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instantaneousjourney · 11 months ago
Mulor Ghanto Dry Radish Mix
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moor-mother · 1 year ago
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Mulor Ghanto Dry Radish Mix
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alfsanpol · 2 years ago
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Mulor tarkari Radish with Bengali fivespice
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callejondelinfierno · 3 months ago
Mulor Parasol Parabrisas Coche Parasol Coche Delantero Plegable Paraguas Barra de Soporte Doblar 360°Rotatoria
Precio: (as of – Detalles) Mulor Valoración media de los compradores: 4/5 Estrellas Descripción del producto Sombrilla para Parabrisas de Coche Con Revestimiento de Plata Titanio Esta sombrilla para parabrisas de coche está fabricada con tejido de poliéster negro de alta densidad con revestimiento de plata titanio que bloquea eficazmente los rayos solares y proporciona una protección UV…
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bornsinnersx · 2 years ago
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Mulor tarkari (Radish with Bengali fivespice)
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puhatiikeri · 2 years ago
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Mulor shaak (Radish Greens)
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nostalgiachan · 3 years ago
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Not sure why I’ve been staggering these and not just posting them at the same times as the ones on my twitter, but whatevs. More OC redraws! 
Character lore below the cut!
#25: Al (formerly Alucard) Idea: Calm, cool sneakster and assassin Story: Year Zero
Despite his name, Al was not intended to be a vampire. I feel like there's one of two reasons Teen Nost named him Alucard:
1) She hadn’t quite realized Alucard backwards was Dracula
2) She knew and she didn't care, she just liked the name that much.
But that wasn't the only goofy thing she gave this young man - she also introduced him wearing what was basically the OMG hat from Gaia Online because she definitely thought that hat was cool.
Anyway, as for his actual presence in the story, Alucard is a resident of the Outer City and a member of the growing rebellion. He and his younger sister, Rez, serve as Taris's most trusted scouts, infiltrators, and assassins. Most of their trips are spent observing the massive wall between the Inner and Outer City, though they've made trips deeper into the city and even breached the White Tower on occasion.
On a trip around the Outer City, he happened to run into Sin, who had come on his own to have a little think about the state of things. Thanks to this chance encounter, Al would later recognize Sin's near-lifeless body when he and his sister later broke into the White Tower to steal building layouts and batteries for Taris's superweapon. He would also be the one to vouch for having him join the rebellion rather than killing him outright.
Unfortunately, I'm a little fuzzy on what else he gets up to in the rest of the plot; from what I remember, his main relevance was getting Sin and the parts for the weapon out of the Tower. He’s definitely present and survives to the end, tho.
#26: Navila "Rez" Idea: Basically Rikku, but with more sneaky-beaking and less tinkering Story: Year Zero
Ah, another character with Albel Nox hair tubes. While I tended to give characters relatively realistic hairstyles, if there was any impractical hair detail I loved (and still love) to use, it's hair tubes.
Like her older brother Al, Rez is a combination scout/thief/assassin, though she's much more cheerful about it overall; she's a little ditzy at times and likes to annoy her brother like any younger sibling, even while staring down a hallway covered in blood and corpses. She's also apparently pretty strong, considering she was the one to pick up Sin's body, hoist it over her shoulder, and carry it out of the White Tower. For reasons that I don't remember and never got around to writing down, she doesn't like when Al calls her by her real name, Navila.
And similarly to her brother, I don't really know what she gets up to in the rest of the story beyond participating in the fighting and surviving to the end. If I ever get around to tinkering with this story more, I want to play around more with the fact that Rez is a fifteen or sixteen year old girl with zero qualms about killing people.
#27: Taris Kokoro Idea: Mysterious rebellion leader, twin sister of Hime for whatever reason Story: Year Zero
Taris, like Mulore and Neros, is one of those characters that I've had some time to think about and was generally able to come up with much better ideas for.
What little knowledge I still have of her is that she is the leader of the rebellion against G and the Inner City and she wears head to toe bandages to hide her appearance. She also happens to be the twin sister of Sin's colleague, Captain Hime. Now, I don't know what came first, the fact that she's covered in bandages or the fact that she's Hime's twin, since apparently I hadn't originally intended her to be bandaged; I'd originally wanted to give her an eyepatch, but apparently I couldn't figure out a hairstyle that worked with the eyepatch, so I gave her full-on bandages instead and gave her the detail that she was hiding the fact she's Hime's identical twin.
