#My Little Pony: The Movie 1986
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wiltingflowersss · 5 months ago
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millieduboisart · 1 year ago
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I’ll go it alone!
Fun fact about me: as a preteen I loved this movie so much that I’d watch it and its musical numbers on a weekly basis. I haven’t seen this movie in years and yet I still have it practically memorized!
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heckyeahponyscans · 3 months ago
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VHS tape for the 1986 My Little Pony in France
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yanchamisc · 1 year ago
My Little Pony The Movie Auditions #1
Available on the below link. There are two non-Hasbro songs and there is also an odd line missing from the final movie referencing Tirac.
0:00-7:30 Patti Paris: Fizzy, Wind Whistler, Baby Lickety-Split, Shady, Gusty 07:47-17:18 Jonna Lee: Magic Star, Shady, Wind Whistler 17:30-27:41 Diane Pershing: Shady, Gusty, Fizzy (including singing), Baby Lickety-Split (including singing) 28:04-31:51 Deena Freeman: Baby Lickety-Split, Gusty, 32:04-36:37 Patty Dworkin: Bushwhoolie #1, Baby Sundance, Fizzy, Sweet Stuff
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zokhun · 7 months ago
MLP G1 Sona !!! Ofc she's a witch,,, And literally just me,,,
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(Draggle for scale (it's just an excuse to draw her again))
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ponestrips · 9 months ago
Baby Lickety Split: "What'd you wish for Spike?"
Spike: "I wished for the bestest friend ever! But, since you're here, I suppose my wish came true! What about you, Lickety Split?"
Baby Lickety Split: "Wrath upon my enemies."
Spike: "Oh."
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jujuistrulyoutrageous · 1 year ago
"Nothing can stop ... THE SMOOOOOOOZE"
I made my parents rent this movie almost every single week, and honestly, it's just as magical and dumb as I remember it
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bunnelbaby · 3 months ago
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Here’s a list of My Little Pony specials, movies and shows for you to enjoy while regressing or dreaming!
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony (1986)
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony Tales
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony Generation 3
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony Live: The World’s Biggest Tea Party
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony Generation 3.5
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
𐐪𐑂 Equestria Girls
𐐪𐑂 Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
𐐪𐑂 Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
𐐪𐑂 Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree
𐐪𐑂 Equestria Girls: Better Together (S1)
𐐪𐑂 Equestria Girls: Better Together (S2)
𐐪𐑂 Equestria Girls: Tales of Canterlot High
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony: The Movie
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony: Pony Life
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony: A New Generation
𐐪𐑂 My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale
(Divider Credit)
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lesbianseaweed · 11 months ago
like no one invited you, why don't you leave
I am 18 years old, it's been 15 years, is that not enough for you??
I have barely touched gen5 and u still come after me, why??
no one I know likes you, you are not being fed
how is it that you keep growing with me when I tried for so long to hide you away from view
11yo me was ashamed and 14yo me cried when it ended but now almost 19yo me is just confused bc you're still here when there's nothing else for me to do with you
I decided to listen to the one ponyphonic album and suddenly the my little pony hyperfixation is back full force
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des2dream · 6 months ago
Ranking MLP Generations!💗🦄🌈
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For over 40 years, we have been exposed to colorful horses. Colorful horses who can talk....and sing....and dance....and fire mega rainbow lasers at their enemies! Colorful horses who also made their way into our collections. My Little Pony was introduced in 1982 following after the original My Pretty Pony toy that dropped in 1981 which was meant to sell toys for the young female demographic.
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The rest became history! MLP grew to become a popular toy during the 80s which spawned a movie in 1986 and a TV show that came out three months later. As the years went by, MLP went through multiple changes gaining new fans for new generations. I've decided to go over each generation and rank them based on my opinions, thoughts, and overall feelings of satisfaction I have toward them. I don't necessarily hate any of the generations that will be placed lower on this list, I just don't feel as attached to them nor do I feel like having an interest in them. I also won't discuss much of the toys, but I will discuss heavily on the TV shows based on them since I've seen more of the shows than I collected the toys. We'll start with the worst, then save the best for last. Let's go, everypony!
