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rebornicartchive · 5 months ago
Hi there, just call me FT, and welcome to my archive blog dedicated to Rebornia/VOLTERGEIST's content on tumblr. Their OCs will be tagged, but fandom related stuff with be tagged as "#others."
I also run a blog that is meant to be a rewrite of the now cancelled Pilot Webcomic, where I am trying to mold it into something that could be potentially likeable, as well as another blog that's a genuine critique blog.
This is not intended to be hate blog, nor do I support Volt for their actions over the years. The reason why I am saying this is because Volt has been demonized by the FNAF fandom and most of their ex-friends for acting the way they did, when they were going through an incredibly shitty time period, and while I don't support Volt's actions, I can understand they were in a bad place mentally and physically.
Onto the topic of the hate/"critique" blogs, there is very obvious transphobia, acephobia, racism, along with other stuff. I do not support any of the blogs that "criticize" or those who demonized Volt over the years by misconstruing information about them, as they are no better themselves for sending threats, doxxing, ableism, and sending real life gore images.
(Rewrite Blog: @re-pilot-info)
(Critique Blog: @volterge1st-critical)
(Text Post/Character Info Archive Blog: @dapper-deoxys)
(Aesthetic Blog: @pilotverse-aesthetics)
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gordiebear · 1 year ago
hey guys so im trynna archive some art from a rather infamous ex-fnaf fan artist who created the vincent character and submissions are open to those who have art saved of their art fnaf or not. i don't support them for their actions and the blog ive made is simply for archival purposes!!!
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twilightwyvern · 2 months ago
Just for future reference please do not reblog anything off of me that has to do with MxBones/Rebornica/Voltergeist. I want nothing to with them, especially after what they've done. If you really want to reblog/catalogue their stuff look through the notes below it and find someone else. If you reblog it off of me I will block you.
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dapper-deoxys · 3 months ago
Yo where do you get all the whatever question speaking things of mxbones from, like their account is gone last time I checked, (not to be offensive I sound like it)
I basically just go through old posts on different blogs related to their stuff along the way, either by sheer coincidence or I just go to my art archive blog (@rebornicartchive) to see which blogs have reblogged the posts previously! Don't worry, I don't think your being offensive.
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phoneguymyb3lov3d · 5 months ago
Hola, es la segunda vez que veo a alguien en Tumblr hablando español! Finalmente!! 😭
Bueno, lo que te quería decir es que verdaderamente tienes mucho talento para dibujar a los guardias y me alegra que aún hay personas que los recuerden, así que sigue adelante y tienes mi apoyo!!!
Aww muchas gracias. He tenido a los guardias en mi corazón desde hace tiempo. Así que dije:
"¿Por qué no hacer feliz a la gente compartiendo mis dibujos? ¡Me encantan las ideas que tengo, hacer que los guardias interactúen con esta hermosa gente!".
Tu apoyo significa mucho para mí, te tengo en mi corazón, personita hermosa. Se que Rebornica o MxBones sea un artista el que tiene dibujos algo explícitos, lo sé porque he investigado sobre el, y soy menor para eso. Pero se que los guardias también son parte de sus corazones así que también me dije:
"Tendré que hacer que esas sonrisas de esas hermosas personas regresen al ver a sus guardias de vuelta."
★ Y si necesitas un Tumblr español, aquí estoy para ti y para otras personas. ★
Give me a like, guys >:'o
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The Bones Recovery Initiative: Mega Post
Welcome to the Bones Recovery Initiative. This blog mainly aims to act as an archive for Rebornica's/Skull General's/MxBones's old work for the sake of nostalgia, reference, etc. While archival is our main goal, we also aim to create a hub for those with this obscure and specific interest to converse and contribute to the project.
This blog is run by two mods: Mod Metronome and Mod Buddy. There are no plans for additional mods to be added, and likely never will be.
Both submissions and asks are open for you to contribute your ideas/questions to the conversation and images for archival. Below is a list of other important posts, including our FAQs and other notices.
