#My least employable traits are I will not work through illness and I will not tolerate managerial helicopter parenting
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chicago-geniza · 11 months ago
For real next time they assign me a Managerial Tail for Misbehaving At Work (leaning in lieu of cleaning or whatever) I am going to look them directly in the eyes and deadpan "I am 30 or 40 years old"
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mc-tummy-blur · 3 years ago
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@ruestew I’ll be doing both but just for organization sake (As in I dont want the posts to get super long) I’ll answer for each character in two separate posts
*I’m going to try to be as concise as possible with my reasoning for the bingo placement, but honestly probably have a lot more to say about these characters
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My thoughts expanded under “read more”
“They are soooooo cool looking”— I really like her design. Her name, Sonya Sanchez, does have a nice ring to it and perfectly fits with the newscaster celeb persona. The pink works for her, it makes her stand out from the rest of the crowd. It says, “Hey! Put all focus onto me!” Which works for her character and the role she plays. I do like how they made her necklace green, it makes it eye-catching. Also, her voice, both the voice she uses for GNN and her regular voice is just *chef’s kiss*
“They’re deeper than they seem”— Speaking of her voice, I really love the detail on how she is forced to use a different accent on GNN in order to be perceived as smarter to the audience. AND the fact that she is fully aware about this and hates it. Meaning that she isn’t just a reporter who blindly agrees with everything her employers say/ask of her. I think there could be more time dedicated to that but its cool that they even decided to put that trait on her to begin with. In general, She has so much depth to her, but the details are scattered like breadcrumbs that you have to find (besides the mission where she tells you about Lola). When she opens up to how she knows about Lola and how she had wished at time that she was in Lola’s place instead, it is just heartbreaking to hear. It doesn't sound fake on her end. And the joy she gets when seeing her brothers (or the sadness she has when she talks about them briefly in one mission) is genuine and heartwarming. The fact that she still thinks about these characters years later after not having proper contact or closure with them just shows how she is a good person. But its just hidden underneath the celeb persona that she had to stick to for years, as well as the trauma she has gone through.
“Wow! They are a horrible person”/“They’ve never done anything wrong in their life <33”— On one hand, she has so much guilt for how she couldn't save Lola, and how she separated herself from her brothers in order to get to where she is at in her career. To me, there are cracks in her celeb persona, and she doesn’t completely enjoy in what she’s doing (or at least how she got there). On the other hand, it seems that a lot of her political opinions are her own (which are harmful to the citizens in Petria), and she does seem like a jerk to those that she thinks serve a purpose to her in the moment (ex. Runaway Teen and Adam). But honestly, she’s a girlboss so—
“They’re like a blorbo to me”/“I’m mentally ill about them”/— See points above
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benjaminmoorepaint · 4 years ago
in defense of marius/character analysis
Poor Marius…much maligned, misunderstood Marius. I think he's misunderstood at least in part because book!Marius and musical!Marius are so different, so maybe people get confused? Is he a goofy awkward loverboy or weirdo goth stalker?
The answer is neither, really! Compared to the Amis, Marius is a much more fleshed out and realistic character, and we see him grow and change from the ages of 17-23. But at his core, he is serious, extremely principled, and has a strong sense of honor. His principles provide most of the conflict for him throughout his story:
Independence (Debt is slavery! Refuses to borrow money until forced by his sense of duty; won’t work more than he needs to because he wants his time to be his own, not his employers. Politically, he eventually comes to understand Combeferre’s point about it too, though it contradicts the views he inherits from his father.)
Duty (The main one, and what drives most of his decisions throughout the book. He sees his main duty to be to his father and his final wishes. This is so important to him that he borrows money from Courfeyrac to fulfill what he thinks is his duty to help the Thénardiers. He only goes out at night to make his clothes look black is because he’s in mourning for his father, a culturally expected thing at the time, as is his filial duty. Despite being a republican at the end of the book, he still takes the title of Baron because his father wanted him to. Etc.)
This one is a little harder to define, but I would call it honor, combined with a kind of chivalric sense of respect. (Purity?) Despite leaving his grandfather for not respecting his father, he still respects the man, somehow. Won’t touch Valjean’s money because he’s afraid it may have been ill-gotten. This explains his weirdness around women, too; he is offended by Courfeyrac’s insinuations, outraged that an old veteran *might* have seen Cosette’s stocking, and of course horrified by Gillenormand’s suggestion to make Cosette his mistress. We are frequently reminded how chaste his love for Cosette is. He is, essentially, Tholomyès’s polar opposite.
Loyalty— to his friends, to Cosette, and to his father.
He is also—and this is important—EXTREMELY impulsive.
Marius is not the kind of guy who thinks decisions through. His choices are almost always based on emotion. It is not logical to leave home at seventeen to live in poverty. It is not logical to wax poetic about Napoleon in a room full of radical republicans. It is not logical to resolve to die after learning your girlfriend is moving to England. He is the DEFINITION of doing things “as a matter of principle.”
And this is not an inherently bad trait. His impulsiveness saves the barricade. It’s worth noting that Enjolras, the personification of logic, did not (and would not) think to do this because his mind doesn’t work that way. It’s a terribly risky move and he would not want to risk his men if the soldiers called his bluff. But it works. Marius saves the barricade.
This is probably another reason Enjolras names him a chief of the barricade, because he recognizes Marius has something to offer that he doesn’t.
(Side note: I’m not sure where the idea that Enjolras is irritated by him comes from. He clearly likes Marius.)
“But what about Valjean? The way Marius treats him is undeniably fucked up.”
It sure is, if you know all the facts like we, the readers, do. But in typical Valjean fashion, when Valjean tells Marius the truth, he does not, in fact, tell him the whole truth. He says nothing of his life as Madeleine, of Fantine and his promise, of the Thénardiers, of Javert; in short, he tells him pretty much nothing other than the fact that he is an ex-convict.
But here’s the kicker: Valjean doesn’t know what Marius already knows about him. He has no idea that Marius saw the whole Gorbeau robbery happen while helping Javert, and for whatever reason, he forgets or doesn’t mention that Marius saw him “execute” Javert at the barricade. So from Marius’s point of view, Valjean is a. possibly still involved in crime, as evidenced by his presence there, and b. a murderer who killed Javert for revenge. Thinking this, Marius already knows that Valjean is leaving things out in what he tells him. He worries that what else he didn’t say could be even worse.
Which isn’t to say Marius is completely faultless in this—he’s learning, but his idea of honor can’t comprehend that a convict like Jean Valjean could have raised Cosette.
(Marius) had not yet come to distinguish between that which is written by man and that which is written by God, between law and right. (...) He found it quite simple that certain breaches of the written law should be followed by eternal suffering, and he accepted, as the process of civilization, social damnation. He still stood at this point, though safe to advance infallibly later on, since his nature was good, and, at bottom, wholly formed of latent progress.
But Valjean doesn’t really give him a chance. And when he does discover the truth he immediately begs for forgiveness, though of course it’s too late.
“But you!” cried Marius with a wrath in which there was veneration, “why did you not tell it to me? It is your own fault, too. You save people’s lives, and you conceal it from them! You do more, under the pretext of unmasking yourself, you calumniate yourself. It is frightful.”
“I told the truth,” replied Jean Valjean.
“No,” retorted Marius, “the truth is the whole truth; and that you did not tell. You were Monsieur Madeleine, why not have said so? You saved Javert, why not have said so? I owed my life to you, why not have said so?”
And I’m always sad that that’s something Valjean never gets to learn—by hurting himself, he hurts the people who love him! But that’s a subject for another post (or fix-it fic.)
Is Marius perfect? No, even by the end of the novel he’s not—but that’s the point. He and Cosette are the future. Their character arcs aren’t finished yet.
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birminghamblinders · 6 years ago
baptism by fire; tommy shelby
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Business is not an industry which lends itself to possessing an empathetic nature. Business is by design the striving to procure profits, and businesses which succeed do not do so through weaknesses and by making excuses for the shortcomings of themselves or of the various inferiors which make up their labor staff. Businessmen, then, as the main extension of this cognitive, innovative, cut-throat machine, are also not by nature kind-hearted or gentle. Choosing to enter into business means that one must be capable of making very calculated decisions with their own money and with the money of others. They also must see the parts of their company-and to many, employees often registered only as a moving part in a greater machine-as disposable when they are broken. Thus, although business does not generally allow for strong expressions of emotion, Tommy Shelby believed there were “no hard feelings” when he had to release a person from his employment. He held no personal vendetta against the ex-employee, and did even earnestly hope they would realize the error of their focused labor and once again find fruitful employment elsewhere. But conversely, he would note to himself the error of his ways in allowing an employee of less-than-acceptable caliber to be hired, and would remember what traits made that person useless in the future.
Tommy had to let people go and hire new people on a fairly regular basis. He generally believed in hiring younger people to do menial labor, on the idea that they would have more energy and thus be able to execute these tasks over a larger spread of hours. The past month, however, Tommy had fired two young men or about twenty, who had been hired for menial labor but had proven to be prone to slacking off on the job. He bore no ill will to them, and in parting mentioned a shipping company which operated out of dock forty-three which was hiring, in the genuine if not deeply-felt hope they would reform and become contributing members of society.
Besides, Tommy had larger things to worry about than the performance of workers who neared the bottom of the Shelby Company food chain. In merely three weeks, if all went well, he was going to recite his wedding vows to the love of his life in the full and unyielding gaze of their pastor and before the gentle eyes of God. Tommy and his soon-to-be wife endeavored to make their wedding as small an affair as was possible, only extending invitations to those who they actually, truly wanted to he there. Eliminating the menial made the whole thing blessedly easy to plan, and he found himself mainly concerned with planning out the right words to say to his life partner when she arrived at the altar.
Thankfully, the wedding went as smoothly as any Tommy had ever attended, and the flurry of the day seemed to end as quickly as it began. When he settled into bed next to his newly acquired wife that night, slipping a gentle arm around her waist, he even entertained the fantasy that the wedding had taken away so little of his concentration from work that he might be able to take a few days and have a honeymoon of sorts with her.
This was not the case, as both the legal and illegal enterprises of the Shelby Company were growing at a seemingly exponential rate. He was no sooner able to take a few days off without consequences as he was to grow wings. His wife, the young, pretty, tough creature she was, shrugged this slight off, and told her husband he had things he needed to do for the good of his family, and that said family also included her now, and so he had better get to work. Guilted by his inability to properly celebrate his wedding with his wife, but also emboldened by her strong words of encouragement, Tommy dove right back into the chaos of the Company, cutting deals on firearms and horse races in equal stride.
Unbeknownst to either man or wife, the two young men who had just a short while ago been terminated from Shelby company employment had not shrugged it off as a loss of low-level job of which there were plenty in Small Heath, but had instead chosen to interpret it as a personal slight and a middle finger directly from Tommy Shelby. As uneducated as their interpretation of a routine firing might have been, they were not so ignorant as to think they could exact revenge on their perceived enemy in a face to face interaction with him. They instead chose to focus on his weaknesses, and despite the whole thing being a low-level affair, there was no one in Birmingham who didn’t know Tommy Shelby had recently gotten married.
The two young men whom Tommy had fired were not in possession of any particularly great intellect, or capability to plan a complex kidnapping and ransom plot, but part of the reason they were hired initially was that they possessed plenty of brute strength. It would seem fairly reasonable that considering her relatively high profile relation to the Shelby family that there would be some type of protection for Tommy’s wife, but she had insisted on being allowed to live independently. As often occurs, there was no real hindsight considered with this decision until it had already generated negative consequences. Tommy’s wife did not work for the Company, and after their marriage continued her job as a secretary for the largest newspaper in the city. It was on a fairly cold morning, while she was walking to begin her shift, that the two ex-lackeys of the Company grabbed her and dragged her out of the sight of the few other passers-by that were on the street that early in the day.
