#Mysme Charms
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The gangs all here! V and Ray have finally been added to my MM tamagotchi charm line up 😍
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sheepsdreamworld · 1 year
I-I-It's...coming - back...
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mystmesstolemysoul · 10 months
Dude when I do Seven's route I'm gonna do so good. I get so many accidental hearts with him, when I'm doing it on purpose I'm gonna ace it lol
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
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"Ya know... I reckon, I know now. What... my favorite flower is. Do ya remember how I never gave ya a proper answer to that?" Chaewon murmured into the curly golden locks of the young woman pressed up tightly to her chest, her rough voice emanating with such foreign gentleness, she almost couldn't recognize herself. Oh, how she wished she could protect her dear friend from all the ugly and cruel things in this rotten world by simply holding onto her like this and letting her shed her tears freely into the thin fabric of her shirt.
"I reckon... I love wildflowers best of all. Ya know why, sunshine? They may be small 'n frail at first glance... But, they grow wherever they want to, scorchin' sun or whippin' winds be damned. They don't need anyone to fret over their every need. And no matter what anyone might try and do to put an end to their tiny blooms... their seeds will blow in the wind, findin' a new place to try again, leavin' something beautiful for us common folk to look at in the middle of the dry desert. 'Guess... I like wildflowers 'cause they remind me of you, Rika."
Some soft cowgirls for @marshmallowprotection 's wonderful cowboy au! Reading the first chapter of Rika's side story made me feel so utterly heartbroken for her... So, what better way to fix this than to give her a strong and tall cowgirl that is rough around the edges but secretly has a heart of gold? I always wanted to put Chaewon into the cowboy universe, but since we had so little info on Rika's backstory 'till now, it was difficult for me to do. Which is why I'm so excited to read this new story!
It's going to be painful to imagine how their fleeting romance will have to come to its inevitable and tragic end... But, that doesn't mean that what they shared between themselves did not make a difference to these two lost wildflowers in the middle of this hot and sandy town.
Make sure to go ahead and check out Wildflowers, it's really amazing and will definitely take your breath away with its play on our mysterious and complicated Rika Kim!
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dragscore · 1 year
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"it worked back then, why not now?" isn't that what stupid you thought? what will it take to make a difference in the apathetic heart of a fool? // no that's wrong, that's bad, though a feeling is fleeting, your so called 'adoration' is a cheap cover for dependence, "action of passion" it doesn't make any sense! why admire the goods we're consuming and producing?!
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 2 years
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erimeows · 1 month
TFA Characters' Toxic Traits
Me with another TFA headcanon set? Who would've guessed. Got the inspiration for this one after realizing I'd done it with MysMes but not with Transformers. Enjoy!
Optimus Prime: Shoulders every single burden all by himself. Will not ask for help and open up to others when needed, even though not doing so ends up negatively impacting everyone more in the end than asking for help would've.
Bumblebee: Toxic positivity- enough said. You vent to him and he's like "oh but you have so much to be happy about!".
Bulkhead: Will not take sides in any conflict of his own accord even if he knows that one side is "right" if he fears it will upset any of his friends. Passively steps out of conflicts even when he's needed, unless it's an absolute emergency.
Ratchet: Refuses to open up about trauma that he has even though it affects the way he acts and negatively impacts the people around him, who are very confused as to why he acts the way he does.
Prowl: Has an ungodly superiority complex, tends to think he's better or smarter than others (even when he's not), though he's trying to work on that.
Sentinel Prime: I think we saw in the show, but he's very prideful and will never admit that he's wrong in any situation. Also terrible at offering genuine apologies- more of a sarcastic "I'm sorry you feel that way" than a genuine "I'm sorry I did (x)" kind of guy.
Jazz: Gets uncomfortable when things get too serious to the point that if people try to open up to him about something deep, he will change the subject or deflect them 90% of the time.
Ultra Magnus: Too by the book. Will do things that he doesn't believe in or ignore wrong doings for the sake of legality.
Megatron: Very selfish and very charming, which is a bad combo. Similar to Starscream, he will be nice to your face if needed and then screw you over in the end as long as it benefits him.
Starscream: So many, but the worst one is lying to people's face and then talking shit behind their backs or doing them wrong for his own benefit.
Blitzwing: Depends on which of the three personalities you're dealing with because they all have some pretty over the top toxic traits, but the worst and most prevalent one is that all three of them tend to belittle others to feel better about themselves- especially if their life is going bad or if they're feeling insecure about something in particular.
Lugnut: The Megatron obsession, obviously. It gets to the point that anyone and anything else in his life that should be prioritized get(s) pushed to the side for Megatron's sake when Megatron doesn't value him nearly as much.
Blackarachnia: Very vengeful and obsessive about getting revenge to the point that it's unhealthy. Obviously this is seen in her TFA episodes where she wants revenge on Optimus/Sentinel for what happened when they were in school- but those emotions are over a huge tragedy that happened in her life and are almost understandable. This toxic trait also applies to, say, someone who accidentally shoulder checked her or took her lunch from the staff fridge. If you wrong her in the slightest, she will make sure she has revenge, even if it was a genuine mistake.
