#Multi 21 edition
racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Round 2 - Malaysia
Happy Multi-21 Day to all who celebrate!!
Fun fact about me, I’ve never watched Malaysia 2013 in full. Until today. 
For all the newbies who started following me over the winter break, my abridged F1 story is that I grew up watching F1 with my Dad, then stopped when he passed away in 2007, then started watch it again mid-way through 2013 thanks to one of my high school friends. The first race I watched after my hiatus was Spain, then due to the BBC rights deal where they only had half the races live, the next race I saw after that was Canada. Which Seb won, and I felt bad that people were booing him, so I decided to start supporting him as a result.
I was filled in on the whole Multi-21 drama later, and have since seen the highlight reel in my 2013 season review DVD. But in honour of the race’s tenth anniversary, I’m watching the race in full. So, this may or may not be agonising (live blog under a read more to avoid clogging up your dashes!)
Worth adding, I’m not going to discuss in detail who was right or wrong or whatever, this is simply a record of me watching the Great Red Bull Civil War of March 2013. (with snacks to stress eat obvs)
This liveblog is once again brought to you by F1 TV Access, truly one of the best purchases I’ve made all year.
Anyway I’ve put my big girl trousers on and pressed play and THE OLD F1 INTRO I MISS YOU SO. Proper core memory right there.
Also also Sepang is a banging circuit and I miss her :(
It rained half an hour before the race???? oh jeez
Seb on pole, about to go and commit crimes
also remember when Checo drove for McLaren??? wild times.
I do really want to re-watch the 2013 season in full since there’s races from the first half of the season I missed, but that’s for a later day today is dedicated to the drama
Helmet watch: Seb’s blue chrome helmet is super pretty
[Formation Lap]: Everyone on inters bc of the aforementioned rain. Malaysia 2013 really was going for the That Bitch title of 2013.
ayyyy Toto sighting
“This should be a cracking motor race” Oh Brundle, if only you knew what was about to unfold
[Start/Lap 1]: Seb keeps P1, Mark into P2 bc Fernando got a little too frisky
oh rip Fernando’s front wing
Jenson into P5. Yeah that feels good.
Fernando re-took P2, I don’t think he knows half his front wing his hanging off.
[Lap 2]: Oop there she breaks.
Ah, not telling your driver they have a broken front wing. Just Ferrari things.
[Lap 3]: Did not notice Lewis getting up into P3 as a result of Fernando’s DNF.
Meanwhile Rosberg and Jenson are having a little fistfight. Nico won P4.
The supposedly fun part of watching this race for the first time is that I know exactly what happens between Seb and Mark, I just have no idea when. It’s like jaws and a jack in the box combined.
oh man I do not miss the old graphics of having the grid on the bottom of the screen, and waiting for your driver to come back up and hoping they were in the same place
[Lap 5]: ROCKY!!!!!!
Rocky team radio, feels good feels organic. (Don’t make me pick a favourite Seb engineer I love them all equally)
oh Kimi’s gone rallying on the apex of one of the corners.
[Lap 6]: Seb pits for mediums! First onto the dry tyres
oh jeez he just lost three places between corners bc of how slippery the track still is
[Lap 7]: RBR: Mark stay out it’s too wet in sector 1!! Meanwhile 5 or 6 cars come into the pits for slicks
Seb up into P7, which becomes P6 as Lewis pits.
dfaeguighush Lewis drove into the McLaren pit box 🤣
I lowkey love it when drivers do that
“Felipe Massa is now the fastest man on track” 2010s F1 intensifies 
Live Nicole Scherzinger reaction to Lewis’ pitstop
[Lap 8]: Hiiiiii Bono!!!
Gotta take all the nice crumbs before the race turns round and stabs me
[Lap 10]: oh wow James Vowels was already head of Merc strategy at this point.
[Lap 11]: ANYWAY, after the pitstop shuffle Mark is in P1 on hards, Seb in P2 on Mediums. I’m anxious.
The race has calmed down now it’s dry but I am not calm as I’m now waiting for the jump scare to happen.
[Lap 12]: Meanwhile Lewis is a second faster a lap than Webber. Drama.
Rosberg sets the fastest lap, while munching on popcorn probably.
“They’re telling Webber he will not be challenged from behind by Sebastian” Oh. Oh no. It’s coming.
It’s only Lap 14
*chuckles* I’m in danger
[Lap 15]: Rosberg continuing to set fastest laps. Mostly unbothered.
Mark is 2.2 secs ahead of Seb who’s 2.1 ahead of Lewis.
I’ve also finished my snacks.
[Lap 16]: And Kimi gets past Perez for P9.
Aaaand a Romain Grosjean fastest lap.
[Lap 17]: Still all quiet on the Red Bull front. I’m still anxious.
I’m pretty sure there’s one maybe two more rounds of pit stops to go
Seb’s now 2.5 seconds behind Mark and 2.7 ahead of Lewis.
[Lap 18]: Livery watch: as much as I’m a black Merc apologist, I miss the silver livery with Petronas green sidepods, it’s soooo pretty
Back in the good old days when team could actually have full liveries and there wasn’t all the exposed carbon nonsense we have now :)
[Lap 19]: “Paul needs to establish himself” Don’t worry Brundle he’ll be your colleague at Sky in a few years
[Lap 20]: And Mark pits for mediums.
Imagine telling an F1 fan in 2023 that Mark only did 11 laps on a set of hards at a race in 2013, there certainly is something to be said for Pirelli I’m just not sure what.
[Lap 22]: And Lewis makes his second stop for more mediums. He drove into the proper pit box.
[Lap 23]: Seb pits for hards! He stays in P2.
Still no signs of violence yet.
Meanwhile Jenson is still in P5!!!
“They [McLaren] can see bright skies on the horizon, and challenge Ferrari in China” yeah lol that didn’t happen. 
[Lap 24]: “3 second gap, save your tyres” Seb is two seconds behind Mark dfvdsvsgig
[Lap 25]: “If he’s saving his tyres he’s producing a muck quicker lap time with it” Seb’s barely a second behind Mark at this point I’M VERY ANXIOUS
[Lap 26]: The gap between the RBRs is 6 tenths of a second. Mum please pick me up I’m scared.
