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simsadilla · 8 months ago
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A subtle sibling announcement
With everything going on Kelela and Vihaan decide to let the family quietly know about their second child who is due soon while grieving Zoya.
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everydaydua · 4 months ago
Dua between the two prostrations (between the two sajdah) #2
اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَاجْبُرْنِي وَاهْدِنِي وَارْزُقْنِي
O Allah, forgive me, have mercy upon me, give me strength, guide me, give and grant me sustenance.
allaahumm-agh-fir lee, warḥamnee, wajburnee, wahdinee, warzuqnee.
Sources: Muslim No# 2696, 2697; Abu Dawud No# 850; At-Tirmidhi No# 284, 3476, 3496; Ibn Majah No# 3845
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peaceoffmindd · 2 years ago
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Streets of Medina, city of beloved Prophet
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asma-al-husna · 2 months ago
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Allah calls Himself Al-Waahid— The One— on five occasions in the Quran. Al-Waahid is the source of everything in existence. Al-Waahid is the One, He is Alone and He is Unique in every single way!
The One, Apart From Others
Waahid comes from the root waw-haa-daal, which points to four main meanings. The first meaning is to be one, to be made one and to be called one. The second main meaning is to connect, join and unite. The third is to be unique and singular and the fourth is to be one apart from others.
This root appears 68 times in the Quran in four derived forms. Examples of these forms are waahidan(“one”),  waahidatan (“single”) and wahdahu (“alone”).
Linguistically waahid means one who is one, or alone, apart from others. Tawheed also comes from this root and it means unification or asserting oneness.
Tawheedullaah means to belief that Allah is One without partner in His dominion and His actions (Ruboobiyyah), One without similitude in His essence and attributes (Asmaa wa Sifaat), and One without rival in His divinity and in worship (Uloohiyyah/Uboodiyyah). Disregarding one of these aspects of Tawheed is shirk (literally sharing); the association of partners with Allah. Being One is a quality of Allah ‘azza wajal wich nobody else shares with Him. He is the One and Only in His being, authority, actions and powers!
Al-Waahid Himself says: …  and all creatures will come out before Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 14:48].. O [my] two companions of prison, are separate lords better or Allah , the One, the Prevailing? [Quran, 12:39]… Say, [O Muhammad], “I am only a warner, and there is not any deity except Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 38:65] .. Exalted is He; He is Allah, the One, the Prevailing[Quran, 39:4] ..To whom belongs [all] sovereignty this Day? To Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 40:16]
A Powerful Combination
Allah ‘azza wajal chose His Name Al-Waahid to be paired with His Name Al-Qahhaar on each occasion in the Quran!
This Beautiful Name illustrates that He has the supreme authority and ultimate power to do anything. Al-Qahhaar can subdue anyone to compel him or her to His will and He does so with perfect knowledge and justice and this great ability belongs to Him only. All that is in the heavens and the earth submits, willingly or unwillingly, to Al-Waahid alone!
How Can You Live By This Name?
1.   Remind yourself and others of His Oneness.
The Oneness of Allah is a principle you need to keep reminding yourself of. His Oneness is the core message all the Prophets, peace be upon them all, were sent with! If you truly understand Al-Waahid, you will worship Him accordingly. Remind yourself He is the Only One able to do everything, so in your daily life, make dua only to Him, sacrifice only for Him and give sadaqah only for Him. Study tawheed and its meanings and teach this Name to your children and others!
2.   Turn to Him first. We know we have to believe in Al-Waahid alone, but in daily life when difficulty hits us we often turn to other means to try to relieve ourselves. When you have a problem turn to Him turn to Him first and then to other means to your disposal. When you are ill, don’t just grab a medicine quickly, but first ask Al-Waahid to provide you cure. When you are hurt, don’t immediately vent your heartache to a friend, ask Al-Waahid to mend your heart first. Why turn to anyone else if you can turn to The Sustainer of the Heavens and the earth?
