coceauxpuff · 1 year
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coceauxpuff · 1 year
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coceauxpuff · 1 year
A Temporary Farewell.
So, it’s been a while. Usually I’d try to scramble within myself to find an excuse or reason why I’m not as focused or dedicated to MPWN. When the truth is; my heart and head just aren’t with writing at this time. I have little spurts of excitement and ideas, but when I try to write, NOTHING comes and it’s grown to be very frustrating. As much as I want to create, and still be in love with…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
A (Gentle) Note To Self.
I probably should have thought to do this at the end of January as well, but better late than never, right? I was trying to think of what I could post today. My current dilemma is that I WANT to post things more frequently, but I don’t have any material/stories/poems/etc. because I’m currently dealing with a little writer’s block. (It shall pass). So, I thought why not speak a little positivity…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
The Long Wait by Cortney Joseph
March 1966 : The sun shone brightly, offering the first semblance of warmth after an unusually harsh winter in Hallstead. It was the fourth day of spring and life could finally move about as normal; children playing in their parents’ yards, elderly women taking surveys of their gardens, little critters scurrying to find safety amongst the trees lining Ashbury Street. To Dylan Murray, it may as…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
The Long Wait by Cortney Joseph
March 1966 : The sun shone brightly, offering the first semblance of warmth after an unusually harsh winter in Hallstead. It was the fourth day of spring and life could finally move about as normal; children playing in their parents’ yards, elderly women taking surveys of their gardens, little critters scurrying to find safety amongst the trees lining Ashbury Street. To Dylan Murray, it may as…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
Daily Prompt #13
Describe the most ambitious DIY project you’ve ever taken on. Self-publishing. Loll. I feel like that is the biggest DIY any writer can take on. Be it for poems, novels, short stories, etc. It’s hard to go it alone, and to often have to push yourself to keep going. But for the most part, the end result is always worth it.
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
Daily Prompt #12
What advice would you give to your teenage self? Be fearless. You have an idea. Execute it. You have a dream. Go after it, fiercely. You think someone else has done it already. Do it anyway, yours will touch someone else’s life just as much if not more than all the previous folks. Get out of your head. Stay out of your head. Be YOU. Be GREAT. And with as gentle a love as possible, embrace…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
Hello, Again... by Cortney Joseph
Treasure sat in the very last booth at the back of her favorite diner, sipping on an ice-cold Dr. Pepper as she waited for her fiancé. As usual, she sat watching others as they came in and out of the busy establishment, ordering their breakfast to go. Little kids at surrounding booths and tables were either coloring, creating a mess as they ate, or dropping the food they didn’t want on the floor…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
A Little Update/Chat.
Hey! So, in spite of my excitement and the thousands of ideas I get daily … writing has NOT been going well for me. Not at all. Add on the fact that I’ve been sick all weekend and I’m back at work. Well, let’s just say energy for anything else is at a zero. On the bright side, a miracle happened. I found my missing flash drive. Here’s hoping nothing is corrupted when I get around to checking…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
To Grandmother's House She Goes by Cortney Joseph
Just a little something I started and never finished. 😀 ______ Olympia sat quietly, staring out the window of her parent’s station wagon as she and her younger brother were being driven to their grandparents. As they did every summer; she would be spending time with their grandmother, their mother’s mother. And her brother, Owen, would be spending his time with their grandfather, their father’s…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
NEW RELEASE | The Wistful Wild : Fairy Tale Poems of Longing & Ferocity
It’s here, it’s here! I am so glad and proud to be sharing this beautiful collaboration between myself, Stephanie Ascough, Caitlin Gemmell, Jess Lynn, Beth Stedman, & Stephanie Escobar. I must admit that this was such a huge step outside of my comfort zone, and I can’t thank Stephanie enough for 1, thinking of me as a writer she’d want to include in this project. And 2, all of these wonderful…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
NEW RELEASE | The Wistful Wild : Fairy Tale Poems of Longing & Ferocity
It’s here, it’s here! I am so glad and proud to be sharing this beautiful collaboration between myself, Stephanie Ascough, Caitlin Gemmell, Jess Lynn, Beth Stedman, & Stephanie Escobar. I must admit that this was such a huge step outside of my comfort zone, and I can’t thank Stephanie enough for 1, thinking of me as a writer she’d want to include in this project. And 2, all of these wonderful…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
To Grandmother's House She Goes by Cortney Joseph
Just a little something I started and never finished. 😀 ______ Olympia sat quietly, staring out the window of her parent’s station wagon as she and her younger brother were being driven to their grandparents. As they did every summer; she would be spending time with their grandmother, their mother’s mother. And her brother, Owen, would be spending his time with their grandfather, their father’s…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
Hello, Again... by Cortney Joseph
Treasure sat in the very last booth at the back of her favorite diner, sipping on an ice-cold Dr. Pepper as she waited for her fiancé. As usual, she sat watching others as they came in and out of the busy establishment, ordering their breakfast to go. Little kids at surrounding booths and tables were either coloring, creating a mess as they ate, or dropping the food they didn’t want on the floor…
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coceauxpuff · 2 years
Daily Prompt #11
What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it? So the thing is … I’m actually not afraid to DO, I’m afraid of doing and then failing. If that makes sense. I have over a hundred novels (not even exaggerating) that I probably could have published by now. I’m afraid of them not being good enough, or just not selling well. This is funny considering I really…
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