#Mysme Unknow
marshmallowprotection · 3 months
I keep seeing headcanons and imagines about us/self-inserts being like..;;; always on Unknown's lap or being held there by him as like a comfort thing (I think?) or just to chill there with him
But like ;;;
I wholeheartedly know that they're are all just requests and stuff and it seems to be an idea accepted by so many people and how they like to imagine being with Unknown
But like;;
Me personally, I just. I just...don't like it..(??)
It just makes me uncomfortable for some reason and actually kinda scares me a little, the thought of being just;; grabbed and held? And;; on his lap??
It wouldn't be something I'd want to do, I mean. ;;
So I guess
Is there like..;; anything else I could do with him that wouldn't involve being so close?
See, when I thought of that concept years ago and I started working with it in my writing, it wasn't meant to be perceived as a comfort in the beginning. It was a power play. It was meant to make you feel as uncomfortable as it sounds. Unknown took you from the apartment as a knee-jerk reaction to the fact that you didn't know how to listen to him.
What's the very best way to make you feel uncertain of yourself in a situation where you have no control?
Well, in Unknown's rationale, that's to make you see what he's doing with no escape. This can be particularly even more unsettling if you were close to the RFA. Unknown's not a morally sound person, he's driven by apathy and revenge, and there's a reason why he's not the one with the route. To be able to capture his heart would take you a long time, and that kind of story arc isn't one you can complete in a mere cycle of 11 days, even for a game like MM which does it best to speed-run what would take months already.
This isn't meant to be seen as a good thing, not by any means. I don't always write the unsettling parts because I like to focus on the parts that come later once his walls are down, but this is just one of those things that people like to talk about with Unknown. What would he do in a situation where he has his assistant? He won't do what Ray does. I can affirm that. Ray wanted you to be with him and Unknown didn't want you like that.
The concept changes when we explore the foundation of these ideas.
It's not supposed to sound appealing at first. Though, it becomes a point of comfort for many people because not only does this make you vulnerable, it forces Unknown to be vulnerable as well. You can hear the sound of his every heartbeat, the way his hands twitch, and feel how his body strains itself every step of the way. At some point, it's impossible for him to maintain the air of unsettling fear. You're first when it comes to witnessing this man at his worst.
I understand that it makes you feel uncomfortable, though. That's not everyone's cup of tea. I hope you know that this is just one concept a lot of Unknown fans lot to navigate but it's not a definitive of who he is as a person. We don't know what Unknown would do with someone as his assistant, and there's just things that we've agreed on as a fan collective over the years that have shaped how we write him as your boss.
Just because some fans write him doing this doesn't mean you have to write him doing that, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to imagine something that makes you uncomfortable.
I'm glad you reached out to say something because you're afraid that this concept means Unknown would pointedly make you feel bad and that's not good when you're hunting for fluff. You don't have to like it. That's down to personal preference! You should request stuff from us imagine blogs with the things you're into! I know that my mutuals will be more than happy to write you stuff like I am.
The last thing any of us wants to make someone feel left out.
When it comes to Unknown's proximity, it's hard for me to tell you that he'll leave you with your own personal space. Even in the game, his voice is a whisper that gets louder the closer he gets to you, and that implies that he will get closer to you if he thinks it would be to his benefit to cage you like an animal. But, by that, I mean, the worst you can deal with is him whispering in your ears, pushing you against the wall to laugh at your fear-stricken face, or circling you when you try to explain how you did something.
He doesn't have to pin you to his lap to prove that he's got the upper hand.
But, if you're looking for a comfort thing as opposed to trying to find something that doesn't unnerve you like the lap stuff, I suppose you could be subjected to hand-holding. He's not big on cuddling or stuff like that. But, let's see, I don't think he's immune to holding your hand while you sit on opposite ends of the couch. He hates proximity until it benefits him somehow. Sitting with you is a big thing for him, so if it brings you comfort, he'll stargaze with you when he's got time for a break. Apart but together.
This kind of overlaps later on with him as SE Saeran pushes away most physical contact outside of parallel play and sitting together. Because SE Saeran is just Unknown after the Secret Ending. They hold onto the same ideals, the only difference is that there's no more elixir and anger to drive his ideals.
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caemec · 7 years
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↠ J U M I N   H A N ↞
“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”
     - Ann Landers
                                                      ↠ • • • ↞
        Yoosung ✵ ZEN ✵ Jaehee ✵ Jumin ✵ Saeyoung ✵ V ✵ Saeran
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petite-fleur-bleue · 7 years
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Would anyone be interested in charms like this with motivational quotes at the back ? I’m planning to do all of MM characters with pastel colors and plush. Is there anyone who would actually buy it >o<  Anyway, hope you enjoy :33
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Zen and Yoosung are here.
