skvaderarts · 2 years
Petrichor Chapter 41: Tracing
Chapter 41: Tracing
Note: Hehe… I like this one. I like it a lot. Felt good to write it. I hope you enjoy it!
Amidst the pleasant warmth of multiple layers of warm blankets and the low rumble of the train around them as it traveled over the tracks, the young summoner suddenly found himself semi-awake, his senses dulled and the pull of the void still thoroughly tempting him back into the realm of sleep. He struggled to push away the desire to turn over and simply drift back to sleep, but something was coaxing him towards the waking world again, something that he had not pinpointed just yet, but couldn’t ignore, regardless.
He blinked ever so slowly, the dim lighting present in the car making his eyes adjust easier than he was expecting, but still slower than he was used to. He’d been deeply asleep, and a glance over at the clock betrayed that he’d been asleep just shy of seven hours. It was very early in the mourning and the light of morning was just below the horizon. The sky was starting to lighten, but there was no brightness just yet. Only the faint deep blue that always came before everything else.
And then he finally registered it: a hand upon his shoulder, gently shaking him just enough to wake him but hesitantly in a way that indicated that the person it belonged to didn’t wish to disturb them. Oh, that was right. He wasn’t alone in this train car.
“V. Wake up, please.” A familiar voice said with the utmost gentleness as he turned to look at his friend. His hair was slightly messy, indicating that he’d probably taken the opportunity to rest at some point in the last few hours. He had the unmistakable look of a man who had just woken up a short while ago, a look that he himself was sure was probably present on his face. What were they both doing up?
“Is… something wrong?” V said almost horsely, stopping to clear his voice slightly. Sirrus stood up somewhat sluggish and walked across the small space to the mini fridge in their room, taking a moment to pour something into a glass before heading back over to his friend and handing it to him. V received it with a thankful nod before taking a parched sip and discovering that it was barely flavored sparkling water. Raspberry and citrus. It had a wonderful smell. He subconsciously wondered how long that had been in there. He would’ve happily downed the whole bottle by now without a second thought should he have known that it was available as an option sooner. It wasn’t a combination of flavors that he encountered very often, and it was lovely.
“No, nothing is the matter. My sincerest apologies if I’ve startled you.” Sirrus said with a somewhat tired yawn. He was clearly a bit drowsy, but otherwise functional. And although the young summoner was slightly sure that his observation was due primarily to his current state of awakeness, the man with the mostly red hair seemed almost excited about something to him. Interesting. “I recognize the time is inappropriate at best, but I need to borrow you for a moment, if you’ll humor me. Not a moment longer.”
V simply stared at him absentmindedly, his brain still processing the request as he downed the last of his cold drink and sat the glass down on the small bedside table. He could not think of a compelling reason to say no to his request. He’d gotten plenty of sleep, and it wasn’t as though he was asking him to do something unreasonable. “Sure. I think I can manage that. Where are we going, exactly?”
Sirrus smirked mischievously, looking up at the ceiling a moment later. There was a look of what he could only describe as wicked amusement on his face. Clearly, he was looking forward to whatever it was that he was about to say, and the young summoner could only guess as to what the reasons might be. “Oh, nowhere special. Just the roof.”
Certain that he’d heard that statement incorrectly, V paused in his tracks, one foot on the floor as he’d been standing up to actually put some clothes on. He knew that it was quite early and that he’d more than likely hallucinated that response, but surely Sirrus had not just said-
“Yes, I said the roof. You are not mistaken.” Sirrus chuckled under his breath, genuinely amused by the look of horrified disbelief on his friend’s face. He was looking at the adjudicator as though he’d just received severe head trauma and needed medical assistance. Little did he know that very thing had already happened recently, so he was a little late to the punch. “Trust me, it will be worth your while.”
V continued to stare at him for a long while, still not moving. He seemed to be weighing the pros and cons of going outside on a moving train and doing literally anything, the merits of what could possibly drive them to go somewhere like that in the first place were dubious to him at best. But after a prolonged period of consideration, V let out a soft sigh and stretched out his back, the tattoos that covered his body rippling as he shifted his stature and flexed the muscles in his upper body. This was a horrible idea. He was clearly out of his mind for asking, and V was as well for even considering it. It was fortunate indeed that he’d been asked while he was awake enough to answer but not quite cognisant enough to come to a logical answer.
“Let me put a shirt on, then.”
There was a small change in the energy in the atmosphere around them as V’s tattoos shifted again, this time through no volition of his own. Didn’t bother looking down to assess the reason why. He already knew what the cause was. But Sirrus could only stare as a portion of the markings on his companion’s body disappeared and became dust in the air, a voice filling the air around them. And it was one that they both recognized.
“Oh, okay. Wow, you're serious. Alright then. Let me just interrupt you for a second here. Squeeze in over here… ” Griffon materialized just next to V, plopping himself on top of the bedside table where he nearly hit his head on the light next to the bed as he attempted to stretch out a little. He gave up on that endeavor quickly, wiggling to straighten himself as he looked at V with a sideways stare of disbelief. “You know I can’t save you if you -sorry, I think I said that wrong- when you fall off of the roof of this train and get turned into paste under the tracks or bash your pretty little smooth brains out on the side of a mountain, right?”
V couldn’t help but be both amused and concerned by that statement. Yes, he knew that, but he also hadn’t really thought about it until now. It didn’t come as a surprise to him that his familiar was listening in to the conversation. He could already sense that much, and it didn’t bother him. And if it did, he could always just shut him out, but he couldn’t see himself ever having a reason to do something like that. He rarely needed that degree of privacy, and he had the utmost trust in the fluffy little lightning chicken. It… was a nice feeling. “It’s good to see you, Griffon. Yes, I am aware that you are not a miracle worker.”