Why did I make her Hime's twin? Fuck if I remember, aside from trying to work in some kind of love triangle between Taris, Sin, and Hime.
As I've revisited the well over the years, I came up with a few changes for Taris here; chief among them is making the whole "being Hime's twin" thing a bit more meaningful. Still working on that one. But aside from that, I now see her as much more of an extremist than I think I'd originally intended. I want her to go whole-hog "We are wiping out the Inner City, fuck it all".
#28: Lord Gerardis (aka G) Idea: Megalomaniacal dictator who goes even nuttier somehow Story: Year Zero
The initial antagonist of our story, Lord Gerardis (pronounced like Boyardee, lol) is the dictator in control of the city of Lacryma; apparently, he was elected to this position, and I presume he used his time in office to pull a forcible government restructuring and turn it into a dictatorship. Under his rule, the city became divided into the affluent Inner City, whose citizens lived a tightly controlled, yet blissful and pampered life, and the Outer City, who were hideously abused, neglected, and left to suffer from Lacryma's permanent winter.
But G's apparent ambitions didn't stop with turning Lacryma into a dystopian hellscape; he wanted to do it to the whole world. But the technology and human resources at his disposal wouldn't really be enough to get the job done; too many extended battles meant too many resources used and too much time for the Inner City citizens to get the idea that maybe they didn't like what he was doing. No, he needed some real blitzkrieg shit. So, he started up his human weapon project, resulting in the creation of Sin.
24 years after Sin's birth, as G was planning an expansion of the city, his workers informed him of the discovery of a strange glowing tree that they couldn't remove. G and his posse arrived on the scene, and as soon as G saw the man buried within the tree, he was overcome with a sort of madness. He pulled the man, who he dubbed Absolution, out with his bare hands, stuffed him in his limo, and took him back to the White Tower.
Now, apparently G already knew what he needed to do to revive Absolution from his arboreal state. Why? Had he been visited by dreams of the beautiful tree man? Did someone happen to tell him a legend of a creature with the power to create life from nothing?
Fuck if I know, I didn't write it down and I probably didn't even really have a reason for it. He just knew about Absolution and decided he was going to use Sin and Absolution in tandem to blitz every other city he could find and rebuild them to his liking.
As mentioned before, Sin found out, went on a tear through the labs, and tried to shank Absolution before G came to the rescue and stabbed the living fuck out of Sin. Picture Senator Armstrong vs. Raiden, except Armstrong's older and has a sword and the whole thing's a lot less cool and a lot more dorky.  G promptly fucks off to who knows where with Absolution and works to get the man woken up.
We don't see him again until our heroes have managed to fight their way up the White Tower, at which point Absolution decides he's tired of listening to G rant and rave about his ambitions and kills the fuck out of him.
As for potential rejiggering, the most obvious needed change is his motivations, how he put Lacryma in its current state, and the genesis of his plans for Sin and Absolution. I didn't go over this in Sin's description (I was tired, weeeeeegh), but in his reworking, I wanted him to be of the same mysterious species as Absolution. Thus, maybe G found out about them at the same time, but found Sin first, and that's why he had tools in place for reviving Absolution. Perhaps he also had some sort of mental conditioning and implanted memories that he was able to apply to Sin, but couldn't do the same to Absolution because Sin came a-knockin' too early.
I'll workshop it.
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bisluthq · 4 years ago
Miss Americana isn't all about politics and I'm tired of people acting like it was. I mean she spends maybe 20 minutes of a documentary that was like an hour and a half long about politics. It was about mulore than politics. I also think it's really naive to think that after we saw her dad goi against her so hard in MA that he wouldn't be trying to keep her quiet right now. I get that she's a grown woman and can't be scared if her dad for forever but still. We know he's shitty as hell it wouldn't surprise me if he was trying to gaslight her in some way to get her not to speak about everything.
That was the central point, like finding her own voice through the hate and the drama. She released Onle The Young to accompany the doccie and that is EXPLICITLY political - she said it and like we also know because we can hear it. Other stuff happens in the film but the crux/point is “all of this was hard but it let me find my voice and be myself and do the right thing”.
WRT her dad fighting her this year idk like I think she has been in quarantine/self-isolation for most of it and only really saw collaborators. So if she’s listening that much to her dad on Zoom the problem is kinda her.
