#My 3-year-old car decided it was going to do something dumb
evilfloralfoolery · 2 months
Sorry for the delay in fic posting, buuuutttt....
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smokingtiger · 1 month
Debunking Obvious Misinformation
Hiya gang, did you miss me? I know I haven't posted properly in awhile apart from a few other posts, so I decided to post something a little more light-hearted and fun.
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It's time for me to do my favorite thing. Making fun of people who have 0 critical thinking skills.
Today's culprit comes in the form of a few dumb Taekook TikTokers who are currently spreading the lie that Taehyung visited Jungkook's camp. What evidence did they use for that?
A license plate.
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It takes 0.002 seconds to understand why this is wrong and incredibly stupid on so many levels.
1 - look at the license plate format, what about that screams a modern Korean license format?
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Here is a brief history of what car license plates have looked like in Korea. A lot of cars on the roads in the modern day tend to have longer license plates than the smaller rectangles more commonly found in the states.
2 - The location in the back is not a company found in Korea. It's in California.
Google could've told you that. Can't believe Taehyung went all the way to California just to visit Jungkook. The Korean army really is everywhere nowadays.
3 - Why on earth would Taehyung, if wanting to be discreet about his visit, put "BTS is 7" as his license plate!?
These posts have thousands of likes and I'm incredibly confused about how anyone reasonable would look at that and assume that it was 100% the truth?
Also, the alleged owner of the car came forward on Twitter to talk about the pictures being circulated on TikTok:
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Apparently they're saying this person works for HYBE. Awww, HYBE employees carpooling on the weekend. How sweet.
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Incredible detective skills.
I think this is just too dumb for me to really comment on it. Why is the collective IQ of these people equivalent to that of a brick? I'm sure that if Taehyung went to visit Jungkook or Jimin, he would not do it in a company car that proudly displays BTS on the back of it's legal license plate. Come on now. Let's be serious.
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Even outside of a shipping context, this is just a really weird thing to post. Why are you willingly posting information that -- if believed to be true -- is a complete and total invasion of BTS' privacy while in the military? How many statements do they have to release until y'all get the message to leave them the fuck alone while they undergo some of the most difficult years of their life?
I've always talked about how if you're going to ship you need to do it outside the realms of crazy town and keep to your own corner, and engaging/sharing alleged leaks and sasaeng information is not the way to do it. Obviously this particular instance is just a dumb rumor started by someone who is either ten years old or seriously lacking education -- but this is a very real and prolific problem in our fandom that people tend to address only when convenient.
Only twenty something days until Jin comes back. Pull yourself together until then.
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What Could've Been for Prodigal Son Season 4... Part 1
Okay so this is what could've been for Season 4, of course you're free to disagree with me but this is just how my brain thinks might’ve happened to just settle the fact that we never got closure lol:
Season 4 starts where Season 3 left off more or less
Malcolm is still at the hospital with whom he now knows to be his sister (seriously, Lorelai or Katherine? Which name? I'll just call her Sissy for now... because she's a little sister lol)
Her husband makes his first appearance, and he's a little cautious about Malcolm. Sissy wants to know her older brother, especially now that she's learned that her birth father is one of New York's infamous serial killers. She needs to know how to live with that.
Dani goes to the hospital to see Malcolm, hugs him, then slaps his chest because she thought he got seriously hurt... again. We'd get the first Brightwell moment of the season, possibly a kiss.
They have another moment in the waiting room as Malcolm talks about the fact that he now has another sister and that it turns out his mother thinking Martin had been cheating on her wasn't her getting the wrong vibe, they both had the right instincts back then, Malcolm had just been able to prove his suspicions. Dani hugs him and tells him that she's here for him, whatever he decides to do to proceed.
Martin is awake, and he tells Mr David that he wishes to call his family, he has a few words for "his boy".
A case with another family annihilator comes their way but the main difference this time is that it's attempted murder because the killer got it all wrong. He killed his boss because he got rightfully fired and he didn't want to face his family so he'd been lying about going to work for weeks and then he tried to kill them... thankfully he failed.
It brings up a lot of feelings for Malcolm because he can't imagine doing something like that to his own family... but then again, Martin was technically his family because DNA (dumb DNA) and he wonders if stabbing Martin (again) wasn't just a fluke and it was just tapping into who he really is.
At the end of the case, Malcolm and Gil have a conversation, and Gil tells Malcolm, "I don't know if I ever told you this, kid, but... even though I do worry about you and I always will, the one thing I never worried about was you becoming like the Surgeon. You two might be related by blood, but you are your own person, and you have proven more times than you'll ever know that you are a good man. One I happen to be very proud of."
Halloween episode where they all dress up... Malcolm is clearly dressed up as Waldo of "Where's Waldo" fame. It was Dani’s idea jokingly, but he took it seriously. Dani is dressed in the sequin jumpsuit similar to the one Sandra Bullock wore in "The Lost City", a movie both she and Malcolm really enjoyed.
At the end of the episode, Malcolm is informed that Martin has woken up and wishes to speak to him. Malcolm declines.
After that, a Dani backstory episode about her and her family. We learn about how her dad died (it was definitely something unexpected like a car crash) and also why Dani chose to join the force in the first place. Dani's dad was actually an officer who was in the same police academy class as Gil, the two might have been friends in their academy days and then years later, it wasn't until after Dani was brought onto his team that Gil realized who her dad was. One of the reasons Dani likes Gil as a boss is because he reminds her a lot of her dad.
Christmas episode and partial JT backstory (we don't learn his name until Season 5). We see how JT and Tally spend Christmas, especially now that they have a son who is almost two years old. They're very happy and Tally tells him that she's pregnant again.
They invite everyone from both their jobs for a Christmas party too.
The Christmas case involves a gingerbread house competition and one of the judges was killed because he rigged the contest so the woman he was having an affair with would win. That same woman tries flirting with Malcolm but not only is he oblivious to it, he also makes it very clear just how in love he is with Dani.
Malcolm also sends his half-sister a Christmas card. He considers sending one to Ainsley but finds the ripped birthday card she sent back in his drawer and decides against it.
Gil actually takes Jessica out to dinner for Christmas Eve, hoping to start a tradition for the two of them. It goes so well, they both wonder if this is some kind of dream.
Malcolm and Dani spend Christmas Eve together and Dani teaches him how to make a lavender mint hot chocolate (an idea I got from @morningssofgold seriously go check out her Brightwell fics, they are incredible!) Malcolm says how he's never felt so... calm on Christmas Eve, like there's no expectations, they can just enjoy the night.
Dani agrees and offhandedly says, "There's something soothing about the people you love making you feel at ease..."
Malcolm stares at her for a moment.
Dani tilts her head, "What?"
He finally smiles before he pulls her in for a kiss, stopping for one moment to whisper, "I love you too..."
The mid-season finale ends on a seemingly positive note...
Until the actual final scene.
Ainsley can be seen picking up the phone and calling someplace. The camera goes around her apartment as her muffled voice seems to be asking for someone. When the camera goes back to her face, she's smiling, "Hi Daddy... Merry Christmas."
Martin’s voice happily saying, "My girl"
Mid-season finale ends on Ainsley’s smile (maybe) turning sinister.
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rocketkart95 · 1 month
Tell us the story of you and the wife!!!!
I gotta warn ya, it's a long one
It all started 6 years ago! I was on meetme talking to this girl in the big city. I, a 23 year old country girl, had never seen a town with more than 600 people. We connected on a dumb meme circulating at the time and had a bunch in common.
So I decided one cold winters night that I'd leave work at 23:30, shower, and take off for the 9 hour drive to see this incredible woman whom I'd fallen head over tea kettle for. I only hit 3 blizzards on the way across 2 separate state lines and almost wrecked the car once when I skidded over ice through a national forest, but I made it to the big city at 11 Saturday morning
So I had a nap in her arms and we went off to explore the sights! Now mind you, I had 3 different family members AND my roomates panicking the whole time about losing my kidneys. We went to Walmart at 22:00 and I couldn't believe my eyes. You see dear reader, where I grew up, the general store closed at 18:30 and everywhere else closed at 19-20.
So she grabs a ring from the display (the 5-15 dollar cheepies) (again, we've talked over the course of 3 days I think) and proposed in the middle of the crafts section at the walmart, and of course I day yes
So we go to Dennys to celebrate our engagement! I've never been to a Dennys so I'm bewildered at the balls of pancake they brought out and the icing I've never been able to replicate. So we go back to her place for more snuggling and stuff just talking about whatever came to mind.
2am Sunday morning I head off with tears in my eyes to head back across 2 state lines to pickup my roomate so we could both go to work, and I get home at midnight, absolutely obliterated. So dumbass (that's me) starts job hunting in her area. No responses at all. Welp I guess that's a sign, back to our regularly scheduled programming. So I'm talking to her and I mention the lack of job and she literally said it's normal and it'll be easier if I'm there to do it in person.
So I head up there for another weekend plus a couple days and I hit the temp agencies hard, determined to get something, and I did! So after 3 visits and 4 weeks we pool money together and get our first apartment together! It was a 4 bedroom bottom floor of a duplex for not much at all. We clean up the mess the last tenants left and got it sorta furnished.
So I go back home and quit my job that I hated and it was the best day ever. And I loaded up my car with the first load of stuff and moved in! 2 more car loads and everything I owned was moved in.
She gave me the ring on May 17 2018
Tomorrow we celebrate 6 years of happy marriage
@genderfluidgothwitch @spacedustpan
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shortystoriesbybri · 1 year
Its summer 2014 and my man is in the shower, I’m in the room vibing listening to music when I hear a text come to his phone. I checked the lock screen and it’s from my best friend Chey. I assume it’s nothing but I followed my gut just because I know the dirt my man has done in the past. Trust has been an issue since DAY 1, however, being 19 in very strong lust or what I call it now at my current age of 28 years young DICKMATIZED to the fullest extreme. The text read “baby please come with us to Busch gardens” my heart sank to my ass. So, I continue to go through their text thread and it’s very choppy like he was deleting messages in between messages. At this point my heart is racing and I don’t know what else to do besides confront her. I call her immediately , He is still in the shower so I have a second to ask her wassup before I even start with him. Mind you she has been in a committed relationship With Daniel for the last 2 and a half years so im asking my self what the fuck is really going on. I get her on the phone and I waste no time at all, “ why the fuck are you calling Michael baby, and why the fuck you aint ask me to go to Busch but you asking my nigga.” Her response was girl hell naw, I know you not sitting on my phone accusing me of some dumb ass shit like that.” “I would never go there ewwww.” I raise my voice and say “that’s bullshit and we both know it, it’s something somebody not telling me.” In the heat of the moment, I hang up the phone in her ear because only guilty people start bucking when confronted or in this case a scary hoe. As soon as i hang up with her it was time to ask this nigga wassup. He claims that’s just what she call him after all these years it aint nothing aint no need to be worried , Gaslighting the fuck out of me to the point he made me feel crazy that they would ever do some shit like that behind my back. At this point Chey and I had been closer than two strippers with a routine they gotta get down pack for opening night at the PYNK for about 5 years straight. Im talking did everything together, this bitch taught me how to steal but I stopped that shit at 18. She always, well at least I thought she always had my best interest at heart but then again look at wtf kind of situation they put me in. Fuck him cause I was dumb for that nigga for about 3 years after this shit even happened. Of course both parties denied the shit because they knew exactly what they had to loose. She had a man at home and I helped this nigga Michael with everything he needed, to get to and from work. Making sure his kids were good. If they needed something I always got my ass up and made sure his bum never had a car ass was making shit happen. after the incident with the text message happened, I didn’t speak to Chey until I found out I was pregnant in April 2015. I don’t know why I even took time out of day to tell her. We swept all that phone shit under the rug after that phone call, and she was my friend again. Fastforward to about a year later we decided to get an apartment together after She and Daniel broke up. I had always lived with my mom I was 21 with a one year old and it was time to move I felt in my heart so we went ahead found a place fell in love with it and went for it. She was dealing with this new dude that I hadn’t met at all. Kicking it with him , etc starting a new relationship which was cool until lease signing day came up and I asked her If Jason was going to be moving in as well , she said hell no and laughed until her face was red. We move our stuff in and of course he stays the night and what not I don’t have any issues but two and three weeks had passed and he was there all day while were working and we are home all night while he worked. Which meant there was always a light on , internet in use, Water being used , but yet he wasn’t on the lease and It wasn’t discussed with me after I had already asked. I just needed to know if bills were being split three ways and I was told no, Jason was only going to be helping Chey with her half. I immediately got angry as fuck………….
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fangirlsuperhero · 2 years
10 Songs on Repeat
okay, @10paper20heart wanted to know what 10 songs I’ve had on loop. I got my flu shot and covid booster today and I’m a little loopy and a whole lot tired so ignore my mistakes or embarrassing answers. None of them are embarrassing.
1. Norwegian Wood by the Beatles which is totally a boring answer BUT! my friend Vicki and I used to make ouija boards out of cardboard and try to talk to the dead while putting this song on loop (for some reason) and this is closely related to my nano story I’m working on so it gets the number 1 spot
2. Lean on Me -Club Nuveau (I totally spelled that wrong but we’re ignoring it because of the side effects). My dad was on a bowling league when I was in like, 6th grade maybe and a bunch of us kids that got dragged there would all hang out and do dumb kid stuff around the bowling alley. Anyway, this song had just come out and we collectively decided it was our favorite song and I spent the whole next week trying to record it off the radio (I’m old. We didn’t have Spotify or YouTube or anything back then) and when I finally did, I listened to it every chance I got and it still to this day makes me excited when I hear it on the radio
3. Love Eyes by Rosemary Clooney is one of the best songs you’ve ever heard in your entire life and I really think you should try to seek it out (it’s a rare one and it’s only on the Rosemary Swings Softly album. I think)
4. No Control by One Direction because listen to it!! You guys should be making mixed tape notes on all my song choices
5. Poison by Bel Biv DeVoe. Actually the whole album but it’s a song list so I had to choose one. And the choice is poison and try NOT to dance when you hear poison by bbd in the grocery store. This album came out when I was in 8th grade and it’s the only thing I listened to for like, a year. I still have the tape and the cd and a burned copy of the cd when I thought I had lost it. So two cds I suppose. Very awful lyrics, highly recommend.
6. Try Me by James Brown is my favorite James Brown song of all time. Also a really fun song to belt out in a parking lot after work with all your friends at 1am.
7. Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones is cliche but it’s a perfect song and you will deal with my decisions
8. Surfer Girl by The Beach Boys. There was a 50’s restaurant here in Denver and my friend Vicki (ouija board) and I would bring like a roll of quarters in and play surfer girl on the jukebox over and over (i know it sounds like I’m doing the John mulany bit, but I’m not this is real) and finally after months and months, no matter how many quarters we put in, they wouldn’t play surfer girl anymore. Then we moved to California and fast forward like 10 years, I’m home visiting and we went to the diner and I was like, “hmmm shall I???” And I put several quarters in and pushed the surfer girl button several times and nothing. They removed Surfer Girl from rotation. I ruined it for everyone. Then I moved back here and the restaurant had closed down. I have to assume it was because I had been keeping them in business with my Surfer Girl quarters. Your loss, Gunther Toody’s
9. Lost in Emotion by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam. I used to roller skate to this song and it makes me happy and it’s my go to song when I want to listen to music when I’m cooking or doing the dishes or cleaning or something equally boring
10. Love Me by Elvis. When my oldest son was a toddler, he decided that Elvis was his favorite and while all the other children were watching Cars and Polar Express, he watched Blue Hawaii and GI Blues everyday an he wore a jailhouse rock jacket everywhere we went. And so I would play an Elvis cd that I found and it had this song on it and it hits me in that same spot that Try Me does. It’s perfect.
Alright I did it!!! I need to go find out if Love Eyes has finally made it to YouTube. I’ll post it if I find it
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So this new therapist said that ocd can create a voice like my brain can decide that it's too overwhelmed by it and create a voice to make the ocd less stressful... I mean how come it isn't in the DSM-5 How come it isn't on NOCD??
How come so many therapist are trying to prove that I'm the ocd voice guy? When I yelled at Mike about the narrative versus auditory hallucination like I said he actually cried a little cause of how hurt I was but he admitted the ocd voice is a NARRATIVE not an auditory hallucination. Is it that therapist are trying to prove ocd has auditory hallucinations and they want me to be their fucking proof?
I even explained to her, Tyler/tyla doesn't want me to check. He says things, like, "I want you to forget about checking your car," when I'm bringing in groceries and get the last bag and can't. When I'm counting my hand washing and I forget I'm on 5 and I say 4, he goes nope it's 5, I'm trying to help you. When I do my checking out of order he says, "it's good that you're doing it differently" cause he doesn't want me to believe it's ocd voices and he wants me to break the ritual... I explained this to her and she was like, "see the voice is trying to make the OCD less overwhelming!" Ummm yea dumb ass it's because it's not an ocd voice. An ocd voice would be like check you car, you did it wrong. Wash your hands. You touched that it'll kill you. What a stupid fuck.
Then she asked me about my therapist Mike and what he does, I said ERP. This stupid 50 something year old woman (I've been trying to get someone between 50-75 for experience for christ sake) had OCD as her expertise on her profile. She asked, "what is erp?" What the actual fuck you dumb fuck, it's exposure response prevention like the gold standard of OCD Treatment. I still want to try ICBT but she doesn't do that either.
Then she asked me about how the voice sounds, like if it sounds like two different voices, it's a fucking auditory hallucination. Sometimes it sounds like a chipmunk. Tyler sounds like a girl that's why I switch between Tyler and Tyla. But he has mostly the same voice but sometimes he sounds demonic too. Sometimes, he sounds like refurberated air coming out of my air conditioner. She made me doubt it's the same voice but I know it is cause we converse regularly.
Hearing my voice as an hallucination, it sounds deeper than Tyler but when Tyler repeats my voice, it sounds more like his. But yea I want to give up on therapy. I really only like Erin. Erin actually has experience has empathy and I've known her for a long time. She's over 50 and I already saw her 7 years ago for like 3 years. She knows hypnosis and emdr, If the voice would go away I'd do it again.
Mike showed real empathy that day. I mean he choked down tears and he may not be my favorite but he is on my side and he gets why we aren't questioning the fucking THC-induced psychosis but I still want to replace him eventually.
Why is it that I have to have so many therapist question my reality though? Why do they make me doubt myself? The new one said that she believes it is thc induced probably, she said,"it quacks like a duck" but she had to throw in that fucking ocd can create an auditory hallucination. She doesn't even know what fucking ERP is.
Why do therapists on psychology today lie about their expertise?? Why don't therapists read a room? I'm like millimeters away from suicide and the only hope I have is it being thc induced and it ending soon. Why not keep your ideas to yourself until you know a client for more than 1 hour or even fucking 25 minutes? Idk what to do. I wanted to replace Mike. Now idk if I'm seeing him or canceling on this other weird person. I don't feel like I'm giving her a chance but ocd does not cause auditory hallucinations.
There is a link potentially between psychosis and ocd for the people who are not based in reality at all. The ones that really think the contaminate will kill them but...... it's still psychosis....... not ocd voice... not voices created by ocd....that's all I found after a deep dive.
She actually said maybe your brain created the voice cause your lonely......... how fucking stupid are you.
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lavenderparadise · 2 years
what an eventful evening 🙃
9pm jared and i go to my parents house because my brother replaced the starter in his car and was doing an oil change wanted to show us how the car started up because it's an old beater he's been doing work on. about 30 mins into it, my parents crazy drug addict neighbors who are constantly getting arrested for domestic violence on each other start up their weekly stuff. hes pushing his girlfriend into the walls screaming he's going to kill her, talking like he's POSSESSED growling and saying she's never going to find a better man than him, she'll never be able to leave him. she then starts sobbing saying you hate me, why do you assault me, punch me again, hit me again.. it quiets down for a few minutes. then starts up AGAIN him screaming because she apparently spilled his weed while he was rolling a blunt.. he starts body slamming her into the WINDOWS, almost breaks them out. so we decide to call the cops. cops come and try to kick in the door one goes right inside the house through the back door. he's screaming at them to get the fuck out and says "we were fucking" .... OK? yeah i bet you were. cops go back and forth and talk to jared and i for hours. girlfriend says to the cop nothing happened but then asks if her lip is busted open? they're both slurring can't even talk or walk straight. the boyfriend starts accusing my dad of calling which then makes my dad flip out, cops deescalate it, BARELY, then leave😐 the neighbors let their cat out as a way to get outside to start stuff, and start threatening my dad. jared and i were going for a walk at the time to smoke a cigarette so we come BOOKING it down the street and jump in saying leave it alone because we called not them. they keep threatening us all, so i call again because they're literal psychopaths. as the cops get there they start screaming that they're going to arrest ALL of us (me, jared, my brother, mom, dad, and the 2 neighbors) on breach of peace when we literally didn't do anything the neighbors just came out crazy? the cops tell them the daughter called not them, so leave it be. the girlfriend then goes crazy saying i'm not the daughter i'm lying to the police and that i'm "just some hoebag" keep in mind, i've literally never talked to this lady. just said hi ONE time in 2 years they've been next door to my parents. she doesn't even know who i am. they start running at us threatening and the cops let them go inside without saying a word and start lecturing us??? idk man but tonight was something else. these 2 need to get arrested, evicted, something. i feel so bad for my parents having to deal with that, especially considering i have a 3 year old and 10 year old brother. god the justice system is literally so dumb.