Shadow made herself known, stalking around her master as she came to a stop in front of him, using one of her large paws to push him onto his back on the bed where he now sat -attempting to, and at the moment, failing- putting on a shirt. It seemed that she was trying to keep him where he was, but the summoner could only chuckle and reach his hand out to pat her on her large, smooth head. It seemed that she and Griffon were on the same page. They both thought he might have a death wish. Understandable enough.
“Fret not, my friends. I can take care of myself. I will be just fine.” V said as he patted the large demonic feline on the top of her head, smoothing her fur back between her ears. She made a sound somewhere between a deep, rumbling purr and a growl, but it wasn’t a threat in any, shape, or form. It was almost as though she were telling him to be careful. She trusted him just as he trusted her, but that didn’t mean that they both didn’t make bad calls or mistakes from time to time just like everyone else.
“Okay, we both know that’s a damn lie. You’re the clumsiest person I’ve ever met! But at least this one might be able to catch you when you inevitably trip and fall off of the roof.” Griffon said with a hearty chuckle as he tilted his head towards Sirrus fluffing himself up in an attempt to make himself bigger and more imposing. It didn’t work, but the attempt was funny and rather endearing to the man with the mostly red hair. He found Griffon charming, whether he’d ever said as much or not. “Bring him back the way you found him, eh? Or at least with all of his limbs still attached and all that? He kinda needs 'em’.”
Sirrus chuckled and nodded in agreement. How very precious that V’s familiars worried about him like this. It was good that he had someone to look after him. Knowing that someone was with him at all times that was so very concerned with his safety was something of a relief. V could take care of himself, that much he didn’t doubt, but it was still nice to know that someone had his back at all times. 
“But of course, my feathered friend. Think nothing of it. I shall return him to you with all of his appendages still attached and fully intact to boot. That should be a given during any social outing, I should think.” Sirrus said with a respectful bow, making an effort to acknowledge him. Griffon seemed positively flattered, and as Sirrus gave Shadow a thorough neck rubbing, the demonic bird seemed to be pleased with the results of their conversation. It was about damn time someone around here took him seriously!
“You would think that, but I’ve met his, um… family,” Griffon said with a nervous little chuckle as though he were saying so through gritted teeth. He didn’t actually have any, but still. The sentiment was still the same regardless. And he did have little sharp spines on the inside of his beak so… “Keep this one around, V. He doesn’t call me a chicken.”
With that, the bird who was not in fact a chicken dematerialized along with Shadow, and the two of them returned to their place upon his body, the markings that covered his skin filling back in as they settled back in. Sirrus gave V a fascinated look, his eyes lingering on the markings as though they were an object of immense fascination. V noticed this and gave him a peculiar look, not bothered in the slightest, but curious as to what about his tattoos had caught his eye.
“I… didn’t realize they did that,” Sirrus said quietly, a pale tint of red flushing his cheeks. He realized almost instantly upon speaking that he’d probably just been staring at him in silence, and he clearly hoped that he hadn’t made V uncomfortable by doing so. “The markings… or are they actually tattoos? Did they hurt? I didn’t notice that they reappeared and disappeared like that when your familiars were summoned. That’s fascinating. Can you feel that?”
V blinked slowly before chucking deep in his chest. That was right, he was normally wearing a shirt when he was around Sirrus. And a long sleeve at that. This was the first time that he’d allowed his summons to be present in front of his friend while his entire upper body was exposed. The rest of his family, and most of the people he would consider his friends had probably already seen him do that before. He’d never really thought about it.
“I can feel it, but it doesn’t hurt, no. Thankfully. And as for your initial question,” V said as he continued to chuckle to himself. He didn’t mind this turn in the topic of conversation in the slightest. “No, they are not actually tattoos. The markings appeared once I established each contract with my familiars. I used to have a third, and it demand something of a high cost upon our first meeting. I’ve been unable to relocate it thus far.”
Sirrus nodded in confirmation. If the look on his face was anything to go by then he had further questions, but he wasn’t going to ask them right now. It simply wasn’t the time. But a look of hesitancy overtook his face as he seemed to ponder whether or not he should ask the question he had in mind. V seemed to notice this and tilted his head ever so slightly sideways nodding a single time and blinking slowly in unison to insinuate that he had his permission to ask whatever question he had in mind.
“Please forgive me for drastically overreaching if that’s what I’m about to do but… “ He exhaled sharply as though he’d just been punched, more than likely sure that he was about to say something stupid. But the calm demeanor that V exuded did something to put him ever so slightly back at ease. Both of them knew that the other only had the very best of intentions at heart. Perhaps it was best for him to just speak freely on this occasion, regardless of his fear. “May I… touch them?”
V just stared at his friend, his brain halting like a faulty clock gear that had just jammed suddenly and held up the entire mechanism. His brow furrowed, but not in distaste or annoyance. There was just simply something about the idea of someone touching his bare skin that gave him pause, if not hives at the very thought. He knew that Sirrus wasn’t going to harm him or anything like that, but being touched by other people was still something that he wasn’t accustomed to. He was working on showing more physical affection to those he cared about, but it wasn’t something he felt comfortable just jumping into. He wished it could be, but it simply wasn’t.
Extending his left arm outward, V nodded faintly, indicating that Sirrus could do as he had requested. The adjudicator paused and gave him a look of assurance, seemingly asking if he was sure out of a desire to not overstep. V simply nodded again. After all, he could always renege if he simply couldn’t stand it.