On the days which Tommy was not able to finish his workload in time to be home for dinner (which were fairly plenty), he would just sleep in his office, wake up early, and continue. These were all circumstances which the two ex-lackeys were aware of; though the Company employed plenty people, most of them got their orders from Tommy or one of this brothers and were in and out of the office daily, and knew the movements of the main heads of the Company. They didn’t know exactly on that day that Tommy would work late and stay in the office, but they were willing to take their luck.
Due to the circumstances of their both being employed in highly demanding jobs, and sometimes not being able to wake up together or eat dinner together, Tommy and his wife always spent at least an hour on the phone each day. This usually happened around noon, which left the two wanna-be criminals four hours before Tommy Shelby discovered his wife was missing.
They had, it so happened, taken his suggestion, and sought employment at the loading station at dock forty-three. This particular dock mainly handled night time shipments coming in from the United States or Canada, and so the two decided that with a little duct tape over the face, and ropes holding her arms back, it would be as good a place as any to keep Mrs. Shelby.
As it happened, the two men, who were not exactly in possession of god-like intelligence, got the timing right. They had her for four hours before her husband realized something was wrong with her. He called her office at noon, and was received by the voice of her supervisor, who told him his wife had not come into work that day.
At the same moment as Tommy leaned back to yell for his brothers, Polly came into the room and absentmindedly remarked that the postman had left something for him as she dropped a letter onto his desk. Dread built up in his chest as he stared at the sloppily folded paper, and he grabbed hold of the letter and nearly tore it open in his haste. The would-be kidnappers were not elegant nor were they educated, and so their ransom note was not exactly a masterpiece of the English written word.
Tommy Shelby, it read,
We have your wife. Come to dock forty three as soon as you get this. Bring ten thousand pounds with you and you will get her back alive. If you call the police we will know. Don’t bring a gun.
The letter was not signed, and as Tommy’s two eldest brothers crowded their way into the room, the middle Shelby son swore loudly and launched an ink pot against the room, where it shattered against the window and left dark black tracks down the glass.
“Some fuckers took my wife,” he informed them in a violently calm voice. “Get your coats and your guns. We’re going now.”
Upon arrival at the specified dock, the faded painting sign reading “43” swinging violently in the sudden gust of wind that had arisen off the waters, Tommy gestured for John and Arthur to stand back.
“I’ll call you when I need you,” he spoke quickly, and indicated for them to stand just out of sight of the door of the loading area, still close enough by to be of immediate assistance if needed.
Tommy grabbed the handle of the door and launched it open, bursting into the large, open room with his gun pointed straight ahead. At the same time as he gained his bearings, he heard a pistol cocking, and found he was looking at a gun pressed to the side of his wife’s head.
Tommy had been in the war, and had seen more men die than he ever cared to speak about. He was used to carnage, and hadn’t flinched at the sight of blood in years. At the sight of his wife with a gun pressed to her head, however, his own blood ran cold.
He felt his breath coming in shorter and shorter intervals, and he had to control himself to keep from hyperventilating, as his wife, a gag stuffed in her mouth, started crying at the sight of him, and leaning towards him as if to beg him to get her out of here,only to be grabbed roughly by the neck and shoved back into her chair by another man, who stepped out of the corner only for that brief moment before vanishing from Tommy’s sight again.
Tommy stopped short, only about four feet from the door he had burst from, and was so dazed by the sight before him he had to force himself to focus as the man holding the gun began to speak.
“We told you specifically not to bring a gun. Didn’t you read the fucking letter? Put that shit down. Where’s my money?”
Tommy still found himself unable to fully compute the situation before him, and so fell back on his usual bravado, scoffing at the man’s question even while wildly searching for a plan.
“I didn’t bring your ten thousand pounds. What were you going to spend it on, whores and cocaine? You’re a piece of shit. You’re going to give me my wife back and you’re going to apologize for the trouble you’ve caused the Shelby Company.”
Another man stepped out of the shadows, loudly swearing at Tommy, and he couldn’t believe the sense of these two useless criminals as they both started walking towards him, leaving his wife unguarded and making it far too easy for him to raise his gun once again and expel a hail of bullets on them, aiming for the head and then adding ten more in just for good measure and as repayment for the insolence of daring to touch his wife.
As he turned to face her, still bound to her chair, tears rolling down her cheeks, he felt his heart stop again as he sprinted to her, pulling the gag out of her mouth and untying the ropes from her wrists all while speaking to her frantically, begging for forgiveness.
“I’m so damn sorry, my love, I should never have let you walk around alone, I should have had a man with you all the time, I should have known someone was going to try something with you, I’m so fucking sorry-“ and broke himself off with a sob, curling into her shoulder.
He felt her take a deep breath and wrap her arms around him, stroking his back as he cried like a child into her arms, terrified by the ease at which two bumbling idiots were able to endanger the person closest to his heart.
She began to console him quietly, his sobs still echoing around the empty room, and Tommy could almost feel her grow harder, more tough, more like a Shelby.
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panha-lachance · 6 years ago
LFRP -- Calliope Shaw [ Balmung ]
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 23
Race: Hyur, Midlander
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Blonde (Naturally), but often dyed colorfully.
Eyes: A faded pale green.
Height: 5’3” (64in)
Build: Slender, but toned muscles despite a weak appearance.
Distinguishing Marks: No scars, tattoos or obvious     blemishes.
Common Accessories: Piercings (Ears/Nose/Nipples),     random assortment of jewelry from time to time, often a hat, but most specifically     a strange mechanical device always found within her presence to take pictures.    
Personal ––– –
Profession:     - Beach     bum; most of her time is spent at the beaches near Limsa or Costa del Sol.     - aka Unemployed; being spoiled and an only child by a single parent has     lead to no real necessary need for employment.     - Hopeful future awesome pew pew machinist.
Hobbies: Swimming, dancing, shell collecting, target     practice, tinkering and taking pictures.
Languages: Eorzean Common, swear words and insults in     varying other languages.
Residence: The Mists
Birthplace: Gridania
Patron Deity: Nymeia, the Spinner
Element:     Water
Fears: Jellyfish, losing her father somehow, becoming     ill like her mother.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: ---
Children: ---
Parents: Gregory Shaw ( Father – Living! ), Amelia Shaw     ( Mother – Deceased )
Siblings: ---
Other Relatives: Unknown!
Pets: Marlin – her loyal chocobo.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In     Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In     Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In     Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In     Between / Reserved
Leader / In     Between / Follower
Empathetic     / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working /     In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In     Between / Uncultured
Loyal     / In Between / Disloyal 
Faithful / In     Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Daily, but infrequently and not often. Drugs: Not often. Dependent on situation but usually when offered. Alcohol: Often, but not daily or sometimes weekly. Dependent again on situation and company or if it’s being offered.
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RP Hooks ––– –
The Beach!     Callie     is way into the beach and it is one of her favorite places to be.  A good chunk of her time is spent either     swimming, sunbathing, or some other activity along the coastline.
Photography!     Callie     has in her possession a magitek device, of sorts, which she uses frequently     to take pictures of just about everybody and everything. She probably shouldn’t have it but she does, so     don’t tell her father that it is missing out of his research storage unit.     Shh. It is her favorite thing in the world (one of them, anyway) and she     is always happy to snap pictures of people or let them look and sometimes even try on their own.
Guns! Pew pew!     Callie     has a big interest in guns and especially machinists. She has hopes of one     day being a great markswoman and often takes the time to practice. If you     have guns, she wants to see ‘em and maybe shoot ‘em!
Magitek!     Callie’s     other main interest is anything tek-y. She loves mechanical and tek crafts     and devices and is often tinkering on things she can get her hands on. If this     is something your character is also interested in and works on she’d love     to meet them. Her knowledge and access to a teacher or somebody to play     around with is more limited than she’d like.
Arcanist Guild Nerds!     Callie’s father is a top researcher and past teacher within the guild     located in Limsa. A lot of her time growing up was spent falling asleep     over books in the libraries while others studied. Over her time there she’s     made plenty of friends being as outspoken and friendly as she is, maybe     you’re somebody she already knows?
Party!     Callie     likes to have fun! Party? Party! She’s always down for dancing, drunken     arm-wrestling, trippy hallucinogenic adventures. It isn’t something she’ll     constantly do, but she’s usually     down for just about anything. Once, at least.
Contact Information  ––– –
[ I can be contacted through a number of different means, but for the sake of starters on things I prefer to be contacted via tumblr message first. Since Callie currently does not have a page, please make it through this tumblr panha-polaali. I do have access to discord and will be happy to give my name out to those who ask for it! If this isn’t possible just let me know or message me in-game on the character Calliope Shaw. Note: I am always willing to RP via Discord and such if we are not on the same server. Though for in some cases details to discuss in that event to make sure all parties are on the same page. If you want or need any other information please don’t hesitate to ask me about it. I’m all for chatting and tossing around ideas and sharing about the character. Or any of my characters for that matter. -- Panha Polaali -- Lewin Wolfe ]
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another-tiny-ant · 6 years ago
New Beginnings
The New Year, a new start. It’s a cliché. But I am currently en route to my new home at university, having left my previous flat, so it truly is a new start. I’m really apprehensive, I suppose my experiences have taught me to be careful around new people. Even when at first they seem kind and friendly, they can turn on you at any point. Aware of my cynicism, I think in the past I have overcompensated instead, and thrown myself into investing in new people, only to be betrayed and mistreated further on down the line, and ended up being angry with myself for not anticipating it, or worse still, deliberately ignoring the signs. This is exactly the “victimhood” Eger describes in the exerts I posted in my previous post. I am trying to shed this cynicism, and pessimism, especially this year. But I think it is human nature to recede into yourself, and be hesitant around new people, at least to some extent, when you have been hurt. And I have always seemed to feel the pain of mistreatment from others especially keenly. This sensitivity has always been a negative trait, a poisoned chalice. But I want to see this as something positive. I want to wear my heart on my sleeve with pride. It is an important part of my identity. And whilst it is my weakness, it is also my strength; although I feel the pain more acutely, I am also able to love more deeply, and live compassionately. I have always believed in the importance of kindness. I have been bullied. But I will never, ever, become the bully. The cycle breaks with me.
The cynicism, the anger, the betrayal, the pessimism, that I suffer from, is part of my illness. But I think it has complicated origins. Probably the most significant cause is my experience of school. The bullying, the lack of self esteem, of confidence. My hands are here on the keys, but I can’t form the words. I don’t want to talk about the bullying, not now at least. I know to be truly free you have to confront the demons of your past, so that you can heal. I don’t think I can just yet. But I can talk about other things. The disability that has impeded me my whole life, which has been elusive enough to be invisible for diagnosis, but obvious enough for me to be bullied and ridiculed, at times brutally. The crushing of my dreams. That sounds so pretentious, but I think this is the real cause for how I feel now. The final nail in the coffin of the shit-mix cocktail. 
Throughout school, what kept me going, through all of the abuse and self-doubt, was my work. I poured myself into my books- working towards something gave it all greater meaning: one day, I’ll pass my tormentors in the supermarket, and I’ll have moved on to much better things. I was pretty ignored in school, or even ridiculed, by some of my teachers. A couple were supportive, and to them I’ll always be grateful for getting me through. But when I aced my GCSEs, it came as a surprise to pretty much everyone, including me. I’d always thought I was an idiot. I worked so hard simply to distract myself from everything else. But suddenly, teachers, and even management in the school, took real interest in me. They persuaded me to apply for Oxbridge. Academia was all I had. I didn’t really have any friends. And so it became my identity. I applied for Oxbridge. I was ‘the smartest girl in the year’. Mostly, that was a heavy badge to wear- I had the p*ss taken out of me pretty mercilessly, and jealous girls were especially cruel. It sounds so pretentious saying all of this. But it’s true, that’s what I became. Going to Cambridge became my dream. I visited, and it was gorgeous. It was the promise of something better- people I could relate to, who shared an interest with me in the world around me that no one else seemed to. I’m sure now that it was a fantasy; I never would have fitted in. But at the time, it was real. I went to a lecture there, and spoke to the lecturer at the end. I was excited, I was inspired, I was brimming with potential. The lecturer was impressed. My teachers were impressed. I went to the interview, and I could feel the positive reaction from the two academics in my second interview. In the first interview, I was more grilled. And in the entrance exam, my confidence really faltered. But the college I applied to shared my name. Everyone seemed to believe I was perfect for it, even my teacher that studied there. It was meant to be. And I made the fatal mistake; I dared to hope, I dared to believe. I never told anyone else that, I was too ashamed. Even then, at my most confident, I was still afraid to express my belief that someone like me would be allowed in.