8. My Little Pony Generation 2
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The fact that I didn't even know this existed until years later doesn't help its case. The toy sales were so low that there wasn't even a cartoon to go with it. Only a video game. This generation released in 1997 before it ceased distribution in 1999 due to lackluster sales. However, it did find some success in Europe. I don't have much to say about this since I hadn't known about it. I originally thought My Little Pony Tales was Generation 2! One positive I can give is that I love the designs as they give off slightly more realistic horse-like features and it's a cool look. I didn't have any toys nor saw anything on TV with there being no series. I'm sorry, G2! Unfortunately, you hit the bottom of the barrel.
7. My Little Pony Generation 3.5
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Now, this spot is interesting! The third generation of MLP dominated the 2000s with newer colorful ponies like Pinkie Pie and Minty. On top of that, multiple specials began selling in DVDs that also aired on TV. By late 2009, Hasbro decided to revamp the series twice (sort of). They gathered a group of ponies who were well known in G3 (Pinkie Pie, Starsong, Rainbow Dash, Cheerilee, Toola Roola, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo) and gave them a redesign as well as likely aging them down for younger audiences. There was a 45-minute holiday special titled, Twinkle Wish Adventure as well as a couple mini episodes and new toys that spawned from this revamp.
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It eventually led to the second revamp titled, Newborn Cuties where the characters aged down to babies....you had to see it to believe it. I actually owned a G3.5 Pinkie Pie, a Newborn Cuties Pinkie, and a baby singing Starsong back in the day. These redesigns couldn't do it for me after being mesmerized by G3. I remember being upset that even Ponyville got a redesign and it looked so bland compared to how the town looked early on. Newborn Cuties also looks extremely off with their pony heads and baby bodies. This generation is mostly hated by the fandom and I can see why. At least, it had more to offer than Generation 2. It was a nice distraction for young girls. It's now best to be left alone by an older me. If any of you like seeing fillies and baby ponies, this is the generation for you.
6. My Little Pony Generation 1.5/ My Little Pony Tales
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Let's go back to the year, 1992! You're sitting in your room and you're watching, Disney Channel. You're watching your favorite shows like, Goof Troop, The Little Mermaid, or Raw Toonage and you come across this colorful horse show. After Generation 1's series came to a close in 1987, we are now hit with a new series for pony fans in the 90s. This is the generation I previously thought was Generation 2. That is in fact not the case! We follow a group of pony friends as they spend their days in Ponyland going to school, hanging out for milkshakes, having sleepovers, and feuding with the resident boys. Our main ponies are Starlight, Sweetheart, Melody, Bright Eyes, Patch, Clover, and Bon Bon whom we follow in their daily lives. I find this show to be.....innocent, but weird (and not in a good way). It's passable for a Saturday morning cartoon and it does have funny moments, but something was off.
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Generation 1 left quite the impression on young audiences during the 80s. Ponies that not only sung and danced, but ponies that went through continuous magical adventures involving dragons, princesses, witches, evil kings, and all sorts of mythical creatures. My Little Pony Tales has talking and singing ponies, but there was an odd lack of magic with the show emphasizing more on Slice-of-Life. Not that I have any issues with that genre! It just feels odd seeing these magical horses not doing any magic and living in a modernized world. The characters also have annoying moments which is likely because the writers wanted to portray preteen behavior (since the ponies are preteens in this show), but it also falls into some cheesy 90s writing. Like I said, it is passable so I believe there's an audience for this one. It can make nice riffing material too!
5. My Little Pony Generation 4.5/ Pony Life
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Here are the table scraps of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic....except, these table scraps were pretty okay. This show came onto streaming services and YouTube from November 7, 2020 until May 22, 2021. This was supposed to be a successor, spin-off, and reboot to FIM. The previous show had already ended, so I was chill with seeing the characters again in a different style. This generation was.....bonkers, to say the least! It was already kind of a struggle seeing fans adjust to the new chibi art style, but it was also a struggle keeping up with the show's new format. Pony Life was incredibly energetic as each episode was around 5 minutes (10 since they're in two-parts). There was also some crazy new quirks to the cast with Applejack breaking The Fourth Wall, Fluttershy shrinking and massively growing at will, and everyone casually drinking potions left and right. For me, it was hard to keep up with the fast pace of the show. However, I did appreciate the cast of The Mane Six reprising their roles for this show.