Sirrus lightly gripped V’s writs and took the opportunity to trace a finger up his arm slowly, following the flowing lines up to his shoulder as he nodded to himself in silence. V couldn’t place any particular reason that Sirrus had decided to do this at such a slow speed and in such a delicate manner, but despite a shiver that crawled its way up his back that caused him to shift slightly as the man with the red hair reached his shoulder, he couldn’t say that anything he’d done thus far had really bothered him just yet. It was simply a surreal experience, to say the least, almost as though they were exchanging energy or something of the like. He couldn’t think of anything appropriate to compare it to.
After a short while, Sirrus slid to this side of his companion and traced the line he’d been following up and over the front of his shoulder blade, near his neck, and down the side of his back until he stopped at his waistline, seemingly aware of the fact that it would more than likely be perceived to be very inappropriate to go any further. He closed his eyes for a moment, deep in thought as though he were considering something. And then he then leaned back and looked at V, a quiet look of appreciation mixed with something else he couldn’t quite place present on his face. That hadn’t been as bad as either of them had initially thought it would be, though it was a strange if not amusing experience either way.
“In truth, I was curious to see if any kind of detectable energy was emitted from the markings. It seems I was correct, although I am unsure as to what I will even do with that information other than be utterly fascinated by it.” Sirrus said with an awkward chuckle. V could tell that he was still unsure as to whether or not he’d overstepped. But that was actually an interesting observation. The young summoner didn’t really get that same feeling when he touched the markings on his own body. Perhaps he was too used to it and couldn’t discern it from anything else. It was interesting to him that Sirrus could distinguish between his energy and that of his familiars. But it was what his friend said next that took him more off guard than anything else had that day.
“In truth… I sense something more than just the two of them. Perhaps traces of something else? Residual energy from your battle against Belial? I do feel some aspect of his power…. But I am not familiar enough with him in person to make any astute observations besides that. Thankfully we are going to see someone more knowledgeable than myself.“ Sirrus seemed almost concerned, but all he could do was shrug. He knew next to nothing of the nature of his friend’s familiars, and if the look on V’s face was anything to go by, then he’d just deeply unnerved him, and that was the last thing that he’d wanted to do. They both had enough on their minds. 
V had taken in some aspect of his opponent upon defeating him, that much was true. Be he hadn’t the slightest idea what that might have to do with his familiars. And this was a fascinating, if not deeply concerning, revelation. Had he brought back something more with him from the underworld than he’d initially noticed? Was that why he’d felt so… off lately? “That is… good to know. Thank you for telling me.”
Sirrus nodded politely as he stood up, something close to worry in his eyes that he tried to hide but wasn’t succeeding at. “And thank you for humoring me. Take a moment to get dressed. Come and meet me when you’re ready. I think we could both use some fresh air. Don’t rush.”
With that, Sirrus excited the room, perhaps to give him a bit of privacy and a moment alone with his thoughts. V closed his eyes for a moment and allowed silence to seep into him. His familiars clearly hadn’t known about this, and neither had he, but they did now. And some aspects of that made sense. He did not yet know the limitations of his own powers. Who was to say what was hiding away within the very depths of his being that he had no knowledge of? He’d opened the floodgates, and now he was standing in rising water. There was nothing for it but to swim. He refused to stand idly by and drown.
V reached over and picked up the shirt he’d had before, making a mental note to grab his coat from the hook by the door to the room. He had somewhere to be. This could wait for now. He was determined to take this one step at a time. That was the best approach.
“Breath… This is something that you can deal with. You need only know more about it first.” He thought to himself as he shrugged into the garment and stood up, heading to the door to grab his coat. Once he had it on, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to settle himself before grabbing his cane and opening the door, stepping out to meet Sirrus. The tall man with the mostly red hair almost seemed shocked to see him so soon. Sometimes he was taken off guard by his speed.
“I’m ready when you are, Sirrus. Please, lead the way.”
Hehe! It’s always a fun chapter when I get to write Griffon. He’s a good birb, and Shadow is a good little kitty. I’m trying to get ahead on my writing and figure out what I’m doing with the schedule going forward, so I have one chapter again next Friday, but I’m working on it. I’m hoping to get back to two chapters a week, one way or another since I’m sure that you all prefer that lineup. But anyway, I hope that you enjoyed the chapter and have a wonderful weekend! I’ll see you in the comments if you’d like to chat, and I just wanted to let anyone who was wondering that I did upload another chapter to Elden V about 2 weeks ago. I don’t know if I mentioned it. Thanks again for all of your support! You are awesome :D take care and I will see you next Friday! Bye-bye for now!
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grinkubus · 5 months
dante as my god oc helios!
he wanders across the earth bringing light to everyone (he's literally the sun). you may spot him on the horizon if you're lucky! don't look too long at him though or you'll end up blind
(he also may grant you pizza for free if you worship him)
(here's my oc as a comparison :)
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thesillyvivi · 5 days
recent dmc anon poll got me thinking but would u guys rock with my oc being a failed eva/trish clone. that was like one my firsg ideas for her but i havent really set it in stone yet
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poemagranette · 6 days
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dmc oc - dimitri! As mentioned she's a cannibal demon that once took a bite out of dante and realized she didnt really like how he tasted. They became friends after
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m00nz-writes · 1 year
Sorry for no updates on AO3 for a few days or so. I got some serious writers block and started binging Supernatural again like a big dumb baby.
I'm halfway finished with the next chapter, so hopefully that should come out today since I go through editing pretty quickly; hence why a lot of the chapters tend to have so many writing errors.
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plaguery · 2 years
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here is my promised dmc oc, romy sears. she is like if a torture device was friend shaped.