Lockdown: Can't handle commitment. He's not scared of it, just not emotionally mature enough. Whether it be a job, a friendship, a romantic relationship, or whatever else, he won't commit. He doesn't care whose feelings it hurts or if he's passing up on something genuinely good for himself either.
Swindle: Also can't handle commitment, but I'd argue that his worst toxic trait is actually his concern for money. He's terrified of being broke to the point that it consumes his every waking minute. Sure, he enjoys the swindling, but if he misses out on money he panics and he will go to ridiculous lengths to get a good deal or to rip someone off.
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napporin · 1 year
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🍉 Shop Update 🍉
Preorders for summer themed mystic messenger merch is now live! They are open till June 30th! 🏖️🍹✨
Shop: napporin.bigcartel.com
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Valentine’s Day Mysme charms are in stock too! 💗💗
As well as these coasters ✨
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juminies · 1 month
hi i’m the anon that asked about the calls! thank u so much for uploading them ur the best <3 also i wanted to ask u something else… sorry i know ur on another hyperfixation right now hehe but i love ur takes and i’d love to hear your opinion on smth!! i’m replaying mysmes for the first time in aaages, and i’m paying more attention to the story this time around and what i wanted your opinion was on a call from jumin’s route on day 6… it’s the call where jumin mentions he sees mc in his dream and mc asks him if he’s sure it’s her. jumin says something about his relationship experience and how he can’t even remember the name of people he saw in the past and then goes on to say he doesn’t even know if you can even say he saw them
so i was thinking about what exactly the last part meant. like i just don’t see him willingly trying to connect with women in a personal capacity on any level, let alone romantic because:
1. in one of the the deep story pre-route chats, jaehee mentions that jumin is straight up not interested in women or relationships, he tends to avoid women and that she’s never even seen him going on a date
2. his shitty parent no 1 carolyn, shitty parent no 2 chairman han, his stepmother (srlsly the way she talked to jumin in that one story mode does not sit well with me??? like that “i’ll comfort you real well” sounds very very wrong but it could also be a bad translation? i hope it’s a bad a translation) and all the women throwing themselves at him and just straight up saying inappropriate things to his face
3. the story mode in which he says that rika was the first woman who made him feel comfortable and that all the other women he met before her just used to flatter him
4. and with the way he thinks… considering he’s not interested in relationships… he’d probs view dating as like inefficient or an unproductive use of his time since it won’t lead to anything lmao that ceo mindset yk
so that lead me to think… do u think the situation with sarah had happened before but on a smaller scale? as in shitty parent no 2 forcing jumin to go meet whoever his latest gold digger gf suggested? and jumin not wanting to but going along with it because he wanted to please his father? (honestly i think chairman han shittiness is sometimes overlooked in the fandom? like yes carolyn is worse but chairman han ain’t good he’s just the lesser evil!!)
or do u think he was referring to like the whole thing where he acts all charming and eloquent to get businesswomen to sign contracts? thank u!
hello! thank you for asking, I will always love talking about him forever so don't worry :~)
I've actually always been kind of confused fascinated by that call too, and I would love if he had elaborated more because we're definitely on a similar page here and you make the same points I would have in regard to his blatant lack of interesting in dating and relationships.
I will say I find it interesting how despite him being the one to bring up his dating history the things he says are actually incredibly unclear? a while back I wondered if it was one of those little things that gets sort of lost in translation, but he's really vague in Korean too. he is talking generally about people he has 'met' before, 예전에 만난 사람, which like 'saw' in english can be perceived in the sense of dating depending on the context of the rest of the conversation but can just as frequently be literal and have no further implication. it almost seems like he's trying to talk around the fact he's never been in a relationship, or otherwise keep it vague, which I suppose makes sense considering he follows it with "the past is the past" and is very consistent elsewhere, too, in feeling like only the present matters. to add to that, if you tell him you thought he had never been in a relationship before after this he is still incredible vague in his response and dodges really making a direct comment. he just says he's not bound by the past and reiterates that he wants to focus on the present. for someone who was typically so no-nonsense until it came to MC, dare I say it reads a little bit like he's nervous that you might judge him if he directly confirms that he has/not been in a relationship before but doesn't want you to feel as if he's trying to keep things from you.
anyway, either of your suggestions are plausible imo! it's difficult to gage if he would even consider women he charms to get them to sign contracts as part of the conversation, but since he does specify he's not sure if they even count that adds up. I have also always thought it somewhat likely that Jumin's father has at least attempted to set him up with women before given that he's almost thirty and the sole heir to the company. considering his genuine hurt around the Sarah situation I think it was probably not something that had been touched on in that particular way before, but instead a sort of "my friend has a daughter your age" situation, or an awkward "come meet my friend and his daughter" dinner. I also don't think it's entirely off the table that he went on a date or two (maybe even slept with someone) while he was at university but got nothing out of it, and that could be what he's referring to. given he can't even remember their name(s) I think it must be the case that it happened a fairly long time ago and meant very little to him, whatever the situation may have been.