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Season 2 introduced viewers to Lightning Flash Chill (the tiger), Sugar Snap (the peacock), and Echo (the bat). Meet The Wild Siders! They're unicorn-hybrid creatures who work at a healthy food restaurant called, Salad Bowl Junction in their home realm. I honestly enjoyed them! They give off similar vibes to The Care Bear Cousins which is fascinating because the 80s actually did a spin-off toyline with a similar premise by having other pretty animals. There have also been episodes where characters from the previous series make an appearance such as Spike, Trixie Lulamoon, and Discord. I enjoyed this more than My Little Pony Tales and the characters are still likable, but it still has issues. I'm still put off by the constant energy in almost every minute. I don't feel attached to this show, but I do see myself watching it once in a while because the episodes aren't that long and I've grown used to the art style by now with how cute everyone looks. Also, it's nice seeing The Mane Six again!
4. My Little Pony Generation 5
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The year is 2021, it has been a couple years since Generation 4 ended, and this had some major horseshoes to fill! September 22 of that year presented us with a debut film on Netflix titled, A New Generation featuring stars like Vanessa Hudgens and Sofia Carson. It was actually pretty good! I instantly loved the characters, the animation, the story, and all the songs! It was a great introduction to G5. Personally, I enjoyed it much better than the early concept which was going be having The Mane Six meet each other all over again in a new Equestria. Twilight would've been an Earth Pony, Pinkie would've been a Pegasus, Fluttershy would've been a Unicorn, and Applejack was on the verge of likely getting replaced with a new character. Instead, Generation 5 is supposed to take place DECADES after the events of G4 with ponies and other creatures becoming separated from fear and prejudice. While it was shocking since G4 ended with bringing creatures together, it does make sense for history to repeat itself. The Mane Six have now become what you call, "An Old Pony's Tale" and The Magic of Friendship has been abandoned....until one pony stood up. A pony named, Sunny Starscout!
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We follow her along with her friends Izzy Moonbow, Princess Zipp Storm, Princess Pipp Petals, and Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer on their mission to restore magic in Equestria and bring everyone together. After the film, we got a series on Netflix titled, Make Your Mark as well as a series of shorts on YouTube named, Tell Your Tale (I wish it was actually Tail) that took place after the events of the movie. I have mixed feelings on both series. On one hand, I enjoy the art styles, I love the songs still, and I like the characters that were introduced like Misty Brightdawn and Sparky the Dragon. On the other hand, the episodes can be messy. We get pieces of information on how magic faded from Equestria, but it still doesn't feel like we're getting the whole picture. The IDW Comics have been giving a little more than the series. I also have many questions on G5's villain, Opaline who is an ALICORN! How did she become an alicorn or was she born one?! G5 wants to be its own thing, but it also clashes with trying to be a sequel to G4. It's a mess, but it's a beautiful mess! I do want to see more.
3. My Little Pony Generation 1
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Welcome to the generation that started it all! Say "thank you" to this generation for being the franchise's starting point please! Also, let's give a BIG "thank you" to My Pretty Pony for making this all possible! Before we got a full series, we got two TV specials titled, Rescue at Midnight Castle then Escape from Catrina in 1984 until we got a full-length film in 1986 many know as, My Little Pony: The Movie featuring the voices of recognizable names like Danny DeVito and Madeline Kahn. I've always found this generation to be fun to watch while having some 80's cheesy moments. There was a mixture of magic, action, adventure, and pure pony fluff that kept me sitting through multiple episodes. G1 had messy dialogue, some messy hand-drawn animation, and sometimes messy plot, but it was always charming and to the point. There were times where the pacing was very fast, but not as energetically exhausting as G4.5. This show brought a lot to the table with mystical adventures and characters. This generation gave us unicorns, pegasi, twinkle-eyed ponies, sea ponies, Spike the Dragon, witches, and dear sweet Megan Williams.
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After Generation 1, there was no longer a use for any human characters in MLP (unless if we count G4's Equestria Girls) and while it is a little sad, it does make G1 a little more unique. While Megan is the bearer of The Rainbow of Light, she's always there for her pony friends whenever they're in trouble and will always be down to have fun in Ponyland. She even includes her younger siblings, Danny and Molly into the mix. Aside from having human characters, there's also a fair share of creatures like dragons, penguins, and giant crabs. We also have other familiar names in this generation like Applejack and Twilight. This show even introduced memorable villains like Tirac, The Smooze, and Grogar. I feel like we owe a lot to this generation even if it's not everyone's favorite. I wouldn't be making this list if not for this show leaving such a huge impact and leading into future generations to come. If you're feeling nostalgic, I think you'll have a good time checking this out.
