wicked-melodia-au · 13 days
About Wicked Melodia.
Basically Attack On Titan characters + Ocs are in a (kind of) dystopian world where the most powerful, famous and wealthy people are the one’s who exceed at singing. Many children are trained since their young years to sing supplying them with Phish Jelly, wich is a kind of slime that’s made of Morphish, a Slime fish that leaves in every sea. And, when made into slime they help your voice chords grow netter and healthier.
Your voice and music can create magic and thus you can attack and protect yourself and also make extremely cool performances.
Normally there are different ranks of people in the Wicked Melodia AU.
The prodigies: wich are the people on the top of the leader board of singers and songstars
The masters: they are great at singing but not top of their media
The novices: the newbies, just not enough to bee extremely good but good enough to be on the leaderboard
Normies: people who dont sing or dont have any talent for music at all, they normally work in normal, minimum wage jobs.
Government: they rule the world and they are the ones who take vare of the leader board and its singers.
Street Artists/Clubbers: they sing good but not professionaly.
Hunters: a part of the government that finds and kills dangerous musical threats for humanity.
Bounty Hunters: they take care of the lesser criminals for a bit of money.
Wanted: basically the criminalls
And the rebels: they are a group of people liderated by an unknown human nicknamed “ Crimson Wall “
So uh, yeah? Kinda cool right? I have to think more of it but if enough people like it i might write a fanfic with drawings and all.
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ogthreadbear · 8 months
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Messing around on Canva 😄
If you’re in the mood for a light (and probably very long) snack musicAU join us for the ride over on AO3
Love Will Tear Us Apart, Again.
Severus's ex is back from out of space and worryingly, it looks like he's going to stay that way. Unfortunately Severus's ex is Sirius Black, THE Sirius Black, and even more unfortunately Severus's annoying boss Lucius is intent on signing him to their label.
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shamylicious-blog · 4 years
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hinata being a newby music producer and naruto's first record..ah maaann, whos gonna write this!? xD 
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Main Stage
A Wolfstar RockAU
Many thanks to @justtoarguewithyou and Moonagestar for being great Betas and to @aliah-vi for her Alfa support!
The Marauders, a promising rock band with a growing fan base and popularity, are looking for a new bassist after Frank left the place vacant.
Talented and reserved Remus Lupin decides to give himself a chance, for once. Their brilliant guitarist Sirius Black apparently doesn't want for anything, except love.
A Rock & Love story, of found families, friendships and music that heal souls and hearts.
Marauders-The Dorm
08:03 Pads, u awake?
08:04 U better be. There’s auditions 2day
08:06 Yah, be ready by 9. If you are not, I’ll just leave you home and we’ll choose the bassist without you.
08:20 Up, dressed and shining. Take that, unbelievers.
Yawning, Sirius opens the other chat, there are messages there, too.
Marauders- Common Room
08:14 All right guys, good luck for finding the new me! I’m off to sleep now but you tell me how it goes as soon as you can!
08:16 Sure! What time is it there?
08:17 2.30 am
08:18 U’re getting soft
08:23 He needs rest, he’s got wood to chop at the crack of dawn.
08:25 Guys… I told you, I’m in Montreal. No need to chop wood. I’m just tired. It’s kind of night, you know?
Prongs sends a GIF with Michael Palin from Monty Python singing The Lumberjack Song . Frank answers with the middle finger emoji. Sirius laughs softly and clicks the screen off.
If he could have it his way, he would just get back in bed for at least another couple of hours, then wake again around 10, skip breakfast altogether and drive to the studio to arrive with a lordly half an hour delay, only to have a long coffee and a cigarette before actually starting to do anything. Unfortunately, having his driving licence suspended means that his bandmates now must pick him up, so: their cars, their rules. It’s Peter’s turn today, and Pete is annoyingly punctual. And Lily made him solemnly swear he would behave after the stunt he pulled at his birthday; so there he goes, throwing on a black AC/DC hoodie and a pair of loose, torn jeans, up and about at this ungodly hour. As he ties his long hair up in a bun, Snuffles pushes his bedroom door open with his head and trots to his side.
The big, shaggy dog wags his tail, thumping it against the closet and nudges with his muzzle in his sweater’s front pocket, then at his hands.
-“Just a sec, Snuff! Ok, right. Let’s go!”
