#N x Braiden
tutchando74 · 6 months
An N x Braidon oneshot
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sillygreenrat · 10 months
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it cant just be me that sees this and thinks its a good idea
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the-simple-creature · 9 months
Murder Drones characters ranked by what they would say if you fought them.
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lilywily143 · 1 year
Flirts to the Oblivious
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Braiden: Top or Bottom, N?
N: I'd just be happy with a bunk bed! They look so cool!
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B: Uhh, okay. Dom or Sub?
N: huh. I'm kinda in the mood for pizza!
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N: Umm. Are you okay, Braiden?
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bluginkgo · 10 months
As many other people have mentioned it, I'm just gonna put my 2 cents in here too cause why not. (This is about the double x eyed character.)
Also spoilers, duh
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There's been multiple instances where a whole separate character has been visible- I first noticed it from the merch poster. I'm on the side that believes that this is a whole new character that we've never seen before. Of course, the distinct double x'ed eyes is what stands out. When Nori is referring to DDs they're drawn with their classic large X on the visor. So where did this double x'ed drone come from?
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This is the one and only time that we see something close to it. When Braiden accidently shot another student with the arrow, a brief double X showed on the visor- after of course, we see the classic fatal error. As any theory (and even more so with murder drones) this has a lot of holes. But here's my crazy idea that I wanna pitch:
What if the double x'ed character is someone we already know... but is dead? A character that is confirmed/somewhat confirmed to be dead can return back to life, and their body forced to move by the absolute solver.
From the VHS tape, zombie drones can be any drone that JcJenson has created. They reboot from improper disposal or even simply by rejecting the destruction code that is used to disassemble a worker drone. But not every zombie drone is a potential absolute solver drone- it only manifests in an even smaller amount of zombie drones. Like seen with Cyn, she rebooted as a zombie drone and had a chat with absolute solver before allowing it to take control.
Going back to my theory, take a body of a dead drone (with no absolute solver in them) and use absolute solver to force it to function and fight for you.
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Like I said previously, this theory has crap ton of holes in it. For all we know, this double x'ed character could just be yet another absolute solver's form- given that we only ever see the head. Another factor that makes me rethink my entire theory would be when N was chatting with Uzi and one of his eyes stayed as a smaller x.
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Granted, the N and Uzi chatting scene is from the pilot. And as I've seen someone mention it recently- the same pilot where Lizzy's fingers decided to separate from her body just because. God I love this show. Alright I'll shut up now.
Feel free to add or even go against my theory, I love seeing what other things are out there. ^_^
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md-confessions · 5 months
I'm not really big on Polyamory ships in general but I would be lying if I said that there are some I wouldn't mind seeing explored in general:
Thad x J x Doll: In a AU this isn't the "Thad can fix them" ship, this is the "Copper-9 had a 'Bad End' in the form of Uzi & N choosing to sacrifice the planet/everyone for each other and are now just permanently stranded together and drifting through space; all the while four drones(Khan, Thad, J and Ghost Doll that is now J's Administrator now) managed to escape via ship but all of them now have to play therapist for each other due to how traumatizing things have become," ship story.
Braiden x Lizzy x Uzi: This ship can be about these guys hate-####ing each other either out of frustration or stress. It can also just be casually hooking up with each other after a couple of years have gone by. Also due to how limiting the episodes and character screentime these guys have I headcanon that Braiden is a Nerd/Business type of drone who almost always gets good grades in school. Uzi can get good grades but chooses not to put any effort into doing so yet she gets jealous and agitated that Braiden is the 'Good Student,' hence why she subjects him to her mind takeover experiment later on.
J x Braiden x Riley: You have a need-to-impress DD with good drawing skills and can get anything done with furious determination. You have a well-dressed, seems like a business type of chill student drone who can somewhat get on J's level. And even though his appearance was brief, Riley could be that upgraded Sam who always wants to be in a good vibing mood and who occasionally tries to have his friends/lovers have fun group outings together.
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ria-writes-stories · 10 months
This story was inspired by @taminam02 's art! Make sure to give them the proper appreciation because this story wouldn't have existed as is it is if it weren't for the RockBand AU!
Ship: Thad x V
Genre: Romance-ish, Action, Thrill, Rush of Adrenaline
Trope: Enemies to lover sort of
Title: Danger
Description: When one fights for survival their heart beats as hard as when they are in love.
