ribbonpinky-art · 26 days
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💙🐇 @thedorfmirrin 🐇💙
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While packing for my cross country move I found some of my old Model United Nations stuff.
So at one point I’ve been a rep for England and Canada.
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taurusmoon2008 · 22 days
My little MUNers repaired something they didn't even break , and they didn't even know that they were doing something so big and that their timid and shy smiles and their cute blabbering is healing my heart
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sammy0is0autistic · 5 months
so I was attending a two day conference (MUN,I'm a MUNer) and at the end of the conference we had prom
So on the first day every one was chill since most of them were couples and a few singles like me thought we'll figure it out later
Okay so the next day our committee session ended at 1 pm and prom was at 5 pm so we thought of finding a prom partner but I was too awkward to ask someone straight away so I thought I'll dance with two of my friends who accompanied me,
Later at lunch I was sitting and eating peacefully minding my own business,I asked my friends to bring my ice cream,as they went
A few minutes later a group of 6-7 men dressed up almost in all black formals with height almost every girl would wish for(they were prolly 6fts)
approached me,I flinched for a moment and got scared thinking they're here to beat the hell outta me but noooooo
one of the guys said"hey, would you go on prom with my friend,he found you cute?"
The butterfliesss oh god(but I wanted to be chased so I said)
I replied"uhh I don't even know him properly"
He legit threw his friend on the floor and plucked out a flower from the vase and gave it to his friend
Then his friend let's take him as🍎
then 🍎 while knelt on the floor with a flower on his hand asked me if I would be his prom
I obviously said yess
then his friends pushed him so tight next to me
While my friends were watching me with teasing smile they shouted "PRIVACY PRIVACY"
and ran out taking 2 of my friends to set them up also
They went for almost like 10 mins
🍎 and I exchanged out insta IDs and
He I asked my what's my favourite color
I replied"green"(I know weird but okay)
Then later when his friends came they all made a circle and asked me to close my eyes as 🍎was legit changing
One of 🍎's friends was wearing a green coat
So he exchanged the coat and then again sat beside me and asked "would you now to the prom with me?"
i blushed and nodded
We passed by many times and he even winked at me many times that day
Later at the time of prom
When he came to take me to the dance floor(DUDE WAS 15 mins late)
we barely danced on love story for a min and the lights went off the music was shut and they said to empty the premises
I thought I had a chance with him anymore nvm
Later I thought of texting him
He left me on seen
I cursed dude so bad on text and blocked him
I really want to date someone fr
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catilinas · 2 years
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ericmun · 1 year
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2023.05.29 Shinhwa’s Eric IG Update - Shindependence Day + Throwback Eric’s Post at SHCJ Official Daum Cafe on 2015.05.30
everyone who's been with us.  Bless
Source: MunEric
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Eight years ago today, Shinhwa won their name and trademark back from Jun Media. Throwback Eric’s post at Daum cafe the day after court's result:
[Trans] 2015.05.30 SHCJ Official Daum Cafe - This is Shinhwa’s Eric
It’s a Shinhwa Liberation Day that we’ve waited for quite a long time. I hope our hard work and actions will become even the smallest amount of firepower and present to everyone’s daily life. Although this is something that the Shinhwa members and Shinhwa Changjos have wanted for the most, the  Shinhwa Company employees have worked hard, feeling upset like it is their own matter, and have suffered physically and mentally. A day that is brought about through a long period of waiting and hard work!
Shinhwa, Shinhwa Changjo, Shinhwa Company, applause to all! Clap clap clap! Everyone is awesome and I’m so proud of you all~
Good night everyone!
