#Munakata would totally make a beach full of castles
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
It was a summer post-rok with everyone starting to get along. Munakata invited them all to the beach. While everyone was playing in the water Fushimi makes a sandcastle but this time he is joined by Yata and then Anna makes her own with Kusanagi helping. Shiro and friends wanted to join and made their own, too. They lighted fireworks at night remembering how they used to fight with flames but are now bonding together with something as pretty (and dangerous) as fireworks.
They could make an entire beach full of castles (and Awashima has to stop Munakata from using his powers on all of them, like Captain this is a public beach). Imagine post-ROK Munakata thinks it might be a nice inter-clan bonding opportunity to go to the beach, like isn’t celebrating in the summer a standard event. It’s been a long time since Homra went to the beach and they agree, Kusanagi thinking it might be nice to build some new memories there all things considered. Anna mentions it to Neko and the Silvers agree to come as well, thinking about it Shiro probably hasn’t been to the beach like ever and he’s always kinda wanted to hang out with friends that way. S4 are just excited that since everyone else is invited too that means they won’t have to fight sharks or catch their own food this time. 
When they get to the beach Fushimi of course initially hides under the umbrellas in his hoodie, refusing to go out in the sun. Yata sighs and is like fine but I’m not letting you stay there all day, going to do some surfing on his own. At some point Munakata appears wearing his speedo and now Yata’s too creeped out to continue so he goes back to the beach, where he’s surprised to see Fushimi isn’t hiding in the shade anymore. He spots Fushimi a little ways down the beach making a sandcastle and seeming very intent on it, the sandcastle is already half made and super intricate. Yata sits down next to him all wow that looks so cool and Fushimi stops and looks up, maybe a little bewildered as Yata grins. Fushimi looks away and clicks his tongue softly as he says it isn’t that great, Yata’s like yeah it is it’s cool. Yata offers to help and soon the two of them are working together on a sandcastle in between good-natured squabbling, Fushimi’s making this really intricate castle and Yata keeps trying to “make it cooler” with big hunks of sand and they’re both having so much fun that it doesn’t even occur to Fushimi that this will get swept away by the tide. 
They’re making enough of a racket that Anna comes over to see what they’re doing, Yata asks if she wants to help and she shakes her head and says she’ll make her own. Kusanagi brings her some buckets and Neko follows him looking for Anna, Anna shows Neko the sand castle and Neko thinks it looks neat. She waves Shiro over all look Shiro look and now the Silvers have been roped into sand castle making as well. Eventually the Homra and S4 alphabets probably notice what’s going on and now a whole challenge has popped up, everyone making their own sandcastles to see whose is the best (Anna wins, because hers is the only one everyone can agree on).
 It’s starting to get dark by this point and that’s when Munakata pulls out the fireworks, Fushimi clicks his tongue like you really trust these idiots with sparklers. Everyone’s running around the beach with the fireworks and laughing and Munakata quietly notes that the tide is coming in near Fushimi’s sand castle. Fushimi looks at it and then at the fireworks lighting up the sky and Yata chasing Kamamoto down the beach with a sparkler and he gets this small smile as he says that’s fine, this moment is enough to be permanent. 
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