#Msp Sales Management
onlineecommercestore · 7 months
Why B2B Sales Thrives with Quoting Software?
As VAR businesses engage in complex transactions with other businesses, the need for streamlined processes becomes even more critical. This is where quoting software plays a pivotal role in revolutionizing B2B sales, fostering efficiency, accuracy, and overall growth.
Quoting software simplifies the intricate process of generating and managing quotes, transforming what was once a time-consuming task into a swift and error-free operation. One of the primary benefits is the speed at which quotes can be generated.
In a competitive B2B landscape, being able to provide clients with quick and accurate quotes can be the difference between winning or losing a deal. The sales quoting software automates this process, allowing B2B sales teams to respond promptly to customer inquiries, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and trust.
Eliminate Pricing Discrepancies in B2B Quoting
The accuracy of quotes is another crucial aspect of B2B sales, and quoting software significantly reduces the margin for errors. Manual quote generation can lead to miscalculations, pricing discrepancies, and other mistakes that may compromise the integrity of a deal.
Business sales quoting software, on the other hand, employ automation to ensure that quotes are consistent, error-free, and aligned with the pricing strategy of the business. This not only instills confidence in clients but also protects the business from potential disputes and financial losses.
Manage B2B Complexities with Ease
Furthermore, B2B quoting software facilitates customization, enabling businesses to tailor quotes based on specific customer needs and preferences. B2B transactions often involve complex pricing structures, volume discounts, and negotiated terms.
Quoting software allows sales teams to easily navigate these complexities, providing clients with personalized quotes that reflect their unique requirements. This level of flexibility not only enhances the customer experience but also positions the business as a responsive and adaptable partner in the eyes of clients.
Be aligned with your B2B Sales Strategy
The centralized nature of B2B sales quoting software for MSPs also contributes to improved collaboration within sales teams. With a unified platform for creating and managing quotes, team members can seamlessly share information, track changes, and collaborate in real time. This collaborative environment fosters better communication, reduces the risk of misunderstandings, and ensures that all team members are aligned with the overall sales strategy.
Streamline your B2B Sales
Moreover, B2B sales quoting software for VARs often integrates with other essential business tools, such as CRM systems and accounting software. This integration streamlines the entire sales process, from lead generation to order fulfillment.
It eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces the likelihood of data errors, and provides a holistic view of the customer journey. This interconnected approach not only saves time but also empowers sales teams with actionable insights, enabling them to make informed decisions that drive business growth. The business quote generator is a catalyst for the thriving B2B sales landscape. Its ability to enhance speed, accuracy, customization, collaboration, and integration makes it an indispensable tool for businesses engaged in complex transactions. As B2B sales continue to evolve, leveraging quoting software will undoubtedly become a key strategy for staying competitive, fostering customer relationships, and ultimately achieving sustainable growth in the marketplace.
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kiefbowl · 2 years
boring work rant under the cut
okay so the guy who hired me is the Managing Director of our MSP Operations, aka he is overseeing our NOC business - the HD, NOC, Cloud Ops, InfoSec...etc. (as opposed to sales, procurement, and projects which are their own department). He is new to the company in that he joined as a consulted ~18 months ago to help integrate a new acquired client with some of the business in some way I don't understand blah blah blah, and he basically went to the CEO and said "you've given me an impossible job bc you've hired me to be in front of the firing line when the problems are from within...you have bad customer experience" and that was about 6 months ago so they said okay you're hired, you're going to do it you're going to fix it. So he's important, he's high up. He's not c-suite, but he's like just below.
One of his visions (of meny) was hiring me. I'm supposed to be building their internal training infrastructure of which they had none. They brought me on at the same time they hired 6 new HD engineers, which they brought on because they were onboarding two new clients, so they also brought on a new Client Onboarding Manager - a position they didn't have bc it was split between like 3 people. Basically, they're running this place like a start up and too many people are wearing too many hats, and business is being fire hosed into this company. We have grown 30% every year for 3 years and that's what the CEO wants to "maintain" (that's insane - it will plateau eventually). But also, with all this incoming business, and all these changes (of which there are even more I haven't described), it's just too much at once and the person who is being de-prioritized is me. This totally makes sense: I've been hired for a project that is inherently long-term, collaborative, and is not immediately needed. But I'm bored, I'm so so so fucking bored.
Okay so anyway two weeks ago, the guy who hired me (I'll call him my boss but he is weirdly opposed to acting like I "have a boss" - I'm not supposed to "answer to anyone" - fucking kill me), made some big changes that I believe I help influence for just our HD. We're moving our HD manager (who is flailing) into a more specialized client focused role, and we've promoted a few engineers to be Team Leads, and we've finalized a two tier system for the engineers. Wasn't my exact vision, but it's fine. He pulls these guys into a meeting that I say "hello I'm coming with?" bc it's insane to not be invited, and these guys are like fresh faced twenty somethings just beginning their careers, they've just started working in the past few years, and my boss tells them he wants to help them succeed, he wants to hear their ideas, I'm there to support them, blah blah blah. He then says he wants [NAME REDACTED] to be fired. This is a much older engineer who used to be a tech specialist who was working on projects as a contractor for our project team pre covid, and is now working at HD (very fucking unusual). Boss tells me all the time it was a demotion, and [NAME REDACTED] tells me it's something he asked for for job security during the pandemic. Yikesaronni, I just always try to change the fucking subject. But then he drops it on these 20 somethings getting their first big promotion of their lives who will not having hiring or firing responsibilities that my boss thinks [NAME REDACTED] should be let go because he's too expensive and is a huge disappointment (specs on that were not readily available). They of course all agree when he says he can get two new engineers hired for the price of one [NAME REDACTED]'s salary. Fine, whatever.
He asks them to get a game plan about a time table that would work for them, and they come back with: first week of november, since they're planning two more months, to fully roll off the current schedule, on the condition these two new guys are hired and start before the Firing. I'm all in agreement, plus this gives me something to FUCKING DO. Yes, hire some people and I can create an orientation and onboarding plan, please!!!!
