#Museums at Night
retrobr · 1 month
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I have no excuses and no regrets
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those fuck ass animatronics would not have stood a chance against this absolute god
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sketchy-doge1 · 1 month
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Jedediah and Octavius wish yall a happy pride!!
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grim-vs-lizard · 1 year
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andysanimation · 8 months
Movie with a trash little little bb girl who is a man in his 30-40s who needs a job, and has a difficult relationship with his child/sibling. Then gets a job as a night guard and everything seems fine, until the night, when the inanimate objects come to live and get quirky. But eventually understand each other and team up to stop the bigger evil.
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swedenis-h · 1 month
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(Last years post)
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sillyahhchana · 1 month
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Have i ever shared this here this was from pride month last year
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staff · 30 days
Tumblr Tuesday: Your Pride Art on Tumblr
Hello, Tumblr. June is here, and you're all arting hard. This Tuesday would like to cordially wish you all a very good and community-fuelled Pride month. Please enjoy this roundup of delightful fanart and OC art, celebrating the beginning of this month of more gay art than usual on tumblr dot com.
(And here are some Pride art/writing challenges running this month:  an identities-themed drawing challenge; a Baldur's Gate 3 art challenge; a pride color pallette art challenge; a fandom art challenge; and finally, some Destiel pride creative prompts)
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arttsuka · 1 month
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Girlies listening to descriptions of the most horrifying things you’ve ever heard in their favorite podcast
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(It’s me I’m girlies)
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masterofiodine · 1 month
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happy pride!
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retrobr · 1 month
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(Pls click for better quality, idk what happened with it 💀)
I guess it's time to present my new Jedtavius piece!! I already drew a parody of this painting back in January 2023, but decided to redraw it again because I love it :3
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moss-sprouted · 8 months
i think my favorite thing about tumblr is its vague appreciation of the night at the museum movies
ive never seen anyone on my dash say theyre bad or heard anything negative, i either see the gay little cowboy and his roman boyfriend or i see people talking about how the security guard would be great in five nights at freddys
never overwhelming praise or hatred, just a perfect balance of appreciation as if everyone has seen them and just thinks theyre neat
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sketchy-doge1 · 29 days
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Tiny parade!
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roarrvr · 3 months
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My fav childhood movie
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kidovna · 8 months
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rewatched the night at the museum trilogy in one night for the plot
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