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Epilogue)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Creative Contributor: @baebae-goodnight​ for the last Raise the Barre moodboard TT she nailed it
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU
Warnings: sexual content. Dry humping, fingering, hand job, oral (female), breast play, multiple orgasms, Jimin gets turned on by making someone else come, dirty talk. Jimin’s pants are tight.
Word Count: 13,409
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.  
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“And… more pointe shoes,” you said, opening the box in your lap. “Wow. Thanks, mom and dad.”
Your dad laughed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “You’re welcome, kiddo,” he said, nodding from the couch. “I know Russet gives you some already, but you can never have too many.”
“Out of curiosity.” You glanced at the tree. “Are there any boxes from you which aren’t related to dance?”
“Not related to dance…” Your mom pretended to think. “I don’t understand.”
She laughed. “I’m kidding! Yes, there are other presents. You just happened to pick all the pointe shoe boxes first.”
Shaking your head, you placed the box aside. You smiled though, warmth in your chest at being home for the holidays. Classes at Russet had ended a week prior and it had been nice for a few days to simply relax. Already though, you found yourself itching to return to the city. It was strange to wake every morning and not head to ballet. It was even stranger to take classes at your old studio, trying to stay in shape before second semester began.
Playing with the string of your sweatpants, you couldn’t help glancing at your phone on the couch. It had been several days since you’d last seen Jimin in person. Oddly enough, the separation had been harder than you’d thought it would be.
Immediately after ending things with Finn, you and Jimin had tried to keep your distance. The pain of your separation had been too fresh to even consider dating someone else but, as time had gone on, you and Jimin had started becoming friends again.
It was hard not to be, with Jimin continuing as your dance partner and classmate. At the end of the semester, you’d had the opportunity to switch partners, but you and Jimin had chosen the status quo. It just made sense this way; you couldn’t think of anyone else you’d trust as much as him.
At first, things between you were strictly professional. You saw him only within the confines of the dance studio but eventually, his presence bled into your normal life. At first, the outings were small. Jimin went to a pregame you also attended. He saw you once at the coffee shop and, instead of running away, he stopped to chat. One time, he walked you back to your dorm.
When the month became December, you found your outlook improving. Most of November had been spent wallowing in your dorm, but the holiday season brought with it endless activities. The very first weekend of the month, a bunch of your Russet friends decided to go ice skating and you’d ended up tagging along.
The biggest problem had been you’d never ice skated before. Noelle had been patient, skating backwards in front of you and dragging you around the rink. Jimin had done the same thing for Hoseok, who was in a similar predicament to yours, and at some point, they swapped partners and left you skating with Jimin.
When he’d taken over for Noelle, your stomach had swooped. Hands touching, he’d led you gently around the edge and the world had seemed to still. It had been the first time you’d felt anything stir outside of your break-up. Whatever hurt and distance had sprung between you, it seemed something had survived between you and Jimin.
Nose red, Jimin had smiled as he skated backwards. “It’s easy,” he’d told you. “You just swivel, Y/N. In and out, in and out. Got it?”
“Um, no!” you’d yelped, nearly crashing to the ice when Jimin let go of your hands.
He’d laughed, catching you easily and skating like that for a while. Eventually, Jimin had helped you off the rink and gotten hot chocolate, which you insisted on buying. Payback, you said, for the impromptu skating lessons.
That day had been a turning point for you both. Throughout the month prior, you’d texted sporadically but after, you seemed to talk every day.
Jimin even offered to drive you home from Russet, given the fact that your hometowns were so close together. After much hemming and hawing, you’d eventually taken him up on the offer. The savings it gave your bleeding bank account were well-worth the potential discomfort.
This had led to both the best and worst twenty-four hours of your life.
Best, because Jimin was an excellent road trip companion. He let you choose the music, laughed at all your dumb jokes, and agreed to play the road trip games you suggested. You’d already made a firm rule not to compare Jimin to any past boyfriends but couldn’t help but note this as an improvement over anyone prior.
The sole reason the twenty-four hours were also painful was because you stopped at a hotel halfway through. It was either this or drive until 3:00 AM, so you chose the smarter option and rested for the night. You and Jimin bought separate bedrooms, but they’d ended up next to one another, so you’d been forced to spend a sleepless night imagining Jimin separated from you only by a thin sheet of plywood.
You had told yourself this was silly. At Russet, Jimin hadn’t been much further away, but something about the closeness in the hotel made you nervous. It was infinitely easier to forget about boundaries when you were separated by only a car console for hours at a time. Infinitely easier to forget the rules when you were outside of Russet, cocooned by his car and the snow.
You couldn’t help but think about the one kiss you’d shared.
That had only been a taste, barely a teaser, but the memory kept you awake for more nights than it probably should have. You couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to kiss Jimin again, under different circumstances.
Groaning, you’d covered your face with a pillow that night and tried your best to sleep. It hadn’t really worked, and you’d shown up at the car the next morning with dark shadows beneath your eyes.
Forcing yourself back to the present, you glanced away from your phone and focused on the tree – only to see its screen light up in your peripheral. Grabbing your phone, you realized Jimin had texted. Stifling a smile, you scrolled through the conversation until you found his last message.
Jimin: MERRY CHRISTMAS! [10:23 AM]
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Y/N: oh my god everything’s so... coordinated lol how long did that tree take to set up?  [10:24 AM]
Y/N: and merry Christmas 😊  [10:24 AM]
Jimin: not long at all. I just googled ‘christmas trees’ and that was the first one I found  [10:24 AM]
Y/N: ha ha hilarious  [10:25 AM]
Y/N: so, what are the Park family plans for the day?  [10:25 AM]
Jimin: the usual. Opening presents, going to my grandparents later for dinner. What about you?  [10:25 AM]
Y/N: same, minus the grandparents. We usually have a pretty low-key day  [10:26 AM]
Jimin: sounds nice  [10:26 AM]
Jimin: what’s your favorite present so far  [10:27 AM]
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Jimin: LOL  [10:30 AM]
Jimin: how many of them did you get? I’ve gotten two new dance bags and seven pairs of black leggings. It’s like our parents have forgotten we do anything else  [10:31 AM]
Y/N: no new dance belts? 😈  [10:32 AM]
Jimin: Y/N, I’m shocked  [10:35 AM]
Jimin: mind out of the gutter. Stop thinking about my junk  [10:35 AM]
Y/N: as your dance partner, I have a vested interest in your junk. What if it breaks free in the middle of practice?  [10:38 AM]
Jimin: the more delicate ladies would faint, I imagine  [10:41 AM]
Jimin: and probably Paulo  [10:41 AM]
Y/N: lmao  [10:43 AM]
Y/N: but seriously, I hope you get presents other than dance gear  [10:43 AM]
Jimin: back at you haha  [10:47 AM]
Y/N: I can’t help but notice you didn’t get me, your dance partner, a Christmas gift though  [10:50 AM]
Jimin: was the drive home not enough?  [10:50 AM]
Y/N: oh, shoot. You’re right! You did get me a Christmas gift  [10:51 AM]
Y/N: I’m the one who’s been remiss  [10:51 AM]
Jimin: don’t forget about my housewarming gift, too  [10:52 AM]
You smiled, sitting back on the sofa. Jimin was lucky enough to be moving off campus second semester. He, Hoseok and Alex Wong were moving into an apartment not far from Paulo’s. You and Noelle had decided to stay in Grace Hall, but you’d talked about moving someplace else next year.
Jimin was heading back early to move into his new place, so you’d need a different ride on your return trip to Russet. Still, you were looking forward to Jimin’s apartment hosting parties in the new year.
Y/N: don’t get greedy on me now, Park  [10:54 AM]
“Who’re you texting?”
Jerking your head up from the screen, you nearly dropped your phone. From the couch opposite, your mom gave you a knowing look.
“No one,” you said hastily, setting your phone aside.
“Oh, really?” She glanced with your dad. “No one wouldn’t happen to have dark hair, his own car and excellent table manners, would he?”
Immediately, you felt your face heat.
When Jimin drove you home before Christmas, your parents had insisted on feeding him before he continued to Harleigh Heights. This had led to the weirdest double date of your life – which was, in fact, not a date – including you, Jimin and your parents for dinner. Luckily, your parents had been great and Jimin hadn’t cared, but you’d been endlessly mortified for your first date with Jimin to have included your parents.
Not that you’d called it a date. When Jimin had left that night, you’d brushed it aside and he’d simply gone along with it. After Jimin had left, you’d gone to your room and wondered what the hell you were doing. It was clear you still liked Jimin and wanted to be more than just friends. Still, something continued to hold you back.
You weren’t sure when it was considered appropriate to move on. The line seemed fuzzy, so you hadn’t dared cross it and Jimin hadn’t asked. You got the feeling you needed to be the one to make the first move – which made sense. You’d been the one who asked for more time. You’d told Jimin you’d say when you were ready.
Any next steps would have to come from you.
It had been weird to go home and not see Finn. His house was only fifteen minutes away from yours – you’d driven past it on your way to the grocery store last week. Still, seeing his home hadn’t caused the pain you’d expected. It was strange not to see him, but more like you’d forgotten something you needed to do, as opposed to missing his actual presence.
If you were being honest, Finn had crossed your mind less and less lately. Possibly because you’d been falling out of love with him long before you’d broken up in November.
Still, it would be unfair to jump into something before you were ready. You’d already hurt Jimin once this past fall and were determined not to do so again. No matter how good things had been lately between you, you didn’t want to make the mistake of dating Jimin too soon.
Despite this, things had become flirtier between you as of late. Exhibit A: casual text conversations about Park Jimin’s junk.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said lightly.
Your dad laughed as he stood from the couch. “Alright, then,” he said, grabbing another gift. “How about you open this one next?”
Accepting the thin package he handed over, you frowned. The box wasn’t large and, shaking it slowly, you heard no sliding inside.
“I swear,” you said as you began to undo the bow. “If you wrapped your passport photo again, dad...”
Laughing, he settled back on the couch by your mom. “It’s not that, I promise.”
Grumbling, you opened the box and immediately froze. Staring at the paper inside, you slowly looked up. “Is this… is this what I think it is?”
“It’s a plane flight,” your mom said with a smile. “I know we’re supposed to drive you back on the third, but we thought you might want to celebrate New Year’s with your friends.”
“But…” Speechless, you returned to the box. “We always hang out together on New Year’s Eve.”
“I know,” said your dad. “But maybe it’s time to start some new traditions, kiddo.”
With that, he stood and took his mug to the kitchen. Sensing he wasn’t needed for this conversation any longer, he began washing dishes and to prepare breakfast. Once he was gone, your mom moved to your couch and settled beside you.
“I… this is too much,” you said, immediately backpedaling.
“It’s not.”
“Well…” Hesitant, you considered the possibilities. “I guess Ari will be in the city for New Year’s Eve. Maybe Noelle, too. She mentioned she might go back early.”
Gently, your mom smiled. “That’s great if you want to hang out with them, but… didn’t Jimin mention going back before New Year’s?”
Startled, you glanced up. You were surprised she’d remembered. Jimin had mentioned it briefly at dinner last week – he’d said he was moving off campus, which was why he’d needed to return home to pack.
“I – he might have,” you said cautiously.
“I see.” She paused. “I just… I don’t want you feeling like you need to hold yourself back, honey.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Your mom glanced meaningfully at your phone. “I’m glad you’re taking time to yourself,” she said slowly. “It’s important to know who you are and what you want. But also – don’t feel like you need to follow someone else’s timeline when it comes to moving on.”
“I know, but…” You trailed off. “We only broke up in November.”
She shrugged. “Only you know when you’re ready, honey. I just don’t want you to keep punishing yourself for something that’s over. You’re allowed to be happy, even if you’ve messed up in the past.”
Swallowing, you glanced again at the gift. The plane ticket was for the day before New Year’s Eve. Plucking it from the box, you sat back on the couch.
“But…” you said lowly. “Mom, it’s only been two months.”
“And are you still in love with Finn?”
“And did you learn anything from what happened this fall?”
“I… Yes. A lot.”
“Good.” Reaching out, she squeezed your hand. “Learn the lessons you need to learn, and then move on. Self-flagellation isn’t productive, Y/N.”
You nodded, still uncertain about what she was saying. Her words made sense, but everything she was saying uncovered a dormant fear. You were scared. Scared of hurting someone else, scared of being hurt by someone else in return. Your last relationship had ended so badly, it was hard to convince yourself it might be worth it to try again.
Finally, you turned to face her on the couch. “Does it ever get any easier?” you asked. “This fear of being hurt… does it ever go away?”
Something sad passed over her face. “Yes and no,” she said, pulling back her hand. “You’ll never be as innocent as you were in your first love. There’s something special about loving someone and never having been hurt before. Once you’ve gone through that kind of pain, you aren’t the same after. But… it does get easier. And better. You’ll know more about how to support this time, instead of tearing down. How to make a love stronger, instead of hanging on.”
Something about this speech gave you comfort, and you slowly nodded. Again, what she said made sense but if there was one thing you’d learned from the fall, it was no matter how great the advice was, it was impossible to take if you weren’t ready to hear it.
You continued wondering if the risk would be worth it. No matter how much you felt for Jimin, you couldn’t help but remember how you’d felt breaking up with Finn. You hadn’t been in love with him at that point and it had still been so painful. It was terrifying to imagine loving someone again and having things end the same way.
Your mom was right, though. You couldn’t keep punishing yourself for something you couldn’t change. There were several ways you could move on from here. The main question to ask yourself was whether you wanted Jimin in the picture.
“Alright,” you said softly. “Thanks, mom.”
“Anytime.” Smiling, she stood and dusted off her pants. “I’m going to see if your dad needs help making breakfast. Don’t be too long, now!”
You nodded, watching her go, and then glanced at the ticket. Your mom’s words continued to run through your mind and after a moment, you picked up your phone.
Jimin had texted back.
Jimin: I would never!  [10:57 AM]
Y/N: hey, so  [11:01 AM]
Y/N: I did get one non-dance gift this year. A plane flight the day before New Year’s Eve  [11:02 AM]
Jimin: oh, wow! That was really nice of your parents  [11:03 AM]
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes. When you opened them, you found yourself newly determined.
Y/N: when do you get back again?  [11:03 AM]
His ellipses started, then stopped, then started again.
Jimin: December 28th  [11:04 AM] 
Y/N: what are your New Year’s Eve plans?  [11:04 AM]
For a moment, he didn’t respond, and you felt your heart catch. Maybe you’d misread things. Maybe Jimin had moved on and didn’t care about you anymore. Maybe he didn’t want you to tell him you were ready.
Jimin: I’m free 😊  [11:05 AM]
Jimin: want to be my New Year’s Eve date?  [11:05 AM]
Smiling ear to ear, you responded.
Y/N: yes. Please  [11:06 AM]
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On the actual day of New Year’s Eve, you found yourself stressed beyond belief. Standing in front of the mirror of your dorm room, you adjusted your dress and worried over the hemline. Jimin had arranged to meet you around 7:00 PM and it was dangerously close to 6:55.
“Is the dress too short?” you asked, turning a little to face Noelle. “It is New Year’s Eve in the city. Should I wear pants, or something? Will I be cold?”
Noelle considered, then shrugged. “Just drink more. Problem solved!”
Snorting, you turned back to the mirror. Nervously, you smoothed down the front of your dress. You’d bought it at an after-Christmas sale and had fallen instantly in love. It had seemed perfect at the time, but now you were having second thoughts about the thin straps and tight bodice.
“Alright, so Y/N.” Noelle changed the subject. “Here’s the plan. Are you listening?”
Hiding a smile, you adjusted an earring. “Listening.”
“Good. Okay, so Ari and I will be at a party uptown. If the date goes badly, just say the word and we’ll call you a cab. You can be ringing in the new year with us within the hour.”
“Perfect,” you said. “It’s good to have a back-up.”
“It is.” Noelle paused. “Not that I think you’ll need this, of course.”
“Well, you never know.”
“Please.” She snorted. “What’s Jimin going to do? Be too charming? Too respectful of boundaries? Wear pants that show off his ass a little too much?”
She laughed, coming to a stop alongside you. Noelle wore a sparkly dress which made her skin glow, although this may have been the glitter dusted over her shoulders. Looking at herself in the mirror, she fluffed her hair.
“Seriously,” she said, meeting your gaze. “You’re going to be fine.”
“I know, I know.” Shaking out your arms, you forced yourself to exhale. “I’m just nervous, that’s all. It’s been a long time since I went on a first date.”
Noelle considered. “That’s true. Allow me to give you some dating tips, then.”
Laughing, you turned around and sat on the futon. “By all means.”
“Alright – number one.” Noelle removed lipstick from her purse. “Don’t order anything with garlic. I know, that sucks because garlic is everything, but no one wants to make out while they have garlic breath. Rule number two!”
“Whoa, whoa,” you said. “Who said anything about making out?”
Noelle gave you a pointed look. “Just in case it should happen…”
Shaking your head, you sunk back on the futon, but you knew she was right. Tonight was New Year’s Eve, after all. Ideally, you’d like to do more than kiss Jimin, but this seemed like too much of a jinx to say out loud.
Mentally, you agreed to the ‘no garlic’ rule.
“What else?” you prompted.
“Let’s see.” Noelle began to reapply her lipstick. “Relax.”
Glancing at you in the mirror, she raised both brows. “I can see your shoulders tensing from here, babe. Just relax, okay? Tonight will be fine. You’re just hanging out with Jimin. You’ve done that before.”
“I know,” you groaned, lowering your face to your hands. “For some reason though, I’m very aware of the ‘date’ aspect of tonight. I don’t know why.”
When you looked up, Noelle gave you a sympathetic look, but before she could say more there came a knock at the door. Half-standing, you moved to open it, but Noelle shooed you back.
“Rule number three,” she said as she crossed the room. “Never answer the door for your own date.”
“What?” you laughed, although you sat back down on the futon.
Grabbing the handle, Noelle pulled open the door. Blocking you from view, she leaned her shoulder against the frame.
“What?” came Jimin’s voice, sounding confused.
“That’s correct!” Noelle stepped aside.
As you stood, you saw Jimin for the first time. He wore a pea coat over his outfit, his dark hair pushed back from his face in a devastating manner. When he saw you, Jimin froze, and you saw his eyes widen.
Silently, you congratulated yourself on having picked the right outfit. His gaze slowly trailed your body, lingering in places which made your cheeks heat. When he returned to your face, he slowly exhaled.
“Hey,” he said. “You… you look beautiful.”
Smiling back, you found yourself at a loss for words. “So do you.”
Jimin grinned and you stood there, smiling at each other like idiots until Noelle cleared her throat.
“Well,” she said, side-stepping Jimin to grab her coat. “I’m going to head over to Ari’s. You kids be safe, okay?”
“We will,” you laughed.
Noelle left in a flurry of kisses and glitter, waving goodbye as she stepped out the door. Jimin turned to face you once she was gone, offering a smile.
“Are you ready to go?” he asked. “I brought you these.”
From behind his back, he pulled out pink peonies, which made you gasp. They were your favorites, a little limp from the cold, but still beautiful. Taking them gently from him, you turned them over in your hands.
“They’re wonderful,” you said happily. “Thank you.”
Jimin smiled. “I’m glad you like them.”
Glancing around, you found a clean glass near the sink and filled this with water. Arranging the peonies on your desk, you took a step back and cocked your head. You’d always thought the idea of flowers on dates was kind of cheesy, but now that you’d experienced it in person, it seemed unimaginably sweet.
“There,” you said, turning back. “All set.”
Jimin smiled at this, then glanced at your bare arms. “You’re going to be cold without a coat,” he said. “That’d be a bad way to start off the new year.”
“Oh – duh,” you said, hurrying towards your wardrobe.
Pulling a coat out, you slipped this over your dress and buttoned the front. As you left the room, you turned off the lights and shut the door behind you. Jimin walked with you down the hall, continually glancing your way from the corner of his eyes.
You felt oddly shy, despite this being Jimin beside you. Jimin, who you’d known since you were teenagers. Jimin, who’d been both the utter bane of your existence, along with the single person you trusted most in the world. He’d tossed you up in the air and caught you no question and somehow, this felt like the most daring thing you’d ever done.
It was strange to walk beside him, out on a date whose future held a large question mark. Excitement and uncertainty warred in your stomach, which only seemed to exacerbate the situation. You felt as though you stood on the edge of a precipice, staring into a ravine with no discernable bottom.
As you left the building, snowflakes swirled in the sky up above and you looked up in surprise.
“Oh,” you exhaled, breath frosting before you. “I didn’t realize it was snowing!”
“Yeah.” Jimin grinned, tilting back his head. “Snow is my favorite weather, actually.”
“The wet and the cold does it that much for you, huh, Park?”
“That, and the romance of it all.”
Your smile softened a little as you fell into step alongside him. The snow continued to drift as you walked, melting as soon as it touched the pavement.
“So, where are we going?” you wondered, glancing at him. “You said you’d tell me once you picked me up and I’ve got news for you, Jimin. I’m here. I’ve been picked up.”
“Right, sure.” He shoved both hands in his pockets. “I made a reservation at this restaurant around the corner. The food’s really good so I hope you’ll like it.”
“I’m sure I will.”
“Huh.” Jimin paused. “That was easy.”
You shrugged. “I’m just excited for tonight. That’s all.”
His gaze softened a little when he glanced at you. “Me, too.”
Smiling, you continued to walk alongside him. New Year’s Eve in the city was a grand affair. The sidewalks were still lit with holiday lights, people hurrying past in brightly colored coats. Privately, you were glad Jimin had made a reservation at a restaurant instead of trying to brave a club or a bar. You’d heard horror stories from people who paid extravagantly to get into a club, only to spend the entire night waiting in line at the bar.