707 and Jeahee are here
Now I write this to Jumin and Saeran
Rest characters will come later
Yandere Unknow/Saeran Choi
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It’s not really the right recognition of emotions.
It’s more of a “I like you and that’s why you have to do what I want” type statement.
And let's just say that Saera doesn't take no answer well.
Now he feels really hurt because of you.
And Saera really hates that feeling a lot.
And because you got this feeling to him, Saeran will unleash his bad feeling on you.
He is more mean and sadistic than usual.
( And Saeran is normally really mean and sadistic )
You're really fucked up.
Saeran will not easily forgive you.
Your life is going to be hell.
Good lucky
Yandere Jumin Han
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Excuse me?
Jumin really doesn’t understand why you reject him.
Or he is a rich and nimble man who could fulfill every wish of yours.
Don't all people want that?
So ​​the only things you have to give up with him are your own will, social life, and privacy.
Pretty shit deal if you ask me.
But Jumin really doesn’t give up on your relationship.
Instead, he blackmails talks to you a little more so that "you understand things better".
Jumin has a lot of power and he won’t hesitate to use it if you’re not a good kitten
So do you say yes or okay?
Your choise
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nebularart · 4 years
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Instagram profile of some members of Mystic Messenger  
Do not repost
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love-sick-bug · 4 years
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kkas-art · 6 years
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Merry Christmas @lavenderseele !! I’m your secret santa for the @mysticmessenger-secret-santa event ❤️🎅 Saeran surprises MC who is preparing christmas cookies~
I’m wishing you wonderful christmas days ^^
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solittleart · 6 years
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sorry .. RAY .. like and Ice cream is so cute lol pd. im BAck Babes pd2. i tried to draw so fast so… sorry if looks ugly lol
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kuatakeru · 7 years
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Friend: What is Mystic Messenger? 
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mmmcchan · 7 years
Carry me pt. 6 (Saeran x MC)
Carry me (Saeran x MC) ~~
Fandom: Mystic Messenger Pairing: Saeran/MC -you Warnings: none Summary: AU where all of the RFA are completely obsessed with MC the princess of the story, they become so very obsessed with her that they keep her in a golden cage. Will her prince ver return?
Author’s Notes: It has been long! Way too long. I promise to be better at updating. Hope you like it! ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 PART 5 PART 6 PART 7 ________________________________________________________________
Usually, I didn't need to sleep. But I liked the feel of this human body while it was resting. It was light, soft and not in pain. When I was awake all I felt was sorrow and this emptiness in my whole body. As if I was emotionally numb – unfortunately that wasn't so. I felt everything with such ferocity it hurt all over. As the members of the rfa came to me – seeking advice, comfort, I felt their pain, I felt is as though it was my own. Maybe that was the reason why I fell for them because I felt them so deeply. But as my prince came, all I felt was joy, lightness, it was as if his feeling didn't impact me negatively, they freed me. I could feel my own feelings and not those of others. It was exciting and wonderful. My dear rfa members never saw me in pain, they never saw what was really going on inside of me, I knew how it hurt feeling someone else's pain so I tried to be a doll, not feeling pain, trying hard not to let my emotions show. So for the most time I swallowed all of the emotions that I felt, all the pain, all the sorrow I just let it  rest in my stomach and let it accumulate over time, it was somewhere down there growing with each passing day, taking space in my body and nagging me  in the back of my mind.
Days were starting to grow dull. The only thing me and my body did was lay anywhere on the estate or in my room. If it was on the small sofa, the floor, the bed all I did was lay there and do nothing. V never came after his visit – the gatekeeper explained that V had a lot of work and that he ordered that none of the members are allowed to visit me at any certain time, no matter what they or I say.
I was starting to get annoyed, wasn't he supposed to be with me? With each passing day all alone I grew tired of this boredom, my body grew weaker and my mind was dull. But as bored as I was, I had my peace and quiet and in a way, it was soothing to let my wounds heal.
Sooner than later I grew accustomed to being alone. I didn't mind the empty rooms, I didn't mind being silent and not speaking and just being with myself and all stars are used to being lonely. We don't fear to be alone, we don't mind the silence in a sense we are comfortable with our situation. But being a human was entirely different, being alone with your thoughts wasn't necessarily always wonderful, you start to doubt yourself, your each and every thought, it is like a game your mind and the demons in you play you never know if these thoughts are true or not. By not having anyone around me, I only had my mind to rely on and those whispers.