3.   See Al-Waahid’s proof all around you.
The integration of the whole universe is a proof for the Oneness of Allah. The orbit of the sun and the moon, the composition of the air, the earth, the sees and the planets, the birth of a child, the perfect works of the human body are all proofs that there is only One Creator Who is the source of all of these diverse manifestations of His Unity. So look around you to increase your awe for His Beautiful Oneness!
4.   Trust in Al-Waahid.
Tawheed means you recognize He alone manages the affairs of the creation.  Nothing or no one else creates, sustains, grants, withholds, brings back to life, causes death, nor manages the affairs of every single person, nor sees their innermost feelings, except Al-Waahid. So put your trust in Him and know that only He will deal with you with perfect wisdom and justice at all times!
5.    Learn how to protect yourself from shirk.
Gain knowledge about shirk and its types so you can protect yourself from it as best as you can. Al-Waahid says: Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin. [Quran, 4:48] This shows you beautifully that Al-Waahid forgives all sins, except shirk. However, repentance wipes out each and every sin, even an act of shirk!  The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught you this comprehensive supplication regarding shirk:
Allaahumma innee ‘aoothu bika an ushrika bika shaiann wa anaa a’lamu, wa astaghfiruka limaa laa a’lamu.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I associate anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I know not [Ahmad] Memorize it and ask Al-Waahid with it each day!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Al-Waahid we know that You are the One and Only.  Grant us  correct and unshakable belief in Your Oneness, allow us to truly understand and appreciate this Beautiful Name, act upon it and spread the message of Your Oneness to others. Make us reflect your Creation and protect and forgive us from all types of shirk, ameen!
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dailytafsirofquran · 18 days ago
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Taha 17-18-19-20-21
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
20:17- “And what is that in your right hand, O Musa” 
20:18- He said: “This is my stick, whereon I lean, and wherewith I beat down branches for my sheep, and wherein I find other uses.”
20:19- (Allah) said: “Cast it down, O Musa!'”
20:20- He cast it down, and behold! It was a snake, moving quickly.
20:21- Allah said: “Grasp it and fear not; We shall return it to its former state.”
The Stick of Musa turned into a Snake
This was a proof from Allah for Musa and a great miracle. This was something that broke through the boundaries of what is considered normal, thus, it was a brilliant evidence that none but Allah could do. It was also a proof that no one could come with the likes of this (from mankind) except a Prophet who was sent (by Allah).
And what is that in your right hand, O Musa! Some of the scholars of Tafsir have said, "He (Allah) only said this to him in order to draw his attention to it.''
It has also been said, "He only said this to him in order to affirm for him what was in his hand. In other words, that which is in your right hand is a stick that you are familiar with. You will see what We are about to do to it now.''
And what is that in your right hand, O Musa, This is an interrogative phrase for the purpose of affirmation. He said: "This is my stick, whereon I lean...'' I lean on it while I am walking.
This means, `I use it to shake the branches of trees so that the leaves will fall for my sheep to eat them.'
Abdur-Rahman bin Al-Qasim reported from Imam Malik that he said, "(It is) when a man places his staff into a branch and shakes it so that its leaves and fruit will fall without breaking the stick. It is not the same as striking or beating.'' Maymun bin Mahran also said the same. Concerning his statement, and wherein I find other uses.
This means other benefits, services and needs besides this. Some of the scholars took upon themselves the burden of mentioning many of these obscure uses.
(Allah) said: "Cast it down, O Musa!''"Throw down this stick that is in your right hand, O Musa.''
He cast it down, and behold! It was a snake, moving quickly. This means that the stick changed into a huge snake, like a long python, and it moved with rapid movements. It moved as if it were the fastest type of small snake. Yet, it was in the form of the largest snake, while still having the fastest of movements. We shall return it to its former state.
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jami-attirmidhi · 1 month ago
JAMI'at-TIRMIDHI: The Book on Military Expeditions: Hadith 1983
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Indeed the one who betrays will have a banner erected for him on the Day of Judgement."
Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1581
In-book reference : Book 21, Hadith 43
English translation : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 1581
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lifeofresulullah · 2 months ago
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh):  The Miracles of The Prophet Muhammad  (PBUH)
The Biggest and Eternal Miracle is the Qur'an
Part. 2
The Quran has as much information as and even more information than all of the heavenly books.
The Prophet said the following in a hadith:
“I was given as-Sab’ for the Old Testament, Maun for the Psalms, Mathani for the New Testament. Mufassals were given as extra.”
The Prophet said to Ubayy b. Ka’b,
“Would you like me to teach you a chapter the equivalent of which was not revealed in the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms or other chapters of the Quran?”
Ubayy said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah!”
The Prophet said,
“I swear by Allah, in whose hand is my existence, that its equivalent was not revealed in the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms or other chapters of the Quran. It is sab’ al-mathani. It is the great Quran (the chapter al-Fatiha)”
Sulaiman Nadvi, an Indian scholar wrote,
“The Old Testament is a book of shari’ah (laws). It does not contain ethical issues and preaching. The New Testament is full of ethical issues and preaching but it has no laws. The Psalms have hearty supplications, hymns and prayers but do not have other attributes.
The New Testament of Jesus has nice sermons but it lacks dimensions that will make man contemplate and meditate.
The book of the Sons of Israel has a lot of news and information but the fineness of wisdom and the mysteries of belief are not seen in it.
There is only one book that is full of shari’ah, ethics, preaching, prayers and supplications; it contains all of the merits and virtues of the previous books.
The strongest sermons, the widest horizons to enhance ideas and views all of the fineness and wisdom, belief and deeds are in this book.
Although all of the other heavenly books were distorted and altered, and changed due to translation, the only divine book that has been protected from change and distortion and that is present in the original language it was revealed is the Quran.
No verse, word, letter or mark of this book has been changed. This book does not owe its survival to the pens of the scribes because it has been in the memory of hundreds of thousands of believers for centuries.
The Quran has been recited and pronounced through the same letters and in the form that the Prophet (pbuh) recited and Jibril (Gabriel) conveyed all over the world.
The other heavenly books cannot be compared to the Quran by any means because the other books are divine revelation in terms of their meaning only but the Quran is divine revelation in terms of both its words and meaning. On the other hand, the languages that the Old Testament and the New Testament were revealed in are extinct languages.
Hebrew, the original language of the Old Testament was eliminated by the fire of Bukht an-Nasr and replaced by Aramaic and Syriac. After a few centuries, Hazrat Uzayr tried to revive Hebrew.
As for the New Testament, it is not known what language it was revealed in and what language it was written in. The oldest copy of the New Testament that is present today is in Greek. It is not certain whether the language spoken in Palestine during the time of Jesus was Greek or not.
As for the Quran, it is the only book that is preserved in the language in was revealed and written.
The Quran contains principles and rules that concern and elevate gradually everybody, from primitive people to scholars and philosophers, from tradesmen to ascetic people, from the rich to the poor.
The Quran states the existence, oneness, attributes, power and magnitude of Allah, the vastness of His mercy and pardon, the necessity of reliance on and trust in Allah, worshipping Him, and thanking Him for His bounties.
It tells about worshipping like prayers, fasting, zakah (alms) and hajj (pilgrimage). It teaches people the principles of belief in Allah and worshipping Him. When it mentions belief and believers, it adds the condition of doing good and beneficial deeds; it teaches us that belief becomes perfect with deeds.
The Quran teaches people all of the vital rules of the real system that contains all phases of the social and civilized life, from the family life and the mutual rights and duties of husband and wife to international relations, from greeting to entering houses by getting permission.
The Quran states that human beings were a family created out of a man and a woman, that they were divided into tribes and families so that they would know each other, that the most honorable ones among human beings are those who fear Allah the most, that is, those who pay attention the most to the rights and duties imposed by Allah and that nobody had any privilege no matter what nation, tribe, class or career they belong to, whether they are male or female, rich or poor.  