But you’re also right she does clearly have daddy issues so maybe she did just listen. It’s just a little disappointing this week - after the Georgia runoff she sat out for and her silence when it came to an attempted coup - than most weeks. We’ll get over it because lmao our love for Taylor is, as I told that other anon, a personality trait at this point but it’s just a bit 🙄😔
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cohetecomics · 8 years ago
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Irene y los clochards de Ruppert & Mulot
ISBN: 978–958–59429–5–0 Número de páginas: 124 Precio: $ 44.000
Irene y los clochards es uno de los títulos clave de la dupla creativa francesa Ruppert y Mulot, y del proceso renovador del cómic francés conocido como la nouvelle BD. Como es costumbre en las obras de estos autores, el dibujo y a la narrativa gráfica rompen con la tradición pues se opta por representar la cara de los personajes con una línea arbitraria para así darle más importancia expresiva a los movimientos corporales e para involucrar al lector de una manera distinta. En esto caso, sin embargo, la relación de la protagonista con los sin techo de París y la manera en que ella enfrenta el cáncer y las enfermedades mentales, hacen que esta sea una obra ambiciosa que experimenta con la forma sin perder la dimensión emocional del relato.
En 2010 en uno de los ya legendarios números de la revista Larva, Álvaro Pons lamentaba que ninguna editorial iberoamericana hubiera publicado los libros de Ruppert & Mulot. Si bien en la actualidad Diábolo ha sacado dos de sus títulos que aparecieron con Dupuis, la edición colombiana de Irene y los clochards marca la primera edición en nuestro idioma del catálogo de estos autores con la L’Association, una editorial definitiva en el panorama del cómic de autor contemporáneo.
Sobre los autores:
Florent Ruppert y Jerome Mulot conforman una dupla de historietistas franceses nacidos en 1979 y 1981, respectivamente. A diferencia de la mayoría de equipos creativos del cómic, es imposible diferenciar con exactitud qué papel cumple cada uno. Buena parte de su bibliografìa apareció con L’Association. Se destacan los títulos Safari Monseigneur (2006), Panier de singe (2006, Ganador del premio revelación del Festival de Angulema 2007), Gogo club (2007), Le tricheur (2008), Irene et les clochards (2009) y Famille royale (2015). En la colección Aire Libre de Dupuis han publicado La grande Odalisque (2012) y Olympia (2015), junto al también historietista Bastien Vives, y La technique du périnée (2014) y un compilado de la tira vertical Les week-ends (2016).
En su trabajo se ponen a prueba los límites de la narrativa secuencial pues se basa en un diálogo constante entre las técnicas del cómic y otras formas de expresión como la danza, el video y la animación.
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techstartro · 3 years ago
Review - IP-COM AC1350 Wave 2 și Tenda PoE Adaptor, o soluție perfectă pentru orice Business
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Am avut în teste două produse perfecte pentru cei ce dețin un Business unde este nevoie de o acoperire wireless mare și de a susține mai multe conexiuni simultan. Este Vorba de un Access Point de la IP-COM respectiv modelul AC1350 Wave 2 Gigabit (W6AP) și pentru a îl conecta atât șa internet cât și a îi oferii putere de funcționare am avut și un Tenda IEE PoE Injector. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3R5TLLJDc8 Testele au fost realizat printr-o rețea de internet de casă (Gigabit) unde am conectat o serie de device-uri pentru a vedea cât de stabila a fost conexiunea și cât de bun poate fi semnalul oferit. În pachetul access point-ului de la IP-COM este un model ce se poate monta pe tavan având în pachet totate cele necesare. Mai vine cu un Quick-Instalation Guide ce ne învață cum poate fi utilizat cât și montat pentru business-ul nostru. Datorită tehnologiei MU-MIMO poate susține simultan multiple device-uri potrivit fișei de specificații a producătorului poate susține până la 128 prin conexiunea de tip 2.4 GHz și 256 prin 5GHz, noi reușind să conectăm peste 10 device-uri și nu am observat să existe probleme de conexiune și scăderi ale vitezei. IP-COM W6AP AC1350  suportă conexiuni atât de 2.4 GHz cât și 5 GHz ce permite să existe conexiuni simultane atât pe 2.4 GHz cât șo pe 5 GHz. Producătorul susține că viteza de transfer prin Wireless poate ajunge până la 1317 Mbps . Zona de acoperire este una mare datorită modulului RF ce poate atinge alături de antele omnidiecționale o acoperire Wi-Fi de până la 500 metrii pătrați fiind o soluție foarte bună în zonele de business unde există multe device-uri sau chiar și Hoteluri sau Pensiuni.  Conexiunile pot fi manageriate de la distanță cu ajutorul Software-ului IMS Cloud ce oferă date despre Acess Point-ul conectat. Iar pentru a utiliza un astfel de Acces Point este nevoie fie de un PoE Injector noi am avut un asemnea dispozitiv oferit de Tenda și a permis atât alimentarea cât și conexiunea directă la Access Point printr-un cablu Ethernet. Însă dacă nu dispunem de un asemenea PoE Injector putem conecta o sursă de curent de 12V la 1.5 A. Toată instalarea a acestui produs a fost una foarte simplă și urmând pașii oferiți de către producător și utilizând software-ul lor.
