#MrL Luigi
So as you all know, I discovered Mr. L last night…
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(I also love how this turned out omg)
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raeboxx · 29 days
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Go Brobot go!!!
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eyembby · 1 year
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artblock luigis :3
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roroxm · 1 month
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Sigma (Mr M) y Mr L.
Amooo a estos dos, soy muy guapos 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️
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artycomicfangirl · 3 months
Hey I was tackling a concept which really has not been able to leave my mind. It was about Mr L and Daisy. That side of Luigi which we only truly see in Super Paper Mario. A snarky, confident villain who was quite a match for the heroes but I wonder how he responds to Daisy. An aggresive, passionate person who doesn't take crap from anybody.
It is fire against fire and normally that would clash but would that also count for these two? How would the dynamic change? Is Mr L more flirty and Daisy more taken aback by this? Or will she flirt back even more as a way to defend herself? And how does she feel about this Mr L? Does she completely hate him? Or does she like some parts of his personality?
Let me know what your thoughts are on this!
Hey! This is another fun ask that I’ve been slowly working on, but life and distraction kept pulling me away from. But FINALLY I’m here!
I’ve been feeling in a bit of a fluffy-sappy mood. So I do apologize just in case if I do make characters seem OOC!
Also, this is a bit more Luigi-heavy it seems, since this ask is about potential ideas regarding Mr L. Enjoy!
So. Potential Scenario time to set the scene and some context:
After Mario Fighting Mr L and seemingly banishing this Alter Ego from his younger brother’s body. Mario realizes that the side effects may not be as simple as it is.
Turns out, Although looking to be temporary. Due to the odd nature of magic, Parts of the so called ‘Mr L’ alter ego still lingers within the subconscious of Luigi’s mind. And from time to time, will often pop up in moments of high-tension, stress or anger.
It has been deduced that for the time being, Mr L may be triggered as an extreme way for Luigi to overcome the very things that holds him back.
This ‘Revived’ Version of Mr L, now retains some memories from when he was primarily active and thriving. Now, he is more aware that he is a conscious. He just chooses to see that he and Luigi share one ‘Vessel’
Mr L also has adopted new parts to his behavior, which are triggered from his old memories (In which I will elaborate further below.)
So now as the main gang have to wait this out till it passes over. Let’s see how our Sarasaland Princess deals with this!
💚 Two Sides of the Same Coin 💚
So if i remember correctly, Mr L did kind of express some sort of attraction towards Peach in the game.
But when a new Princess comes into the picture? Oh boy, did he fall HARD.
💚 While it’s obvious from surface level than Daisy and Luigi are more of an opposites attract sort of situation. I’d reckon that both Daisy and Mr L are more or so an equal match. This is what makes a bit more banter between the two. Especially when Mr L is the one talking his worth. Daisy on the other hand, is the type to eye-roll at his antics more.
But strange enough. When it comes to Daisy, Mr L acts differently around her. Because it’s been implied that some of Mr L’s behavior is still affected from Luigi’s memories, His attraction for her hits him full force. He actually wants to “Keep her around”. So he genuinely puts in effort to do so. Ironically, his actions is what keeps her at bay sometimes.
💚 Of Course is seen to act so Cocky towards most of his rivals and enemies, laughing at their faces. But when it comes to Daisy, he clearly tries to find ways to impress her and gain her attention.
While Luigi is all about the sentimental, heartfelt and genuine understanding. Mr L does not seem to get it, and relies on grand and flashy feats. Most of these attempts do not work, and he becomes genuinely shocked.
He doesn’t insult Daisy intentionally. But more has the “Oh, she doesn’t understand…Hey, I’ll try something else! Something even more grand!” Mentality.
💚 Because of Luigi, he has a natural subconscious pull and attraction towards Her. In fact, that’s one of the lucky things that Daisy has to keep from making him as her enemy in the first place.
But of course, he’s more full of himself about it. Leaning against a wall, arms crossed until Daisy notices and calls him out for staring. But he doesn’t give a care in the world.
“ Hey now. I can’t help staring down at such a beautiful force of nature~”
💚 💛 Seeing Daisy in her signature sports or Mario Kart Biker outfit? He will absolutely give a whistle of approval. When Mr L likes what he sees, he makes it VERY clear.
He will find amusement if Daisy reacts in a shocked manner. But it’s when she reacts all flustered, cue the smirk from him. He eats this kind of response right up!
💚 💛 Mr L has a knack for giving demeaning nicknames for his rivals and enemies. But for Daisy? Pet names and complements galore. He has no shame.
“Hey, Ms Pretty Petal! How about I pluck you from the fields of boredom, and take you somewhere fun?
“Well Hey, Ms Sunflower! I was working on my latest invention…but looks like all I need is you to brighten my day!
“Hey Ms Steady Sweetie! How’d you like my Dance Moves? Speechless? Huh, that’s okay. I guess The Green Thunder must be THAT striking to you huh?
💚 Even Mr L’s need to leap in and defend Daisy, is by some instinctual force. At first, he merely just does this because he wants to One-up (Pun intended) Luigi. To prove that he’s the better conscious. The better man.