Meanwhile Lewis is just over a second behind Seb.
Rocky telling Seb to save his tyres, I don’t think he’s listening.
1.8 seconds covering the top 3 cars. oh boy.
[Lap 27]: Seb still 6 tenths behind Mark. *distressed yelling*
If there’s a big gap between laps it’s because I have my hands over my face in distress.
[Lap 28]: Jenson still in P5!!!
“Mark is too slow, get him out of the way” oop there’s Bastard Seb.
Gap now up to 1.4 seconds.
*half race distance klaxon*
Jenson in P5 while all of this is unfolding, an unbothered King.
[Lap 31]: Lewis makes his third and I’m guessing final stop for Mediums
“Look at Nico Rosberg” Must I?
[Lap 32]: Mark now in for his final stop for hards
“The biscuit barrel is not just full of custard creams” Crofty???? That was meant to be an analogy about teams doing different strategies but I really don’t know man.
[Lap 33]: Seb pits for hards. And he’s in P4 behind Lewis now and barely in front of Rosberg.
[Lap 34]: Lewis already being told to lift and coast to save fuel. oop.
“Button leads” INJECT IT!!!!!
Malaysia 2013 giveth and Malaysian 2013 about to taketh away.
[Lap 35]: And Mark gets past Jenson into turn 2
Hulkenberg and Kimi racing each other coming out of the pitlane svheghaeugh
And Jenson pits. It was very fun while it lasted.
NOOOOOO unsafe release his tyres aren’t properly on 😭
[Lap 36]: Oh yeah Ross Brawn was Merc TP in 2013, I always forget that. Toto joined Merc as his deputy I think before taking over in 2014.
[Lap 38]: “Sebastian Vettel the meat in the Mercedes sandwich” fic writers start taking notes
 Meanwhile Hulkenberg and Kimi are still fist fighting over 8th and 9th
[Lap 39]: Seb up into P2.
[Lap 40]: “Sebastian Vettel has just reduced the advantage Mark Webber has by 8 tenths” There’s jaws music playing my head now fwiw.
Niki sighting ❤️
[Lap 41]: Now Rosberg is closing up to Lewis for a double serving of teammate on teammate violence
[Lap 42]: Oh Lewis pits again, that’s a fourth stop
Man if a driver has a four stop race in 2023 they’ve had a shit show but it seems perfectly normal aeogvaheoh
Meanwhile Seb is still catching Mark
[Lap 43]: And Seb also pits again for Medums, as does Rosberg. Seb stays P2 and Rosberg stays P4.
Livery watch: the glossy soft metallic blue with the purple accents is the superior RBR livery change my mind.
[Lap 44]: And Mark pits for hards.
And he barely came out the pits in front of Seb.
ahhhhhhhhh I think we’re in violence territory.
[Lap 45]: The gap between them is about half a second dvbaheuhs
(For anyone wanting to watch the race back for whatever reasons, the Civil War starts at around 1hr 26mins)
and cut to mildly distressed Merc mechanics
Love that the internal Merc drama was completely overshadowed by Seb and Mark, truly no one was doing it like them
Seb into P1. idk if there’s actually been the Multi 21 call yet. bc comms aren’t calling for Seb’s head as of yet.
Man that replay is yeah... violence
[Lap 47]: oop yellow flag, fits the mood perfectly.
Oh it was for Maldonado.
Live Adrian Newey Reaction.
and Live Ross Brawn reaction to the Merc on Merc violence.
[Lap 48]: Wait this race was on Ted’s birthday??? HBD TED!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
[Lap 49]: Still no Multi-21 name drop... was this something that came out after the race??? bc I’m sure there’s an actual Multi-21 radio message.
“Pastor Maldonado with an attack of the gravel rash” Thanks Crofty.
[Lap 50]: Massa passes Kimi for 6th
Yeah Seb’s 4 secs ahead of Mark now so surely that’s it????
so where’s the drama???
I can’t have zoned out bc comms would have yelled if Seb got past
[Lap 51]: Oh Rosberg asked to get past Lewis and Ross Brawn straight up said no. oof.
[Lap 52]: Yeah comms are dissecting the Merc drama but not Seb and Mark so I think they didn’t hear the Multi-21 radio call aeughaeuhg
Oh I wish that were me
[Lap 54]: Man Nico and Lewis are still nose to tail it’s like the precursor to 2014-16
Was there something in the water at Malaysia or did the racing gods just wake up and choose violence
Ted sounds so sad about Jenson’s mechanical DNF, a whole mood
[Lap 55]: Seb a whole six and a bit seconds ahead of Webber.
Perez pits????
Oh he had a 30 second gap to P10 nvm
Rosberg is still around half a second behind Lewis. Britney be bitching.
[Lap 56]: Will Lewis have the fuel to finish the race though???
[Finish]: SEB WINS. IT’S OVER.
Lewis P3, Rosberg P4. Cut to some eerily silent RBR and Merc pitwalls.
I don’t think Crofty knows about the Multi-21 message he hasn’t said anything about it.
Did I zone out and miss it?????
Yeah Crofty thinks RBR are mad because Mark and Seb nearly took each other out not bc of the Multi-21 call OH BOY
Oop here’s the cool down room.
Bastard Seb is hot. sorry not sorry.
dbshbuhgru Seb and Adrian just chatting tyres. Still no Mark yet.
I’m watching this with very nervous laughter.
“Multi-21 Seb, Multi-21″ OOP THERE IT IS.
There’s so much tension in the cool down room it has its own gravitational pull.
ah the German anthem my beloved. 
The Austrian anthem my belothed. 
There is not a single smiling driver on that podium this is so awkward aevheugh
Okay there’s one (1) thrilled Merc mechanic, good for him!
“But was he [Seb] told to hold station?” Yeah they didn’t play the Multi-21 radio during the race.
God this is the most awkward champagne spray I’ve ever seen.
The drivers left the podium aeiihgaeghs
Oh they’re back.