Turning the corner, you saw the restaurant Jimin had chosen and brightened. It was one you’d walked past several times and always wanted to try but had never found time.
Jimin held open the door as you entered. The inside still had their holiday decorations up, garland strung across every surface with tiny, white fairy lights hung up above. Everyone who was dining wore formal attire, laughing and chatting in the glow of the fireplace. The food smelled amazing and immediately, your mouth watered.
Joining the line at the hostess stand, you waited for the couple before you to leave and then Jimin stepped up.
“Park,” he told her. “Party of two.”
The hostess smiled, nodding as she flipped through her notebook. “One moment, please.” The longer she looked though, the more her face fell. After a moment, she glanced up. “Park, you said?”
“Yes.” Jimin nodded. “P-a-r-k.”
The woman nodded, flipping through her notebook again as though the name might magically appear.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, glancing up again. “There seems to be some kind of mistake. I don’t have you listed as a reservation.”
Jimin’s expression faltered. “Can you look again?” he asked, leaning forward.
The hostess nodded, running her finger down the numbered rows. “I can’t find you anywhere. Do you remember who you spoke with on the phone?”
“Oh.” Her face immediately fell. “Rebecca left the restaurant last week. It seems a few reservations slipped through in the transition. Is there… well, before I do that – let me see what I can do,” she blurted out, turning around to rush into the restaurant.
Jimin watched her disappear and you saw his expression tighten.
Silence fell between you as you adjusted your coat. Jimin looked stressed and you weren’t sure what you should do about it. Frantically, you tried to remember times he’d been stressed during class, but before you could do or say anything, the hostess returned.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, looking harried. “The restaurant is completely booked up. I was trying to see if we could squeeze you in, but there’s just no room. I’m so sorry. Normally, only one person does the reservations, but we’ve been so busy lately...”
“It’s fine,” you said, jumping in. The poor woman looked like she was about to burst into tears. “Please, don’t worry about it. We’ll figure something out.”
Jimin glanced at you, surprised, and then nodded. “Yeah,” he agreed, returning to the hostess. “Thank you so much for your help – I appreciate you trying. We actually have a back-up reservation somewhere else, so don’t worry. We’ll come back another time!”
“Oh, really?” Her entire face brightened. “That’s so good to hear. New Year’s Eve, and all. Thank you for being understanding!”
“Yes, busy night,” Jimin said with a smile. “Take care of yourself!”
The woman nodded, seeming grateful when you stepped out of line. Jimin followed your footsteps, heading towards the door and then came to a stop. Slowly, he exhaled.
“So,” you said, turning to face him. “Where are these back-up reservations?”
Jimin winced and met your gaze. “I have none,” he admitted. “She just looked so sad. I wanted to put her out of her misery.”
“Wait.” Piecing this together, you paused. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he said miserably. “I only made reservations here and that was super lucky, considering most places in the city have been booked for weeks. I don’t have any back-up plans.”
For a moment, you could only stare. “So, you said all that just so that poor hostess wouldn’t worry about a mistake her restaurant made?”
“I – well, yeah.”
You stared another moment, then started to laugh. It started out small but grew until eventually, you were wiping tears of mirth from your eyes.
Jimin watched you laugh, seeming thoroughly confused. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s just…” Shaking your head, you paused to catch your breath. “You’re unreal. Most people would be super stressed about New Year’s Eve plans falling through, but here you are lying to make a hostess’ night better.”
He blinked, still uncertain. “I’m… sorry about that.”
“Don’t apologize!” you insisted as you straightened. “It’s… wonderful,” you said to him shyly. “I like that about you.”
Slowly, his expression changed. “I really don’t have other plans, though,” he admitted. “I wasn’t lying about that. And I am stressed about my reservation falling through. I wanted this night to be perfect.”
The sweetness of this made your heart start to melt and newly determined, you nodded.
“We can fix this,” you said. “We’ll just go somewhere else.”
“Like where?”
“Like...” You paused. “We could hang out at my dorm. Or at your apartment! One of our kitchens has to be free, right? We could make dinner and hang out, watch the ball drop.”
“We could go to my place,” said Jimin slowly. “Hoseok and Alex are at a New Year’s Eve party uptown. We’d have the kitchen to ourselves.”
“Perfect,” you said. “Let’s go there.”
“I should warn you, though – I can only really cook one thing.”
“Okay, two things.”
You laughed. “So, what’s the first thing?”
“A pasta dish they taught us in Senior Foods class. But it’s nothing fancy.”
“Perfect.” You shrugged. “That will go nicely with my contribution of store-bought bread and olive oil.”
Jimin started to grin. “Alright, then, it’s settled. Let’s go to my place.”
You smiled when he opened the door, following him onto the sidewalk. Jimin’s new apartment was a few blocks away, but time passed quickly with him beside you. Oddly enough, the mishap at the restaurant seemed to have cleared some of the lingering awkwardness.
Noelle had been right, you realized – you had nothing to worry about while you were with Jimin.
He talked while you walked, detailing the ongoing fight at his apartment about some posters Hoseok wanted to hang. This segued into the general ridiculousness of New Year’s Eve – a topic you wholeheartedly agreed with.
“It’s stressful,” Jimin complained as you walked. “Everyone’s always asking about your resolution, you need to find someone to kiss at midnight, and there’s that super awkward moment with the countdown and your date…”
You laughed, grabbing a basket as you entered the grocery store. Jimin had suggested you stop by, since he didn’t have much food at his place.
“Doesn’t the countdown make it easier?” you joked. “It really dumbs the whole process down. Fool-proof.”
“Well, sure,” Jimin said. “But then you end up staring awkwardly at someone for ten seconds while you slowly lean forward and wonder when you should blink.”
Laughing, you reached on tiptoe for a loaf of bread. “Alright, you got me there,” you admitted. “I’ve never had a proper New Year’s Eve, anyways. I’ve always been dating someone and then, it’s just kind of assumed you’ll kiss. None of the magic you see in the movies.”
Jimin nodded. “Most of that’s just movie magic, though. You aren’t missing much – trust me.”
“I don’t know,” you said as you turned the next corner. “The anticipation sounds kind of nice. Wondering if someone will kiss you back, if they’re thinking about you the same way you are…”
Jimin made a humming noise, low in his throat.
Coming to a stop, he reached overhead to grab some pasta. Putting this in your basket, Jimin casually brushed your arm as you met his faze. Fighting back a shiver, you tried to remember what you’d been saying.
Giving a smile, Jimin continued forward and kept shopping. You stared after him a moment before your gaze dropped to his ass. Inhaling quickly, you remembered Noelle’s comment about Jimin’s tight pants. She hadn’t been wrong about that. Hurrying along, you quickly caught up.
Grabbing another jar, Jimin placed this in the basket. When he caught your eye again, he grinned, his hair falling forward. The sight made your heart flip-flop in your chest.
As you entered the check-out line, Jimin came to a stop alongside you. His gaze traveled the store, eyes widening when he glanced over your shoulder.
“What’s that?” Jimin gasped.
Startled, you turned. “What’s – hey!” you blurted when he took your basket.
Grinning widely, Jimin placed the food before the cashier. “Too slow.”
“Jimin, come on,” you said, slightly flustered. “I can pay. I –”
“You can pay next time, if you want.”
This shut you up and you stared at him a moment before you stepped forward.
“There’s… going to be a next time?” you said.
Jimin glanced in your direction. “If you want there to be.”
“I do,” you said softly, and he smiled.
Taking another step forward, he pulled out his wallet to pay and you let him – this time, anyways. Outside, it seemed to have grown colder since your arrival and you shivered as you exited the shop. Noticing this, Jimin immediately undid his scarf from around his neck.
“Here,” he said, handing it over. “I don’t need this.”
“But then you’ll be cold,” you pointed out, accepting it anyways.
“I’ll jog in place to keep warm.”
“… With me walking beside you?”
You laughed, even more so when Jimin began to demonstrate. He jogged for a few steps, then slowed to a walk.
“Changed my mind,” he said with a wince. “I’d rather be cold.”
You laughed, cheeks starting to hurt from both this and the wind. Jimin’s apartment wasn’t far, although it did turn out to be a third-floor walk-up. This left you slightly winded when you arrived at his place, to which Jimin shrugged and said the rent had been cheap.
Opening his front door, he led the way into – boxes. Tons of them, although most of the furniture had been set up around them. Jimin fumbled for a light, flicking this on and setting down the groceries.
“Most of the boxes are Alex’s,” he sighed, looking around. “Hoseok and I have a secret deal we’re going to unpack him ourselves if he doesn’t do it by Monday.”
“That doesn’t sound like much of a detriment to Alex.”
“I never said what we planned on doing with his things once we unpacked.”
You laughed, undoing your coat to set aside. Glancing around, you saw Jimin was right. Most of the boxes were scrawled in the same handwriting. Beyond them, you saw the living room had been mostly set up with a couch and TV.
To your right lay the kitchen, in which Jimin was already unloading the groceries. Beyond him was a hallway, through which you assumed were their bedrooms and bathrooms. Wandering back to Jimin, you realized he was staring.
“What?” you said, coming to a stop. “Did I spill something on my dress in the store?”
“No,” Jimin murmured, shaking his head. “I just… I know I said this before, but you really do look incredible.”
Looking at him, you felt your face growing hot. Jimin smiled and ducked his head, resumed pulling things out of the bag. Stepping from your shoes to place in the hall, you returned to the kitchen and pulled out a stool.
Sitting down, you propped your chin in your hand. “Aren’t you going to take off your coat?”
Glancing down, Jimin blinked. “Oh,” he laughed, undoing the buttons. “I forgot I was wearing it.”
You smiled, but this quickly disappeared when you saw what he was wearing. Jimin had worn a dark blazer and trousers, paired with a paisley shirt and black boots. He looked ridiculously good and again, Noelle’s comment about his ass came to mind.
She’d been correct – his pants were well-shaped and well-formed.
After removing both coat and shoes, Jimin returned to the kitchen and pushed a hand through his hair. You watched him get to work, leaning forward a bit when he began to dice vegetables. Immediately, your brows raised. It seemed Jimin had undersold his skills in the kitchen.
When you said as much, he laughed.
“Maybe a little,” Jimin said. As he pushed veggies from the cutting board, the pan began to sizzle. “It’s all part of my master plan. Set expectations low, then over-deliver.”
“It’s working,” you said with a laugh. “You seem pretty damn impressive to me.”
Jimin’s cheeks reddened. “You’re just saying that.”
“Why would I lie?”
“I seem to remember some shocking texts about my junk and dancer’s belts. You could just be after my body, Y/N.”
“I – that’s not!”
He looked up and grinned. “Kidding.”
Flustered, you blurted, “That wasn’t nice!”
Jimin laughed. “I’m sorry.”
You huffed, waiting a minute before you continued. “You do look really good right now, though,” you said softly.
He looked up, eyes wide. As much as Jimin said he enjoyed being liked, it seemed to throw him for a loop whenever you said you liked him. It made you pause, mulling over this for a minute.
“You seem surprised,” you said quietly. “Whenever I say things like that, you always look surprised.”
“Well…” Jimin hesitated. “I just think… there’s been a lot of times where I never thought this would happen. It feels kind of unreal have you here. In my kitchen. On a date.”
“Times after November?”
Jimin paused.
Your brow furrowed. “Before then?”
Opening the pasta, Jimin added this to the pot. He stared into the steam, slowly exhaling before he looked up.
“Let’s just say I’ve wanted this for a while,” he admitted.
“What? But you hated me before Russet.”
“I…” Jimin trailed off. “Kind of. It’s complicated.”
When he failed to elaborate and returned to his cooking, your eyebrows shot up.
“Uh, no,” you laughed. “You can’t just say that and not explain what you mean. What are you talking about?”
Jimin winced as he set down his spoon. “Okay,” he said, gripping the counter. “I guess what I’m saying is I never really hated you. Not truly.”
“You didn’t.”
“No.” He spoke flatly.
“But…” Confused, you searched his face. “You’ve hated me ever since we met, Jimin. That first weekend at NUVO dance competition. We were both called out to demonstrate and you tripped me!”
“Well, maybe that’s not exactly what happened.”
“What are you talking about?”
Jimin released a low breath. “Okay, so here’s the thing. That weekend happened a little differently from my perspective.”
“How so?”
“We were both called out to demonstrate,” he said, repeating your words. “But I hadn’t seen you before then. When we both reached center and I turned and saw you – I froze. I couldn’t remember how to act. Every thought I’d ever had just… flew out of my head.”
You stared at him, speechless.
“I didn’t know what to do,” Jimin continued softly. “I’d never felt like that before. When you started to dance, it only got worse. I’d never seen someone dance like you did. That’s why I entered the combination late. That’s why I was in the wrong spot at the wrong time and that’s why I accidentally tripped you. I was… well, I was distracted.”
“By me,” you whispered. “You were distracted by… me?”
“So,” you said, breath catching. “This entire time, you haven’t really hated me?”
“Ah, I don’t know about that.” Jimin rubbed the back of his neck. “You could be really infuriating,” he said with a laugh. “There were times when you genuinely pissed me off. I meant it when I said I wanted to win against you. But also… I don’t know. I never really forgot the first time I saw you.”
“Oh,” you whispered, unsure what you were feeling.
It made your head spin to hear this different version of events. Jimin hadn’t hated you – at least, not in the same way you had. He hadn’t been the one to make the first move after all. You had when you’d decided not to listen to his apology.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, burying your face in your hands.
“Hey – what’s wrong?”
Dropping his spoon to the counter, Jimin came around and stood beside you. Keeping your head down, you refused to look up until Jimin touched your arm.
“I just,” you exhaled, turning to face him. “It was my fault. This entire time, I thought you hated me and that’s why I hated you. But instead, I just decided to hate you – and for what?”
Jimin’s upper lip twitched. “I wasn’t entirely blameless, you know. I was such a little shit at that age. I wouldn’t have believed me, either.”
“You tried to apologize, though!”
“Hey.” Gently, he gripped your elbows. “If it makes you feel any better, I did trip people just to get to the front. I was an ass. It’s why that Jungkook guy hates me. I started dancing later in life, so I was really hung up on proving myself.”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t true,” you told him. “You didn’t trip me on purpose, and if I’d only been less stubborn –”
“Whoa, hey.” Jimin smiled. “You weren’t the only stubborn one. Maybe it started off as a misunderstanding, but I didn’t really fight it. You were my competition as much as I was yours.”
“I guess,” you said quietly. “I just… I feel like I wasted so much time hating you. Maybe we could’ve even been friends.”
His gaze sparked. “Just friends?” he asked with a quirk of his brow.
“Jimin,” you groaned, but started to smile.
“Listen.” Expression softening, Jimin moved closer. “Even if I had decided to explain all this in high school, would you have believed me?”
“Probably not.”
“Exactly. I was a dick back then.” He nodded. “Remember that one time I lied and told you the awards ceremony had been pushed back an hour?”
Sitting up straighter, you glared. “Oh, I remember. I showed up after they’d already taken the photo for Top Junior solos.”
Jimin grinned. “Or the time I put an out of order sign on the women's restroom after your solo at BRAVO, so you had to run all the way across the auditorium?”
“That was you!” you blurted out, wide-eyed. “No one would believe me when I said it was! Every girl was so pissed off at you that weekend.”
“Which is exactly why I could never admit it was me!”
In disbelief, you shook your head. “You did all of that just to get back at me?”
Jimin’s smile disappeared. “Hey, you weren’t innocent either,” he argued. “Remember the time you spilled an entire water bottle next to my bag so that when I sat down, my ass got all wet?”
Devious, you smiled. “Honestly, there was kind of an ulterior motive there. As much as I hated you, your ass looks great in damp sweats.”
Jimin’s jaw dropped a little.
Managing to shut this, he took a casual step forward. “Is that what you thought?” he murmured, barely able to conceal the thickness in his voice.
“I… may have noticed a few things about you.”
When he placed a hand next to you on the counter, your breath hitched in response. Jimin repeated this with his other hand, bringing his body a step closer to yours.
Hesitant, his gaze roamed your face. “What else did you notice?”
“I…” you exhaled and glanced at his lips.
The air between you could have been cut with a knife, heated for a different reason than the stove beside you. Which – eyes widening, you glanced over.
“Shit!” you blurted. “Jimin, the pasta!”
Startled, he looked in the same direction as you and realized the water was boiling. Rushing away, Jimin entered the kitchen and turned down the burner. Now that you were separated by a solid counter, you felt somewhat dazed when you glanced up and saw him.
Meeting your gaze, Jimin came to a stop. “Anyways,” he said softly. “Now, you know. I didn’t trip you on purpose. I never really hated you. And I’m incredibly glad you’re here tonight.”
Watching him speak, something warm bloomed in your chest.
“Me, too,” you whispered.
Smiling, Jimin returned to the pasta and you settled back on the stool. Delicious scents soon filled the kitchen and you realized how truly hungry you were. You hadn’t eaten much at lunch in preparation and by now, you were famished.
It wasn’t long before Jimin placed pasta onto plates, adding the bread you’d cut up on the side. He brought these to his table, disappearing briefly to return with two candles.
“Oo,” you said as you took a seat. “Fancy.”
Jimin lit the one closest to you with a flourish. “We aim to please, here at Park Jimin’s Fine Eating and Dining.”
“Is that the name of your restaurant?”
“It is.”
“And you’re set on that decision?”
“I decided on a whim, but I have no regrets,” Jimin said, taking a seat across from you. “Now, eat before you piss off the chef and he takes back your food.”
Laughing, you dug into the pasta before you. It was delicious and, after the very first bite, you sighed in appreciation. Apparently, Jimin had truly set the bar low. Conversation began to flow, any lingering tension disappeared after talk of your past.
It was the oddest thing. You’d heard stories from friends about other first dates. They worried about how to behave, what to wear, or what to say to their date – but none of these worries seemed to exist for you in the moment. You’d been so concerned before the night began, but now that you were here, all these worries seemed to fly out the window.
You’d thought you’d spend the entire night comparing. Comparing Jimin to your last relationship, comparing Jimin as a date to Jimin as a friend, but instead, it felt like natural progression. It wasn’t a matter of comparing Jimin to anyone else, but rather simply enjoying where the night led.
After dinner, you insisted on helping clean because Jimin had cooked and bought the food. Donning rubber gloves over your dress, you stood at the sink and began to wash dishes. Jimin laughed as he joined, pulling on gloves to dry the dishes beside you. Once this was done, he suggested watching a movie before the ball dropped.
Collapsing onto the sofa, you adjusted your dress and scanned the room. The posters Jimin had bemoaned were now hung over the TV – you wondered if Hoseok had managed to somehow sneak them past his roommates. Small touches here and there made you think of Jimin.
A game he’d mentioned was out on the coffee table and a blanket which smelled like him was draped over a chair. Pulling this towards you, you wrapped it around yourself as Jimin left the kitchen.
Holding two glasses of wine, he paused when he saw you.
“What?” you said, glancing down.
“Nothing.” Jimin cleared his throat. “Are you cold?”
“A little,” you admitted, tugged his blanket closer.
“Shoot.” Jimin frowned. “The heat’s been weird since we moved in. I’m not sure how to fix – oh!” Setting the glasses down, he rushed towards the hall. “Do you want a sweatshirt?” he called.
“Yes, please!”
Jimin reappeared moments later, a navy sweatshirt in hand. Handing this over, he settled beside you on the sofa. He’d ditched his blazer and now, Jimin was dressed in only the paisley shirt and slacks.
Pulling his sweatshirt overhead, you somehow managed to get stuck right away. It was hard not to, with your hair and the dress, trying not to flash him while you kept your legs crossed.
After a moment of watching your undignified struggling, Jimin cleared his throat.
“Need help?”
“Yes, please,” you said weakly.
Jimin laughed, helping you free and once the hoodie was settled, you sighed and leaned back. Glancing sideways at Jimin, you found him already looking at you.
“What do you want to watch?” you asked.
Jimin blinked, then glanced at the TV. “Hm,” he mused, grabbing the remote. “We could watch the ball drop and enjoy the fact that we’re sitting inside, not standing in the freezing cold without any bathrooms.”
“I know!” you said with a shudder. “Out of all the stupid traditions, that’s one I’ll never understand.”
“How do so many people have it on their bucket list?”
“Right? That, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Zero out of ten. It’s cold, there’s wind and again, there’s the question of bathrooms.”
Jimin laughed as he scrolled through the channels. “Alright, so no to the ball drop. Want to watch a movie?”
“What movie?”
“Why’re you making me pick?” you whined, sinking deeper into his cushions. “That’s such a large amount of pressure.”
“Exactly, which is why I don’t want to do it.”
You laughed and after some back and forth, decided to watch About Time. This was a movie about obstacles and falling in love, which seemed more than fitting because of the new year. At first, you and Jimin were watching diligently but eventually, he asked a question and conversation slowly drifted from the movie.
At some point, Jimin lowered the volume to focus solely on you. You curled deeper into the couch beside him, your thighs somehow touching and shoulders inches apart. Jimin’s head leaned against the cushion and he continued to smile in a way which made your heart flip.
“Here’s a question,” you murmured, no longer pretending to watch the movie.
His eyes gleamed in the darkness. “What?”
“Why’d you tell Sabrina you only wanted to be friends?”
Briefly, his eyes widened. “How did… you know about that?”
“She told me.”
“Hm.” Jimin gave you a dubious look but moved past it. Sabrina had begun hanging out with your friends as of late. “But alright, I’ll answer. If I do though, you need to answer one of my questions. Deal?”
