#Museless traits
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themuselesswriter · 8 months ago
Top, Bottom or Switch - Even Peters: American Horror Story Edition
You know how I do stupid shit when I'm left unsupervised? Here it is! lmao, enjoy and suffer.
Kai Anderson - Switch
He's a switch, he's the type of a guy who wants you to think he's in command but yell at him a couple of minutes and throw him on a bed and you will find him being a submissive b!tch, he'd whine about it, he'd try to take control but he won't try that hard, he has a name calling kink, and definitely a slapping and spanking kink. 
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Kyle Spencer - Bottom
He's just too good and kind to be a top, he's the type of guy who would apologize for hours if he spanked you by mistake, and his whole zombification doesn't help his case since he became 90% more submessive because of it. 
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Tate Langdon - Top
Leather kink, that's all I need to say. He's a top, he usually takes charge of things even when no one really asks him and even though he really messes things up, a terrible trait in life but definitely good in bed for him.
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Austin Sommers - Bottom
That's a sneaky arse bottom for you! He's not confortational person, he needs lots of guidance in life (aka Belle Noire) he has a mommy kink, likes older people, a little cross dressing and being bossed around. 
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Rory Monahan - Switch
He's a green flag, he's not afraid to show his vulnerability, he doesn't mind giving away control and taking control when needed, he's gentle and delicate, he tries his best to make the whole experience delicate, enjoyable and funny. 
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Patty O'Furniture - Bottom
That's a bottom, in denial but definitely a bottom, he's into praise kink, tell him that he's worth something and he's game, and yes, I know Patty is a five minutes character but with that dance he did, he earned his spot here. 
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Kit Walker - Top
He's a nice top, very autherarian, he's good at multi-tasking and he's not afraid to try something new and he almost never crosses boundaries, he's not a fan of spanking and bondage because he's traumatized but he does enjoy playing rough every now and then. 
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Malcolm Gallant - Bottom 
That's a b!tchy bottom right there, he's into literally anything you throw at him, he's not afraid of experimenting, he's into pain play, leather, bondage, pet play, literally anything as long as you give him some attention. 
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Edward Mott - Bottom
That's a bottom who tries to act like a top but fails misterably at it, he's an anxious bottom though, so his top would definitely need to take away his control so he could unwind and relax. 
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Jimmy Darling - Top
Now although he doesn't mind switching position because he's so desperate for validation but he vibes top 97% of the time, he's not to be fully trusted as a top as he can get carried away sometimes, but like, he means well. 
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James Patrick March - Bottom
I know what you guys think, but you wanna convince me that he wasn't the Countess's little play thing? Or that he wasn't really turned on by the idea of someone taking control of him and telling him what to do? He gives off Top vibes but really, he's a bottom. 
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Jeff Pfister - Top 
He gives off rich white boy jerk vibe who doesn't have the emotional depth to be a bottom or a switch, also he seems a bit too invested in this whole "alpha male" bullshit, therefore, I deem him a not very good top. 
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And of course, we can't let this go without some science and science charts
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themuselesswriter · 2 years ago
Top, Bottom or Switch - Daniel Sharman
Okay so the other day I was thinking (and you know that's never good) about Daniel Sharman's most famous characters and for some reason I have a theory that lots of his characters are bottoms in bed, so you guys will have to suffer my classification! Lorenzo De Medici This is the only character that I think of as a top. He seems like an expert at what he's doing, he always initiates the sexual interactions and he seems like the type of a guy who would come from a work day and be like "here love, let me take care of you for the rest of the night" and besides, he is kind of a hoe and his vibes are dominant.
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Kelly Lord he is the type of guy who would be like "I'm an alpha dog bruh" but he is secretly a bottom, but he is the type of bottom that doesn't like to admit that he is a bottom if that makes sense? Like, he would throw in a fit but he would end up being a bottom, he would enjoy it, then feel ashamed or shy about it and he doesn't show this side of him unless he really trusts their partner cause he would be afraid that it would slip and his family would know and make fun of him.
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Lancelot Du Lac (The Weeping Monk) Oh he screams bottom. Like, he wouldn't think about taking a sexual partner until he's out of the paladins' reach and when that happens, he would be too overwhelmed by all the decision making and the changes, so he would have a hard time expressing that he wants to be taken care of in the bedroom and that being a bottom gives him a sense of comfort and familiarity, he would even try to fake being a top to his partner just to please them but his partner would eventually figure it out.
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Isaac Lahey In my humble opinion, Isaac is a switch. He initiates sexual interactions, he is confident, egoistic and loves the look of pleasure on his partner's face when he is getting it right so he would be a top leaning. However, there are days where his past hunts him and he feels the most vulnerable, on these days, he would prefer to be a bottom and have tender sexual interactions instead.
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Troy Otto My man is a bottom and no one can convince me otherwise. He gives off top vibes in life but bottom vibes in bed, he is kinda oblivious when it comes to sexual interactions, his partner would need to initiate them (I have theory that Troy is a virgin, okay?!) and like, he would experiment a little but settle down to enjoying being taking care of in bed because it is such a precious feeling that he rarely gets to experience, to be looked after, loved, treated well, so yeah, he's a bottom.
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Anyhooo, thank you for sticking around for my TedTalk! Next Episode: what type of fruit are you based on your favorite Bridgerton quote:'). Also, do you guys have different theories about these characters or different ones?