Mark flung away his podium cap into the crowd jeeeeez
Tag yourself I’m Brundle trying to fill the conversation with fluff bc he can pick up the awkward tension a mile off
“It was very close wheel to wheel racing” YOU DON’T SAY SEB
Mark meanwhile looks seething. 
“So you were surprised when he came passed you” YOU’RE TELLING ME BRUNDLE DIDN’T KNOW UNTIL THE PODIUM INTERVIEW ABOUT THE MULTI-21 CALL????????
Welcome to F1 the drama never stops.
Live Nicole Scherzinger reaction 2
Lewis saying nice things about Nico. That feels weird post-2016.
Well. That happened. ngl it felt less stressful knowing that they seemingly didn’t play the Multi-21 radio call on the global feed. Honestly the actual race itself was pretty dull until the RBR/Merc infighting.
Still I’m going to got for a lie down now.
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livetogether--diealone · 11 months
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talk to the water bottle
feat. one (1) poor proud heterosexual
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🌙The Moon🌙
He’s so Ken coded it’s insane. Anyway I’m tired, going to edit this later with my thoughts byeeeeeeee
1) everyone is being so nice wtf 😭
2) I had a dream I was at the opening of a Ferrari casino and nando was in front of me in line and my friend whips out my cards to show him. He’s unimpressed and even asks me why I did it, but when I mention I had just finished a mark card he perked up and got so happy and really wanted to see it jfjsjfjsjf
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 8 months
In all honesty... when was the last time Charles arrived for quali day in his own merch and not ferrari's? 👀👀
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monacogpwinner · 1 year
Happy multi 21 day❣️
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supernatural-rp · 2 years
All Fandom Edits
Dean’s Playlist
Fandon/OC Ships/Pairing
Imagines || Banter/Humor
The Lost Boys OC
Supernatural OC
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thingpolaris · 2 years
Pinnacle studio 21 ultimate multi camera editing
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When your video is complete, upload your video to share with your family and friends on Facebook, YouTube, and/or Vimeo directly from Pinnacle Studio. When your project is complete, you can go to 'File, Save Movie as Template' and easily replace media with placeholders. Save your finished projects as templates and fast-track future work.
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Or, layer clips and add interest with easy tools to create a picture-in-picture effect or crop video directly in the preview pane. Control camera settings, see overlay frames, set distances, and capture frames automatically or manually from within Pinnacle Studio.Īdd music to your videos with the royalty-free ScoreFitter music library-it automatically adjusts to perfectly fit the length of your movie.Īdd motion to your still images or videos with simple controls for Pan and Zoom. Gather your props, plug in your camera, and capture your story frame by frame. When you're ready, select the angle you want to show as the video plays to create your own multi-camera production. Easily align and sync clips with audio syncing or with markers. Easily drag and drop to create impressive promotional videos or share the highlights from your latest trip! Choose an existing template or create your own with the Split Screen template creator.Ĭombine footage from up to 6 cameras to create more dynamic videos. Show multiple videos streams simultaneously with new Split Screen video. View 3D on dual monitors and export "side-by-side" formats recognized by most 3D HDTVs.īring your focus to the spotlight and highlight a single color in your picture, pushing everything else to the background in black and white. Pinnacle's partnership with NVIDIA enables the NVIDIA 3D Vision display to present in both full-screen and window modes.
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Mark your object, press play to track its motion and then easily add the overlay of your choice.Įdit 3D video in the timeline and create movies in stereoscopic 3D. Add moving text or graphics to track players in a sporting event, or draw attention to particular guest in a room full of people. Put the focus on certain people or objects in your video using Motion Tracking. Adjust the Ducking Level and Sensitivity for even more control. Use Audio Ducking to detect audio or voiceover and automatically dial down the volume of the background sound. Easily control the transparency of each track directly from the timeline.īalance dialog and narration with background sound for pro-quality audio. Bring your captured files to the main timeline to use them in movies and presentations or create custom training videos.Īdd impact to your video tracks and adjust the opacity of a video clip, so you can see multiple clips at the same time, create superimposed effects or custom fade-in / fade-out transitions. Record directly from your screen, capturing both system audio and microphone sound with Live Screen Capture. Make footage feel fluid with the rest of your film and correct lens distortions from wide angle cameras.
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Quickly straighten lines that appear to be curved or angled and even straighten the horizon. Even add labels or graphics to tracked items. Support for multi-point motion tracking lets you track multiple points of an object for greater precision as it approaches or moves away from your lens. Track an object and add a mosaic blur to sensor or obscure a face, licence plate, logo or more. Transform a single image, shape, or sequence and make cuts or transitions between scenes and merge video so that there is no discernable beginning or end.Įdit, trim video, and add titles to your 360 video for playback on 360 video players or your VR headset-even convert 360 video to standard video to ensure your audience doesn't miss the important moments. Drag and drop filters to add cartoon or watercolor-like stylized effects to your videos. Paint the town and transform your next video into a storybook-like motion animation. Just align like colors or objects to create a smooth and artful transition between imagery. Flip, zoom, spin, or whip between scenes with Seamless Transitions that add excitement and energy to your cuts.
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nico-di-genova · 3 months
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A Conversation with Fernando Alonso
Publication: The Athletic
Publish Date: September 21, 2026
Fernando is keen to discuss his recent success with Real Madrid when we sit down at his boyfriend’s home in Montreal. Well, one of his homes. The creative director of luxury fashion brand, Strulovitch Designs, Lance Stroll has an additional property in London and another in Miami. The pair oscillate between these residences and Fernando’s own homes in Dubai and Spain. For now, they are enjoying the beginnings of fall around the cozy fire of a multi-million dollar property in the heart of the city.
“So things are good for you right now then?” I ask, as Fernando occupies himself with petting his and Lance’s dog, a lounging black lab named princess.
“You’ve got the World Cup, the house, the dog, what’s next?”
Fernando grins, it is the mischievous look of a man who already knows what he wants and how he plans to get it. The same look he is known for giving moments before helping his team to score a goal. It is why the Spaniard has attracted such attention during his long stint with the team, his relentless drive and determination to get it. This year, that commitment to success has earned him his third World Cup.