“So, I was single when I came to Russet.” Jimin paused. “It was the first time in a long time, and I may have hooked up with a couple of people.”
“Hm,” you said tightly.
His eyes danced with amusement. “Jealous?”
“Answer the question.”
He laughed. “Anyways, I only hooked up with Sabrina the one time. Afterwards…” Jimin sighed. “I felt kind of weird about her asking me to switch partners. Then I overheard what she said about Ari at weigh-ins and just didn’t feel like anything more... Plus, there was the other reason.”
“And what was the other reason?”
“I was starting to like you,” he said, a bit softer. “The day you said you wanted to be friends was a giant weight from my chest. And the more relaxed you were around me, the more… I don’t know. The more I liked you, I guess. My mom has always called me her hopeless romantic,” Jimin said with a smile. “I don’t know about that, but I can be single-minded when I like someone. That was part of the reason I told Sabrina we shouldn’t hook up anymore.”
“Oh,” you whispered.
His smile turned lopsided. “Does that answer your question?”
“Yeah. I guess it does.”
“My turn, then.” Smile disappearing, his gaze darkened. “Why did you really call me that night at the club?”
“Oh. That. Well, I –”
“And don’t say it was because I had a car,” Jimin interrupted. “There were a lot of people you could’ve called to help. You didn’t, though. You called me. Why?”
You hesitated before you realized there was only one answer. “I wanted to see you,” you said honestly. “I was scared, I was alone and… you were the person I wanted to see.”
Jimin’s gaze had become nearly black, the air between you thick with something unsaid. You were suddenly conscious of all each part of your body pressed to his. When Jimin shifted on the couch, you moved somehow closer.
He hesitated, then glanced at your mouth. “I don’t…” Jimin licked his lips, sounding hoarse. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for.”
“You won’t,” you told him.
Something uncertain passed over his face. “Maybe we should take things slow.”
“Or,” you said slowly. “I could tell you things I like about you, instead.”
“And what would be the point of that?”
Your gaze shifted to his. “You’ve told me a lot tonight about how much you like me,” you said softly. “About how long you’ve liked me. I think it’s time I returned the favor.”
Something in his gaze cracked and he nodded. The TV in the background was quiet, only the noise from the street and the whoosh of the heater breaking the silence.
“First,” you said, glancing down at his lap. “You have really nice hands.”
Jimin’s lips twitched. “My hands? I’ve always thought they were small.”
“Wrong. They’re the perfect size. Never have they dropped me.”
“Mm, that’s a good point.”
“And your smile,” you said.
“What about it?”
“I like your smile,” you told him. “It makes me smile.”
His eyes crinkled in demonstration. “Oh, yeah?”
“And your ears.”
Jimin laughed. “My ears?”
Reaching out, you delicately traced over an edge. “I’ve spent a long time looking at your profile, Park. I know what I’m talking about here.”
As your fingers moved lower, feather-light down his jaw, Jimin’s smile disappeared.
“I like your jaw, too,” you told him.
In the darkness, his gaze glinted, and you felt his jaw tense.
“And your lips,” you added, gaze lowering. “I like those a lot.”
“Y/N…” Jimin’s eyes fluttered shut.
He slowly exhaled. “I just don’t want you to regret this.”
He opened his eyes.
Your expression was serious. “I told you I wouldn’t jump into something before I was ready,” you said, lifting your other hand. “But I’m not in love with Finn anymore. It doesn’t hurt when I think about what happened last semester. I like you, Jimin. I want you. I don’t want to keep pushing you away. I get if you’re unsure about this, though. If you’re unsure about me.”
Jimin’s gaze roamed your face. “Unsure?”
“I know I hurt you before. I shouldn’t have kissed you and ran away. But I promise this isn’t like that. I’m not running away. I’m the furthest thing from running and I –”
Cutting you off, Jimin pressed his lips to yours.
You shuddered a little, leaning into his kiss before he pulled back. Jimin exhaled, barely a breath before he kissed you again.
Noses brushing, lips lingering, the kiss slowly deepened. Your hands curled into his hair, pulling him forward to bask in his warmth. It was dizzying, how different this felt than last time. Last time you’d been heartbroken, desperately yearning each time your lips had touched.
Now, Jimin felt like air, like sunshine as you drowned in his presence. Hand grasping your waist, Jimin moved you closer so your chest nestled to his. Lifting his fingers, his touch skimmed your jaw, your hairline before he circled the nape of your neck.
Drawing away, he bit down on your lip. With a low sort of moan, Jimin sought your lips again. When his mouth opened yours, his tongue swept forward and you nearly combusted.
This was only to tease, though. Only to taste before he pulled away, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. Thumb skimming your jawline, Jimin tilted your head back to brush a kiss to your throat. Moving higher, he worshiped a slow path up the column of your neck. At your ear, he nipped gently before he returned.
Now, his kisses began to deepen. Mouths opening, your tongues brushed only briefly before he chose to withdraw. You were glad you were kissing on the couch, because suddenly your own legs felt weak underneath you.
Hand re-gripping his waist, Jimin pulled you against him. Eager, your hands found his neck and the blanket dropped to the floor. It wasn’t enough, though – you needed more, wanted to feel him fully beneath you. Rising on your knees, you swung a leg over his lap and settled on top.
Jimin hissed, his head hitting the back of his couch. Your dress had ridden up in the process, exposing your thighs – his thumbs skimmed the surface before he looked up.
“Shit,” Jimin croaked.
Smiling, you bent to kiss him again. Jimin arched upwards, each part of your body electric where you touched. He shifted his hips, granting friction and heat which made you short-circuit. Pressing yourself closer, your thighs sild backwards until they nestled around his waist.
Jimin’s hand found your spine, pulling you closer as his hips pushed upwards. You groaned when you felt him shift underneath you. The kisses grew steadily hotter, this ache in your core increasing with every touch.
“Can I…” Pulling away, Jimin glanced lower. “Can I take off the sweatshirt?”
“Yeah,” you said, a bit dazed.
Jimin didn’t waste time, helping you pull this swiftly overhead. It was tossed on the ground and when your dress was revealed, he inhaled.
Slipping his hands up your bodice, Jimin met your gaze. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” he confessed, his voice hoarse.
“Do what?”
Your breath hitched when his hands skimmed your breasts, lingering in all your softest places.
“Touch you,” Jimin said. “It was torture to see you, to look at you and not be able to do this. Not how I wanted, anyways. I’d tell myself not to think about it, but…”
He paused and looked up. “Yes?”
“Touch me. Please.”
Without hesitation, Jimin slid his hands lower. Cupping your ass, he pulled you against him and allowed his other hand to drift up your spine. You shivered, closing your eyes as your head tilted back.
His hands slid up your front, over your breasts and under the straps of your dress. Jimin’s thumbs drifted lower, brushing your nipples through the fabric of your bodice. Opening your eyes, you looked down at him and saw his gaze darken.
Reaching higher, Jimin cupped the back of your neck and returned your lips to his.
He kissed you slowly, purposefully as you melted forward. Shifting against him, the kiss began to intensify. Mouths opening, your tongue swept forward in bold strokes against his. Suppressing a whimper, you ground your hips on his lap.
“Is,” you murmured, breaking free. “Is your bedroom unpacked?”
Jimin went still. “I – mostly, yeah.”
“Can I see it?”
“Fuck, yes,” he groaned, releasing your thighs as he stood from the couch.
You laughed, sliding down his front as your feet hit the ground. Tugging your dress down, you followed Jimin when he grabbed your hand. He pulled you down the hall, coming to a stop at the last room on the row. Pushing open the door, he flicked on the light and came to a stop.
Stepping forward, you glanced around Jimin’s room. You recognized some of the items from the two times you’d visited Jimin in the dorms. Photos of his family were carefully hung on the wall and he had the same pillows laid over his queen-sized bed.
Turning around, you took a step backwards and sat on his bed. “It’s nice,” you said, patting the comforter. “I like it here.”
Jimin watched you, his gaze half-lidded from the hall. “I like you here.”
Cheeks heating, you watched him enter and gently shut the door. Leaning back on your elbows, you arched a brow.
“Where’d we leave off?”
Jimin exhaled as he crossed the room. “I think you were on my lap,” he said hoarsely, kneeling beside you.
You nodded, moving to straddle him as he leaned to the wall. Catching your waist with both hands, Jimin pulled you against him, kissing you roughly even before you sat down. Suddenly ravenous, his hands slid to your ass as he rolled you against him. Inhaling sharply, you sucked his lower lip between teeth as he groaned.
Reaching up, Jimin tugged on your hair as you inhaled, throat exposed for him to kiss slowly down your front. When he returned to your lips, you ground your hips impatiently over the bulge in his pants.
Shifting his weight, Jimin’s spine hit the wall. He stared at you, slightly dazed with his kiss-reddened lips. Without looking away, Jimin lifted his fingers and began undoing his shirt. You stilled, watching each inch of skin be revealed. When he reached the last button, you gave in and helped push this aside. Smiling, Jimin sat up as his shirt fell to the floor.
You weren’t sure where to look first. Hands faltering, you slid them up his abs, over his shoulders and down his biceps. He was so perfect, it almost hurt to look at. Jimin’s breath quickened as you touched him and slowly, he lowered you down to the bed.
“Enough,” he said roughly, returning your lips to his.
As you kissed it turned lazy, nothing but grinding and touching. Jimin’s hair was messy beneath the pull of your fingers. He didn’t seem to mind, his own hands digging into the curve of your thigh. Playing with the hem of your dress, he deftly slid upwards.
“Jimin,” you said, breaking free. “Unzip me.”
His gaze darkened. “Are you sure?”
Jimin nodded, following suit when you sat up beside him. Turning around, you exposed your back and Jimin began to lower the zipper. He moved slowly, taking his time as his fingers brushed skin. Holding the dress up with your hands, you waited until it was fully unzipped before releasing it to the floor.
Turning around, you found Jimin’s jaw slack.
“You…” He roughly inhaled while he scanned your body. “Lace, Y/N? Really?”
“Do you like it?” you asked.
You may have gone overboard preparing for tonight. Although you hadn’t been sure what would happen, you also hadn’t wanted to be caught off your guard. Tonight, your constant need to plan had come in handy. Beneath your dress you’d worn a crimson lace bra and panties – a matching set which Jimin seemed to like, based on his expression.
“You’re going to kill me,” he muttered, lowering his lips to your neck.
Kissing slowly down your chest, he came to a stop where the two halves joined together. Skimming the length of your torso, his hands trembled a little when he brushed the lace.
Jimin looked up. “I’m sorry I keep touching you,” he murmured. “I just – you’re driving me crazy. You’ve been driving me crazy.”
“You said that before,” you whispered.
“I meant it.”
Kissing again up your body, he lingered in places your skin was exposed. Inhaling, your eyes fluttered shut as you grasped his shoulders.
Jimin’s hand slid between your thighs. “Part them,” he murmured, and you obeyed.
Heart racing, you opened your eyes and watched Jimin drag a finger slowly up the center of your panties. Even you could feel how damp the fabric was, how wet and ready you were for him.
Lifting his finger to his lips, Jimin sucked. “You’re soaking,” he breathed, sounding eager. “So good to me.”
Lowering his head, his tongue flicked your breast. Teasing the nipple through fabric, he urged and he sucked until it was fully erect. Moving onto the next one, Jimin grazed with his teeth until it pressed wantonly into the lace cup of your bra. Moaning his name, you arched against him.
Finding your wrists, Jimin pinned you backwards as he continued. Thighs caging your waist, he kept you hostage with his exquisite torture. The lace of your bra was now drenched, Jimin sucking debauchedly through fabric.
“Jimin,” you groaned, twisting on the sheets. “Please.”
His hips rolled lazily against your center. “Not yet,” he insisted before pulling back. “Not until you make a mess of my sheets. Want to ruin these panties.”
Sliding a hand between your thighs, he lightly circled your entrance. Feeling how wet you were, Jimin softly groaned. Sitting back on his heels, he finally relented and pulled your panties down. Tossing these to the floor, he returned to your thighs and spread your legs.
Lightly, Jimin dragged the pads of his thumbs up and down your panty line. “God, you’re so perfect,” he murmured. “Got my sheets fucking soaked.”
Separating two of his fingers, he slowly dragged his digits up and down your folds. You inhaled, feeling needy while you watched him touch you. Each brush of his fingers had you dripping – teasing over your entrance, he refused to give you exactly what you wanted. Feather-light, Jimin circled your swollen clit with his finger.
Hands gripping the sheets, you could only stare while Jimin brought you closer and closer to the edge. He was barely touching you, but it was the most turned on you’d ever been in your life. Jimin’s thumb swiped over your clit, rubbing you gently as you keened in frustration, arching against him.
He continued like this until you were gasping, begging for more and then – only then – did he slide a finger inside you. Legs trembling, you arched on his mattress and stared at him, glassy-eyed. When Jimin began to move in and out, you lost all control.
Lowering his head, he closed his lips over your clit.
“Oh my god,” you whimpered as you broke apart.
Barely did he suck before you were coming undone, pulsing around his fingers. Shuddering with pleasure, you collapsed on the bed as you rode out your high. Gently, Jimin pulled out his finger and returned to your lips.
Reaching behind you, he undid the clasp of your bra and tossed this on the floor. Once you were fully naked, he pulled you against him. You felt limp, thoroughly sated, but familiar excitement began to stir at his front pressed to yours. Tilting your head, he gently kissed you while your fingers wound in his hair.
Jimin moved slow, letting you take the lead. Your core continued to throb with oversensitivity, although this seemed to lessen the longer you kissed him. Before long, your nipples were hardening as you rubbed against him. Fingers digging into your thigh, Jimin pulled this over his hip to watch you lazily grind.
Realizing he still wore pants, you lowered a hand, determined to fix this. Jimin helped, dragging the zipper down to throw both these and his boxers down on the floor.
He bent to kiss you again, but you placed a hand on his chest. “Wait,” you murmured. “I want to see you.”
Jimin exhaled, leaning back so you could take in his body. If you’d thought his chest was unreal, it was nothing compared to his trim hips, sculpted thighs and cock nestled between.
“Oh,” you said, dragging a hand down his front.
Jimin shuddered a little. He was already hard, his cock thick and pretty with a reddened tip. It made your mouth water to look at, wanting to lick up the shaft. Reaching between you, you closed your fist around him and slowly jerked him off.
You watched in fascination as Jimin responded. His jaw tightened, abs tense while you teased over his frenulum. His cock responded instinctively, hardening further the longer you touched him.
After a few minutes of this, Jimin shook his head. “No more,” he said huskily, taking your hand in his. “I’ll come if you keep doing that.”
“Oh?” you murmured, gaze darting lower.
He chuckled, a rough sound in his throat. “I like watching you come,” Jimin confessed, his cock hard between you. “It turns me on. I’m… still trying to recover from your last orgasm.”
“Oh,” you said, in a completely different way.
Jimin exhaled, hair falling forward. “I hope that doesn’t weird you out.”
“Does it… weird me out that you like giving orgasms?”
“Well, when you put it like that.”
“How else would I put it?”
His grin became devious. “You could ask for another.”
Breathless, you nodded and Jimin’s gaze darkened.
He descended your body, not wasting any time as he positioned himself between your legs. Licking slow up your center, you gasped and instinctively drew your legs higher. Jimin didn’t bother easing you into it. No, now he ate you out like he wanted to.
Kissing your folds, he returned to your clit and sucked this into his mouth. Rolling the sensitive bud with his tongue, he teased and released before you knew what was happening. He continued to do this, spreading you underneath him and bringing you close to coming, only to pull back and leave you maddeningly empty.
Spreading your folds, he began licking sweetly over your clit. This was followed by loose, lazy sucking and more tender flicks. You stared dazedly at him between your legs, the sight more erotic than anything you could’ve imagined.
Grinding his cock into the sheets, Jimin thrust his hips while he pleasured you. You could tell he enjoyed this; each grunt from his lips was more affirmation. Moving lower, he circled your cunt with his tongue just to lap up your juices. You gasped at the sensation, having never felt it before. Flicking your clit with his thumb, Jimin fucked your cunt with his tongue before he slowly withdrew.
Spreading you wide, he returned to your clit and you clasped a hand over your lips before a moan could escape. Each curl of his tongue left you gasping, writhing beneath the pleasurable onslaught of his mouth. Pulling away, Jimin pressed a gentle kiss to your thigh before he rose up your body.
At your mouth, he kissed your fingers. “You don’t have to be quiet,” he told you. “I want to hear the noises you make, Y/N. It makes me feel good.”
Removing your hand, you slowly nodded.
Jimin just grinned, dropping between your legs to begin eating you out again. This time, you didn’t hold back. Jimin seemed to appreciate this as you slipped further from control. He was so good with his mouth, making you see stars as your legs started to shudder. When he slid his finger inside you and fingered you again, your hands fisted in the sheets.
“Ji-jimin,” you gasped, writhing beneath him. “Jimin, I – oh.”
He began to move faster, adding a second finger as your insides clenched around him. Everything tightened, hovering at a breaking point while Jimin continued, relentless. His mouth on your clit, his fingers inside you – everything broke apart when you came, gasping his name.
Jimin didn’t move, kissing your sex as you slowly came down. He lapped at your sex, licking up your arousal before withdrawing his fingers. Once your breathing had steadied, Jimin returned to the sheets beside you.
“Good?” he breathed, draping an arm over your waist.
“Oh my god, yes,” you exhaled, burying your face in his chest.
He laughed, pulling you closer. Jimin started to pull away, which made you look up and frown.
“What are you doing?” you said.
He paused. “I’m looking for a tissue.”
“I… I’m kind of at a loss here.”
“No, I mean why now,” you said, baffled. “I can come again, Jimin. I want to come with you inside me.”
Jimin stared at you a moment.
“Unless…” Uncertain, you hesitated. “You don’t want to…?”
“Fuck,” Jimin muttered, sounding hoarse. “No – I want to. I really want to. Are you sure, though?” he said, reaching to open the side drawer of his bed.
You grinned when he pulled out a condom, ripping this open.
“I’m sure,” you murmured, moving closer.
Jimin rolled the condom onto himself, pausing before he went any further. Shifting his weight so he hovered over you, Jimin searched your gaze. Reaching lower, you casually stroked his cock and guided him to your center.
He didn’t enter yet, content to take his time. Instead, Jimin bent and kissed you, dragging a hand down your side. His fingers paused at your breast, tweaking your nipple until it stood fully erect. Moving to your waist, he curved under your ass and lifted your hips to his.
Arching upwards, you felt his cock brush your center. The touch made you pant, wanting him inside you and wanting it now. Rolling over his length, you marveled at the feel of him between your legs. Having him so close and not having him inside you was maddening.
“Jimin,” you whimpered.
“Yeah?” he murmured, continuing to thrust between your thighs.
“Please,” you begged him.
“Alright, baby,” he said and rolled you onto your back.
It was the first time he’d used the endearment, sending a wave of warmth through you as your legs parted. Reaching lower, Jimin positioned himself at your entrance. It took him a moment to work his way in; you were so wet, he needed a second try. With only his tip inside, you immediately clenched and buried your head in his shoulder.
Lightly, Jimin brushed a kiss to your hair. “Relax, baby,” he murmured, making you glance up. “I’ll make you feel good. I promise.”
Slowly, you nodded. “Okay.”
Laying slowly back down, you tried to relax while he worked his way deeper. With slow, shallow thrusts, Jimin finally bottomed out and you stared at him in amazement. His cock was thicker than you were used to and stuffed to the brim like this, you felt so full. Glancing down, you saw his hips nestled snugly to yours.
When you looked up, Jimin met your gaze. “I’m sorry,” he exhaled, hanging his head. “I just – I need a minute.”
“What’s wrong?” you blurted, immediately worried.
A smile passed over his lips. “Nothing’s wrong.” He looked up. “You’re just… fuck. I feel like a damn virgin. You’re so tight and wet, I’m losing my mind.”
Hearing him say this sent a shiver through you. Shifting your hips, you reveled in the sensation of him moving inside you.
Jimin groaned. “No,” he protested. “You can’t do that right now.”
“Do what?”
“Try and make me move,” he murmured. “I know you can’t see yourself, so you can’t see how hot you look. Tits out, pussy spread and dripping all over my cock.”
“Oh,” you breathed.
“Sounding like that.”
“Jimin. If you don’t –”
He suddenly thrust deeper, grinding his pelvis against your core and making you groan. Speechless, you stared as he slowly pulled out. Jimin teased you with his tip, moving a few inches back in before he thrust again.
“Oh,” you groaned, jolted upwards on the bed.
His gaze dropped to your chest. “Fuck,” Jimin said quietly, dropping down to an elbow.
He moved again in earnest, thrusting slowly in and pulling back out. It made your breath catch, needing more but loving the torture. It was torture to feel every inch of him and have Jimin continue to hold back. You knew he could go faster, deeper, but wanted to stay in control.
Dropping his head, Jimin slowly kissed your neck. His cock continued to move, fucking you slowly as your legs opened wider.
“Jimin,” you whimpered.
Your hips chased after his, hoping to coerce him deeper.
He smirked. “Yes, baby?”
“Please,” you said, arching against him. “I want more.”
“You want it harder?”
As he said this, Jimin increased his strength. Keeping the tempo the same, each thrust of his cock had your lips parting with pleasure.
“Yes,” you whimpered, barely hanging on.
“And faster? You want that, too?”
