reno-matago · 9 months
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New Feri altar, January 10th, 24
Cum hoc Munere Vos Honoro, o Vos Feri Lemniscate Numina!
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reno-matago · 8 months
[Creation of my own Wiccan Tradition]
Erikapaios (Orphic God, the Lord, Lucifer) & Nyx ( The Lady Night ) ''give birth'' by Spirit (Blue Fire) to/ or incarnate as - Eros and Tanathos (Divine Twins of Feri) & to all divinities (of Hellenistic Polytheism), including the Witch Mothers (Circé, Hecate, Nyx, Séléné, Medea ~ traditional witchcraft). This Wicca is duotheist (of course) and very Polytheistic.
The Gods are also the Divine Twins, (Feri Tradition) Pillars of the Wild (The World described in Strix Craft) & the Civilised (Helpol), Artémis & Apollo, The Dioscuri..but also the Red and the Green Man of Blue Rose Feri: Pan & Dionysos. Gender is fluid.
The Blue God is Eros. Arddhu is Tanathos.
Quacoralina is Nyx.
Lucifer, the God, is Erikapaios/ Phanes. (Luciferianism), but also Apollo and Helios. He's may be Abraxas.
Lucifera is also Hekate, Séléné, or Hestia (fundation of the cult amongst human).
Being Luciferians, these Gods remains separate individuals: Hekate is not Nyx, Helios is not Erikapaios. Hestia is not Hecate !!
The goddess of the Esbat is Selene. Hecate is honored by the Deipnon. Dionysos, Aphrodite and Pan, Hermès, Apollon, the Kharites, are important, with Artémis (1st Goddess who visited Gaul) ( Zeus, Asclépios, Hadès ,etc) Primal Gods, Titans and Olympians are worshipped. Heroes too.
The Wheel of the Year is informed by Strix Craft. The calendar incluses also famous greek festivals. There is a myth close to Traditionnal Gardnerian Wicca but only as a formula of invitation of the Goddess and the God: the ''Sabbats''honor individual Gods (Hestia : february the first, etc)
There are other festivals for the Theoi and the Witches.
The Queen of Witches is Circé who also represent ontological anarchy (Chaos, Hakim Bey), the Black Heart of Innocence.
She's the (spiritual) daughter of Hekate & She's a Goddess.Witchcraft is informed by the Land spirits and french folklore can be invited as long as it stays under the patronage of Hecate, the Queen Circé, (to be continued) Hecate bears the Witch Fire and Kirke is the one I chose to transmit it. Some special Tools.
The Divine Initiate is Antinous (the Blue Lotus)
There are 3 types of Ancestors.
This Wicca is dynamic equilibrium between duotheism and polytheism in my own tradition. It names Orphic Gods but isn't initiatory and accessible to all. It's not ''Orphic''. It is the Wiccan Twin of Strix Craft. It is Luciferian.
Respect to Traditionnal Wicca: • Circle: insist, but all spells do not fit well with a Circle casting (powder-spells, etc) • 4 Guardians: _______• Elemental workings • Tools •
Death - Hermes Psychopompe > the Garden of Persephone.
There are 3 souls, 3 Worlds, et 4 main categories of Divinities and spirits : Red, White, Glas, Black. The Witch Can work with many spirits (Médusa, Helios, etc) : this Wicca is deeply informed by Feri, but is not Feri.
This Wicca has 4 focus: Relationship (The Gods and the Self) , Nature (spirits) , Witchcraft and Community (Wicca, Helpol, Witches, Strix Craft)The Goddess Can manifest by the Pentacle of Iron, The God by the Pearl Pentacle (or the other way) etc
Values: to be continued. No Threefold Law.
To be continued.
That's all, folks!
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