“Eh, I don’t know. We see, yes?” Fernando shrugs, the grin grows, and princess huffs. Fernando scratches her behind the ears.
“Maybe next I buy a ring. Maybe I retire. Maybe I go for the fourth.”
“Plenty of options,” I quip.
“Oh yes, plenty.”
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@raapija’s football husband/fashion designer husband au, Fernando edition!
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leclerc-s · 5 months
let him be a trophy husband!
series masterlist
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isabella perez they've put it together.
logan sargeant no. they think it's reputation (daphne's version) not a new album.
isabella perez whatever logan. anyways. how are the grammys?
max jones-verstappen I'M BORED!
zoya torres i suspect he'll end up drunk by the end of the night. mae jones-verstappen to be fair, he was life this at the fia prize giving ceremony. daniel jones-ricciardo he always gets drunk at things like this.
pierre gasly why are you people on your phones? you are at the grammys put them away!
mae jones-verstappen commercial breaks exist you french fuck!
rowan todd forgive him, he's never been to one.
pierre gasly because you've never taken me with you. I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO GO TO THE EMMYS! BUT CHARLES DID?
charles leclerc that's because i know how to behave in public.
carlos sainz why are people on twitter acting like i got fired midseason?
isabella perez they're dramatic like that. you guys thought i was bad, the twitter girlies are worse.
oscar piastri to be fair, you cried over dropping a churro one time.
lando norris i don't like it here anymore.
isabella perez watching lando get made fun of on live tv by trevor noah is hilarious.
lando norris this shit isn't funny isa!
arthur leclerc "here we have 3x world champion max jones-verstappen, 8x grand prix winner daniel jones-ricciardo, and teammate to rookie of the year, lando norris."
oscar piastri can i laugh?
charles leclerc maybe win a race first
daphne jones-ricciardo can you people behave?
lewis hamilton don't bother daphne, there is no controlling them.
freya vettel lando no wins can't even escape being made fun of at the grammys
lando norris oh fuck off vettel
mick schumacher don't forget no rizz. it's a miracle bailey took him back
bailey winters it took a lot of convincing.
logan sargeant I AGREE! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND! zoya torres aww thank you. nat helped pick out the dress. natalia ruiz THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!
lance stroll hey, does this mean charle is officially a grammy winner?
charles leclerc in my mind i have been since folklore lando norris first driver to win a grammy before a drivers championship charles leclerc at least i've won a race esteban ocon gagged him!
fernando alonso none of you know what the word decorum means.
daniel jones-ricciardo and you do? mr. i'm going to sniff flowers mid-interview
fernando alonso at least i can say that i've never commited crimes like seb. multi-21 anyone?
rhys jones so, what'd i miss?
ollie bearman the hamilton x hamilton edits on tiktok isabella perez I LOVE THOSE!! logan sargeant HOW DO YOU NON=AMERICANS KNOW ABOUT HAMILTON? isabella perez i love musicals!
fernando alonso hamilton x hamilton? are they putting lewis on a boat with himself
lance stroll he means are they shipping lewis with himself? rhys jones NO! THE MUSICAL BY LIN MANUEL MIRANDA! fernando alonso who? lance stroll now he's just trolling.
rhys jones anyways, new album?
mae jones-verstappen yes, the dead poets society daphne jones-ricciardo THE TORTURED POETS SOCIETY! mae jones-verstappen YOU SHOULD'VE NAMED IT SOMETHING ELSE! rhys jones I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS BUT WHAT THE HECK DAPHNE! THE PEOPLE WILL BE CONFUSED!
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liked by maejonesverstappen, arthur_leclerc, lilymhe and others
daphnejonesricciardo all's fair in love and poetry...new album THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT. OUT APRIL 19 🤍
📷: danieljonesricciardo
comments have been limited
isabellaperez mother ate with this one y'all!
landonorris i am ready to cry to this one.
baileywinters THE PEOPLE AREN'T READY!
redbullracing just in time for the chinese grand prix!!
danieljonesricciardo hey! i'm responsible for the cover art! i did that!
↳ daphnejonesricciardo yeah you did!
rhysjones geez daph, put some clothes on! as your little brother i don't need to see that!
↳ georgerussell so now you're a baby but when it comes to teasing lando you aren't a baby?
maejonesverstappen oh the people aren't ready for this.
charles_leclerc i definitely need a good cry album. this will help
↳ carlossainz55 i'll join you buddy!
maxjonesverstappen1 WOO! GO DAPHNE!
lewishamilton it's going to be amazing daphne!
visacashapprb we will be streaming mrs. jones-ricciardo!
yukitsunoda0511 LET'S GO!! WOO!! GO DAPHNE!!
↳ daphnejonesricciardo thank you yuki! hope you like the new album!
↳ yukitsunoda0511 are you kidding me? i will adore it!
fernandoalo_oficial how many songs are about our whirlwind romance daphne? 🤣
↳ daphnejonesricciardo i plead the fifth! 😅
↳ danieljonesricciardo BACK OFF FROM MY WIFE FERNANDO!
↳ fernadoalo_oficial it's not my fault! blame the internet!
↳ alex_albon you could never annoy me
↳ lilymhe and we will be having a conversation about keeping this a secret from me mr.albon!
↳ alex_albon I WAS SWORN TO SECRECY!
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @Smnthnclj @dan3avocado @melissayalene @nothanqks @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @chezmardybum @d3kstar@weekendlusting@anytimeanywherebitchblog @ragioniera @burberryfilms @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! new taylor swift album people! how we feelin?