Inevitably, I was rejected. I’d got so far. Past the initial application. Past the exams. Past the interview. All the way to the Winter Pool- the college was even ready to offer me a place, if it had been big enough. If, if, if. I was not good enough. And I was crushed. I don’t think I’ve ever recovered, if I’m completely honest. The thought occurred to me this morning, at about 2:36. That rejection shattered the self confidence I had finally managed to build, in those few months. My identity was false. I had built my foundations on academic attainment, and I should have known better- arbitrary measurements like that, from a broken and elitist system, were never the right choice to construct myself upon. But I was heartbroken. I had dared to believe that kids with disabilities, from a state school background, and generally f*cked up by the whole institution, could earn themselves a place. I would be the first in my mum’s line to go to university. And not only that, the best university. Studying there for me was so symbolic, for so many reasons. But eventually, I’d buckled under the pressure, and I just wasn’t quite good enough. Despite all the hard work I’d invested, for years, with no help, and rarely even the support of my teachers. That loss has cost me in all of my academic endeavours ever since- I nearly missed my offers for my other unis, and I’ve never felt confident at university. And never again will I believe in fate. Our lives are determined by luck. If you find something precious, hold onto it, and never, ever let go.
The university application experience had much more far reaching impacts for me though. It revealed to me the inherent unfairness of our education system, but also our society. No matter how hard you try, the system is against you. I am disenchanted, disillusioned. I see the mess of our current political system, the hurt and suffering around the world, the conflict, the greed, the corruption... and I am numb. Sometimes I’m so angry, I want to punch a wall. I ball up my fists and clench my toes and set my jaw, and listen to angry music. Other times I want to curl up in a ball, and cry and cry. And maybe it will all wash over me. But I cannot make change, and I cannot make myself blind either. Instead, I am just a witness. I used to believe that I would go into politics. I’d make a change from the inside. But who am I kidding? They’d never let me in. I care, but I don’t manipulate. I shake and stutter when I’m afraid. I am forgetful. I think I care too much. I would be chewed up and spat out by the political system. I feel directionless. What is the point? I used to find solace in my books; now they are part of my disenchantment. It damaged me in so many ways. But I have to see the positives. Though painful, the awareness of this unfairness means I would be better able to make a change. The disappointment, the hurt, the bitterness- it could all be channeled somehow. And even if not, I coped. I got on with it. I still went to a good uni, despite everything that happened. Hopefully, by the end of it all, I will be employable. I will have potential. I have so many options of what to do with my life in the future. Most importantly though, despite my uni experience thus far not being what I’ve hoped for, it did introduce me to my boyfriend. We are specks of dust caught in a changeable wind, and somehow, we were blown to each other. It will all be worth it for that; we will figure out our future together.
I really am trying to come to terms with all of the shit that weighs me down. I am trying to change my outlook. I have the support and love of some very precious people. I will get better. I don’t want to be a victim anymore. I want to be a survivor. My teenage suffering is behind me, forever.
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knightavery · 4 years ago
pre existing condition life insurance
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pre existing condition life insurance
pre existing condition life insurance policy, you may not need a medical exam because of your health problems, including diabetes or heart disease. Life insurance medical exams only reveal a range of possible . This may include: If you do not want life insurance, you can go with because it offers only a term life policy, while a whole life would provide a guaranteed coverage amount. But whole life policies and/or permanent life insurance policies have a shorter duration, making them not suitable for all types of applicants. Whole life insurance also usually costs more than a term policy and many life insurers only give up to a few years worth of coverage. Life insurance companies who refuse to issue life insurance policies after the age of 60 tend to cover more deaths, so you may not have a significant debt when you’re 60 instead of 64. Even though life insurance may not pay out if you die in one of two ways: (1) you are diagnosed with a terminal illness or (2). pre existing condition life insurance policy. Life insurance companies do not charge a single death benefit based on health questions. The for young applicants is the same for all age groups. The insurance company wants to understand the insured. They want to make sure it is more cost effective to carry a policy. These are the key traits of a good life insurance policy: With only the health issue part of this product to sell, it is a good to start and you can use this product in place of your current insurance policy. Most of the time when applying for life insurance, the insurance company asks you whether you have any medical problems. So to sell a policy now, why are you paying too much? The insurance rate for your policy is based on the health of this person and the age. It is also different from your employer’s policy. A good way to compare the cost of your life insurance policy and your current coverage is to choose the best life insurance policy for yourself because if your current policy is too expensive it would. pre existing condition life insurance coverage – The cost of your life insurance policy is based on a number of different factors, in which policy factors include age, sex, and coverage amount. Your insurance provider is also concerned with your health status – if you have health conditions that can make it difficult for them to insure you, in most cases you can expect to pay more depending on which form of life insurance you choose. For example, a smoker may pay more than a non-smoker on life insurance, while a carrier may deny a claim based on a smoking class of smoker. In the next section, we re explaining . Many life insurance policies give a limited coverage amount in the $250,000 to $500,000 range with no medical exam. For instance, if your policy value is $100,000 it will pay only $25,000. If you have a $100,000 health condition and are interested in a $250,000 life insurance policy, you can expect to pay $125 per month. The.
Cutting the cost of life insurance with medical conditions
Cutting the cost of life insurance with medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, can significantly lower the price. Insuring the highest-income and most common types of debt will be more expensive than the low-income and least effective forms of payment. One way to qualify under this coverage is based upon an inability to pay your current insurance premiums on time as well as debt service levels. If you cannot pay those premiums, or if your debt will increase for the majority of your lifetime, your debt coverage will likely not help you save for your family s needs. If your family lacks a large amount of income to cover the entirety of your loan, it helps to be able to save on their insurance costs. If you have an annual income of $75,000 or above, you would still get paid by insurance only by about 3 percent of your annual income. While that doesn’t seem like a lot to put in context, what if there isn t a huge amount of income or any additional obligations to them? An insurance policy will.
Will an insurance company write to my doctor?
Will an insurance company write to my doctor? What can I do? Do they pay? Can I buy a policy if they don t pay me? My daughter needs life insurance? If you live in a state where life insurance is required by law, you have a legal obligation to have it. If you can live without the insurance and the costs of living in the state can be significant, you can take steps to reduce the cost of insurance. Before you apply for life insurance because insurance is an essential part of maintaining peace of mind, here are some things you should do. Your spouse will likely need life insurance as well. If you are able to pay a higher life insurance premium, you might be able to get a policy and keep it for a longer period of time. You should take steps to prevent this from happening. If your spouse lives with you, then you should take out a living invitation to get life insurance. In most states, a Living Invitation is an online.
Types of Life Insurance – What do you want it for?
Types of Life Insurance – What do you want it for? It’s a question that may have been asked many times that you are asking yourself if you’re getting the most benefit for your life insurance policy, that’s a good question. I’ll help you review your options. But, there are several other reasons why you are wondering, can we get life insurance at the best price? Life insurance rates change year after year depending on how long you’ve been paying it. You can easily shop around or purchase one or more policies to make sure you’re getting the most for your money. When it comes to going through a life insurance company, there is a lot of options to select from. If you want to know if you are getting the most beneficial benefit for your life insurance, then you’ll need to do some research. Now let’s look at some of the options that you might be thinking about taking out a life insurance plan for. If you are looking to purchase life insurance.
Can I get life insurance with a pre-existing medical condition?
Can I get life insurance with a pre-existing medical condition? First of all, you will need to be a resident of the U.S. and have a valid visa to apply for a life insurance policy. This would be the insurance company, for example, that you purchase your insurance in the U.S. from Canada, the U.K. or Taiwan. The U.S. visa to become a U.S. resident will require that you be a U.S citizen with a medical condition, such as COPD, diabetes, or HIV if you are a non-US citizen. You can buy temporary and permanent life insurance for the same price as permanent insurance. Depending on your age, you may be able to buy additional insurance policies with different companies. Here are a few options: If your health is serious enough, you may qualify for coverage through the United States government’s National Endowment Program. An active duty military, and a post-retirement health insurance need life insurance in the United States in order to be eligible for.
How much does life insurance cost with a pre-existing medical condition?
How much does life insurance cost with a pre-existing medical condition? The average cost of a $1,500,000 policy is $250 per month for a 30-year-old male and $175 per month or $1,250 for a female. There is no standard, rolling price. The average cost for $250,000 life insurance is $250 for a 30-year-old male and $200 for a female. The $50,000 to $250,000 price is $150 per month if the insured is a female and $200 for a male. The age of the insured and coverage amount will also be taken into consideration. A 45-year-old male would receive 100% of the coverage amount and a 100% of his premium amount. As a result, premiums are the most affordable price with a 50-year-old male, who is on track to receive a comparable premium. The age of the insured and insured amount will also be taken into consideration. A 55-year-old man or a 69-year-.
Getting Affordable Life Insurance with a Pre-Existing Condition
Getting Affordable Life Insurance with a Pre-Existing Condition? The short answer. Even if your health is better than when you first signed up for a policy, you may still end up paying more than you would if you purchased from an agent. This isn’t always the most surprising and frustrating part of selling a life insurance policy; your agent works hard to sell you the best product at a competitive price. However, it’s important to realize that a policy sold this way isn’t always intended to be your best policy. If you still aren’t satisfied with the offer, there is a chance the agent can take advantage of you while you’re selling the policy with some serious aggression. In many cases, an agent can push or even push on you, whether to encourage you to go elsewhere or just to keep your offer coming. A good agent can make sure that you stay loyal if you don’t think you’re going to be able to keep your offer. For example, when an offer.
What information will I need to give to my insurer?
What information will I need to give to my insurer? If your car insurance is to be used in your event, you won t be able to choose a certain deductible amount, so you ll have to pay that money into the account, instead of deducting the deductible portion on your car insurance. If you don t want to pay a deductible, and because of that you ll not be covered by your insurance company. The key here is that you know exactly how much the deductible will be, and if it s excessive or you re not a good candidate to get the best deal, you can still get the best coverage possible via your personal vehicle insurance. In this article, I m going to cover the best insurance for drivers who pose a higher risk of crash. I am very pleased with the service we are able to offer. Our agency can provide a very large scale service as well as the service you will deserve, especially if you have an accident. It s an.
Types of life insurance
Types of life insurance A life insurance policy is an agreement between the owner of the policy and the insurer on the premium amount payable. These agreements are also known as “term arrangements” in insurance industry terms. This type of policy is especially beneficial if you have young children, if you live in a nursing care facility and are a frequent user of tobacco. This type of policy is usually most suitable if you are young, but you can also obtain life insurance protection if your children get into a car accident, then a disability settlement is a policy that helps provide a monthly disability payment on your life insurance policy. It has the ability to earn interest on your cash reserves, and there are special bonuses to it. The company of the policy pays the interest on your behalf and pays a dividend of the policy as part of the cash benefit that is paid to you. The cash benefit can be used to help reduce premiums paid by other drivers or customers of the policy. Depending on the insurance company of your policy, you.