My boss impresses on them that he's game, and he wants to send them offer letters that week as he already has two candidates in mind (which of course means he was already interviewing people.....kay), and he wants to move fast on this and he already has the approval he needs to move forward. That was two weeks ago. I have heard nothing about these new guys. So I send him a little ping, and he tells me he's waiting for approval from the Operations/NOC Service Delivery Director, a guy who works under him, to "confim making offers" HELLO????? and this is how the convo went:
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WTF are you talking about???? Are you in charge or not!! are we getting these people or not!!! are we firing [NAME REDACTED] in two weeks or not???????? YOU'RE in waiting mode? I thought this was in the bag? and what's with the sass like I'm checking in on you? I've been given no indication when, what, how these new hires arrived when the last I heard they were coming was from YOU it was YOUR idea. Why would I have any idea to go ask the other guy? Like wtffffff is happening at this place.
Truly maddening, I'm about to Q-U-I-T. Give me something to fucking do
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kapittx · 6 days
Accounts Receivable and Cash Flow Challenges in Technology and IT Services Companies
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The technology and IT services industry is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector that encompasses a wide range of services and products aimed at managing and optimizing information and business processes.
The Technology and IT Services industry is driven by several key factors that are shaping its growth and evolution. While AI is going to bring in a paradigm shift in the industry and its offering, some of the primary drivers of this industry are Digital Transformation, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Analytics, Internet of Things, Technology innovations like 5G, Blockchain, SaaS etc.
Technology and IT Industry Segments : 
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1. Software Companies
Independent Software Vendors (ISVs): These companies develop and sell custom made software solutions that can be used by different  industries.
Software as a Service (SaaS): These companies provide software applications over the internet and have high dependence on subscription management.
2. IT Services Companies
System Integrators or Value Added Resellers: These firms are solution providers and play the role of an aggregator by incorporating various hardware and software offerings from OEMs  as part of their solution.
Managed Service Providers (MSPs): These companies manage a customer’s IT infrastructure and end-user systems on a proactive basis.
IT Consulting Services: These firms offer expert advice to help organizations assess and implement advanced IT solutions.
3. Cloud Solutions Providers
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): These companies provide virtualized computing resources over the internet.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): For application development, hardware and software tools over the internet are the primary focus of PaaS providers
4. Tech Product Companies
Hardware Manufacturers: These companies produce physical devices such as computers, smartphones, and networking equipment.
Semiconductor Companies: These firms design and manufacture semiconductor chips used in electronic devices.
5. Cybersecurity Providers
These companies offer products and services to protect systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks.
6. Data Center Providers
These companies offer facilities and services for housing and managing data storage systems.
7. Telecommunication Companies
These firms provide communication services such as internet, phone, and television.
8. E-commerce Companies
These companies operate online platforms for buying and selling goods and services.
9. Tech Infrastructure Companies
These companies provide the systems and facilities that enable web-based communications and commerce.
10. Tech Service Companies
These companies offer experienced and technical personnel to help businesses leverage technology.
Irrespective of the segment you operate, in the dynamic landscape of Technology and IT services sector, accounts receivable management and ensuring smooth cash flow are critical for sustaining growth and operational efficiency. However, these companies often face significant challenges that can impede their financial health. This blog post delves into the primary reasons behind accounts receivable challenges and offers insights into how they can be addressed to reduce DSO and increase cash flow.
1. High Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)
One of the most pressing issues is the high Days Sales Outstanding (DSO), which measures the average number of days it takes for a company to collect payment after a sale. A high DSO means the time taken by customers to pay the invoices is longer and exceeding the credit perion offered.  This can severely impact cash flow and several factors contribute to this:
Complex Billing Cycles: Technology and IT services often involve complex billing structures, including milestone-based payments, subscription management models, and time-and-materials contracts. These complexities can contribute to the delays in invoicing and collections.
Client Negotiations: Clients, especially large enterprises, may negotiate extended payment terms, further elongating the DSO.
2. Inefficient Accounts Receivable Processes
Inefficient accounts receivable processes can lead to delays and errors in invoicing and payment collection. Common inefficiencies include:
Manual Processes: Reliance on manual processes for invoicing and payment tracking can result in errors and delays. 
Lack of Automation: Without automation, accounts receivable teams spend excessive time on routine tasks, leaving less time for strategic activities like follow-ups and dispute resolution.
3. Disorganized Ledger Management
Disorganized ledger management can cause significant issues in tracking and reconciling payments. This disorganization can stem from:
Inconsistent Record-Keeping: Inconsistent or inaccurate record-keeping can lead to discrepancies between the amounts billed and the amounts received.
Poor Communication: Lack of communication between departments can result in incomplete or incorrect information being recorded in the ledger.
4. Customer Disputes and Payment Delays
Customer disputes over invoices can lead to payment delays and strained relationships. Common causes of disputes include:
Billing Errors: Errors in invoices, such as incorrect amounts or missing details, can contribute to payment delays and disputes.
Service Issues: Disputes may also arise from perceived issues with the services provided, leading customers to withhold payment until the issues are resolved.
5. Economic Uncertainty
Economic uncertainty can exacerbate AR and cash flow challenges. Factors contributing to this include:
Market Volatility: Economic downturns or market volatility can lead to reduced spending by clients, resulting in delayed or missed payments.
Budget Constraints: Clients facing their own financial challenges may delay payments to manage their cash flow, impacting the AR of technology and IT services companies.
6. Regulatory Compliance
Compliance with various regulations can add complexity to the AR process. For example:
Data Privacy Regulations: Ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA can require additional resources and processes, potentially slowing down AR activities.
Financial Reporting Standards: Adhering to financial reporting standards can necessitate detailed documentation and verification, adding to the administrative burden.
7. Supply Chain Disruptions
Supply chain disruptions can impact the delivery of products and services, leading to delays in invoicing and payment collection. These disruptions can be caused by:
Geopolitical Tensions: Geopolitical tensions can disrupt supply chains, leading to delays in project completion and invoicing.
Raw Material Shortages: Shortages of essential raw materials can delay production and delivery, impacting the timing of invoicing and payment collection.
8. Technological Challenges
While technology is a key enabler for IT services companies, it can also pose challenges:
Integration Issues: Integrating new technologies with existing systems can be complex and time-consuming, potentially leading to delays in AR processes.
Cybersecurity Threats: Cybersecurity threats can disrupt operations and lead to delays in invoicing and payment collection.