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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lillywhitefield · 6 months
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*New and Improved*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧・゚: *✧Lilly Whitefield's Fanfiction Masterlist✧*:・゚✧
Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington
Doja Cat Modern Songfic Series
Penelope Needs to Know - Explicit, Size Kink, Love Confession, 7/7, 25.6k words
Why Don't You Say So, Colin? - Mature, Masturbation, 2/2, 7.5k words
They've Been Feelin' Freaky Deaky - Explicit, One-Shot, Mirror Sex, 9.1k words
Polin Week 2023
Love Island and a Little Magic - Mature, Modern, Love Confession, 2k words
Rent is Due - Explicit, Modern, Roommates With Benefits, 1.6k words
A Pen Pal Called Pen (or, The Missing Letters) - General Audiences, Regency, Epistolary, 2k words
Never Turned You Off - Explicit, Modern, Flirting Help, Wall Sex, 2.1k words
Olive Like No Other - Teen, Modern, Olive Puns in Greece, 1.5k words
A Visit From Sir Richard - Explicit, Regency, Dildos, 3k words
when you and I collide - Teen, Modern, Intimacy, 1.2k words
Polin Month 2023, Ed Sheeran Edition
learning to speak - General Audiences, Modern, Meet-Cute, Speech Disorder, 2k words
a million more first times - General Audiences, Regency, Developing Friendship, 2.2k words
I see my future in your eyes - Explicit, Regency, Kitchen Sex, 3.4k words
this love won't ever go away - Explicit, Modern, Disney World with Children, 9k words
you will still love me the same - Explicit, Regency, Older Couple, A/B/O, 3.7k words
Polin Week 2024
it's hard to know which one of us is caving - Mature, Regency, Forced Proximity, Arguments, 3k words
linger - Mature, Regency, Lessons, Masturbation, dancing and flirting in Colin's bedroom, 2.2k words
Mr. Brightside - Teen, Fake Dating, Jealous Colin, why does everyone like Debling???, 3.6k words
i wish i was special - Teen, Epistolary, Colin's letters, sad boi hours, 2.6k words
maybe i just wanna be yours - Explicit, Height Difference, Colin goes through Pen's window to propose, 3k words
only fools rush in - Explicit, Soulmate AU, Meet-Cute, Sex under the stars, 5k words
your skin and bones - Explicit, Hopes for Season 3, Mirror Sex, Wedding Night, 2.7k words
Complete Multi-Chapter
A Poison Tree - Explicit, Regency, Forced Marriage/Proximity, Only One Bed, Rebuilding Relationships, 19/19, 145k words
Santa Baby - Explicit, Modern, Santa Kink, Lap Sitting, Pregnancy Sex, 3/3, 22k words
It Was a Graveyard Smash - Various Ratings, Halloween One-shots, 21/21, 35k words
Bloodlust - Explicit, Regency, Vampire AU, Blood Drinking, Check Tags and A/N for CW, 4/4, 22k words
Romancing Captain Bridgerton - Explicit, Regency, Mermaid AU, 21/21, 100k words
Summer Afternoons - Explicit, Regency, Coping with Heat, Semi-Public Smut, 4/4, 16k words
Forgiveness - Explicit, Regency, Spanking, Lady Whistledown Cloak Shenanigans, 4.2k words
Falling for You - Explicit, Regency, Amnesia, Valentine's Day, Love Confessions, 11.2k words
Love in Bloom - Explicit, Regency, Sex Pollen, 5.2k words
you are impossible - Mature, Regency, Love Confession, 2k words
Switch It Up - Explicit, Modern, BDSM, Restraints, Latex, 1.9k words
Kissing the Kettledrums - Mature, Regency, Masturbation, 1.4k words
Baby, It's Cold Outside - Explicit, Regency, Pregnancy Sex, 4.5k words
All's Fair in Love and Pall Mall - Explicit, Regency, Sexual Frustration, 7k words
Knot Surprising - Explicit (eventually), Modern, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pen asks Colin to help with her heat, it goes super well, since they're great friends and all, 4/6, 22k words
The Christmas Cake-Off - Teen (for now), Modern, Christmas Hallmark Movie, 2/3, 14.7k words
Twelve Years, One Night - Teen, Modern, Rom-Com (based on Six Days, Seven Nights), 4/?, 11.9k words
Made of Honor: A Polin Love Story - Mature, Modern, Rom-Com (based on Made of Honor), 1/?, 1.8k words
Other Fics
Lord Fife
In His Wildest Fantasies - Explicit, Regency, Fife/Ben but also one-sided Fife/Colin and one-sided Cressida/Pen and also Colin/Pen in the background and ends with marriage of convenience for Cressida/Fife, M/M smut, 5.6k words
Queen Charlotte
Agatha Danbury/Lord Ledger
Come With Me - Explicit, no PIV but it's hot I promise, 4.3k words
Call the Midwife
Bernadette | Shelagh Turner/Patrick Turner
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - Explicit, Couch Sex, 3k words
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand - Teen, Grief, Loss of a Parent, 4k words
When I Fall In Love, It Will Be Completely - Mature, First Date, 4k words
Talking - Explicit, Married Life, 2.5k words
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if-whats-new · 28 days
What's New In IF? Issue 7 (2024)
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By Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, and Noi
Now Available!
Itch.io - Google Drive - Keep Reading below
Did you know that you can learn a neat fun fact about IF on the itch.io version? You should check it out!!
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On Pride...
Interactive Fiction is an incredible medium to convey meaning and messages. Easy(-ish) to use, widely accessible, and needing little to be shared, these pieces can reach far and wide. You could be posting on one side of the world and have someone on the complete opposite read it!
The rise of sharing LGBTQ+ experiences through IF is in large part thanks to programs like Twine, making that anyone can create things with without even coding languages. The works of Porpentine, Anna Anthropy, Christine Love are often seen as the major drivers for this movement.
There is an incredible wealth of queer art in Interactive Fiction.
Let's celebrate it!
We hope you enjoy this issue!
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You can now register for the Narrascope! It is happening June 21-23, in hybrid. They've also released the schedule of talks! And opened their game jam!
This edition of the 🔥 Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024 🔥 is ranked! You can help choose which entry actually embodies Anti-Capitalism the most, by voting on itch!
The Rayuela (Spanish IFComp) just ended and entered their voting period. If you are Spanish speaking, come check out the entries and vote!
Ending tomorrow is the new bitsy jam! This edition's theme is: tomatoes!
Also ongoing is the ParserComp, which are looking for parser games, both with a classic feel or a more experimental approach.
