomorrow for you, but it has to be the one and only time. I promise you, I would never put you in a situation where your job is in jeopardy. It’s going to be okay when they find out. More than okay, actually, everyone on the team loves you and that’s why you’ve been working on our shoots for years.” He rubbed your arm soothingly. “It’s going to nearly kill me, but I promise that I won’t do or say anything that would make it obvious that I’m completely head over heels in love with you. I might flirt with you a little bit though, I don’t have that much self control.” He finished with a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes. It wasn’t a Jake smile.
You tried to give him a small smile back, knowing that it probably looked more like a grimace. “I will allow a small amount of flirting. No nicknames or ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart’ though.” He leaned his head down, satisfied enough with your reply, and gave you a small kiss before picking up his glass and finishing the rest of his drink in one swallow. “Come on, let’s go to bed. I need my beauty rest before being on camera tomorrow.” He patted his cheeks teasingly and puckered his lips slightly and you chuckled before finishing your drink and heading back inside, more than ready to call it a night.
Your alarm came far sooner than you were ready for, and you groaned as you pried yourself out of Jake’s death grip to shut it off. Jake’s breathing didn’t even falter as he stayed sound asleep. A smile stretched its way across your lips as you watched him for a moment, taking in his sleeping figure. He truly was so beautiful.
Quickly showering and getting ready, you glanced at the time on your phone to see you were right on schedule. Jake had to be up and out the door in the next 45 minutes, so you went back into his bedroom to wake him up.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you started rubbing his shoulder and whispering his name, to no avail. Unbeknownst to you, Jake was actually awake and was pretending to stay asleep, wanting to mess with you a little bit.
“Jake…Jake…baby, you need to wake up.” You whispered, moving from rubbing his shoulder to gently running your hand up and down his back. He still wasn’t moving. 
A small smile crept across his face, it was a good thing that his back was facing you. “Maybe a kiss would wake him up.” Jake said softly, trying to hold back a giggle. You rolled your eyes, immediately catching on to his game. Grabbing his shoulder, you rolled him onto his back. His eyes were closed, but you could tell he was stifling both laughter and a smile. You grinned before leaning down and pressing your lips to his. His eyes remained closed after you pulled away.
“Hmm… that didn’t seem to do the trick. Maybe a blowjob?” He said with his eyes still closed, giggles fully threatening to break through the surface now. You quickly grabbed a pillow off the bed and smacked him repeatedly with it, your laughter filling the room.
He put his arms up in defense against your pillow attack and opened one eye. “Okay, okay, he’s awake now.” Jake said cheekily and you rolled your eyes at him. “Come on rockstar, you’ve got to be on the road soon.” You tried pulling his arm so he would sit up, which he did reluctantly. 
“All I need to do is put pants on and brush my teeth, I’ll be fine.” He replied with a yawn. You kissed his forehead and his lips before turning to leave. “Do me a favor and brush your hair too, the bedhead is crazy today.” You said, leaving with a wink.
Jake grinned and flopped back onto his pillows after he heard the front door shut. I’m so fucking in love with her.
You pulled up to the shoot and started unloading your supplies into the trailer after saying your hellos to the crew. Shortly after you were unpacked and nearly set up, there was a knock on the door. You swung the door open to reveal Danny, grinning widely.
“Hey stranger, I figured you’d be the first one here.” You smile, gesturing to the chair. “Ready to get pretty?” 
Danny scoffed. “I’m always pretty, come on.” You laughed and started working on his curls, getting him ready for the shoot. One by one, the rest of the boys trickled in, your boyfriend being the last to arrive. Members of the crew and management team had been fluttering in and out of the trailer all morning, each of them excited and buzzing about the day’s activities.
Josh and Sam were just as easy as Danny as far as their hairstyles for the day. Jake was the last to plop down in front of you, bringing his sunglasses down just far enough to shoot you a quick wink before pushing them back up on his face. You gave him a smile before gently taking them off completely and grabbing a comb.
“I see you didn’t take my advice about brushing your hair before leaving.” You say lowly, so only he can hear. He chuckles and looks at you in the mirror. “I didn’t have time.” He replies with a cheeky grin on his face. You rolled your eyes playfully and detangled his wavy hair.