Access Point-ul IP-COM W6AP AC1350 Wave 2 este o soluție foarte bună pentru un business de tip Hotelier sau de tip Pensiune cât și în zone unde se conectează mai multe device-uri deoarece zona de acoperire fiind foarte mare și puterea de susține a mai mulor device-uri este o soluție bună. Mai ales că ne este permis să monitorizăm traficul cu ajutorul IMS Cloud. Prețul acestor produse este unul accesibil fiind pentru Access Point de paroximativ 230 Lei iar pentru PoE Injector de la tenda de 80-100 Lei depinzând de magazinul achiziționat.     Read the full article
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the-bargainista · 5 years ago
I choose to see the beauty
We know that “Westworld” takes place in a futuristic version of our world, but we hadn’t gotten to see much of the real world until season three, which wraps up on Sunday. The clothes, architecture, and vehicles have been visually stunning. Here are some of my favorite looks from this season (spoiler alert!).
Giggles’ light-up shirt
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Criminal sidekick Giggles (played, interestingly, by pro football player Marshawn Lynch) wore a shirt that was the futuristic equivalent of a mood ring. A number of emotions were listed, and whichever one he was feeling at the time would light up. I was very confused when I received a (sadly, non-LED) version of this shirt at Comic-Con, but it makes more sense now.
Charlotte’s suit
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Charlotte (more specifically, Chalores) may be ruthless and evil, but her BCBG Upas Cape Jacket and matching pants were the very definition of power suit. The bare pink color showed that you can look innocuous but still (literally) slay the room. It’s also ironic to have the callous Delos executive wear a cape, traditionally associated with superheroes. On the other hand, Dolores and her crew do view themselves as the liberators of the hosts.
Side note: what do you think about Charlotte wearing the exact same outfit, Wonder Woman cuff and all, in both the season premiere and in episode six from April 19? Alternate timeline?
Dolores’ transforming dress
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Speaking of cutthroat women making an entrance in bad-ass clothing: Dolores transforming her fitted LBD into a flowing gold gown. Talk about versatility! I. WANT. THIS. DRESS. The dress was custom-designed for the show, but the closest thing that I could find in real life is the transforming dresses from Chalayan’s Fall 2013 Ready-to-Wear collection.
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The architecture has been equally as stunning as the fashion, thanks to the use of Singapore as a stand-in for futuristic Los Angeles. The maze-like Marina One residence is perfect for the Incite headquarters.
Liam’s Porsche 918 Spyder
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I realize that the world of the future is replete with self-driving cars and motorcycles, but the car that has caught my eye the most has been Liam’s “classic” Porsche.
Maeve’s Japan outfit
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Maeve wears this maroon color a lot, probably because it looks smashing with her complexion but possibly also because it contrasts her with Chalores--light versus dark, although, in typical “Westworld” fashion, no clear good versus evil. Of course, in this episode, maroon also became the color of blood.
This outfit was altogether bad-ass just like Maeve. The pants were practical for her fight with the Yakuza and Musashi (or Mulores?). The flowing top was almost capelike, too. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find this outfit anywhere online. Let me know if anyone can identify it!
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stiri-noi · 5 years ago
A primit sau nu bani Simona Halep ca să apară alături de Raed Arafat și Irina Rimes? Adevărul despre clipul viral
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epicurean-feast · 5 years ago
Chingri maach die mulor tok/ambol
Chingri maach die mulor tok/ambol
Tok or ambol is utterly a ghonti delicacy. Everytime I use to visit my mamabari in Midnapore, I was served with different toks, in which the speciality was the protein. For eg. chuno machher tok, machher dimer tok etc.
