#My Couzin
thirteendaysintaunton · 9 months
can't believe I have to blacklist "pjo spoilers" in 2023 as if I haven't been obsessed with the series for over half of my life
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It’s officiall. My couzin is bad luck.
In the first week they mov’d ta Gotham:
-A pillow melt’d
-I stubb’d my toe
-I broke my gettin’-kidnapp’d streak
-I almost lost my oth’r middle fing’r
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buhdaw · 1 month
I MIZZ YOU..!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!
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gnarpyz-zpacezhip · 7 months
Opinions on my dog?!!
She’s a German shepherd!
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Remindz me of my couzin. So yes, approved.
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sock-to-the-third · 1 month
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🌈 queer
✨ body
💉 drug abuse
Encyclopedia of Antique American Clocks by Sweberg [catalogue not learning specifics]
Evicted: Poverty & Profit in America City by Desmund [sad]
Embrace Your Size by Hara ✨
Ink In Water by Davis ✨
Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Gay ✨
Tinderbox: The Untold Story of the Upstairs Lounge Fire and the Rise of Liberation by Fieseler 🌈
Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines by Sheff [jumpy drug abuse] 💉
My Guantanamo Diary: The Detainees and the Stories They Told Me by Khan
Rolling Warrior by Heuman
A Quick & Easy Guide to Sex and Disability by Andrew 🌈
Black Girl Unlimited by Brown [auto]
How Does it Feel to Be A Problem by Moustafa Bayoumi [Muslim experience]
Homeless of Hopeless by Nichelason
Blue Book by Ferris 💉 🌈
Smithsonian: Trees, Leaves, Foowers & Seeds - A Visual Encyclopedia of the Plant Kingdom #2020 art blog
Silly Jokes about Bugs by Dahl
Jokes about Animals by Winter
Handmade Paper from Naturals by Flowers
When the Rabbit Howls 🔥
Knock Knock Jokes by Joe King
New Crafts: Papermaking by Couzins-Scott
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viemae19 · 2 years
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Hi! my name is Jovie Mae Olaer,im 18 years old from Dangcagan Bukidnon and i live here in kabacsanan Iligan City in 4 years since first year high school with my couzin.
Im just a simple girl, im not smart but i will try positively, i dont like to put on make up because just liptint is enough for me. I also know a lot about house work,such as cooking and others because i do it every day.I also dont wander around much beacause im busy at home, sometimes my mood will change because im stressed and have a problem,so i just laugh when im at school with my close friends, it comes out when im happy and when crazy hahaha.
My hobbies is watching k dramas,reading watpad,dancing and also listening music to relax or ema charrr haha.
my goal is to finish my studies and get coarse i want in the future beacause i want to be a good teacher some day and hope i reach it,and to help my family.
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moonsunbam · 1 month
i wish i could eat baozi in my hometown cause it looks DELICIOUS, chinese couzine must be sooo good
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project1939 · 4 months
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200 Films of 1952
Film number 157: Mother Riley Meets the Vampire (aka, A Vampire Over London and My Son the Vampire)
Release date: July 1952 
Studio: Fernwood Productions/Renown Pictures 
Genre: comedy 
Director: John Gilling 
Producer: John Gilling, Stanley Couzins, George Minter 
Actors: Arthur Lucan, Bela Lugosi 
Plot summary: Mother Riley spends most of her time avoiding her rent payments, but due to a crazy mix-up, she finds herself in a mansion with a vampire who is kidnapping women and trying to control the world with robots.  
My rating (out of 5 stars): ** 
Oh god, that was an experience! I put this film on and off my list more than once, but I finally decided to give it a go. It was seriously weird, but I didn’t hate it as much as I feared. It was so wacky and silly, it was never drudgery, but would I want to watch it again? No. And was it funny? Barely. The funniest thing to me was the fact that a contemporary reviewer of the film said it was “stupid, humorless, and repulsive!” That’s a bit harsh, but still hilarious. (minor spoilers)
The Good: 
The song! There was one random song in the whole movie, and it was a fun little thing Mother Riley sang with a chorus of “Lift up your finger and say tweet tweet, shush shush, now now, come come!” It seemed pretty clear that it was performed live on set with a piano, which I loved. 
It did make me laugh a couple of times with some of its more absurdist humor and funny names. For example, a law office was called “Fleesum Fleesum Fleesum and Grab!” 