“What are you thinking for today? Your natural waves, straight, curly, something else?” You ask, looking at him in the mirror. He bites his lip, albeit a little shyly, before speaking. “I…I um liked it when you curled my hair a couple weeks ago.” He says softly, almost a little unsure of trying a style that no one has ever seen on him. “Do you think that’s good for today?”
You smile gently and grab your curling iron, plugging it in. “I think you’ll look great, especially with the white suit.” You pointed to his clothes hanging up behind the chair. He gave you a small smile back as you put a cape around his shoulders.
It didn’t take long to curl his short hair, and you broke up the curls with your fingers before giving him one last round of hairspray. “What do you think, Jake?” You ask, tousling his hair a little bit and scratching his scalp just ever so slightly, knowing he loves the sensation.
Jake’s shy smile from earlier turned into a full, confident grin. “I love it. Thank you sweetheart.” He said with his voice full of adoration. Your eyes widened at the pet name that he let slip.
“Sweetheart?!” One of the crew members in the trailer giggled. “Oooh, Jake’s flirty today.”
Both yours and Jake’s faces were bright red. You stayed silent, waiting for Jake to speak. He just nervously chuckled. “Aren’t I always a little flirty?” He said unconvincingly. The person who spoke up didn’t even hear him, they had already walked away, laughing to themselves.
You turned to Jake. “Nice one.” You said, half joking and half annoyed that he let that slip. “I’m sorry, I call you that all the time without a second thought, it totally just came out.” He said in a hushed voice, rubbing the back of his neck. You just patted his shoulder, not wanting to dampen the mood. “Come on rockstar, you need to get dressed.” 
A few minutes later, you stepped outside and met the rest of the boys and crew and watched as they worked their magic on the set. Everyone looked fantastic, and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of Jake in particular in his cropped white suit. It was hard to keep yourself from salivating at how good he looked, your mind sometimes wandering to thinking about what you wanted to do to him later. You touched up the boys’ hair here and there throughout the day, but for the most part, you spent the afternoon watching the band in awe of their creative vision and watching everything come to life.
After several hours of filming various shots, it was time to pack up and head out. Jake had shot you a glance before starting to walk with purpose in your direction, but you had promptly turned around and started walking fast in the opposite direction, towards the trailer. You couldn’t risk him putting his foot in his mouth again, in front of everyone working. You turned around so quickly, you didn’t catch the way that Jake’s face crumbled when he realized you weren’t going to speak to him and were clearly avoiding him. 
You were in the trailer, finishing getting your things together, when Josh and their manager poked their heads in. “Hey, great job today,” their manager started, “some of us are going to grab a bite to eat on the way out of town. Want to join?” 
You politely smiled. “Thank you for everything today, including the invitation, but I should really head home.” Josh looked at you with a confused look on his face. “I appreciate you thinking of me though, I’ll catch you guys next time.” You waved goodbye and watched as the two men left the trailer, Josh shooting you another questioning look as he left.
You sighed and started loading things into your car, knowing that you made the right choice, and also knowing that Jake wouldn’t be thrilled you clearly had avoided him and you were skipping out on a team dinner. It was just too hard to be around him and pretend you weren’t with him.
Most cars had already left by the time that you were ready to go, and it looked like the four boys themselves had headed out. You started your journey home, overall pleased with how the day went, knowing you did a good job on set.
Your phone started buzzing every few minutes as soon as you started your 30 minute drive home.
Jake: You didn’t let me say goodbye :( but I saved you a seat next to me, I know you were cleaning up. Jake: Will you be here soon? Jake: Josh just told me you aren’t coming… baby :( why? Jake: Please don’t tell me it’s because I have to keep you a secret.  Jake: I need to see you tonight. Can I come over later? Please?
You pulled into your driveway to see all of the texts, feeling bad about avoiding him and skipping dinner. You shot Jake a quick message back, telling him to come over anytime, before hopping in the shower and making yourself a quick meal, trying to ignore the guilt and anxiety settling in your stomach.