»You will never be loved.«
»They never loved you.«
»You are just a doll.«
It was always weird hearing these thoughts. I never thought of these things, but making ties with all these people, trying so hard to love and be loved made me unsure of myself. Especially since V tried to toy with my emotions. I didn't truly understand why he tried to make me love him, why he so badly wanted me to be his and only his. The truth is, I was close to forgetting my prince. If V lingered longer here – his sweet words would wrap around my heart like an armor not letting anyone close to it. My baby heart, barely able to live and exist wasn't prepared for all this. No wonder it's always aching and yearning to be mended with true love. Good thing was that I somewhat understood the difference between love and obsession. My dear rfa developed an obsession with their love. They only saw what they wanted to see, not who I truly was and what I could be. Then...what about V? As I remembered his face, I felt a twist in my stomach. Well, I rolled over so that I laid on my back and stared at the white decorated ceiling, he was quite handsome, one had to give him credit for that. He was sickeningly sweet with his words and charm. But his weird fixation on me is not love. He couldn't love me, could he? If he did, he probably wouldn't let the rfa treat me that way, was it his plan to make me succumb, be passive, submissive? Haaa... what do I know? I'm just a star who got a chance at life and why did no one ever tell me how complicated life is? Trying to live, be loved, striving to find joy, wanting to give but being scared to be scarred.
How long has it been since I saw his face? I sat up, my long hair covering most of my body. This is also something that drives me mad, this stupid hair, growing so fast it covers me, is everywhere...but always when I see myself in a reflection I tend to admire its sheen and length. Being a human girl is weird.
I stared through the glass cage towards the garden, it was the end of summer when I saw him, he was beautiful. Maybe he was only a summer bird, trying to free another bird, but he failed and flew south.
The garden was so lush and green, full of blooming flowers and buzzing insects. Now it was filled with snow, the scenery is breathtaking but so lonely. My hair grew longer; would you like it this way? As I asked myself that question I pulled on it, It was quite long now.
Would you still look at me with the same love and devotion as you did in those days? Your gaze was always filled with love and worry. I don't know what it was that drew me to you, I instantly cared for you. Do...you still love me?
Honestly, I didn't care if you did...because all I cared for; was you being alive and safe and sound.
I lay back on the floor on the soft white carpet all the while I wore a simple short dress – even if it was winter the heating was always on high thanks to the gatekeeper. He did take care of me in a sense, he was the one making sure I was fed, healthy and alive. Sometimes he would visit but only for a short amount of time – he always feared that he wouldn't be able to hold back from wanting me.
Hold back from this curse I carry? I realized after being with V that my whole existence was a curse, I was to always be loved, but being with the one I love was impossible. Such an existence is only a curse. I didn't want everyone to be crazy about me, what kind of true feelings are those? Blind love, blind loyalty turning them into monsters who can't contain their emotions and want to devour me and intoxicate me with their affection. Maybe V couldn't handle being with me for too long? Maybe even my prince couldn't handle all of this, this mess of a half human that I am. Maybe I shouldn't even be here. Maybe I should call upon the magician and wish for him to take me.
Maybe it was far too late – I was already too human?
The snow falling outside reminds me of him- of my sweet magician. I close my eyes in an effort to remember his face, he was a really attractive man, wasn't he? If he can see what I'm doing right now would he worry? As I start to see his face and his smirk, my heart clenches, ah ... I miss him. Don't I? He was after all the first person I met. He was the one giving me this life, as cursed as it may be it is a life. Not everyone gets a shot at it.
Trying not to think of him and this situation too hard I slowly rise up from and put myself in a sitting position. The snow falls so gently, the snowflakes remind me of my brothers and sisters, so gentle, so bright – our lives seem so long yet we all pass in a blink of an eye. I miss those tender moments when we would try to outshine the other but would come to the realization that we could only shine brightly together.
Where are you? Why won't you come and rescue me? Am I doomed to die here, without ever feeling your touch?
As I asked myself that, the whole estate was covered in darkness, a power outage?
I didn't hear the gatekeeper, usually, he would try to inform me to stay still and not move, but all there was – wait.. steps...one person.