It had much of the camp you would expect from a dirt-cheap comedic horror film starring a man in drag. It could have had so much more, though. 
Bela Lugosi was good. His entrance genuinely made me smile- he came out of a coffin bed wearing a tuxedo and cape. 
I liked the maid character Tilly for some reason. She was cute. 
The Bad: 
The Mother Riley character was played by a male comedian in drag, and let's just say it was an acquired taste that escaped me. Evidently, the Old Mother Riley character was the star of many serials in England, and a large part of her following was children. That makes sense to me, given the broad style of humor. 
The “special effects,” if you can call them that, basically consisted of some reversed footage, a man in a robot suit, and terrible rear projection! 
It honestly didn’t make me laugh. The humor was mostly uninspired slapstick. If you’re looking for witty British repartee, drive right on past this. 
Slide-whistle sound effects?? Really? That illustrates again how basement level low-brow everything was. 
The film screamed low budget from start to finish.
The Robot was a huge letdown! It was obviously just a guy in a costume, and not an impressive one at that. He was also easily destroyed in a brawl with an old woman! And yet, he was supposed to help take over the world? 
The plot was kind of a stop-start mess. It was mostly a succession of gags, it sucked any suspense out of the story, and there were several dangling threads left at the end. 
The Interesting: I learned some old British slang that... well, I’ll let it speak for itself. Early in the movie a man called Mother Riley a “silly old fagg*t.” She looked shocked and responded, “Me a fagg*t?!” I had to look it up, because I was sure that was the word I heard, and indeed it used to be “an abusive term for an old woman.” That was also likely a part of the origin for its homophobic use. 
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peepee-poopoo-lord · 1 year
My couzin was ruthlessly roasting me because I actually enjoy tumblr . I’ll show her….
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qhiq · 1 year
ok i need to make a pozt about numberz
(s is replaced with z and x is replaced with ekz due to my broken keyboard and i dont want to copy and pazte every letter becauze thiz iz bazically nonzenze rambling)
when im calculating zomething, thinking of the perzonalitiez for the numberz helpz me or haz me juzt thinking about them, and idk why, but it doez help me do math and calculate zo pleaze dont judge 1 iz grey, iz probably lazy and haz an office job where they wake up go to work go home from work and zleep, i zee 9 having big blackmail towardz 1 and thatz why 1 workz for him or zomething like that (ekzplained later) 2 iz yellow, like a young toddler or kid, but itz very nice and likez making flower crownz 3 iz green, probably the weird couzin/neighbor that tried following every cringe trend thinking it waz cool, that one perzon who made among uz referencez every 3 zecondz during that period, probably alzo doeznt care about itz hygiene but it thinkz itz not important but it actually really zmellz (thiz all may be due to my hatred of the letter 3) 4 iz red or maroon, that one wine aunt archetype, but itz bazically like a mother to 2 and iz very zweet to 2, with all the 2+2 iz 4 2*2 iz 4 2^2 iz 4, probably zmokez 5 iz orange, bazically perzonified friday (may be due to friday being the fifth day of the week) iz an older zibling to 2, mozt likely haz cool zunglazzez and ridez a zkateboard, it alzo makez zenze that 5*5 iz REALLY cool, 25 iz 2 and 5 together, making it cool and zweet, and alzo iz juzt 5 with 5 again making it zuper cool 6 iz probably cyan, i zee it like a nerdy girl that iz really into fandomz and fanart but iz very zecretive about it, alzo haz very great gradez but not in the zmart way but in the i learned thiz for 1 tezt and forgot about it after the tezt day, iz probably and zecretly a furry 7 iz complicated with itz colour, but probably dark blue, i zee it az zomething like an incel, having one time a relationzhip with 6 but that didnt work out (6*7= 42) and itz older zibling 8 hating them (thatz why 8*7 iz kinda weird) , but when 7 realized it waznt 6 that ruined their relationzhip but 7, it looked within and iz ztriving to be a better perzon (and thatz why 7*7 iz higher aka 49) and now itz chill with everyone 8 iz baby blue, being zome zort of book nerd or cinema geek analyzing everything, it alzo haz zome zort of deal with 9, (and thatz why 8*9 iz ztrangely 72) 9 iz purple, definetly, nothing elze, like a evil zupervillain that iz a ceo of a big zecret company that everyone knowz about but alzo noone knowz about, probably haz a zuit, it makez *evil dealz with everyone* and thatz why anything*9 iz zo weird and zketchy (tumblr would probably make him into a zekzyman or zomething)
0 iz white and got lozt in the woodz one time and went mizzing, nobody knowz about itz perzonality or character before it went mizzing az it ztayed home all day and night, itz a myztery how 0 got food or water or anything, when itz mentioned to any of the numberz they all act like they heard nothing (hence the +0/-0/*0 etc.) anyway thatz my huge ramble about goddamn numberz, if anyone elze feelz like thiz or wantz to add anything feel free to
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flopsypast · 2 years
This Christmas season reminds of the time I asked one of my older cousins if Santa Clauz was real. I had to be like 7 yrs old.