If you are looking to make a Visual Novel, the Otome Jam will be looking for entries until July 1st. There is also the Josei jam running parallel to it.
While it is not IF-focused, the Anti-Romance Jam is once again looking for anti-romance submissions!
Love/Violence is another unranked game jam looking for entries dealing with Love and Violence and all the things in between (also accepts non IF)
The Neo-Twiny Jam is (@neointeractives) starting today! Every submission will help raise money for LBGTQ+ causes. It ends June 30th! Reach out to the organisers if you want to donate instead!
The Text Adventure Literacy Jam just announced the winners of this fourth edition, whose games were the most parser beginner-friendly! Congratulations to all participants!
The REALLY BAD IF JAM, also ended last week, with 40 really bad interactive fiction games. Though some of them are actually really good!
Its visual novel counterpart, “Worst Ever VN“ Challenge, also ended just a few days ago! You may even see some entries reappear in the Fix-It Jam in a few weeks.
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is still running! If you have completed an IF piece this year, consider submitting it! It is happening only on itch!
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Instead of a competition, the Third Quadrennial Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction released Moondrop Isle, a large multi-authored parser game with lots of puzzles! (Axelle note: this is a big deal in the parser community!)
Don't forget about the cool games released in the events mentioned in the previous pages! There were a lot of really cool games
The Brightest Star (CScript) is a fantasy project where prophecies shape your fate but may be overturn (@brightest-stars-if).
Two Moons (Twine) is a high fantasy adventure project, where you are a monster hunter (@twomoons-if).
Why us? Why not? (Twine) is mystery puzzle project about a disappearance (@kessielrg).
The re-writing for Pillars of Lights (CScript) is ongoing, with the new Prologue released (@nothingherebutthefog).
Sins of the Crown (CScript) has completed its first path (@pariahinteractive).
Arceus: Awakening (CScript) included extra content in the demo.
Children of Iseir (CScript) added 30k more words to the demo.
Soulmates Inc (CScript) added 40k words to the demo (@soulmatesinc-if).
Drink Your Villain Juice (CScript) Patreon's update is not available to all (@drinkyourvillainjuice).
The demo of The Wayhaven Chronicles (CScript) Book Four has just been released (@seraphinitegames).
The Bastard Crown (CScript) completed its second chapter (@eddyiewriting).
First Bull Run (CScript) added extra content.
Crown of Exile (Twine) has released Part C of chapter 9 on Patreon (@ramonag-if).
We Wretched Creatures (CScript) added part 2 to Episode 4 (@darkfictionjude).
Oh My Clematis (CScript) has released its demo (@omc-if).
Midnight Bay (CScript) has released its demo (@midnight-bay-if).
Virtue’s End (CScript) has updated its Patreon demo (@virtues-end)
The new edition of the Amare Fortnightly Bulletin (@amaregames) is out!
We apologize if we missed an update or a release. We are but volunteers trying to find as much info as possible, but sometimes news pass through the cracks.
Please, let us know if something should have been added to the zine, and we will shout it out next week!
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A couple of games that we thought were cool.
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds by Abigail Corfman (@abigailmoment - Twine)
Play as a vampire hunter on their day-off, planning on pampering themself, until… a vampire crosses their path. And for the good of everyone, they will have to get involved… or else.
recommended by [anonymous]
The Dream Alchemist by clarafayegames (@clarafayegames - Ren'Py)
“Art Nouveau beloved! One of the most gorgeous Otome VN I've ever played. It's so so pretty, and the ROs are just the best. It's so freaking magical and transcending! And DLCs are insane too!”
submitted by [anonymous]
The Little Match Girl by Ryan Vedeer (Inform)
The still ongoing series of parsers featuring the Little Match Girl, going from its original story to a series of silly adventures, and many different settings.
Light-hearted, fairly simple, and incl. walkthroughs.
recommended by Ally
Your favourite game here?
Do you have a favourite game that deserve some highlighting? Tell us about it! A old or recent game that wowed you so much you want to spam it to everyone? Tell us about it!
We'll add it to the page!
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Before we end this issue, we would like to thank:
Ally, @elegantunknownphantom, and a dozen of anonymous users!
Your shared news, helpful tips, cool links, filled form, written Sheet line, sent emails… all these little attentions toward the Zine help us so much!
We also would like to thank all of you who told us of cool recs that didn't appear this edition. We'll try out best to fit them in next week!
And a final thank to all of you who not only read our zine, but liked it, shared it with others, left a little sweet reply or dm, or even rated it on itch! Those little bits of support really help us so much!! Thank you for cheering us on this journey!
As a final parting word, we thought of bringing back this little challenge for you all:
If you enjoy a game or a project, or if you admire an author and their work, try to send them a little message of appreciation this week. A little comment or rating for their game, a compliment in their askbox/dm, gushing in the tags of a reblog or in a review…
Spread the kindness!
See you again next week!
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jellyfishsthings · 5 months
Roger Roger.... welcome to Corruson young Jedi. Your life is about to change.... °○•°●
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PAIRING: Anakin Skywalker x fem!Jedi!reader
Warnings: this is going to be a multi part series and it's going to be angsty cause I am in my feels. Female reader, Padmé and Anakin were together but had a healthy break up, Jedi reader so forbidden love
This story takes plays in Clone Wars yet many events have been changed (like the meeting of Ashoka and Anakin... don't worry the sibling energy is still there.)
part one: 7 February
part two: 14 February
part three: 21 February
part four: 28 February
part five: 6 March
part six: 20 March
part seven: 27 March
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Edit: should I continue this series? Pls let me know
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In which Aubrey gets interviewed...
series masterlist
ellemagazine posted
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ellemagazine Our June edition features Aubrey Yang on her directing debut, the trajectory of her career and new friends in Formula One. Full article linked in bio.
tagged: aubreyyang
liked by formula1, olliebearman, mckennagraceful and 80,944 others
view all comments
aubreyyang thank you for having me Elle! always a blast 💋
-- aubberieloverss MOTHERRR
-- aubreyyang stawpp ur making me blush
formula1 thank you for the shout out! hope to see you in the Ferrari paddocks soon 🏎️
liked by aubreyyang
-- f1wagsupdates BAHAHA f1 admin ur brave for that one
lilymhe prettiest girl
-- aubreyyang me and dior miss u tons! can't wait to see u soon
mvertsppdudu can ollie fight ill catch him in the paddocks
Aubrey Yang, the multi-faceted actress debuts her talent and grit for directing and screenwriting in her short film Pelt, winning the Best Screenplay and a notable nominee for the Best Film during London Film week. Since we've last seen her at Elle New York, she has turned 18, nearing 19 now, and made some drastic changes to her life.