The Quran orders people to keep their vows, to act honestly in trade, to help the poor, to mediate between cross people, to act justly, to give jobs and tasks to those who are qualified and to work; it also advises people not believe every piece of news they hear without searching whether it is true or not.  
The Quran teaches people to act in accordance with vital necessities, to consider this even when one is doing a favor and to do everything duly and on time.
It advises people to forgive but it does not allow the order in the society to be broken. The Quran regards it necessary to prevent transgression through punishment
The Quran advises us to be kind and generous to people but not to be so generous as to become poor and needy; it also warns people not to violate others’ rights while enjoying personal freedom and rights. 
The Quran forbids all kinds of evil deeds like jealousy, mischief, oppression, grudge, betrayal, slander, telling lies, deceiving, thinking of bad things about others, backbiting, talebearing, conceitedness, hypocrisy, theft, murder, extravagance and stinginess, and bad habits like drinking alcohol and gambling.
The Quran advises people to keep their eyes and hearts open, not to act blindly, to contemplate, to study the earth, the skies and those between them, to have knowledge, to study the states of the previous nations and countries and to draw lessons from them.   
The Quran informs us that a hard aay of reckoning on which everybody will be questioned and all of our deeds, whether big or small, good or bad will be revealed.
The Quran mentions every issue that concerns man from the cradle to the grave; it also mentions or implies some scientific realities to be discovered in the future.
For instance, it stated fourteen centuries ago that the sun, the moon and other celestial bodies swim along their orbits, that every living being was created out of water (al-Anbiya, 21/30-33) that the sun runs its course (Yasin, 36/38), that the law of balance was imposed on the sky (ar-Rahman, 55/7), that the sky was in the form of smoke at first (Fussilat, 41/11), that all of descendants of human beings were present in Hazrat Adam in the form of particles (genes) )al-Araf, 7/173), that fruits were brought about through fecundating winds (al-Hijr, 15/22), that some extraordinary fine work carried out by animals especially by bees was revealed to them by Allah (an-Nahl 68-69), that animals walking on the ground and flying in the sky formed communities like human beings (al-Anam, 6/38), that there are living beings in the sky and that they will be gathered together one day (ash-Shura, 42/29), that the knowledge of man will not suffice to understand the spirit (al-Isra, 17/85), that the sky is continuously expanded (adh-Dhariyat, 51/47), that the things that are regarded as non-living and mute glorify Allah but that man cannot understand it (al-Isra, 17/44) and it pointed to many other things, opening new horizons of study and research for the world of science.     
The Quran has been read and studied not only by Muslims but also by many non-Muslim, conscientious scientists and academicians; they have appreciated the Quran and showed respect to it. We will give some examples of them:
The Quran Can Guide Everybody
Stanley Lane Poole, a British expert on Arabic, states the following in the preface of his book, “Selection from the Quran”: 
“The verses that the Prophet introduced in Madinah are especially interesting because they are the verses that guide the Muslims that govern the Islamic community. The verses revealed in Makkah contain everything that is necessary for a great and effective religion.”
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feyzasposts · 3 months ago
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liberty1776 · 9 months ago
The Origins of Islam
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simsadilla · 10 months ago
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Telling the family 2
Vihaan's parents were elated to hear the news, and Kelela and Vihaan were so happy to be physically with them for a little Tomorang getaway!
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everydaydua · 3 months ago
Dua when in debt #2
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْهَمِّ ، وَالْحَزَنِ ، والْعَجْزِ ، والْكَسَلِ ، والْبُخْلِ ، والْجُبْنِ ، وضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ ، وغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ
O Allah, I seek refuge with You from anxiety, and sorrow, and weakness, and laziness, and miserliness, and cowardice, and the burden of debts and from being over powered by men.
allaahumma innee a‛oodhu bika minal-hammi wal-ḥazani, wal-‛ajzi wal-kasali, wal-bukhli, wal-jubni, wa ḍala‛id-dayni, wa ghalabatir-rijaal
Sources: Bukhari No# 2893, 5425, 6363, 6369; Abu Dawud No# 1541; At-Tirmidhi No# 3484; An-Nasa'i No# 5449, 5450, 5453, 5476
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muhammed36 · 1 month ago
Sonsuza kadar seveceklerini söyleyenler şimdi başka hayallerde başka hayatlarda ve bambaşka kalplere yelken açmaya hazırlanıyor. Sevginin yok olduğu bir dünyada hikaye böyle başlamıyor muydu zaten güzel sevenler hep acı çekecek sevmeyi bilmeyenler ise hep çok daha fazla sevileceklerdi ...