She replies with a question-
Couzin: How old are you?
Me: 7 yrz old.
Cuzin: Oh. Then yeah.
Dude, straight up gave it away 😂. Such a Holiday memory lol
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gnarpyz-zpacezhip · 7 months
gnarpeyy!!! in a past ask you answered me saying my dog reminded you of your COUSIN!!! tell me about🙏🙏
Oh, yez, my couzin…haven’t seen her much, so I doubt my dezcription would be accurate az of today. I wonder how ze’s doing? I’ll go check up on it.
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sock-to-the-third · 23 days
New Crafts: Papermaking
By Elizabeth Couzins-Scott
History of Paper
It opens up with a brief history of paper. Last book I read on the process also did the same. The usj like Egypt made it first from papyrus, then China, after that spread from there.
What’s got me cutuous is this Ts’au Lun guy who Couzins-Scott claims after he found an alternative to bamboo/silk paper —to— old rags, fishnets and plants (ex hemp and mulberry). They said that “Ts’ai Lun was rewarded for his pains by being imprisoned so that the Chinese government could keep the secret of papermaking.” Kinda skeptical they could keep a secret like that for 600 years but even if there’s a grain of truth in this, I’m super curious.
Note to self: Ts’ai Lun, China, History of Paper
Another tidbit I’m interested in is the printing press. Was there any interesting non-European printing press pre-1453? I find it a bit odd that all the inventions involving papermaking/printing suddenly appear in Europe… hmm… wonder if that’s an oversight or what circumstances may cause that.
Equiptment (pg 16, 19)
Mould and deckle (aka paper scooping stuff)
Liquidizer (aka blender)
Ends up you soak the pulp so to break up the fibers in the recycled paper. Also, a sieve (strainer) helps to make a thicker pulp. Also, if you poor pulp down the drain, it could cause a clog.
I always wondered how big of pieces you should shred it into though. That’s certainly something I’ll experiment with if smaller pieces make things more difficult or easier. Couzins-Scott says to use “postage stamp” size pieces. Also, ends up your not using the blender a crap ton— just short bursts.
Plant Paper (pg25)
This goes into it from scratch rather than recycled paper. Rather than the process grabbing my attention, it was the materials that they suggested like…
Hay (Dried grass)
Straw (Hollowed out stalks)
Pampas grass
Irises (tuber), Montbretia, Gladioli, Daffodils
Couzins-Scott goes over the process for straw and “dried” plant fibers. I’m curious if in reference to plants from the lily family and foxgloves if it’s more the leafy stalks coming from the bulb or if you can use the stem too.
Fave Projects
Greetings Card (pg30)
Notepaper Case (pg54)
Japanese Bound Book (pg69)
For the greeting card, the combination of the card and the rough edged paper folded around it with the added cute touch of a ribbon sent me over the moon.
On the other hand, the notepaper case looks stylish and practical.
Meanwhile, I just love the idea of making books so seeing any technique for book binding got me excited. It ends up for that project Couzins-Scott used the “4-whole-binding” technique. I’ll need to look into bookbinding too.
Emboss (pg39)
Embroidery (pg86)
In this case I believe embossed means to “stamp” something on the surface. I have a bit of interest in it but mostly I just love how ritzy the word sounds.
Then I just love the vibe of embroidering on paper. I wouldn’t do it (even though I like embroidering) but the results are absolutely gorgeous. I def hope I see more of that in my reading.
All in all, interesting book. I’d prob more use it as a cross reference to see where the disagreements are so to keep close notes on those when I do my own project in the future.
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internal-orchids · 2 years
im texting my other couzin now to get me it lmao
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
UGH GIRLBOSS 😖😖😖😖💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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i think the australians should kill their prime minister and cook him on the barbie or smthn idk
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