#My mom suggested we go to the beach and look for her before the moon rose
ocdhuacheng · 2 years
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This is so cute. She is a darling
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fiorimaya · 1 year
Could you do a Dr. Teeth x reader? I hardly see any these days, so it would be nice!
You got it! This is actually the first canon x reader fic I've ever done so I hope I do it right! D: LOL thanks for requesting!
"I think I'm just going to do a bit of homework and then head to bed," you told your mom.
After the exchange of "goodnights", you went up to your room, and... well, you didn't necessarily lie, but you didn't tell the whole truth either. You got some of your homework done, but right before ten after you stopped for the night, you most definitely wasn't sleeping. Your phone buzzed, alerting you of the text that you'd been waiting for all day. It was from Teeth.
Just a couple blocks down between Crimson Street and Spruce Street. You ready?
You couldn't keep from smiling as you texted back, telling him you were on your way.
You already had your bag packed for the night and once you heard complete silence throughout your house, you threw your bag over your shoulder and snuck out into the hallway. Very quietly, you crept down the stairs and out the front door. You began walking down the street. The bright moon and the streetlights being the only light at that point. And then you saw his car's headlights.
He smiled at you while you got into his car. "Hey, Y/N. You look absolutely (adjective you prefer) tonight."
You blushed a little at that.
"Ready to go? I've already filled her up," he said, patting his dash with a laugh.
"Let's do this!" You cheered.
Within a few minutes, you were on the interstate. He was holding your hand, giving it a squeeze every once in a while. He had a CD of some 80s band cranked up loud you were both singing along with it.
After a five hour drive and a whole tank of gas, it was around 3 in the morning when you finally arrived at your destination: the beach. The two of you ran, giggling all the way, to the shoreline.
The night was spent slow dancing at the shoreline to your favorite love songs (that were played on his little speaker he'd brought), collecting seashells, night swimming in the ocean (which included a little water fight between the two of you), and a lot of cuddles while looking up at the sky full of bright stars. Eventually, the two of you got up and ran to the gate. Hoping you wouldn't get caught, you jumped the gate and assisted him in getting over it. And then, hand-in-hand again, you made your way together out onto the boardwalk.
The two of you found a nice spot about halfway down and sat, your feet dangling off. The sun would be rising soon; the skies already changing colors showed sign of it.
"We are going to be so dead when we get home," you laughed.
He laughed with you. "Perhaps. But it was worth it."
You smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Yeah it was."
Your hands rested behind you on the cool wood. He turned towards you slightly and put a hand over one of yours. "Y/N... you have no idea how happy you've made me these last few months. I don't know what I did to have someone like you. I don't deserve you, but I'm so glad you're mine."
You could feel your face heating up as you looked down with a smile. "Well, Teeth. I feel the exact same way about you."
You looked back up at him and he grinned. "You mean the world to me. And I... I love you. So much."
Your eyes widened a little bit. That was the first time he'd said that. Your smile grew. "I love you too. With all my heart."
And just when you thought you'd seen it all that night, he leaned forward and kissed you softly.
You both pulled away, giggling; faces both red.
"Well, uh. Maybe we should head back," he suggested.
"Good idea."
You helped him over the gate again, and the two of you ran back down to the beach to grab your shoes and your belongings before hurrying back to his car. He refilled the tank again, and just like the night before, you were on the interstate again. Hand-in-hand.
It had definitely been a night you wouldn't ever forget. You two's first "I love you", and then you two's first kiss... what would ever be able to compare?
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paisholotus · 1 month
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Now playing: Like a tattoo~ Sade & I think i like when it rains~ WILLIS
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Shia's Pov
Miami, Florida
Brian and I walked on the beach, holding hands, making small talk. I actually kinda like Brian. He's funny and sweet, I haven't felt any red flags from him. He told me about his childhood in Barstow, and I could tell he was nervous telling me. He told me he has a younger brother, but he hasn't seen him or his mom in a long time
He actually made me blush alot, he was the sweetest and lawd that smile. Would make a bitch weak in the knees. He then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into the sand, making me playfully push him away.
"You get this sand in my hair, and we gon fight sir." I said as he laughed at me.
I looked over the beach and watched the moon reflect over the water. I loved the ocean. It's one of the reasons why I missed being in the caribbean. Nothing compares to the ocean there. You could literally pick up a glass and dip it in the water and see right through it. I always felt homesick going to the beach.
"Have you ever been surfing before?" Brian asked me. I looked at him and smiled, "Of course. Haven't done it in a long time. I need to, though. The ocean brings me so much peace, " I said quietly, looking back at the water.
"Maybe, another day, we can have a beach date." He suggested, slowly grabbing onto my hand.
I looked down at our hands and smiled shyly. Ouu lawd I can't do this. He is making me so shy and mushy. I haven't felt like this about a man in a long long ass time.