Since her film, Yang has not been in any other production as talent, but teases us with a new project "that's coming soon, don't worry". She adores her new found love for being a creative, and is scouting to get her hands on more projects in Hollywood on that side of the camera.
Her studies continue at New York University and she is set to graduate early, next year. When asked about her ability to balance school and work, she smiles knowingly and tells us that "it's important to take breaks, but more importantly, I've chosen things I love to do".
During these breaks, Yang is often seen with fellow young actress Dior Goodjohn and international pop sensation Olivia Rodrigo. But 18 has brought a new hobby: Formula One.
"I met Lily [Muni He] and Alex [Albon] at a gala, and we hit it off. They're like my parents" she answers adoringly. She has been seen multiple times in both the Williams and Ferrari garages visiting with fans and learning about the mechanics of racing.
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"I've met some wonderful people; I never really got to be a regular teenager because I was working and going to university early. They've really helped teach me about having fun and letting loose."
Next year when we inevitably feature her lovely face again, we'll see the new changes to her life.
I read ur article it was great
sad I didn't get a shout out tho :(
sorry boo
okay :)
anyways r we still on for the trip?
yes mr. bearman
I was thinking Charles and Alex might want to go w us
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gotta go but talk later? ☺️
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kk cya bearman
bye yang :)
alex 🖼️
cou cou chérie!
(hey dear)
aubrey 🎬
AHH ALEX J'avais l'intention de t'envoyer un texto ! On part en voyage en Europe ?
(I was meaning to text you, are we on for the Europe trip?)
alex 🖼️
yes but I have smth to ask
aubrey 🎬
um not the English what's wrong
alex 🖼️
aubrey 🎬
alex 🖼️
bc I have to watch him text u and its dégoûtant
aubrey 🎬
bro idk
dior thinks we like each other
its just hes becoming such a good friend
he makes me smile
and hes so sweet and kind and gentle
hes not like any other guy ik
alex 🖼️
its going to be such a long trip 😔
aubreyyang posted on their story
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olliebearman replied to your story
cute 😊
ikr shes my cousins baby
very cute
wanna play 9 ball on message
bearyfast_04 posted
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bearyfast_04 I think im ready to be a father
liked by alexandrasaintmleux, leosdad and 10 others
leosdad fatherhood is hard
-- landoakabob u have a dog
-- leosdad u take that back hes my son
-- bearyfast_04 but look at her 🥰
-- arthuranddw another fallen soldier
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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rollo-rolls · 8 months
How To Convert Eyelashes
I was asked to make a tutorial on converting eyelashes. Well, here it is. Dirty, badly explained tutorial by Rollo. I'm assuming you know how to work with required programs, it won't teach you the basics, just a process of converting eyelashes from ts4 to ts3.
TSR Workshop
Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter
These files (full credit goes to @gruesim)
Graphical program that works with .dds files
Let's go:
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Open the desired lashes in S4Studio. Export diffuse of the ones you want to convert (you only need the black ones). You can also export the thumbnail. Close the program.
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2. Unzip the folder that you downloaded from this tutorial. You will find a .dds files called "sclub eyelash". Open it up in the graphical program. Make a black layer above it and hide it for now.
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3. Now open up your ts4 eyelashes file. Start from the upper eyelash, crop it and go to the sclub eyelash.
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4. Paste it, click ctrl+i, it will make ts4 eyelash white.
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5. This is the worst part. You have to make the ts4 eyelash fit to the sclub one as close as possible. Use every method possible!
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6. Unhide the black layer and see if your eyelash look alright. It may need some sharpening.
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7. Now crop the bottom eyelash and follow the exact same steps as for the upper eyelash.
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8. It should look more or less like this. Bottom eyelashes are always harder to adjust and may need even more sharpening.
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9. Merge your upper and bottom eyelashes, duplicate the layer. Click ctrl+a, ctrl+t, then right mouse button and choose "Flip Horizontal".
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10. Voila. You should have a complete set of your new shiny eyelashes! Save them as .dds. You can close the program. We're moving to TSR Workshop.
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11. New Project -> New Import. Import Eyelashes AFBase from the downloaded folder.
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12. Name your project, name your file and click "Next".
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13. You should see this. Go to Texture tab and click "Edit" on the Transparency Map.
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14. Import your eyelashes and click "Yes" when asked.
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15. You should see your lashes, yay! But this is TSRW, they won't look exactly the same in game, as they look here. If you want a set of eyelashes, add more presets.
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16. Now this is important. If you want to see your eyelashes in Accessories, go to Project tab, Clothing Type and change it from eyeliner to glasses. You also have to do this if you have more than one preset in one file. They won't show up in Eyeliner section. If you want to have set of eyelashes in Eyeliner category, you have to make each preset into seperate file. Also, eyelashes are recolorable ONLY in Accessories section. Don't forget to check Categories section to see which outfit has the eyelashes available.
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17. Now you're ready to export your file! Export -> To Sims3Pack. Use the Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter to convert your sims3pack to package file. We're moving to s3pe.
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18. THESE STEPS ARE ESSENTIAL! Open up your shiny new package in s3pe. Click on the GEOM with the right mouse button.
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19. Click Replace and choose AUID.simgeom from the downloaded folder. AUID is for adults, CUID for kids and PUID for toddlers. We have one more step to do.
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20. Now click on the CASP normally (left mouse button) and click Grid on the bottom of the program.
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21. A small pop up window appears. Scroll to the very bottom and find a line called OverlayPriority.