Addressing the Challenges
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1. Implement AI Powered Accounts Receivable Automation
Automating accounts receivable processes can significantly improve efficiency and accuracy. Automation tools can handle routine tasks like invoicing, payment tracking, and reminders, freeing up AR teams to focus on strategic activities. Automation can also reduce errors and speed up the payment collection process.
2. Enhance Communication and Collaboration
Improving communication and collaboration between departments can help ensure accurate and consistent record-keeping. Regular meetings and updates can help identify and resolve issues quickly, reducing the risk of disputes and delays.
3. Adopt Advanced Analytics
Leveraging advanced analytics can provide valuable insights into payment behaviors, customer creditworthiness, and collection effectiveness. Predictive analytics can help forecast cash inflows and identify high-risk accounts, enabling proactive management of AR.
4. Strengthen Customer Relationships
Building strong relationships with customers can help reduce disputes and payment delays. Regular communication and prompt resolution of issues can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage timely payments.
5. Optimize Billing Processes
Streamlining billing processes can help reduce errors and delays. This can include adopting standardized billing templates, conducting regular audits, and ensuring timely and accurate invoicing.
6. Monitor Economic Trends
Keeping a close eye on economic trends can help companies anticipate and prepare for potential challenges. This can include diversifying the customer base, offering flexible payment terms, and maintaining a healthy cash reserve.
7. Invest in Technology
Investing in technology can help address integration and cybersecurity challenges. This can include adopting cloud-based solutions, implementing robust cybersecurity measures, and ensuring seamless integration of new technologies with existing systems.
Accounts receivable and cash flow challenges are significant hurdles for technology and IT services companies. However, by adopting strategic measures such as AI powered accounts receivable automation, advanced analytics, and improved communication, these companies can overcome these challenges and ensure sustained growth and financial stability. At Kapittx, we are committed to helping businesses streamline their AR processes and optimize cash flow through innovative AI-powered accounts receivable solutions. By addressing these challenges head-on, companies can focus on what they do best – delivering cutting-edge technology and IT services to their clients.
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ipmcomputers · 2 months
BSN Announces Integration with Gradient MSP Pricing Benchmark Assessment
Breach Secure Now is excited to announce its integration with Gradient MSP’s newly released Pricing Benchmark Assessment tool. This collaboration underscores BSN’s commitment to providing Managed Service Providers (MSPs) with the tools they need to enhance their profitability, streamline their operations, and deliver exceptional value to their clients. As Tracie Crites, BSN’s Chief Channel Officer states, “Not only is Breach Secure Now transparent about our pricing and value to our MSP community, but we are also seamless in our integration into your business life. We make you money, save you money, and we don’t cost you valuable time. We aren’t tedious. We don’t have inflated pricing. We don’t sell directly to your clients. We don’t play games with the MSP channel. We do Human Cybersecurity, Productivity, & AI Training better than anyone, and we are not afraid to share why.” The new Gradient MSP Pricing Benchmark Assessment is a testament to BSN’s dedication to transparency and efficiency. This tool enables MSPs to compare their resale prices, costs, and adoption rates against data from over 1,000 MSPs, backed by more than $7 billion in MSP sales data. It provides clear and actionable insights, allowing MSPs to make informed decisions that enhance their growth and profitability. “The collective effort of these leading vendors and Gradient MSP embodies the spirit of community and shared success. We believe that a rising tide lifts all boats, and this tool is a testament to that,” said Colin Knox, CEO & Co-Founder of Gradient MSP. BSN is delighted to be an early supporter of this innovative tool and looks forward to seeing its benefits for the channel and MSPs of all sizes. The post BSN Announces Integration with Gradient MSP Pricing Benchmark Assessment appeared first on Breach Secure Now!. The post BSN Announces Integration with Gradient MSP Pricing Benchmark Assessment appeared first on IPM Computers LLC. from https://www.ipmcomputers.com/
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jcmarchi · 3 months
How one MSSP's success story is supported by Check Point - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-one-mssps-success-story-is-supported-by-check-point-cybertalk/
How one MSSP's success story is supported by Check Point - CyberTalk
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Jason Whitehurst is the Chairman and CEO of FutureSafe Incorporated. For over eight years, he has been a cyber security services and stack provider in the Managed Service Provider (MSP) space. Jason contributes regularly to large MSP communities as an Evangelist, advocating for the use of Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) partnerships when selling cyber security to end clients.
FutureSafe specializes in providing MSPs with a comprehensive suite of platforms and services, including SECOPS management. This allows MSPs to offer robust cyber security solutions at competitive margins while minimizing their overall liability. FutureSafe empowers MSPs to present themselves as cyber security experts and providers within their social networks, website and marketing campaigns. Jason maintains a strong advocacy for the Check Point suite of products and capabilities.
In this interview, the CEO of FutureSafe, Jason Whitehurst, discusses how his MSSP business operates, growing cyber security trends, why his partnership with Check Point has been valuable, and why he continues to leverage Check Point’s security technologies. By providing you with new perspectives, this interview will expand your horizons. Don’t miss it!
What inspired you to pursue a career in cyber security? How did your journey lead you to your current role at FutureSafe?
I would say that about eight years ago, I was deep into my career, working with, owning and running a decently sized managed service provider (MSP) for mid-tier and some enterprise businesses, where we worked in a co-managed IT world. We provided expertise that that particular business – usually banks – didn’t have the IT expertise to pursue in-house.
We would often manage them on an ongoing basis. What I noticed, however, was that as IT became more commoditized, the cyber security side started to become significantly more important…The expertise around what was needed to function as a proper CISO or cyber security architect for a client was quite divergent from what someone at the same level, in IT, would do.
So, I closed off the infrastructure side of my business and kept the security side. We were providing security products and consulting to our existing co-managed IT clients. That’s something that we were selling organically. We were just starting to shape up as an industry.
Since then, that’s all that we’ve done – we’ve provided that expertise.
What kinds of businesses do you generally serve?
Yeah, so we’re a little bit unique. We’re an MSSP for MSPs and more direct-to-enterprise businesses. Our MSP (managed service provider) clients are providing a service to their end-client and they’ve recognized that they don’t have any capacity to do cyber security – they just don’t have the expertise, they don’t have anyone who could be sworn in as an expert witness, there’s this whole list of things that they don’t have and that we provide.