He follows the big dog down the staircase to the tall glass door in the kitchen that leads out to a patch of garden. He opens it and the black dog scurries out and stops to raise his hind leg in the shrubs that grow rather wild at the far back.
Still rather sleepy, Sirius shuffles around the kitchen island and notices something he had missed on his way down: a pair of black, smart leather shoes, discarded near the entrance door, a grey trench coat lumped on the floor with a file folder abandoned on top and a black violin case propped against the couch, where he can see a socked foot stick out from under his blanket on the edge of the cushion.
Continue on AO3
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lotus-0398 · 6 years
Purple🚺 and change
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Author: I dont know how to explain the story 😂 So like you have ombre haired and from the roots to the middle its (Y/H/C) and the bottom color is purple (any type of purple) you made yoongi realized things he hasnt noticed before or cared about.
Yoongi its a nineteen year old boy who studies music. He is in college right now and he is quite popular specially because of his cold, bad boy look. He doesnt care about others feeling, at the same time he doesnt express himself in the way he wants sometimes and hurt people. Specially girls, why? Because he doesnt find any interesnt in none of them since they are all the same. He had a really bad relationship before and didnt want to go through that again. Now that he was in college he can do whatever he wants in a way but his grades are down even in music, his love at first sight. He was frustrated but didnt do anything to get up a better grade. He literally didnt pay attention to any class. But it all changed when you appeared.
You were at music class writting all what the professor was saying. Important things, you had to have a good grade because music for you was everything and you wanted to be a professional productor, musician or singer. You were very concentrated until someone trhows you a paper ball. You looked back and saw him, the blue haired guy named Yoongi. You have met him before at the cafeteria. He was an asshole to you and others. So you ignored him and turn your head to the professor.
Yoongi growls softly to see you ignore him that way, he wanted to make your life a living hell because he didnt like you. After class he went to you and grabbed your arms.
“Yah! Why are you ignoring me dumbass? Huh? You think your pretty or intelligent at all?”he smirks
You looked at him in the eyes”Says the one that haves bad grades in every class.. dont you get it? I care about my future, i need to pass every class, music is my life, my career.. i care for it because i want to show people how good i am, how music heals, how music conforts, and other stuff.. i wanna make people happy, i wanna produce something that people will like, i want to express to the world by my music and inspired them.. dont you want something in life? You say you like music, that is your life.. but your not putting anything on to it.. you think that fooling around is gonna get you somewhere? You have to work hard to get what you want.. to have the things you desire and dream off.. you have to put your heart and soul soul to it..”you pushed him softly and he was in shock. He didnt know what to say.. he blinked and saw you go to another class.
What you said got stuck onto his head for the whole day. He realized that the things he loves he didnt gave it the time it deserved. As soon as he got home he went on his knees and cried softly. Why? Because he felt miserable, he felt that he had failed the love for his music. And he knew the reason why he was being so stubborn and being cold and stuff.. it was because of her, his first love, his first relationship. But thanks to you he realized he needed to change and move on.
A month passed and he was on the TOP 10 geniuses in college. He had straight A always, he smiled sometimes now and he was a lottle more polite. Of course his sassynes and coldness never changed. He wanted to see you again, say thanks to you, but you werent there anymore, you had made a transfer to a college in USA. He was a little sad but he got an idea to how contact you. He sat down on a bench and got his phone. But he missed something.. he didnt know your name..
“Shit!! ugh.. what was her name?? Damn it.. oh i know” he ran to his music professor asking for your name and he gave it to him.”Thanks Professor.. “he walked away and search for you on Facebook, kakao, line, etc. He couldnt find you.
Once he was home he sighed, he sat down and looked at the table that had some white paper in blank. He looked at it for minutes until he grabbed them and started writting a song. He was like that very spontaneous. He would write about his experiences, about you, about feelings and other things. He finished it in like 30 minutes. He grabbed his phone and searched for you again until he found you. He messaged you.
“Hey.. um sorry for being an asshole and being mean to you.. i wanted to say thank you for the words you have given me a month ago.. i came to realize things i didnt before and i have changed a little.. i hope we can be friends someday since you changed my life.. and with all honesty i cant forget you.. i need to pay you back for what you did to me for the better.. please answer this.”he send it and waited for your reply.
You heard your phone vibrate and picked it up. You were surprised by the message you recieved. You opened it and read it. A smile had formed and giggled a little. You couldnt wait to get back to Korea again.. you had to be one more month in USA since is a intensive transfer. You had a crush on him but you couldnt stand his lazyness or his sadness drew all over his face. You quickly replied.