»Who..« As soon as I tried to ask the intruder crouched to me and put his hand on my mouth and whispered:
»Shh princess, it's time to break free.«
It's ... this voice? I recognize this voice, my whole body shivered, I gasped for air and felt how tears started to flow.  Soft touches on my skin, his fingers were touching me delicately and soon I felt his lips on my shoulder and on my neck, he came to my ear and whispered.
»Are you so excited to feel me that you're speechless?« I could feel him smile while asking me that, I only uttered a small yes at that. He did leave me speechless and wanting him more. I wanted to see his face, I wanted to feel him, I searched through the darkness with my hands trying to feel him. I felt him take hold of one of my hand and he pulled me to my feet and quickly picked me up.
»There's no time for that now my love, we must flee immediately. We can touch as soon as we are safe. So for now, just hold on tight.«
Before I could even response my savior ran towards the exit, he must have done something with the electricity, since no alarms were on and the doors opened manually. Dear gods, magician, please help us. Hopefully, we can make it and finally be free. Through the door towards the garden, he carried me.
»Now princess, you will have to help me, you will need to climb over the gate by yourself.«
Excuse me? Did he ever see my thin legs and arms? It's not as though I was training all these months for this climbing adventure. Just as I was to protest he grabbed me by the waist and picked me up.
»This is as much as I can help you, my fair maiden, you need to let your wings grow and leap towards freedom. Ok?«
That did sound reasonable enough. I nodded at his remark and as I did he carried me to the gate, where I stretched my hands out as much as I could. I grabbed onto the gate and pulled myself up with ease. Surprised by that I then recalled, that I was no normal, damsel in distress, I was stronger than the average human.
»See my sweet, how agile you are, now without fear jump to the other side and wait for me.«
Something didn't feel right but, I trusted him, so I smiled back, not knowing if he could see me through the dark or not and spoke up.
»I love you.« and with that, I jumped and landed safely on my feet. On the other side all I saw were trees as far as my eyes could see in the dark I saw trees and then as I looked up ... I saw the most beautiful night sky imaginable. It was as if my brothers and sisters were cheering me on, wishing for me to be happy, to succeed to find love. Truly ... only now I see how lovely you all shine. My wonderful family.
Then in the next moment he jumped next to me, the night sky shone on his face and I could see my handsome prince, he stared at me with the biggest grin he could muster and as I wanted to embrace him, he with all the force he had hugged me and started to spin me.
»Finally, finally, finally you are free, finally I can feel you and see you. My lovely princess, let me carry you away from here.«
He stopped stretched out his hand, waiting for me to grab it. But first .... I stepped closer looked at him, pointed for him to lean closer to me, the fool thought I was going to kiss him. But with all the sadness, tears and emotions he made me feel I slapped him across his beautiful face,
»YOU. ARE. LATE!« I huffed and stomped my leg. »Do you even realize how long I've waited for you, how I've lost track of time, how I tried to believe you but it hurt so bad I didn't know what to do.« I wailed like a child and as he quickly touched his cheek in pain he embraced me and though I wanted to squirm away, his scent calmed me down. He leaned his head on mine, sighing and I heard the pain in his voice as he exclaimed,
»I'm sorry, V was trying very hard to separate us, I have endured a lot myself, but my dear I am here now and nothing will separate us. V will hunt us for a while and the sooner we go, the better are our chances. Let us flee, I beg of you, before its too late.«
A voice warned me to not go, to stay, maybe it was the magician, maybe it was the love I had for the rfa, but I didn't want to listen to anyone anymore, anyone but myself.
My heart told me to go and I grabbed his hand, he squeezed it tight and leaped forward and we ran as fast as we could.  Only laughter was heard through the woods, laughter of two lost souls. A prince and his princess, finding their home in each other's arms.
We were free, we were here alive and together.
Free at last.
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nianekochan · 7 years
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"Did I surprised you, my princess?" . . . . . . A little Saeran/Ray/Unknow for you. I've just finish the new route so... ANF. That's all.
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kinikim101 · 7 years
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Choi's twin Halloween😊😋💛
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Hey I was wondering if you could do a GE saeran with a darling MC who’s very naive and oblivious
Like MC doesn’t realize they’ve been kidnapped for a straight up week and never even knew what flirting was
Aka MC being stupid
I think this is yandere request. Maybe Mc isn’t stupid... maybe they’re just trying to come up with something positive about everything. Admittedly, only an idiot comes up with something positive about being kidnapped... Mc is an stupid.
Yandere Unknow/ Saeran Choi
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There is only one question in Saeran's mind.
" How have you been able to survive this long even though you are so stupid? "
Saera is powerless in the face of your stupidity.