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brighteststar707 · 11 months
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Tell me why I see cool socks and immediately think "yes this is Faye"??? And the hyperfixation because somehow you're strong enough to only have ONE constant hyperfixation. Also, got any more knight Luciel HC to share?👀
You're correct on two and a half counts Xela!
I have the COOLEST sock collection and I'm not afraid to brag about it. I have cow print socks, ghost socks, dog socks, penguin socks, you name it. I may be wearing big old boots but under the boots there are always some very cool socks hehe
I definitely don't have the strength of mind for just one hyperfixation at a time, though. This baby can fit so many simultaneous interests you wouldn't believe it. I keep this blog quite mysme-centric, but my brain is always spinning with something or another. At the moment, the things spinning around in my head are:
- Howl's Moving Castle (I'm rereading the book - I will never be normal about it), something about how pathetic and annoying he is is so charming in an 'only in books' way
- my sims 3 legacy (I haven't played with them for months and I MISS my little pixel people) I even brought them up on a date recently after a cocktail too many (and he's still seeing me so it must have worked somehow)
- Saeyoung letting go and going Ape Shit (again, I know, I had hoped that writing it out would have gotten it out of my system but I guess it wasn't enough). Particularly V route Saeyoung where he just loses his mind a little and goes on a self-destructive spree (and what's more, this time the MC isn't his rock but someone who is attached to the person to blame! The drama!)
- Knight Luciel/ loyalty to ones own detriment and twisted love dynamics (It's a wonder I never got into the V/Rika thing).
As for more knight Luciel headcanons, let me think...
He is a very good fighter, not known for his brute strength but for how nimble he is. He is fast and deadly if he has to be. His eyes glimmer beautifully (and dangerously, depending on who you are) from under his helmet and it's something that catches MC of guard the first time they see him with it on.
He loves the horses. Whether they love him back is still up for debate. He always has tasty treats on him to bribe them with though.
As I mentioned yesterday, he has a certain affinity for magic that he discovers by accident. His methods are completely unorthodox but they get the job done so he's happy. His powers are mostly connected to objects and imparting magic onto them as opposed to casting it from his hands. One time he got really angry and people swear they saw sparks coming off of his armour.
And, if the past few paragraphs weren't enough proof in themselves, I am a massive nerd.
These are probably messy but here we go! That's my brain at the moment!
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hyobros · 4 months
2 years later, did the ssum get better? As in : is it more f2p? Did they make Teo less boring? Are the newer routes more interesting?
I haven't played for several months now because i dont agree with the direction it's taking. I'll be talking from what I've seen acquaintances saying and screenshots they send
1. More f2p? Don't think so, actually from what I've seen they've made a dumb amount of piu piu function texts only viewable if you spend batteries
2. Teo never has gotten an update. Also how dare you call him boring smh smh /hj
3. Harry's route is good but the team decided to leave him unfinished. So-called route ending is summarizing what the rest of the plan for his route was. When i looked in the files teo had 365 days listed, but harry ended on 200 something idk it's been a while but you can see the real number on the wiki probably. The phone calls used to be audio only but they updated so all of them are "video" calls like june and im sorry they look so dumb and they only restrict imagining what's going on on his side. Also the video calls use ai art for backgrounds. June's route pissed me off so much I quit. If you want mystic messenger melodrama and retconning of both the ssums lore and mysme then sure i guess. Haven't really seen any of henris besides what ppl say about it. June and henri's routes use ai art btw.
I personally wish the ssum was allowed to remain a slice of life sorta game instead of forcing it to be mystic messenger. V and Rika and Jumin are huge in june and henri's routes. In teo and harrys the references were annoying but I'd take that over a dead game overshadowing what's supposed to be a new project.
Teo's boringness was charming to me and a lotta other people. It was nice feeling like he's another internet friend (well. More than a friend after d14 lmao) that i can chat with throughout the day and it wasn't a big deal to miss anything. It was especially nice since the game came out shortly before i had a falling out with all my friends lmao. I don't feel like continuing and this went beyond ur ask 😕
But i think it says a lot that these were the winners for a contest last month
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takekawa · 9 months
nearly a year ago now i got a mysmes charm on a whim at a lil events artist alley/anime night or whatever despite not touching it in years and it isn’t even my favorite guy from it. HOWEVER. he makes finding my keys so fucking easy. bigass fucking shaker charm protector of my house key
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sheepsdreamworld · 1 year
Full Name: Min Eunjoo
Name Meaning:
- Min: Cleverness
- Eun: Kindness, mercy, charity
- Joo: Precious
Nickname(s) and Why:
- Eunie (a shortened version of 'Eunjoo' - originating as a typo of Saeyoung Choi whilst laughing so strongly at something said in the chatroom that his hands shook. The name briefly became a playful tease, until settling as a very affectionate nickname for her. It's used almost only by Yoosung, Saeyoung and Zen.)