Getting the best price for your life insurance
Getting the best price for your life insurance. From low rates to awesome customer service. From auto insurance discounts to top-notch customer service, we will make sure that you are receiving the best premium on your car insurance policy. All it takes is a little time and effort. In order to get the best rate possible on your car insurance policy, it needs to be simple. We do this by comparing rates of different companies using a case study. Our agent will be able to show you how to save time on your car insurance policy by doing so in order to make sure that you choose the best rate possible. It’s not just your responsibility to get your vehicle in order, but to also make sure that you are getting the most from your auto insurance policy anyhow that you decide. Most drivers have been using the same car insurance that used to be your home. You may be on the fence about whether it’s worth it to change to a cheaper insurance policy, or whether it’s worth going that route.
What questions will insurers ask?
What questions will insurers ask? You ll learn about the best questions to ask as you get ready to buy. Are you looking for a low-cost term life insurance policy? If you ve already purchased a cheap term life insurance policy with , you may be considering making your first monthly payment to protect your finances, which means you may be faced with a small down payment compared to a great to insure your future children or , , or . If you purchase a term life insurance policy online, you can get a quote before signing so you start your term policy. You can also go through an online payments calculator, with online products available for many companies, to secure the payment you need and how much of it you want. There are many types of life insurance options for consumers, because they re based solely on price. But not all types of life insurance and policy offerings are created equal. There are many types of coverage for consumers, and there s more to consider than just the price of your premiums. In addition to health and financial.
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asfeedin · 5 years ago
Unemployed? Watch This 21-Year Old’s Ingenious “Hire Me” Video Feat. Star Wars Action Figures
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College Senior Brandon Yoon created a clever Star Wars video that arrests potential employers’ … [+] attention
Brandon Yoon
Like every professor in the world, I’m teaching my Spring UC Santa Barbara startup courses remotely. My office hours are now conducted via Zoom, which can be a challenge, given that I’m teaching over 400 students this quarter.
Not surprisingly, our office hours’ time has been consumed by questions related to, “How To Get A Job In A Pandemic.” Recruiting is a normal topic during the Spring quarter, as many of my students are graduating and those remaining at the university are seeking summer internships. However, in the midst of a pandemic, students’ anxiety and fears are amplified exponentially.
I remind my students that great companies are always hiring great people, irrespective of exogenous conditions. Thus, their task is to grab their target company’s attention and convey, in very specific terms, their passion to join their team and the value they will add. They must express their enthusiasm in a memorable and unconventional manner, without coming across as zany or unprofessional.
Standout – Be Different
During office hours last week, I discussed several ways a recruit can differentiate themselves from their competition, including making a brief video.
One of my star students, graduating Senior Brandon Yoon, took on this challenge and crafted a highly engaging and creative video which articulates why he wants to become an Academic Advisor within UCLA’s Political Science Department. You can watch his ingenious 2:00 minute video below.
Brandon initially attempted to film a video of himself speaking into the camera. However, this approach was stilted, causing him to come across as ill at ease. Per Brandon, “After an hour of failed attempts, I realized that this just wasn’t going to work. I was laughing at how ridiculous I looked trying to endorse myself so seriously. So instead, I decided to try something different that can be more enjoyable for everyone to watch.”
As an alternative, he took the script he created for his “talking head” video and used it as a voiceover to a stop-action animated video, starring Star Wars action figures.
He opens the video by saying, “I’m a soon-to-graduate student from UC Santa Barbara. I’m really excited to be applying for this position within UCLA’s political science department. Here are three valuable traits I have to offer as a future advisor.”
He goes on to describe three characteristics he possesses which lend themselves to success as an academic adviser: Adaptability, Active Listening and Initiative. Rather than just stating his traits, he reinforces them with concrete examples. After watching the video, I don’t see how a recruiter wouldn’t take the time to interview Brandon.
It took Brandon about four days to make the video. “Animating and editing took much patience, of course, but filmmaking is always a creative process I enjoy. The first day of planning was the most difficult though, because I was just imagining everything in my head and committing to the idea itself. I was thinking about things like ‘Why am I making this? Will my potential employers understand my humor? What if they just think I’m incredibly strange?’”
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Brandon created his video without special equipment or training
Brandon Yoon
You don’t need any particulars skills or equipment to emulate Brandon’s approach, other than a smartphone, free video editing software and a lot of patience. Brandon explained that his “training” was a third grade, “Stop Motion Filmmaking summer camp… There was just something delightful about seeing mundane and inanimate objects come to life and express human-like personality. People definitely don’t need expensive equipment to make their own unique videos. As long as they are enjoying themselves and using their creative imagination, anyone can make an interesting film. If you have fun while making it, then it’ll be worth it no matter what.”
Clearly Brandon’s use of action figures might be too whimsical for certain positions. However, given that he is young, and his prospective job involves working with young people, the tone and sentiment of his video is congruent with the job he is seeking.
Other Recruiting Tips In A Pandemic
Make Meaning – One of the most common job search mistakes applicants make, seems intuitive. They believe that the more companies they reach out to, the better their odds of securing a position. In fact, this is the opposite approach you should take.
Determining why you want to work at a prospective employer is the most important step in your job search process. Rather than sending your resume to a slew of companies that you don’t know well, select five to ten companies whose mission speaks to you. If you believe in the ways a company is changing the world for the better, it will be easy for you to express an authentic desire to join their team. Go to school on these “target companies,” learning everything you can. This will differentiate you from your peers during the interview process.
Certifications – Once the virus subsides, expect employers to ask you, “What did you during your corona-staycation.” Many people, especially students, currently have more discretionary time, as evidenced by the doubling of the average U.S. consumer’s daily content viewing, from four hours, to eight (source: OnePoll’s recent survey of 2,000 viewers).
You can increase your marketability by applying your free time to augment your professional skills and knowledge. To this end, there are a number of free / nearly-free online certifications.
Select subjects which relate most closely to your intended career field. For instance, if you’re interested in sales, become proficient with Salesforce by accessing the company’s Trialhead materials. Interested in marketing? Google and the HubSpot Academy offer a number of free courses and certifications.
Similar accreditations are available for ubiquitous software solutions, such as Oracle, Microsoft, Adobe and SAP, though not all are free. If you’re not sure which tech tools your target companies are using, HG Insights offers a free chrome plugin that lists companies’ tech solutions. <Note: I’m on HG Insights’ Board>
Lifelong Learning – If your career does not lend itself to accreditations, you can still enhance your marketability by taking free, online courses. If you want to learn a bit about coding, consider the Khan Academy and Codeacademy. You can also take general courses through Cousera,
Avoid Gatekeepers – In the best of times, it can be challenging to capture the attention of a target company. During a pandemic, it can be nearly impossible, especially if you utilize conventional methods, such as approaching a company’s human resources department.
Instead, contact the potential hiring manager directly. The most effective way to gain their attention is to get a reference from a current or former employee. Do this by reaching out to such folks via LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Ask them if they can give you 15-minutes on the phone (or a quick coffee in non-pandemic conditions). If you can establish a comfortable rapport, they might even agree to introduce you to your target hiring manager via email. At the very least, you will gain valuable insights about the target company’s culture, your potential boss and other information that will prove useful once you begin the interview process.
Brandon submitted his application to UCLA, with a link to the video, a few days ago. He hasn’t heard back yet, but to hedge his bets, he’s in the process of making additional “hire Me” videos, saying, “I will most definitely continue experimenting with animation techniques when applying for future jobs! To me, the most important thing is for potential employers to catch a glimpse of my personality. If I have genuine reasons for wanting to work with them, I want them to see why they should value me as a future team member as well.”
I wish Brandon and all the other 2020 college graduates around the world, tremendous success in launching their post-college careers in this challenging environment.
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Tags: 21Year, action, Feat, Figures, finding job pandemic, Hire, Ingenious, job recruiting, Olds, out of work, pandemic job search, star, unemployed, Video, Wars, watch
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kendrixtermina · 8 years ago
Extra Typology Vol #3 - Part 9, A: The Leisurely Style (Basics)
This would be the quintessential “Type B” individual - sure, they’ll fulfill their obligations & put in whatever share of work is needed to have a solid living, but once that is done, they feel that they have the right to their personal pursuit of hapiness & see that as the area of life where the “worthwhile” stuff happens - That this is where life is & that the other part is the drudgery you do for the sake of your life.  
They feel that they have a right to their “me time” and while they might fill it with anything from plain chillaxing to hobbies to creative pursuits, it’s important to them that they are guranteed this opportunity, and though  they are generally easygoing, they will vigorously defend their right to do their own thing & have their time & space.
This seems to be vaguely 9w8, the Phlegmatic Temperament or the Ne-Si axis.
(Funnily enough I never thought of this as any sort of distinct trait, perhaps because it’s the most common one in my makeup - I always just assumed this is simply “everyone to some degre/default/common sense/normal people” which, in hindsight, seems to hold the implicit assumption that type A people are “weird” Sorry.  ^^° Well, at least I am now less stupid than I was before reading this book so yay for this book. Guess this just shows how we’re all vulnerable to & should be on the lookout for that type of thinking, as we’re all ordinary or unusual in some ways.)
The Six Domains
The first priority for the Leisurely style is the inviolable independence of the self - The implicit idea that they have the intrinsic right to be who they are, to feel good, and to pursue their own pleasures and concepts in their own way - and that no person or institution has any business “meddling” or taking those rights away from then - They can be said to have a more fluent connection to the basic, default value of human existence. 
If a Conscientious person will define themselves & others through their work, Leisurely people are more likely to see their indentity as related to their hobbies and, as a corollary, will tend to ask others “What are you into?” instead and believe in their inalienable right to use their personal time however they choose. 
Unlike some of the more emotional “scattered” types they can operate quite well within systems such as the family, the workplace, the community... indeed those outer complexes are necessary to fulfill their needs, but they do not identify with or feel a need to cater to any outer authorities and generally don’t have a pronounced superego or any of the associated heavy self-critical burdens. - They’re aware of their obligations, but after meeting them - including those to their family - the Leisurely person will turn to what they see as “the things that really matter”: The pursuit of their private pleasure in life, be it sports, art, contemplating nature or watching TV with a beer in hand. 
Unlike, say, Self-Confident types who feel that they are inherently special, better and closer to the center of the universe than most others, Leisurely people perceive that, along with everybody else, they are small cogs in the cosmic wheel - and that’s okay with them. Leisurely folks are usually comfortable with themselves - but even small cogs are entitled to lucky breaks - which is how Leisurely people perceive the diference between the have and the have-nots. 
Most of all, they feel entitled to be happy and claim this right vigorously - Leisurely individuals will not enslave themselves to anyone or anything, or substitute anybody else’s values for their own - they might have a role to play, a job to do, services to perform etc. but they are individual and separate, subject to their own dictates - they’re willing to do their part, but beyond that, they reserve the right to feel good privately. 
This same central attitude extends not just to work but also to their relationships, with the result that these can only work under a premise of “You don’t own me.” or contain a certain ambivalence -  Don’t misunderstand: People who have this as their dominant style are deeply entwined with other people - they’re family oriented and comfortable in groups. They like or even need to be taken care of and enter into relationships easily. 
At the same time, they are, like Vigilant types, vaguely suspicious of others, especially people in authority - Leisurely types lowkey  expect others to ask too much of them. But while Vigilant people stand emotionally clear of people until they are certain their autonomy is assured, Leisurely individuals have a much greater immediate need of companionship - as well as a foolproof defense against being ill-used: If anyone asks them to sacrifice their self-determination, they’ll simply refuse -  they are frequently skilled at saying no and will always be protective of their individual freedom.