Warning: bites, and claws and tackles and uh- neck bites- BUT NOT LIKE THAT-
(No one's pov)
Thad was walking outside of the colony, which was a nice change in his life since the disassembly drones were no longer hunting down the worker drones. Thad and N got along pretty well and as far as he knew the other one that stabbed him, V, was chained up or something like that when he last saw her.
The world empty and cold as it was had a strange beauty in it, plus, it was nice to explore after being stuck in just one place your entire life right?
Suddenly Thad heard a rush of wind passing by somewhere near by, he looked up confused and unsure as to what could have caused the sound, but then he remembered when he flew with N back to the colony with him and Uzi the air made a bunch of noise besides their bodies and besides N's huge wings, so, maybe it was was N.
Thad went to inspect, curiosity kills the cat after all, doesn't it? Well, this one is rather charming so maybe he'll be off the hook this time along.
Thad snuck behind a corner as his gut told him that something was wrong, deeply wrong, and low and behold it was right. V, the murder drone, was cleaning her claws from oil via her tongue. 'Worker drone oil. How did she get out of the chains?' as these thoughts went through his head his eyes widened in shock as he stepped back from instinct but the silent sound of the snow that crushed under his boot was heard by the far more deadly drone in the zone, as she smirked widely.
Before Thad knew it he was pinned to the wall as V looked down at him with a subtle psychopathic look in her eyes as a smug grin spread across her face as she held the jock in place with her claws. "If it isn't the 'conventionally attractive male' from the last time. The purple one ain't here to help you, is she now? Poor prince, mister in distress without his saviour coming to the rescue." V taunted as her claws slowly pressed against the surface of his skin threatening to pierce his skin and cause a wound that would be rather painful given their sharpness.
A wound from which the succulent delicious cold oil would pour out for her to consume to her heart's content until he was dried out and empty, however once again she underestimated the courage of the popular jock that had already defended his fellow members before, and now as there wasn't the risk of anyone else getting harmed besides him...
Thad punched her in the chin which took V off guard causing her to loosen her grip on him as she took a step back, moment in which he duck under her arms and ran. V rubbed her chin and growled before chasing after him. "NOW WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!" V yelled angrily. Thad turned around to see her, only to come to the shocking realisation that she was right behind him and before he could react she tackled him down to the ground, raising her claws in the air ready to strike. He had to think quickly.
He grabbed a nearby arm that was laying around and used it to block her attack as he pulled the arm from both ends to rise the tension within the arm making it a tad easier to break yes, but it meant the breaking of it would be messier, which would hopefully break and cause enough tension to tickle the disassembly drone painfully like a rubber band breaking and hitting you.
Thad's emerald green eyes glared into V's deep devilish yellow ones as he growled lowly and pushed the arm up with all of his strength as V's eyes slightly widen noticing the strength in his arm before quickly placing her other claw to his shoulder pressing her claw on it painful.
Thad looked at her other claw as he kept the position before he looked back up at her noticeably angry and upset. "Don't think you're getting out pretty boy." V spat out with venom as she looked at him, but not at his face.
When Thad noticed it his eyes widened even more, and before he could do it she went in for a bite, but he wasn't going to let her. He kicked her off with his feet, before rushing behind a wall as he froze in place, but why? He didn't know.
He pressed his back against the wall as he ran one of his hands through his hair as he rested the other one on his chest, feeling his hear beat like crazy. What was this? Was this the rush of adrenaline through his veins? Was it the shock of the situation? Why couldn't he move? That look in her eyes...
Before he could get any answers she was back to play and this time he wasn't going to escape as easily as he did before, because she wasn't going to allow it. Just because a cat let's her mouse escape for a few moments it doesn't mean that the mouse escaped from luck, nope. The cat was simply playing.
V tackled him and forced him on his stomach, taking one of his hands and pressing it on his back as she leaned in and spoke lowly. "Not so strong now huh?" She said as Thad squirmed under her touch, struggling to get out, and in the moment she got close she proceeded to hit her with his head. "Gah! God you're pesky!"
Thad took his chance to run away ignoring completely the fact that his hat fell behind. V was left to realise that she unconsciously got off of him giving him the chance to run. 'Oh you got to be kidding me...' she thought to herself.
There was never a scenario where Thad would have escaped with his life, or at least unharmed. She was faster, stronger, far more skilled, but his fight was admirable, therefore when he found himself thrown into a wall as he crashed into it painfully before being picked up...