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asma-al-husna · 14 days ago
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Allah calls Himself Al-Wahhaab— The Giver of gifts, The Most Liberal Bestower— three times in the Quran. He is the All-Giver who bestows gifts, favors, and blessings upon the whole creation. Al-Wahhaab gives gifts constantly, generously, endlessly, and without expecting anything in return!
The Great Giver, the One who constantly bestows
Wahhaab comes from the root waw-haa-baa, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is to give for no compensation, to offer as a present, or to bestow and the second is to grant or endow. The third main meaning is to cause something to be.
This root appears 25 times in the Quran in two derived forms. Examples of these forms are:  hab (“grant”) and yahabu (“he grants”).
Linguistically, wahhaab has the structure of intensification and is the intense form of Al-Wahib, the giver. The word hiba means gift. Al-Wahhaab is the source of all gifts, bestowing favors with the most detailed wisdom. His gifts come in the form of moments you experience, scenes you see, things you hear, and as material blessings.
Al-Wahhaab Himself says: Or do they have the depositories of the mercy of your Lord, the Exalted in Might, the Bestower? [Quran, 38:9] He said, My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom such as will not belong to anyone after me. Indeed, You are the Bestower. [Quran, 38:35]
How can you recognize a gift?
Rizq (provision) is something that’s written for you, but you have to work for it; it depends in part on your efforts. A gift (hiba) isn’t something directly related to your efforts. A person you missed suddenly calling you or getting something just at the right moment are gifts. Sometimes you give gifts to someone you love and sometimes you give gifts to draw someone closer to you. What does it mean when Al-Wahhaab gives you a gift? It might mean that He gives you a gift so that you can come closer to Him, even though you were going astray.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Remember Al-Wahhaab.
When someone gives you a gift, you thank him or her. So what about the Giver of all gifts? The difference between a believer and disbeliever is that the latter lives with the gifts of Allah ‘azza wajal but doesn’t remember Him, while a true believer knows the giver through the gifts. Always be thankful to your maker for everything you get. If you contemplate the universe you get to know Allah; if you realize His gifts, your heart will melt out of love for Him.
2. Be a true giver.
Al-Ghazali said: Whoever bestows gifts with an eye to some interest to be realized by it sooner or later, either appreciation, affection or release from blame, or acquiring distinction of mention— he is neither a giver nor generous, but rather engaged in transaction and recompense … But the one who sacrifices all he owns, even his life, for the sake of Allah alone— such a one is worthy of being named giver and generous. Make your way of giving an act of ‘ibaadah (worship). How? Give gifts or favors for the sake of Allah ‘azza wa jall and not to get something in return.
3. Use the gifts of Al-Wahhaab in the right way.
Thank Al-Wahhaab by using His gifts to please Him. An example is the mobile phone; Al-Wahhaab gave you this technology, so use it for sharing knowledge and not for wasting time. If He gives you a nice afternoon with friends, don’t use it for backbiting or spending time in places of immoral behaviour.
4. Learn from the love of the companions.
Ja’far’s right hand, may Allah be pleased with him, was chopped off in battle, so he held the Islamic flag with his left hand. Another blow chopped off his left hand, so he held the flag up with his upper arms and held it there until he died. What love could drive him to sacrifice his life? Read about and learn from this and other great role models and sacrifice for Al-Wahhaab out of deep love.