We work behind the scenes. The end client doesn’t know that we exist, really. So, we augment the MSP and give them a full team’s worth of cyber security expertise. And the products that we provide and recommend have been fully vetted by us.
So, we have doubled in size, just about every year over the last 3-4 years and certainly, this year, we’ll be up there with our sales targets, reaching historical growth. And a lot of that has to do with what we’re doing with Check Point.
What drives FutureSafe’s ambitions? Organizational mission?
The core of our business is removing the liabilities that MSPs face, and even those that mid-market and enterprise clients face. We provide the proper cyber security despite the fact that they don’t have someone with that expertise in-house.
Companies have been winging it for a long time and tasking cyber security to their existing IT team, which runs into two problems. 1) They can’t make a recommendation because they don’t understand the implications of their recommendation. And 2) IT people feel uneasy because security is often auditing the work that’s been done by IT.
In other words, if an auditor works for IT, then he’s auditing his own boss. And that creates a conflict that we have to make sure isn’t there.
Would you like to provide a brief overview of the challenges that your clients are struggling with?
I think it boils down to standardization, simplification and optimization. Any work that we can do in those three areas will significantly increase the amount of available time, to the MSP, to do whatever it is that’s necessary – they’ll have more time available on their side.
All of our decisions are based around whether or not we can achieve those three objectives. In general, we’ve been able to do those three things very extensively, where our entire security stack is available with one agent that’s put on endpoint, and it doesn’t even require a rebuild. And Check Point is a big part of that stack.
We had to have a platform/stack with ease of onboarding, simplified views and consolidated risk data. Check Point has a level of maturity for that area of need, and there are very very few competitors who can perform at that level.
What kinds of questions do your clients typically have for you concerning stronger cyber security management? What do they want to know about improving their cyber security and cyber resilience?
The big question that they want to know the answer to is ‘what’s the best use of our cyber security budget spend?’ They want to know where to spend it, and where cyber attackers are attempting to infiltrate most frequently.
Oftentimes, we can tell them not only about what that threat landscape looks like, but we can also tell them about the products and services that we can deploy to mitigate corresponding threats.
We try to keep that (products and services) flexible as the threat landscape changes. That seems to work well. It’s better than guessing what will happen over the next 12 months and trying to build accordingly.
When you see client emergencies, what typically triggers those? Example of a client emergency?
It’s predominately business email compromise attack these days. Phishing is part of that, but the vast majority of compromises that we see right now involve threat actors trying to get in through SaaS apps, cloud apps, API connections…It’s a lot easier to exfiltrate that way and extort the exfiltrated database for ransom.
I don’t have a problem handling it when these situations do come to pass, but we just don’t see traditional ransomware as much anymore.
What is FutureSafe’s process for working with clients? How do you ensure that you’re providing comprehensive cyber security coverage?
The first step for us is reviewing whether or not our business — our model, the way that we work, my internal SOC team working in conjunction with the MSP, so that the client doesn’t know that we exist — is a fit. We also look at whether our cultures are a fit, meaning we’re about to start taking over a fair amount of the day-to-day incident response and care-and-feeding and all of that.
Because an MSP has been handling that for quite some time, we have to come to some agreement as to how to proceed…If they truly want to work with us, then we have to qualify if that’s a good fit.
As a vendor, what is your decision-making process when it comes to cyber security tools?
The first thing that we do is determine what level of compliance maturity a given product may have. If they don’t have a baseline of product maturity, it’s not worth looking at that particular platform.
We generally invest in economies of scale with enterprise players. We do have others. But that is the modality that we tend to choose. And that has to do with risk mitigation.
It’s not difficult to explain why I chose the de-facto leader in overall Azure, Microsoft 365 email security – which is Check Point Harmony. There’s just no comparison. So, I don’t really have to qualify that decision. Everybody gets it.
If I’m choosing some other product that is brand new to the market, that hasn’t been vetted or tested really, that says that it can do all of these magical things, we really have to determine whether or not it’s a good fit.
Again, for us, from a culture perspective, if it is, then the next step for us is to determine what piece of that stack we may use. Check Point is one of those vendors that seems like it has a never-ending number of products to solve problems. Trying to pick out what makes the most sense can be a real challenge.
What are your thoughts around leveraging AI within cyber security solutions? How does your team currently work with AI-based products, if at all?
I think that when it comes to AI, leveraging AI in the threat identification workflow is a little premature. I think that the ability to provide the AI platform with enough data, and then to integrate it within an adaptable platform, and to use it to provide actionable intel right now — I’m a little worried about people just accepting the output that comes from an AI platform for a risk decisioning framework.
At some point, the security business will change fundamentally due to the improvements related to AI, but I don’t see it right now. It does need to be in every platform to analyze information and to determine what it means, but I think that letting it function as the sole decision maker for a threat is too risky at the moment.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with the Cyber Talk audience?
Yeah, I think that right now, when folks look at where to spend money and what that budget cycle looks like, as an organization with hundreds of MSP clients and of course, downstream clients, it can be tough to see through the fog.
Look, we’ve tested a multitude of products in-depth, after spending months and months, sometimes 3-4 months, trying to verify that a product does what it says it does…
Based on that time that I’ve already put in, leverage Check Point Harmony with Avanan front-end if you need multi-tenancy, and then using the appropriate version so that you can protect Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, DropBox, Box.net, ShareFile, as well as a unified quarantine. There just isn’t anything else that comes close.
There’s such a gap between Check Point Harmony and the next vendor that it very much was an easy decision for us.
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advizuru · 3 months
Top 10 Industries Benefiting from Managed IT Services
Hey there, tech enthusiasts and business moguls! Managed IT Services are like the secret sauce to many industries’ success recipes. They help streamline operations, improve security, and boost productivity across the board. Curious to know which industries are reaping the most benefits? Let’s dive into the top 10 industries that are making the most of Managed IT Services. Ready? Let’s roll!
1. Healthcare
In the healthcare industry, data security is as crucial as a steady heartbeat. Managed IT Services provide secure data storage, compliance with regulations like HIPAA, and efficient handling of electronic health records. Think of it as having a digital doctor keeping your data in perfect health.
