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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
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IM GONNA CATCH ME A [[Big Wig]] ONE!!!! [[You.]]
I'm sorry, do you have a license to be fishing here?
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
Hello, Mr. Mudsnapper!
I was curious, you of course are familiar with the C.L.O Ms. Morsecode. But have you ever met or interacted with the other department heads of C.O.G.S Inc?
As a manager, we and our department heads are expected to appear at meetings at least once a week.
Mr. Allan Bravecog and I have a relatively positive relationship; Cathal and I actually hang out here and there.
Mr. Dolair and I are mostly neutral; it's not so much we cross paths too often, and the fact his loans to even other bosses have such high interest even Ms. Morsecode won't take one out from him for our repairs is a sour starting note.
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...As for Mr. Oilcan we. Do not have a great relationship, given that my father is a frequent flier in his banquets and does not have any intent to stop. Supposedly he has come home numerous times with bruises in the exact shape of a cog boss sized golf club. His anger at my surname tends to extend to me in less professional moments...
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
you always say your chompers could cut out diamonds but like. can they???
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
you should listen to lemon demon cabinet man its a song so good and cool and awesome oyu should listen to it riiiight now man you gotta
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...I think you need to leave.
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
Good Evening, Mr. Mudsna- Should... Should I even ask what is going on or...?
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If you want to be a dear and get me a towel... I've just returned to being an upright bipedal reptile after being a reptilian fish hybrid for a few days and was not expecting to return to being in my suit while fully submerged and eating a snack.
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
hmhm, mr. mudsnapper... now that the winter holidays are over, i bear you a gift of... strange news. so like. your toon self isn't entirely gone, and i don't mean the inky neural lipids in your head. ive heard rumor of an eccentric tier 8 suit that uhhh...
well, he collects "stuffed animals" if you catch my drift.
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What do you MEAN some random ass high-tier Cog just has my taxidermized BODY in his HOUSE.
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
mundie.. if you could do everything over again, do you think we could still be a family..?
[ @ask-the-scapegoat ]
hey. you're always gonna be my little brother no matter what, okay kilo? i'm sorry if i scared you. it just... it hurts to think about sometimes and i just have to get it out of my chest. but i'm not going anywhere, okay? c'mere.
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i love you, and nothing's gonna change that.
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
Question to Mr. Mudsnapper: Do you have any memories on your old friends as well?
i remember three of them. i didn't have a lot of friends as a kid.
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a raccoon... i think her name was soap? she loved space and all things alien. she definitely encountered some kind of slimy equine shapeshifting alien once, she swore it to be true up and down.
a horse... what was his name... he was often tired, changed out his stud earrings a lot... and knew every rule to every game at all. football, yahtzee, pathfinder, golf... dude loved games.
a strangely tall and lanky cat... i don't remember her name either... it's been... so long. maybe i'll remember. maybe. this cat was very kind. she usually hosted parties and had us to sleep over at her house. she really leaned into the rubber hose thing us toons could do. like a yoga expert but bass boosted. she could twist herself into some really weird poses and made keys from her bare paws. legally dubious.
soap followed me to law school. i never saw her again after -- after. after. a.
no. i did.
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
would you do things differently, if you could do things over again?
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I don't think it's a matter of what I would do, in that theoretical scenario. It's more a matter of if the world would treat me better.
If it had let resting gators lie... you know?
I never asked to be a Cog.
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mudsnapperqna · 2 years ago
pours bucket of water on you
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You see this for a few seconds before you, inevitably, get death rolled.
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
hey entity, whats the lil thing on your arm? and in your pocket? with the lil cabley thing on it? whats it for?
For all my cool demon powers and being able to fly and stuff, one of my internal pieces doesn't work right so I have to take special Suit medicine for it. A replacement wouldn't work and would be extremely expensive on top of it since it would break again and be a lot down the drain, so I gotta live with it.
The little white shoulder thing is a sensor -- it checks that my energy levels are stable and healthy. The pocket machine automatically gives me my liquid medicine to keep my energy levels in the right state. It's kind of complicated to explain in depth, hell, there's whole Suit Medicine texts on just my illness but that's the bare bones I'll share!
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
Mr. Mudsnapper, your mother has been turned into a cog by a magic anon.
i'm... uhhh... very aware.
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
Woah woah woah, slow down there with these predicaments! Ol' Mama Muriel's a cog now? We can't have two litigators around! He's a manager!
Oh, sweetie, you're confused I think. Just because he's the spitting image of his mama doesn't mean we have the same jobs...
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
*deep long suffering sigh* I am so sorry ma’am.
Can we stop fucking around? Please she is a nice lady and does not deserve this.
Do you want any uh… oil? Uh—
I... That sounds... very kind of you. I've not had oil before. Does... it taste different if you're a Cog?
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
one crisis, two crisises! crisisies? how do you spell that? anyway, muriel, don't you wanna know what it's like to be a Suit?
well, now's your chance.
M!A: Muriel is now a Cog for 5 asks.
I do wonder what it's like-
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Wait, why are you saying it like th--
... .. . ...Oh, please don't let Melvin see me like this.
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year ago
did your sense of humor change after you were, *ahem*, hired?
Toons... rely heavily on slapstick comedy. Ou---th---THEIR---comedy is akin to being in a circus every day of your life. But that's just the way they are.
Suits are more subtle. A mix between "show don't tell", but the sort of lighter comedy you'd have a sensible chuckle at. Hence our builds literally being based on what we do, what our title is.
There's a reason Mr. Cyger's head is a literal armchair. If you're feeling like a fish out of water in your career, take a closer literal look at yourself. What does it look like you're supposed to be doing?
t-they changed a lot about me. Some things are still the same. I... think. I can't don't remember. I'm sorry.
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Excuse me. W-what was the question again?
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