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micheleevans348 · 2 months ago
Asteroid Activity with #NASAatHome
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kuiperkat · 5 years ago
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From @nasajpl LAST CALL for the Venus rover challenge! Submit your entries for developing the world’s 1st sensor to detect obstacles in a rover’s path while withstanding Venus’ surface temperatures higher than 880 F (470 C). Submissions due May 29, 2 pm PT: go.nasa.gov/2SLLHBU #NASAatHome https://www.instagram.com/p/CAifzmqpccI/?igshid=19ym3fpkhgi4v
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enkeynetwork · 5 years ago
Hubble ti regala la foto spaziale del tuo compleanno
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Prima di Hubble lo spazio non era così bello. Una tavolozza nera puntellata di bianco lucente che avvicinandosi sgranava. Ma Hubble ha rivoluzionato il modo di osservare il cielo. Era il 24 Aprile del 1990 quando, grazie alla collaborazione tra NASA ed ESA veniva lanciato il nuovo telescopio spaziale, pronto a scattare foto da lì al 2005. O per lo meno così doveva essere, perché il nostro caro e fidato telescopio, non sa che aveva una scadenza fissata a 15 anni e ha, quindi, tranquillamente raddoppiato le sue aspettative di vita arrivando a spegnere 30 candeline. Ma non è tutto, perché la NASA ha deciso di festeggiare il compleanno di Hubble in modo speciale. In 30 anni il telescopio spaziale ci ha donato fotografie spaziali da togliere il fiato, ma ti piacerebbe sapere quale di queste è stata scattata il giorno del tuo compleanno?
30 anni di Hubble
HST è il nostro Hubble Space Telescope da 30 anni in orbita nella bassa atmosfera terrestre. Lanciato grazie a una collaborazione tra l’agenzia spaziale americana e l’agenzia spaziale italiana doveva restare in orbita appena 15 anni ma, ad oggi, sono ben 30 anni che ci regala foto mozzafiato.
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Il telescopio Hubble compie 30 anni Hubble non è l’unico telescopio terrestre e nemmeno il primo, ma deve la sua fama al suo incredibile e meticoloso lavoro, che sbaraglia quello di tutti gli altri. Nelle settimane successive al lancio si capì subito che c’era qualcosa che non andava. Il telescopio, infatti, aveva un problema allo specchio primario. Il problema si risolse, nel dicembre del 1993, con una missione di servizio. Da allora non ha visto altro che successi. Gli astronomi ebbero a disposizione le immagini migliori che avessero mai avuto e gli appassionati rimasero estasiati da tali immagini. Il telescopio è a disposizione di chiunque, basta inviare una proposta e se viene accettata si ha a disposizione il telescopio per un determinato periodo di tempo. Macinando successi e scattando foto emozionanti, quasi ininterrottamente, Hubble arriva a festeggiare 30 anni.
La foto spaziale del tuo compleanno
Hubble ha osservato il cielo 365 giorni all’anno, sette giorni a settimana, 24 ore su 24, per ben 30 anni, scattando foto verso l’infinito. Per omaggiare i 30 anni del telescopio più famoso del mondo la NASA ha deciso di fare un piccolo regalo di compleanno a chiunque sia interessato e abbia voglia di guardare il cielo. Cosa stava osservando Hubble il giorno del nostro compleanno? Per scoprirlo basta andare sul sito della NASA, nella pagina appositamente creata, e inserire il mese e il giorno di nascita. Ecco la foto spaziale del nostro compleanno.
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La foto del 24 Gennaio, Giove e tre delle sue lune, con le ombre che si vedono chiare sulla sua superficie Per rendere possibile ciò la NASA ha messo a punto un sistema che permette di risalire ad una foto scattata proprio in quel giorno. Così ci sentiremo tutti un po' parte di questo meraviglioso universo, il nostro compleanno scritto tra le stelle attraverso gli occhi del telescopio che ha cambiato l’astronomia. Insieme alla foto troveremo l’anno in cui è stata scattata, oltre al mese e al giorno da noi già inseriti, e una descrizione di essa.
NASA at home
La foto spaziale del tuo compleanno fa parte di un più ampio progetto lanciato dall’agenzia spaziale, chiamato NASA at home. Il progetto consente a chiunque di avere accesso a una grande quantità di ricerche sull’universo.