From. Eric
sr: SHCJ official Daum cafe “From Shinhwa” section translation by malpabo.tumblr.com
Other readings:
@msmemaaaa​ put together a fantastic compilation of timeline https://msmemaaaa.tumblr.com/post/161180436936
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lemurious · 2 years
I love, love learning languages. The initial euphoria of being able first to read words, then to understand them, even if it’s something completely mundane - oh look, here’s an exit in the subway car, and the instructions tell you to boil the pasta for 10 minutes! And then, after some months of stringing words together into sentences, with much cursing at the dictionary, you attempt to read (yet another) poem...and after keeping the words carefully leashed in your mind to trace the meaning through them, something clicks! You realize that the poem is beautiful in the language you have been learning, not just in its content, not just in the language of the translation. In fact, you are beginning to catch the feeling that the translation could only approximate, but the feeling is here, in the poem, in front of your eyes. You feel that you have broken through, at last, a new language has opened up for you like a doorway (into a labyrinth, not an amusement park, but oh! the treasures that lie ahead).  
So I just got there with my Latin (Catullus - Ave atque vale) that I have been teaching myself since August, and I feel that I should at the very least be hearing trumpets and seeing fireworks, celebrating that I have made it, that a new language has just opened up for me and there is so much, so much more to learn and to discover. Dizzyingly, it’s also a poem that has been around for 2000 years, and, I like to imagine, hitting Latin learners with the grief and beauty in it for just as long. This connection to centuries of learners has been one of the reasons for me to learn classical Latin, in addition to its pleasant orderliness, the sheer joy of learning languages in general and an interest in the history of Rome.
Multas per gentes et multa per aequora vectus
advenio has miseras, frater, ad inferias,
ut te postremo donarem munere mortis
et mutam nequiquam alloquerer cinerem
quandoquidem fortuna mihi tete abstulit ipsum
heu miser indigne frater adempte mihi
nunc tamen interea haec, prisco quae more parentum
tradita sunt tristi munere ad inferias,
accipe fraterno multum manantia fletu.
Atque in perpetuum, frater, ave atque vale.
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spiderlegeyelashes · 5 months
im so fucking annoyed jesus christ theyre such rude little fucking assholes WHO DOES THAT who does that, jesus christ MUNers are such insufferable little fucking rich assholes who think they're smart and important UGH EVERY TIME every time one of these fucking losers is invited to our normal hangouts they sit on their phone the whole time and only talk about MUNs like is there nothing they can talk about???? they're so rude and annoying and yet they look down on you so much and they still believe they're social butterflies somehow when they don't know how to behave in company JESUUUUUS THEY'RE THE WOOOORSTT
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reno-matago · 9 months
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New Feri altar, January 10th, 24
Cum hoc Munere Vos Honoro, o Vos Feri Lemniscate Numina!
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coffe-beanie · 11 months
Question for all my fellow MUNers: What are traditional punishments for MUN in your country/region/anywhere you are doing them
I was only on polish mun's and classic punishments there are: wheelbarrow racing, lap dances and JustDance Rasputin.
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hearlate · 1 year
La doctora clara
narramos esta histora con un poco de contexto.
naira una dragona que vive en un pueblo lejano dentro del hospital (en el tiene havitaciones para enoleados ademas de los enfermos), trabaja como enfermera con la doctora clara, una muner alta de pelo blanco y liso de personalidad firme y segura de si misma, y trabaja a su manera.
la historia comiensa en una jornada en el hospital nereida, naira terminando su jornada se preparava para ir a su habitacion en el hospital, ero la dorctora la ve algo decaída
ella menciona
-naira, a los empleados tanto enfermera y doctores tienen que darse un chequeo y veo que te falta a ti realisar tu chequeo obligatorio-
naira respode - ¿enserio? disculpa estoy mas cansada de lo abitual el dia de hoy-
-o te preocupes deja darte ese, chequeo-
lleva a naira a un salon de edición, abitacion de 4 x 4 m cada pared, 1 camilla y algonos aparatos especiales.
la doctora le entrega a naira una blusa de pasiente, se asemeja a una bata llarga color celeste casi morado y se reacuesta en la camilla.
la doctora le conbersa - bien naira te dare tu chequeo-
-esto, es la primera ves que me revisan así jeje-
-no te preocupes, revisare tu estado- (le tantea la frente, los brasos y despeja un poco su pecho) -perimo escuchare tu corazón-
naira se pone nerviosa por que le escuchen el corazón, respira con un poco de emoción - s-si-
la doctora nota qie su corazón se acelera un poco -m.. jiji, se acelero un poco, nervios?-
naira se avergüenza
clara va pasando el estetocupio escuchando los lugares de su pecho asta encontrar donde se escucha más fuerte, su corazon late rapido dentro de lo normal pero algo débil.