"It'll be quick." She said with a cold look in her eyes ready to end his life, but Thad was more bite and bark, and so, he bit her arm. He bit hard, forcing his teeth to break the surface of her skin, causing her to slightly bleed out as she let out yielding in more shock than pain. Were all drones from that damned colony as pesky as the purple one?! No, they were cowards, the purple one wasn't that much either, but this one...
He was sure he has met his end as the girl held him by his collar, high in the air, pressed against the wall, left helpless at her mercy.
She opened her hungry mouth as he could practically see the saliva running down from the roof of her mouth onto her tongue, and he knew that not even death could satisfy that hunger.
She sunk her teeth deeply finally piercing his skin as the oil ran out of the wound as he hissed in pain as he stiffened, slightly trembling. He shouldn't have stiffened, it only made it more painful, and the fact that she decided to randomly pull his hair to force his head to move as to make his neck more exposed did not help.
His pain wasn't enough, the misery and despair that he was feeling were not enough for her no. She sucked out nutritive contents that she needed and then bit onto his shoulder as well, the same one that she has stabbed a few weeks ago., as Thad let out another sound of desperate pain as he looked at her with widened eyes.
He couldn't process what just happened. One moment he was about to die...the other he was left alone to walk home. He didn't understand this one bit.
Once he got home he looked into the mirror of his bathroom without opening the light as he didn't wish to wake up the entire household. He looked closely at the wounds that had been inflicted on him as he briefly ran his fingers around them as he felt his heart pounding in his chest.
He held his head frustrated in his hands as his fingers ran through his ruffled up blond hair as he let out a deep sigh. What was all of that just now? He would have liked to think it was a bad dream but these wounds on him were as real as he was.
Thad decided to sleep it off but once he found himself in his bed he was left stranded, staring at the ceiling as his mind was filled with thoughts that he thought he'd never catch himself thinking of. Her eyes. That look in her eyes as if she was devouring up just by looks, and those lips- what was he thinking?!
She was a monster! A disassembly drone- a murder drone! So why was he-
Thad slapped himself to pull himself together as he then proceeded to stand up on his bed as he groaned in his hands. He got up and walked around his room aimlessly trying to drain himself to the point he wouldn't have any choice but to fall asleep. He was already pretty drained after the fight but the adrenaline that was in his veins wouldn't allow him to rest, not yet. And then he noticed it...
His hat. His hat was on his desk...the very hat that he dropped during the entire fight. The hat that he completely forgot about on his way home. So how was it here...?
The end
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rhodeybugg · 8 months
Finally got the list together, or at least what I can remember. Here is the list of my oc's/characters that make an appearance sometime in the solver-bound series, for organization and so I can internally keep track of who is who and who im using/need to draw. Feel free to ask questions. I may or may not be able to answer :} Here is its: THE SOLVER-BOUND CAST LIST. {Possibly to be edited later}
The Elliot Family Humans: Sirus - (Elric, Oliver and James’ father) (OC) Estrella -  (Sirus’ wife)  (OC) Elric - (OC) Oliver - (OC) James - Louisa - Tessa - Drones: 
Selune (OC) J V N Cyn Sive (OC) Grimm (OC) Prudence (OC) The Rose Family - Eleanor - (OC) Cedric - (OC) Azariah The Original Blood Tundra Crew - Humans (Higher-ups) Octavius- (OC) Dr. Nettle - (OC)
Zara’s Crew: Alanah - (OC) Singe - (OC) Von- (OC) Zephyr - (OC) Drones: Alice - Nori - Yeva - Isla - (OC) Dima - (Doll’s father, headcanon name) (Company-Created Disassemblers) Denali - (OC) Kovi - (OC) Tryx - (OC) Offspring: Beau (Alice x Denali) Alexei (Yeva x Kovi) Taurus (Nori x Tryx (Artificial core combination, Nori bit him) Myra (Alice x Denali) Aureolian Drones - Serial Designation J - Serial Designation V - Serial Designation N - {Second Team} Serial Deisngation S -(OC) Serial Designation K - (OC) Serial Designation PB - (OC) Heavens Eclipse Drones - (OC)Serafina - Prince - Twobit - Annex - Brittle - Outpost 9 Colony Members: Khan - Agnes - (OC) Doll - Uzi - Thad - Lizzy - Amaranth - (OC) Mazie - (OC) Darren - Rebecca - Braiden - Emily - Sam - Nox (Teacher, headcanon name) - Carmine (Police lady, headcanon name) Offspring:
Claire (Agnes x Khan) Desmarais {Manor V x N} Crumbles (V x N) Biscuit (V x N) Basil (Uzi x Thad) Soto (Uzi x Thad) Beretta (Uzi x Thad) Sear (Uzi x Thad) 
Suriva (Doll x Lizzy) Valentina (Doll x Lizzy) Ren (J x Sive) Hollyn (Darren x Rebecca x Emily) Carmine (Zara x Tessa) Reese (Zara x Tessa, adopted)  Imogen {Cyn's Protégé}
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rory-multifandom-mess · 2 months
So what kind of MD Ships have you dabbled in?