2. Financial Services
Money makes the world go round, and Managed IT Services ensure that financial institutions keep spinning smoothly. They offer robust cybersecurity, data management, and compliance with financial regulations. It's like having a personal bodyguard for your financial data—strong, reliable, and always on alert.
3. Retail
Retailers rely heavily on technology for inventory management, point-of-sale systems, and customer data. Managed IT Services ensure these systems run without a hitch, improving customer experience and operational efficiency. Imagine having a super-efficient store manager who never takes a day off—MSPs are just that!
4. Education
From K-12 schools to universities, educational institutions benefit from Managed IT Services through enhanced security, efficient data management, and improved learning platforms. It’s like having a tech-savvy professor who makes sure everything runs smoothly, so students and teachers can focus on learning.
5. Manufacturing
Manufacturers need their systems running like a well-oiled machine. Managed IT Services help with everything from supply chain management to automation and cybersecurity. Picture having a pit crew for your production line—fast, efficient, and always on point.
6. Legal Services
Law firms handle tons of sensitive information, and Managed IT Services help keep that data secure, ensure compliance, and streamline case management systems. It’s like having a digital paralegal who never misses a detail and always has your back.
7. Real Estate
In real estate, time is money. Managed IT Services support property management software, customer relationship management systems, and secure communication channels. Think of them as the ultimate assistant, keeping everything organized so agents can close deals faster.
8. Non-Profit Organizations
Non-profits often operate on tight budgets and need efficient IT solutions. Managed IT Services offer affordable, scalable tech support, helping them focus on their missions rather than IT issues. It’s like having a generous benefactor who ensures your technology works flawlessly.
9. Hospitality
Hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies rely on tech for bookings, customer service, and operations. Managed IT Services ensure these systems are always up and running, enhancing guest experiences. Picture a concierge who handles all tech problems seamlessly, so guests always leave happy.
10. Professional Services
Consulting, marketing, and accounting firms benefit from Managed IT Services through improved project management, data security, and efficient communication tools. It’s like having an all-star administrative team that ensures everything runs like clockwork.
Managed IT Services are transforming industries by providing reliable, efficient, and secure IT solutions. Whether it's healthcare, financial services, retail, or any of the other industries mentioned, the benefits are clear. Managed IT Services help businesses focus on what they do best, leaving the tech worries to the experts. So, if you’re in one of these industries, it might be time to consider hopping on the Managed IT Services train. After all, who wouldn’t want a team of IT superheroes keeping things running smoothly?
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shruti9602 · 3 months
Unlock Your Business Potential with Expert Coaching in Cyprus
In today's competitive business environment, having a strategic edge is crucial. Whether you're a startup, an established business, or looking to pivot, the right guidance can make all the difference. This is where business coaching, consulting, and training come into play. If you're looking for expert assistance in Cyprus, look no further than MSP Business Coaching.
Why Business Coaching in Cyprus?
Cyprus has emerged as a vibrant hub for businesses, offering unique opportunities and challenges. Business coaching in Cyprus provides tailored strategies that address the specific needs of local enterprises. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider business coaching:
Tailored Strategies: Business coaches understand the Cypriot market dynamics and provide customized strategies that resonate with local trends and consumer behavior.
Goal Setting and Achievement: Coaches help you set realistic goals and devise actionable plans to achieve them, ensuring sustained growth and success.
Enhanced Performance: By identifying and addressing weaknesses, business coaches enhance overall performance, productivity, and efficiency.
Leadership Development: Effective leadership is critical for business success. Coaches provide leadership training that helps in managing teams more effectively.
The Role of a Business Consultant
A business consultant plays a pivotal role in steering your business towards success. Here's how a consultant from MSP Business Coaching can benefit you:
Expert Analysis: Consultants offer an objective analysis of your business operations, identifying areas for improvement.
Strategic Planning: They help in crafting long-term strategic plans that align with your business goals.
Market Insights: With their deep understanding of the market, consultants provide insights that help in making informed decisions.
Problem Solving: They bring innovative solutions to complex business problems, ensuring smooth operations.
Business Training in Cyprus
Continuous learning and development are vital for staying competitive. Business training in Cyprus offered by MSP Business Coaching covers a wide range of topics:
Leadership and Management: Training programs that enhance leadership skills and managerial capabilities.
Sales and Marketing: Strategies to boost sales and create effective marketing campaigns.
Customer Service: Improving customer service skills to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Financial Management: Training on budgeting, financial analysis, and cost control.
Why Choose MSP Business Coaching?
MSP Business Coaching stands out as a leader in providing top-notch business coaching, consulting, and training services in Cyprus. Here's what sets us apart:
Experienced Professionals: Our team comprises seasoned business coaches, consultants, and trainers with years of industry experience.
Customized Approach: We understand that every business is unique. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your business.
Proven Results: Our track record of success speaks for itself. We have helped numerous businesses achieve their goals and thrive in the competitive market.
Comprehensive Services: From coaching and consulting to training, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to cover all aspects of business growth and development.
Get Started Today
Unlock your business potential with MSP Business Coaching. Whether you need expert guidance, strategic consulting, or specialized training, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your business journey in Cyprus. For more information, visit our website MSP Business Coaching.
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leftleads · 4 months
Unlock the full potential of your managed service provider (MSP) business with our cutting-edge Funnel MSP Sales solutions. Say goodbye to inefficiencies and hello to streamlined processes designed to boost your sales and drive profitability. From lead generation to customer retention, our innovative approach revolutionizes the way MSPs manage their sales pipelines. Stay ahead of the competition and elevate your business to new heights with Funnel MSP Sales.
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equilibriumconsulting · 4 months
Maximize Your MSP Sales : Essential Marketing Insight | Equilibrium Consulting
Equilibrium Consulting is a comprehensive guide for Managed Service Providers. This book offers practical strategies and real-world examples to help MSPs enhance their marketing efforts, attract clients, and drive growth. Authored by industry experts, it provides the essential tools needed to succeed in a competitive market.