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these two pics are about a year old now and certainly far from favorites but they show off those tattoo details that the first missed!
she is a post-dmc5 character, remotely working as an advisor of sorts for devil may cry through morrison's adept scouting and by way of her demonological expertise, intel on possible jobs and if she's feeling generous, her casting abilities.
at the time of joining the devil may cry ensemble, she is a thirty-one year old with about two decades of intensive autistic special interest studying and training behind her. a witness to a horrific devil attack at age eleven, she was somehow inspired and propelled into demonology and magical pursuits. her constant, reckless infodumping to helpless shop patrons and workers at her regular haunts made her a name in town to anyone who wanted to work with or against devils, leading up to morrison cracking down on her and setting up a devil may cry exclusive romy deal.
her cover and home base (tag 'home' as literal) is the antiques shop she owns and operates at the very edge of town on the mostly abandoned, eerie but alluring, bramford street. mixed in with your average porcelain antiques are demonic artifacts and 'possessed' items—particularly, dolls. these devils that she has personally conjured and bound are considered friends, while she considers herself a 'caretaker'.
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despite her fondness for the demonic, she teams up with devil may cry out of financial need and for the mental challenge that she figures it will present. you can guess that her morals are... pliant.
she is a cheery, talkative, and strangely elegant thing, but do not mistake that for extroversion. more a lively hermit, most of her hours are spent at her shop and she can only be pulled away for the sake of necessity or for furthering her aims of gaining knowledge/'friends'. social skills seem to be something that comes and goes for her: politeness quickly becoming intrusion into personal boundaries, chatter somehow turning every stranger in the vicinity away, picking up on heavily layered context while missing basic cues.
as she'll tell you, pride is her favorite of the cardinal sins, and you'll find her pride in her knowledge, fashion, hair, and accessories. the tuft of white in her victory roll is her favorite badge of honor, as it has grown over the years from exposure to the demonic. most notable though are her golden, clawed fingers: custom prosthetics that she acquired after losing her fingers in a conjuring gone wrong.
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if the antiques shop didn't tell you, she loves vintage and is most often seen in 40s or 50s inspired styles. the true mark of devotion is the trans-atlantic accent that she taught herself as a teenager and uses to this day (no, she will not admit to it being taught despite it inherently being a completely fabricated accent).
fun facts:
if she gets close enough to someone she will reveal that 'romy sears' is in fact not really her name and that she started using it after getting disowned at eighteen for accidentally setting her family trailer on fire with her first successful conjure & bind. she will not divulge her true last name but her given name is rosemary. 'romy sear(s)' is just the anagram treatment.
'rosemary', making it an anagram, and the name 'bramford' for the street are references to rosemary's baby. she has never and never will give birth and shes more akin to the creepy neighbors but i love references and she loves taking care of devils!
when she does leave the house, she is rarely seen without a multiseat stroller, seating a select few dolls for that day. as a caretaker, she figures it's important for enrichment purposes to get them out of the shop regularly.
the whole doll schtick is actually the whole inspiration for her character. i started simply with the idea of combining one of my favorite internet browsing activities (looking at haunted/possessed doll listings) with post-dmc5 fuckery.
objects moving and strange noises are part and parcel for the shop. however, there is also a bit of a time vortex due to the massive concentration of the demonic in one spot. it makes the veil between realms thinner but not by too much. it's helped by romy's many wards and charms around and throughout the shop but time still moves differently and is always off by around 5-25 minutes depending on circumstance.
if you read this far, thank you :) i really love her in all her freakishness. im (slowly) trying to work on a written intro* (i guess.. fic) with her. despite all i already wrote there is much more i already have in my mind. questions are welcomed if you happen to have them!
*here's a sneak peek of that ;)
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navaeil · 10 months
Part 4
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yourreasons · 3 months
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my "au" v + vergil + my bf's dmc oc ^_^
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gauloiseblue · 7 months
Since I reblogged like a ton of stuff, it's only fair that I create some kind of navigation for my own posts.
Nsfw contents would be marked with [ 🔖]
The Man Who Stood By The Ocean (Bruno Bucciarati × Reader)
Ch 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 🔖Finale
🔖Private Love Hotel
Kakyoin | Giorno | Jotaro
🔖Ruined Date (Jotaro Kujo × Reader)
🔖I'm hungry for something else (Giorno Giovanna × Reader)
Cruel Summer (Kakyoin Noriyaki × Reader)
Ch 1
🔖Ménage À Trois (Giorno Giovanna × Reader × Guido Mista)
Keep Your Eyes On Me (Giorno Giovanna × Reader)
Specific songs for COD character's scenarios
🔖TF141 + König | sensory deprived sex
🔖TF141 + König, Graves, Alejandro | Body Worship
TF141 + König as Ghibli Studio Men
Interactive Fiction / CYOA
Fate / Endless Cycles (König × Reader)
Captain Price
How would he stop smoking
John Price as a personal bodyguard
General HQ | Part I | Part II
Red Lipstick
First Meeting | Second Time The Charm | Hearsay | The Garden | A Loyal Dog
🔖I don't care if you don't want me / I'm yours right now
Sea, swallow me
🔖Stray dog's behavior
Unveiling König
🔖I'm Only Flesh And Blood
If I were a good man / I'd understand the spaces between friends
For though I am a sinner / You call me to your table
🔖réchauffer un serpent dans son sein
🔖Just Like Animals [req]
🔖You carved your love on mine / And left a wound / That refused to heal
🔖8:00 AM
Gaz × cook!reader [req]
🔖And at every table / I'll save you a seat
Every Day, You'll Hear Me Say
🔖Despicable Man
Oral Fixation
Medic!Reader × Poly!141 (Platonic)
Part I | Part II | Part III
Snippet Collection
Dark hair (Price × Reader)
Favorite food (Price × Reader)
Oversized things (Soap × Reader)
🔖Clogged milk [TW] (König × Reader)
Blue Velvet (König × Reader × Horangi)
Red Grave City Gothic
🔖Hellgate (2!Dante × Reader)
🔖Summer Wine (4!Nero × Reader × 4!Dante)
The Arcana
🔖Asra Alnazar | Modern AU
Yassified Ghost
COD men as Party Animals characters
König × Reader
König × Reader pt. 2
König × Reader pt. 3
König × Reader pt. 4
Horangi × OC
Graves pt. 1
Simp Kakyoin
Jotakak 'Comrades'
2p Japan
Ghoul × Nun
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aqualblue · 22 days
What are you art inspirations? Your style is so pretty and unique. Also could you tell me more about your OC's? Like what they do and their personalities?