-parese que tengo que revisar mas tu corazón-
-si?, que cosas se hara?- pregunta naira
-continuare comprovando su resistencia- clara preciona en el lugar donde golpea con mas fuerza su corazón acelerandolo un poco más (120lpm)
naira respira levemente pesado, mientras la doctora preciona un poco más viendo su emoción del corazón.
continuo con la siguiente prueba, trajo el eco, lo intala y le coloca a naria el gel en su pecho. empeso a revisarlo viendo como late su corazón.
naira pregunta -que es lo que ve?-
-tu corazón al parecer nesesita tratamiento y are otras pruebas para comprovarlo jeje no te preocupes-
ve en la pantalla del eco el corazón laiendo a unos 130 lpm y en momentos puntuales se trava.
la doctora cambia de máquina y trae el de electrodos, limpia su pecho y le coloca un electrodo sobre el corazón y otro en el costado de su pecho. activa la maquina y la programa para controlar los latidos de naira, lo regula para que lata a 150lpm.
la respiracion de naira se agita un poco al sentir su corazón manipulado. mientras trascurre el tiempo va aumentando la velocidad... 170lpm... 190lpm... 200lpm... al llegar a 200 naira se agita mucho.
-m-mi corazón anda muy... rápido-
clara obserba el pecho de naira golpear con fuerza, y al ver que le dificulta respirar, le coloca a naira una mascarilla e aire.
clara apaga los electrodo y se lo retira de su pecho, le coloca el ECG, su corazon se taca más veses.
-te dare un medicamento- dise clara sacando una aguja y se lo da en el brazo un poco de afrenalina, haciendo que el corazón lata a 220 lpm y en aumento.
naira repida rápido y cortante.
clara dise - te pondre un metodo nuevo espero que esto regule tu corazón-
naira asiente y se deja atender
clara saca una aguja de aculpuntura y sa la entierra en su pecho sonde va su corazón, al soltarlo se ve como la aguja palpita al ritmo de su altido a 240lpm. le pone un cable a la aguja y le da un chockeléctricos probocando que el corazón ande irregular, hace pausa de 30 segundo y late a 270lpm... clara preciona dos dedo en donde latu su corazón y proboca que lata 300 lpm por unos segundos.
le da otro chock, dando una pauda de 1 min casi y volver a latir con algo de arritmia.
clara le quita la aguja y le epiesa a dar RCP para completar el tratamiento.
las maquinas disen Bip Bip en cada comprensión.
naira con la vista algo nuvlada y débil siente como le ayudan que que su corazón lata, lo regula como unos 140 lpm.
al terminar clara ausculta a naira comprovabdo que este bien, esta debil pero late normal y con ritmo.
-bien naira descansa ya emos terminado asique re cubriré y te reviso mañana okey?- dise clara a naira
naira descnasa de momento terminando asi esta mini historia que podria tener un continuara
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unofficialgossip · 2 years
Janna Nick atau nama sebenarnya Nurul Jannah Muner, menerusi laman Instagram miliknya dilihat membuat hantaran menjelaskan mengenai perkara dirinya dituduh menjadi punca pergaduhan Fyna Jebat dan madu. Dalam habtaran tersebut dia turut memuat naik satu klip rakaman temu bual bersama Fyna semasa program Famili Duo berlangsung ahad lalu. Ketika rancangan tersebut berlangsung, Janna bergurau secara…
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from the entire article on "Maesters" from awoiaf.org
Ablys Acteeng Ademon Adviscut Advister Aestor Aftyrigh Agenedick Alsors Amplars Anded Andesposes Apperow Appolyon Areeding Arking Ascon Asongbor Asought Assings Asucture Aticialf Atick Atinumbed Atiout Atirecte Aurcroted...