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certspots · 4 months
700-250 SMBS Dumps For Cisco Small and Medium Business Sales
The Cisco Small and Medium Business Sales 700-250 SMBS examination is a renowned certification test that is widely recognized in the industry. This certification holds significant importance for those looking to enhance their credentials and move up in their professional career. To aid you in your preparation for this important test, you can opt for the latest and most up-to-date 700-250 SMBS Dumps from Certspots. These 700-250 dumps contain real questions and their corresponding answers, which are incredibly beneficial in ensuring your successful pass in the 700-250 examination. The content of the 700-250 SMBS dumps is meticulously curated, covering thorough topics of each content category. This allows you to study and prepare for your examination in the most efficient manner, ensuring that no topic is left unexplored and you are fully prepared to tackle all the questions that may come your way in the actual examination.
Cisco Small and Medium Business Sales (700-250 SMBS) Exam
The Cisco Small and Medium Business Sales (SMBS 700-250) exam is a comprehensive test that spans 90 minutes and is integral to acquiring the Cisco Small and Medium Business Sales Specialization. This examination aims to certify the understanding of a candidate pertaining to the specific challenges and opportunities that are unique to the SMB sector. It also measures the ability to devise strategies that can efficiently leverage Cisco's innovative solutions. The solutions include a wide array of Cisco's offerings, strategies that involve partners, a diverse portfolio of solutions, and a variety of marketing tactics. The exam serves as a platform to demonstrate competencies in understanding the SMB market dynamics and applying Cisco's solutions to drive growth and success in this sector.
Get Familiar With Cisco 700-250 SMBS Exam
To thoroughly prepare for the upcoming exam, you should attain mastery in the following topics, each of which carries a weightage of 10% towards the final score.
1.0 Partnership Opportunities with Cisco: Understand the potential avenues for collaboration with Cisco and how to leverage them for mutual benefits.
2.0 Enabling People, Enhancing Workspaces: Learn how to empower employees and improve workspaces to foster productivity and engagement.
3.0 Exploring SMB Experiences: Gain insights into the unique experiences and challenges faced by small and medium-sized businesses.
4.0 Navigating Hybrid Workforce Experiences: Develop knowledge of managing a hybrid workforce, a mix of remote and on-site employees.
5.0 Adapting to Remote Workforce Experiences: Learn the nuances of adapting to a remote workforce and overcoming the associated challenges.
6.0 Securing the Modern Workplace: Understand the importance of cybersecurity in a digitally connected workplace and the best practices to ensure it.
7.0 Implementing SMART IT: Learn how to implement SMART IT solutions for improved functionality and efficiency.
8.0 Enhancing Application Performance: Understand the techniques to improve the performance of various applications for a seamless user experience.
9.0 Mastering Cisco's Go-to-Market Strategies: Learn the intricacies of Cisco's market strategies and how to apply them effectively.
10.0 Exploring MSP and Services Opportunities: Understand the opportunities in Managed Service Provider (MSP) and other service sectors, and how to capitalize on them.
How To Prepare and Pass the Cisco 700-250 SMBS Exam?
To prepare and pass the Cisco 700-250 SMBS exam, you should follow these steps:
Study the material: Make sure to thoroughly study and understand the topics mentioned above, as each carries a 10% weightage towards the final score.
Practice: Use practice exams to test your knowledge and get comfortable with the exam format.
Leverage Cisco resources: Cisco offers many resources to help you prepare for the exam, including study materials, guides, and community forums.
Review constantly: Regularly review the material to ensure that it is fresh in your mind. This will also help you identify any areas where you might need additional study.
Take care of yourself: Make sure to get plenty of sleep, eat well, and take breaks when needed. This will help you be at your best when taking the exam.
Stay positive: Maintain a positive attitude throughout your preparation and during the exam. Confidence in your knowledge and abilities can significantly affect your performance.
In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive guide to preparing for the Cisco Small and Medium Business Sales 700-250 SMBS exam. The exam is integral to acquiring the Cisco Small and Medium Business Sales Specialization and requires a good understanding of various key topics. By utilizing resources such as study materials, practice exams, and leveraging Cisco resources, candidates can effectively prepare for this examination. Remember, success in the exam requires not only thorough preparation but also taking care of one's wellbeing and maintaining a positive attitude.
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acordiscorp · 7 months
Acordis to Host Exclusive Event Showcasing Cutting-Edge B2B Solutions in Network Security
Miami, FL, Mar 2024: Acordis, a leading Managed Service Provider (MSP), is thrilled to announce an exclusive event scheduled for March 27, 2024, at 12:00 PM. This event, titled "Elevate Your Network Security: Exploring the Future of B2B Solutions," will provide attendees with an unparalleled opportunity to learn about groundbreaking technologies and strategies reshaping the landscape of network security. Registration is required to attend this event.
As one of the few local resources offering access to products exclusively sold in the B2B space, Acordis recognizes the importance of staying ahead in an ever-evolving industry, where robust network security is paramount. By offering a platform for education and engagement, the company aims to empower businesses with the knowledge and resources needed to safeguard their digital assets effectively.
The event will feature distinguished speakers who are experts in their respective fields:
• Matthew Scala, Channel SE at HPE: Speaking about "What's New in Data Center Networking." Matthew Scala works for HPE within the IT Infrastructure & Digital Transformation field, bringing extensive expertise to the discussion on the latest advancements in data center networking.
• Nils Lau, Ph.D., Sales Engineer at Aruba Networks, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company: Speaking about "The SASE Journey." Dr. Nils Lau is a Sales Engineer at Aruba Networks, where he specializes in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solutions. His insights will provide attendees with invaluable knowledge on navigating the journey towards secure and efficient network access.
Attendees can expect informative presentations, live demonstrations, and networking opportunities with industry experts and peers. The event will take place at [Location], and limited spots are available. Interested parties are encouraged to register early to secure their attendance.
For more information and to register for the event, please visit [Event Registration Link] or contact Johanna, Marketing Manager at Acordis, via email at [email protected].
About Acordis: Acordis is a leading Managed Service Provider (MSP) offering a comprehensive range of IT solutions to businesses. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Acordis strives to deliver cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses to thrive in a digital world.