- Candyhead (by Saeyoung, inspired by her curly, 'cotton-candy-like', hair)
Age: 19
Birthday: 20th December
Gender: Female
Romantic and Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic, demi-heterosexual
Nationality: South Korean
Languages Spoken: Korean (native)
Occupation: Freshman at SKY University, majoring in music theory and composition, but petrified of the inevitable aspect of performance.
~ ♡ ~
Height: 152 cm (5ft)
Build: Small and thin; frail, almost.
Skin Tone: Fair
Eyes - Although tenderly pink in colour, it is important to note that their appearance is innately startling.
Whilst the right is clear, bright and focused, the left is faded, glassy, partially closed and entirely blind. It moves independently, unable to look in unison with the other - forever slightly 'off', and forever an unsettling, mismatched gaze.
Nose - Long and thin
Smile - Although awkward, it is endearing, and surprisingly contagious.
Ears - Round and slightly prominent in shape. They tend to turn very pink when in cold weather, or simply when embarrassed.
Hair - Eunjoo's hair is jaw-length, naturally white, and often likened to a cloud for her soft-looking ringlet curls and how they bounce around her head and face when she moves, almost in every way imaginable.
Posture - Often hunched and with her head ducked when moving, standing and even sitting. This is attributed to not only her meek and unassuming nature, but her strong anxiety of being gawked at and 'pointed out' as an oddity amongst peers.
Gait - Depending on mood or situation, her speed can vary between a slow yet light, comfortable pace and a quickened, very anxious glide.
Typical Attire:
A lover of pastel colours, soft materials and comfort, Eunjoo's entire closet consists of hoodies, sweaters, fleeces and jackets, all of which are either plain or with gentle patterns. She wears sweatpants and jeans from time to time, but most often likes to wear comfy shorts, and in every weather, even bitter winter. Saeyoung Choi questions the safety and well-being of her poor knobbly knees.
In autumn and winter, she searches her messy bedroom until she finds the woollen hats, scarves and gloves which always seem to go missing as soon as winter ends, and her trusty sneakers are replaced with her pair of age-old boots and her beloved long overcoat.
- A pair of large circular glasses she must always wear, no matter how annoying. She does like their design, however, white with a pink rim.
- A straw sunhat or canvas bucket hat for the summer or particularly bright days. She loves these hats.
~ ♡ ~
Mother - Lee Ailiseu
Relationship - Unknown, absent.
Father - Min Seohyun
Relationship - Close and loving, yet somehow detached by the ever-present wall of his ambition and devotion to his growing company.
- Kim Yoosung (first friend and unknowingly, is his crush)
- Choi Saeyoung (so-called comedy partner)
- Zen / Ryu Hyun (brother figure)
- Kang Jaehee (mother figure)
- Han Jumin (good-natured advisor with a side mission to convince her that dogs are, in fact, mightily imperior to cats.)
- V / Kim Jihyun (compassionate supporter, yet oddly elusive...)
- Ray...? (charming...)
~ ♡ ~
Temperament: Timid, passive
Most Common Mood: Anxious
Positive Traits:
- Kind
- Fair
- Considerate
- Loyal
- Devoted
- Compassionate
- Trustworthy
- Empathetic
- Helpful
Negative Traits:
- Sensitive
- Forgetful
- Cowardly
- Indecisive
- Hypervigilent
- Scatter-brained
- Clumsy
- Indiscreet
- Naive
Most Prominent Personality Trait: Kindness
Other Personality Info:
Although naturally very timid, Eunjoo is earnest, appreciative and genuine. Innocent is her demeanour in a single word; she is a sensitive soul with a pure heart, and struggles to take her own and others' emotions lightly.
Yet, by valuing feelings over logic in any dispute, she presents herself as one-sided - and even gullible, for consciously failing to accept other solutions.
However, and surprisingly, if she feels she must or even as an impulsive blurt, she will lie to cover her mistakes - to simply have her forgetful self seem productive; say if Jumin asked if she'd emailed a party guest, she might say yes if she hadn't at all, and then in a whirl of panic would catch up on the task. Or perhaps wouldn't. She might forget again. Jumin is known to probe her constantly with annoyed reminders to keep up with her duties, but in...a good-natured way.
Despite these rushed little lies, in difficult situations, Eunjoo will blatantly lie to protect her friends, excluding herself entirely.
In fact, in stark contrast to her passive nature, Eunjoo would not be the type to shrink away from sacrificing herself. But why would this need to be included in this profile, I wonder...
Talents/Hobbies: Music, a gifted pianist.
Biggest Fears:
- Social Isolation
- Being unwanted, unloved; feeling worthless to others.
Hopes/Wishes: Simply to love and be loved.
Possession: Her beloved electronic keyboard. It's almost purposefully not set up anywhere in particular in her apartment. It's on the move so often that it's comical - Eunjoo puts it in any and every room depending on her mood, or to rekindle inspiration for what to play. She longs to one day have her very own grand piano.