Yes, my mother is absolutely ghonti while my late father was bangal. Therefore, me and my sister is “banti”😂😂😂, funny isn’t it??? Our family residing in North Bengal, our…
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boughtagain-blog · 6 years ago
Mulor Cell Phone Stand Desktop Wooden Mobile Phone Holder Cradle for iPhone Samsung Smartphone(A-White Birch)
New Post has been published on https://boughtagain.com/product/mulor-cell-phone-stand-desktop-wooden-mobile-phone-holder-cradle-for-iphone-samsung-smartphonea-white-birch/
Mulor Cell Phone Stand Desktop Wooden Mobile Phone Holder Cradle for iPhone Samsung Smartphone(A-White Birch)
* Material: Maded of high quality wood, the natural stand with clear grain looks high-end, elegant and retro. Not just a mobile phone stand, but also a beautiful handicraft. * Manufacture:Produced by machine and hand, the 5mm thick stand is durable and solid.Surfaces are polished and sharp corners rounded off, preventing your phone and hand from scratching. * Design:Streamlined appearance structure, scientific and reasonable viewing angle.The groove at the bottom of the phone is widened,making charging cables and ear buds plugged in at the same time. * Function:Perfectly fits for various models of mobile phones and small size tablet(iPad mini).Suits men,women, elder people and children to use on various occasions, like office, living room, kitchen, restaurant. * Warranty: Our store provides the high quality products and good after-sales services for our customers, the product has one yea warranty. The customers can freely contact our customer service for any problems.
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nostalgiachan · 3 years ago
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A friend discord is doing the 100 OCs Challenge, so I’m doing more old OC redraws. Here’s two from last year that I didn’t post yet and two from the past week. The earliest images of all four (from 2007(!!!)) are at bottom.
Character backstories below the cut!
#5: Neros Idea: Spooky genderless lord of death Story: Haunted
Apparently, the original "legend" behind the Eyes of Neros was that when they first saw the Realm of Mortuua, they were so horrified by what they saw they tore out their own eyes, which then became jewels. While Neros wasn't necessarily a villain, if I remember correctly, Sil did wind up fighting them to retrieve Ry and Mulore's souls and return them to life without the corruption of the Eyes.
But in the Rethinkening, Neros probably got the biggest overhaul of all. Rather than just being a generic lord of death, I ended up rethinking the Ethereal Lords entirely. The Ethereal Lords, and all within their realm, were beings born of concepts - when a concept was first conceived, a living entity would be born of it, and the greater the concept, the more powerful the being. The most powerful among them gathered together into a sort of pantheon and ruled over the rest. The weaker beings would blink out over time, replaced with new beings, while the Ethereal Lords, as they called themselves, seemed to exist eternally. But as the weaker beings began to recognize and consider their fates, a collective concept began to form: the concept of death.
And thus was Neros formed. The Lords deeply feared and hated Neros's power, because it was the great equalizer; even they would now one day disappear to be replaced by another. And so, they ambushed Neros, tearing out their eyes and sealing them away. Neros's once disturbingly beautiful form rapidly decayed into a desiccated husk. But though the Lords weakened them so greatly, they couldn't manage to actually kill Neros, or even to make them leave their halls. In a move akin to hiding a mess so you don't have to look at it anymore, the Lords forced Neros into rags and robes and bound a placid mask to their face so as not to have to see the eyeless living corpse anymore.
Neros still held sway over the lesser beings, however, and the Lords were fine with that. So long as they weren't going to die, everything was hunky dory, and publicly, they would act like Neros was a respected member of the Lords. They did their best to make sure all of this was forgotten by existence at large.
But after dutiful centuries of service in their temple archives, Mulore found out. And she thought that was some bullshit.
#6 Armin Ara Idea: Young urban vampire, probably my first non-white OC (Southeastern Asian inspired, Indian in particular) Story: "Warning" and "Make Yourself" (based on the albums Morning View and Make Yourself by Incubus, respectively)
Ah, the second vampire revenge protagonist, though a little less heavy on the revenge and a little more heavy on the problematic love triangles.
Armin is the "true-born" daughter of Lexaeus Tryst (same deal as with Luxia Mar, I thought the name was cool, but it's not that Lexaeus) and Maya Ara, though Lexaeus disappeared for reasons unknown while Maya was still pregnant. Because Maya told her little about her father, Armin believes that they were abandoned. Soon after her birth, the two left the Trysts' palace and began living as nomads, frequently moving from place to place and only settling in secluded areas.