tyyy hahahaehe!!
my main art inspiration is ennuigrl. I had almost quit drawing entirely until I spotted their acc on twitter and found my love for drawing all over again through simply viewing their art. I also Take a lot inspiration from Street Fighter, winx club, my little pony fim, dmc, guilty gear, mortal kombat, and Dragon Ball in style/character design !
Unique to my other characters, my winx club oc Lovera, and her two goons, Gaia and clover, are seperate entities in their own stories, as well as being the main part of my personal winx club x castlevania au
As for ocs, my main cast, (Tsuaki Family, Downtown trio: Brecken, Anna, Kaminari Nami) were first made in wizard101 when I used to play a lot, through drawing them they became their own ocs, and now I rotate them through fandom aus of fandoms im into. Anba's friend group/circle also consists of the extra Kotori (Cori, ditzy, clumsey, abscent minded), Karol (kind of a perv, tall, protects her friends), Caren(Sweet, some may think she's a mean girl but she's very kind), and Eris and Rhea(Reincarnations that come back easily any time they die, both untrustworthy shapeshifters) Currently my main focus and au for them, it's street fighter!! (and sometimes dmc/guilty gear)
I'll breakdown some of my main ocs below their personalities under the cut!!
Lovera: Lovera is one of my many completely inhuman ocs that appear human. Like an animal she wears bright colors and naturally has bright colors in her human/non human forms to indicate she's toxic. She's an ex fairy/fae, having had her wings permanently torn from her shoulder blades right at the root for aiding her father in destroying a large portion of the fairy realm and stealing dark magic for their own gain. She's gone on to become a dark sorceress, sort of self absorbed anti hero who doesn't meddle in the affiars of others. In the castlevania au, her personal isolation is due to her love not being reciprocated by Juste Belmont when he learns of her past. She eventually goes on to open up to Alucard however. As a fairy, she was "the fairy of the pale dragon heart", which just means the fairy of love
Anba: Anba is the one you see me draw the most, the stoic little critter with the headband/glasses. She's completely random, unpredictable, but can be quick to temper or resorting to violence when things go south. Despite her muscled body, she's very flexible, and able to fit herself inside small spaces which she enjoys. Her powers are paradoxial, meaning she can use two opposites at once (fire, ice, shadow, light, etc). Anba also has an obxnoious british twin cousin named Nokoribi who raised her when her elder three siblings and parents vanished for some time.
Paru: Paru is the only Tsukai sibbling born completely without the capeability to show that she's being malicious, even if she wanted to. She trusts everyone, ever, think how fluttershy is when thinking the best of everyone !. Paru often has no trouble making friends, or being nice, and like her name suggests, she has a pearl in her forehead, which is the only time such a neutral gem has been placed in a Tsukai family member. Paru and Anba were very close when Paru was alive.
Kessho [Tsukai]: Kessho almost NEVER emotes, Apart from sometimes smiling at her partner or her siblings. Kessho, Ame and armondo are all 55, so Kessho is very mature, cool headed, and well thought out. She's the most like Kage visually and fighting wise, having spider flexibility and powers, and able to shapeshift very well
Amejisuto & Armondo-Hisui: These two are practically the same person, like with Morrigan and Lilith. Both having nighttime related powers, Ame' is a sweet, motherly type who comes off airheaded but is actually very smart and cunning, whilst Armondo doesn't hide that he's a sly, sassy, kind of rude liar.
Turmeric: Turmeric is the eldest out of the paru, anba and himself tripletts. He's blank faced, rarely showing emotion outside of blank, and being annoyed or weirded out. He was originally anba's genderbend, but became his own character to me. His powers are light related, and he's Kessho's opposite.
Kage: Kage is an evil, disney step mother (except she's the bio mom) type of character, who is simply wearing the skin of a human she was born into the vessel as. She has a twin sister, who often stays out of the continent of Asia to avoid Kage. She's also in past of history, been known as the witch "Morgin Le Fay", and in the era of Japan when samurai's still fought dragons and evil yokai, "The ShiKage". She has an obsession with bugs, specifically arachnids and hates avians.