Person: An infuriating tie between Kim Yoosung and Choi Saeyoung -
In another time and place...
Eunjoo may have no clear answer to this question - other than perhaps finding herself flustered, blushing, and wondering when would be the next she'd see her sweet...mint-eyed host...
Animal: Dogs
Food: Lollipops, cupcakes and chocolate
Flavour/Taste: Sweet
Pizza Toppings: Cheese. Just cheese.
Drink: Milk, oddly.
Colour: Pastel pink
Flower/Plant: Sweetpeas (kindheartedness, bliss and innocence)
Game Genre: Cute and caring (hundreds of hours have been spent farming, island-running and pet-keeping)
Movie Genre: Heart-warming, comedy, romance
Music Genre: Classical, occasional pop and acoustic.
Place: Her bedroom, specifically her bed.
Time of Day: Afternoon, and sometimes night.
Weather: Sunny
Season/Time of Year: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
~ ~ ~
Least Favourite...
Possession: Her weird set of talking kitchen scales.
Person: Strangers, anyone unknown - although she is only just uncomfortable.
Animal: Cats, rats, snakes, ostriches (shudder)
Food: Fish, soup
Flavour/Taste: Sour, spicy, honey
Pizza Toppings: Peppers, chillies, mushrooms.
Drink: Coffee (too strong and bitter) and energy drinks (she chokes ferociously on the fizziness)
Colour: Purple
Flower/Plant: The plants with weird but hilarious names. ('Eunie! What do you mean?! I thought you loved my herrieanus!' - Saeyoung Choi)
Game Genre: Horror
Movie Genre: Horror, suspense
Music Genre: Metal, rock
Place: Anywhere unknown.
Time of Day: None in particular
Weather: Rain and/or wind, stormy
Season/Time of Year: Winter
Holiday: New Year’s
Intelligence Level: High
Self-Confidence Level: Low
Self-Esteem Level: Extremely low
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist, no matter how much she tries to be positive.
Introvert or Extrovert: Highly introverted
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Logical or Emotional: Emotional
Night Owl or Early Bird: Night Owl
Energy Level: Average, though rises or falls depending on situation.
General Sociability: Low
Sense of Humour: Vast, but silly and inoffensive - puerile jokes and slapstick will never not make her erupt with laughter.
Typical Sleep Routine: Awful
Skills: Efficient in organisation, planning, management and problem solving.
Handwriting: Messy
Memory: Good
Virtue Levels: (1-10)
Adventurousness: 1
Caring: 8
Confidence: 2
Co-Operation: 5
Courage: 3
Creativity: 8
Flexibility: 2
Generosity: 10
Honesty: 6
Loyalty: 9
Patience: 8
Perseverance: 9
Respect: 8
Responsibility: 5
Reliability: 7
Trust: 5
~ ♡ ~
Eunjoo believes she was odd from the moment she came into the world.
It was like she wasn't ready yet...and sometimes even in the present, she still feels like she isn't at all ready to face the world.
This is because Eunjoo was born far, far too early.
Months premature, her birth resulted with expected difficulties. Her eyes had not yet fully developed - they had not even opened yet in the womb.
Complete blindness was feared, but Eunjoo was blessed, her father claims, with only an impairment.
Her left eye is completely blind, and in the right, although with an average area of clear focus, she has no peripheral vision (sides/edges in the field of view), poor balance and near non-existent depth perception - she's unable to determine distance in how near or far something is, and is confused with changes in level. Eunjoo, for example, hates stairs, because if she looked down a flight, it would just...look like a floor with weird stripes across it.
She also has nystagmus, which is the involuntary and uncontrollable flickering/shaking of the eyes, which to anyone seeing for the first time can be startling, and even...disturbing.
When she was little, she never understood why people looked at her face so weirdly. Her loving father was always there to comfort her, but she never grew out of this feeling of shame - because it was a sense of hurt she was always reminded of, whenever she so much as glanced to a mirror. She is wordlessly and deeply embarrassed of herself.
And so, Eunjoo almost always wears sunglasses.
She needs them, anyway, to protect herself from the sun and its piercing rays...and excruciating artificial lights, which were everywhere...
They were both a 'cool accessory' and a disguise. They allowed her to hide, and shrink away from gawks at her freaky, jittery eye.
As Eunjoo never knew her mother, her father was all she had as a child, and he doted on her. He fast became and continues to be her hero and her guardian - but over the years, somewhat began to slip.
Her sense of balance and security began to fall, as her father's ambition and business began to rise.
Cheolsook Min is the head of Min Counselling, a company which has become successful both nationally and internationally.
Her father's successful company made them constantly move, uprooted from place to place around the country - and ingraining in Eunjoo, never a 'forever' sense of stability.
No home ever stayed nor fit; no school, no place - no friends.
She was picked on, bullied - of course she was. She was different and dissonant and crudely stuck out, like the frizz of her cloudy hair on a rainy day.