Please feel free to send an ask concerning any questions :)
Important Posts:
Character of the Week
Notice: Verification
Thank you for your contribution :) - Mod Metronome, Mod Buddy
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fetusmeme · 4 years ago
Hey guys!! if you remember Rebornica or mxbones AKA CREATOR OF VINCENT PURPLE GUY.
They’re back again and they’re trying to get into the friday night funkin community.
I will also link this blog that is an archive for all things they have done in the past and present @nefskullcritique
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nefskullcritique · 4 years ago
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They’re making their way into the FNF fandom. Please, be safe everyone! If it’s possible to warn others of their behavior and let them know of my blog, please do. I don’t want them hurting anyone.
Twitter Mirror
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shmeggrem · 4 years ago
I’m a little bit out of it but whatever
What I want to say is that if you’re being introduced to volt or you’re just finding out about them be cautious
I’ve never had a true interaction with them so it’s not my place to tell you what to do but as an abuse victim from my past I have listened to those who were victims of rebs/nef/deoxys/bones/volts abuse and empathised so deeply
They’re not looking after you, no matter what they say, they’ve shown countless traits of being abusive to minors and adults alike, they haven’t changed and as much as I like to see the good in people they just keep repeating the same patterns that they have their entire time that they’ve been online
I know it seems great when someone acts like they care about you but ultimately you’re going to get hurt by them
And if you haven’t been a victim of Volts abuse I promise you the victims don’t need white knights, they need listeners, they need support
Don’t try to be the hero
If you want to find out more information check out the @nefskullcritique blog
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turtlejesus · 5 years ago
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rebornicartchive · 3 months ago
bruh I feel like I'm a little baby that missed the whole everything because I first found out about mxbones in like 2022-2023 and first saw their fnaf au then i became like an obsessed fan of the Pilot webcomic somewhere last year or beginning of this year and all their Pilot stuff and literally everything is just all in like 2015-2019, I was literally like basically a baby then and now I'm 16, and everything about mxbones is like ancient, like i feel likevsomeone that was late to the party lmao😭😭😭😭
NO FR I FEEL THE SAME WAY. I literally only found out about MxBones/Volt through the FNAF AU in 2015 when I was like 8??? Then moving onwards I find out that the Pilot Webcomic is a thing and I'm like 'There is NO WAY this shit was first conceptualized when I was 6-7 years old in 2014,' but lo and behold, yes it was. And I (sort of) share a birthday with the fucking main character.
I only got deeper into this whole thing like. In VERY late November in 2023 and I am still learning more and more about this series.
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pilot-critical · 5 years ago
Hello, this blog is fairly new, but here you can submit/send in asks and critiques concerning mxbones' (formerly rebornica & nefurious_skull, now v0lterge1st) webomic, Pilot. It does not have to be just about Pilot; you can submit any concerns, complaints, critiques, etc. about any of their characters and other stories. I may or may not respond, but feel free to send in you or thoughts! You can also call me Mod Cryptid.
Also, if you have any suggestions for the blog, just let me know!
-Mod Cryptid
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yell0wrabb1t · 6 years ago
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I cannot believe this has just happened 
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rattonoid · 5 years ago
Well, yes
Rebornica was really a toxic bitch, she also lied that she had schizaphrenia, in the year 15 she sobbed on the stream and talked to herself as if with her character, she engaged in bullying people, she loved to be a victim, she told about her asexuality 24/ 7. She scored on other characters and drew only Taizo last...2 years?
I hate her.
But it was she who inspired me with her arts. I didn't know all that shit about her. I even managed to fall in love with one of her characters. ( I still love him and because of this I can not love real people).
I, as it were, glad that her nagging had stopped.
But it is just as sad and painful to me, I feel as if empty.
I have loved Rebornica's arta since 2015, and I did not know what her problem was then, but this year I found out.
Maybe someday I can put up with her suicide.
Although, they say that suicide was fake, so I don't know.
Thats all 🤷‍♂️
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anonymouspilotcrit · 6 years ago
Tell me what you think of Pilot.
I’m listening.
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ryukodragon · 6 years ago
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Sketch of Mike and Faith Schmidt, from Bones’ Pilot universe! They exchanged hats! <3
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