But over time, Mr L is forced to learn and accept new things. So overtime, much to his chagrin, he unintentionally gains some empathy and development along the way. He always backs this up as simply not letting anyone tell him what to do. But doing this on his own will.
As time goes on though. Mr L kind of does change a bit. Also to show him learning to work together with Luigi’s conscious.
“That Mr Toochickentofightghosts would be sad if anything happened to you…Eh, wouldn’t you know? Something I agree with.”
💚 Regarding Mr L retaining the memories he previously once had. This is tied to my previous point of him now hating being told what to do. He is actually scared of being controlled by another force. Hence why when he gains understanding that he and Luigi share a conscious, he often fights to take over.
When opened up in his most vulnerable state, he kind of actually does express sympathy for what he remembers as Count Bleck’s downfall. In this moment, he subtly implies that he is unsure as to who he can look up to now. Or if he could ever find someone as worthy as Bleck to admire.
💚💛 I’d like to imagine that at some point, Everything would change, when Daisy ends up defending not just Luigi. But Mr L as well. I can imagine this happening at a point much later, When Daisy has learnt so much about Mr L, and has gotten along with him this far.
Seeing this Princess proclaiming that Mr L is not some One-time minion who can just be used and cast away, makes him see that Daisy genuinely finds recognition and respect in his intellect. And Thus, he fully shifts to having his utmost loyalty from Bleck, to ‘His’ Daisy.
Aside from his now changed views on Mario, Luigi and the main Gang. This was the woman he quite literally will think of as top Priority to him. For she genuinely sees him for what he is worth. Much like she does for Luigi
🌼 He…Loves me? 🌼
💛 This whole thing might be something Daisy has never seen before. And knowing that the one person she loves has a double personality understandably would freak her out a little at the beginning. But since Mario would have fought Mr L already, so he could explain to Daisy about everything.
Again, Mr L and Luigi are really all in all the same person. So after Mario had to confirm this a couple of times for her to process, Daisy is quick to be aware of this. She would never fault Luigi for how Mr L would act. But of course, it doesn’t entirely stop her from being appalled at Mr L’s actions.
💛 Daisy does not tolerate Luigi’s legacy to be insulted. It is why whenever Mr L does make some kind of passive aggressive insult towards Luigi, is the thing that gets her so defensive and annoyed the most.
💛 It is Daisy’s strong character, her not falling for Mr L’s antics easily. Is ironically, what draws him to her so much. The running gag is that no matter how much she tries to retort back to him, he actually finds amusement in it. He definitely likes her ‘feisty’ nature.
💛 Daisy’s way of learning how to actually get along and accept Mr L, is by being able to be as quick witted as he is. She begins to quickly learn that a flirtatious comeback or two, is enough to basically shut him up. She actually finds it really funny that all she can do is wink back at him, and he becomes all silent.
Of course much to her dismay, she then suddenly remembers that this was the fuel to fan his flames of desire. Pining for her even more the next day. Task failed…successfully?
💛 Honestly, Daisy would sometimes be frustrated and shocked at Mr L’s excessive dramatic and cheesy nature. But as she learns to help Luigi with this new predicament of now welcoming Mr L into his life. Daisy begins to form more insight as to how Luigi’s mind might work.
💛 Surprisingly enough. Being around Mr L, has taught Daisy what she can do to motivate and support Luigi. It is why she takes raising his confidence seriously, and will further instill into him that being himself, is what made her fall for him. And that as long as he still held onto his pure heart, she will not judge him for having Mr L in his life.
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camprell-art · 9 months
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Now I have Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, King Boo and Mr.L :)
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Inktober day 16- Angel and day 17- Demon
As you may be able to tell from the date, this took longer than expected. Bit annoying that Tumblr compresses it so much but such is life.
I am really happy with the composition of this :)
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booigismansion · 1 year
Luigi vs Mr L 👊💥
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And here is the none text version :)
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IT'S FINALLY DONE! I can finally draw something different, there's no context really, besides these girls fighting, there could be a part two but... I'm not 100% sure yet.
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gandhiwing · 1 year
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Mr.L es la mejor contraparte de Luigi🖤
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galactic-knightmare · 2 years
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Got bored so I asked the bowuigi discord for some outfit suggestions. I was not disappointed XD
so heres some Mr. L doodles XD
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beardeyli-blog · 2 years
Mr.L y Luigi no se llevan ni tan bien ni tan mal
Ellos son más como hermanos que siempre pelean entre si (más por parte de Mr.L)
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Uno pacifista y el otro con problemas de ira
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde AU:
Luigi creates a power up that unleashes his “nebulous and unspecified base urges” and names that alter ego Mr. L
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raeboxx · 3 months
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And ofc I made one for mr l ✨💚
he’s got a chain chomp hoodie >:))
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lifransart13 · 1 year
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Emo Boy
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roroxm · 4 months
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Dos de mis Luigi's favoritos son el doctor L y mrL son geniales a su manera.
Mr L es altanero, confiado, pero en su esencia inocente y un poco torpe, algo tsundere
DrL es confiado, relajado y sabe lo que hace, coqueto y perspicaz
Estos.universos e visto más Mario x Luigi, y me gusta y me encanta, por qué al final de cuentas... Más Luigi!
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camprell-art · 2 years
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