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22. Change the 8 to 2. This will make eyelashes not being visible through hair that's covering eyes.
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23. Save your package. You're ready to test your converted eyelashes in game!
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Here they are. Nothing fancy, it was a quick conversion :D They're also compatible with S-Club eyelash sliders ^^
Btw, you don't necessarily have to convert both upper and bottom eyelashes. You can have upper or bottom only. Play with the lenght, not all eyelashes have to be very long. Convert it for males, kids, toddlers. You just have to remember to change the options in TSRW and replace the correct .simgeom file in s3pe. There is a lot of possibilities and you'll probably get better in this than me :D
Good luck! ♥
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jamesvowles · 9 months
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@f1blrcreatorsfest october: out of your comfort zone
a no name inspired multi 21 edit! i haven't done a gif edit like this with my current set of tools and thought i'd try it out! man i miss ps so bad hahaha
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goodomenscalendar · 2 months
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What is this? | Submit your own event! or tag us! | Be sure to click through to the original post for the latest updates! Last edited: May 20th.
Ending Events
DIWS: Silver Screen Bang | Writer Sign-ups close May 3; Artist Sign-ups close May 20
The Good Omens Silver Screen Bang brings writers and artists together to retell a movie through a Good Omens lens! AUs and fusions welcome! Both SFW and NSFW content allowed. - @do-it-with-style-events - Twitter -
Good Omens Minisode Minibang | 16+ | Sign-ups close May 4
A reverse bang revolving around the theme of Good Omens historical minisodes. Both SFW and SFW content allowed. - @go-minisode-minibang -
Twin Passions: A Bildad Zine | Fundraising ends May 7
Charity digital zine focused on Bildad era Crowley, fundraising period to benefit RAINN and Safeline! There are 2 editions available for instant download, plus digital extras: SFW (shoemaking) and NSFW (obstetrics)! - @bildadzine - Twitter - Instagram - Bluesky - Download on itch.io -
It Began in a Garden Zine | Pre-orders close May 12
A fanzine celebrating Aziraphale and Crowley's retirement to a peaceful cottage in the South Downs. - @itbeganinagardenzine - Twitter -
Good Omens for Palestine | Fundraising ends May 13
Good Omens for Palestine: A Charity Fanzine is a project dedicated to raising money for Palestinian aid. All proceeds will be donated to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). - @goodomensforpalestine - Twitter - Instagram
Ineffable Romans Contest | Entries close May 15
Write, draw, cosplay or more the Ineffable Romans and tag @angellilou-art to be included in the digital version of the Ineffable Romans illustrated book! Three lucky pieces will be chosen to be featured in the printed version! Both SFW and NSFW content allowed. - Tumblr - Kickstarter -
GOAD: Spring Fling Kink Sling | 18+ | Posting ends May 19
It’s time to dust off the suspiciously nondescript box under your bed, crack it open and see what’s inside! There's one more "Heat" sprint event remaining before the end of the event, so hop over to Reddit to see the details of how those are run! - @goodomensafterdark - Reddit - AO3 Collection -
WIP Big Bang | Sign-ups close May 21
This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them! - @wipbigbang - Twitter - Dreamwidth - AO3 Collection -
High Pollen Count! | 18+ | Posting ends ~May 22
A rules-loose Good Omens event centering around sex pollen. Featuring both NSFW and SFW works! - AO3 Collection -
Good Omens Big Bang | Sign-ups close May 31
A classic big bang, all about Good Omens! Both SFW and NSFW content allowed. - @goodomensbig-smallbang -
Red Tape: An Ineffable Bureaucracy Zine | Pre-orders close May 31
An 18+ Good Omens zine dedicated to Gabriel and Beelzebub! Featuring SFW and NSFW content. - @red-tape-zine - Twitter - BigCartel -
Ongoing Events
Ineffable May | Prompts for every day of May
You hear that? Ineffable May is nigh! That’s right— this month-long daily prompt event dedicated to Good Omens… is back. Participate using art, writing, cosplay, or any other craft at your disposal. - Prompt List - AO3 Collection -
Mayngst | Prompts for every day of May
This prompt list is multi-fandom, with dialogue style prompts - one for every day of May!! If you’re interested in participating and sharing, please use the tag #mangst2024! - Prompt List - AO3 Collection -
Good Omens Fairy Tale Bang | Artist Sign-ups open now!
This is a Good Omens Mini Bang themed entirely around Fairy Tales! Writing your own or adapting a favorite! All versions of all Fairy Tales and Mythology are welcome! Both SFW and NSFW content allowed. - @fairytalegobang -
Good Omens Spooky Bang | Sign-ups open now!
A spooky Good Omens bang to kick off the autumn season! Whether it's Aziraphale pumpkin-picking, a pumpkin spice latte coffee shop AU, or Hell hosting a Halloween bash, you're invited to the Spooky Bang! Both SFW and NSFW content allowed. - @spooky-bang-good-omens -
Monster Bangers Bang | 18+ | Interest Check open now!
Calling all monster-fuckers! A Good Omens bang devoted to monster banging. - @gomonsterbangersbang -
Upcoming Events
Good Omens Ineffable Bang | Posting begins May 7
A bang centered around your favorite Ineffable Husbands. Featuring SFW and NSFW content! - @goineffablebang - Twitter - AO3 Collection -
Ace Omens Zine: Volume 2 | Pre-orders open May 15
A Good Omens zine focused on ace representation. Featuring SFW content! - @aceomenszine - BigCartel -
Above, Below, and the Common Ground | Fundraising starts May 19
A SFW digital charity zine that celebrates the varied and wonderful cast of Good Omens––human, demon, angel, and anything in between! Free to download or with a donation to National Network to End Domestic Violence. Featuring SFW content. - @abczine - Twitter - Instagram - Bluesky - GumRoad -
In Love With My Car Zine: Volume 2 | Fundraising starts May 20
A zine dedicated to the vehicles in Good Omens. The zine will be free to download with the option of donating to the Mercury Phoenix Trust. Featuring SFW and NSFW content! - @in-love-with-my-car-zine -
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