ooh! good question
Well I think we all know i’m a huge Vhad (V x Thad) liker BUT! I’ve also gotten into Wheat Thins (Thad x N), Thuzi (Thad x Uzi), SmokeyBat (Uzi x Sam), SmokeyFire (Sam x Braiden), Khori (Khan x Nori), obviously the canon ship of Darren X Emily and the might-as-well-be-canon ship of Dizzy (Lizzy x Doll), eNVy (N x V) a little bit (mansion them is really cute) and more! This doesn’t even include the poly ships
Also before you ask, yes I do ship Nuzi obviously I just haven’t done much of anything with it because I don’t fixate on N and Uzi that much. I still love them though!!
It’s so hard to name all of them. Such is the life of a multishipper…
I’m willing to look into most ships so long as they’re legal!
(You can totally use this for the sappy prompts thing i’ve been doing too!)
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sneakyboythingz · 7 months
I have a silly question that I hope makes sense; what would be the dynamic relationships between characters that are pets and characters that are the pet owners of these pets in Murder Drones? Example:
N x Pet J
V x Pet Doll
Braiden x Pet Uzi
I will do my favorite ships:
Uzi x pet N: goth girl who has a Golden Retriever for some reason.
N x pet Uzi: Fun sports Guy who has a quiet and grumpy Black cat as a pet
N x Cyn: Cute Butler and his weird zombie cat
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magmythedevil · 1 year
K..kahn x the teacher whatever his name is
I have alredy done:
V x Lizzy
V x J
Teacher x khan
Khan x nori
N x uzi
V x N
Doll x Lizzy
Doll x N
Thad x Uzi x N
Thad x Braiden
N x Thad
Thad x Uzi
So you have to send any ship that ins't those loll
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Mark of the Wolf Part 11
Catch up here!
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader (Lastname: Markolf)
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: Violence, death and some... rushed action.
A/N: Sorry this update took like a month to churn out, my brain decided to be more creative with other franchises -Oops! Anyway, we’re in the final stretch now guys. Thanks for being patient!
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Liam paced about in the dark, heart thundering in his chest. Derek's contact was late. This was making him jumpy. He glanced at his watch once, twice, a third time -still nothing. He was about to make a U-turn and head for the church when his keen wolf ears picked up on the sound of a motorcycle growling in the distance. The scent of gasoline and carbon monoxide mixing in with the crisp night air. She was here.
"You’re late," he said sheepishly as Braeden took off her helmet and turned her keys in the ignition. The bright beams turning as dead as a doornail as soon as she dismounted.
"I'm never late," she retorted as she chucked a duffle bag at Liam.
"Jesus," he jumped, eyes wide. "Are you insane?"
Braeden chuckled, her eyes rolling backwards, "Relax, kid. They're inert in that state."
Liam unzipped the bag and examined the blocks of C4, and just as she said, they were inert. He exhaled while she fished a crowbar from her backpack and used it as a lever to lift an old sewer access grate.
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"Come with us, and all this chaos can end. Come with us and I'll tell you the truth," Alyster's words swarmed around your brain. It was then that you realised he was inside your head. You tried to shake him out, to scream for him to shut up, but you were motionless, voiceless and completely helpless. "Come with us and you will learn of your importance to the Order... And the fate of the world."
Around you, Derek and Scott and Monroe kept up their fight. The two wolves tried to keep you inside their protective circle as best they could, but it wasn’t an easy task. Your body was still paralysed -unresponsive.
