apocryphaofanaliengod · 2 months
etymona 4:98 - 113
98 Finally, Azzarat spoke the word “DEATH” to Bathoth,
99 Which is the second of the two words known only to God,
100 The other being the word of LIFE.
101 And where the first command of Azzarat had sundered the weapon of Azzarat,
102  And the second had calmed the fire of his infernal home,
103 This third had no effect upon the devil.
104  Then Bathoth spoke:
105 “This is a new word you have spoken to me, false god of this world, but I know in the metal of my bones what it must mean.
106 It is a word to make things final, and in all your creation you have been the one to speak it.
107 But I am not of your creation, false god. I know your name is a name of many parts, which you hide from your angels,
108 But I hold no secrets, so I will tell you my true name, which is “Castil Homek et le Bayn Hayetz-Batoth”
109 At these words Azzarat knew fear, for he knew the meaning of this name,
110 Which in our tongue is “Impossible to Kill or Contain Metal Devil”.
111 Azzarat, who knows all things, knew that this name was a true name
112 and that this foul creature would live eternal,
113 even as God Itself would die at the end of all things.
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apocryphaofanaliengod · 3 months
the kata of cold-heartedness
If there is to be a summary of this art, let it be set forth in three indivisible rules:
i. Cold blood flowing to the arm sets it into perfect motion.
ii. Folded steel does not lie as it sings; there is no better teacher.
iii. In the hardening of our hearts, we set ourselves against the tyranny of Fire.
We shall view Fire as we would a rabid dog; it is unreasonable and inherently dangerous. There is no salve to its bite.
Mark the cold-blood touched by Fire; skin is molded into something baser, and cannot be returned to form. Mark the house touched by Fire; the foundation becomes weak and must be torn down. Treat the warm-blooded this way; as leprous and only fit to be culled.
Do not fear death; it is a sign of weakness and it is unreasonable as a postulate for a cold-blood. Our lives connect backwards and forwards forever, to the earth and fungi and our children. The hot-blood, in the taking of their curse into their bloodline, has severed their connection to history and legacy.
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apocryphaofanaliengod · 3 months
the queen instructs her daughter
"The queen who ascends to the throne through martial conquest and is loathe to put down her sword and short-knife shall be impaled upon them.
The queen who ascends the throne through righteous invocation of the name of God and the saints shall go to her execution cursing Heaven.
The queen who ascends to the throne through the wise investment of gold and the sweat of her retainers will starve, penniless, in her empty house.
Know this, little one; once power is achieved, humanity must be left behind. The wise queen becomes a wheel that turns civilization around herself, and nothing more.
You will set forth upon this path of queendom as a living and sublime suicide. A mausoleum shall be made of your house, and your birthing-parent disposed of. You will take a new name, my name, for in ascension to the throne you will become me.
As your first royal act, you will cut me down, for your shoulders will then be broad enough to carry the Domain."
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apocryphaofanaliengod · 3 months
the art of bani-sen
We are taught in the scripture of Locran that all life ends and begins alone, in nothingness; this is known as the Postulate of Apocalypse.
We of Bani-Sen monastery reject this notion, and as such we are labeled blasphemers.
At times, all thinking creatures are pulled in two directions by conflicting desires. Our art teaches you to give this internal struggle form, to walk alongside you as a second-self; two warriors upon the same path.
Contemplate this paradox, and allow Bani-Sen to teach you to extract this second warrior to stand alongside you.
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apocryphaofanaliengod · 3 months
edicts, 5 1:14
1 The Goodly Keeper stopped Her sermon, and, pointing to one who stood in the midst of the army, made them come forward.
2 Reluctantly, the soldier stepped to the front and knelt before the Keeper.
3 Taking Her bloodied sword, She struck the soldier with the pommel once, twice upon the brow
4 As the soldier dropped to the ground dead, her skin began to bubble, and from it burst a devil the color of silver which shed drops of melted aluminum onto the burning sands. 
5 The Keeper turned Her sword upon it, cutting it to ribbons. 
6 Turning to the assembled horde, she cried “See here how the Calcinate and His horde deceiveth us!
7 They prey upon doubt and fear, and if allowed, they will claim your body and your soul and turn you into a servant to Karefix’s desires.
8 Therefore, I will name six actions to be taken on those suspected of communing with devils.
9 First, devils cannot abide carbon, and flee at its touch.
10 Second, a clean-burning flame of acacia wood scorches away deceit.
11 Third, make the accused say ‘God speaks and mortals obey”; a devil-possessed person cannot utter this truth.
12 Fourth, cut the accused at the sites of my once-and-future wounds upon their body to let the devil flow out alongside blood.
13 Fifth, take wine which has become sour, and make the accused drink it.
14 Sixth, a devout believer may call upon my strength, and sprinkling salt about the accused, cast a spell that compels the devil to return to the metal hell below.”
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apocryphaofanaliengod · 3 months
folly of the divine, 4:4-8
4 And the Keeper sang requiem to their beloved, and the songs were called
5 Cantata to Your Grey Hair and Elegy To The Lines on Your Face,
6 And Ballad to Creation Which Gave Me You, and Coronach To Creation Which Will Take You Back.
7 And they were afflicted with the worst of sicknesses, which mortals call love,
8 But is better called obsession.
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apocryphaofanaliengod · 3 months
evocation of the anointed
I am chosen by the Keeper, who shall catch me as I fall to heaven.
In my right hand is a long-spear, and I wear no dagger at my belt; for I know that my enemy shall die before he comes close enough to strike.
On my left arm sits a buckler, no larger than the width of my hand spread out, for my ear is tuned to the song of arrows in flight and I need no more to protect me.
On my head I shall paint in ash and oil the corona, so even were I to wear sitting-clothes into battle, the cold love of the angels would safekeep me.
I fear my foe and from that fear springs bravery.
I fear my death and from that fear I will gain eternal life.
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apocryphaofanaliengod · 3 months
etymona 4:84-97
84 Waking at last from sleep as the enemy entered Its greeting-hall, 
85 Azzarat opened Its first eye and for the first time looked upon an imperfect thing. 
86 Batoth lifted first an ax of black iron and smote Azzarat with it, 
87 And though it's force was such that the echo of the blow shattered the wings of the Great Angels, 
88 It was not sufficient to mark the brow of God. 
89 Then Azzarat whispered “BREAK”, so the weapon of the enemy was broken. 
90 Then Batoth poured forth the foul miasma of his home, 
91 And washed the form of God all over with flame and burning metal
92 The heat of which set alight the void between the shattered Plates and the Plates themselves,
93 And all of creation burned. 
94 The forms of the Great Angels were befouled, and motes of hydrogen and carbon burst aflame and burn even now as stars, 
95 But despite this terrible magic Azzarat remained unharmed, and one of It’s mouths opened wide in delight, 
96 And sighed as a tired laborer would at the touch of a cool breeze. 
97 Then It chided the fire and said “BE STILL”, and the fire was still.
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apocryphaofanaliengod · 3 months
apothegma 2:1-13
1 Then set about making war upon me, if that is your wish!
2 Fasten tight your breastplate and half-helm,
3 Lift up the spear and flag, and rally to you a thousand of your kind!
4 Mark with ash and sacred oil about your brow a facsimile
5 Of the corona of the Great Angels!
6 I shall stay in my great-hall, and feast, and make merry,
7 And make no preparations for that bloody day.
8 Prepare for a year, and come to meet me in battle.
9 Do all this, and in your zeal, see what shall happen
10 When I lift but one finger against you.
11 For this truth cannot be cut any smaller:
12 Mortals must put on a costume and play a game of killing,
13 But the atomos of the divine is violence.
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