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La NASA apre le sue porte con Nasa at home Si possono scaricare, ad esempio, e-book con documenti storici e scientifici della NASA ed esplorazioni astronomiche. Ci sono tour virtuali a cui partecipare, alcuni di essi anche in realtà virtuale. Si possono esplorare i centri di ricerca della NASA, l’interno della ISS e la superficie di altri pianeti. Possiamo buttarci nell’esplorazione spaziale anche in questi giorni di quarantena, quindi, comodamente stando in casa, con il progetto NASA at home. E, intanto, buon compleanno Hubble. Read the full article
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hondawrench · 5 years ago
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Bored? NASA At Home lets you or your kids explore space... https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7627 #nasaathome #nasa #jpl #space #exploration #maga #coronavirus #lockdown https://www.instagram.com/p/B_F1fpKFecR/?igshid=1jukih6khy83l
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whiteladysmuses · 5 years ago
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Last image for today! Crater 27 MILES across 🤯😆 Mercury Photos & Images all for you! #NASA #NASAatHome #mercury #untoldnewsuk https://www.instagram.com/p/B-320RkgH7f/?igshid=1srj7z8y74ae
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profaagabiledo · 5 years ago
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#NASAatHome tem atividades para todos. Transformamos nossos pôsteres de exoplanetas em um livro de colorir para download gratuito baseado na ciência real da @NASA. Aperte print🖨 e pegue giz de cera🖍, marcadores ou tinta 🎨 e mostre-nos suas criações com #ColorWithNASA! go.nasa.gov/3aS06Dc ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-t3G0xDcAe6tIWXf4cGqocKvYeKpjCwJBTOeQ0/?igshid=rhmfu879tyrt
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nasa · 5 years ago
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Introducing Astronaut Story Time – from Earth! 📖⁣⁣
Tomorrow and each weekday at 4 p.m. EDT, record-breaking astronaut Christina Koch, who recently returned to our home planet after 328 days in space, will read a children’s book on HER Instagram Live!⁣
👉🏽Follow @Astro_Christina to enjoy #NASAatHome ⁣ ⏰Tap our story on Instagram to set a reminder to tune in ⁣ ⁣ If you want to learn more about life as one of our @NASAastronauts or you want to apply to #BeAnAstronaut, click HERE. Applications close in 5 days. ⁣
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com.
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apod · 5 years ago
2020 April 24
Around the World at Night Video Credit & Copyright: Jeff Dai (TWAN, IDA), Music: Peter Jeremias
Explanation: Watch this video. In only a minute or so you can explore the night skies around planet Earth through a compilation of stunning timelapse sequences. The presentation will take you to sites in the United States, Germany, Russia, Iran, Nepal, Thailand, Laos and China. You might even catch the view from a small island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. But remember that while you're home tonight, the night sky will come to you. Look up and celebrate the night during this International Dark Sky Week.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap200424.html
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nasaorion · 5 years ago
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Want to put the Art in Artemis? Learn step-by-step how to draw Orion spacecraft taking astronauts on missions to the Moon and beyond. Then share your space-crafty drawings to #drawARTEMIS. Nothing sketchy about this creative #NASAatHome fun! http://go.nasa.gov/2y5tA24
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astro1489-blog · 4 years ago
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Multiple exoplanet orbiting a single star 😍😍............ RARE IMAGE
The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT) has taken the first ever image of a young, sun-like star accompanied by two giant exoplanets. Images of systems with multiple exoplanets are extremely rare, and—until now—astronomers had never directly observed more than one planet orbiting a star similar to the sun. The observations can help astronomers understand how planets formed and evolved around our own sun.....
#esa #nasa #space #nasaathome #sun #exoplanets #star #observatory #galaxy
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captainpotassium · 5 years ago
NASA’s new Internet and social media special, NASA at Home, will show and engage you in the agency’s discoveries, research, and exploration from around the world and across the universe – all from the comfort of your own home.
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spaceappsph · 5 years ago
NASA, partners launch virtual hackathon to develop COVID-19 solutions
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The U.S. space agency National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA), and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) are inviting coders, entrepreneurs, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, artists, and technologists to participate in a virtual hackathon May 30-31 dedicated to putting open data to work in developing solutions to issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the global Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge, participants from around the world will create virtual teams that – during a 48-hour period – will use Earth observation data to propose solutions to COVID-19-related challenges ranging from studying the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and its spread to the impact the disease is having on the Earth system. Registration for this challenge opens in mid-May.