It was a couple hours later when Jake let himself in. You were on the couch, wrapped up in your blankets, watching a movie with a cup of tea in your hand. You looked up at him and smiled, and he shot you a sad little smile back. Your heart nearly split in two, seeing the expression on his face. The crack only widened as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Baby…I think we should talk.”
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight @spark-my-nature @katelynn-gvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @jakesbarbarian @gvfpal @alyson814 @starcatcherjosh
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buppypuppy · 1 year
I’m moving different
This shit ain’t nothing to me man, I’m a dog. I’m biting the fart bubbles in the bath
We smoking Symbiote
Smoking that Whoopi Goldberg South Egyptian fur burger Deluxe Mega Millions scratcher skunk bubba kush
We smoking dung beetle
I’m on 12 vicodins, smoking on Scooby-Doo dick
We smoking Sequoia banshee boogers
We snorting that good Buffalo Soldier tamarind Jordanian gibbies
They must have amnesia, they forgot that I’m him. That Burberry backwoods pack hitting that pussy smell like a Hellcat V8
We smoking shit in a glass pipe, blowing the Lord’s bubbles
I’m sick in the head
I’m on them Broward county Tic-Tacs, I’m on them Georgetown Geronimoes
I’m on them Nashville nibblers
I left my Margiela’s in the Benz trunk, I’ll have to stunt on them next time
I don’t give a fuck if I go blind, I don’t need to see the price tag anyways
I’m high on 12 Jason Bournes, looking to beat the cum out of a thick, fresh oak
We smoking filtered crack you stupid piece of shit, I’ll fucking kill you
Call that pussy The Matrix, cause I’m in this bitch and I can’t get out
Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some Givenchy gloves. The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them. Slowly faded into darkness, and I let the archangels take him. I need more Sequoia banshee boogers
Don’t be shy girl, I love me some Pastrami mudflaps
I’m moving like French Montana: haan
Welcome to the Cream Kingdom bitch, open up. Blac Chyna, I’d drink her piss out of another man’s balls
My shooter a crackhead, he look like Woody Harrelson
You ain't seen ten bands in your life, jit
Reach for my neck, you'll get turned into an example
Y'all gotta stop playing with me man
I threw diamonds at the strip clubs under the great pyramids. I pushed a camel through the eye of a needle. This shit ain't nothing to me man
Tied the opps to the back of a Trackhawk and dragged them around the block for 24 hours
Motherfucker look like a Resident Evil 5 campaign extra after we was done with him
Opps wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant
I'm moving like Oppenheimer
She dropped that ass on me from an egregarious angle, they thought I was Stephen Wallace
Top shelf zaza, disrupted my circadian rhythm
I have seen the Magna Carta, I have the seen the eye of horror
I was flipping bricks for Mansa Musa before y'all even became a type I civilization
This shit ain't nothing to me you stupid piece of shit
Step the wrong way and you will perish
That pussy feel like Biscoff Butter
You think I care about this shit? Ask me if I care about this shit, cause I don't give a shit
If I had a dollar for every time they said I gave a shit, I'd be broke cause I don't give a shit
My bitch look like David Hasselhoff
I balled so hard they thought I was a fucking nutsack
This shit ain't nothing to me man, I'll kill you, you stupid piece of shit
I'm gonna kiss you straight on the mouth.
