#Mr Freeze asking to look for ghost Nora
So Danny Fenton hates Christmas, right?
And according to one of the dpxdc fics I read Mr. Freeze also hates Christmas.
So AU where Danny runs away from Amity for a Christmas - the truce is the one time of year he can leave the town without feeling anxious and he makes some excuse to his parents, tells his sister and friends he's going to visit the Zone, and just.
Flies around.
Ofc ghosts also love Christmas. And apparently want to drag him to the party again this year.
When dodging the latest invitation, he gets slung through a natural portal.
Right into the middle of an attack by Mr. Freeze.
At first he thinks he's another Christmas nut, the way he's blowing snow and ice everywhere.
Then he notices the vandalized trees behind him.
Danny lets out a whoop and ectoblasts one of the more distant Christmas trees.
Mr. Freeze whirls on him - most of the civilians already evacuated and no police or vigilantes present yet (he'd frozen mall security in their offices before going after the rest of the building).
"Ice to meet ya," Danny says, eyes flashing blue as he holds up a hand to form an ice-sculpture in the shape of a hand flipping the bird by the nearest Santa cut-out.
Freeze nods hesitantly, and they go about destroying all of the Christmas décor together. Danny even uses an incredibly brief Wail to flatten the large tree.
They're both smiling at the destruction when Batman swings in.
Batman says something about bringing them in, but the second Freeze gloats about 'completing my objective' Danny tackle-phases the both of them out of there.
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maniacwatchestheworld · 7 months
DPxDC story idea prompt thing #12
Dr. Victor Fries had swore both to himself and his precious wife, Nora, that he would find a cure for the both of them. He would do anything to save his wife from her terminal illness and had been keeping her in a frozen state until the day he could cure her. His precious snow angel. His most beloved ice princess.
But time is a crueler mistress than even the cold. Victor had been apart from his sweet Nora for years now, and he was no closer to finding a cure for her. For his part, Victor Fries was hardly the same man he had been when he and his wife agreed to have her cryogennically frozen until he could save her all those years ago. Victor- better known as Mr. Freeze these days- understood the cold that Nora was trapped in all too well now... But where she rested in her timeless winter slumber, Victor stayed awake.
It had been a freak accident that forced Victor to have to live this cryogenic suit or die. And he would not die. Not until his wife could be saved from the grips of death. He may have been doomed, little more than a frozen corpse spurred on to keep living for the sake of his wife, but if there was even a chance of his wife being cured and able to lead a normal life again, he would take it. There would be no cure for him. No. He didn't want one anymore. Once Nora's life had been saved, that would be enough for him. Once Nora was safe and healthy once more, he would be happy and permit himself to die at last. He often dreamed of feeling that warmth again. The warmth of Nora's hand against his skin. A feeling he could only experience when death finally came for him.
Meanwhile in the Ghost Zone, in the reaches of the Realm of the Far Frozen, something was forming. A core of ice, touched with an undying love that had never ceased nor hesitated for a moment over the long, frozen years. And from that core formed a woman, her frozen form in death just as beautiful as she was in life.
She collapsed into the soft, powdery snow, groaning as she slowly opened her eyes for the first time. "Victor...?" She asked into the air. She may have just formed, but she could feel that something was... Wrong. Like she wasn't entirely there... She shivered. She was cold. She was so, so cold... Why did she feel cold? Somehow in the center of her being she knew that this was her element... And something so dear to her shouldn't be able to hurt her... Right...? And yet she felt cold...
She looked up, but found that only one of her eyes could see. It somehow felt as if her other eye was closed and she could not open it no matter how hard she tried, even though she could feel with her fingers that her eyes were both open. No matter. "... Where am I...?" Nora asked aloud as she searched around her for her Victor. Where was he? Where was her Victor...? Had he found a cure? ... A cure for what...? ... Who was Victor?