He smirked at me and leaned towards my face, "you getting nervous?" He asked me lowly.
I squinted my eyes at him and licked my bottom lip, "Nice try, sir. But, I don't kiss on the first date." He chuckled and leaned back some, nodding. "I can respect that."
But I did continue to hold his hand. We talked some more before I told him it was time for me to go home. I had work in the morning.
Brian's Pov
I pulled into Shia's driveway and got out of the car, opening her door for her. I held her hand as she got out of the car. Usually, on first dates, I would get some. But, with Shia, it was different. I didn't see her that way, I'd actually wait for her. Because I want her to be officially mine.
I walked her to the door as she looked up at me and smiled, reaching up and cupping the side of my face, kissing my cheek.
"Goodnight, blondie." She said and walked inside the house.
I walked back to my car, smiling ear to ear, feeling like a teenager. She gonna be mine, no questions asked.
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elizabrekker · 1 year
Prologue Of Snow At The Beach
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The air was cold and unmerciful in the small town off the coast of Norway. The town in question is miniscule with few residences due to the harsh winter that often came earlier than anywhere else in the world. There resides a small boy looking up to the sky from his window seat waiting for the fresh fall of snow wondering about the old tale of the man that lives on the moon or in it he wasn’t too sure.
”You shouldn’t be anywhere near the window “ His mother scolded him, coming up to him from behind before drawing the curtains along with the windows closed.” You’ll catch a cold and we don’t want that to happen now do we” his mother added, tapping his nose playfully. The boy scowled at his mother, hating to be treated as a child (even though he is a child )
“I don’t get colds.”He confidently says before attempting to push open the curtains again. But his mother beat him to it.
“Don’t be stubborn” this time her mother’s voice was firm, the boy couldn’t do anything but oblige his scowl deepening.
“What's wrong?” His mother attempted to console him. Placing a gentle hand on top of his head, the boy simply turned away from his mother, his eyes unable to meet hers
“Nothing's wrong,” his quiet reply answered her immediately. This time the mother sat next to his son in the window seat attempting to look his son in the eyes. This made the mother’s thought race.
“Did something happen at school?” a gentle hand placed on his cheek, the boy's eyes watered. Like a damned being broken he dived into his mother’s arms burying his face in the crook of her neck. His mother rubbed gentle circles to calm him down whilst humming a song she used to sing to him when he was a baby.
It took a while before he finally calmed down, still embracing his mother. His quiet voice rang in the quiet home.
“Everybody thinks I’m weird…” his voice hiccuping, his reply made his mother’s heart ached but she let him continue still rubbing circles on his back,
“Nobody would come near me..” his hands tightening their hold on his mother. Her brows furrowed at his statement. she hoped he didn’t feel the slight tense of her muscles.
“They said I’m cold.. And I talk to myself a lot…..but I’m not talking to myself” His mother’s eyes widen slightly in alarm.
“Could you tell me who you’re talking to sweetie?” She inquired. Her son shifted in his arms for a moment meeting her eyes briefly contemplating.
“The elves.” he replied after a while. Like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“The elves? ” she repeated her voice laced with mild confusion.
“They helped me with research on my book” her son wiped away his tears forgetting his earlier outburst, his voice slowly steading “ Frostborne Tales” he added sheepishly slowly untangling himself from his mother. At this his mother signed in relief.
“It’s not finished yet but it’s a collection of stories about winter…. and winter spirits” He uttered his eyes glancing back at the curtain he was sure the first fall of snowflakes had already fallen he felt the disappointment in his heart he wasn’t able to see it first hand.
“That sounds wonderful my dear, can I read it when you finish it” she answered, breaking her son’s thoughts. her son’s face brightened up by the prospect. His love of winter remained a constant in their lives.
“Of course Mom but..”his voice trailed off thinking back to the suggestion of the elves.
“But…?” Noticing her son's sudden change in demeanour once again. “Well I couldn’t find anything about two figures, the elves said you could help me” This caught his mother’s attention and she signalled for him to go on.
“It’s about the tale of Snow Queen And Jack Frost.”He continued observing his mother’s expression. He noticed his mother's jaw clenched at the mention of the names her eyes grew thoughtful. The small home was filled with silence once more until he decided to break it.
“Mom?” He placed his hands on hers attempting to grab her attention, her hand unlike his were warm. She smiled softly at his gesture. The room felt a bit warmer despite the coming of winter.
“Well what do you want to know?” her soft smile appeared on her face once again with the tone of her voice having a tad of playfulness to them. His smile beamed scooching closer to her.
“Everything” He eagerly answered, eyes filled with excitement with the coming story. His curiosity about everything related to winter warmed his mothers heart with fondness. Unbeknownst to them, certain winter sprites were listening in to the exchange. His mother grinned at his son.
“Well let’s start at the beginning shall we?”
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