5. Ask al-Wahhaab.
Amazingly, using this ism (name), there are more than one Quranic invocations; you will find the prophets, peace upon them, asking Al-Wahhaab for mercy, offspring, etcetera, ending with innaka anta al-Wahhaab– verily You are Al-Wahhaab. Look for these ayaat, memorize them, and use them in your daily life.
5. Don’t praise yourself.
Sometimes we say, I got married, worked hard, and got a beautiful house. Or we say, I gave my child a good upbringing, that’s why he is so good-mannered— I made my son like that! Don’t forget it was Al-Wahhaab who bestowed these favors on you. Your child is given to you as a gift from Al-Wahhaab. And We granted him (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob, each of whom did We guide; and before him, We did guide Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron. Thus do We reward the good-doers. [Quran, 6:84]
6. Ponder what Al-Wahhaab has given you.
First of all, He gave you your existence. Then think of the greatest gift Al-Wahhaab gave you: guidance. Think about water, which is scentless and colourless. Imagine if water were sticky— how could you wash yourself? Look at your memory and how Allah gave foods a nice smell. All of these are gifts of Al-Wahhaab; ponder them.
7. Give gifts to others.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, Give gifts, for this will increase your mutual love [Muslim]. No human being gives anything for nothing, even if it’s that we give to gain the reward of Allah ‘azza wa jall by it. The only One Who gives asking for nothing in return is Al-Wahhaab. If a human being gives you a gift, It is Al-Wahhaab who inspired him to give you what he has given you! So first thank Allah ‘azza wa jall for inspiring people to help you, and then be grateful to the people by doing a favor for them, or, if you can’t, by saying jazakAllahu khayran or barakAllahu feek(i).
O Allah, Al-Wahhaab, we know You are the Giver of all gifts. Make us of those who are grateful for Your gifts and use them to please You, and adorn us with love for You. Make us ponder Your gifts, inspire us to give gifts to others, and give us from Your mercy that overwhelms us in this present world and the world to come. Verily, You are the best giver of gifts, ameen!
And Allah knows best.
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dailytafsirofquran · 24 days ago
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Taha 9-10
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
20:9 And has there come to you the story of Musa!
20:10 When he saw a fire, he said to his family: “Wait! Verily, I have seen a fire; perhaps I can bring you some burning brand therefrom, or find some guidance at the fire.”
A Discussion of the Message of Musa Allah tells, And has there come to you the story of Musa! When he saw a fire, he said to his family: "Wait! From this point, Allah begins to mention the story of Musa, how revelation began to come to Him, and Allah's speaking directly to him.
This occurred after Musa had completed the time agreed upon between he and his father-in-law that he would herd sheep. He was traveling with his family, and it has been said that he was headed for the land of Egypt, after having been away from it for more than ten years. He had his wife with him and he became lost on the way during a cold, wintry night.
Therefore, he settled down, making a camp between some mountain passes and mountains that were covered with snow, sleet, dense clouds, darkness and fog. He began to try to make a fire with a kindling device he had with him, in order to produce some light, as was customary. However, it would not kindle anything and it even stopped giving off sparks. While he was in this condition, he saw a fire from the side of the mountain. It appeared to him to be a fire glowing from the right side of the mountain from where he was. He then announced the good news to his family saying,
Verily, I have seen a fire; perhaps I can bring you some burning brand, This means a flame from a fire. In another Ayah he said, or a burning firebrand. (28:29)
This is a coal that has a burning flame. This proves that it was in fact cold weather at that time. This proves that it was dark. In reference to his statement, or find some guidance at the fire.
This means someone who can guide me to the road. This proves that he lost the road. This is as Ath-Thawri reported from Abu Sa’id Al-A’war, from Ikrimah, from Ibn Abbas that he said concerning some find or ,statement s'Allah guidance at the fire), "This means someone who will guide me to the road. They were cold and had lost their way. 
Then, when he (Musa) saw the fire he said, ‘Either I will find someone who can guide us to the road, or at least I can bring you all some fire that you can kindle with.’”