I would say she started training in sword fighting because mysterious assailants would occasionally find and threaten them, but...honestly, I don't remember. It's probably that, though. I don't even remember why they moved out of the palace, to be honest, but it probably had something to do with Armin having A POWER AND SHE CAN DISTOY US ALL THE BAD GUYS.
What I DO know is that eventually, Armin finally meets a young vampire hunter named Alphonse Lundgren in an orchard of cherry blossoms. Alphonse doesn't sense her as a threat, however (ashlkasdjh), so the two become friends.  One night, though, a sexy vampire lady named Maria kidnaps Alphonse in an attempt to bait Armin, her real target, into fighting her. They have a BIG ANIME FIGHT, Armin wins, and then she moves away from Alphonse because he'd be in too much danger if she stayed around him any longer.
Eventually, Maya joins an acting troupe which ends up settling in one place, so Armin and Maya settle down with them. Over the decades, a city center springs up around them, so Armin becomes a HIP YOUNG URBAN VAMPIRE. After she gets her ass jumped in an alleyway by the man who's been stalking her all these centuries, Nil Tryst - the "turned" child of Lexaeus (who may or may not be her half-brother depending on how the rules of true-born vs turned work) and also her arranged fiancé (I was 16, I did not think about these things), a man named Arc finds her and nurses her back to health.
tl;dr for the rest, Arc is Alphonse's descendant, Alphonse was killed by Nil and Arc's ancestors all died hunting Nil in retaliation, Nil wants his waifu but Armin's not having it, Armin beats Nil's ass at a Halloween ball, though Maria gets him out of there before he's killed, Armin and Arc have a lil' smooch. Then in "Make Yourself," Maya and Armin find out Lexaeus is still alive and has summoned Armin to his castle, Arc is obviously going to come along to protect his girlfriend BUT OH NO NIL CAME, TOO. Love triangle shenanigans ensue (even though only one of these men is even remotely a sensible choice here) as they fight their way through a physically impossible castle that I SWEAR TO GOD is not just Castle Oblivion.
I seem to have had a habit of taking elements from things I liked, but not really renaming them because "nobody's going to get that reference huehuehuehuehue"
Also, surprisingly, I actually wrote "Warning" to completion. I'm sure it was fucking awful.
#7: Alphonse Lundgren Idea: Armin's Lost Lenore, mostly, also vampires and vampire hunters falling in love was my shit Story: Warning
Armin's Only Friend, a vampire hunter skilled in the use of polearms. They met when Armin and Maya happened to move near his village. She was training in a cherry tree orchard one night when Alphonse came across her. While he could see she was a vampire, he didn't perceive her as a threat (because of course he didn't, not that she wasn't powerful or anything), and the two got to talking. Over the course of a year, they hung out, trained together, and became friends, with Armin even giving Alphonse a necklace of hers as a memento.
However, after Armin rescued him from Maria Tryst, she disappeared, and he never saw her again. Years passed, and while he would marry and have children, he never truly moved on from Armin. Eventually, he could no longer deny the feeling that he had unfinished business, and hunted down the vampire who he thought was responsible for driving Armin away from him: Nil Tryst.
That didn't end so well for Alphonse, unfortunately. It also didn't end well for more than a few of his children, grandchildren, and so on, because a great many of them took up Alphonse's vampire hunting ways, and inevitably they'd all try to claim vengeance against Nil.
Oh yeah, totally forgot to mention most of these characters are, like...(whatever) years old but look 16 because of course they were, lmao
#8: Maria Tryst Idea: Gaudy sexy vampire villainess. Story: Warning
Nil Tryst's right-hand woman and only turned (though unlike the relationship between Lexaeus and Nil, they don't see themselves as father-daughter - vampire relationships are complicated, you know). She was mostly there to A) be a villain and B) be a hot villain to contrast Armin.
Her first appearance in the story is her kidnapping of Alphonse. She was supposed to bait Armin into fighting so she could beat her ass and drag her back to Nil, but in truth, she wanted to "accidentally" kill Armin because she was jealous that Nil wouldn't marry her instead, considering she actually knew the man. Not that it ultimately mattered, since Armin beat her ass anyway.
She next appears a few generations later, storming the stage during one of Maya's plays and baiting Armin into another fight in order to announce that Nil had arrived in the city. While she loses her part of the fight in the back alley, Nil promptly shows up, kicks Armin's ass, and absconds with Maria (if I remember the story correctly). She doesn't show up again until she needs to rescue Nil from his shit-kicking at the Halloween ball.
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