"There’s a tremendous need for our collective ingenuity right now," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. "I can’t imagine a more worthy focus than COVID-19 on which to direct the energy and enthusiasm from around the world with the Space Apps Challenge that always generates such amazing solutions."
The unique capabilities of NASA and its partner space agencies in the areas of science and technology enable them to lend a hand during this global crisis. Since the start of the global outbreak, Earth science specialists from each agency have been exploring ways to use unique Earth observation data to aid understanding of the interplay of the Earth system – on global to local scales – with aspects of the COVID-19 outbreak, including, potentially, our ability to combat it. The hackathon will also examine the human and economic response to the virus.
ESA will contribute data from the Sentinel missions (Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P) in the context of the European Copernicus program, led by the European Commission, along with data from Third Party contributing Missions, with a focus on assessing the impact on climate change and greenhouse gases, as well as impacts on the economic sector. ESA also is contributing Earth observation experts for the selection of the competition winners and the artificial-intelligence-powered EuroDataCube.
"EuroDatacube will enable the best ideas to be scaled up to a global level," said Josef Aschbacher, director of Earth Observation Programmes at ESA. "The pandemic crisis has a worldwide impact, therefore international cooperation and sharing of data and expertise with partners like NASA and JAXA seems the most suitable approach."
JAXA is making Earth observing data available from its satellite missions, including ALOS-2, GOSAT, GOSAT-2, GCOM-C, GCOM-W, and GPM/DPR. "JAXA welcomes the opportunity to be part of the hackathon," said JAXA Vice President Terada Koji. "I believe the trilateral cooperation among ESA, NASA and JAXA is important to demonstrate how Earth observation can support global efforts in combating this unprecedented challenge."
Space Apps is an international hackathon that takes place in cities around the world. Since 2012, teams have engaged with NASA's free and open data to address real-world problems on Earth and in space. The COVID-19 Challenge will be the program’s first global virtual hackathon. Space Apps 2019 included more than 29,000 participants at 225 events in 71 countries, developing more than 2,000 hackathon solutions over the course of one weekend.
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Many Filipinos participated in this annual hackathon since 2016. Recently, a dengue mapping forecasting system was developed by data scientists from CirroLytix using satellite and climate data with the goal of addressing the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. This web application, called Project AEDES won globally for the best use of data. "Earth observation data has the potential to be used in fighting epidemics and outbreaks threatening humanity nowadays, as well as to analyze its socio-economic impact," according to software developer Michael Lance M. Domagas, who led the Philippine hackathon in collaboration with De La Salle University, PLDT, Department of Science and Technology, United Nations Development Programme, and the U.S. embassy. The very first Philippine winner used citizen science and environmental data to develop a smartphone application informing fishermen the right time to catch fish. ISDApp is currently being incubated at Animo Labs.
Space Apps is a NASA-led initiative organized globally in collaboration with Booz Allen Hamilton, Mindgrub and SecondMuse. The next annual Space Apps Challenge is scheduled for October 2-4.
Registration opens May 12. https://covid19.spaceappschallenge.org/
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ofisiconerd · 5 years ago
Mesmo quando não podemos vê-los, as estrelas e outras maravilhas do universo estão sempre lá, e elas podem oferecer inspiração. Qual inspiração as estrelas oferecemos a vocês??? Comentem aí!!! #NASAatHome #NASA #space #science #nature #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/B-C0ZWNlqRE/?igshid=1a70cx2kzcea7
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whiteladysmuses · 5 years ago
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Image taken as Messenger does flyby. 🤯 Mercury Photos & Images all for you! #NASA #NASAatHome #mercury #untoldnewsuk https://www.instagram.com/p/B-32etlgQQu/?igshid=1wd7ab6b9hfif
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heliocoseno · 4 years ago
Caros Leitores; Let NASA bring the Universe into your Home. Fonte: NASA / 10-04-2021 https://www.nasa.gov/specials/nasaathome/index.html  ...
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sangklp · 4 years ago
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RT @NASAWebb: 🎶 You've got to know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em 🎶 ...and know when to try out our #origami pattern! This #OrigamiDay, fold the pattern to create your very own #NASAWebb primary mirror. #jwstArt #NASAatHome Pattern: https://t.co/IAjt7nQsy2 https://t.co/IO7Tp7S86j https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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