You nodded, slack-jawed as Jimin sped up the pace. His cock began to pound into you, hand fisting in sheets as he gave it to you hard. Arching underneath him, your hands dragged down his back as Jimin fully let go. With each thrust of his hips, his pelvis brushed your clit and yet, it still wasn’t enough.
“More?” he teased, continuing to fuck you.
“More,” you whimpered, sliding your hands up your breasts. Tweaking the nipples, you watched his gaze harden. “I want more, Jimin.”
He immediately moved, as though he’d been waiting for this. Grasping your ankles in one hand, he lifted them high overhead and pulled his cock out. You gasped when he did so, your hands falling to the side while you were put on display. The position pushed your pussy lips together, giving an incredible view of your dripping cunt.
Jimin plunged his cock back inside, nearly making you scream. It felt so deep this way – so deep and hard and deliciously wanton. Jimin fucked you from above, hips slamming into you and making your breasts bounce.
Jimin groaned, his hips never faltering. “Touch them,” he said, lowering your ankles to one shoulder. “Touch your tits for me, baby.”
You obeyed, hands sliding over your breasts to tease your nipples. This sent a shock of pleasure straight to your core and Jimin hammered your g-spot, making you see stars. Jaw slack, you could only lie there and take it while he made you come.
It was too much, the wave of pleasure threatening to overwhelm, but then Jimin leaned forward and you finally snapped. You felt him release into the condom as you fell apart, rope after rope of hot cum inside you.
Eventually, Jimin softened and fell onto his elbow. As he opened his eyes, he sought your gaze and you smiled. His cheeks were flushed, his hair dark and sweaty and you couldn’t help the deep surge of affection within you.
“I don’t know about you,” he murmured. “But that was pretty fucking incredible.”
“Same here,” you whispered. “I’d like to do it again sometime.”
“Three orgasms weren’t enough?”
“Were they enough for you?”
“No.” Jimin laughed. “I could watch you come all night. But we should probably get you cleaned up and all that.”
“Probably,” you agreed, although you made no effort to move.
Eventually Jimin sighed and gently pulled out. Tossing his condom in the trash, he showed you to the bathroom and let you do what you needed to do. When you returned, Jimin was on top of his bed. He’d put back on his boxers and held out his sweatshirt.
“I thought you might want this,” he said, uncertain.
Smiling, you took it and lowered it over your head. Climbing beside him on the bed, you rested your head on his shoulder and cuddled beside him. Listening to his breathing, you concentrated until yours started to match.
Outside, cheers erupted from the street. Scrambling upwards, you fought to look out Jimin’s side window. As you hurried to see what the commotion was about, Jimin groaned when you flashed him your bare ass, but followed suit.
Glancing outside, you realized it must have turned midnight. Fireworks went off over the skyline, people cheered below, and someone had lit a sparkler on the street. Voices drifted higher, wishing each other a happy new year as slowly, you turned around to face Jimin.
He smiled at you, his happiness clear when he pulled you to him. A dizzying rush of what-if’s and excitement went through you and somehow, you knew this would be only the beginning.
“Happy new year,” he murmured.
“Happy new year,” you whispered, tilting your face up to his.
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Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading this series 😊 It’s been a whirlwind, so thank you for sticking with our main characters throughout the journey! I hope you enjoyed and are having a wonderful holiday season :) happy (almost) new year!
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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hispipsqueak · 3 years
Hanta Sero x F!Reader NSFW
Summary: After years of being together, you and Sero decide to reminisce in the best way possible.
WC: 2.2K
A/N: Hi friends! Sero is one of those characters that I truly see as good husband material and I wanted to express some of those feelings in this piece. I know for a lot of us, especially in my age range, growing up and leaving that age of “dumb teenager/early 20′s mess” to “adult with responsibilities” is a big change and I hope that is reflected a bit in this. Also, there’s car sex. So that’s fun :D As always, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated! Thanks for reading <3 P.S: CAN WE TALK ABOUT SERO IN THE NEW EP??? ahhhh
TW: car sex, adulting/getting older, domestic relationship, daddy kink, breeding kink, mentions of drug use
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Sero's eyes stared at the glowing screen, trying to comprehend the information yet again.
His gaze darted toward the corner, 3:36 A.M., and he yawned, before blinking and trying to re-read the document again. 
"Hey pretty boy." 
The smell of jasmine perfume and honey wafted in and he smiled sleepily as you ran your fingers through his shaggy black hair.
"Mm...I know, I know." He muttered, nuzzling into your touch. You were his rock, always making sure he ate well and slept enough, making sure he wouldn't overwork himself. Sero thought back to your UA days of sneaking out at 3 AM to some fast food joint and getting stoned while eating greasy fries in the back of his car. Time sure flew, huh?
You rested your head on his shoulder and pressed a kiss to his neck.
"Come to bed. Paperwork will still be there in the morning, I promise.", you muttered into his soft skin. He relented and pulled himself out of the chair, twirling you around so he had you pressed against the wall.
His eyes roamed your face. You were still gorgeous as the day he first laid eyes on you in high school.
"Whatcha thinkin' about, Hanta?" you whispered. He grinned, that toothy smirk that you fell in love with unchanged after all these years, and kissed you. 
"Just reminiscing. Thinking about how far we've come. Remember when we were annoying teenagers, sneaking out of the dorms?" 
"I'm pretty sure we are the reason for Aizawa's grey hairs now. Remember when your van broke down and we had to beg Bakugo to pick us up at 4 A.M.?" you giggled back, thinking of the blonde's angry scolding the entire ride home.
The two of you chuckled quietly, thinking about the years past. You glanced down at your hand, the sparkling diamond that adorned it shining in the dim room. 
"I remember the day you proposed too. I'm pretty sure I thought you were going to dump me." you teased.
Even in the dark, you could see his face flush and his eyes narrow.
"I was NERVOUS. I was trying to ask the love of my life to spend the rest of our lives together and you just sat there being beautiful and Denki spent the day before trying to convince me to do a flash mob and it was a LOT of pressure!"
"You literally started off with, 'We've had some bad times, and some good times, and this was fun'." You laughed, picturing his face that day. He was sweating bullets and your heart was sinking, thinking he was ending it. He had been so secretive and weird the weeks prior, as opposed to his normally chilled out demeanor. 
Sero kissed your forehead.
"I still have no idea why you said yes, but you're stuck with me, babe." He clinked his matching band against yours, a gesture the two of you did to remind yourselves of your unbreakable bond. 
His long arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you close to him and you buried yourself into his chest, smelling his citrus-scented soap. He rested his chin on your hair. 
"When did we get so old, Y/N?" He whispered, his eyes looking at the walls behind you. Pictures of the two of you decorated the house. The pair of you in matching sunglasses at the beach, a group photo of you two and the squad at dinner after the aforementioned proposal, a candid on your wedding day, and then the two of you holding your twin boys.
"I'm pretty sure after we became parents." you mumbled into his chest, your sleepiness apparent in your voice. "I think once I had to say Daddy in a non-sexual way, was when I realized we were old." 
Sero chuckled quietly, his hands squeezing your waist. 
"But, we're still cool right? We aren't our parents." 
You looked up at him, eyebrows raised.
"Hanta, are you worried about getting older?"
He closed his eyes. 
"Not worried as much as...I just...I don't wanna be an old guy who drives a minivan and talks about retirement and golf."
Your eyes widened and you burst into laughter.
"Baby, I'm pretty sure you would never take up golf."
Sero pouted and you grinned before continuing.
"But in all seriousness, we aren't the kids we were in high school. Maybe we can't pull all nighters and still function the next day, and maybe we have to be parents who eat more vegetables and less french fries. But it's also nice to have a car that doesn't require a running start to move, and have a house instead of sneaking in and out of each other's dorm rooms. And you know, the kids are KIND OF cool."
He nodded.
"They are pretty cool kids."
You cupped his face, tilting him towards you.
"If I have to grow old with someone, I'm glad it's with you."
His face flushed and he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you deeply. You gently tugged at the longer hair behind his ears as you kissed him back. He let out a low groan and his hands kneaded at your curves, squeezing your ass and hips.
Finally, the two of you broke apart, breathless and grinning. He pressed his forehead to yours.
"How about…we reminisce a little more? Maybe...in the car, for old time's sake?"
You nodded and the two of you headed to the garage, trying to stay as quiet as possible to not wake up the kids. Sero opened the car door and the two of you slid in the backseat, giggling like teenagers. 
You straddled him and could feel his cock through his joggers. He groaned as you grinded against it, teasing him with hungry hot kisses to his neck. 
“You’re such a tease, princess.” He whispered before tracing the shell of your ear with his tongue. Your body shivered at his touch. Even after all this time, he made you feel like a lovestruck schoolgirl. You ran your hands down his toned chest, his body lean from hero work, and slid your fingers underneath his shirt.
Sero took this as an invitation to pull off his black tank top and you did the same to your sleeping shirt, an old band tee that you snagged from him. His hands cupped your breasts, slowly kneading the soft flesh as he placed soft kisses on your collarbone and shoulder.
“Mmm...you’re so fucking beautiful. How the hell did I get so damn lucky, babe?” He said between kisses. Sero had a way of making you feel like the sexiest woman in the world and you couldn’t help but smile as he worshipped your breasts, kissing and licking his way down till he latched his mouth over your nipple. 
Using his other hand to tweak and tug at the hardened bud, he alternated between the two, sucking and leaving soft bites. Your back arched involuntarily, pushing your chest deeper into his mouth as you moaned.
“Fuck…need you Hanta.”
His long fingers worked their way down your belly, tracing circular patterns as he reached your sex. He ran a finger across your slit, barely parting your folds.
“What do you want, baby? Tell Daddy what you want.”
“Please...please touch me. Please daddy.” you begged, grinding yourself against him for the smallest amount of friction. You could feel yourself leaving a mess on his sweatpants, but you needed his touch.
He let out a deep chuckle.
“So desperate, huh baby? Let daddy take care of you.” You bit your lip as he plunged two fingers into your cunt. The length, combined with the hooking motion had you gasping. He continued to plunge in and out of your sopping heat as you rocked against him. Your thighs tensed, threatening to close on his arm. He maneuvered the two of you so you were laying on your back across the seat, his hand gripping your soft thighs, holding you in place as he finger-fucked you.
“Take it like a good girl baby. Let daddy make you feel good. You look so beautiful for me baby.” He praised you as he pushed deeper into you. You could feel him hit spots in you that made you see stars. All you could do was lay back and cry from the overwhelming pleasure that clouded your brain.
“Fuck...daddy, gonna cum soon!” you wailed, eyes rolling back. Hanta then chose this moment to pull his fingers from you, leaving your pussy to clench around nothing. You let out a frustrated whimper, tears leaking from your eyes.
“I’m so sorry baby, but I promise I’m gonna make it all better. You trust me baby?” He asked, his eyes dark with desire and something primal.
You nodded, sniffling at the shock of your orgasm being ripped from you. He tapped your lips with his fingers,still dripping of your arousal. Obediently, you opened and sucked on the two fingers, tasting yourself. 
“Look how good you taste baby. You’re such a good girl for me. I want you to lick up every last drop from my fingers. Can you do that for daddy?” He asked, grinning.
Nodding dumbly, you slurped down every bit of yourself from his hand. He pressed against your tongue, making you gag around him. You looked up at him, drool falling from the corners of your mouth. 
Hanta felt his cock twitch. Fuck you looked so sexy, so fucked and in love. He could see the devotion in your eyes as you looked at him awaiting his next instructions.
He pulled his hand back, strings of saliva hanging off of his calloused fingers. He propped himself above you so he was looking right down at your gorgeously fucked out face.
“You ready baby? You ready to take all of Daddy’s cock?” He asked, tugging your shorts down and lining himself up with your entrance. Your fingers found their way to his neck, tugging him close to you. The two of you shared a deep kiss, exchanging unspoken promises and memories before breaking apart. You nodded, looking deep into his eyes.
Hanta felt his face flush, before slowly pressing into your tight heat. You bit your lip. No matter how many times the two of you had done this, you still had to prepare for his length. He wasn’t the thickest but his cock was long and lean just like him, with a curve that pressed itself right against your most sensitive spots.
“Fuck...you feel so good for me. You’re squeezing me so well baby.” He murmured, his dark eyes drinking in every inch of your body. His hands ran up and down your sides as he looked down at you and he gave you a small grin as he pinched your hip. You dug your fingertips into his shoulder blades, pulling him flush against you.
“Oh fuck you feel so good.” You rocked your hips against him, rolling yourself onto his cock. He took this as a cue to go faster and started to piston deeper inside of you, his balls slapping against your ass. His tip slammed against your walls, burying him deeper inside you. Moans and sighs filled the backseat and you gripped him tightly.
“That’s it babe, that’s it. Taking daddy so fucking deep. Fuck you’re sucking me in so well. I might have to knock you up again if you keep it up. You want that princess? Want daddy to put another baby inside you?” Hanta panted, hungrily kissing your neck and shoulder as he fucked into you faster. His teeth nipped at the thin skin and you cried out, from a mixture of pain and pleasure. “Answer me baby girl.”
“Y-yes daddy! Please fill me up with your cum. Need you so bad. Wan’a have your baby.” You moaned, delirious from him. The windows to the car were foggy and sweat ran down your bodies as you repeatedly crashed into each other, and yet all you could feel was him, all you wanted was to stay with him and please him as much as you could.
He could feel his release rapidly approaching. His hand snaked down to your clit and he pressed tight circles to the sensitive bud. Your back arched from the seat as you moaned out a mixture of curses and begs. Your mindless babbling spurred him on more. He wanted to keep fucking you, make it so you couldn’t remember your own name, drive you insane with desire and want.
“Tell me who’s fucking you so good baby. Who’s making you feel so fucking good? Who’s cum do you want to fill that tight little pussy of yours?” He breathed out, slamming into you impossibly faster.
“Daddy daddy daddy - DADDY!” you chanted, your mind fuzzy as you tightened around him, creaming on his cock. You wrapped your legs around his waist and rode out your high on his cock as your eyes fluttered and your mouth dropped open.
“That’s it, that’s it, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He groaned out as he released into you, filling you with his seed. His cock twitched, spurting his load into you and his fingers gripped your hips, holding you tightly as he filled you up.
The two of you panted, breathing hard as you came down from your highs, slowly moving into a position where he could hold you. He moved some strands of hair, plastered to your face with sweat, and pressed a soft kiss to your temple.
“I love you.” 
You grinned, sleepiness overtaking your body as you leaned into him, your lips pressing against his skin.
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planettnibiruu · 3 years
TW// Gore, descriptive violence, condescending again, alcohol, manipulation, car crashes, drugging/spiking, a mention of medicinal drugs, mention of hospital. Lmk if I missed any//
P1, P3
It was cruel what he was doing. He knew that, but it was too late to turn back. If MC was going to live amongst devils, they must learn the true reality of it. There was no mercy where they walked, the word itself was laughable. The only sweetness in the devildom was the poisoned fruits tauntingly hanging from long skeleton trees. 
Solomon knew it would shatter them, after all, he held a similar curse. Watching your loved ones die around you, your home crumble from the sickening whisper of time, it hurts. Time plunges it's long dirty talons directly into your chest and pulls, crushing the happiness from your heart, allowing it to drip down its hand and arm like thick blood, then discarding it like a juiced orange. 
All he had to do was get them to drink it. But that was easy, they trusted him completely. Poor, dumb little thing. 
He invited them out, watched as they dressed up and let loose. Completely relaxed within his presence and the atmosphere of the dark, dingy club, that was pulsingly illuminated by eye stinging colours. Solomon knew this game, leave a compliment here, a wink, linger his lips a little too close. The key to his goal though, was the saccerince drinks the bar served. The sugar exploded in your mouth like fireworks, alcohol barely noticeable as tropical fruits consumed the taste buds. Mango, strawberry, kiwi, they were addicting. He buttered them up, a mixture of hateful flirting and cocktails, waiting and coiling like a snake. 
Then, he bit. 
Slipping the small vial in their most recent order. 
Watching as their lips sealed around the rim of the glass. 
His teeth consumed his face similar to a tear in fabric, canines glinting in the light. 
He hoped immortality treated them wickedly. 
It took years for you to finally notice. Looking around at your friends, you dismissed the lack of cracking bones, back pain and a scarily fast healing time to be just a fun fact about yourself. It was only on your birthday many years later did you feel something was wrong. 
You shouldn't look as youthful as you did, you were so young looking at such a mature age. It could've been a side effect from the devildom, someone would've said something sooner. You didn't complain about your scarless skin, resilient immune system or wrinkle free face, but it unnerved you. You decided to push it to the back of your mind, plenty of people have good genetics. You've seen people well into their 60s hike mountains. 
Then the day came that you couldn't excuse as "good genetics." Your car had been hit. Flipping over twice and being practically crushed. You had been crashed into by a reckless driver on the freeway. Unfortunate. What should've been an instant death, instead only required you 3 days to heal. Your injuries weren't scratches either. A list of broken bones, blunt force trauma, internal bleeding and deep bruising detailed your hospital report. Doctors were astounded by your recovery. Sure, they had put you on a plethora of drugs, all trying to dull the pain, they had casted your broken bones, but never in human history had a person recovered so fast. 
You knew this wasn't normal. Everything about this wasn't normal. You were decades old, your old school friends now  thoroughly corroded by times sweet caresses. You can't possibly be this old and heal this fast. 
There was definitely something… unnatural, happening here. Luckily you knew some unnatural beings. 
Formatting on this hellsite sucks dick. N e ways eat up my friends. Obviously there could be another part to this but I don't want to oversaturate the tags. Ofc feedback is welcome. Send me asks about cool shit or just wateva and thanks for reading, have a lovely day/night <3
Tag list; @kadythethief @theeonlyroman
If you like to be added to the tag list feel free to send me an ask! Thanks so much for all the support and have a lovely day :)
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drakenology · 3 years
My Other Half. - Bokuto Kōtarō
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warnings: smut, soft, passionate love making, fluff, angst?, best friends to lovers, maaaybe overstim?, praise, fem!reader, cunnilingus (a fancy word for pussy eating). just bokuto going all out to make you feel good.
Summary: Two childhood friends reunite after years of being separated to find old memories and new feelings of love.
Author’s Note: this is my first ever like fluffy piece. all my other work I feel has just been raunchy and I wanted to show yall my soft side. enjoy! <3
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Bokuto Kotoro. A name you knew well. A name you knew since you were both kids playing in dirt together, running around and screaming without a care in the world. Two peas in a pod; like Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. It was a sad day when he moved away. Your only friend packed up and left for Tokyo, tears in his eyes as he sat in the backseat of his parents’ car. He waved goodbye through the glass window as the car drove away, a trail of his tears seeming to follow the car as it went. That was the last time you saw him.
When you turned twenty one, your birthday present was a small house in Japan. Some place rural and quiet to do your writing, a small creek flowing in your back yard. You packed up and left home, kissing your mother and father goodbye as you walked out the door. Maybe you’ll run into Bokuto? Hell, he probably won’t even recognize you. It’s been years after all.
You still hoped some how some way fate would bring you together again. You missed him like crazy. His laugh, his stupid jokes. That sparkle in his eyes when he saw you at school. The bear hugs he used to give when you scraped your knee playing with him at the park. It was crazy to assume he’d be waiting for you in Tokyo as if you were the only girl he’d ever meet or care to talk to.
He’s grown now, just about a year older than you. He could have a significant other by now. Your heart ached at the thought. Even though it was selfish to call dibs on a childhood crush who hasn’t seen you in over 10 years, you still hoped; prayed that he was waiting for you or at least remembered you.
When you arrive in your new home and settle in you decide to take the town. Surely you can make some friends, maybe even meet a guy while you’re out? You don’t bother to get all gussied up, walking outside your front door and walking to the nearest bar you can drink your inhibitions away in. The bar you found was small and smelled a bit like sweaty athletes and sake.
The atmosphere was lively despite the off putting smell, everyone was laughing and chatting aloud. The sounds of glasses clinking in celebration and jovial cheering filled the space. You smile softly at the sight of everyone having a great time and find a spot in a nice booth by the window.
The guys behind you must be where the sweaty smell was coming from, their clammering laughter pounding at your head. You try ignoring it until you hear a different yet familiar voice; boisterous and proud like a boy you once knew.
“Yo, Akaashi! Pass the ketchup man, I’m hungry!” He whined childishly, same as always. You turn around swiftly to see if the face matched the voice. Surely enough there he was sitting there, tall as a tree even when sitting in his seat.
God he got so handsome, his face definitely grew into his looks. Bokuto wasn’t a little boy anymore for sure. You stammer, looking between Bokuto and his messy haired friend sitting next to him and a few others. You go to say something only for your own anxiety to stop you, your heart fluttering in your chest in a new way you haven’t felt before.
Finally Bokuto’s eyes meet yours and you both sit there for a while just staring, as if each of you couldn’t believe you were seeing each other again after all this time in forever. Bokuto’s face crept into a smile; a familiar smile that melted your heart.
“Y/n-chan? Tell me you’re joking! I can’t believe it’s you!” Bokuto shouts over everyone’s conversation, leaping from his seat and running towards your booth. You’re still stuck there turned around looking like an owl gawking at the table behind you to realize what’s going on.
Bokuto practically lifts you from your seat and wraps you in one of his famous bear hugs, the ones that made you cry into his chest. As tradition called, you start sobbing into his shirt. Your arms wrap around his neck and pull him in tight almost to tell him not to let you go ever again.
“Hey hey hey.. why are you crying? Shit you’re gonna make me cry. Stop it.” Bokuto says into your shoulder, rubbing soothing circles into your back with his big hand.