Note: Just an idea that I came up with. Basically, Mr. Freeze is still doing his Mr. Freeze things in Gotham, but Nora has been frozen for so long in this pseudo-dead state that she half forms as a ghost in the Ghost Zone. I don't know how ghosts get born (or what the fanon says about that), so I'm making shit up here. Just roll with it. :p Nora is technically still "alive" where Victor is storing her... Or rather, she can be brought back to life relatively easily. But her illness isn't gone either, and by all accounts, she's technically dead as all of her biological functions have been perfectly frozen and are inactive. So she's both dead and not dead, you get me? So since she's technically half dead pretty much, I just wondered... What would happen if she somehow managed to form as an at least partial ghost while in this state!!!? Please use this idea and play with it all you like. I just... love Nora so much. Nora my beloved.
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chaoticdisater · 4 years
Red white & royal Blue Favourite quotes
“How many times do I have to tell Y’all not to discuss your murder plots in front of a sitting president” their mother interrupts “Plausible deniability. Come on” (Pg 64) 
I don't know WHO you think you're kidding, you Hufflepuff-ass bitch, (Alex to henry over text pg 69) 
“‘put the turkeys in my room’  ‘No.’ ‘put them in my room, put them in my room, put them in my room -’  later that night as Alex stares into the cold pitiless eyes of a prehistoric beast of prey, he has a few regrets” (Alex and his mother Pg 76) 
“’he- Oi! Not for you Mr.wobbles! those are mine!’ more rustling and a distant offended Meow, ‘no, Mr. wobbles you bastard!’” (Henry at his sister's cat, pg 80) 
“Dec 8, 2019, 8:53 PM  yo there's a bond marathon on and did you know your dad was a total babe HRH prince Dickhead  I BEG YOU TO NOT “ (Henry and Alex over text Pg 84) 
“’ the options Id like...’ he says dragging the words out. ‘they don't quite seem to be options at all’” (Henry Pg 107) 
“’ christ you're a thick as it gets’ he says and he grabs Alex's face in both hands and kisses him.” (Henry Pg 107) 
“‘Seventy-eight percent probability of latent Bi-sexual tendencies. one hundred percent probability this is not a hypothetical question’” (Nora pg 118) 
“‘am I? do you think I'm Bi?’  ‘I can't tell you that Alex!’ she says ‘that's the whole point!’” (Alex and Nora Pg121)
“she slants a look at him ‘is this a diabolical scheme of seduction?’ she asks ‘if so, yes.’“ (Nora Pg 130) 
“Alex knocks the candelabra off the table next to them and pushes henry onto it so hes sitting with his back against - Alex looks up and almost breaks into a deranged laugh - a portrait of alexander hamilton.” (Pg 132) 
“‘im going to die’ henry says helplessly.  ‘im going to kill you,’ Alex tells him.” (Henry and Alex pg 133) 
‘”and if you fucking ghost me again, I'm going to get you put on a fucking no-fly list. got it’” (Alex at henry pg 134) 
“worst of all, Henry is good“ (Alex's thoughts on henry playing Polo Pg 147) 
“’I’m gonna go, Uh’ Alex says ‘say hi to henry’ Amy's mouth settles into a grim line ‘Please don't elaborate’ ‘Yeah I know’ Alex says ‘plausible deniability’” (Alex and Amy Pg 148) 
‘A <[email protected]>  to Henry  his royal highness prince of whatever,  Don't make me learn your actual title’ (Alex’s email to henry Pg 152) 
‘Henry <[email protected]>  to A Alex, first son of inappropriately timed Emails when I’m in early morning meetings’ (Henry’s email to Alex Pg 155) 
“when he shows up to a briefing two days later Zahra grabs his jaw with one hand and turns his head, peering closer at the side of his neck. ‘is that a Hickey’ Alex freezes. ‘I . . . um, no?’” (Zahra and Alex pg 162) 
“‘Do you have a last name?’ Alex has never actually offered a greeting when calling Henry  ‘What?’ the usual bemused elongated one-syllable response” (163 Alex and henry over the phone) 
“‘Baby’ its become a thing: Baby he knows it’s become a thing. hes slipped up and accidentally said it a few times, and each time, Henry positively melts” (Alex Pg 166) 
“‘I miss you,’ Alex says before he can stop himself he instantly regrets ut but henry says. ‘I miss you too’” (pg 173) 