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jami-attirmidhi · 1 month ago
JAMI'at-TIRMIDHI: The Book on Military Expeditions: Hadith 1980
Narrated Abu Bakrah:
"The Prophet (ﷺ) was met by some affair that made him happy, so he prostrated to Allah."
Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1577
In-book reference : Book 21, Hadith 39
English translation : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 1577
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lifeofresulullah · 3 months ago
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh):  Farewell Hajj and the Death of the Prophet (pbuh)
Farewell Hajj
(10th Year of the Migration, the month of Dhul-Hijjah  / AD 632, March)
It was the 10th year of the Migration, the month of Dhul-Qada.
The Messenger of God made preparations for hajj. He also ordered the Muslims in Madinah to make preparations for hajj. In addition, he sent Madinah.
Upon this news, thousands of Muslims who wanted go to hajj started to flood into Madinah. Soon, Madinah was full of the light of Islam and luminous faces. Tents were set up around Madinah.
Muslims were experiencing a unique atmosphere of a festival and the Messenger of God was praising and thanking God Almighty in the peace and happiness of seeing the magnificent result of the great cause that he conveyed to people. 
Leaving Madinah
There were five days left for the end of the month of Dhul-Qada. It was Saturday.
The Messenger of God appointed Abu Duja­na as-Saidi as his deputy in  Madinah. He had a bath in his house. He wore some nice perfume and put on new clothes. He left his house toward noon and went to the mosque. He led the noon prayer.
The Prophet set off from Madinah with more than one hundred thousand Muslims who surrounded him like luminous circles and reached Dhul-Hulayfa. He spent the night there with his great congregation. 
The next day, he performed the noon prayer and entered ihram there. Then, he headed toward Makkah with his Companions, each of whom is a star of the humanity.
The Messenger of God was on his camel, Qasva. More than one hundred thousand Companions were like planets that did not lose their orbits around the spiritual sun. They uttered talbiyah: “Labbayk! “Labbayk! Allahumma labbayk! Lab­bay­ka la sharika laka Llabbayk! Innal hamda wan’ni­ma­ta la­ka wa’l-mulka la sharika laka.” (Here I am, O God, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty, You have no partner.)
It was as if the earth was like a single mouth and repeating the same “talbiyah” with hundreds of thousands of tongues. The earth and the sky were virtually sharing the joy and the excitement of the Messenger of God and his Companions. 
Arriving in Makkah
It was Monday, the fourth of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, early in the morning.
The Messenger of God entered Makkah from the upper part of the city called Thaniyyatu’u-Kada with more than one hundred thousand Muslims. When he saw the magnificent Kaaba, the Prophet prayed as follows: “O my Lord! Increase the magnificence, honor and grandeur of this magnificent Kaaba.
Then, the Prophet reached Baytullah. He made istilam toHajaru’l-Aswad and started to circumambulate the Kaaba from that corner. During the first three laps of the circumambulation, he took short steps and jerked his shoulders, walking fast and pompously; he walked slowly during the remaining four laps of the circumambulation.   
After completing the circumambulation by walking around the Kaaba seven times, he went to the Station of Ib­rahim. He performed a prayer of two rak’ahs there. Then, he made istilam to Hajaru’l-Aswad again. Meanwhile, he said to Hazrat Umar, “O Umar! You are strong. Do not shoulder others in order to touch Hajaru’l-Aswad. Do not disturb people especially weak ones. If there are not many people around, touch it. If it is very crowded, greet and kiss it from a distance with your hands; utter, ‘La ilaha illalah and Allahu akbar’.”
The Prophet Performs Sa’y
The Messenger of God went up to Safa Hill after that. He praised and thanked God Almighty there. Then, he came down and performed sa’y between Safa and Marwa seven times.
Going to Mina
After staying in Makkah on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the Messenger of God went to Mina on Thursday. He performed the noon, afternoon, evening and night prayers there in congregation. He spent the night there. On Friday, the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah, he set off from Minah after performing the morning prayer and headed toward Arafat. 
The earth and the sky were resounding with the talbiyahs uttered by the Companions.
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