Middle school, high school - ever-changing prisons; escaping bullies only to be confronted by more, wherever she and her father moved next.
But they were quiet bullies, hidden bullies, who muttered about her under their breath - who deliberately nudged her left side when passing, who tapped her left shoulder, who clicked their fingers to the left of her face - and laughed.
It was all like a game.
And it was rather ironic, for her father to be the famous face associated with therapy and compassion, to be largely unaware of his daughter's anxieties.
All of these things culminated to the present.
For the past few months, Mr Min has been abroad, meeting with his company's international ties, by which leaving Eunjoo to live alone.
Well, she was a college student now.
She should be living alone now...shouldn't she? That was normal...
But before he left, of course, her father gave her easy lessons on how to do so - on...how to live - and also to peel her from her childhood and teenage cling of co-dependence.
She had always gripped to the life-line that was him, in order to live with ease. But this now was to change.
Room by room, her cramped apartment became nicely organised, and her kitchen even got (what she thought of as) a shiny makeover. High cupboards were kept to a minimum, and all cutlery, cups, mugs, plates, glasses, bowls and even cluttered utensils were all neatly arranged on shelves, easy cupboards, drawers.
But she continues to be scared of the microwave, oven, dishwasher...and - wherever the washing machine was.
Her father taught her as basically as he could, his crabby and reluctant daughter, how to clean and cook alone...and to face all of those accessible gadgets she hated.
It was annoying and unnerving, like the horrible talking weighing scales which lived in a corner countertop of her tiny kitchen, and its stiff robotic voice which still weirded her out.
Saeyoung kept offering to be its new star voice, but she refused each time with laughter, because that would be even...weirder.
''Ah! You have summoned me for service! Oh, yes. The Spectacular 7-0-7! Your favourite kitchen appliance!' Isn't that perfect?'
'No! I'd - never be able to cook with a straight face!'
'That's the point! Cooking is meant to be fun ~!'
~ ♡ ~
In Public/Around Strangers: Eunjoo never sticks around any longer than she would ever need to be. She rushes each place and back again, forever trying to move as invisibly as possible - though she knows that it would never happen.
Of course people would want to approach her...and ask if she needed help - she was a slight-looking girl, who used a white cane.
They were always kind, well-meaning people, but the awkwardness of rapidly assuring she was okay (even though she more often than not, was not), her deep, burning blushes of embarrassment were painful...every time.
In Private: Totally relaxed. Eunjoo's apartment is her safe place and sanctuary. She is free to do whatever she likes, be it playing on her little keyboard, wandering her apartment whilst mumblingly humming or singing to herself, watching videos on her phone of funny fails, baking cakes, puppies (and sending the odd photo of a cute puppy to Jumin to prove that they were so very cute)...and her favourite of all - babies farting.
Around Friends: Happy, playful and kind, although never losing her characteristic timidity. The RFA were her first friends, and she was always there, somewhere, in the chatrooms; for texts, calls. She was always, simply, on her phone.
She was devoted to them...they had her heart and soul.
?#%!?)#!@?? NO.
T@he RFA are not%#?(!permi?%@tted to/@/?*)@%#!have her hea#rt o?%r her s?&!%oul.
Only I am.
When Happy: Big smiles and big blushes. Her face glows.
When Upset: Silent, distant, withdrawn, an inward lament which would fast be released with a long bout of tears.
When Scared: Freeze.
When Angry: Any build up of emotion fills Eunjoo with a trembling sensation, but anger wasn’t one she knew well. She would not explode, but simply burst into tears.
Flirting: Absolutely clueless to the matter - yet - the enthrallment of Eunjoo's shyness with the eagerness to befriend could be easily confused, to some, perhaps, as flirting. (COUGH Yoosung)
In Pain: Eunjoo often feels physical pain. Her poor depth perception makes her bump and into bang things every now and then - and she was no stranger to concentration-induced migraines, by the evil glaring blue light of her phone and laptop...both of which she used far too much.
In Love: Freeze in confusion and terror, because what...was this?
When Valued: Total disbelief - shocked to a silent stare with eyes as wide as moons. She would feel pure bafflement, and tears.
~ ~ ~
Role in Story: Main Character, Narrator
~ ~ ~
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natasha-in-space · 8 months
Hey i saw you reblogging a sailor moon post and i was thinking which sailor moon characters would mysme characters would be
The only ones i am 100% assured off are Usagi (Sailor moon) is none other than yoosung. Sailor Venus is Zen, Sailor Mercury is jaehee.
What is your take on this
Ohhh, honestly, it's been a while since I actually dabbled into the Sailor Moon universe, so I'm pretty rusty, all things considered! But I did talk about a similar topic with a friend once. More precisely, who the mm gang would choose as their favorite character. This turned into a kind of mix-up between who I think their favorite would be, and who I actively associate with them. So, these are just my silly thoughts! Some are more deep than others.