They’re not the sort to change themselves or a lifestyle they are satisfied with for the sake of a relationship, and if that means the relationship has to stop, they can generally accept that, seeing little sense in trying to win back an ex-partner who has clearly proven incompatible with their life an not likely to be happy with them - that said, they do care about their relationships & are likely to experience emotional pain when their desires conflict with those of their loved ones - they’ll usually go their own way in the endbut not without a lot of soul-searching in the end. 
It’s not uncommon for people with this style to be read as lazy by those who don’t share their values, but that’s a misunderstanding: Not too different from archiever-types they’re dividing up their time according to what they want but what they want isn’t recognition or fancy stuff but to have a significant portion of their time to use as they please without outside encumbrance - they’re generally not rebels, mavericks, angrily defiant indvidals or anything of the sort: They won’t yell  or argue when asked to do something they consider far beyond their duties - they’ll simply refuse. 
They might simply not want or value the same things as their type A friends/partners & not find it as important that this or that is done - sometimes with the result that the other person feels obliged to do it & ends up comlaining about having to do all the work when the Leisurely person never asked or expected them to.
To a Leisurely person, work and moneymaking are generally a means, not the end. They’re the sort to look at their employment as “just a job” rather than a career or vocation. 
Because they generally work not for fame or sucess, but simply to pay bills, get a pension, finance their pursuit of pleasure and maybe have fun, they generally won’t take work home, don’t worry about it after hours, won’t do work that they see as outside their responsibility & won’t do more than what is asked of them to please the boss or feel better about themselves - they feel just fine. 
They can be good, cooperative workers & are quite capable of fulfilling the requirements and taking pride in what they do, but they don’t find the meaning of their life in their work and won’t let themselves be pushed around by someone who does - However, they might not necessarily see how their apparent lack of ambition might account for receiving less approval, encouragement or reward that their coworkers who do go the extra mile and may resent another person’s success as unjustified.
That said, individuals with a mixed pattern containing traits like Conscientious or Self-Conscious do manage to find pleasure somewhere in the workplace - some may be able to mix pleasure and business, which is probably the easiest to accomplish in creative work - others may enjoy some aspects of their work and procrastinate on others, or find something incidental to their work that they actually enjoy (such as the office sports team) - they can do very good work and stand a lot of tedium but the job is rarely going to be the central focus of their lives. They work slowly & comfortably and won’t rush to beat the clock, or to make an unreasonable deadline.
This may annoy the occasional supervisor or boss because people in authority generally expect their employees and subordinates to share their values & dedication to the project even though they ‘ll be getting a smaller share of the rewards, but the Leisurely person may reply that they’re not paid to photocopy bills or work past five, in short, that whatever extra stuff is being demanded is “not their job”, and they will certainly resist being exploited - 
Leisurely types are at least mildly suspicious of authority in the workplace - they expect that the boss will want more than they are willing to give - which often proves true, especially when the job has no precise description, or when the boss is highly Conscientious, Self-Confident, Agressive or Serious. Leisurely individuals attempt to fulfill their obligations, but might feel ill-used if their supervisors or colleagues do not accept this as sufficient - if the boss asks them to do more or to work faster, they might begin to feel that they are being treated unfairly - in general, Leisurely individuals are very aware of their rights. Fair is fair, and anything else is exploitation - as such, they won’t hesitate to make use of such rights (like take off all the days they’re allowed to) and, for that, may be
While the promise of extra pay is usually not enough to tempt them to stay longer, being compensated with extra free time later on might actually do the trick - and if a Leisurely person happens to be self-employed, they’ll have much the same attitude toward authority and won’t let their clients make unreasonable demands of them. 
In terms of emotional dynamics, Leisurely individuals often fall into the phlegmatic temperament (or possibly SanPhleg if extroverted), or, as Oldham puts it, reminiscent of Lizards basking in the sun: They’re placid, patient, slow-moving, mellow and not likely to get upset. 
Even when they’re angry, (usually because of real or perceived unfairness) they tend to be indirect about it and avoid head-on confrontation - instead they’ll sulk, assign blame elsewhere, act grouchy & sullen and half-heartedly neglect the tasks others want them to do, or act all scattered & procrastinatey until... ooops! The deadline has passed, basically doing a bad job so that they won’t be asked to do it again. 
 As a side effect of the above orientation toward chill, they tend to avoid things that might disrupt their “flow” - which might lead them to put off onerous tasks such as word deadlines, taxes, bill paying, christmas shopping etc. to the last minute. 
Apart from that though, their self-control is actually fairly good (just used for their piorities) - a halfway healthy individual is not driven to excesses, though many little indulgences can backfire by adding up, leading one to damage their health out of sheer habit from too much sugar, booze etc. 
To people in which this style is predominant, the world is a fairly straightforward place, if populated with a lot of folks who claim authority over others and would have you working all the time on unimportant tasks - Leisurely individuals have a built-in immunity to these claims because they can see that work is only a part of what there is in life. 
They protect their identities by keeping a low profile, fulfilling only those obligations to the system that they must, wishing for a stroke of good luck (to which they feel as entitled as the next guy) and then concentrating on what they really want to do with their time, or, as they call it, the real life. 
Life Choices
Predominantly Leisurely types are rarely found above mid-management, because they’re not that ambitious in their careers - they don’t want to devote themselves to getting ahead, don’t care about working hard enough to make tons of money and are very reluctant to make the kinds of sacrifices on their personal time that the fast track demands. 
Since Leisurely individuals often work for the same company, agency or military branch, they may rise to mid-management levels over the years - as managers, they expect of their subordinates what they expect of themselves: A day’s work for a day’s pay. They don’t push anybody too hard, but they do expect their staffs to follow the rules and not make life difficult for them. They’re not particularly creative or motivating managers, but in the beaurocracies that they find themselves in, they fit right in & allow the wheels to keep turning without rocking the boat. 
Job Recomendations
If this is your primary style (and you were unlucky enough not to be born rich), im for a good ‘ol 9-to-5 job in which you know exactly what is expected of you - Since people of your style like their challenges primarily outside the workplace, look for a secure job that offers good pensions & benefits (teacher, city hall clerk, civil service, union shops etc.) and avoid jbs where a lot of initiaive is required (eg. lawyer)
Be aware, however, that those more interested & invested in the job may receive more encouragement and rewards. While you might see self-employment as a way to ensure that you have sufficient time to yourself flexible working conditions, it might be a bit of a trap if you can’t muster the necessary self-discipline or switch from work to play - You might have better chances if you have traits of a more ‘disciplined’ style,  but it can also be hard to reconcile those two sides of yourself, as such traits can be in conflict inside a single individual as much as in society at large - A solution might be to become a consultant or freelancer, to combine pleasure & work by finding a job you enjoy (eg. creative work), or, you can try to focus on archievement while you’re young & kick back later once you’ve secured a foundation of cash and ressources. 
Stress Sources
Perhaps as a result of maing their lives very comfortable, they’re rarely ever tense & generally don’t end up with stress or anxiety related problems - they tend to be emotionally even, but with one important exception: When they’re pushed to do more than they think is fair, or when someone pressures them to change their priorities - such situations would represent the primary souces of stress for a Leisurely individual. 
In response they feel drawn to do things the other person’s way, but then react by resisting in a more demonstrative way, which can go from guiltily going along with it for a while to lowkey hostile, complainy passive-agressive behavior. If others keep insisting, the Leisurely person will indignantly justify their behavior and even try to rally others to their side. 
If left alone to do their thing, it doesn’t take much for them to find emotional comfort - they don’t really need any great things to be satisfied, just a little bit of chill time - ultimately this is a slow, easy, pleasure-seeking style. Hapiness can come just from sitting in front of the TV with a bag of chips - but if their relationships with mates and supervisors are constantly strained by arguments, sourness may become their primary attitude. 
Generally speaking, Leisurely parents make for responsible breadwinners who are concerned with their children’s basic needs - their family life is an important source of pleasure for them and generally very important - they have a gift for enjoying themselves and can share in their children’s lives more memorably when they are all having a plain old wonderful time. 
However, there can be a tendency t believe that what is best for them is also generally best for their children & they do not generally go out of their way to adapt to their children’s needs and wants if those are different from their own - they can be sort of old-fashioned. That said, they are usually not inflexible and will bend if someone can get through to them that they must.
In the maladaptive extremes, though, such a parent may refuse to comprehend that their children may have different needs than the one they assume and end up being remebered as a stubborn & selfish person more comcerned with their own comfort than the child’s welfare.
Romantic Compatibility
Strongly Leisurely people need mates who are accepting, understanding and giving nd are content to orbit around them - they won’t put the needs of the relationship first and will only go so far to please others, except when it comes to brief acts of contrition - that said, they do value their relationships, like being cared for and all will be well if their partners don’t mind the responsibility of keeping the relationship together and doing a little more of the chores. Then, they will prove to be responsive, appreciative, loyal and loving mates.
(A/N:  Alternatively, try someone who gives just as little fucks about excessive neatfreakery as you do - worked just fine for me on 2 separate occasions. Or, have some arrangement along the lines of “the living room stays clear but my desk my rules”. I personally prefer not to burden or embarass another person with my dirty dishes - can we agree that neither partner should have to twist themselves into a pretzel?)
A strong degree of either the Devoted or Self-Sacrificing style might be conductive to a harmonic match as those will usually be able to tolerate the Leisurely person’s fundamental self-interest while providing a warm & caring quality
Those with with pronounced Conscientious traits should look elsewhere though - Chances are they’ll have a hard time understanding or accepting each other’s approach to life. While they might get together due to the Leisurely type’s appreciation for the Conscientious ability to take care of things, this pairing very often turns very sour in the long run -  Neither style is good at compromizing and both wants stuff done their way.
For similar reasons, the Self-Confident style is probably out - their “high standards”/”ongoing archievements” approach tends to clash with the Leisurely style’s “work until content & then chill” MO, and the Self-Confident partner will tend to expect concessions that Leisurely types are unwilling to give
They often feel comfortable with Vigilant types as they both mistrust authority - the Vigilant person will typically be responsible and make fallback plans in case the Leisurely person mucks it up.
Two Leisurely people will generally respect & understand each others’ rights, but as they like to be taken care of it might help if one of them had a tad of Devoted or Self-Sacrificing style in them - also, someone needs to step forward & take charge when less desirable things need doing so it would depend on the exact “trait coctail” of the people involved. 
Serious mates may provide a sense of resigned responsibility that can keep the relationship together - even if the Serious partner feels put upon, they don’t necessarily expect life to be all fun & games. They will likely support a highly Leisurely person’s belief that those who have it better ust got lucky, as well as their passive wishfulness and sourish attitude - they might not necessarily be able to share in the Leisurely person’t pleasures, but they certainly won’t keep them from pursuing them. 
They will generally not be comfortable with emotionally demanding styles such as Dramatic or Mercurial
Relationships with Sensitive types might well work, but the Leisurely type should take care to be there for the Sensitive when they need suppor with personal challenges
Like the Leisurely style, the Adventurous style is pleasure seeking, but they tend to break the rules rather than stay within them & play ball, so forget this match
Specific Issues
The Leisurely Style vs. Housework
Since their free time is their main source of joy in their lives, Leisurely people need a lot of time to themselves - Even if they’re the local homemakers. In that case the house will be presentable enough, the meals good if not elaborate (unless cooking is one of their hobbies), but nothing will be particularly well kept, prepared or organized.
Taking care of a home & family is one of the more demanding jobs out there so it may be a good thing if the Leisurely individual knows how to set their limits, but they may run into problems if their mate doesn’t think of housework as “real” work & sees their need to have a break from it and entertain themselves as self-indulgent. 
On the other hand, if the Leisurely mate is the one who works outside the home, they may mistakenly assume that their at-home partner didn’t have much to do all day & not be inclined to pitch in after they “did their due” on a long day of work (it’s easy to see how being raised with certain cultural expectation of what one’s “share” of the work constitutes can be unhelpful here ^^°)
In general, they treasure their non-work hours too much to give up too much of them for chores, especially if there’s other family members whom they feel could and/or should take care of it. 