Your ears picked up the sound of an angry growl. Derek pried an arrow out of his arm and snapped it with his teeth, eyes glowing a menacing blue. Scott kept up his fight with the air, the Kitsune besting most of his attacks with ease. Monroe seemed to be struggling the most, her gun was as efficient as using paper planes to break down brick walls. Her efforts were futile, but she persisted.
As strong as they were, you doubted they would be able to make it out alive. Not with the sheer, unbridled might of the Order barring down on them… on you. They may as well have been chew toys shivering in the presence of a wolf's razor-sharp canines. You were all going to die here -enemy, friend, and ally. It was only a matter of time.
You tried to force yourself to swallow the spit that accumulated in the back of your throat, but your body remained unmoving. At least your automatic reflexes were still working. At least you were breathing.
"If I agree to go with you," you spoke in your mind -the place Alyster had intruded without permission. "Will you let them live?"
Alyster's eyes narrowed and it almost looked like his body was levitating towards you slowly, "They are of no consequence to us. All we want is you."
The coppery smell of blood tickled your nose. Someone was bleeding. And it was a lot of blood. But you couldn't tell who.
"Why me?" your voice was shaking like a leaf, even in your own headspace.
Alyster's disconcerting laugh echoed in your cranium, "Because your blood is special. Your lineage is special. You are special."
"Will you kill me?"
He paused, face almost remorseful, "It cannot be avoided, but at least you can die knowing why. All you have to do to stop all this needless fighting is… submit."
Your heart was in your throat, your nerves so fuelled by fear that you shook as though you were freezing to death. Acid and bile climbed out of your stomach and burned at your oesophagus. Temple throbbing.
"I..." your brain was on fire. Alyster's presence -his magic- being warded off like an invasive cancer. Blood streamed from your nose. The wolf inside you felt violated -angry. She was trying to rip him apart from inside you, the result was your own body's defences attacking itself. "I--"
Derek grabbed you by the arm violently, his claws nicking skin. It was then that you noticed the green tendrils hooked around you, luring you closer to Alyster, and further away from Scott and Derek.
"Y/N! What are you doing?" he demanded, nostrils flaring. His face was all bruised and cut up to hell, his shirt covered in blood and dirt. He pulled you back to his side and you felt Alyster's pull over you dissipate into a slight foggy sensation. The green tendrils had receded back into the Oculus. "Stay beside me!" he ordered in an alpha's voice as he held you behind his protective frame.
Scott darted back to your side, lugging a pew at the Kitsune in the process. "She's late," he complained.
"She'll pull through, trust me," Derek replied.
Alyster shook his head in disappointment, an Irish lilt pulling at his consonants. "This could all have been so painless. When this all ends, I want you to know, this could all have been avoided."
Scott groaned, shattering a pew with a powerful stomp and throwing the splinters at Alyster with frightening precision, "Shut up already!"
The archer, Astrid, caught several pieces of debris in mid-air, a prideful smirk filling her features. She was about to advance, claws extended and arrows depleted, when Alyster wrapped a long-clawed hand around her wrist, a yellowish grin pulling his tight skin uncomfortably.
"I'll handle this."
And then he rose his hands, the green tendrils returning, picking up several pieces of debris, rock, wood and dislodging all the bullets that had been embedded inside walls and concrete. You were surrounded by a circular perimeter of suspended weaponry. You felt your skin prickle with goosebumps, the air turning colder than a cadaver.
So this is how it ends? You lamented. Your hand entwining inside Derek's fully clawed hand. He snapped back to look at you as soon as your fingers slipped between the gaps of his. His features turning soft, even though he was half shifted. He squeezed your hand reassuringly, but it didn't feel like a last stand. It felt like he was reassuring you. Then, without warning, the ground shook and gave way beneath you, pulling you, Derek, Scott and Monroe into the darkness of an old, mouldy tunnel. The air was filled with cement dust and the smell of fire and plastique.
Derek steadied your body, keeping you on your feet. Liam winked at all three of you as soon as the dust cleared. “Missed me?” he cocked his head to the side.
A woman in leather with a four clawed slash on her neck was gripping four grenades. "Get down!" she warned as she tossed the four grenades through the new hole, up into the church filling it with angry flames.
Derek shielded you from any would-be dangerous flames.
 "Cutting it a bit close, don't you think?" Derek coughed the smoke out of his lungs as you all walked through the darkness. His hand still holding onto yours so he could be your guide in the dark. Braeden held up a weak torch in the pitch-black tunnel.