Yoosung - Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
I have to agree with you there: Usagi and Yoosung are definitely a very good match. I actually headcanon Yoosung as a huge fan of Sailor Moon franchise in mm universe! Particularly because he relates to Usagi so much, with her being the main character. He may or may not have had a fictional crush on her... but that's a secret (Seven definitely knows). These two are both cheery and bright spirits with big dreams. Their individual journeys involve self-improvement and maturity. He definitely cried more than once at her romance with Tuxedo Mask... The start of his romantic nature.
Zen - Sailor Mars/Rei Hino
You'll be surprised who I put Sailor Venus with! But, as for Zen, I love putting him up with more fiery and fierce characters. I always associate him with fire, honestly. Zen and Rei are both self-sufficient and resourceful in their own ways. And while Zen is definitely not as spunky or sassy as Rei, he more than compensates for it when you put him in a chatroom with Jumin. They both share a very strong sense of justice as well. Zen will not hesitate to say it how it is, or voice his frustrations in the face of unfair wrongdoings. They are also fiercely protective of their loved ones, which is definitely a very important quirk of Zen's. Overall, they share similar vibes, and I think they would appreciate each other for their individual strengths.
Jaehee - Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno
And yes! I am in agreement that Jaehee and Ami are a perfect match. Personally, Ami was my favorite 'cause I share so many similarities to her in terms of how I behave with other people, so I love that girl to bits and pieces. The obvious 'logical smart friend' parallels aside, there is also a similarity to their personal growth throughout their journeys. Learning to believe in themselves, be confident in their personal strengths, and finding internal growth through meaningful relationships with people who truly care about you is something they both learn. I think that's really sweet.
Jumin - Sailor Neptune/Michiru Kaioh
Now, it is kind of funny how I put the more creative Michiru next to Jumin, and not Jihyun. But, hear me out. Michiru is frequently depicted as a figure of elegance and sophistication. Kind of similar to how Jumin is always followed by an aura of refined and luxurious charm. I also always picture Jumin as a very elegant and attractive man when it comes to meeting him in person. I'd say, he is actually right next to Zen when it comes to stealing your breath away with just looks alone. His alluring way of holding himself is what really draws you in to him. Jumin is also much more sensitive than people give him credit for. I just can't help but put Michiru's water powers next to his deep care for those he holds dear to his heart. They are both stoic, but loving souls. Stern but righteous. When faced with conflict, they will do the right thing.
Saeyoung - Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenoh
Listen. They may not share much in terms of their behavior: with Haruka being on a more cool and mature side, while Saeyoung is notorious for his love for mischief, but... First of all, they both share a love for cars. Specifically, race cars. It's likely that they would find a common ground on that. Especially with how nerdy Saeyoung is with his interests. Not many share his love for speed and his lovely babies! On a deeper level, they do also share a similar undying loyalty to their loved ones. Saeyoung with Saeran, and Haruka with Sailor Neptune. Plus, Saeyoung is more than capable of remaining cool and determined in the face of danger. There is also the whole 'protecting the world from evil' aspect, and Saeyoung wanting to be seen as a defender of justice, but I digress.
Jihyun - Sailor Star Healer/Yaten Kou
Honestly, the reason behind this is mostly Taiki's love for classical music and her talent as a pianist. I also really like putting her thoughtfulness and reservedness next to Jihyun's more emotional and reckless nature. I just feel like they'd make a very interesting pair with a relatively balanced dynamic. Jihyun needs someone who will tell him upfront when he's getting lost in his mind or acting foolishly. Taiki is a character who is both loyal and selfless, and she is willing to put herself in danger to protect her friends. That's a sentiment they definitely share.
Saeran - Sailor Pluto/Setsuna Meioh
There's just something about mysterious characters with tragic backstories, isn't there? This choice is biased because Setsuna is my second favorite, honestly. She doesn't get much screen time, but she left a huge impact on me regardless. There is a tragic sense of duty to her, that I can't help but link to Saeran's invisible chains of responsibility to his Savior and Magenta. The circumstances are very different, no doubt. But the weight of their duties is weighing heavily on their shoulders in a similar way. The willingness Setsuna has to sacrifice herself is a trait that I can also trace back to Saeran. If we hadn't stopped him, he would have sacrificed himself for us with a sad and reserved smile on his face. And that thought always hurts me to think about.
Rika - Sailor Venus/Minako Aino
This is honestly more of a biased choice, but I'll try to explain it somewhat logically, hehe. They do share a similar sense of mystery around themselves, until we get to properly see them as a thorough and rounded character. Minako and Rika are both very cheerful and bubbly people on the outside. A sort of 'sunshine' of the group. But, much like Rika, Minako has so much more than just her bubbly smiles and happy-go-lucky attitude. They both have rather ambiguous dreams, with Minako wanting to become an idol, and Rika aspiring to help as many people as she can. They both have a profound sense of responsibility in some way or another. If we're talking about Rika before the whole Mint Eye nightmare, I'd like to think that she and Minako would become great friends.