“You dont have to pay me.. and its nothing. I did it becuase i knee you needed thise words to move on and keep going..i come back in one month if you want to pick me up..”
Yoongi heard his phone and quickly look at it, he read and squealed.
“Yeah yeah i can pick you up and we could go eat.. if you want”he felt nervouse writting that.
You replied”Okay sure we can do that.. and share music if you like”
He stood up quickly his heart was beating fast, share music? Did she meant like written lurics by themselves? He smiled”Um sure i wrote something today..some lyrics..”
You smiled happy that he was finally putting the effort to his life, to his future, his career. You replied quickly” im so glad that you finally put some efforts to what you want in life. I want to be your friend. I want to share moments with you now that you have mature more.. i have some lyrics that i wrote too.. we can try and edit them together when i get back.. and Yoongi.. take care see you soon 😊” yo turn it off and went to bed.
He was in total shock, his heart beating so quickly he knew right there that he was starting to have feelings for the purple ombre haired girl that made him realized that putting effort to what you want in life is worth a try to see if it will work. He smiled so happy and couldnt wait until he will see you again.
Sorry for this shitty fic but i dont know.. i wanted to write it 😂💜
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mal-dambra-blog · 7 years
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Music Industry AU: Painted Nails
The reason Sha Lin looks 70% done is because he just woke up to get his nails done by a certain Ying. Also, I haven’t done cell-shading in a while. Feels nice to get back.
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akira-hoegane-blog · 8 years
My Words, Your Voice - 1
Word Count: 1,075 Chapter: 1
Keith sat at his desk, frustrated. For the past few hours, the only thing he heard was pencil scratching paper and the sounds of chords on the piano he had next to him. His trash can was filled with crumpled up paper, paper that had words written on them.
Keith is a musician. He writes his own songs, and sings them, while playing his guitar or piano. Sometimes he uses a computer program named “Symphony” to make background music for his songs in his videos. When he finishes with all that, he uploads it onto his YouTube Channel “LonelyLion.” He is quite popular, but he’d gotten a bit bored. He enjoys it when people make covers of his songs, but he wants to write songs for people, not just listening to covers and remixes. But he chose this, so he has to deal with it.
All of a sudden, his phone buzzed. He looked over, expecting it to be another YouTube or Twitter notification, praising his new songs. However, this one was different. Just last night, he had asked some of his followers on his social medias to send him some inspiration. Someone with the username “Wolfgirl22” had commented: “Hey Lion! I heard that Space Kings was in your area, maybe you should go watch their concert for inspiration! Their concert is in a few weeks, you should still be able to get some tickets!”
A small smile graced his lips as he replied to the comment. “Thanks @Wolfgirl22 for the great idea! I think I’ll go check it out!” After he posted the tweet, he searched up Spirit Kings online, and maybe a possible way to buy tickets online, if they had a website, and he found one.
It was a black screen with the words “Space Kings” on the top in fancy letters, and paragraphs of white texts about how the band started, and who the members are. On the background it was a galaxy with purple, blue and pink, with shiny stars and planets. There were multiple other links that were linking to the page about the members, their songs, and more. Keith clicked on “about the kings” link to learn about the band members. They had four members. Their lead singer, Blue, their drummer, Raven, lead guitarist, Gold, and their keyboard player, Jade. They weren’t that large of a band, but they were famous all over the country. Keith wonders why he’s never heard of them.
He then clicked on the tab that linked him to their songs. He searched on of them up on YouTube, and listened to their newest song “Bravery.” Their keyboard player had a petite figure, messy brown hair and honey colored eyes. They wore a pair of large, round glasses on their face.
Their Guitarist, Gold, was a chubby guy, well built in size and had black hair. He seems to wear a yellow headband in every concert.
Their drummer is a young man who seems to be about 22-25. He was strongly built, muscular. He had what seemed to be a scar across the bridge of his nose, and a few more scars on his arms. He had black hair styled in an undercut, and the front tuft of his hair was white.
And then there was the lead singer, Blue. He was skinny, but not too skinny, he was well built. His short, messy, chocolate brown hair was everywhere across his forehead. A bright, sparkling white smile on his face, showing that he enjoyed singing. And his eyes, oh god, his eyes. His sapphire blue eyes were sparkling like stars, like jewels, like–
Keith slapped himself. “Not now, gay thoughts!” He scolded himself. He searched around the website, seeing if he can still get tickets for the upcoming concert. He was in luck, he could still get one for himself to go. He scrounged around his messy room for his wallet and pulled out his debit card. After he paid for his ticket, he flopped down in his bed and closed his eyes.