"I made it didn't I?" She sounded a little aggressive, like someone with a bone to chew. Derek felt more rigid too. Even his breathing was controlled. They had unresolved issues, it was so obvious the air was swarming with tension.
Derek’s words came out sluggishly, "I… thanks, Braeden."
"Still, you had us worried," Scott sounded winded, his footsteps sloppy.
"When have I never followed through?" Liam retorted and before anyone could try and counteract his argument, he continued: "Actually, don't answer that."
"Who's the girl?" Braeden asked.
"A friend," Derek, Liam and Scott replied instantly.
You heart fluttered slightly.
You noticed that coppery smell was still in the air. In fact, it was more pronounced in the damp surroundings of the tunnel, "Do you guys smell that?"
"The blood?" Derek's voice was nearly lethal.
"Yeah," Scott replied, his voice equally dark.
You shivered.
"She's bleeding out," Braiden said nonchalantly. "Probably won't make it through the night."
"Screw you," Tamora's voice surrounded you.
You tried to look through the dark, but you couldn't see so you just kept going.
Eventually, after what felt like hours of walking, a corona of light bled through a circular manhole overhead. Liam was the first to go up, holding the torch for Braeden and you as the two of you slowly climbed up the rusty ladder. Next was Derek, who hunched over to pull the pale and bloody Tamora out from the tunnel. Last was Scott, whose clothes were drenched in her blood. The smell nearly made you gag, but you simply turned away and took four strong whiffs of the night air.
Car beams turned on abruptly, making you jump back, but then you heard Peter speak out from behind the car's lights.
"Took you guys long enough..." He smirked as he stood in front of the light. "I nearly sent my contact after you."
Stiles was next to appear before the headlights, "You guys won't believe who his contact is."
Derek was frowning and so was Scott, but not Liam. Something told you they already knew who it was.
A young man with a charming face but a disconcerting smirk climbed out of a second car you hadn't seen in the dark, he wore a leather jacket and dark jeans. He practically blended into the night.
"Long time," he said with a hint of dangerous attitude.
"Theo..." Scott greeted him coldly. "You're Peter's contact?"
He leaned his frame against the car's hood, a sarcastic salute sent Scott's way, "Sir, yes sir."
Derek rubbed at the space between his eyes like he was fighting off a headache, "I don't have time for this. I'm exhausted and I'd very much like to leave this place before we get any unwanted attention."
Peter sniffed the air, his face showing nothing but pure disdain, "Why did you bring her here?"
He strode closer towards Monroe, who was slowly succumbing to her wounds on the hard ground.
"I couldn't just leave her there, it was a graveyard by the time Liam got to us," Scott defended his actions. “Besides, whether we want to admit it or not, she was kind of instrumental in us getting away.”
"You should have left her there, it's what she deserves after everything she's done," Peter all but spit at her feet.
"I'm dying, not deaf you asshole," Monroe seethed from the ground, her bark equally as strong as her bite.
Peter kneeled next to her, a scary chuckle leaving his throat, "Indeed you are… dying. My condolences." he laughed.
Derek's nose lifted to the air, "You found Deaton." He stated. "Who's the other guy?"
"Other guy?" Liam asked, his wolf senses not as sharp as Derek's it would seem.
"Oh, yeah, we picked up a stray too," Stiles said, though you wondered if he was joking or being serious.
Scott looked worried, "How's Deaton?"
"Deaton's passed out in the back seat. He's a little banged up, but okay," Stiles reassured him.
A warm sensation filled your belly. It was one of homeliness and safety. You couldn't feel the cool air anymore. Gasping in surprise, you looked up at the tall, dark-haired man that staggered out of the car with an arm bracing his side.
"Markus?" you dashed to his side, opening your arms to wrap your older brother into a hug.
"Easy Champ," he said through gritted teeth, a shaky laugh escaping his lips. "I'm a little banged up too."
"How- Why? Last I heard, Mom said you were with Jonah up at the cabin teaching him how to control his shift?" you asked, your hands frantically brushing against all the bruises and half-healed scars on your brother's face and neck and arms.
"Maggie and Esme are doing that," he turned away from you with guilt in his eyes.
Your bottom lip trembled when you figured out why he looked like you'd just kicked him while he was down. "You went after them… didn't you?"
"I… Yes."
You punched him, hard and he coughed from the impact. "Arrghh!"