Anna(Sanari Gojo): Anna is very timid, shy, sweet. She doesn't go out of her way to be noticed but either due to Brecken and Nami, her friends, or her mentor, Anba, she ends up in trouble. Anna comes off as weak willed, but actually has very strong principle and is only shy and cowardly around people she cares about impressing. When it comes to evil people, albeit, in her terms, "bullies", she has a zero tolerance, and will beat the shit out of them. Her fighting style mixes karate and Gymnastics, and she has icy powers
Kaminari Nami: Nami is just a very unhinged girl and mistunderstood for it. She's very outgoing, sweet, and attentive to those around her. She enjoys girly things, not always clothes, but she owns lots of makeup and dolls. She's one of my only hatian ocs, the others being her mother, Mirlande, and her twin sister Masayoshi. Nami in general just really has lots of love to give and so comes off as intense when she tries to give it out. She learned to fight by wrestling Aligators in Jamaica where she was raised by an adopted big brother after her parents vanished ! Nami and her twin sister have storm/raging storms at sea powers, relating to their names
Brecekn: Brecken's your classic gangster and swindler. She's got a mysterious ability to talk anyone into any kind of deal or scam she's selling ha. In the street fighter au she has a bunch of fighters/boxers under her wing in her management company and takes a HUGE cut. She's cocky, but for good reason, as despite her size, she's a boxer/bear wrestler that packs a punch harder than being hit by a car. She has illusion based powers
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goth-automaton · 4 months
i'm silly and blind but do you have a list of your ocs anywhere that i'm just not seeing hahaa. i know you listed some of them in the tags of the oc ask game but i want.... more TM
Unfortunately, no, I'm too disorganised for it and tend to assume people will catch them from my irregular blabbing. ^^" But here are some with more extensive lore (a lot of my OCs don't have set stories, only personalities and what they're doing in their life):
KH: Roxene (also Keizelex and Xana, but they're part of stories I want to write one day and don't want to spoil)
(Roxene is a character in 2 AUs, her native one and circus AU btw, but she's basically the same character in both, just her story differs a little)
BNHA: Reimi, Tijana, Karina, Kokona, Hina, Hildegard, Herrad, Guda (last three are from AU that I discontinued, but I'm still fond of them and they're kinda existing on their own)
Kuroshitsuji (extremely old AU, that I'm redoing, so proceed with caution): Loraine
DMC: Melody, Blake
MGS: Emma, Svetlana, Punitha, Linda, Rei, Ocean, Juan, Terra (all are characters from the same AU, I sometimes talk about it on my Twitter, the tag is #MetalGearChaos)
Fallout: Acolyte
BTW I'm preparing (as in, know what I want to write, but have to write) a post about songs, that couple of my OCs have as character themes, so stay tuned! ^^
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skvaderarts · 3 months
Saudade Chapter 13: Sympathetic Succor
Chapter Thirteen: Sympathetic Succor
Note: I thought this might make a nice little warm-up while I get back in the headspace to write Petrichor. I’ve been thinking about it since I brought it up as a half-joking reply to one of the comments left by the ever-funny Temeraire101 in chapter eleven of Saudade. Bear with me, everyone. I’m getting back on the horse. Slowly.
It had been wise to head to the market when they had.
The last few days were marked by the continuation of the storm, its waters overflowing the gutters and soaking every surface that stood before it as water was often want to. 
The local government had issued a stay-at-home order as a temporary precaution to reduce the risk of drownings, one that proved to be redundant as anyone with any sense had opted to do so long before they’d been asked. The only motivation anyone had found to break the order had been to procure necessary resources, a violation of the order that would have occurred regardless of whether or not it had been made an exception to the rule, something that it proved to be from the get-go. After all, no one was going to remain within the walls of their home and starve, now were they?
But regardless of such orders, neither V nor Sirrus had plans to leave the house. They were content to remain where they were, cozy and warm within the brick and cast iron walls of the red-haired man’s cozy multistory flat. They’d only left briefly to grab ingredients for the recipe that Sirrus had wanted to make for him, and it had been exquisite, but the next morning they’d both awakened to something they hadn’t expected.
Sirrus had caught a cold.
Neither of them had even remotely expected that when they’d woken up the next morning and met in the kitchen, but they’d been confronted with it regardless. At first, it was just a small cold, something Sirrus asserted that he’d sleep off by the next day. But by the time the next morning had rolled around V found himself completely alone in the kitchen when he woke up in the morning and Sirrus was nowhere to be found.
Upon going to check on the red-haired man V discovered that he was much worse off now than he’d been the day before, something that Sirrus found as baffling as V found it alarming. He couldn’t exactly take something for it due to not being, well, human and its effectiveness being subject to variation, but neither of them had expected Sirrus to wake up and be worse off after a good night’s sleep.
Remaining in his room and opting to just try and take it easy for the day had seemed like the best option at the time, especially after contacting Magnolia and being advised to do just that. He’d drank some tea and opted to just take a nap, a cycle that he’d been repeating for the majority of the morning, unable to stay asleep despite being exhausted.
And during that time V had been planning. Scheming and plotting until he’d come to the only logical conclusion that he could.
He’d make Sirrus some soup.
It had been a tricky endeavor considering the fact that heading outside was a last resort, and he didn’t wish to commission some poor underpaid delivery person to risk their life on his behalf, but he’d come up with something in the end and had spend the better part of the morning both preparing it and hiding it from Sirrus. He wanted it to be a surprise.
But after several hours of preparing the meal and utterly failing to figure out where half the things in the kitchen were located due to the meticulous manner in which they’d been sorted, he sat down, exhaled heavily, and poured himself a glass of water. He needed a quick break. And he was willing to bet that Sirrus could use something to drink.
Heading over to the door with a second glass of water in hand, the young summoner knocked on the door apprehensive, hoping to catch him when he was awake and not asleep. If he was resting he would let him stay that way. But after a moment a noticeably hoarse voice from the other side of the door beckoned him inside and he obliged, stepping into the room and closing the door behind himself. Sirrus had already been awake. He could tell.
“... We shouldn’t go grocery shopping together,” Sirrus said with a soft, slightly anemic, and wet cough as he watched V approach and sit the glass down on his bedside table. He nodded gratefully through his haze, taking a moment to compose himself and catch his breathing. His cold had seemingly migrated to his chest, something that was almost as unpleasant as it sounded. And something that concerned V more than the fact that Sirrus was unwell in the first place, even though that also worried him deeply. How had this come to pass? Surely he’d caught something when they were out at the market; that much was obvious. But… how?