Success isn’t Everything
Leisurely-style people can be found in virtually all manner of careers, including, say, Chemistry professors, but rarely on top of any, which is fine by them - Since their overall comfort in life comes from how they enjoy themselves away from work, they rarely devote the time or  push that hard.
A pitfall of the Leisurely type may be that some for whom the trait is very pronounced may drift off course or lose direction in their life, but this needn’t happen - generally they can and do make good lifes for themselves (according to their own priorities) even if others may say that they haven’t done as well as they “should” have. For example, they might pass up a prestigious job for one that is secure and easy-going & be happy with their life as it is, doing the things they do, and will prefer doing activities they actually like (be it at work or at home) rather than squeezing the maximum potential out of everything. 
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whorchataaa · 5 years ago
Is Asperger’s Your Superpower?
Do you think maybe you have some of the characteristics of people with autism? Did your score on the Autism Quiz on this site suggest that you might be autistic? Has someone suggested that your behaviors are a little or a lot unusual might be “spectrumy”? Are you worried that having autism can be stigmatizing or that it makes you crazy? Not so fast. Get the facts.
People with autism with average to high intelligence but who have difficulty with social skills used to be diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (named after the pediatrician who first characterized the condition in the 1940s). In the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), Asperger’s was merged and renamed, to be one form of the new “autism spectrum disorders” (ASD). But the term “Asperger’s” persists among many people who have called themselves “Aspies” for years. Why? Because, they feel that Aspergers emphasizes their positive attributes. Because it gives legitimacy to their less disabling form of autism and is therefore a route to getting services they need. It gives some of them a feeling of community and positive self-esteem. And it’s just plain easier to say than “I have autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability and needing Level 1 services.” For that reason alone, “Aspie” is probably not going to go out of the vocabulary of those who identify with it.
Having autism as part of your make-up can be a gift, but to discover the positives requires you to first accept yourself for who you are. Greta Thunberg, the young environmental crusader, has said “Aspergers is my superpower.” She is a voice for teens and adults with autism. She is also a model for self-acceptance.
Facts about Autism you should know:
A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder does not mean that you are defective or mentally ill. A diagnosis is only a starting point for helping a person and those who care for them to better understand who they are and what they might need to learn to navigate the neurotypical world. It is not a negative judgment on who you are.
Your autism doesn’t need to be cured. For decades, autism was seen through the lens of a medical model. It was classified as a disorder; something that needed to be cured. Despite the fact that it is still listed as a “disorder” in the DSM-5, it is now generally understood that it is a neurological difference, not a disease. Instead of looking at autism through the lens of deficits, psychologists look at it through a multidiversity model. People with autism can be very different from neurotypical people, it’s true. But if you have autism, you are a perfectly okay autistic person.
A diagnosis can be a relief. For some of my clients, having a diagnosis of autism has been a great relief. Having grown up confused within themselves and perhaps bullied by others for their differences, they have felt isolated and suffered low self esteem. The diagnosis helps them make sense of their personal history. Most important, it provides direction for what to do to become more connected with others and less critical of themselves.
You may wonder if maybe you only have a little bit of autism. It’s not true that some people are a little bit autistic, some a lot. Autism is not like sound, with a range from soft to loud. Autistic traits are better described as being on a wheel. An individual may have some traits but not others. Different traits are also expressed differently and to different degrees by different people. 
You are unique. There is a saying: “If you have met one person with autism you’ve only met one person with autism.” Every person on the autism spectrum is unique, with a unique set of strengths and a unique set of challenges. Your positive traits can balance any difficult ones. You are as special as the next person. 
You have positive traits: Yes, you are unique. But you may share some positive traits with others who are on the spectrum. People with autism are often reliable and extremely honest. They tend to be very accepting of others. They are persistent in their pursuit of something that interests them and therefore are able to see details and possibilities that neurotypicals sometimes can’t. They often have exceptional memories and an exceptional ability to attend to details. 
You are smart: Yes, you do have some challenges — usually in the area of social skills. The truth is that you are not that different from everyone else. Most people have to learn how to conform to at least some of the rituals, routines, and expected behaviors that help people get along. Neurotypical people develop those skills in the process of growing up. Such skills may not come so “naturally” to you. But you are smart! You’ve learned other things. You can learn these skills too. A therapist who specializes in ASD can give you the coaching you need to catch up. 
You may also need some help with anxiety. About 40% of young people with autism have at least one of the anxiety disorders. The good news is that it is treatable. You can work with a mental health professional to learn new ways to handle stress.
You are lovable: There are people in the world, both other people with autism and neurotypicals, who look for your special kind of intensity and intelligence. Look at the biographies of famous people who are said to be on the autism spectrum and you will find that most found friendships and romantic love.
You are in good company: Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla, Stanley Kubrick, and Daryl Hannah are frequently mentioned as being people with autism. Many university professors, researchers, IT specialists, award winning animators, and other particularly smart, innovative people are thought to be Aspies. Their intense, even obsessive, interest in one area made them the experts they are. 
Are you a person with autism? Embrace your superpower. Learn how to make it work for you. If you are uncertain or unsuccessful at work, in friendships, or in romantic relationships, get the coaching you need and deserve. You do not have to figure it out all on your own. 
Dr. Marie’s personal recommended reading list for adults with Aspergers:
Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life by Cynthia Kim 
Look me in the Eye: My Life with Autism by Jon Elder Robison (actually, all of his books are helpful)
Different Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism, Asperger’s, and ADHD by Temple Grandin
The Journal of Best Practices: A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man’s Quest to Be a Better Husband by David Finch
The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): A Guide to Living in an Intimate Relationship with a Partner who is on the Autism Spectrum Second Edition by Maxine Aston and Anthony Attwood
from https://ift.tt/2WyNrzQ Check out https://peterlegyel.wordpress.com/
0 notes
ashley-unicorn · 5 years ago
Is Asperger’s Your Superpower?
Do you think maybe you have some of the characteristics of people with autism? Did your score on the Autism Quiz on this site suggest that you might be autistic? Has someone suggested that your behaviors are a little or a lot unusual might be “spectrumy”? Are you worried that having autism can be stigmatizing or that it makes you crazy? Not so fast. Get the facts.
People with autism with average to high intelligence but who have difficulty with social skills used to be diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (named after the pediatrician who first characterized the condition in the 1940s). In the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), Asperger’s was merged and renamed, to be one form of the new “autism spectrum disorders” (ASD). But the term “Asperger’s” persists among many people who have called themselves “Aspies” for years. Why? Because, they feel that Aspergers emphasizes their positive attributes. Because it gives legitimacy to their less disabling form of autism and is therefore a route to getting services they need. It gives some of them a feeling of community and positive self-esteem. And it’s just plain easier to say than “I have autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability and needing Level 1 services.” For that reason alone, “Aspie” is probably not going to go out of the vocabulary of those who identify with it.
Having autism as part of your make-up can be a gift, but to discover the positives requires you to first accept yourself for who you are. Greta Thunberg, the young environmental crusader, has said “Aspergers is my superpower.” She is a voice for teens and adults with autism. She is also a model for self-acceptance.
Facts about Autism you should know:
A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder does not mean that you are defective or mentally ill. A diagnosis is only a starting point for helping a person and those who care for them to better understand who they are and what they might need to learn to navigate the neurotypical world. It is not a negative judgment on who you are.
Your autism doesn’t need to be cured. For decades, autism was seen through the lens of a medical model. It was classified as a disorder; something that needed to be cured. Despite the fact that it is still listed as a “disorder” in the DSM-5, it is now generally understood that it is a neurological difference, not a disease. Instead of looking at autism through the lens of deficits, psychologists look at it through a multidiversity model. People with autism can be very different from neurotypical people, it’s true. But if you have autism, you are a perfectly okay autistic person.
A diagnosis can be a relief. For some of my clients, having a diagnosis of autism has been a great relief. Having grown up confused within themselves and perhaps bullied by others for their differences, they have felt isolated and suffered low self esteem. The diagnosis helps them make sense of their personal history. Most important, it provides direction for what to do to become more connected with others and less critical of themselves.
You may wonder if maybe you only have a little bit of autism. It’s not true that some people are a little bit autistic, some a lot. Autism is not like sound, with a range from soft to loud. Autistic traits are better described as being on a wheel. An individual may have some traits but not others. Different traits are also expressed differently and to different degrees by different people. 
You are unique. There is a saying: “If you have met one person with autism you’ve only met one person with autism.” Every person on the autism spectrum is unique, with a unique set of strengths and a unique set of challenges. Your positive traits can balance any difficult ones. You are as special as the next person. 
You have positive traits: Yes, you are unique. But you may share some positive traits with others who are on the spectrum. People with autism are often reliable and extremely honest. They tend to be very accepting of others. They are persistent in their pursuit of something that interests them and therefore are able to see details and possibilities that neurotypicals sometimes can’t. They often have exceptional memories and an exceptional ability to attend to details. 
You are smart: Yes, you do have some challenges — usually in the area of social skills. The truth is that you are not that different from everyone else. Most people have to learn how to conform to at least some of the rituals, routines, and expected behaviors that help people get along. Neurotypical people develop those skills in the process of growing up. Such skills may not come so “naturally” to you. But you are smart! You’ve learned other things. You can learn these skills too. A therapist who specializes in ASD can give you the coaching you need to catch up. 
You may also need some help with anxiety. About 40% of young people with autism have at least one of the anxiety disorders. The good news is that it is treatable. You can work with a mental health professional to learn new ways to handle stress.
You are lovable: There are people in the world, both other people with autism and neurotypicals, who look for your special kind of intensity and intelligence. Look at the biographies of famous people who are said to be on the autism spectrum and you will find that most found friendships and romantic love.
You are in good company: Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla, Stanley Kubrick, and Daryl Hannah are frequently mentioned as being people with autism. Many university professors, researchers, IT specialists, award winning animators, and other particularly smart, innovative people are thought to be Aspies. Their intense, even obsessive, interest in one area made them the experts they are. 
Are you a person with autism? Embrace your superpower. Learn how to make it work for you. If you are uncertain or unsuccessful at work, in friendships, or in romantic relationships, get the coaching you need and deserve. You do not have to figure it out all on your own. 
Dr. Marie’s personal recommended reading list for adults with Aspergers:
Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life by Cynthia Kim 
Look me in the Eye: My Life with Autism by Jon Elder Robison (actually, all of his books are helpful)
Different Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism, Asperger’s, and ADHD by Temple Grandin
The Journal of Best Practices: A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man’s Quest to Be a Better Husband by David Finch
The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): A Guide to Living in an Intimate Relationship with a Partner who is on the Autism Spectrum Second Edition by Maxine Aston and Anthony Attwood
from https://ift.tt/2WyNrzQ Check out https://daniejadkins.wordpress.com/
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brentrogers · 5 years ago
Is Asperger’s Your Superpower?
Do you think maybe you have some of the characteristics of people with autism? Did your score on the Autism Quiz on this site suggest that you might be autistic? Has someone suggested that your behaviors are a little or a lot unusual might be “spectrumy”? Are you worried that having autism can be stigmatizing or that it makes you crazy? Not so fast. Get the facts.
People with autism with average to high intelligence but who have difficulty with social skills used to be diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (named after the pediatrician who first characterized the condition in the 1940s). In the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), Asperger’s was merged and renamed, to be one form of the new “autism spectrum disorders” (ASD). But the term “Asperger’s” persists among many people who have called themselves “Aspies” for years. Why? Because, they feel that Aspergers emphasizes their positive attributes. Because it gives legitimacy to their less disabling form of autism and is therefore a route to getting services they need. It gives some of them a feeling of community and positive self-esteem. And it’s just plain easier to say than “I have autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability and needing Level 1 services.” For that reason alone, “Aspie” is probably not going to go out of the vocabulary of those who identify with it.