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thesoleilla · 2 years
Flufftober Day 28: Picnic
Masterlist Fandom: Mysmes
Ship: Yoosung x reader
Warnings: Yoosung Route spoilers, slightly ooc I think??? Use of "honey"
three times Yoosung kinda ruined a picnic date by thinking it was something else, and one time he didn't.
The first-time, you weren't sure whether it was a date; you just wanted to celebrate his autorisation to leave the hospital and since you weren't very confident in the relationship yet; you decided to just see whether he'd invite the others or not, which he did. You'd hate to admit it, because you liked the others; but you still were a bit disappointed, but seeing the chaos going down was comforting so you just thought that there'd be another opportunity anyways!
The second time; you decided you wouldn't let it go to waste. Not that the rest of the RFA were a waste, but you wanted some time alone with him! This couldn't be that hard !
But it was that hard. You see, when you just asked to go picnicing for lunch with him out of the blue; Yoosung was already nervous about it, but why may you be asking? Because he thought you wanted to break up with him. BUT YOU JUST WANTED A DATE😭
After all, for him; your relationship was still new and he was scared he didn't do enough for you, so such an important organisation just for a picnic must be to hide something! But that thing was a date not a breakup... so to support him in case you broke up with him, he asked for a friend of his to tag along... but next time it's going to work right!
Or at least... that's what you thought. But this time all the possible conditions in your mind were fulfilled ! It had to work! Well.... in your mind it had succeeded. Only in your mind though,,,
Because you hadn't been blunt enough for your oblivious s/o... but did you really expect him to get clues? Come on, be realistic please-
And since saying "Wanna plan a picnic together soon?" with a wink at the end wasn't obvious enough, you were now sitting on a nap with the rest of the RFA. Just one last time and then you'd give up...
Okay, you were really desperate for that picnic date. But it had failed for the third time a month ago ! You knew you had to be upfront with Yoosung when you wanted something but still! Could he not get hints of the picnic date you oh so desperately wanted! Yes he couldn't, did you not remember who you were in love with?! Or so... you thought.
You see, he may be a bit oblivious sometimes (and god did you find it cute) but he was not dumb. So...
One Saturday, you were just slowly starting to wake up next to him, when you felt him take out an object from the bedside table, and move his hand towards you.
"Honey, mind if I use this to show you a little surprise I made just for you ? I promise you'll be happy to see this, I put my whole heart into making it!" Your husband greeted you, an extended smile on his face with stars or excitement practically popping out of his eyeballs; while he was waving a blindfold over your head, asking for your permission.
You, as a tired person who just woke up and was already being asked for sense to come out of your mouth, were very confused but if there was one thing your tired self could make out about this, it's that Yoosung was happy. And how could you say no to his happiness? So, you accepted.
He told you you were going out, you put on some random clothes and let him blindfold you.
You were starting to feel a comforting, smooth breeze hit your skin when he took off the blindfold.
A picnic
The sight was charming. Exactly like you were imagining it. Or more like... everything like the pictures you kept gazing at, wishing for Yoosung to take the hint believing damn well he wouldn't. But it looked like he did get them.
"You like it?"
"I-I I don't like it Yoosung, I love it! This is like a dream! How did you know...?"
"Haha, I'm not that oblivious you know, and you aren't exactly the most discreet person about wanting something, I had understood this for a while, but what kind of a man would I be if the perfect date my woman wanted was not perfect? I tried my best to make this exactly like you wanted! Now, let's have a sit, shall we?" He was looking into your eyes like a kid focusing on TV when his favorite show came on, examinating your every reaction to ensure you'd enjoy this to its fullest.
The date was going on smoothly, everything was as good as it could possibly have been and you were just so grateful to have met him, no words could explain how strong your love was but still, you wanted to try. Because you loved him.
"Honey? Thank you so much for this. You didn't have to do this for me you-"
"Hey! Don't start rambling on me! Your happiness is what makes me happy, of course I had to do this!"
You wanted to pout about how he didn't have to be this nice but-
"Honey, stop overthinking and just eat this, open your mouth please!" He cheerfully said, a spoon full of your favorite cake in his hand, pointed towards your mouth.
This man was one of love, and even though you keep witnessing it; you'd never fully grasp its size.
I was lazy when I wrote this and I don't even want to read it. Feel free to hate it lol, I was in germany while writing this
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thirstyfortom · 11 months
Heyy! have you played the ssum? if yes, what are ur thoughts?
Hey! It's been a while I don't log in here, hope I didn't leave you hanging for too long.
About The Ssum, I... tried, lol. I really tried, I managed to go through half of Teo's and Harry's routes, but then I needed more memory on my phone and had to uninstall some apps, and it was kinda shocking to me how I didn't even hesitate uninstalling The Ssum 🥲🥲 so I never got genuinely invested in the game even though I went pretty far?
But I don't really dislike it, the concept is fun, both Teo and Harry are charming in their own way, and I saw there's a new guy too, he's cute.
To sum it up, MysMes is still the best 💜💜
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