“I still don’t fully understand how this has happened to you,” V said as he sat down towards the middle of Sirrus’s bed. The curtains were partially open, allowing some of the stormy light from outside to filter in. It was a beautiful view, in truth, but not one that he imagined Sirrus could fully appreciate in the way that he might wish to at present. “I was laboring under the impression that you were impervious to illness.”
“Circumstantially, yes,” Sirrus said somewhat weakly, not elaborating any further. At least not initially. He exhaled heavily and looked over at V, taking note of something.
V was looking at Sirrus as though he’d just said something that didn’t make any sense to him. It was a subtle look, but it was still perceptible. He had no idea what the Adjudicator was talking about, that much was clear. And understandable. 
Chuckling and then attempting to clear his throat only to realize that his throat was dry, Sirrus sat up further in his bed. This was going to take a little bit of explaining.
“When I am at my full power, I am incapable of contracting any illness, yes. But when fully depleted, my immune system… deteriorates.” Sirrus paused to take a swig of the water that V had brought him, making a face that indicated that he wasn’t pleased with the taste in his mouth as he sat it down, abandoning his previous efforts to wet his throat. It seemed that he’d reached the stage where everything he tried to drink tasted like his cold. Wonderful. Just splendid. “While I am recovering and regaining my strength, my invulnerability inverts, and I become susceptible to more or less anything with the exception of things that are not contracted by pathogens. And I am especially vulnerable to infections.”
“So if you were to develop a blood-borne infection… “ V’s speech gradually grew slower as he trailed off towards the end of his statement, the mental picture that it painted in his head too unpleasant for him to linger on. It was best not to even risk speaking that into existence. He wouldn’t call himself suspicious, but perhaps suspicion believed in him.
“The less thought put towards that notion the better, mo chara daor.” Sirrus coughed again, this time for longer and quite a bit harder, at that. V gave him a sympathetic look, hesitating for a brief moment before placing his hand on the back of his shoulder. He’d never considered what it felt like to worry over a sick loved one before. Even when his own father had been in a coma, he’d held hope that his supreme healing factor would prevail. Part of him had utterly refused to even consider the idea that he wouldn’t be okay. And while he wasn’t laboring under the idea that Sirrus couldn’t pull through a chest cold, it was… unnerving to witness someone so utterly unkillable in such a state. The idea that he was even susceptible to a cold was disquieting to him in a way that he couldn’t quite place.
“Do you need anything from me, Sirrus?” V asked softly. He was worried and trying not to show it, and they both knew that, but he still didn’t want to worry Sirrus, and the red-haired man was genuinely touched by that, even if he didn’t need him to expend the effort on his behalf.
The man with the red hair shook his head tiredly. He understood his friend’s desire to help him out, but for the moment, he was fine. He would manage. And if he couldn’t, he had a contingency plan for that. And V. He always had V. 
With their conversation now over, V left him to rest, standing up and heading to the door. He probably needed to check on the soup anyway. It was best not to hover around someone who was sick. For both of their sakes. V couldn’t remember the last time he’d been under the weather due to non-supernatural conditions, but he wasn’t keen to make that a more simple thing to recall in the future. And for all he knew, he might somehow make his companion sicker. He would continue preparing his little surprise. That was probably the best course of action right now. For both of them.
“If you do need anything, please. Let me know.” V said from his place at the door, a genuinely bright, empathetic smile spreading across his face. He knew what it was like to suffer. To be brought low by circumstances outside of your control. Sirrus would be alright. They would both make sure of it. His dear friend had been there for him through everything that the universe could throw at him. V wasn’t going anywhere. Neither of them would if the other needed them. He was just much more accustomed to it being him and not Sirrus. “I’ll help you. It’s no trouble. I mean that.”
“I’d never doubt that you would. Thank you, V,” Sirrus said with a weary chuckle, his eyes still bright despite the obvious discomfort he felt in his chest. He just looked at V fondly for a long moment before laying back and closing his eyes, pulling the covers back up over himself and tiredly settling in. He exhaled tiredly and then went silent, the only indication that he was alive being his breathing.
V slipped out of the room quietly, closing the door behind himself. He didn’t want to wake him if he’d started to drift off. He needed the rest and the summoner had work to do. Shaking his head slightly in a grimly amused manner he chuckled to himself. If he was lucky he could be finished before Sirrus woke up. That should make them both feel better.
This was a fun little chapter! It helped me get back in the right headspace. I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think! Fun little chapters like this are fun and I’m always looking for more ideas, especially from all of you! You have such fun ones!
The next chapter will also be a Saudade chapter for next week partially due to needing more time to get back in the swing of things and because Shadow of the Erdtree is coming out next week and AHHH! I’m streaming it at launch and the lead-up has been pure stress. That’s taking up all of my spare time at the moment. But if anyone wants to hang out and check it out with me, I updated my Profile and added a link to both it and the Discord server. Swing by if you’d like! I have a schedule posted there. Are any of you going to be playing it, too? Let me know! I’m always excited to talk about fun games lol! I’ll see you all back here next week! Take care and thanks again for reading. It feels good to be back writing something. ANYTHING! Bye bye!
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nebularanger-art · 2 days
Part 2 of helping me decide what kind of Devil May Cry fanart draw
The winner last time was my Dante body headcanons.
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starsapphirecorpss · 7 months
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I really should update these but!!! These are my guys!!!
So I was an Undertale/CoDZ kid so AU's are a part of the inspiration (in the sense of I don't have to create a new character from scratch, I made Ari before I gave DmC a chance, and only made Zona after that fact).
Here comes a wall of text so have fun with that :))
Arizona - Small spring/Great Oak
Armani - Warrior
Ambrosi - Immortal
I liked the idea of having an alliterative name, and I like to keep my names for demons Italian/Latin due to works like The Divine Comedy, as well as the sheer amount of religious talk in the cultures.