Having autism as part of your make-up can be a gift, but to discover the positives requires you to first accept yourself for who you are. Greta Thunberg, the young environmental crusader, has said “Aspergers is my superpower.” She is a voice for teens and adults with autism. She is also a model for self-acceptance.
Facts about Autism you should know:
A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder does not mean that you are defective or mentally ill. A diagnosis is only a starting point for helping a person and those who care for them to better understand who they are and what they might need to learn to navigate the neurotypical world. It is not a negative judgment on who you are.
Your autism doesn’t need to be cured. For decades, autism was seen through the lens of a medical model. It was classified as a disorder; something that needed to be cured. Despite the fact that it is still listed as a “disorder” in the DSM-5, it is now generally understood that it is a neurological difference, not a disease. Instead of looking at autism through the lens of deficits, psychologists look at it through a multidiversity model. People with autism can be very different from neurotypical people, it’s true. But if you have autism, you are a perfectly okay autistic person.
A diagnosis can be a relief. For some of my clients, having a diagnosis of autism has been a great relief. Having grown up confused within themselves and perhaps bullied by others for their differences, they have felt isolated and suffered low self esteem. The diagnosis helps them make sense of their personal history. Most important, it provides direction for what to do to become more connected with others and less critical of themselves.
You may wonder if maybe you only have a little bit of autism. It’s not true that some people are a little bit autistic, some a lot. Autism is not like sound, with a range from soft to loud. Autistic traits are better described as being on a wheel. An individual may have some traits but not others. Different traits are also expressed differently and to different degrees by different people. 
You are unique. There is a saying: “If you have met one person with autism you’ve only met one person with autism.” Every person on the autism spectrum is unique, with a unique set of strengths and a unique set of challenges. Your positive traits can balance any difficult ones. You are as special as the next person. 
You have positive traits: Yes, you are unique. But you may share some positive traits with others who are on the spectrum. People with autism are often reliable and extremely honest. They tend to be very accepting of others. They are persistent in their pursuit of something that interests them and therefore are able to see details and possibilities that neurotypicals sometimes can’t. They often have exceptional memories and an exceptional ability to attend to details. 
You are smart: Yes, you do have some challenges — usually in the area of social skills. The truth is that you are not that different from everyone else. Most people have to learn how to conform to at least some of the rituals, routines, and expected behaviors that help people get along. Neurotypical people develop those skills in the process of growing up. Such skills may not come so “naturally” to you. But you are smart! You’ve learned other things. You can learn these skills too. A therapist who specializes in ASD can give you the coaching you need to catch up. 
You may also need some help with anxiety. About 40% of young people with autism have at least one of the anxiety disorders. The good news is that it is treatable. You can work with a mental health professional to learn new ways to handle stress.
You are lovable: There are people in the world, both other people with autism and neurotypicals, who look for your special kind of intensity and intelligence. Look at the biographies of famous people who are said to be on the autism spectrum and you will find that most found friendships and romantic love.
You are in good company: Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla, Stanley Kubrick, and Daryl Hannah are frequently mentioned as being people with autism. Many university professors, researchers, IT specialists, award winning animators, and other particularly smart, innovative people are thought to be Aspies. Their intense, even obsessive, interest in one area made them the experts they are. 
Are you a person with autism? Embrace your superpower. Learn how to make it work for you. If you are uncertain or unsuccessful at work, in friendships, or in romantic relationships, get the coaching you need and deserve. You do not have to figure it out all on your own. 
Dr. Marie’s personal recommended reading list for adults with Aspergers:
Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life by Cynthia Kim 
Look me in the Eye: My Life with Autism by Jon Elder Robison (actually, all of his books are helpful)
Different Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism, Asperger’s, and ADHD by Temple Grandin
The Journal of Best Practices: A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man’s Quest to Be a Better Husband by David Finch
The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): A Guide to Living in an Intimate Relationship with a Partner who is on the Autism Spectrum Second Edition by Maxine Aston and Anthony Attwood
Is Asperger’s Your Superpower? syndicated from
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ecotone99 · 6 years ago
[MF] Static left over from when the Universe began
Mr. Parsons watched the boy cross the yard coming towards the main house. Wet fog hung over the grass and the air was thick and grey. The boy's footsteps startled a pair of quail and they fled for the safety of the sky with an eruption of beating wings and alarming cries. The boy continued on without even turning his head. "He's a right steady lad," Mason said. "I cannot see the problem you're having with him." Mr. Parsons turned from the window and faced Mason. The caretaker, tall and lean, stood at the door, not wanting to enter further into the elegant room with his muddy boots. His hands, never idle, clenched and twisted his ratty brown flat-cap as he waited for the interview to play out. "Not a problem," Mr. Parsons replied. "Not necessarily. I'm just not sure he's right for the job of butcher." "Oh aye? Well and you told me to take Harrison off that work. Now Barrett. I canno' do everything around here, sir." Mr. Parsons patted the air with his hand. "Of course not, Mason," he said. "But - I do wish you'd sit down." "All the same sir, I'd rather not have to take your carpets up again." Mason lifted one foot to show the condition of his boots. "Yes, okay." Mr. Parsons said. "Here now - the gist of it is, I saw that Barrett boy preparing a hog the other day and something about the way he.... Well, something about the.... Damnit, Mason, it gave me the heebies the way that boy killed the poor beast!" "Aye?" Mason almost dropped his hat. "I've never seen him be anything but proper and respectful around the tools and animals. What are you on about?" "Just that - proper and respectful and absolutely without emotion! Why, he didn't hesitate or flinch.... He was like a bloody machine that boy. Like a heartless robot. We'd do just as well to send our stock to the slaughterhouse and have that pneumatic hammer device do our work for us." Mason did take a step into the room then, putting a moist size eleven print on the oriental rug. "Oh come now Prissy, if that's not the living end!" In using Mr. Parsons' old nickname from their school-boy days, Mason had stripped away all veneer of employer/employee and the two men were once again chums swapping stories in the yard. "Ah but, Ziggy, have you watched his eyes when he delivers the killing strike?" Mr. Parsons put both hands on his desk and leaned forward, whispering for effect. "Absolutely cold. Like a winter's blow." Mason counted off on his fingers; "First you tell me to take Harrison off because you say he liked killing too much; now you want me to put off Barrett because he doesn't shed a tear over the wee beasties? Maybe you would like a little orphan Lord Byron around the place for these chores, what?" "Oh you yourself called Harrison a psychopath," Mr. Parsons countered. "And I'm not saying I want a queen in the shed, but.... I just didn't like Barrett's eyes. His eyes, Ziggy, gave me such a chill." Mason sighed and rocked back on his heels. "Well then, what have you? None of the other older boys volunteered. Should I force them one by one? You can stand there and watch their peepers in turn?" "Don't be ridiculous. Look here, I've summoned the Barrett boy this morning for a chat - might be I can sound him out and see if I'm just being an old lady about the whole thing." "Right you are. I'm telling you, the boy is sound as houses." "But I want you here during." "Oh for...," Mason stomped across the carpet, aggressively spattering mud, took a chair and dragged it around the desk to Mr. Parsons' side. Once seated, he motioned for Mr. Parsons to 'get on with it' and the headmaster used the intercom to direct his secretary to show the boy in. *** Fifteen years old with brown hair, brown eyes, and a trim physique, Barrett entered the room, respectfully took off his cap, and closed the door softly behind him. He remained standing and silent until spoken to. "Mr. Barrett," Mr. Parsons greeted him. "Do come in. Have a seat." Barrett nodded, hesitated a moment before stepping on the carpet, but quickly decided against making a scene and stepped lightly to the chair. "Will you take some tea then?" Mr. Parsons asked. "Thank you, no sir," Barrett replied. "I've already had my cup for the day." "Very good." Mr. Parsons leaned back in his chair and tented his fingers under his chin. He hemmed and hawed for a while, searching for the right words. "You like the butcher work then?" an exasperated Mason took over. "Killing the chicks and pigs and whatnot?" Barrett looked from one man to another then tilted his head in confusion. "Sir?" "Killing the animals? You like it then? The blood and guts and all the...," Mason made circles with his hands. "Killing?" "Well, no sir. I don't necessarily like it or dis-like it," Barrett answered. "It's me job. Have I made a mistake?" Mason looked at Mr. Parsons who gave him a quick, disapproving scowl then turned his attention to the boy. "No, Mr. Barrett. No mistake was made," Mr. Parsons said in a calming voice. "We just like to check up on our boys - make sure everything is coming along nicely. So you enjoy being the class butcher, then?" "Sir, it's like I told Mason - Mr. Mason - here. It's me job. I guess I'm not sure if I should like it or not - are you supposed to like work? I mean, isn't it mostly for necessity?" Mason made an approving sound and again shot Mr. Parsons' a look. "Indeed," Mr. Parsons said. "That is unfortunately how it does turn out for many people. Some, however, do like their jobs, don't they Mr. Mason?" Now the groundskeeper openly laughed. Barrett's lips twitched, uncertain how to react. "So you would like to be a butcher, perhaps?" Mr. Parsons continued. "When you grow up?" Barrett shook his head. "It wouldn't be me first choice sir. No disrespect." "None taken. So why did you volunteer for the job, if I may ask?" "Well sir," Barrett looked at his shoes and rubbed the back of his neck. "The other boys weren't at all keen on it, and Harrison...." "The less about him the better," Mason interrupted, "But go on." "Yes sir. So since none of the other boys were stepping up, I thought it to be my duty - as the oldest - to set the example. Besides, Mr. Mason, it's like as you always tell us, they can take everything away - our parents, our homes - but they can't take away what we learn. I may not want to be a butcher when I grow up, but at least now I can be if I have to." That was enough for Mason who came out of his chair, applauding. "Very true, Lord Master Barrett! Walk with me back to the quarters and we'll see if we can't find some iron to mend those gates, what? If, of course, Master Parsons is quite done?"
Mr. Parsons rose slightly from his chair, "Indeed, yes. Thank you Mr. Barrett. It was a lovely chat."
Mason put his hand on the boy's shoulder as they left Mr. Parsons' office.
Barrett watched the pig from the bench where he sat pulling on mud-boots. Nothing special, this one. Rather ordinary. Barrett caught the animal's eyes and continued to be unimpressed. Not much there.
Still, you never know until the kill.
It was the cock that first turned him on - Barrett repressed a smile thinking about it, even at the language it called up in his mind (clever that, cock turned him on. Heh.) But so true - the rooster Mason had told him to prepare when he first volunteered for the butcher work.
"That ruddy ol' cock's done for this time," Mason had said, rubbing the blood away from his knee where the bird had attacked him, using sharp claws to tear pants and skin. "You take that bloody fowl out back and have his bloody head off now. Well suffer through his tough ol' meat for one night's stew, I imagine."
And that was the first time Barrett felt the transfer through death. As soon as he'd successfully corralled, caught, and snapped that rooster's neck, Barrett's legs responded with a surge of power. It was all he could do to restrain himself from leaping over the fences and kicking the sun out of the sky.
However, later that day, on the soccer field, Barrett scored ten points without passing the ball once. At the conclusion of the game, he celebrated by kicking the ball so hard it sailed right over the hedges and so far into the woods it took an hour just to find it.
See, he'd gained the cock's legs when he'd taken that cock's life. It didn't last forever, only a few days, but it clued him into the transfer through death: the best trait of any living animal - speed, strength, cunning - could be Barrett's as long as that animal died by his hand.
It was a unique gift, an unprecedented power, and he'd almost blown it by running his mouth. Barrett had been trying to find a way to explain what had happened to the other boys at the home when Mason called him back to the shed.
It was time to prove himself, Mason had said. It was time to bring down a hog.