He was tired.
So tired.
But maybe that’ll change soon.
And it did.
Lance sat in the trailer, bored and tired. Rehearsals usually were long, but not this long. Alex passed away recently, and he didn’t feel that he could continue his career, and the others knew that.
Alex was their songwriter, a cheerful girl with dyed electric blue hair and honey colored eyes. Even though she was friendly, she had many people that disliked her, due to the fact of how close she is to the band members, and how bitter of a person she usually is.
Alex and Lance grew up together, and were very close friends. It was strange, with Lance’s cheerful demeanor and Alex’s bitter personality. Lance was an easy going boy, but he was sensitive, so whenever someone bullied him, Alex was there to deliver a knuckle sandwich. Since then, she’s learned to control her emotions.
However, just three weeks ago, Alex was murdered. In an alley, with over 35 knife wounds. A song was written in her bloody notebook that she had clutched to her chest. It was their most recent song “Bravery.”
Alex felt like she was always being followed. She dismissed it as just a silly fear until she realized the feeling stayed for months. Then those months turned to years. She had gone to therapists, and they slowly helped. Lance helped her, too, but due to the fact that he was almost always away on concerts, she was usually by herself in her apartment. Bravery was a song she wrote as a celebration piece for getting over the fear, musical score and all.
She never thought that it would be the last song she wrote.
Lance was broken. He wanted the police to find the killer as soon as possible, and they still haven’t. He’s frustrated, frustrated that he can’t do anything, that he couldn’t help her. But it was over. There was nothing he could do.
The others had started looking for a new songwriter, and hadn’t asked Lance to do it himself, since they knew how uncomfortable he would be. So far, no luck. They hoped to maybe find a new songwriter at the concert, if it was possible.
Lance shook his head before laying down in one of the beds and closed his eyes. Maybe a nap was good for now.
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ultimatefangirl22 · 8 years
STEREK PROMPT "Too afraid to go inside for the pain of one more loveless night cause the loneliness will stay with me and hold me till i fall asleep broken pieces of a barely breathing story where there once was love now there's only me and the lonely" Stiles is a grammy award winning talented lyricist. His lyrics are deep and touches the soul of the listeners no matter who sings them. When asked where does he get the inspiration to such heartbreaking lyrics, Stiles just smiles this little private smile and says, "Let's just say that I've channeled my emotions to my writing and leave it at that." The papparazzi goes into frenzy because this is the first time Stiles answered the question most asked by everyone which was usually left unanswered. Now they are wondering who is it that broke the heart of Stiles? Meanwhile, there were three people in different places watching the interview of the one person they would never forget.
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ddullahan · 3 years
Hello! I stumbled on your musicAU the other day and just wanted to say it blew me away. Your writing is clear, emotive, and when you insert lyrics they actually help to set the scene. The line "It’s everything Weiss loves about rock and punk suddenly thrown into a song with her words on Ruby's tongue." really spoke to the punk/rock fan in me. If that's not a declaration of love I don't know what is. Thanks for pulling me back into the rwby/whiterose moshpit. I can't wait to see where this goes!
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ao3feed-killugon · 4 years
What Really Matters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36JeqNa
by Savannah_rea
Killua Zoldyck attends a performing arts school that his family forced him into. However, his negative view of the school quickly changes once he gets assigned a new duet partner, Gon Freeccs, that he works alongside with for the rest of the year. Or the story where Killua and Gon run away together and read it to find out exactly why.
