#My stupidfucking gay idiots 💕💕
pleafyistired · 27 days
I knew if I sent that on anon I would lose the post and have to dig into dash for 5000 years /silly. Can you tell me more about your ocs perhaps perchance - 🕶
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You gotta be more specific my friend i haveeee… symbolismss, main story, characters personality, side characters, the Antagonist, designs, weapons and battle styleee etc etc /sillyy
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But uhh i think ill start out with the prologue/backstory that kicks the whole story off… :3 buckle up, its a bit long! :3
DISCLAIMERR everything is all under construction and might change!! Im sorry if i just randomly one day change shit up lol, but for now heres the shit ive cooked up.
undercut cause kinda Long.
Okayyyy SO! We first start out with Chris :3 hes born in a royal family thing and even though hes a younger child, after proving to everyone hes clearly superior in Everything* compare to his older brother whos unluckily* wasnt born mutated with dragons features and powers (super rare since like dragons are basically consider extinct at that point in the world after being hunted down and erased by people). The older brother was kind and compassionate compare to the confident killer machine that is his brother, so Chris is basically on the throne now on account of his parents being pretty old now and them pushing most of the work to their sons and fuck away to vacations. During this time of chris’s ruling, the next door kingdom has a single king with no heirs. These two kingdom, chris’s and this other dude’s, are the two most powerful nation in the world and is basically fighting the other for more control over Everything. That king didnt quite seem to care about the fact hes old and have no heirs tho, as he was more concerned with having as much control over everything as possible. Chris took offense to this cause HEY controlling and taking over the world- I MEANN ruling over everyone is HIS JOB! so they fought a lot until one day the old king died right at his desk, and it was rumored he was assassinated but theres no time to figure that all out now, cause that kingdom immediately crumbled without the iron fist control freak ruler to run everything, everything went to shit! and long story short, Chris basically took over that kingdom and punish anyone that were in support of the past king and all is well! Now he rule everything yippie!
Spoiler alert! it Doesnt cause as it turns out, the old king actually secretly had a team of scientist that was researching how to revive a dragon from ice cause the king figure hey. if that young brat is so proud of its stupid dragon might, ill have my OWN dragon son to kick his stupid ass. And he succeeded! So he raised his dragon son in secret for years until womp womp hes dead. The dragon guy went into hiding and finally is now planning to emerge with the single goal of avenging his dead father! and thats Eric :3
Thats BASICALLY. Keyword BASIC. Introduction of the two. Cause shit are much Much more complicated and as the plot unfolded, so so much more happened… escalated much more from simple personal drama to the sake of the world, to having to deal with what being alive is and what living for yourself means, that being the paragon hero isnt VERY GOOD and Not in the way youre thinking of which is “ohh im too worried about others to thibk about themselves.” Yes thats also a part, but being the perfect paragon hero can escalate to something so so much more dark and just GAHHH THATS 0.1% OF IT. I HAVENT EVEN SCRATCH THE SURFACE.
also if youre wondering what a paragon hero is btw, heres an explaination, but the simple relevant explaination for my story is that someone who will do good for the SAKE of doing good, the classic typical hero who will never give up on what is good and will do anything for it. Think superman or batman! ^_^
ANYWAYS yeah thats the Prologue, and lemme know if you want to know anything else lol <3 THANKS FOR ASKING BTW I APPRECIATE IT ❤️❤️❤️
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