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themuselesswriter · 2 years ago
Troy's Room
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Bed: he has an Olympic Queen sized bed that Tracy brought him in her house renovation era when he was ten, his bed is always well made (Jeremiah would be upset whenever it wasn't and give the poor boy hell), his bedsheets are of neutral or earthly colors aka beige, white, black, green, grey, brown, he has some red elements as well but never too noticeable.
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Window: he has a huge window in his room which he is grateful for, he moved his bed to have one side facing it so he can know that he isn't trapped when he wakes up at night.
Balcony: he has a small balcony that he used to use to sneak out into Mike's house and vice versa, it's also his escape whenever his mom and dad fight, he'd go out and lock himself out until they calm down to escape their loud noises.
Chairs: he has two chairs in his room, again gifted by his mother's renovation era, he likes to sit at the one the left to read, the one on the right is usually for visitors.
Closet: his closet is medium, it has two doors, one for his indoor clothes, flannels, hats, and accessories, he also stored his books and notebooks there as well cause he didn't have many things, the other is for his hanging shirts, pants and shoes.
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Rug: he has a small red rug in his room that he used to play on when he was younger, it has a spot darker than the rest on the left side but he doesn't remember how it got there.
Pictures: he only has one picture hanging, it is of him, his mother, his father and Jake, he has no posters or any other type of pictures.
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Nightstand: he puts a table lamp on it that became useless after the apocalypse and was replaced with candles instead, his drawer has candles and a pocket knife, while his storage has some books he found during his raids and a granola bar.
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Mirror: he has one full body size mirror near the door, it has cracks on it but works just fine.
Pillows: Troy only has two pillows, they are low, and somehow uncomfortable but he is used to them so he doesn't change them, he also uses his pillows to muffle his cries and screams.
Bathroom: his room doesn't have a bathroom, his bathroom is right outside, between the room Jake used to sleep in and his, the bathroom has all of his hygiene necessities, a shampoo, deodorant, body washing soap, face washing soap, dental health kit, hairbrush and shaving kit.
Childhood Memories: Jeremiah made Troy get rid of everything childhood related once he became fifteen, all of his toys, books, art and memories were placed in a box and thrown in the basement, he managed to save one thing, that is a small race car and hide it in his closet.
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themuselesswriter · 3 years ago
Your muse’s habits. | Troy Otto
Rules: bold which habits your muse has. (credit.)
So… i will be bluing the habits instead of bolding them
nail biting |throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming / singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking| putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding| nostril flaring | slouching |pacing |drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders.
Tagged by: @all-is-fair-in-love-and-war
Tagging: @all-is-fair-in-love-and-war (but like, another muse) @madison-clark
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themuselesswriter · 4 years ago
Museless Guide
Current Obsession: Bridgerton & American Horror Story
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This will be a grand master-post to help everyone navigate around the blog and find out just what they’re looking for because sometimes, scrolling can be a bit too much.
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Currently on hold aside from @otto-troy and @ftwd-the-real-deal
Note: all photos are taken from google/ Tumblr/ Pinterest, if you find anything that is yours or belongs to someone you know lemme know to credit them, all edits are mine:’)
Work in progress…
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themuselesswriter · 1 year ago
Sooo… I made a chart .-.
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Now we can all agree that Daniel Sharman gives off bottom vibes, it’s pure science, there’s a chart and all.
Top, Bottom or Switch
Okay so the other day I was thinking (and you know that's never good) about Daniel Sharman's most famous characters and for some reason I have a theory that lots of his characters are bottoms in bed, so you guys will have to suffer my classification! Lorenzo De Medici This is the only character that I think of as a top. He seems like an expert at what he's doing, he always initiates the sexual interactions and he seems like the type of a guy who would come from a work day and be like "here love, let me take care of you for the rest of the night" and besides, he is kind of a hoe and his vibes are dominant.
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Kelly Lord he is the type of guy who would be like "I'm an alpha dog bruh" but he is secretly a bottom, but he is the type of bottom that doesn't like to admit that he is a bottom if that makes sense? Like, he would throw in a fit but he would end up being a bottom, he would enjoy it, then feel ashamed or shy about it and he doesn't show this side of him unless he really trusts their partner cause he would be afraid that it would slip and his family would know and make fun of him.
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Lancelot Du Lac (The Weeping Monk) Oh he screams bottom. Like, he wouldn't think about taking a sexual partner until he's out of the paladins' reach and when that happens, he would be too overwhelmed by all the decision making and the changes, so he would have a hard time expressing that he wants to be taken care of in the bedroom and that being a bottom gives him a sense of comfort and familiarity, he would even try to fake being a top to his partner just to please them but his partner would eventually figure it out.
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Isaac Lahey In my humble opinion, Isaac is a switch. He initiates sexual interactions, he is confident, egoistic and loves the look of pleasure on his partner's face when he is getting it right so he would be a top leaning. However, there are days where his past hunts him and he feels the most vulnerable, on these days, he would prefer to be a bottom and have tender sexual interactions instead.
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Troy Otto My man is a bottom and no one can convince me otherwise. He gives off top vibes in life but bottom vibes in bed, he is kinda oblivious when it comes to sexual interactions, his partner would need to initiate them (I have theory that Troy is a virgin, okay?!) and like, he would experiment a little but settle down to enjoying being taking care of in bed because it is such a precious feeling that he rarely gets to experience, to be looked after, loved, treated well, so yeah, he's a bottom.
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Anyhooo, thank you for sticking around for my TedTalk! Next Episode: what type of fruit are you based on your favorite Bridgerton quote:'). Also, do you guys have different theories about these characters or different ones?
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