Baemon Bannings Barages Baring Barnin Barribelm Bason Basordes Bastatim Beforsorted Belles Beral Bernin Bioned Brack Brarnin Builling Buisce Candentip Canters Carcrien Caster Cater Cateriter Chadvi Chaimon Challock Chets Chispille Chmarme Chmes Chold Chrose Cithers Colls Comal Coman Comene Comse Coninct Conornets Consithaves Consted Constery Consworref Contadis Coren Corivere Cormalch Cothrons Cottene Cough Coultinse Crapplacts Cravens Crough Cusest Damed Damweren Danclan Darads Dayle Denfirate Desce Desside Diners Dirlyourphs Dislase Donzed Doormorly Dorbrolkity Dreywhim Drotereiths Dryagetens Dungs Duteepere Earditing Easchanged Easea Eaveng Eboteny Efull Eginerazorn Eitletinks Eposby Eveld Evelleth Eversteek Exuagan Exuages Ferfe Ferys Ficall Filly Fliendle Foldiret Foregord Foriumage Fourth Freed Frigine Frous Ganin Garking Garveroft Geding Genters Gerven Gicarn Glaven Glavivacy Goncialf Goncid Gorch Gormenmuns Gover Grach Gratudged Grial Gricende Griontless Guilosen Haegir Haingborn Halifiew Halow Hampheights Hance Handestars Happol Harry Hasts Headvirs Heave Hemonfick Heramys Hight Highty Hited Horiume Hought Icath Iddave Iderowle Ifter Ildoestle Ilostad Immer Imornstong Imose Intly Irder Islauden Jeciv Joshmen Judgiver Kartaillome Keticol Kinsing Knime Knoth Kymarceres Lanceselor Larcervesen Larts Lasoles Lateas Lefered Lenticon Leston Lexper Liging Lignif Lingick Liter Loguinu Lorgarder Lossittor Lowle Lundor Maellin Magests Magodys Mallicks Malty Manklerans Maripsing Marodrie Martis Mashel Masts Mateects Maten Mater Maters Mented Meston Metabort Metrus Micuss Mishitly Mover Movery Muners Mured Namer Namyraffer Naraurque Natint Neases Neastermon Ninsit Nomend Notanneth Nottorival Notty Nowes Obers Obscurety Offirepild Oldon Ormerrends Oteriumeres Oterlanough Otheast Ottleong Perating Peryent Peryk Plarks Posebors Prance Precill Preeny Pregarly Preld Premples Prentlyn Prestas Priarning Priat Prinsuccure Prolects Proser Prosideads Prout Punnilly Putions Pycen Pykenected Pyleryke Quirós Quist Quoth Qyberters Raborent Races Raget Rankily Raught Ravii Raying Rearner Reask Reated Recing Recurquess Recuteed Refam Reffrol Rejur Rejurning Relize Remon Remse Renden Rensen Rentant Rents Reption Rhangs Roken Romaessock Roores Rourd Rouste Rowike Rundly Russe Ruthers Sance Sanitteents Sceding Schind Scrice Scrough Scule Scuteavent Seakeed Searning Seend Septist Sequent Sersoul Servi Serwou Sfuld Shall Shmurende Silleer Sinecy Sisored Smits Sonce Sperown Spert Spholty Spildinds Stady Stakines Statch Stede Steed Sterlarch Stiesse Stowellit Strage Strat Stude Sucappos Succe Succon Succurrelle Sught Sumar Sumbs Supiced Supper Surtas Survents Sweer Swellowle Sworm Taker Talfines Tatingire Tentende Tharsons Thetathen Thorns Thoseedge Thown Thratraces Threpunki Thromylifer Throng Throut Thualf Tizardedly Toonsithred Torcerfull Torights Tracoulan Tragamene Trars Traved Trayn Trignit Trivight Trons Truld Tuage Tualy Turch Turcher Turpred Twart Twill Tyrianceput Umpood Underited Uneved Urestated Vally Vanted Varchily Vicairone Vights Villyord Vings Visen Visnow Wallotow Wally Waryeacce Wathere Wationce Wationgs Wayagover Wenly Weren Werferter Whellion Whigh Whight Whign Whinds Whipticks Wiken Wikin Wilind Wilowneets Witer Womaind Wrants Wrout Yelevly
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jeffsperandeo · 5 months
Ideal interface
Ne duo laudem complectitur, et dicta scripserit his. Cu maiorum scriptorem sea, sea graecis temporibus ut. Regione reprehendunt an ius. At vis dolorum facilisi, ne vim munere doctus liberavisse, sed oratio integre dissentiunt in. Est option oportere indoctum et, id tollit probatus sit. Qui case probatus cu. Ne duo laudem complectitur, et dicta scripserit his. Cu maiorum scriptorem sea, sea…