Ari is a goofball, he likes to play and hop and frolic. He's protective of the people close to him. He only really causes mischief, and pranks. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, only cause them a small amount of inconvenience. If a joke goes too far, you'll often find that he's the first to jump in to help resolve the problem. He often steals pens from Dante, spare Devil Breakers from Nero, and tools from Nico. He's sweet, and he's kind, playful, and dumb. While his Demon Form is much stronger, he often uses it to help people feel better. He's a huge fluffy boi, and that makes it easy for others to calm down and feel safe around him.
Zona, however, is much colder. Yes, he wants humans to be free of such a, shall I say, abusive ruler in Mundus, but Zona used to be something of a feral Demon. (I can't personally decide if this part of his Backstory is that Vergil tamed the feral Zona, or if Zona was injured and became indebted to Vergil after the Nephilim helped him.) But he is Vergil's Right Hand Man, hanging just behind the blue Nephilim and waiting to do his boss's dirty work. He enjoys playing with the creatures Vergil needs dead, and the fact that Dante is Vergil's twin does NOT save the red Nephilim. Throughout the course of DmC: Devil May Cry, Zona is curt with Dante after Vergil invites him to help The Order, and is polite with Kat, Vergil's Right Hand Mystic. However, after the twins fight at the end of the game and Vergil disappears into his portal, Zona turned tail and ran off, meeting back up with Vergil after the events of Vergil's Downfall. At this point, Vergil has become the Demon King, and he formally appoints Zona as his Second In Command, his confidant. (ALSO ZONA IS SOOOOOOOOO GAY FOR VERGIL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
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this is my OG timeline Oc! her name is Asmara and she is Nero’s mom! (the quality is FUCKED BC TUMBLR HATES ME)
She’s a succubus and Vergils VERY ESTRANGED ex-gf.
She’s 400~ years old and from Indonesia. She was the firstborn of a king and queen in Indonesia, making her a princess. She is the oldest sibling and sister to 3 brothers.
She was turned into a succubus in her 20’s.
She was hiding in Fortuna when she met Vergil. At first they didn’t get along, but the two eventually begin to care for eachother as time goes on, which leads to them jumping into a relationship.
Vergil breaks it off because he thinks she’s weak and making him soft, and leaves her, telling her he never loved her. (He’s lying).
She’s forced to abandon Nero, as she’s being hunted down by the King Asmodeus, and since everyone in Fortuna fucking hated her, they told Nero how much of a whore his mother was.
Since she’s been turned succubus, she still technically has Human DNA, which is recessive to Vergil’s dominant genes, making Nero look almost nothing like her.
She is really kind and motherly, but more of a mama bear character. If you mess with her son, or her loved ones, she’s hunting you down.
Her weapon is a copper whip that is embedded with the spirits of her ancestors. She also has the ability to produce sparks from her palm (which are rather weak but become MUCH stronger when channeled through her whip)
She was eventually captured by Asmodeus and was trapped until (in my AU) Urizen killed him, which set her free. Not knowing who Urizen truly was, she ran away, not looking back, searching for her son.
Reuniting with everyone is definitely… an experience.
She keeps her distance with Vergil. She (unfortunately) still loves him but knows better than to fall for him a second time. They don’t go out of their way to interact, and every conversation they have is extremely awkward.
With Nero, she is a great mother, supportive and caring and just wants to make sure he’s happy, but she doesn’t seem to understand that it’s gonna take some time for him to process everything he’s going through.
She’s cool with Dante! She enjoys his quips and finds him funny.
She helps out at the orphanage and all the children call her “Mama Mara”. She is extremely proud of all of them and loves them all as if they were her own
now for my trainwreck; Ángel
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(i never properly drew them lmfao)
Ángel is my DmC OC, and as their name suggests they are an angel!
Their full name is Virtue Ángel Amare de Pluma, but since Dante didn’t bother trying, it’s just Ángel.
(He still pronounces it as Angel, too)
Ángel is a Virtue angel, and their job specifically is to save the souls of every from Limbo City, since the demon menace has been cleansed. They are rather stubborn and close minded, and truly unknowing of the Human world, or what humans are forced to live through, making them come off as a huge bitch, but they truly do have only the best intentions in mind. Due to how they were raised as an angel, they view themselves above humans, and sees it as a simple fact, though they are kind to them, they are quick to cast out or judge those who aren’t believers. Their personal ‘pet project’ is saving Dante’s soul.
Dante, of course tells them to fuck off, but realizes that Ángel is really the only person who can somewhat relate to him.
Their relationship starts off really rocky. Imagine the Jehova’s Witness knocking at your door every 4 AM and telling you all your sins. Yeah.
Ángel finds Dante’s overall horniness abhorrent and repulsive. Dante keeps flirting with them because he finds it hilarious how flustered he’s able to make them. The two warm up to each other slowly. Ángel does become a more accepting of Dante’s nature even though they deny it vehemently, they refuse to have anyone believe that they enjoy his sin. And Dante learns more of what it is to be a Nephilim, and about being an angel. Like how everyone gets along in this universe; its mostly trauma dumping until the become friends.
Ángel’s relationship with Kat is much better! They are always kind to her and the two get close rather quickly. Ángel is always there to protect and support Kat, no matter what. Kat is actually the person to make Ángel realize the beauty, rather than responsibility, that humanity is.
all three end up in a poly relationship teehee
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m00nz-writes · 1 year
new chapter is finally out. and i'm also starting to plant the seeds of what crossover will be coming to this fic in the chapter to be released soon.
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cloudvaria · 5 days
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