"You promised you wouldn't!" You were furious. "How dare you after what happened to Alex? I didn't even know you were missing. Did mom? Did dad? Did anyone?"
"What was I supposed to do? Not try and protect my little sister? Not look after my pack?" he growled.
Your fist pounded on his chest, "Yes!"
Derek pulled you away from your brother when he saw him wince from one of your punches, "Easy," he shushed you while keeping a firm grip on your shoulders. He turned to the rest of the group and said: "Look, we can't stay out here. It's too exposed for my liking.” His green eyes turned down to peer into yours. “Let's get somewhere safe and then you guys can hash things out to your heart's content, okay?"
You bit your tongue, chest heaving from anger. "Okay."
"Okay," Markus agreed before staggering towards Monroe. "I just have one score to settle." He struggled to kneel and Liam gave him a hand. Then Markus’s nails extended into claws and his eyes turned blood red. "This is for all those other werewolves you tortured and killed in that godforsaken basement."
As your brother –your soft, kind-hearted and protective brother– raised his claws for a final slash, you reached forward, trying to stop him. "Wait, Markus! No, don't!"
It was too little too late. Markus’s eyes returned to their natural colour as he wiped the blood from his fingernails.
Monroe's neck was ripped open, arteries spraying outward.
Peter's smirk grew into a satisfied grin. Liam and Scott battled with their emotions while Stiles looked away.
Braeden groaned, but it was hard to tell her position on all this. "You know… I didn't miss you guys. Not one damned bit." she said as she walked towards the car Theo was leaning against. "I'm driving." He didn't protest. He seemed impartial. Like none of this phased him.
You stared in shock as you watched your brother's face get sprayed by a severed vein. Derek shifted your body away from the gruesome scene and you instinctively buried your face in his chest. Warm tears streaming down your face. It was hard to tell what you crying for. Was it for your brother? Yourself? Monroe? You couldn’t tell, but it felt good to lose the tension in your body.
"What now?" Scott asked dryly.
Derek spoke quietly as he smoothed your hair back with calloused fingers, "We lay low."
"That's a temporary solution," Liam argued. "What happens after that? We can't keep scraping by hoping to get lucky. This Order of Sagittarius is relentless. And also unkillable from what we've seen. Frankly, I'm exhausted."
You could hear Markus's long legs stride back to the car over Derek's strong heartbeat. Your face still pressed to his warmth.
"The Homestead," Markus offered, his voice croaky. "You'll be safe there. For a while at least. My sister Esme and our family druid Maggie have been doing research on the hunters you're talking about since the incident. Maybe we can combine our heads and finally figure out how to stop them."
"Road trip it is," Theo's voice sounded out before you heard the car doors open and close. An engine roared to life with a vibrating rumble.
"Come on," Derek ushered you towards a car. "Let's get you home."
During the drive you had fallen asleep cocooned inside the heat of Derek’s embrace, a calm befalling your mind and body as you slept without dreaming.
You were glad you’d been wrong.
You were glad that none of you had died in that church.
Mostly, you were glad Derek was beside you.
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Next Chapter>>
Tags: @melissavercos @divisingstories @theflash-trash @mynamesalreadytaken @island-end @chipster-21 @helloscorpious  @marvelismyfantasy @anonymousfanfics @homra-the-red-clan @derangedangel @phonegalhelp @bowtiesandwhiskers @soldierwinterthe @alina-barnes @sumlariss @luckythepizzadog4444 @tlytxia @drunklili @iamabeautifulperson18 @zenawa @squadkyoya @cassandraevans @moli1497 @wanderlust-travler @143amberrose @humbledarkness @rockyrocket15 
Permatags: @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet @savethehoneeybees 
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the-simple-creature · 5 months
Take a guess what this tier list is about.
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I like to imagine that J, upon becoming a murder drone realized "Wait a minute, it's not the action I hate... IT'S THE PEOPLE!"
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sillygreenrat · 10 months
i am not kidding i am not being sarcastic
n x sam
i DONT fucking know why it shoved itself into my brain
but like??????????
chill stoner absolutely OBLIVIOUS to the dangerous creature thats around him but doesn't see anything other than a cute dog vs dangerous creature who innitially was just gonna take this dudes oil but thinks hes rather sweet and funny and he likes sweet and funny
n has two hands
he might also have a thing for purple eyed ppl
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