“I-I’m sorry I just.. it’s been so long.” You admit, sniffling as he pulled away to wipe your face. You can’t help but get emotional at the sight of him.
“Geez, Y/N if you missed me just say that.” Bokuto teased, erupting into furious laughter at your flustered face.
“Oh shut up Bokuto!” You squeak, punching him in his side like the old days. Your usual banter made you two look at each other and laugh as if you two were the only ones in the bar, his friends staring at the the two of you as if you were insane.
“Uh Bokuto.. who is this woman?” The messy haired friend asked, looking about the most confused out of everyone.
“Huh? Oh! Sorry guys. This is Y/N Y/L/N. Other than Akaashi, she’s one my closest friends. Our moms were close so we were raised kinda like siblings.” Bokuto explained, nudging you to say hello.
You wave and introduce yourself, the everyone ooing and ahhing at you. Not to toot your horn but you were gorgeous. Even Bokuto couldn’t take his eyes off you.
He was thinking of how well you grew up, so stunning and so you. Bokuto remembers the little scar you had just above your eyebrow from tripping over and rock and smiles when he sees it, almost wanting to reach out and poke it like when he did when he was 10. He wonders if you remember that day.
You were playing pretend by the trees in the park, you were good and he was evil. You were chasing him and you tripped and fell, causing the evil doer act to shed away to make sure you were alright. You both made up a crazy story about your scar to your mother; which she never believed. Good times.
The rest of the night was spent catching up and talking like he wasn’t even with others originally. Everyone else eventually had gone home, Akaashi the last to go. He waved goodbye to you and Bokuto and drove home, you and Bokuto still sitting at the bar basking in each other’s company.
“Wow! So your parents got you a place here so you can work? Nice. And you live nearby too. So I can come and visit you and- sorry I’m rambling.” Bokuto says sheepishly, running his hands along the nape of his neck. You giggle, taking a sip of your drink.
“No no, you’re fine Bokuto. Of course you can visit. My house is your house.” You smile, Bokuto’s cheeks heating up as he blushed. You check the time and notice it was far too late and stand from your seat.
“It’s late, Kō, we should call it a night.” You say, grabbing your things. Bokuto smiles and stands up with a stretch of his limbs; relishing in his old nickname.
“Come on. I’ll walk you home.”
You two talk and talk all the way home, years of catching up to do feeling long over due. When you get to your home you almost feel sad that you’re about to depart from each other. It felt like you weren’t going to see him again. Bokuto pulls you into a hug, spinning you around a little. He laughs when you squeal and yell at him to put you down.
“Hey. I’ll come by tomorrow night so we can watch movies.” He declares, standing you on your feet.
“Hah. How do you know I won’t have plans, hm?” You teased, poking Bokuto’s forehead. It was a lot easier when you were younger since he was shorter than you back then. Boy sprouted like a palm tree.
“You just moved here. Besides. You know I’m your favorite.” Bokuto smirks, taking your hand and spinning you. You giggle and punch his shoulder lightly.
“As if, Kō. See ya tomorrow.”
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A month goes by swiftly. Bokuto had been over to your house more often than you thought he’d be. You loved the time you spent together just goofing off and being big kids.
Your schedules worked perfectly together, his volleyball is usually done by the evening and your work is over just after him. Bokuto would pick you up from work with fast food waiting in the car for you both to eat together. Today was no different, the smell of fries greeting your hungry nose as you climb inside his car.
“Yo! How was your day, nerd?” Bokuto asks, fisting his fries into his mouth as you dig for yours.
“It was okay. I’m starving though.” You say, stuffing your face with your food.
You both sit in the car and eat for a while, Bokuto’s phone breaking your shared silence. You look down at where it rested in the cup holder and read the caller id. It was a girl. Bokuto answers the phone, sounding as if he didn’t want her to call him right at this moment.
“I’ll call you back. Bye.” He said, hanging up his phone and sitting it back in the cup holder. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous, your heart sinking as your head makes up several sceanarios about who she was, what she meant to him.
You eat in silence, answering Bokuto’s yammering with no ambition. Bokuto’s so dumb he doesn’t even notice the difference in attitude as the call wasn’t as scandalous as you seemed. It was just some girl who was trying to get with Akaashi but was too afraid to say anything herself so she had asked Bokuto to set them up.
“My place or yours today?” He asked, sing songy and happy.
“Mine.” You say monotonously. Bokuto looks over at you and sees you’re not even facing him, your face stuck to the window as he drove off.
“Hey, what’s wrong? I smell?” Bokuto said, playfully smelling his armpits. You shake your head and insist it’s nothing and that you’ll get over it. But it wasn’t nothing, and you were pretty certain you weren’t going to get over it. Was that his girlfriend? Some random hook up looking for another round? It made you sick to your stomach thinking about it. You got out of the car when Bokuto parked, walking to your front door to unlock it as Bokuto followed behind you.
“I pick the movie out this time. I’ll be damned if you pick another chick flick out.” Bokuto says plopping on your couch and turning on the tv, making himself at home.
You sigh and walk into your room to change into something more comfortable, rolling your eyes as you hear Kōtarō yell about the movie starting. You walk out in shorts and a tank top since it was pretty hot inside and sit next to him, folding your arms.
Bokuto’s eating his snacks and talking through the whole movie since he’s seen it before. He always picks a movie he’s seen before so he can tell you the whole plot, forgetting that you could just watch the movie for that. You half laugh and sigh at all his mannerisms, your guard completely blocking him out from getting any closer to you.
“Is something wrong, Y/N? Seriously you’re being a little stand offish.” Bokuto says, a serious tone taking place. You scoffed, rolling your eyes to hide that you’re obviously upset by something.
“Nothing.” You snide.
“Don’t ‘nothing’ me. Somethin’s wrong. Don’t make me start guessing.” Bokuto says. You sigh.
“It’s so stupid.” You admit.
“How you feel isn’t stupid. Tell me what’s up.” He persisted, pausing the movie.
“I just- well.. I-How do I say this? I’m.. jealous?” You finally admit. Bokuto raises an eyebrow.
“Jealous? About what?”
“Well. I saw a girl call you and I-I just assumed it was your girlfriend so..”
“Wait what? I don’t have a girlfriend. And besides why would you care?” Bokuto further questions, his face nearing yours with a perplexed look on his face. You flush, turning your face away from his.
“I-I don’t know I just-“
“You’re in love with me, aren’t you Y/N?” Bokuto smirks, turning your head to face him with your chin. You blink up at him, embarrassed and flustered.
“I-um-I...” You stutter. You loved the idiot sitting next to you with all your heart. But to say it was a different story.
“Because I love you too. So say it back.” Bokuto declares. You freeze for a moment, almost unsure you heard what you just heard.
“I love you, Y/N. The moment I saw you again felt like...fate. It was like everything made sense again. I never realized how much tou meant to me until I left that day. You’re my other half.” He says to you so sweetly, his words stirring up emotions inside you that were aching to be let out. Your eyes sting as you choke back tears, clutching onto Bokuto’s hands.
“Kōtarō... I-I love you too. All those years felt so empty without you. And God I just wanted to kiss you that day at the bar and I-“
Bokuto stops you midsentence to pull his face into yours and kiss you hard, your heads bumping into each other a bit from the sudden movement. Passion flowed through the kiss, your mouths exploring each others for the very first time. You sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck as you go to straddle him.
Bokuto welcomes you onto his lap with ready hands, palms feeling every curve and divot of your body. Your need for each other grew with each kiss, mindlessly grinding against each other to feel closer. Every touch of his big hands made you feel alive, setting your body on fire. Bokuto starts to whine softly, his pants growing a tad bit tight at all the raw kissing. He pulled away, lips swollen and breathing uneven.
“I want you so badly. Can I-“ Bokuto goes to ask for consent, his nervousness making him struggle to find the words he’s looking for.
You shut him up with another kiss, already knowing what he wants to say as he lifts you up and carries you away. Starting in the kitchen he sits you on the counter as he takes off your top, your bare breasts popping out when the garment flies over your head and onto the floor. He’s never seen such gorgeous breasts before, he swore. Seeing you this way only made him long for you more, standing there dumb founded at the sight of your chest.
“W-Wow.” Bokuto gasps, taking both your breasts into his hands and oogling at them with love in his eyes. “So perfect.”
He takes one into his warm mouth, your body arching at the feeling and letting out a small whine. Music to his ears.
“Kō..” you sigh, closing your eyes as he suckled on your nipples.
His tongue slid over each hardened bud and looked up at you, studying your body language to learn it well. Without a word he slides off your shorts and pick you up again, hoisting you away to your bedroom after asking where it is.
Frantic kisses and breathless moans trail down the hall with a reach of the doorknob. You’re laid carefully onto the bed, Bokuto crawling on top of you without daring to pull his lips from yours just yet.
He could kiss you for hours. He could die right now and be completely content all because of this moment. Bokuto takes his hands and slides them down to the waist band of your panties, tugging them down to reveal your dripping core.
Bokuto teased his fingers along your slick folds, savoring the feeling of your wetness on his skin.
You let out the sweetest sounds he’s ever heard, urging him to draw more music from your lips. He crawls downwards towards your pussy, laying on his stomach and pulling your hips forward.
You gasp at the sudden feeling of his tongue parting your folds, mewling as you arch your back. His tongue worked its magic on you, sliding up to your clit to pay special attention to it. Breathless calls of his name fill the air, your hands grabbing fist fulls of the sheets as he fucked you with his tongue.
Your eyes roll back with every swipe of his tongue, relishing in the toe curling pleasure he gave you. That familiar knot started forming in the pit of your stomach, your moans increasing in volume as you near your orgasm. Bokuto must have sensed this and wrapped his plush lips around your throbbing clit, prodding his fingers at your weeping hole to fill you.
“Kō! I-I’m gonna cum!” You whine, your hands finding home in his hair and tugging lightly. Bokuto responded with a groan against your clit and a hook in his fingers, causing you to boil over without hesitation. Your thighs shake around his head, one hand covering your mouth to spare your neighbors the noise. Bokuto comes back up to kiss you, your slick coating his lips and chin. You taste your sweetness and kiss him with tongue, both of you sighing into each other.
“Wanna... be inside you.” Bokuto says breathlessly into the kiss, his dick aching to be let out of his pants.
You pull away and unbutton his jeans, Bokuto kicking them off onto the floor and pulling down his boxers. Your pussy throbbed at the sight of his dick, its sheer size enough to make you salivate. The way it swung a little when he took off his boxers, the prominent veins running along the shaft, its head blushing and leaking with precum. Bokuto had a gorgeous dick. You almost wanted to put it in your mouth but the heat of the moment called for a different hole to be filled.
Bokuto prods himself at your entrance and slowly slides inside you, inhaling sharply at the contact. You gasp at the dull stretch, feeling so full as you mewl uncontrollably. His hips roll slowly, thrusting deep inside your gummy walls as he rested his forehead onto yours. Your legs wrap around his waist, nails digging into the skin of his back as he picked up the pace.
“You feel so good, baby.” He spoke, kissing you gently to soothe you. You can feel him so deeply it almost brought a tear to your eye, his plunging movements sending your mind into a stupor.
He mummbled sweet praise against your neck, kissing the soft skin as he took you. A part of him wanted to go harder; really ruin that sweet face of yours and turn you into a lewd mess, but you mean more than that to him. This moment is nothing but pure love between two people who have known each other all their lives. You shriek as his hips start slamming into yours, back arching off the bed as your nipples pebbled against his chest.
“I-I love you, Bokuto.” You whine. Your eyes flash white, your vision becoming foggy as the mind boggling pleasure ripples through your body. You chant his name like a mantra, Bokuto mumbling how much he loves you as his hips do more of the talking. You feel him throb inside you, it becoming obvious he’s holding back so you can cum first. He’s rubbing circles into your clit as he pins your legs above your head. It all became so much so fast, your mewls spewing from your lips no longer caring who hears what.
“Let go for me, baby. C’mon..” He hums, nibbling on your neck. You scream, your tight cunny clenching down on his length as you cum for a second time that night. Bokuto rides out your orgasm, watching your body shake and shiver at the feeling of him sliding in and out of your weeping hole.
Bokuto doesn’t have time to think of where to cum, your walks sucking him in so well he loses all sense of control. He cums hot inside you, your pussy milking him for everything he had as he pants into your neck. You both stay in position for a while, looking at each other with love sick eyes. Bokuto rests himself on top of you, still nuzzled inside you as his cum leaks onto the sheets. You’re both out of breath, sitting in the high you both came to as you rub lazy circles into his back.
Nothing but pure love circulated the air as you rest together in bed, naked and vulnerable. You don’t say anything but soft I love yous to each other, gentle kisses on each others lips as you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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bucky-hues · 3 years
stucky fic recs
here are some stucky fic recs! as always, be sure to read the warnings for each fic <3
one shots
finding home | @thedamageofherdays
cap steve x modern bucky
After he is caught in a terrible rainstorm while hiking, Bucky is glad to find shelter at the cottage Steve shares with his daughter and his dog. Bucky ends up finding so much more than just a safe place to spend the night.
x | @dreadlockholiday
steve x bucky
Request: Bucky looking through a glossy magazine and saying something like "God, can you imagine being paid for just looking cute?" And without thought Steve replies, "you'd be a millionaire" and Bucky just blushes furiously while Steve's all like 😳 *oh no, I just said that out loud*
x | @dreadlockholiday (18+)
steve x bucky
Bucky finds his BFF Steve's sketchbook... and it's full of nothing but sketches of Bucky... naked.
sweethearts | @musette22
steve x bucky
Steve confesses his feelings to Bucky using sweethearts
my moon, my man | @musette22 (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
AU meet-cute. Strangers on a Train, but with less murder and more sexual tension.
make it till you fake it | AggressiveWhenStartled (AO3)
steve x bucky
“Ned,” Peter said, like a drowning man sighting land. “Ned. Captain America and the Winter Soldier are fake dating right now and it is the most painfully awkward and obvious thing I have ever seen, all of us want to die, Ned.”
things my heart used to know | Nightwing11 (AO3)
steve x bucky
In a world where soulmates can communicate telepathically with their partners, Steve Rogers has always had Bucky Barnes with him, a calming voice in a sea of turmoil. And, when Bucky falls off the train during World War II, Steve experiences deafening silence for the first time.
Now, after crashing a plane in the Arctic to save the world and being frozen for 70 years, Steve’s still trying to figure out how to live without Bucky there. His new friends are trying to help him adjust, to move on. And he thought he was doing better, he really did.
So, why is he suddenly hearing Bucky’s voice again?
catfish | @buckmebxrnes (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve Rogers is a famous movie star, known for his role as Captain America. Bucky Barnes is a bored law student who drinks too much wine. Bucky gets on match.com to boost his confidence. What he doesn't expect is a guy using Steve Rogers' pictures on a dating profile. Bucky decides to mess with the guy. After all, what idiot uses Steve Rogers' pictures on a dating site?
Not like it's really him, right? Bucky may need more wine.
let's go have fun | @sebastanbucky
steve x bucky
“Nat wanted me to-” Nat clears her throat and he rolls his eyes. “I wanted to tell you something.” He looks at Steve with a look he hopes says ‘play along’. “Okay. What did you want to tell me?” Bucky has to take a deep breath to keep from laughing again, it helps with his performance as Nat nods encouragingly at him. “I’m gay.” He says, making his voice sound shaky and weak.
the way you came around | sokaless (AO3)
steve x bucky
After a while, Bucky says, “You know, this song sounds like it was written for you.” “That's funny,” Steve remarks. “I chose it because it reminded me of you.” Steve gives Bucky an iPod full of his favourite songs from the 21st century to help him deal with his nightmares. Bucky has a new mission- to find out who Steve is in love with, because there are a few too many unrequited love songs on that iPod.
stuck on you | wearing_tearing (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
“Bucky? You don’t look so hot.”
Bucky makes a tiny little sound in the back of his throat, only to start coughing. Of course he doesn’t look hot. He’s sick and he’s dying and Steve obviously isn’t attracted to him.
you have the place next to my place | justanotherStonyfan (AO3)
cap steve x modern bucky
prompt: “We live in adjacent apartments and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall” AU
Captain America helps the Vet next door.
you’ve got (30) new matches | williamkaplans (AO3)
steve x bucky
When everyone finds out Steve's bi thanks to Bucky's recovering memories, Natasha kicks up her match-making into high gear. Steve has zero luck, but Natasha won't give up, especially when Sam (jokingly) suggests online dating. It isn't long before Steve finds someone, a someone who seems eerily familiar.
perfectly right wrong number | melonbutterfly (AO3)
cap steve x modern bucky
It all starts because Steve is too dumb to handle his smartphone.
A wrong number AU in which Bucky Barnes doesn't enter Steve's life (meaning: Bucky wasn't born until the eighties, but Steve is still Captain America) until Steve accidentally dials the wrong number. Wherein there is a lot of texting, some advice via Natasha and Darcy, a bit of pining, and a first date in an amusement park. Oh, and on top of being a disabled veteran, Bucky is a professional catwalker. Literally.
put your number in my phone | MacksDramaticShenanigans (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve tucks his phone back into his pocket and turns back to the computer. He only has to click a few times before he finds the link to the questionnaire and opens it, inputting the participant number before hitting next. The beginnings of the consent form fills the page, and all Steve has left to do now is wait for the participant— one James Barnes, according to the website— to show up.
Thankfully, Steve doesn’t end up having to wait very long. James Barnes shows up ten minutes early and knocks on the door before cracking it open and peeking in.
“Oh, hi,” he says, when he spots Steve sitting at the desk. He pushes the door open all the way and steps into the room just as Steve spins in the chair to face him.
“Um, I’m, uh, a bit early, but I’m here for the decision making study,” James continues, clear blue eyes flickering around the room before landing on Steve again. The skin between his eyebrows crinkles up a little, and god, Steve probably shouldn’t find his uncertainty as cute as he does. “Am I in the right place?”
wouldn’t it be nice | MacksDramaticShenanigans (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
"You are never going to believe what just happened," Bucky bemoans, shaking his head. He's at Steve's side in a moment and doesn't bother to give any warning before he dramatically falls into Steve's lap. Steve just barely manages to save his book from getting squashed.
"What is it?" Steve asks, matching Bucky's dramatic tone. "What am I not going to believe?"
"I just got off the phone with Natasha," he starts. "She cancelled on me!" Bucky throws his arms up, nearly smacking Steve in the face in the process.
Steve carefully places his hand on Bucky's forearm and lowers it away from his face.
"You're kidding," he says, a frown curving onto his lips at the news.
"I wish I was," he sighs. Bucky presses his lips together into a disappointed line and deflates against the back of the couch, slinking down Steve's thighs a little. "Who goes to Coney Island alone? How pathetic is that?"
Steve snorts, earning a glare from Bucky, and pats Bucky's thigh. "Aw, don't be such a sourpuss, Buck," he says. "Who said anything about going alone?"
all jokes aside | darksknight (AO3)
steve x bucky
"Before we know it Banner’s gonna be makin’ insinuations.” (Everyone "jokes" about Steve and Bucky being in a relationship until, eventually, they admit that they are.)
barnes & rogers and the goddamn truth
steve x bucky (teacher au)
There are three well-known facts at Shield High:
1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other.
Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
in the shadows | DragonWannabe (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
Five times they thought they were almost caught, one time someone found out, and one time they didn't have to hide.
Bucky and Steve grew up in a time when people like them went to jail.
single and looking | Jaiden_S (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
"Bucky held his place with his index finger and turned the magazine over to check the date on the cover. It was brand new, just out this month. An unexpected cord of anxiety tightened in Bucky’s chest. Single and looking? Frantically, he flipped back to the article. What exactly was Steve looking for? According to the article, Steve’s dream girl should be intelligent, altruistic, well-versed in current events and have a wicked sense of humor. Oh, and he had a thing for high heels and red lipstick. Bucky’s stomach churned as he re-read the article. Was that really what Steve wanted? Make-up and stilettos?"
A slightly sappy tale of two utterly besotted super-soldiers who excel at miscommunication.
these american dreams (ain’t no white picket fences left for me) | kariye (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
In which Bucky has a house, a dog, an herb garden, and a serious case of insomnia. Welcome to Havensport, Indiana (population 8,294), where Tom’s Neighborhood Grocer stays open all night, little old ladies call the car shop to get their refrigerators repaired, and the heat of summer days and the length of summer nights can make you think that this perfect world will last forever.
i’ve been careless with a delicate man | paraxdisepink (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
Steve lets SHIELD think he and Bucky were boyfriends so they’ll let him see the Winter Soldier in medical.
knock on wood | 74days (AO3) 
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve Rogers lives a quiet, steady life, until his next door neighbour moves in and starts having incredibly energetic sex every night. All Steve wants is for him to move his bed away from the wall so the damn headboard doesn't knock a hole through his wall.
progressively bigger keys | spinawren (AO3)
steve x bucky
“A very little key will open a very heavy door.” ― Charles Dickens, Hunted Down
Steve and Bucky, it appears, have less need for a key and more use for a battering ram in trying to come out of the closet.
(The one where Steve tries to do one thing (one thing!) without causing a national ruckus, but the press are determined to see Bucky as Steve's best friend. And nothing more.)
stucky discover gay rights | Alicia_Borealis (AO3)
steve x bucky
“Then, why-” Steve stopped himself and looked at Bucky, who had tears rolling freely down his cheeks. “We’re- we’re not sick?”
“Wait, what?” Tony asked.
“Being a homosexual, it isn’t… wrong?”