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wokeuplaughing · 11 months
zoning out at work because I keep thinking about I'm moving different. This shit ain't nothing to me man. I'm a dog. I'm biting the fart bubbles in the bath. We smoking symbiotes. Smoking that Whoopi Goldberg South Egyptian Furburger Deluxe Mega Million Scratcher Skunk Bubba Kush. We smoking dung beetle. I'm on twelve Vicodins smoking on Scooby Doo dick. We smoking Sequoia banshee boogers? We snorting that good buffalo soldier tamarind Jordanian Jibbies. They must have amnesia, they forgot that I'm Him. That Burberry backwoods pack kitten that pussy smell, like a Hellcat VH. We smoking shit in a glass pipe blowing the Lord's bubbles. I'm sick in the head. I'm on them Broward County tic tacs. I'm on them Georgetown geronimos. I'm on them Nashville nibblers. I left my Margelas in the Benz truck, I'll have to stunt on them next time. I don't give a fuck if I go blind. I don't need to see the price tag anyway. We s- I'm high on twelve Jason Bournes looking to beat the cum out of a thick fresh hoe. We smoking filtered crack you stupid piece of shit. I'll fucking kill you. Call that pussy The Matrix cuz I'm in this bitch, and I can't get out. Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some Givenchy gloves. The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them. Slowly faded into darkness, and I let the archangels take him. I need more Sequoia banshee boogers! Don't be shy girl, I love me some, pastrami mud flaps. I'm moving like French Montana. Hæh? Welcome to the cream kingdom bitch, open up! Blac Chyna, I drink her piss out of another man's balls. My shooter a crackhead, he look like Woody Harrelson. You ain't seen ten bands in your life, chit! Reach for my neck you'll get turned into an example. Y'all gotta stop playing with me man. I threw diamonds at the strip clubs under the Great Pyramids. I pushed a camel through the eye of a needle. This shit ain't nothing to me man. Tied the opps to the back of a track hog. And dragged him around the block for twenty four hours. Motherfucker! Looked like a Resident Evil 5 campaign extra after we was done with him. Opps wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant. I'm moving like Oppenheimer. She drop that ass on me from an egregarious angle, they thought I was Steven Wallace. Top shelf zaza, disrupted my circadian rhythm. I have seen the Magna Carta, I have seen the eye of Horuh. I was flipping bricks for Mansa Musa before you all even became a type 1 civilization. This shit ain't nothing to me you stupid piece of shit. Step the wrong way and you will perish. That pussy feel like Biscoff butter. You think I care about this shit? Ask me if I care about this shit, cuz I don't give a shit. If I had a dollar for every time they said I gave a shit, I'd be broke, cuz I don't give a shit. My bitch look like David Hasselhoff. I balled so hard they thought I was a fucking nutsack. This shit ain't nothing to me man I'll kill you you stupid piece of shit
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savage-radio-3way-fm · 6 months
Episode 029 - St. Patricks Day aka Punk from Ireland and Northern Ireland
Fun Things - Savage!
Green River - Swallow My Pride Blood Circus - Two Way Street Murder City Devils - Broken Glass
Plain Wrap - Punk Rock Mass Media - Das Jazz Naked Lady Wrestlers - Accidents
Clutch - The Elephant Riders Hellacopters - Geekstreak Hellacopters - Cold Night For Alligators (Roky Erickson) Hellacopters - Get Ready (Smokey Robinson)
Batpiss - Nothing Convict Class - Conspiracy Theory
Nashville Pussy - Nutbush City Limits (Ike & Tina Turner) Motorhead - I'm So Bad (Baby I Don't Care) Buzzcocks - What Do I Get?
The Detonators - Cruisin' Ex Producers - Behind The Door Pretty Boy Floyd & The Gems - Sharon
Rudi - Time To Be Proud Ruefrex - The Perfect Crime Ruefrex - One By One Boomtown Rats - Looking After No. 1
The Undertones - Teenage Kicks Virgin Prunes - Twenty Tens The Radiators From Space - Television Screen Duggie Briggs Band - Poison Ivy
Spider - Dancin' In The Street Androids - Bondage In Belfast Lenny & The Lawbreakers - Me And Bobby McGhee (Kris Kristofferson)
Stiff Little Fingers - Suspect Device Stiff Little Fingers - Barbed Wire Love Stiff Little Fingers - 78 rpm Stiff Little Fingers - Wasted Life (Live)
Stiff Little Fingers - Alternative Ulster
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steveconte · 2 years
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Taken before my solo band show supporting Nashville Pussy in Paris… Great photog!! (at Paris,France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2LLA_Ixjt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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PIC(S) INFO: Mega spotlight on Corey Parks (former bassist for Southern sleaze rockers NASHVILLE PUSSY) with the late, great Lemmy Kilmister of the mighty MOTÖRHEAD in San Francisco, CA, c. mid 2000s/possibly '06.