Contact: Johanna (Marketing Manager Acordis)
Website: https://acordiscorp.com/
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24-facts-news · 7 months
Government Sets Lower Wheat Procurement Target for 2024-25 Season
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The Indian government has set a conservative target of procuring 30-32 million tonnes of wheat for the upcoming 2024-25 rabi marketing season, which begins in April 2024. This target comes despite expectations of a record wheat harvest of 114-115 million tonnes in the ongoing 2023-24 crop year (July-June).
Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Target: 30-32 million tonnes of wheat procurement for 2024-25 season
Expected harvest: 114-115 million tonnes for 2023-24 crop year
Reasoning behind lower target: While not explicitly stated, it could be due to factors like:
Sufficient stockpiles from previous harvests
Focus on promoting open market sales and reducing government storage costs
Uncertainty in global market conditions
It's important to note that this is just a target, and the actual amount of wheat procured may vary depending on several factors, including:
Market conditions: If open market prices are higher than the government's Minimum Support Price (MSP), farmers may be less inclined to sell to government agencies.
Weather conditions: Any unforeseen weather events impacting the upcoming harvest could necessitate adjustments to the procurement target.
Government policies: The government may decide to revise the target based on the evolving situation and its food security requirements.
This development has generated various reactions:
Farmers: Some farmer organizations have expressed concerns that the lower target might affect their income.
Market analysts: Some analysts believe the lower target is a prudent move to manage storage costs and encourage private participation in the wheat market.
Overall, the lower wheat procurement target set by the government for the 2024-25 season reflects a cautious approach considering the current and anticipated market conditions. The actual procurement outcome will depend on various factors that will unfold in the coming months.
Read More News-
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ipmcomputers · 5 months
Breach Secure Now Names Dan Cucchi as Vice President of Sales
Breach Secure Now, the channel leader in providing cybersecurity and productivity training and solutions, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dan Cucchi as its new Vice President of Sales. In this role, Cucchi will oversee the company’s sales strategy, drive revenue growth, and lead the sales team to further strengthen Breach Secure Now’s position in the channel. With over 14 years of experience in sales leadership roles, Cucchi continues to lend his strength with Breach Secure Now in strategy, knowledge, and expertise in his new position with the MSP community. Most recently, he served as Manager of Partner Sales – Security at ConnectWise, where he successfully launched a new team of Partner Development Executives focused on helping MSPs grow their security practices. Cucchi’s proven track record of building and leading high-performing sales teams, coupled with his deep understanding of the cybersecurity landscape, makes him a valuable addition to the Breach Secure Now team. CEO Art Gross “We are thrilled to welcome Dan Cucchi to the Breach Secure Now team,” said Art Gross, CEO of Breach Secure Now. “Dan’s extensive experience and leadership skills make him the ideal candidate to lead our sales efforts and drive our growth initiatives forward. We look forward to our continued growth under Dan’s guidance, in conjunction with delivering exceptional solutions for MSPs and their clients.” A Word From Dan “I am excited to join the talented team at Breach Secure Now,” said Dan Cucchi, Vice President of Sales at Breach Secure Now. “Breach Secure Now has a strong reputation for delivering innovative cybersecurity solutions, and I look forward to working with the team to capitalize on our momentum and drive continued success in the market.” Tracie Crites Looks Ahead Tracie Crites, Chief Channel Officer for BSN said “I’m excited to welcome and work with Dan Cucchi as our new VP of Sales at Breach Secure Now. His expertise will strengthen our partnerships within the MSP community. With Dan’s strategic insights and deep industry understanding, we’re set to deliver additional value to our MSP partners and their clients. We will work to continue to innovate, grow, and solidify our position as the trusted cybersecurity & productivity provider in the MSP ecosystem.” Partner with BSN If you are ready to learn how your MSP can partner with BSN to provide your clients award-winning solutions, contact us today! We are the Channel Leader in cybersecurity and productivity training with 3,000 MSP partners, 30,000 SMB (Small and Midsized Business) clients, and 1,000,000 SMB employees that utilize the BSN training platform. The post Breach Secure Now Names Dan Cucchi as Vice President of Sales appeared first on Breach Secure Now!. The post Breach Secure Now Names Dan Cucchi as Vice President of Sales appeared first on IPM Computers LLC. from https://www.ipmcomputers.com/
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merchantservices444 · 8 months
What is a Merchant Account vs Business Account?
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(Human directed ai content.)
In the world of commerce, understanding the nuances between different types of financial accounts is crucial for business owners. Two common types of accounts that often cause confusion are merchant accounts and business accounts. While both are essential for managing finances, they serve distinct purposes and cater to different aspects of running a business. Let's delve into the specifics of each to clarify their roles and functionalities.
Merchant Account:
A merchant account is primarily associated with payment processing. It enables businesses to accept debit and credit card payments from customers. When a customer makes a purchase using a card, the transaction amount is transferred from the customer's account to the merchant account before being deposited into the business's bank account.
Key features of a merchant account include:
Payment Processing: Merchant accounts facilitate the authorization, processing, and settlement of credit and debit card transactions. They provide the infrastructure necessary for businesses to accept card payments securely.
Merchant Service Provider (MSP): Businesses typically establish merchant accounts through a merchant service provider, which acts as an intermediary between the business, the card networks (such as Visa, Mastercard, etc.), and the acquiring bank.
Transaction Fees: Merchants are subject to various fees associated with processing transactions, including interchange fees (paid to card-issuing banks), assessment fees (paid to card networks), and service fees (charged by the MSP). These fees vary depending on factors such as transaction volume, card type, and processing method.
Payment Gateway Integration: Merchant accounts often integrate with payment gateways, which facilitate the secure transmission of transaction data between the merchant's website or point-of-sale system and the card networks.
Business Account:
A business account, on the other hand, is a standard bank account specifically designed for managing the finances of a business. It serves as a central hub for various financial activities, including receiving payments, making purchases, paying bills, and managing cash flow.
Key features of a business account include:
Deposit and Withdrawal Services: Business accounts allow for the deposit of funds from sales, as well as withdrawals for expenses, payroll, and other business-related transactions.
Check Writing and Bill Pay: Many business accounts offer check-writing capabilities and online bill pay services, enabling businesses to manage outgoing payments efficiently.
Account Management Tools: Business accounts often come with tools and features tailored to the needs of business owners, such as account alerts, expense tracking, and integration with accounting software.