The story of how Steve Roger's loved and lost Bucky, then how he got him back and then how he realised he was allowed to love him after all.
thursday nights with bucky barnes | Ellessey (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve has a comfortable, well-worn routine for his Thursday nights, until the old man who runs the laundromat breaks his hip.
Then Steve has Bucky instead.
to seek a nood-er world | jehans (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky
Send noodz
Steve has been staring at his phone for the last six minutes, eyes narrowed so much they’re almost closed at this point, trying to figure out what the hell Bucky means. Noodz? What the fuck are noodz?
Listen, Steve is at least marginally aware of modern pop culture. He’s heard of nudes — not that nudes are exactly a modern invention; artists have been creating them for millennia — and he does know that people tend to misspell words to be cute or funny. They did that when he was young, too. Because time is a flat circle, apparently.
But, wait—does that mean…?
No. Not possible. Bucky isn’t asking Steve to send him…nudes.
tied ‘round your throat | sleepypercy (AO3) (18+)
police officer steve x serial killer bucky
Steve's a small-town police officer trying to track a serial killer who's been in Steve's bed the whole time.
much tattoo about nothing | Deisderium (AO3) (18+)
cap steve x modern bucky
Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.
the perfect man | Ellessey (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Setting up a dating profile is decidedly not in Bucky's skill-set, but against all odds he manages to connect with someone who makes the one-night stand he thought he wanted feel like not nearly enough.
kiss me and take off your clothes | steveandbucky (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve Rogers is dared to send a dick pic to a blog which critiques dick pics (run by none other than Bucky Barnes). Hilarity ensues.
i can’t dare to dream about you anymore | steveandbucky (AO3) 
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve considers himself to be a pretty open-minded guy, which is why he can't quite understand why he feels so uncomfortable whenever he sees his gay roommate kissing guys. He's not homophobic, but how else can he explain the way his stomach twists at the sight?
It takes him a while to catch on.
exam room b | steveandbucky (AO3)
modern steve x nurse bucky
“Wait, what do you mean he asked for me?”
“He asked if the cute male nurse with the ponytail was working today. I assume he meant you.”
kickstart my heart | Kalee60 (AO3) (18+)
doctor steve x modern bucky
Bucky’s Wednesday wasn’t off to a great start. Not only did he wake up in a hospital with his annoyed best friend staring down at him, his treating Doctor just happened to be way too familiar, and the reason for that was slightly mortifying.
With misunderstandings in the air, a snarky nurse who is a pain in his butt and the ugliest neck brace known to man attached to his body. There was no way his Wednesday was ever going to improve. Could it?
you make me feel.. | kalika_999 (AO3) (18+)
cap steve x modern bucky
All Steve wanted was to take a breather, decompress after a mission and go out for a jog in the rain. He wasn't expecting to hide out in a bookstore filled with new and used books or that the employee that worked there thought he was an absolute loser and didn't even realize he was insulting Captain America.
nothing in the world that could stop it | rainbow_nerds (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Bucky just wanted to send his best friend a picture of his cat being an idiot while he was taking a bath. Was it really his fault for forgetting the full length mirror right opposite the tub?
rescue me and hold me in your arms | 74days (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Bucky is on the worst date of his life, and what he really needs of for this waitress to get the message he's sending her with his mind to rescue him. She doesn't, but she does send someone to extract him from a night of torture...
odd ways | peterbparker (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
“And it would have been an amazing night with my son if he wasn’t distracted by the hot guy on the other side of the room,” Sarah sighed, shaking her head. “He’s been looking over at you for the past fifteen minutes.”
Bucky choked on the mouthful of beer he had just taken.
“What?” he croaked. Things were starting to make a little more sense now.
“Right?” Sarah said, waving her hand towards her son. “He completely ignored my garden stories because he’s been making eyes at you so I decided to come over and introduce myself.”
rare is this love (keep it covered) | @musette22 (18+)
cap steve x modern bucky
It’s 2014. Captain America has been out of the ice for three years and is trudging along, saving the world and trying to get used to living in the future. Steve thinks he knows how the rest of his life is going to pan out – a life of duty, which he chose when he signed up to be Erskine’s science experiment. But then, he meets Bucky Barnes: the out-of-this-world-gorgeous mechanic and war vet, who turns Steve’s life upside down and makes him question everything he thought he knew. Slowly, Steve comes to realize there is more to life than duty and punching Nazis. Just one problem though: how on earth does a 96-year-old virgin who only just realized he may not be entirely straight make the transition from crush to relationship? Cue healthy amounts of self-doubt, awkward flirting, pretty blushing, existential crises, emotional growth, and maybe, possibly, a sexual awakening.
coming up easy | @musette22 (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
“Listen, I was just thinking,” Steve says, his face open, eyebrows raised in a tentatively hopeful expression. “Why don’t you come stay at my place for a while? I’ve got an office that I barely use, and a change of scenery might do you good, right? Help you beat that writer’s block?” With a crooked smile, he adds, “I promise I’m not a serial killer.”
While Bucky would normally crack a joke about how that’s exactly what a serial killer would say, right now, all he can do is blink at Steve in surprise, heart tripping over itself in his chest. Steve wants him to come and stay at his place. In Massachusetts. Just the two of them.
"Oh," Bucky croaks. "I- Wow."
“I mean, no pressure,” Steve says hastily. “Totally fine if you don’t wanna. I just thought I’d offer, in case it might help, y’know?”
“Yeah.” Bucky ignores the little voice in his head that sounds an awful lot Nat and Becca, telling him he’s setting himself up for heartbreak. “I mean, if you’re sure, that would be amazing.”
4 minute window | @cesperanza
steve x bucky
"Look, if they catch me," Bucky muttered, "they're either going to kill me or they're going to put me in a box with a little window and—Steve, I can't."
swapped | writeonclara (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
if u wanted my number u couldve just asked
u didnt have to steal my whole phone ;)
Steve stared down at his phone, confused. He didn't recognize the number – except, oh wait, he really did. That was his number. On his phone.
He flipped the phone over, then slid one hand down his face. Not his phone.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
[stupid fucking] brooklyn hipster bros | relenaflanel (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Bucky's mother gives him an ultimatum. Bucky doesn't respond well.
All Barneses are stubborn assholes, Steve observes, as though he doesn't see the irony of calling someone else stubborn. Or an asshole.
And Bucky can't even deny he is a total asshole for lying to his mother about dating Steve just so he doesn't have to bring someone else to her wedding, but damn if he's not going to give the lie everything he has.
brought to brightness | eyres (AO3)
cap steve x modern bucky
Army veteran Bucky Barnes has fallen in love with Steve, a guy he met online a few months after he returned from Afghanistan. Only problem is, he doesn't know Steve's last name or even what he looks like.
When his sister helps him send his story into MTV's Catfish, he's hoping they can help him meet Steve or, at least, let him move on with his life if Steve isn't real. Little does he know, Steve and Captain America have more in common than just a first name.
slide to answer | relenaflanel (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
"What do I do?” Steve appealed into the phone. “I’m freaking out.”
There was silence on the other end of the line. It lasted so long that Steve pulled the receiver away from his ear and frowned at it. Pay phones were old. Maybe this one wasn’t working despite the obvious dial tone when he picked up.
“Ok,” a stranger’s voice said over the phone. “First acknowledge the fact that you dialed the wrong number, but be quick about it because my cab is a few blocks away from my own plans and I’m about to drop some truth bombs on you.”
how to woo the winter soldier | writeonclara (AO3)
steve x bucky
“I think I’m ready to date again,” Steve said.
“What,” Natasha said.
“What?” Clint said, lowering his binoculars. He blinked at the dumbstruck look on the Captain’s face, then followed his gaze to where he was staring dopily at—at the Winter fucking Soldier.
“Steve, no,” Clint groaned.
Or: Steve courts the Winter Soldier.
all these things that i’ve done | @not-withoutyou 
steve x bucky
Steve was the patron saint of waiting too long. Bucky was atoning for his sins. Maybe they’d both been forsaken, abandoned by the light. Maybe they’d find a way back to each other again.
Post civil war, if things had gone differently.
find a way (to make it back home) | belwrites (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (college au)
Fresh off a year abroad, Head Resident Assistant Steve Rogers finds his senior year of college to be full of changes, and he's not just talking about the growth spurt. He's more concerned with the fact that his best friend...isn't talking to him? Is dating his ex? May or may not be missing an arm?
In which Steve has no fucking clue what's going on, but he's trying, Bucky learns how to communicate with his best friend again, and everyone quietly panics about the future.
is it pretending if i already want you? | OhCaptainMyCaptain (AO3) (18+)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Based on prompt: Pretend Boyfriends AU where one of their families is always wondering why they're never in a relationship, so the other offers to pretend to be their boyfriend for some family event
the roommate | layersofart, Niitza (AO3)
cap steve x modern bucky
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
dear mr. postman | odetteandodile (AO3)
steve x bucky (modern au)
Steve and Bucky revive an old friendship, get married (but totally just as friends, for reasons), and navigate a few of the many trials of the heart that come with falling in love with your best friend.
fate will play us out | steveandbucky (AO3) (18+)
cap steve x modern bucky
Bucky has landed himself a job with Stark Industries. He doesn't know yet that the job is actually being the PR manager for the Avengers.
Bucky has also started dating Steve Rogers. He also doesn't know yet that Steve is Captain America.
Bucky's life is about to get a whole lot more exciting.
the avengers hate club | notebooksandlaptops (AO3)
pop star steve x modern bucky
Bucky falls hopelessly for Steve and starts an Avengers hate club with the lead singer of the Avengers.
songbird | chicklette (AO3) (18+)
modern steve x musician bucky
At 43, James Barnes is a washed up old man. He’s got a dozen Grammys in the hall closet, an agent that can’t get him a deal, a decade-old case of writer’s block, a moody teen-aged daughter, and the gorgeous actress Natasha Romanova for an ex-wife. Well, one of them anyway. He’s a man who’s given up on finding joy in his life, and if it wasn’t for his kid, he’d have probably found a way to quit the world a long time ago.
Enter Steven Grant Rogers, struggling twenty-something, orphan, and someone who has no idea who Barnes is, other than some musician his mom liked a lot. The two men meet by accident, doing nothing more than passing the time in a quiet bar. But when a pap gets a shot of the two men embracing, Bucky takes it as a chance to finally come out as bisexual, and his agent makes him a proposition: Ten new songs and one very sweet boyfriend will get him a new record deal that will maybe, just maybe put him back on top.
Now all he has to do is write the songs, convince the kid, and not fall in love. Should be easy, right?
the right partner | LeeHan (AO3) (18+)
cap steve x ws bucky
Steve meets a beautiful man with a bright laugh on a sunny day in Italy. Captain America meets the elusive Winter Soldier moments later.
Date Bucky Barnes. Defeat the Winter Soldier. Bring down Hydra. How hard could it be?
139 notes · View notes
I Guess I wasn’t Worth The Effort
 for all my amazing 200 followers <3 y/n is a little bit of a bitch in this and I have no clue why hehe.
Summary: you didn’t trust Tony so he stopped trying 
You had a good life
A mum who loved you 
Friends who cared about you 
It didn’t matter that you didn't know who your dad was
You laughed as you watched your mum try to show MJ and Betty how to knead bread. “Come on put your back into it then” you called from the couch laughing even harder as Betty tried to flick some of the dough in your direction “oh shut up L/n, if you’re so good then do it yourself” MJ glared. It was a day like this you treasured. Days the girls would come over and just spend time with you and your mum, sure you loved spending time with Peter and Ned as well but there was just something bliss about this little group you loved. You were a family. “I don’t think the couch is really comfy” you smirked.
 Sure you got curious from time to time but you never pushed the subject 
It was the only time your mum ever got defensive 
When you talked about him
“Can you at least tell me what he was like! I have a right to know” you shouted, arms waving and pointing, face turning red from frustration in a way that made you look like seom exotic bird doing a mating dance. “Look I know you want to know about him but he really isn’t worth it” your mum tried to reason, she knew you’d want to know about him eventually she just wanted to leave it until the last minute. “Why don’t you let me decide that” you asked, a sense of pleading clear in your voice.
Knock knock knock, your mum’s knuckles lightly tapped the door, she didn’t even wait for an answer before popping her head through the door. You never understood why she did that; knocked to ask for permission but never waited for an answer. “Hey sweetie, look I know you want to know about your dad, it’s just he was never there for me and never tried to support me. I left before he knew I was pregnant. I did it so you wouldn’t have to grow up going through what I did” she sat on the end of the bed, the soft white covers giving her a sense of hope that maybe she could preserve your innocence or rather ignorance over what your father was like. “I understand and I’m sorry I guess I was just interested but now I’m not sure I want to know anymore” you smiled.
You always ended up talking things through though
So over time, with the drip fed information about him your mother gave you, of course you grew to resent the non existent man
The once childish wonder soon vanished 
Sure you wanted to know who he was still 
But it just didn’t feel worth it 
“So you don’t want to know him anymore?” Betty asked, still not getting it because the last time you talked about him you had your heart set on finding out who he was. “It’s not like I don’t want to know him, it’s just that if it didn’t happen I wouldn’t feel sad or let down” you explained, sipping your drink eyes focusing on the other people in the cafe rather than the stare they were both giving you. “And this my friends is why i read about people, so confusing” MJ muttered into her cup a smirk clear on her face
But then it happened 
You found out who your dad was 
And for some reason you resented him more
“Oh don’t play dumb Tony you know exactly why I didn’t tell you, you and your privileged rich fucking ass didn’t care about me and I didn’t want that to happen to them!” you could hear your mum screaming down the phone, words fueled by years of pain and bitter memories. “Mum? Who is it?” you called walking through the hallway into the room she was currently arguing in “No they’ll decide what they want to do, not you” finger hitting the end call button with so much force you would have thought it would break. “Was that my dad?” you asked the same childhood innocence your mum had wanted to protect seeping into your tone, the same voice you used to ask if your dad was coming to your party at age 5. The same voice that cried when he didn’t show up. The same wide eyes that would stare out the window waiting to see if anyone would turn up on Christmas after you asked Santa for your dad. This was either going to break that little heart of yours or make it blossom into the person you were meant to be. “You know who Tony Stark is right?”.
Of course you’d seen him on the news 
Him and his little group of heroes saving the world but destroying cities at the same time
You didn’t hate them, in fact there were people on that team that you held great respect for 
Just the ‘let’s splash the cash and party’ attitude Tony seemed to have
Anyway you agreed to meet him 
Decide if he was worth it
And what better way to do that then in the tower for dinner
“So what do you like to do kid?” Tony asked watching as you drank the glass of water Steve had poured you earlier “I don’t know normal stuff, I enjoy writing and English but apart from that I don’t know. Doing up old cars is fun'' the man's face lit up at that. At least you were giving him straws to grasp at. “Maybe we could do that together some time?” he asked, hoping to fill his words to the brim until it overflowed into his smile. “Maybe” you shrugged, turning to look at the awkward and polite smiles the rest of the team wore, clearly noticing your discomfort. “So Iced Americano, I heard you draw? That’s pretty cool” trying to diffuse the tension was probably the best way to go but a part of you just wanted to give Tony a sense of hurt he had given you by abandoning you even though it wasn’t his fault. “Uhhh yeah I do, not very good writing though” he chuckled eyes looking at Sam for help on what to say next. “So what do you like to write?” Sam asked.
It went on like that for the next few times you went over there 
You didn’t want to hate your dad it was just you were too scared to let him get close
What if he left again?
Your bond grew with the others though
Especially Steve, Sam and Bucky
“Okay now you have to pick up 4” you explained to Bucky who was still confused about how Uno works “Ohhh okay okay” he was drawing the needed cards as Steve spoke from his place on the floor “why do you hate your dad?” What a question for 2 in the afternoon. “I don’t hate him, I just don’t trust him, I grew up waiting for him and he never showed up and now I’m meant to let him into my life and act like the perfect daughter to fix cars and read silly stories to him? I don’t think so” you replied, shaking your head. The one thing you tended to forget about the tower was anyone could hear what you said. Tony could hear what you said and he did it here. That was the start of the end.
After that conversation Tony began to grow distant 
Just when you were ready to open up 
Starks never did do very well with communication 
So your already sketchy relationship got even worse
He didn’t know you trusted him 
And you didn’t know he was hurt by your comment 
So you stopped going and he stopped picking up 
“It’s fine mum I guess I just wasn’t worth trying”
253 notes · View notes
angelvyxen · 3 years
Rookie of the Year 🍾
The events that took place the night Melo won Rookie of the Year
“Alright gang, I’m out.” Melo said as he reached out to Miles for a dap up. When his teammates told him that they planned a ‘small’ and ‘lowkey’ get together to celebrate him winning Rookie of the Year, Melo didn’t imagine that 200 extra people would be joining them for the night.
He didn’t want to be rude, so he stayed for a an hour or two but now that his social battery and overall tolerance for having camera’s shoved in his face and random dudes calling him ‘gang’ had run out; he was more than ready to head home.
“You out already?” Pj asked. He sat on one of the barstools that faced the kitchen island, gently swiveling himself back and forth while still holding on tightly to Melo’s award as he slouched over the counter top. Devontae stood beside him, patting his back with a glass of water in his free hand and a trash can at his feet in case Pj decided he wanted to throw up again. He’d gotten a little too turnt a little too fast.
“Yeah, I gotta head home. My girl waiting for me.”
Pj sucked his teeth, making all 3 of them laugh. Him and Brittney were going through it at the moment so he was using any and every excuse he could get to stay away from her, even if it was for a couple minutes.
“Tonight not about no bitches, you should be out having a good time and doing you!” Pj started to argue.
“I did do me, and now I’m ready to get home. Is that a crime?”
“See, it’s already happening.”
“What’s happening, Paul?” Miles mused as he leaned over the counter, using his elbows to prop himself up.
Pj cut his eyes towards him, “Don’t use my government nigga, we’ve been over this.”
“My bad, my bad.”
“Yeah, your bad….bitch.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Melo intervened, trying his best not to laugh, “Let’s all calm it down now, no need for all this violence.”
“Pj, drink some more water bro.” Devontae pushed the cup towards Pj who rolled his eyes in response before hiccuping.
“I don’t need no water, now Melo, like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” he sent glare towards Miles who only stared back in pure amusement, “You can’t let that girl bitch you bro.”
“How does him wanting to go home mean she’s bitching him bro?” Miles chuckled.
“Don’t act fucking dumb, he at a party to celebrate his win, he worked hard to get where he’s at, you’d think he deserves at least one night alone to do him! He don’t gotta be laid up in the house with his girl all the time! Sometimes a nigga wants to go out and see a different pair of titties than the ones at home, he can’t help it, He’s young! It’s not his fault she’s old and saggy-”
“This sounding real personal, Pj.” Melo cut him off.
“You tryna tell us Brittney got saggy titties?” Miles asked.
“HELL YEA! LOOKING LIKE A PAIR OF BASSET HOUND EARS!” Pj suddenly yelled which instantly had Melo, Miles, and Devontae crying with laughter.
“Yea you done for the night gang, you gotta go to bed or something. Sleep this shit off.” Melo said as he pried his trophy out of Pj’s grip.
“I’ll see y’all later, ight?” He said, dapping everyone up before leaving. He made his way to his car as quickly as possible, wanting to avoid getting stopped at all costs. Charlotte was live tonight, especially since the news about him winning Rookie of the Year had already spread to everyone. People were out on the streets just waiting to get a look at him and as previously stated, he didn’t have the time nor patience for that tonight.
Once he had made it to his car he slid inside the drivers seat and locked the doors. He sat the award down in the passengers side and buckled it up, ‘just to make sure it stays safe’ he told himself. He picked up his phone and began to text you.
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He set his phone down in the cup holder and started the car. He was halfway home, sitting at a red light when his phone screen lit up again, he picked it up and unlocked it to see what you had sent clearly.
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“Bet.” He said to himself, a small smirk spreading across his face. He set his phone back down when he caught the glint of green from the corner of his eye and continued his drive home.
When he got home he parked in his usual spot and grabbed the trophy from the seat. He made his way inside his building, to the elevator and from there up to the 7th floor. He tapped his foot anxiously out of habit as he watched the numbers displayed above the elevator doors slowly rise until they hit 7. The doors opened and he stepped out into the hallway. He approached his door, fishing out the key from his pocket before unlocking and pushing the door open.
His eyes lit up as he walked into the condo. The lights were dimmed and soft RnB played in the background. He was met with large, gold, balloons that spelt out ‘Congratulations’ in the living room when he had turned the corner. He set the trophy down on the side table by the door before turning around to be met with you sitting up on the kitchen island.
Tonight, since it was a special occasion, you decided to buy a new lingerie set. It was all white, custom fit, with lace detailing along the edges of the bra & panties. You had on some strappy, white heels to match and threw on a sleek, silk robe on top which you currently had tied closed around you tightly. You had to leave something to the imagination after all.
For hair you chose to get a custom made, 30-inch, straight, black, full frontal lace wig (hd lace only hoe) which you had installed earlier that day. It wasn’t very practical but then again practicality wasn’t the goal with this look. You told your stylist to make sure your shit was laid, and laid well. Melo was a hair puller.
“Hi..” he greeted, his voice trailing off as he approached you while taking in your appearance.
“Hi.” You smiled, spreading your legs, inviting him to come closer. “You had a good time with your friends?” You questioned, wrapping your arms around his neck as he stepped between your legs.
“What did y’all do?”
“Nothing for real.. just chilled.” He answered.
“No party?”
