#Mr Jones
matcha-b · 2 months
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minoiwasabi · 4 days
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grindy-cog · 3 months
Do you think Michael remembered anything pre-Earth crash about his childhood? On a subconscious level or whatever? That's how it felt to me.
Dear Anon,
Before I answer your question, I need to clarify something, just in case I’m missing a big chunk of information here. I live in Europe and, unfortunately, I could only watch watch the first two seasons of RNM. The last two, I did my best to ‘watch’ through Tumblr and YouTube and despite of catching on pretty much everything important, I might have still missed some crucial moments, including those regarding your question. So, apologies in advance!
Now, I think it’s safe to say that from canon POV, Isobel is the only one of the Pod Squad, who didn’t remember anything at all, subconsciously or not. At least she, nor we, never realised that it was her remembering something from the pre-crash days. So, I’d say it was Max who remembered something here and there, without even realising it; but the question is, was it really him, or Mr Jones trying some tricks on him? Was it him, or the psychic connection to Isobel that made him remember something regarding Louise or Nora? And if it was Nora, was it Michael who subconsciously remembered something and projected it onto Max?
So many questions, so little answers.
But, back to your question, Anon. I think that out of the three of them, Michael had the best sense of their time before Earth, but he didn’t exactly remember, per se. I do believe that he knew his connection to Max was a bit odd but - understandably - he couldn’t put a finger on it; yet, he subconsciously wanted to equally obey and rebel against him. While a couple of times in s1, when he lost control, Michael lashed out at Max out of fear; generally speaking, he did shy away from him, whenever Max got violent around or towards him. And sure, it could be because of the hell he had been put through in foster care, of course. But, he doesn’t exactly do that with anyone else in canon. No matter how scared he is, he still fights back, unless it’s Max we’re talking about. Hence, in my opinion, while he couldn’t remember either of his parents, he still shied away from Max when he lost control, because some part of Michael, some muscle memory, remembered what Jones was capable of.
So yeah, you could say that Michael subconsciously remembered their time before Earth. But I doubt those feelings brought him much comfort, as however you want to look at it, he wasn’t conceived or born out of love; probably not even genuine desire. His father - canonically - wasn’t capable of any higher emotions; he was as cold, violent and as sociopathic as they come. And Nora… Gosh, I like her character, I wish we’ve seen more of her, but just like Alex said, Michael did put her on a pedestal; he idolised her and everything she did, however little he knew. While I don’t doubt that Nora loved her son and that she tried her best, she was a scientist first - a visionary through and through. An engineer, who wanted to save her planet, and then, whatever was left of her people. And I do believe she did all that with Michael on her mind; with desire to create a better world for them all, her son most of all. And yet, however you want to look at it, there was likely nothing gentle about Michael coming into this world, not with whom and what his father was.
Some part of Guerin knew that, could sense the violent legacy in his blood. That’s part of the reason, in my opinion, why Jones was so disappointed in what Michael turned out to be. Cause honestly, it is a wonder, how he managed to not grow up to be just like his father, or worse. And if you asked me, I don’t think it was just Nora’s love, or Isobel and Max, and much later Alex being in his life; but first and foremost, the lessons he had been no doubt taught and which some part of him remembered, regardless of everything.
Hope this answers your question, Anon :)
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iminloveedits · 2 months
Michael was so fed up with this man
And who can blame him?
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guy60660 · 7 months
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Margaret Calvert | Mr Jones | Dezeen
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dr-lizortecho · 3 months
imagine being in such fear of your caretakers some weirdass dude walks in with a glowing sword and starts dueling them and they’re in such a rage about him tryna break you outta of your chains and you feel safe- quite possibly for the first time in your very short life- and this weirdass dude is also an evil dictator mass murder who burnt the population alive
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Mr Jones (Counting Crows)
When everybody loves you/You can never be lonely/Well, I'm gon' paint my picture/Paint myself in blue and red and black and gray/All of the beautiful colors are very, very meaningful/Yeah, well, you know gray is my favorite color
"This is my song with my dad, and it's also a ship song for one of my roleplay characters and his partner. It's the "when everyone loves you/you can never be lonely" and the "believe in me/cause I don't believe in anything/and I wanna be someone to believe, to believe, to believe" that gets me every fucking time."
A Styrian Rhapsody (Chonny Jash)
'Cause all too many times is this story heard/"The Dark Temptation," "The Bent's Lamentation"/Written by the man of an ancient foreword, published by scorn/All too many times is the innocent hurt by the violent pious/The self-claimed righteous/Marshalled by a contemptuous manic, victims, forlorn
"GIRL .. I AM FEELING STRANGE AND ABNORMAL. not ONLY is the song about carmilla (lesbian vampire) it makes me think so so hard about faith: the unholy trinity. explodes explodes explodes explodes exp"
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pixieberry992 · 2 years
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I think in canon he would totally do this in private
[IMAGE ID: Two very quick headshots of Mr Jones and Ezra Squall. The first one is Mr Jones, with his eyes closed, speaking in what one could presume a pretentious manner, he has a hand reaching up to his glasses. Underneath is the caption: ‘It’s not for me to say what Mr. Squall wants.’ The second drawing is Ezra Squall, grinning with the caption: ‘BUT I CAN’ in all caps. He is holding his glasses. The drawing is messy and not coloured. IMAGE ID END]
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beautifullcreatures · 14 days
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𑇍𖥟𖥟One of the most talented beings to ever walk on earth.... Amy Winehouse𖥟𖥟𑇍
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manesalex · 2 years
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Every Alex Manes Scene (184/?)
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whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
Breakfast was scarcely over when a servant from Netherfield brought the following note for Elizabeth:
My dearest Lizzy,
"I find myself very unwell this morning, which, I suppose, is to be imputed to my getting wet through yesterday. My kind friends will not hear of my returning till I am better. They insist also on my seeing Mr. Jones – therefore do not be alarmed if you should hear of his having been to me – and, excepting a sore throat and headache, there is not much the matter with me.
Yours, &c.
"Pride and Prejudice" - Jane Austen
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they genuinely did Amy so bad in the biopic
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msmooreanimalfarm · 10 months
Yall going broke next week
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dayscrazed · 6 months
The race to separate Max and Jones ramps up when Rosa gets taken. When Alex brings up a bad pattern in their relationship, the fight leaves Michael vulnerable and the team must work together to stop Jones once and for all.
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scary-ivy · 9 months
The Continuing Story of Dylan's Mr. Jones
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