The beast was a grand old Mister. Fat and indolent. Formerly a stud, now waning in energy and prone to illness. Mason had decide it was time use the animal for its ultimate purpose.
Barrett listened to Mason's instructions, nodded as the caretaker pantomimed the act, but all the while kept his eyes locked with the massive pig's.
Those eyes, the pig's eyes, were fathomless. Deep and brown. You could get lost in them, and Barrett did. He imagined the pig had a voice; he heard it in his head.
"Use it wisely," the pig said.
Then, when Barrett brought the hammer down just so at the just right place at the back of the pig's head, a sudden surge of awareness washed over him like a waterfall.
It had been an exceedingly clever animal; that pig.
Barrett knew then that he had to keep his secret. He mustn't ever again show off around the other boys. He must be patient. Eventually he would be free from this orphanage and, once out, he would be loose in a world of animals with much more to offer than strong thighs and keen eyes.
You watch the telly and see the man who knows all about money. Three minutes with your fingers around his fat throat and that knowledge becomes yours. Here's a bloke with two gorgeous ladies; one on each arm. He whispers in their ears at turns and they laugh and hug him closer. A quick hammer blow to his head and now you have those whispered words in your own mouth. What's this? Some dandy with a guitar preening about a stage singing while the entire world falls at his feet in adoration and supplication. A quick blade across his neck and those fingers, that voice, are yours.
Clever and patient, was the pig. Use it wisely.
And so Barrett did; particularly the patience. That morning, for instance, with those geezers going on about him being a butcher. A quick assessment of the situation and Barrett knew he was in jeopardy; they were thinking of taking him off the job. At that point, Barrett had two choices - kill them both take their powers and escape, or shine them on and leave very soon on solid footing.
Well now what powers then? As far as Barrett could see the headmaster's best trait was being a mincing toad and whereas he wouldn't have minded taking Mason's expert craftsmanship, that certainly wasn't worth risking even more imprisonment than he'd already suffered at this Goddamned orphanage.
So he'd been clever. He'd said what they wanted to hear. And now he was back in the shed, ready to swing the hammer again.
Swing the hammer and see what happens.
submitted by /u/virgiltempleton [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2HZfRwf
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arecibomanual · 8 years ago
The Saga of Lake City Quiet Pills, part four- the activity of /r/lcqp
Since this particular sub has now been made private, I'll be working with my archives starting from this page https://archive.is/tRmMQ
Gamejack or legit?
Sub created Tue Apr 7 17:18:38 2015 UTC by /u/lcqp_announcer, who bafflingly enough was fairly active in the few days before starting the sub, having joined on April 3rd... despite then posting only a few times in r/lcqp before vanishing with the rest of them. If they were trying to look like a normal user, you'd think they'd pick a different username... The sub is marked NSFW for some reason. I expect this stops it from showing up in search engines or being cached by Google, or the like. Fortunately archive.is can still grab it.
Tue Apr 7 17:25:08 2015 UTC- RALLY VINCENT RALLY VINCENT RALLY VINCENT - 5097 1934 https://www.reddit.com/r/lcqp/comments/31rq0u/rally_vincent_rally_vincent_rally_vincent_5097/ "announcer" posts a PGP message. Dustoff (same day 17:30:54), lcqp (a separate user from the announcer; reply to dustoff 17:41:47 edited at 21:35:40), sam and phelan arrive. There's a deleted post (reply to lcqp, 17:52:09), to which announcer replies with another PGP message (18:35:09). Last post on the 10th. lcqp refers to dustoff as "Kimmy". sam's posting history seems to still have the deleted reply, which is Vietnamese for (according to Uncle Google) "Ah, beautiful girl, no Oscar!". Can't be sure this is *the* deleted post though. Sam makes sure to mention his alternate name of "Than", which he's referred to by in other posts. - The comment thread has posts fairly closely clustered together (5-10 minutes between replies) except for the last one, with lcqp's post edited hours later.
Fri Apr 10 18:12:29 2015 UTC- we roll! https://www.reddit.com/r/lcqp/comments/325985/we_roll/ announcer announces a new contact system will be put into place in "a week or two", which is about how long the sub was active as a messageboard, followed by another PGP message. AyoDende comments, a full 9 days later, ie after the next post effectively closing the sub. I think you may have missed out, buddy. - This is the one that baffles me most, honestly- why is Ayo so late? If lcqp is legit (regarding this sub, regardless of the legitimacy of the LCQP story at large), why would a soldier or ex-soldier do something dumb like reply to an outdated thread in a retired communications sub? Wouldn't he at least use the more recent thread, at least acknowledge he's late? If lcqp is a put-on this can be handwaved as essentially a plothole, but why would this be in the "script"? If AyoDende isn't a part of the "show" (regardless of the legitimacy of anything else), this could be explained as some bandwagon-jumping gamejacker kid being an idiot, but he uses military jargon previously used by phelan as though he knows what he's talking about. ... Then again, given the gafes required for the original LCQP incident to have happened, maybe these people really are just a little bit dumb.
Fri Apr 17 10:49:50 2015 UTC- STAND IN THE DOOR https://www.reddit.com/r/lcqp/comments/32ws89/stand_in_the_door/ Another PGP from announcer. Dustoff confirms the "new server will be ready on Monday". This is indeed the last time the sub is used for its apparent intended purpose.
Thu Jun 4 11:27:15 2015 UTC- Oscar Sayer, 1945-2015 - "de oppresso liber" https://www.reddit.com/r/lcqp/comments/38i71i/oscar_sayer_19452015_de_oppresso_liber/ announcer posts, reporting "Shade"'s death. Dustoff replies about 5 minutes after the thread is posted. This post is stickied. Title is the motto of the United States Army Special Forces, effectively translating to "from oppression to liberation".
Tue Jun 9 17:14:29 2015 UTC- Shhhhh.... Use the new server.... https://www.reddit.com/r/lcqp/comments/396nmv/shhhhh_use_the_new_server/ Posted by lcqp, seemingly in response to the Oscar Sayer post. (Could be AyoDende's fault, but it's a bit late for that.)
Through some posters' pages, we find one more relevant thread: Wed Jun 3 15:52:59 2015 UTC- i__hah's death thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/38dtyt/well_so_long_everyone_thanks_for_being_here_i/ Outside of /r/lcqp, a rather sobering thread where a person who is apparently "Shade" announces their own impending death by (presumably) colon cancer. This is the user's last post, preceded by about 15 minutes by one about "soothing gels" and "gratuitous nudity". Well, that's one way to go out. I'm not to sure about the logic behind this one. Apparently his doctor miscalculated i__hah's remaining lifespan by three months the first time, but he was now sure of his time of death down to the hour, possibly minute. Unless he was commiting suicide (sanctioned or otherwise), I'm not sure how this is supposed to be possible...
Some of the users of r/lcqp were quite active outside of the sub, while others only posted a few times. Sex and porn subreddits seem to be quite popular among these people...
lcqp_announcer- Posts mainly in generic subs like AskReddit, eli5, showerthoughts, as well as some odder ones like HotAsianMilfs (unsurprising), weddingplanning and identifythisfont. A lot of the Askreddit threads seem to be about sex. Another favorite sub is progresspics, where he semi-aggressively hunts for opportunities to drop a bit of backstory (lost 100+ pounds in 7 months due to illness and surgery). There's also this gem https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/31m4ah/if_you_could_have_one_statistic_displayed_above/cq2uqx6/?context=3 Also included is a bit of random pointless white-knighting...
dustoff_avenger-joined 2015-04-07T17:29:50+00:00, first posted 2015-04-07T17:30:54+00:00 in the RALLY VINCENT thread. Possibly the most active r/lcqp user, she (gender mentioned in post history) started posting with the creation of lcqp and continued to post for a while after Shade's death, with her last post on Mon Jun 29 16:15:50 2015 UTC. Once again her post history includes a lot of sex-related subs and threads, as well as TwoX (a cringy sub where random men praise women for getting an abortion like you'd praise your 10 year old for going to the corner store on his own for the first time, apparently...). She also seems to be openly lesbian or bi. Also common are politics- and military-related posts and posts about her job, which is apparently some form of military pilot.
This post mentions post history I'm not sure I saw in her actually current... post history: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/38owbz/tgif_redditors_who_have_the_day_off_how_are_you/cs0kfzz/?context=3 Like RoP there may be posts still on threads that aren't on their profiles, self-note to google search these usernames too Also this. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/396m5a/assuming_that_reddit_is_used_for_secret/
Also mentioned is sex with Jerro, a post on KotakuinAction, jerbs, more pointless whiteknighting...
She's referred to as "Kimmy" by lcqp.
As of June 3 2017, she's returned as curator of r/lcqp-out-of-africa.
lcqp- joined Apr 4 21:01:28 2015 UTC, first post Apr 4 21:15:56 2015 UTC, last post is the "new server" thread on Jun 9 17:14:29 2015 UTC with the last post before that being Apr 18 13:09:17 2015 UTC. Last post before that is his one post in r/lcqp at 2015-04-07T17:41:47+00:00, edited same day T21:35:40+00:00. Once again there's plenty of military posts and sex posts, with a bit of whiteknighting, though unlike the others he seems to have quite a... problematic sense of humor. Also Death Note and Sailor Moon. Apparently he's old. One of his more recent posts before vanishing describes his "former employer"'s death, clearly referring to RoP.
i__i__i__i__i__hah- TwoX post, check, sex posts (with a particular focus on pegging), check, military posts, check... Whiteknighting, check... I think this might just be a common trait among military types, who tend to lean conservative and also be concerned with protecting "civilians", but having it pop up in the post history of every single person in this sub makes them look closer to a group of sockpuppets. Aside from being almost disgustingly cringy. Jesus While we're talking about circlejerks, bitching about religion also seems to be a common trait with this group... Anyway, i__hah was apparently deployed overseas in 1976 prior to meeting their wife, is old, etc. They have the longest post history of any /lcqp user, as you'd expect from their earlier registration date... amusingly, further back in their history (around April 1st?) they claim they usually abandon accounts after hitting 1000 karma to shake off trolls. The account has posts going up to two months after that and sits at over 3000 karma. I'm half-tempted to say the death post was simply a way to end the persona and abandon the account, as is theorized with Milo, but the other users' reactions to it seem sincere.
I_am_flat_sam: Joined Wed Apr 8 11:31:18 2015 UTC. Has less than a page of posts, first being the Vietnamese reply made Wed Apr 8 11:37:07 2015 UTC to RALLY VINCENT... which doesn't show up on the thread.
Next post is the one that actually shows up on RALLY VINCENT, posted Wed Apr 8 11:52:33 2015 UTC.
The user returns in June to post in i__hah's death thread (the Vietnamese text here apparently just translates to "goodbye, my friend", and then posts a handful of times in r/balisong (a type of butterfly knife), r/xray (sub for shopping picturs of attractive women so their nipples show through their clothes... yep), and r/DCcomics, over the course of a week. Last post Thu Jun 11 11:45:13 2015 UTC.
phelan_md: Joined Fri Apr 10 16:51:51 2015 UTC with only one post, to the RALLY VINCENT thread on Fri Apr 10 16:53:49 2015 UTC.
I've got this box of band-aids and tampons. You guys interested?
Doc, +1PA, +4MT
My best quess is they're medical support, ie a "doc"(tor). Tampons are sometimes used to plug up a bullet wound or a bloody nose in a pinch.
AyoDende: Joined Sun Apr 19 02:48:49 2015 UTC, posted once, Sun Apr 19 02:57:00 2015 UTC to we roll thread:
Halvidarx2 +6 +2MT (2 Poor English laddies who feel upon bad times. Both class 1 plus trauma)
Similar jargon used to the "doc" character phelan_md while talking about injuries. The grammar seems rather worse than md's, however, though of course it's difficult to tell from only one post each.
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