#Murder Mystery Box
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A sneak peak of Till Death, can't wait to stream and play. #mysteryboxgames #deadboltmysterysociety #murdermysterybox #murdermystery #mysterygames #detective #whodunnit #minimystery
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chronicallyzagreus · 10 months
Y’all know those mystery subscriptions boxes like hunt a killer (im talking specifically the solo / small group ones)
Is there a good digital alternative?
I love doing them but I very rarely have both time and space for them
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unboundprompts · 3 months
any prompts of how a serial ki!!er would ki!!? a concept of sorts? (ex:basing their murders on fairytales)
Serial Killer Signature Ideas
-> A criminal's signature (or trademark, calling card) is something they do that is not necessary for committing the crime.
Basing their Murders off of:
Greek Myths
Roman Myths
Religious Scriptures
Cultural Stories
The Board Game Clue (using weapons like a wrench, candlestick, lead pipe, horseshoe, etc.)
A Popular Murder Mystery Movie
An Agatha Christie Novel
A Murder Mystery Novel
Monsters (vampires, werewolves, etc.)
Location (only killing in a library, a school, etc.)
Stories from their Childhood
A Favorite Movie
Their Imaginary Friends as a Kid
A Poem
A Person in Their Life (only targeting victims that look like this person)
Leaving Items at the Crime Scene:
Kissing the Cheek of their Victim
A Printed Photo
An Envelope with a Letter
A Painting or Drawing
A Poem
A Map
Dressing the Victim in Specific Clothes
A VHS Tape
A Watch Set to a Specific Time
Taking Something from the Victim (a Keepsake):
A Lock of Hair
A Tooth
Their Shoes
Their Eyes
A Body Part
Photos of the Victim
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
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mell0bee · 2 months
“average spirit medium gets accused of murder 3 times a year” factoid actually just statistical error. maya fey, who lives in capcom’s stock plot contrivance box & is accused 10,000 times a day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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poirott · 1 year
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Dark!Poirot AU: Hercule Poirot as a criminal mastermind
An alternate universe where Poirot is the master criminal rather than a world-renowned detective.
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bubblegeon · 1 year
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Kimura Takuya stars as Kazama Kimichika, a detective instructor at the police academy, who is also assigned to teach the rookies in various areas of law enforcement. Akaso Eiji joins the cast as Urihara Junji, one of the rookie detectives who is paired with Kazama. The two of them investigate real-life murder cases together, learning from each other as they go. Premieres on April 10, 2023.
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unopenablebox · 5 months
this morning i told 🌸 that if we both get home from work before 9 tonight, it would be nice if we could commit the sin of cuddling
they accused me of “reading monk books again”
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anicejuicymurder · 5 months
On the recommendation of two friends, I recently watched Deadloch, and it was incredible! Super funny, but the mystery is really compelling too. It both subverts and satirises crime drama tropes and archetypes as well as being a pointed social commentary. Oh, it's also incredibly feminist and critiques toxic masculinity and the patriarchy through that lens. Plus it’s a great buddy cop show! It works on a lot of levels in a way satire or spoofs can sometimes not work
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Anyway, you've got the loose cannon renegade detective played pitch perfectly by Madeleine Sami (a lot of comments I saw elsewhere found her hard to bear at first, but she does mellow, and her being OTT was part of the point), the strait-laced (but not straight) local sergeant again played to perfection by Kate Box, and a whole host of wacky and often irritating (but never boring) characters, who, as I said, both play into archetypes of crime dramas but also real life stereotypes.
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It's hard to go into more of what I loved about it as a whole without giving away the reveals, so I'll just say I think it was all superbly done. It's a really well crafted show! Hopefully my gushing isn't too effusive but it's rare these days for me to get this sucked in and not be disappointed. It's also set up perfectly for a second so fingers crossed
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And for anyone looking for crime dramas with more queer characters, most of the women in the town are lesbians, and the main male cop is gay
(Sorry if any of this doesn’t make sense! It’s super hot today and I’m tired and meant to write this weeks ago haha)
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
rip to me, who obviously reads/watches too many murder mysteries, because I clocked the Glass Onion culprit right after the lights went out and came back on when I realized Rian WASN'T riffing on Clue like I thought he was and then spent the next half hour trying to prove myself wrong because "there's no way it's that obvious, right? they're trying to trick me with a red herring" no. it really was that obvious asdfghjkl
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blackramhall · 8 months
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Deadloch - Episode 8 created by Kate McCartney and Kate McLennan
Blackram Hall: whodunit, murder mystery, hardboiled, pulp, crime, thriller, italian giallo, noir and neo-noir, detectives and serial killers, spy stories, vintage, manor houses, art, life and death. Avatar pic by Mitchell Turek
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carrioncrepitationsart · 11 months
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Posted this to my Pillowfort yesterday, probably gonna be cross-posting for just a little
Have I mentioned yet how much I love the Ravenhearst games bc I absolutely love Escape From Ravenhearst in particular, and Charles Dalimar is my wonderful Murder Husband
I adore how the vibe of this game goes from "ok this is kinda creepy" to "y'know in different circumstances I'd think he's hitting on me" to "wait is he actually hitting on me" to "hold on did you just trick me into getting married Charles what are you doing"
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sinkableruby · 10 months
blades in the dark: locked room mystery edition
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avoteforme · 4 months
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what else am i afraid of?
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
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David’s eyes get increasingly worried as he reads through the letter. “This is kind of getting personal, isn’t it?”
“It’s getting more desperate,” Alec scoffs. “He is trying to get under my skin.”
“It could be a she,” David shrugs. Alec raises an eyebrow. “Gender equality.”
“I don’t think accusing women of possible murder is what feminists mean by gender equality,” Alec notes.
David blushes at that. “I still think you should get off the train.”
Alec grabs the letter. “You sound like the guy in the letter.”
“So, we’re sticking with guy then,” David asks.
“It’s always a guy,” Alec sighs.
“I’m sorry he called you a bad husband,” David says quietly.
“I’m an excellent husband,” Alec says, even though the words are hard to get out. Especially when he is lying to Magnus. “I’m more offended he called me stupid.”
You can now read the new chapter of the murder mystery au here on ao3 :)
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poirott · 2 years
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Hercule Poirot + gathering clues
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winterfireice · 1 year
I have just realized that I don’t really talk about them but I spend a lot of time reading ya murder mystery’s I’ve gotten into them in the last 1-3 years,one of us is lying and a good girls guild to murder really started the theme so if anyone else also shares this interest feel free to pop into my ask box
I clearly haven’t read all of them so I have not have heard/read some of them but I would still love to talk about them plus get some recommendations
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