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Porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor id. Cursus mattis molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque. Malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis. Sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis. Nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac. Nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Left Aligned Image Has wisi placerat legendos in, eu eos eius lorem consequat. In cum eruditi facilis, qui id facer scripserit. Ne vix nulla eirmod iracundia, vix et accusam officiis. Cum nobis munere partem ei. Nostrud probatus postulant ex mea. An sit iusto maiestatis, eos cu tempor scriptorem. Has sumo facilisis te, pri essent accusam reprimique ut. Ei zril putent comprehensam his. No sea docendi explicari, inermis iudicabit persequeris in eos, nam in rebum adolescens. No eius eligendi prodesset sit, mei illum debet ridens ad, persius dignissim hendrerit ex cum. Homero vidisse at pro. Praesent erroribus rationibus at nec, quem graece eam ea. Ut omnes dolorum est, est nobis indoctum in, mea percipit invenire persecuti id. Quo eu aliquam vivendo argumentum. Ius lucilius forensibus complectitur no, modus libris cu eum, an purto detracto libris cu eum, an purto detracto forensibus complectitur. Gallery Block - Wide Width Iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem. Dui faucibus in ornare quam. Neque volutpat ac tincidunt vitae. Eu augue ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor eu augue. Sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu mi. Pulvinar elementum integer enim neque volutpat ac tincidunt vitae. Leo integer malesuada nunc vel. In hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac auctor. Eget nullam non nisi est sit amet facilisis. Mi eget mauris pharetra et. Sit amet est placerat in egestas erat imperdiet sed. Aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc. Cover Block - Full Width Quis lectus nulla at volutpat Odio morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam. Ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris. Iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem. Dui faucibus in ornare quam. Neque volutpat ac tincidunt vitae. Eu augue ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor eu augue. Sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu mi. Pulvinar elementum integer enim neque volutpat ac tincidunt vitae. Leo integer malesuada nunc vel. In hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac auctor. Eget nullam non nisi est sit amet facilisis. Mi eget mauris pharetra et. Sit amet est placerat in egestas erat imperdiet sed. Aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc. Media & Text Block Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris cursus. Ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec. Consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris a. Euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae. Neque volutpat ac tincidunt vitae. Eu augue ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius vel. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor eu augue. Leo integer malesuada nunc vel. In hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac auctor. Eget nullam non nisi est sit amet facilisis. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis. Porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor id. Cursus mattis molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque. Malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis. Sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis. Nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac. Nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam non. Feugiat sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper. Egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu. Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor.
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ericmun · 2 years
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2022.12.12 Shinhwa’s Eric and Hyemi Update from Disneyland (LA)
Hyemi’s Post:
Hyemi: 💕 Eric: So happy💕
Eric’s Post:
Eric: A pink headband…💕 #Disneyland #MinnieMouse #Headband #EyesStaringAtMe #Maybe it's just my feeling Hyemi: 💕
Source: Na Hyemi + MunEric Translation: EricMun.tumblr
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