Sources: www.flickr.com/photos/steve_barr/317912748 & Pinterest (2x).
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possible-streetwear · 5 months
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spotlight-report · 2 years
NASHVILLE PUSSY Announce December 2022 Australian Shows
HARDLINE MEDIA proudly presents the band King Lemmy himself dubbed “America’s last great Rock ’n’ Roll band” – NASHVILLE PUSSY! Having packed out their shows last time they were here, get ready for some sweaty, rockin’ nights Australia! “If there’s been a better band than Nashville Pussy to open for Motörhead, I’ve never heard them” – Lemmy So, take it from The Man Australia, DON’T MISS OUT ON…
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loiterer87 · 2 years
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Been faffing around with a different style, mostly inspired by listening to a hard rock band called Nashville Pussy and a documentary about American Rock Poster Art... Looks alright to say I've not tried this sort of thing before! Also like how the flats on this turned out. Might post them up too.
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ms-understand · 8 months
seen live list
Depression isn't an excuse for bad behavior, but at the moment, it's my excuse. I was just taking a long hot bath and thinking about getting a hearing aid and the loud ringing in my ears, which leads me to this...a list (incomplete) of bands I have seen live. It also made me think that people can guess where I'm from just by some of the bands I have seen.
The Suburbs
Black Flag - last tour 1986
Circle Jerks
7 seconds
Verbal Assault
Suicidal Tendencies
The Accused
Verbal Abuse
Blind Approach
Boiled In Lead
Libido Boyz
Porcelain Boys
Government Issue
Soul Asylum
Babes In Toyland
The Blue Up?
Zu Zu Pettals
Naked Raygun
Black Spot
Grant Hart
Love and Rockets
Echo and the Bunnymen
New Order
The Pixies
Corrosion Of Conformity
Sound Garden
Rollins Band
Green Day
Beastie Boys
House Of Pain
Rage Against The Machine
Meat Puppets
Gorilla Bisquits (spelling?)
Sick Of It All
Code 13
Reformed Misfits no Glen
X unplugged
The Jesus and Mary Chain
Mazy Star
Public Enemy
Lords Of Acid
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
Pansy Division
Tribe 8
reformed Bow Wow Wow
Nashville Pussy
Die Antword (it sucked)
Tea and Sympathy
Katty Perry
Jill Sobule
G. Love and the Special Sauce
Red Aunts
The Voluptuous Horror Of Karren Black
Boss Hog
Demolition Dollrods
Napalm Death (kind of just heard them, but I was there)
Anal Blast
Walt Mink
Willie Wisely Trio
Coup De Grace
Flamming Lips
There are tons more, but these are the ones I can remember right now. I was a pretty bad drunk and much of my life is a blur.
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nlerb · 1 year
I'm moving different. This shit ain’t nothing to me man. I'm a dog I’m biting the fart bubbles in the bath. We smoking symbiotes. Smoking that whoopi goldberg south egyptian furburger deluxe mega millions scratcher skunk bubba kush. We smoking dung beetle. I’m on 12 vicodin smoking on scooby doo dick. we smoking sequoia banshee boogers. We snorting that good buffalo soldier tamarin jordanian jibbies.  They must have amnesia they forgot that I’m him. That burberry backwoods pack hitting that pussy smell like a hellcat V8. We smoking shit in a glass pipe blowing the lord's bubbles. Im sick in the head. I'm on them broward county tic tacs. I'm on them georgetown geronimoes. I'm on them Nashville nibblers. I left my margielas in the Benz truck, I'll have to stunt on them next time. I dont give a fuck if I go blind, I dont need to see the price tag anyway. I'm high on 12 jason bournes looking to beat the cum out of a thick fresh oak. We smoking filtered crack you stupid piece of shit. I’ll fucking kill you. Call that pussy the matrix cus I’m in this bitch and I can’t get out. Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some givenchy gloves. The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them. Slowly faded into darkness and I let the archangels take him. I need more sequoia banshee boogers. Don't be shy girl i love me some pastrami mud flaps. Im moving like french montana. Haan! Welcome to the cream kingdom bitch. Open up. Blac Chyna i'd drink her piss out of another man’s balls. My shooter a crackhead he look like woody harrelson. You ain't seen ten bands in your life chet. Reach for my neck you’ll get turned into an example. Yall gotta stop  playing with me man. I threw diamonds in the strip clubs under the great pyramids. I pushed the camel through the eye of a needle. Shit aint nothing to me man. Tied the opps to the back of a trackhawk and dragged him around the block for 24 hours. Mother fucker looked  like a resident evil 5 campaign extra after we got done with him. Opps wanted some initiative so we blew up their entire quadrant. Im moving like oppenheimer. She dropped that ass on me from a egregarious angle, they thought  i was Steven Wallace. Top shelf zaza disrupted my circadian rhythm. I have seen the magna carta. I have seen the eye of hora. I was flipping bricks for mansa musa before yall even became a type 1 civilization. This shit aint nothing to me you stupid piece of shit. Step the wrong way and you will perish. That pussy feels like biscoff butter. You think I care about this shit? Ask me if I care about this shit. I dont give a shit. If i had a dollar for every time they said i gave a shit id be broke cuz i dont give a shit. My bitch look like david hasselhoff. I balled so hard they thought i was a fuckin nut sack. This shit aint nothing to me man i'll kill you you stupid piece of shit
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ozomatli-9 · 1 year
I’m moving different
This shit ain’t nothing to me man, I’m a dog. I’m biting the fart bubbles in the bath
We smoking Symbiote
Smoking that Whoopi Goldberg South Egyptian fur burger Deluxe Mega Millions scratcher skunk bubba kush
We smoking dung beetle
I’m on 12 vicodins, smoking on Scooby-Doo dick
We smoking Sequoia banshee boogers
We snorting that good Buffalo Soldier tamarind Jordanian gibbies
They must have amnesia, they forgot that I’m him. That Burberry backwoods pack hitting that pussy smell like a Hellcat V8
We smoking shit in a glass pipe, blowing the Lord’s bubbles
I’m sick in the head
I’m on them Broward county Tic-Tacs, I’m on them Georgetown Geronimoes
I’m on them Nashville nibblers
I left my Margiela’s in the Benz trunk, I’ll have to stunt on them next time
I don’t give a fuck if I go blind, I don’t need to see the price tag anyways
I’m high on 12 Jason Bournes, looking to beat the cum out of a thick, fresh oak
We smoking filtered crack you stupid piece of shit, I’ll fucking kill you
Call that pussy The Matrix, cause I’m in this bitch and I can’t get out
Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some Givenchy gloves. The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them. Slowly faded into darkness, and I let the archangels take him. I need more Sequoia banshee boogers
Don’t be shy girl, I love me some Pastrami mudflaps
I’m moving like French Montana: haan
Welcome to the Cream Kingdom bitch, open up. Blac Chyna, I’d drink her piss out of another man’s balls
My shooter a crackhead, he look like Woody Harrelson
You ain't seen ten bands in your life, jit
Reach for my neck, you'll get turned into an example
Y'all gotta stop playing with me man
I threw diamonds at the strip clubs under the great pyramids. I pushed a camel through the eye of a needle. This shit ain't nothing to me man
Tied the opps to the back of a Trackhawk and dragged them around the block for 24 hours
Motherfucker look like a Resident Evil 5 campaign extra after we was done with him
Opps wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant
I'm moving like Oppenheimer
She dropped that ass on me from an egregarious angle, they thought I was Stephen Wallace
Top shelf zaza, disrupted my circadian rhythm
I have seen the Magna Carta, I have the seen the eye of horror
I was flipping bricks for Mansa Musa before y'all even became a type I civilization
This shit ain't nothing to me you stupid piece of shit
Step the wrong way and you will perish
That pussy feel like Biscoff Butter
You think I care about this shit? Ask me if I care about this shit, cause I don't give a shit
If I had a dollar for every time they said I gave a shit, I'd be broke cause I don't give a shit
My bitch look like David Hasselhoff
I balled so hard they thought I was a fucking nutsack
This shit ain't nothing to me man, I'll kill you, you stupid piece of shit
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