Words: 22450, Chapters: 8/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunter X Hunter
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, Gon Freecs' Great-Grandmother | Abe, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Leorio Paladiknight, Zushi (Hunter X Hunter), Retz (Hunter x Hunter), Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Milluki Zoldyck, Kikyou Zoldyck, Kalluto Zoldyck, Alluka Zoldyck, Zoldyck Family Butlers, Silva Zoldyck, Kaito | Kite, Biscuit Krueger, Wing (Hunter X Hunter), Mito Freecs, Zepile (Hunter X Hunter)
Relationships: Gon Freecs/Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs & Killua Zoldyck
Additional Tags: Top Gon Freecs, Bottom Killua Zoldyck, Performing Arts AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Duet partners, Romance, Killugon - Freeform, Gonkillu - Freeform, hunterxhunter - Freeform, hxh - Freeform, Savannah Rea, Gay, mature - Freeform, MusicAU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36JeqNa
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🎶 Fecho os olhos pra não ver passar o tempo... Sinto falta de você 🎵 Auauau, sou um dog musicAU! Vou usar de melodia para cãoquistar um coração humano, que bata em sintonia com o meu, no compasso da adoção! O ninho já está ficando vazio por aqui, restando euzinho! Faço denguinho, fecho os zoinho, tudo para te seduzir... Meu porte provável é G e sou mega querido e cãoportado, fazendo de tudo para ficar ao seu lado! Gostou de mim? Bora mandar mensagem para cãoversar! Se não puder me adotar, pode ao menos CÃOpartilhar? Aubrigado! #escolhaadotar #lovedogs #puppies (em Panambi, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmUqa_gqm5/?igshid=1ax9v32vxq8as
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thechanbaeklibrary · 7 years
Summary: Unspoken words turned into melody, Chanyeol wanted to convey his music to someone from his past. Frustration turned into anger, Baekhyun had lost hope for his music to be ever heart. Author: parkanjae Side Pairing: Yixing/Semi Length: Oneshot Status: Completed Genre: Romance, Slight angst, Hurt/Comfort, College au Rating: PG-13
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radiopais · 7 years
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mal-dambra-blog · 7 years
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Music Industry AU: Slump and Guilt
Ying suffers hardships as she tries to adapt into her new environment, MYCE.
(This happens before the first colored comic strip so things do get better.)
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AU where when you listen to music and close your eyes you watch what the song means to you and what do you think its about and suddendly you cant sleep with music cause you see too much things
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🎶Nós fomos feitos um pro outro, pode crer... 🎵Au, au, au... A terça-feira inicia musicau... A nossa história foi contada rapidinho por aqui, mas agora voltamos, repaginados e afinados para cãoseguir um larzinho a nossa altura! Somos o Max e a Sophia, phynnos até nos nomes 🤭😉. A gente brinca para não desanimar, ufaa! Embora uns pomponzinhos, tudo o que vivemos até agora não foi legau. Sequer tínhamos uma casinha para morar e nos protegíamos ficando de patas dadas. Tudo o que tínhamos era um ao outro. Por isso que nossa primeira tentativa de adoção será em dupla, bem afinada, o que acham? Sabemos o quanto isso é difícil de acãotecer! Às vezes encontrar bons lares separadamente já é complexo, imaginem em dupla! Mas a gente viveu até aqui cãoservando a esperança, então quem sabe, né? Somos tipo o Eduardo e a Mônica da música 🎶e todo mundo diz que ele completa ela é vice-versa que nem feijão com arroz! 🎵 O queijo não é tudo aquilo sem a goiabada e assim é o Max sem a Sophia e a Sophia sem o Max. Embora tenhamos estes lindos nomes, a gente cãofessa que não os identifica como nossos! 😰 Motivo: não nos chamavam pelo nome, não passeavam com a gente, não davam carinho, etc. Aliás, nem sabemos porquê nos tinham. Vivíamos sozinhos em nosso cantinho, embora pertencentes a um "lar"! Mas o que importa é que a nossa vida deu aquela guinada! Ontem foi um dia tão, mas tão especiau! Nos levaram para tomar um banho, pois o nosso cheiro estava fétido e embora as fotos não revelem detalhes, o nosso pelo estava muito embolado. Isso dói demais, sabiam? Aí a tia Leti teve de nos tosar e como ficamos? Ainda mais e mais charmosos! Cá pra nós! A Sophia parece uma atriz canina de filme, falem sério! 😊 Somos lindos peludos ou tosados! O que não vale é não nos cuidar! Por isso quem quiser nos adotar precisa gostar de escovar uma (ou duas) cabeleira(s) e nos levar tomar banho no pet, já que precisamos de cuidados bem especiais. A nossa pele é cor de rosinha e somos muito branquinhos! Se gostou de nós corre se cãodidatar a humano de nosso ❤, vai? Somos novinhos, queridos e cheios de amor para dar! Marque amigos e compartilhe! # max&sophia #escolhaadotar #desabandone (em Panambi, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDL28TOAdQH/?igshid=1252ebdoz76hl
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