You don’t realize you’ve been kidnapped and you just laugh at his threats.
But there is something good here as well.
You believe everything he says and obey him without question.
With you, it is impossible to claim that he does not like you.
How genuinely you get depressed and become sad hurts his heart.
Because you do not run away or oppose him, Saera would be gentler.
He’s still trying to make you dependent on him.
And he will be happy when he succeeds.
Saeran is protecting you because he believes you can't do it alone.
You're too stupid.
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joseyp · 7 years
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emoji pt 2 ;-;
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himitsu-nk · 7 years
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Merch update~ Sorry for not updating my Tumblr... I've been so busy QuQ Thank you for your patience! 💕 I promise! I'll update soon~ •u• Thank you!!
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April Showers Bring May Flowers
Hi hi! This is my piece for Mystic Messenger Reverse BigBang (@mysme-rbb), and also my first piece! This is also on AO3 here. This piece is paired with the wonderful artist Saia (@saiare._) on instagram!
Words: 1553
Warnings: N/A
Synopsis: Saeran and MC are hit with rain.
Saeran X MC
The cool scent of petrichor and mellow rain had made Saeran uneasy. Ray had always attributed such specific weather conditions to unforgiving pouring outside of their childhood home. Conditions which barred them from escaping, leaving the twins alone with their sole caregiver. Ray seemed to house those memories close. Saeran on the other hand had always felt that the rain was somewhat of a catharsis. He’d remembered dumb idioms V had told him, phrases he’d learned to grasp onto. Sayings such as “You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain,” and their like. Ray hung onto quotes during his time in Magenta. Drinking down the translucent, turquoise concoction of elixir, smelling the copious amounts of medication and hoping his rainbow would come soon after. Saeran tasted bittersweet, Linking Rika to the rain, and MC as the rainbow. But this time around, it was difficult to see the distinguishing features of each contradicting party.
What’s taking so long?, thought Saeran. MC had remained in the confines of the locked bathroom for all too long. In an effort to not hide anything from them, MC told Saeran she was late. And now they were here, her locked in the bathroom with a pregnancy test, and him, waiting (im) patiently for MC to give him the news.
The pair weren’t at all trying, if anything they were preventing. All four of them collectively agreed that they just weren’t ready for an addition in the family. And MC seemed to understand, knowing full and well Saeran had just narrowly escaped Mint Eye, that Saeyoung was still missing in action, and that lots of healing was to come before any sudden decisions. But Saeran knew well that they could only be so careful, tiptoeing between the lines. Saeran could only guess how Suit (as he’d come to refer to him) and Ray would react, he feared that he’d have to see them in their full glory. His fears were yet to come true.
A small rattle of the doorknob caught Saeran’s attention, silver twisting against the door. MC peeked her head out with a skittish smile gracing her porcelain face, Saeran couldn’t help but smile back. Her infectious smile never failed to adorn her lover’s lips too, he was utterly grateful for her optimism in the worst scenarios. Noticing the pink and white test in her hands, he stepped forward, a look of worry painted on his face. MC opened her palms to Saeran, showing the two pink lines. They were expecting.
Suit couldn’t help but react. Why? Just when things were getting good for us. His hands flew to MC’s sides, pushing her up against the wall. It hurts. Suit pressed his fingers into MC’s shoulders, nails digging into her frame.
“Sae!” MC exclaimed, unknowing of the sudden change. Warm tears began welling in his eyes, his head pounding as his body reacted on it’s own. You’re strong. We’re strong.
“Fuck MC.. I-I..God,” he managed to putter out.
Despite the display, his hands shook, arms coming to wrap around the frightened girl’s figure. MC traced her slender fingers along his own form, holding onto the alabaster fabric that scrunched at her fingertips.
“We’re going to be okay Saeran..” her words trailed as she shushed him quietly.
“I-I know we’re not ready, w-we’re far from ready. But know we’re in this together. You’re not him. You’re not her. You’re mine. No, ours alone. We have so much to work through. B-But I promise you, this isn’t bigger than us. All of us.” MC whispered as her own tears began to flow. Suit growled, head spiraling in every which way. We’re not ready for this, fuck, fuck, fuck! Suit’s hands loosened, letting go of MC’s hazel sweater. I can’t hurt her. His whitening knuckles coming to a pause as blood began to properly circulate around his hands. MC couldn’t help but let out a shaking sob, her body trembled, knowing she had put them in an immeasurable amount of pressure, pain, and general confusion.