2. My Little Pony Generation 3
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I know some of you are shocked....trust me, I know! Let me explain!....I can't help but love G3! I grew up with G3! I enjoyed it so much when I was little and I can't help but still like it today! Is it perfect? No! Is it messy? Yes! Did I have fun? Very much, thank you! In the year of 2003, we were presented with a lineup of new and improved MLP toys different from the previous gens and a Direct-to-Video special titled, A Charming Birthday which introduces our new ponies. As each year passed by, we got new specials and new ponies like Star Catcher, Princess Rarity of Unicornia, Wysteria, and so much more! This generation also includes Spike from G1! One thing I loved about G3 was watching all the specials and movies that came out. I'd always watch A Very Minty Christmas every time December rolled around! I thought Sky Wishes and Star Catcher's friendship was so cute to watch during Dancing In The Clouds and I absolutely adore Star Catcher's design. When Spike was reintroduced debuting in The Princess Promenade, I thought it was interesting that he was more knowledgeable and cultured rather than the sweet and innocent personality he had in G1. We were also introduced to fairy-like ponies called, Breezies. While G3 had little to no antagonists, less magical creatures than G1, and a slice-of-life feel like G1.5, there was still plenty of magical adventures to be had.
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I absolutely loved the aesthetic G3 was giving to its audience at the time as I couldn't get enough of the color scheme! I've never seen so many shades pink, purple, blue, and even hints of light green since watching Barbie movies! Their hometown, Ponyville looked so beautiful with the purple/pink castle standing front and center. Even other places like Unicornia, Butterfly Island, Breezie Blossom, and Rainbow Wishes Amusement Park are fun to look at. I didn't find the characters annoying and I loved watching their adventures while learning lessons. However, this generation was given a handful of hate like G3.5 mainly because pony fans though it "doesn't reach the same standards as G4" and it made me a little sad. G3 wasn't meant to be groundbreaking or anything. It was just meant to sell toys while using movies and specials to showcase the ponies making new friends, solving problems, and having fun. The same thing can be said about all the generations, really. I get why people don't enjoy it, but I don't think it's warranted of all the hate that it gets. The stories can be too simple and the executions might not be the best, but they're charming. Okay, everypony! We're reaching the end here! Let's see what my favorite generation of My Little Pony is!
1. My Little Pony Generation 4/ Friendship Is Magic
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There was no competition. There was no doubt. If anyone asked me what my favorite generation is, I would say G4 in an instant. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic really changed the game for the franchise as a whole! Lauren Faust (animator, writer, director, producer, creator of DC Superhero Girls, and married to Craig McCracken) got this show going in 2010 and it was a MASSIVE success! Toy sales were through the roof, comics were made, music albums were made, merchandise was highly recommended, and the show practically dominated the whole decade as it lasted for nine (technically ten) seasons from 2010 til 2019. Everyone fell in love with Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. We just call them, The Mane Six! This was actually a technical reboot to G3 with such familiar names in this gen. There's also familiar names from G1 that are present like Twilight, Applejack, Spike, Grogar, and Tirac (except he's renamed Tirek). I couldn't get enough of this show! I remember watching the first episode when it aired for the two-part series premier instantly wanting more when the first episode ended with, "To Be Continued...." and I was hooked! Each season gave us memorable characters, fantastic locations, exciting lore, amazing songs, and everyone's character growth throughout the series. This generation sparked a fun spinoff called, Equestria Girls where Twilight travels into a different universe where everyone is a human and Megan Williams from G1 even makes a cameo. There was even a full-length movie in 2017 featuring stars like Emily Blunt, Zoe Saldana, Sia, and Taye Diggs. This series also led the way for Pony Life to be made into G4.5 and Generation 5 as its sequel series.
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Of course, I can't keep going on about Generation 4 without mentioning The Brony Fandom! With Friendship Is Magic being such a successful show, it didn't only reach younger audiences. It also reached adults too....mainly targeted towards men hence where the term, bronies came from. For a whole decade this fandom has made so many fantastic projects inspired by the series. Music videos, fan songs, remixes, audio dramas, fanart, fanfics, animations, OCs, AUs, and so much more! You had to see it to believe it! I know just as many Brony songs as I do official G4 songs! This generation and its fandom changed my life! I don't know which season is my favorite because there's so many good episodes. Not every episode is perfect and maybe there are some who are put-off by the art style, but it's a really good time. Who would have thought that a show about magical animated ponies would make THAT much of an impact?! I highly recommend that you give G4 a watch if you're interested because you'll definitely have something to write home about.