“Eh.” He wasn’t even focused on your anymore, instead his eyes were glued to your chest. You laughed silently to yourself, the two of you hadn’t even had a full conversation yet and he’d already gotten sidetracked, “I missed you though.”
“You did?”
You glanced down at his hand which was now tracing up your thigh. You unraveled one of your arms from around his neck and gently pushed his hand away before turning back and grabbing his glass of champagne you had poured up earlier. You placed his glass in his hand before turning back and grabbing yours. You spent good money on that bottle, and you sure as hell weren’t about to let it go to waste.
“Cheers.” You grinned, lightly tapping the edges of your glasses together making a small ‘clink’ sound, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you baby,” he grinned, leaning in close and pressing a soft kiss against your lips. You took a small sip of your drink after. From the corner of your eye, you saw him set down his glass. You pulled yours away from your lips, “You don’t want to drink?”
“I will,” he replied, using one hand to unravel your robe while the other hand took your glass out of your grasp and set it down. You shrugged the robe off your shoulders, helping him take it off and watched as he dropped it to the floor. “I just wanna look at you first.” He replied in a low tone, his eyes raking over every curve of your body. “This new?” He asked, now gently pulling on your bra strap.
You nodded, “Brand new. Just for you.”
“Just for me, huh?” He repeated, letting the strap fall down your shoulder before his hand snaked up your back and unclipped your bra.
“Mhm, don’t get used to this either,” you said lowly as you helped him take off your bra, “This is only for tonight.”
“So, I won’t get this treatment again?”
You shook your head, a little devious smirk spread across your lips, “Probably not.”
“Imma make the most of tonight then.” He said before reaching over and grabbing the bottle of champagne off the counter. He held it up to his face, reading the label, “Dom Perignon, oh we fancy tonight huh?” He said making you grin.
“Of course, it’s a special occasion. Special treatment.” You replied. Your eyes followed him as he set the bottle back down beside you, before both of his hands snaked up to your waist, his fingers looped into the hem of your panties at either side of you before he started to slide the piece of clothing down your legs.
“Bae?” He said when he’d pulled your panties down to your calves,
“Hmm?” You hummed in response, watching him pull the underwear over your heels and off your ankles before dropping it on the floor.
“I’m hungry.”
Before you could respond he’d then said,
“And I’m a lil thirsty too,” he picked up the bottle with one hand while the other gently pushed you back. You followed along, using your elbows to prop you up slightly so you wouldn’t be laying completely flat.
He spread your legs, crouched down, and lifted the bottle to your collarbone, making you shiver when you felt the chilled glass against your bare skin. Before you could calculate what he was going to do, he was already pouring a stream of ice cold champagne down your body and slurping it up as the liquid dripped down to your pussy.
You gasp at the initial rush of cold that came over you but let out a moan as you felt Melo slurp the liquid off of you. The combination of the chilling wetness and his warm tongue running over you already had you throwing your head back in pure ecstasy. He kept going for a few moments before setting the bottle down, his tongue still rolling over your clit. He then moved up, slowly licking the excess trail of champagne off your body until his lips met yours. His kisses were sloppy, but calculated. He captured your lips in his, barely giving you any pockets of space to breath. You felt his tongue inch past your lips before rolling over your own, you moaned at the lingering taste of yourself and champagne left on his tongue. He pulled away, pursing his lips before dropping a dollop of his saliva into your mouth; which you gladly accepted. “You see how good you taste, baby?” He said, to which you nodded with a moan, swallowing the spit that was in your mouth.
He lifted you up off the counter, you hooked your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck as he did so. He walked the both of you into the bedroom and set you down on the plush California king mattress gently. You stood up on your knees and reached out, grabbing the waistband of his pants before pulling him closer. You started to undress him from the waist down, pulling down his pants with his help before doing his boxers. His dick stood up at full attention, throbbing slightly.
“Did I mention how proud of you I am?” You said as you wrapped your hands around his length, using one of your thumbs to slowly circle his pre-cum around his tip. You looked up at him, his eyes hung low as he watched your hands tease, “You mightta mentioned it..” he trailed off, letting out a quiet hiss when your grip tightened.
“Mhmm.. 803 points..” you said before slowly tracing your tongue up the side of his length,
“302 rebounds..” you continued, now tracing your tongue along the other side of his dick, making sure to outline every vein.
“313 assists,” you said before pressing your lips against his top, giving it a soft kiss. You smirked slightly as you felt his dick jerk in your hands after the action.
“You did all that while sitting out of 21 games,” you spit on his dick, using your hands to coat the saliva along his length which received a shallow groan for him, “You such a superstar, baby,” you said before sinking your head down, taking him into your mouth.
“Fuck,” Melo breathed out, tilting his head back slightly.
You started to bob your head, while your hands worked the area you couldn’t reach. You looked up at him through your lashes as you continued, his facial expressions were a motivator. Watching him go from biting his lip to opening his mouth open slightly with his brows furrowed made you wet, knowing it was you that had him out of character like this.
“Do that shit with no hands baby,” He instructed to which you obliged, removing your hands and holding them behind your back, letting your mouth do all the work. You continued your bobbing motion, occasionally pulling back to swirl your tongue around his tip.
His hands met your hair a few moments later, gently gripping it as his fingers laced through your 30-inch Brazilian straight bundles. “You said you was proud of me right?” He said a few seconds later.
“Mhmmm,” you hummed, unable to give a better response with a mouth full of dick.
“Then suck that dick like you prouda’ me,” he said before pushing your head down suddenly. You gagged as you felt his tip tickle the back of your throat, “There you go, just like that.” He said just above a whisper before thrusting into your mouth. Panic slightly washed over you as you looked up at him, you couldn’t breath and felt like you were going to throw up but he didn’t seem to care as he kept mercilessly abusing your throat. You could feel the tears brimming at your eyes as he kept on.
He pulled away just when you felt like you couldn’t take it anymore and let you breath for a couple seconds. A trial of spit that led from your mouth to his dick started to drip, some of it down your chin and the excess onto the sheets below you. He let go on your hair with one hand and gripped the base of his length, collected the excess saliva that hadn’t dropped yet before guiding his dick back into your mouth and down your throat once again, letting out a satisfied moan. “Good girl,” he groaned out. Your toes curled as your pussy dripped at the use of the phrase.
He kept on thrusting until one last satisfied groan left his parted lips and you felt a rush of liquid spray down your throat, catching you off guard at first but you quickly got it together, swallowing down everything. He pulled out of your mouth, his dick still hard. He took his thumb and wiped a bit of spit off of your chin, taking it back up to your mouth to which you accepted, sucking on his finger afterwards and smiling as the digit left your lips.
“You so beautiful,” he said as he bent down, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips. You almost wanted to laugh because you knew by now you probably looked a hot mess in the face. He stood back up straight, taking off his shirt and dropping it down where his pants were before laying you back on the bed.
“You know what I really wanted tonight?”
“What’s that, Melo?”
“A cake.”
You raised a brow, “A cake?”
“Mhm, and I’m boutta get me one.”
You were confused about what he meant and the confusion only grew as he left the room. He came back a few moments later with a can of whipped cream in his hand. He set down the canister on the bed before using his hands to cock your legs back behind your head.
“This cake look good as fuck,” he said as he slid 2 fingers into your wetness which made you let out a soft moan, “Mhmm, good ass chocolate cake right here..” he mumbled under his breath as his fingers confined to massage your walls. His eyes shifted from your pussy to meet your own eyes, “Can I get a taste, baby?” He said as he inched his mouth closer to your pussy, “Hmm?”
*to my readers that aren’t black, pretend he said vanilla or something 💀*
“Yes,” you moaned out. You heard a small pop sound and before you could get a second thought in, Melo was spraying whipped cream directly onto your clit. You gasped before moaning and biting down on your bottom lip as you watched him eat it off of you. You let your eyes fall closed as he devoured you, letting the pleasure of his tongue working along your clit and labia wash over you. A few seconds later you felt his hand grip your chin and you slowly opened your eyes to be met with his intense stare, “Watch me eat my cake,” he mumbled, “I want you to see how much I like it,” he finished before he added in another finger.
Your legs started to shake as you felt your orgasm approaching, “Mmmph, Melo…” you squealed pig as you continued to watch him slurp you down. You subconsciously removed your legs from the bent back position they were in and hooked them around his head, crossing your feet over one another. He didn’t seem to mind the fact he was trapped now, in fact he seemed to love it as you felt his tongue and fingers pick up the pace. “Oh my-FUCK!” You yelled out, your hands gripping the sheets tightly while your eyes rolled back as you felt the sudden gush of wetness leave you while your body was raked in endless waves of pleasure. Melo continued, forcing you to ride out your wave of pleasure until it started to hurt. You scooted away from him, still shaking and trying to come down from your high.
He followed you onto the bed, pulled you under him while spreading your legs. “Baby, hold on-” you reached, gripped his forearm as you felt the tip of his dick push against your entrance. You whined as you felt his push in anyway, letting out a pained moan as inch after inch sunk into your still sensitive pussy.
“Gentle, please,” you pleaded softly, looking up into his eyes but the way he was looking down at you, it didn’t even seem like the words had gotten through to him. You later found out that was correct as he pulling out slightly before slamming back into you. A gasp-moan slipped past your lips as he repeated the action, this time much harder. He then got into a rhythm; pull out halfway, slam back in, pull out halfway, slam back in. You cried out as you felt his tip continuously brush against your g-spot. Even though you had just came less than a few minutes ago, you could feel another orgasm build up inside you.
“Melo, baby, please,” you said out of breath, “I can’t, slow down,” you continued to beg.
He bent down and pressed a sweet kiss against your lips before replying, “You can, and you gon to,” before ramming back into you. Your hands snaked around to his back and your freshly manicured nails clawed at it with every rough thrust that came. A few seconds later you were letting out another cry of pure ecstasy as you squirted once more.
“There you go baby,” Melo’s soft, raspy voice said beside your ear, “Cum all over this dick,” he coached.
The rest of the night felt like a blur as your mind was clouded with pleasure. You had quickly lost count of the amount of times you came and it seemed like Melo had a never ending supply of energy, he made sure he worked every ounce of energy out of you and got his celebrations worth.
Disclaimer; please don’t let a man drink champagne or eat whipped cream off of your coochie, I will not be held responsible for any yeast infections!
How did we feel about the use of spit? I know a lot of people are grossed out by it, I hope him spitting in your mouth didn’t turn y’all off lmao. Currently working on the next imagine..
Also…. A Gelo BDSM imagine *might* be in the works 👀
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jisungful · 3 years
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summary :: breaking into an old abandoned elementary school isn’t always the best idea.
pairing :: chenle x gn!reader x jisung (platonic)
genre :: horror/thriller
warnings :: all characters are kind of dumb (first person to die in a horror movie type beat), breaking and entering, implied serial killer!au, murder, blood, descriptions of gore, psychotic actions, character death, all that stuff :D
word count :: 2.4k
a/n :: as I was writing this, I practically scared myself D: also the ending is kinda rushed but oh well
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The end of the school year was supposed to be fun, full of surprises, and that one surprise was Chenle clinging onto you like a koala with a tree. Up to this point, you hadn’t thought of how much of an interesting boy he could be--but him giving you physical affection? You could never believe it.
Chenle let go of you before saying, “Come to the library with me and Jisung,” His hair was messy, as well as his uniform shirt. You assumed he just went around hugging other people besides you. He grinned at you, “We’re planning to do something fun as a celebration for the last day of school! Let’s go!” He grabbed your wrist tightly, but not enough to cause circulation loss, at least. You began contemplating whether or not it was a good idea to follow suit of the boy, knowing him. Nonetheless, you were curious.
You both arrived at the library, seeing Jisung already sitting at one of the tables reading a comic. Sitting down in front of the boy, he closed the book once he felt your presences. He greeted with a small smile, you and Chenle doing the same. “Alright listen,” Chenle started, clearing his throat before broadcasting the plan aloud, “We’re going to go to my elementary school—but with a twist.” He grinned before continuing, “It’s been so long since I’ve been there, so it’s abandoned now and I’m pretty sure no one monitors it anymore. Although... it is still intact so we need to break in.”
“Woah, wait, we are not going to break into an elementary school.” you cautioned.
Chenle rolled his eyes and rested his palm on his jawline. “It’s not like it’s haunted or anything. As I said, no one monitors it anymore--you guys just aren’t fun.”
Jisung clasped his hands together before letting out a sigh, “I thought you were joking at first and just wanted to go and play on the playground or something. But seriously?” He shuddered slightly, subconsciously flipping the pages of the comic he was reading earlier. You nodded at him before returning your gaze back on Chenle. All that was written on his face was smugness.
“We have to try it once. Think about it! It’ll be fun, you know? It’s like in movies, we just have to be cautious of our surroundings.” Chenle assured.
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You can’t believe you’re doing this. You really can’t. It was 3 fucking am and you decided it was a great idea to go along with Chenle (out of everyone else in the world) and his plan to break into his old elementary school just for fun.
You packed your backpack with a few essential items: a flashlight, a few bottles of water, a baseball bat, and a crowbar. You kept it unzipped at the top so they could all fit, keeping your phone in your spacious hoodie pocket. You put on a mask and a beanie to keep yourself covered in case of security cameras. You put on your backpack, adjusting to the heaviness. If you were being honest, you had this rush of nervousness flowing through your body, the fear of not knowing what will happen to the three of you once you break in and enter the abandoned building. Nonetheless, you head to your front door to walk to Chenle’s house as the three of you decided to go to beforehand. Step by step, your body grew warmer as anxiety rose. It hadn’t hit you that you’d never done this before--you were always the type to stay in and not go out doing reckless activities; but here you are, doing that exact thing.
Immediately as you stepped on Chenle’s rug that was placed in front of the door, it opened, him now in front of you. He moved aside for you to enter the place. “You got everything?” He questioned and you nodded. “Jisung’s not here yet, so I guess we have to just wait.”
You both sat on his leather couch, staring down at the empty mug with thoughts roaming your brain. It wasn’t breaking in that was scaring you--but the thought of getting caught and living with the guilt that you had done something illegal was. Attempting to engage in conversation, you spoke, “How did you even come up with this idea?”
Chenle chuckled lightly, fiddling with the watch on his wrist. “It just came to my head out of nowhere, I guess.”
Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, you stood up abruptly, Chenle following after. You both headed to the front and opened it for Jisung. “You have everything, right? We should go now.” Jisung nodded and let out a breath he was previously unknowingly holding.
You three went inside of Chenle’s car, with Chenle driving and Jisung and you seated at the back. You took off your backpack and placed it on the floor of the car, the weight removed gave you sudden relief on your shoulders. Jisung plugged his phone into the aux cord and played soft, lo-fi music to soothe the nerves that were getting to you unknowingly.
You sighed, laying your head on the headrest of the car seat, looking out the window. It was a rather peaceful night despite what you were going to do in a couple of minutes—stars beginning to deem visible across the vast, dark sky, with only a few cars passing by in which you could count with your fingers. That was when you felt eyes boring into the back of your head, and you turned to see Jisung staring at you. You furrowed your brows and muttered a ‘what’. “I’m nervous, Y/N,” he breathed out, fear clearly laced in his voice.
You bit your lip. “It was Chenle’s idea, we can blame him for all of this.” you joked.
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The elementary school definitely does not look as you expected--before coming, you imagined it to be completely abandoned, having growing moss on the walls, windows that were broken or punched, or even having “caution” tape around it. You guess it only happens in movies. But this school looked almost normal, for some reason, with only overgrown trees around it as the leaves fell on it. You let out a soft sigh, relieved that it looks fairly approachable and safe to go into.
“This is crazy, it’s been so long since I’ve been here. Let’s go!” Chenle beamed. You looked at Jisung for a moment, giving him a reassuring smile and a nod before putting on your heavy backpack and exiting the car as he did as well.
The three of you stood outside of the back door of the building, looking around for any suspicious cameras though found none. You pulled your mask up further before checking on Chenle and how he’s putting up with his attempts at opening the door. “I can’t find any key,” he grunted. You offered him the crowbar that was hanging off your backpack, and to your luck, it worked on opening the door. Jisung let out a surprised sound as he stood behind you.
The back door led to the gym in which you stood. It was empty, except for the lone basketball that sat in the middle of the vast room. The lights didn’t work, so you came to the conclusion that it would be best to use your flashlights, instead. You followed Chenle as he was the only person that knew the way around this place. He went toward the door which led to the hallway of the school, which connected to the many classrooms. The atmosphere felt terribly dismal, and it didn’t leave you with a good feeling. You couldn’t help but focus on the smell that hadn’t been freshened up for years.
“This is my 4th-grade classroom,” He slid open the door and across the room were sprawled out desks and chairs--it was like a forest, avoiding all of these objects just to get to the other side was like a journey in itself. In the back of the room were stapled class pictures of old students and teachers on a corkboard. Chenle desperately searched for the photo with him in it, searching across what seemed like around 10+ photographs. “Ah, here’s me!” He said, gesturing for you and Jisung to come to him. He pointed to his 10-year-old self, shining a flashlight on it to show it clearer. “It’s crazy how it’s still here.”
“You were cute,” Jisung commented.
“Are you saying I’m not cute now?” Chenle scoffed jokingly. He removed the photo from the corkboard and shoved it neatly into the small pocket of his backpack, thinking of showing it to his parents later today once he figures out a good enough excuse to where he found it.
You yawn, eyes getting tired minute by minute, second by second as you continue your journey throughout the huge school. You entered room 3B, which seemed like a music room—chairs stacked in 5’s, music sheets laying on the scattered desks, posters of musicians and guitar and piano chords on the walls begging to fall down to the ground as the tape holding it up collects dust. A piano lies near the corner of the room and Chenle sits on the bench that stood in front of it. He plays a mellow tune as you and Jisung look at all of the instruments that were isolated in a metal storage cabinet. You take out a recorder and try to remember the notes of the infamous ‘Hot Cross Buns’—however your memorization skill isn't the best and you end up with random noises. Jisung laughs at your attempt and you laugh back, putting the instrument back to where it was placed. You head towards Chenle, who was heavily concentrated on playing the song that was on the sheet on the music desk. You listen to the pretty sounds until he stops for a moment.
“It sounds beautiful,” you say.
Chenle chuckles before standing up and ruffling his hair, “I know, I’ve been playing practically since birth, you know?”
You both stood there, the moonlight reflecting on your skin through the thin glass. You turn your head, “Where’s Jisung?” You had thought the boy would follow you when you were walking toward Chenle—but he didn’t. There was no third shadow moving alongside yours and the boy beside you; the atmosphere grew cold. You beckoned Chenle to come with you before walking towards the classroom door to once again enter the hallway.
“Jisung! Are you an idiot? Where are you?” Chenle shouted out loud but there was no voice that followed. A curse word was muttered, you begin scrambling out of the music room to find the 5’11 boy that suddenly vanished into thin air. You knew how afraid he was during the car ride here and you never thought you would leave him alone like this. You stuck by Chenle’s side as you searched through most of the classrooms in the building.
No sign.
You were startled as you unlocked the door to the janitor’s closet, shining your flashlight down the stairwell that was somehow built in the tiny room. “Chenle, come here,” you beckoned. He rushed to you quickly; his eyes widened once he saw what was hidden inside the room.
“I’ve never seen this before,” he chuckled, “Maybe Jisung went in here, but for what?” You shrugged at the boy’s assumption, furrowing your brows before stepping in. Jisung was always curious about the world—you might think it’s his first life and he’s fascinated by every small detail that the universe could give him. Though, you would never expect that he would be curious about this particular stairwell.
A horrid smell hit you both once you reached halfway down the staircase. You muttered a curse word, “Fuck. It smells rotten in here,” Chenle agreed, nodding at you. You continued your way down to see Jisung’s body lay flat on the floor like a ragdoll. You took in a sharp breath as you quickened your steps down to see six other bodies lay in front of him. You rapidly shout out the boy’s name as you frantically attempt to shake him awake, wishing in the back of your mind that he hadn’t ended up like the bodies that were obviously sitting beside you.
Jisung groaned, sitting right side up as he held his head. “What happened to you?!” You question, helping him stand up. He looked around the room once more before taking two steps back when he watched the dead bodies lay on the floor.
He shook his head rapidly as his hands held onto your wrist. “I-I just saw that and I don’t know what happened but…” he shut his eyes. “I should’ve stayed with you guys. I’m so so so sorry.” You hear footsteps nearing you, both of your heads turn to the sound.
“Jisung!” You yell out. You froze once you see crimson flow out of his neck. Your eyes follow the holder of the knife’s arm to his face slowly. You stared with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. “Chenle, what the fuck are you doing?!” you breathed out.
Chenle tilted his head back with a slight close-lipped smile, enigmatic. Your eyes filled with tears as you watched Jisung’s blood drip, his arms holding onto what he thought was his best friend. “It’s so fun doing this!” he giggled, eyes crinkling through his smile. He pulled out the knife before quickly stabbing it back inside Jisung’s neck. “Is little Jisung whimpering? I’m just playing with you!” His psychotic laughter soon filled your ears and your breath quickened once you watched as Chenle stabbed him in the stomach laying on top of Jisung, a dark red pours onto the floor steadily. You wanted to look away but your body could do nothing but be full of shock.
Chenle’s head jerked toward your direction. You gulped as he stood up to walk toward you with an innocent smile. Once he cornered your back to the wall, he dragged the knife covered in blood along your jawline. You winced as the sharp blade cut through your delicate skin, you clutched onto nothing making your knuckles turn white. “P-please…” you whisper.
His smile dropped once the knife entered the side of your torso. “Now, you two can be with me forever.”
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