“Saeran, I’m so sorry. W-We could’ve been more careful. But, I want you to know, I want to keep it. Y-You’re going to be an amazing father.” MC cried out with her trembling tone.
“No, MC. You’re going to be an amazing mother.” Suit finally replied, his usually gruff tone now replaced with melancholic monotone. Confused, MC pulled back, looking to face her lover. His pale face was motionless, not to mention seemingly emotionless (though MC knew his mind was running a hundred miles an hour). She could only stare at his ivory skin, pink lips brightly lit with crimson, she’d failed to notice how hard he bit his lips, or that he even was biting in the first place. Aquamarine met sepia. Suit could practically feel his pupils dilate. Meanwhile MC admired Saeran’s soft features, from the way his cheekbones protruded less, to the lightening of his dark circles which once held a monopoly upon his face. This was the face MC couldn’t help but adore.
A week later, and Saeran had still been struggling to face his reality. Their reality. Ray and Suit had been awfully quiet since the reveal, and Saeran had a hard time breaking through to them. But it was now or never.
“Sae, we don’t have to talk about this right now.. I mean, if y-you can’t.” MC stuttered. She was lying, she’d known this was an issue that could not wait, one that couldn’t be left to waiver, especially for weeks, let alone months, nine months to be exact. But she’d do anything to spare them from pain. Saeran on the other hand, paced the room. His eyes wandering the room, left, right, up and down.
“No MC, I have to get this out. We have to get this out.” Saeran said, stopping his disturbed pace to look MC in the eye, his own falling away quickly after just a glance. Saeran sighed out, his bated breath being expelled. MC took his milky white hand into her own, giving it a soft peck. It was their time to speak. Ray was swift to front, cheeks turning a cute shade of cherry. He sat next to MC on the dingy couch Saeyoung once resided on, raising his opposing hand towards MC’s cheek. She instantaneously reacted, leaning into the palm of his hand.
“That red head..No, S-Saeyoung and I. Our Mother, she was a monster..” Ray began as he suddenly flinched away from MC’s touch. Her heart ached, longing to reach for him and protect him from the world, but she knew he needed this.
“Everyday, that woman.. She’d left marks on me, more than physical. Everyday I still fear her, in small daily discussions or quarrels. Every raised voice, every swift hand. I see her. And I fear her. I fear her..” Ray’s voice trailed off, eyes growing glossier by the second. MC bit her lip in response,
“Ray, y-you don’t have to-”
“No Love, I do.” He cut in.
Ray placed his hands along his thighs, taking in a solid breath as a tear trickled down his cheek, meeting his neck.
“I fear those marks she’s left on me. I’m scared of being..Her. Of becoming a tyrannical parent like her. I don’t care what Suit says. I’m weak MC. I fear her imprint, I fear what she could do, to me, to you, to us, all of us.” He said as he looked towards MC’s womb.
“I need you here with me, I know I can’t do this. Not without you. There’s no one else I’d rather have this child with. With you as their Mother, I know it’ll be okay. W-We’ll be okay.” He said staring at the ground before meeting MC’s auburn gaze. His hands cautiously made contact with hers, gently intertwining before kissing her knuckles.
“We’re going to be okay.” She whispered.
“Come here!” Yelled out Saeyoung as he chased after the smaller redhead ahead of him, effectively scattering mud and dirt around the perimeter. She ran with all her might, giggling in between thunderous screaming.
“Never!” She screamed before running straight into Saeran.
“Oomf!” was the sound she made before turning to look up to her father. Saeran took a step back, hands coming to wrap around the nine year old before looking down at her. She grinned widely, her toothy smile melting Saeran’s previously chilly demeanor. He beamed ear to ear. He could count her missing teeth. Since when was she growing so quickly?
Saeyoung was quick to attack, pouncing onto his niece and younger twin. Consequentially bringing them all down onto the mud. Her and Saeyoung’s laughter roared, chirping as loud as the birds. After a moment of hesitation, Saeran joined in. All of them splayed along the ground, basking in the newly sprung sun.
MC strolled near the pile of redheads, carrying a sleeping five year old in her arms.
“You’re all awfully boisterous today,” she said, smiling. Saeran sat up, ruffling the boy’s brunet locks.
“Appa! Appa!” the boy called out to his father, pointing to the sky. Saeran turned to see a faint rainbow making its way across the azure atmosphere. He couldn’t help but turn to see his family’s reaction to the magnificent phenomenon. All of their eyes twinkled.
We’re okay.
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