Welp, that's my list! Thank you for sitting down and reading my thoughts. My Little Pony has been a successful franchise for up to 40 years (and still continuing)! I'll always love these colorful ponies no matter how messy each generation can be. MLP played a big part in my childhood so it was nice to look back on every generation as an adult. I'm looking forward to see what the future holds for newer generations and I hope any of you pony fans have a generation that holds a special place in your heart.🐎❤🦄💕
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Images (in terms of artwork) by: KacperKrysiak, Lea Dabssi, Justasuta, Tony Fleecs, ASKometa
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dapper-lil-arts · 18 days ago
I have a semi controversial opinion that mlp:fim should've ended at around season 3-4, especially since season 5 onwards tonally feels different to me (like it went from a show aimed primarily at young kids to holding up the veil of it being a kids show whilst primarily catering towards the brony fanbase, what with the pop cultural references, from the erotic body pillow gag to the pony rick and morty cameo).
Also funfact! In the 1986 mlp movie, the ponies would've gone to ask optimus prime for help, who would've declined, then they'd go ask the gi joe character shipwreck, who would've been drunk. This was cut from the film at hasbros request
Honeslty, I'm 50/50 on your take. For one thing, this was meant to be a cute little girls show without super complicated morals or weird ethics. But for another, the show had dubious ethics since the first damn season, that never changed, it was always a part of it. There's a lot that happened on those later seasons, a LOT. We can't deny the fandom was shaped by those things. Besides the fact that Starlight only came on season 5 and beyond, for example, Equestria girls wouldn't have existed fi the show had stopped at 4... And honestly EQG changed my brain chemistry, I don't want it to not exist lmao. But I see where you're coming from. I wasn't there to see it, I only kno what people have shared of the fandom, claiming it was derangedly toxic back in the day, and bronies ran rampant.
I only got into this fandom like last year, I don't rly care of what mighta gone down in the past, i'm here for a good time interpreting the show in my own way -v-
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 year ago
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A better look at the Smooze stained glass window!
My guess is the ponies pictured are Wind Whistler, North Star, and Lofty, as a homage to the 1986 My Little Pony the Movie poster / VHS cover:
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yanchamisc · 1 year ago
My Little Pony The Movie Auditions #2
Available on the below link.
0:00-7:15 Susan Blu: Baby Sundance, Buttons, Fizzy, Gusty, Magic Star, Morning Glory, Rosedust, Shady, Sweet Stuff, Wind Whistler 7:29-10:25 Judy Strangis: Buttons, Fizzy, Gusty, Morning Glory, Wind Whistler 10:37-13:07 Kathy Wagner: Molly 13:17-17:07 Elizabeth Fraser: Molly 17:23-19:27 Keri Houlihan: Molly 19:44-22:34 Judith Barsi: Molly
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zokhun · 7 months ago
Hi fan of Danny Williams here (mostly because he is fun and cute, plus he reminds me a lot of the cutie mark crusaders, especially scoots), but I just realized he and the witches never really interact despite him being a main character and they are the main antagonists, I'm I the only one that finds that strange?
Hello there !
I personally am not a huge fan of Danny, Megan and Molly ! (And I sadly can't stand the cutie mark crusaders,,, I never knew why, they just don't really click to my likings,,,) They aren't really the kind of characters I usually tend to like ! I'm more fond of villains !
Nonetheless, I would've liked to see some interactions between the witches, Megan, Molly and Danny ! They could've let to some really silly and funny situations !
I don't really think it's strange ! The movie just follows the different characters doing their own quests separately, which I kind of like ? Focusing on a certain group of characters each in turn fits my media genre liking ! I absolutely loved the Reeka and Draggle moments so I'm not complaining about having so many without Megan and her siblings! XD
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short-wooloo · 5 months ago
Ok so, I was watching the MLP movie (2017) with my little cousin, and I swear to God there's a reference to Starscream's crown from Transformers The Movie (1986) in it
Like after the bad guys attack and the heroes flee, there's a brief bit where the villain pony Tempest smashes the left behind crown of Twilight and it's just too specific for me to think this is anything but a reference to Galvatron smashing Starscream's crown under his foot
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jujuistrulyoutrageous · 1 year ago
and who got the My Little Pony movie from 1986 on Blu Ray today and will likely be watching it nonstop for like the next three days straight??
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