Business Loans and Credit: Some business accounts offer access to business loans, lines of credit, or other financing options to help businesses manage cash flow, fund growth initiatives, or cover unexpected expenses.
Key Differences:
While both merchant accounts and business accounts are essential for managing a business's financial operations, they serve distinct purposes and cater to different aspects of the business:
Functionality: Merchant accounts focus specifically on payment processing, enabling businesses to accept card payments from customers. Business accounts, on the other hand, provide a broader range of financial services, including deposit and withdrawal services, bill pay, and account management tools.
Providers: Merchant accounts are typically established through merchant service providers (MSPs) that specialize in payment processing services, while business accounts are offered by banks and financial institutions.
Fee Structure: Merchant accounts are subject to transaction fees and other charges associated with processing card payments, whereas business accounts may incur fees for services such as monthly maintenance, overdrafts, or wire transfers.
In conclusion, while both merchant accounts and business accounts are essential components of managing a business's finances, they serve distinct purposes and offer different functionalities. Understanding the differences between the two is crucial for business owners seeking to optimize their financial operations and streamline payment processing. By leveraging the right combination of merchant and business accounts, businesses can effectively manage their cash flow, improve customer service, and drive growth.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Expert Tony Sabaj on Managed Security Service Providers - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/expert-tony-sabaj-on-managed-security-service-providers-cybertalk/
Expert Tony Sabaj on Managed Security Service Providers - CyberTalk
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Anthony (Tony) Sabaj is currently the Head of Channel Security Engineering for the Americas at Check Point, with over 25 years of experience in the Cyber/Information/Network security. Tony has been at Check Point since 2002 in a variety of sales and technical roles. Prior to joining Check Point, Tony was a Senior Product Manager at Telenisus, a startup MSSP/VAR in Chicago. In 2001, the MSSP business of Telenisus was sold to Verisign to start their MSSP business and the VAR business was sold to Forsythe to start their security practice. Tony joined Forsythe shortly after that acquisition as a Security Consultant and Certified Check Point trainer. Tony started his career with Arthur Andersen/Andersen Consulting, building their worldwide IP network, designing the security controls for the firm and helping to build their external security consulting practice.
In this interview, Tony Sabaj discusses the adoption of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). From selecting an MSSP provider, to the opportunities and challenges that come with relying on MSSPs, this interview provides in-depth cyber security insights.
These days, what types of organizations are newly seeking out managed security service providers (MSSPs)?
Organization are taking advantage of MSSP for a variety of reasons, including economies of scale, access to experts and tools that are otherwise out of reach for many organizations.  With the rise of As-a-Service offerings, especially cloud consumption, MSSPs can more easily accommodate fluctuating demand that most organizations cannot economically accommodate. An MSSP can allow an organization to consume services and solutions on an as-needed or pay as to go basis, alleviating the need for the organization to build capacity for their peaks and allowing them to consume what services are needed based on demand at any point in time.
Broadly speaking, what should organizations look for in MSSP offerings?
The first thing organizations should look for is to make sure they are working with an MSSP and not an MSP (Managed Service Provider). The basic difference is that an MSP will manage devices or applications for uptime, health, and directed move/add/changes. Whereas an MSSP is providing the security expertise As-a-service, creating security policy, security monitoring and response to security incidents. Secondly, organizations should look for expertise in their specific field/vertical. There are security controls that are universal for almost all organizations, but —especially when it comes to compliance and governance— the security controls differ based on industry. Make sure that an MSSP is taking into account regulations or frameworks that an organization needs to adhere to, including ISO 27001, HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, and NERC, just to name a few.
Where can MSSPs assist organizations in saving on security costs?
MSSPs have the ability to be more efficient with the utilization of resources; human resources, technology resources and processes are delivered and utilized with efficiency that is unmatched by most organizations. Because an MSSP delivers As-a-service, there are fewer upfront costs for an organization, freeing up capital to be invested in other areas of the organization.
How can managed security relieve the strain on IT resources?
Seventy-six percent of organizations report a cyber security skills gap. Obviously, there is a shortage of qualified cyber security professionals. MSSPs can bridge that gap by providing an in-demand skill set at an economy of scale that is difficult for most organizations to match.
Also, utilizing the right MSSP can allow an organization to focus their resources on the products and services of that particular organization. Further, since most security incidents require quick and agile response, an MSSP will have the capacity on-hand to adequately respond, in collaboration with a group of experts, something that most businesses cannot otherwise afford.
Is working with an MSSP always a magic bullet type of solution?
It is never a magic bullet for any organization. Utilizing an MSSP has many advantages, but also comes with challenges.
Besides the aforementioned benefits, an MSSP will have broader knowledge of the cyber security space, access to the latest security tools, and will understand unknown security concerns, at least in relation to the client. Working with an MSSP allows an organization to pivot or migrate to other solutions faster than they would be able to in-house. Organizations that purchased, implemented, and trained staff with particular controls that no longer suit their needs are pretty much required to start over, to maintain multiple systems and to incur the upfront costs of a newer solution. By utilizing an MSSP, an organization can choose different solutions offerings from the MSSP or even switch MSSPs more quickly and more cost-efficiently.
In most cases, utilizing an MSSP does not transfer liability. The organization still needs to be vigilant and abreast of the cyber security posture of their organization. Ultimately, the organization is responsible for ensuring adequate protections are in place. With the recently passed U.S.-based legislation concerning reporting of material cybersecurity incidents, the responsibility lies with the organization to comply with governmental regulations, regardless of their usage of an MSSP.
Lastly, organizations need to inspect and ensure that a given MSSP offers clear reporting and metrics in relation to the services that they are providing.
                                    Did you find this interview informative? See our related resources
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leftleads · 4 months
Discover the blueprint for accelerating growth in your Managed Service Provider (MSP) business with our comprehensive guide to building a robust marketing sales engine. From generating leads to closing deals, this blog dives deep into proven strategies and tactics for MSPs. Learn how to effectively position your services, leverage digital marketing channels, and optimize your sales process to drive sustainable growth and stay ahead in the competitive MSP landscape. Whether you're a seasoned MSP or just starting out, this resource will equip you with the insights and tools to elevate your marketing and sales efforts and achieve lasting success.
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