huffle-dork · 10 months
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its funny tho.......im in Markiplier Gang(tm) till i DIE but i hardly ever talk about his own egos or draw them or anything..........and yet im giving mr jack spedicy all the ego love when i dont even like him........irony is a funny thing
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hawkeye221b · 4 years
Y’know, i’ve been thinking and wouldn’t it be hilarious if Marvin was like...
Just some average dude who does party tricks for kids and has no idea about anything that’s happening?
Like, poor guy is just out there living his best life then one day gets yoinked by a demon or some shit and it’s suddenly like “oh there you are Marvin!”
And Marvin’s just like “yes, hi, hello... who the fuck are you???”
I just think the concept of Marvin suddenly seeing the community and out screaming of “Where the fuck have you been Marvin??” and him being like “Working??? Who the fuck are you people???”
Just... guy is so confused and trying his best cause all of the sudden there’s this “community” and a demon and a doctor and why are the people worried about this superhero dude??
Just... Confused Marvin
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familyof6art · 6 years
-sniffs the air- ahhhhhhhhh, nothing like a good ol’ fire in the morning
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bee-dot-exe · 2 years
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Oh hi there Mr. Spedicy
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celacestial · 5 years
Oh hey! Ta very much everyone!
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That’s a lot of eyeballs for a blog that’s only 7 months old and pretty much 90% just posts Mr Spedicy Man! Holy shit!
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I love you guys!
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bristranded · 8 years
High Fives All Around! ~Cosmo
20. High fives all around: Is there a special greeting/parting gesture you give to others? What is it?
Uhm, let’s think. In person, if I know you, I’ll hug you, I usually say some stupid hello, here recently it’s been HENLO thanks to you and goodbye is usually just the Markiplier BUH-BYE and if I’m not paying attention I say “see you in the next video” bc I’m a nerd.
On discord, I know I usually just say “She has awoken” or jump into conversation, there usually isn’t a goodbye until someone goes to bed and it’s goodnights and lov u’s and kis all around.
Now, if we’re texting on the phone, I won’t usually say hi or what’s up. I will literally jump into conversation or whatever is happening or MEMES. how many wiener to cook
Finally as for skype, sometimes it’s hi, sometimes its “it’s me bitch” and sometimes its a meme or “I love you, BITCH, I ain’t never gunna stop loving you, BITCH”
This got really long wowee, A+ for Brittany. Thanks Cosmo!💜💜
Send me mr spedicy themed asks? pls.
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lum1natrix · 7 years
Where do I sign up for jacksepticeye to adopt me
the community will adopt you in the case that mr. spedicy can’t
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bristranded · 7 years
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. then send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. have a great day
awwwe! i love these! lets see,
1. moodboards
2. bo burnham (thanks chris)
3. my lil chicken Harley, she’s my rescue kitty
4. baking
5. cool bird and mr spedicy, my secret friends
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