“she flung her arm out emphatically enough to upset an entire potted cactus on her dresser and says ‘Because until now you weren't fucking the prince of England’” (June pg 177)  
“‘you should try saying some of that stuff to Him’  ‘stop trying to Jane Austen my life’” (June and Alex Pg 180) 
“’ is now a good time to point out henrys very hot Very rich best friend is basically in love with you?’ Alex says to June ‘hes like some kind of billionaire genius manic-pixie-dream philanthropist. I feel like you would be into that.’ ‘Please shut up,’” (Alex and June Pg 182)  
“‘yes, yes, Pez, we know there's nothing you cant do,’ says henrys voice off-camera ‘no need to rub it in’“ (henry Pg 184) 
“‘oh I haven't had vodka since uni,’ henry says ‘it tends to make me erm, well-’ ‘flamboyant?’ Pez offers. ‘uninhibited? randy?’  ‘Fun?’ Bea suggests  ‘Excuses you, I am loads of fun all the time! I am a Delight’“ (Henry Bea and Pez pg 190)
“’yes Beatrice, we shall behave in a manner befitting the crown,’ henry says. his eyes are slightly crossed ‘don't be a tosser’“ (Henry and bea Pg 195) 
“He likes taking henry apart but there's something incredibly intantament about sitting on the bed they wrecked the night before, the only one who watches him create Prince Henry of Wales for the day.” (Pg 200) 
“‘So this is the gang now, huh?’  and through it all, Alex realizes with a start: he has friends now.” (Cash pg 201) 
“How is a man to get anything done knowing Alex Claremont-Diaz is out there on the loose?” (Henrys email to Alex pg 203) 
“yours in sexual frustration  Henry” (henrys email to Alex pg 206) 
“once again, how had he ever convinced himself he was straight,” (Alex pg 213) 
“‘just so we’re clear,’ Alex said ‘Im about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family. Like that's what's happening?’“ (Alex pg 217) 
“your Brave I could use some of that” (Pg 218) 
“Because that's what he would do if he were here in this palace to fall in love Henry” (Pg 220) 
“Zahra doesnt even look up from her phone ‘that was my boyfriend and no, you may not ask me any further questions about him’” (Zahra Pg 223) 
“If he’s some anonymous normal person removed from history he’s twenty-two and he’s tipsy and he’s pulling a guy into his hotel room by the belt loop. He’s pulling a lip between his teeth and he fumbling behind his back to switch on a lamp and he’s thinking I like this person”  (Pg 228)
“You still are. Because you still bloody care so much.” He leans down and presses a kiss into Alex’s hair. “And you are good. Most things are awful most of the time but you’re good” (Henry Pg 230)
“’Seriously?’ She hisses ‘your literally putting your dick in the leader of a foreign state who is a man at the biggest political event before the election in a hotel full of reporters in a city full of cameras in a race close enough to fucking hinge on some bullshit like this like a manifestation of my fucking stress dreams and you’re asking me not to tell the president about it?’” (Zarha pg 233)
“The next slide is titled EXPLORING YOUR SEXUALITY: HEALTHY BUT DOES IT HAVE TO BE WITH THE PRINCE ENGLAND? she apologizes for not having time to come up with better titles Alex activity wishes for the sweet release of death” (Pg 237)
“History huh? I bet we could make some.” (Alex’s email to henry Pg 241)
“The pair of you share and an alarming number of traits by the by: passionate determination, never knowing when to shut up, &c &c,” (herny’s email to Alex Pg 242)
“Regards Haplessly romantic heretic prince henry the utterly daft” (henrys email to Alex pg 243)
“‘It’s math,’ Nora says ‘Math has no authority here,’ June tells her ‘Math is everywhere June’” (Nora and June Pg 247)
“Henry is tipsy and shirtless and attempting to referee” (pg 252)
“’Some times you just jump and hope it’s not a chiff’” (Alex dad Pg 256)
“Well, Alex is so in love he could die.” (Pg 257)
“He’s been falling in love with Henry for years probably since he first saw him in glossy print on the pages of j14 almost definitely since Henry pinned Alex to the floor of a medical supply closet and told him to shut the hell up.” (Pg 257)
“’Fuck off five nine is average’” (Pg 258)
“’H?’ He whispers ‘you awake?’ Henry sighs ‘always.’” ( Pg 260)
“He’s got a distinct feeling of something being pulled out of his hands right before he could grasp it.” (Pg 263)
“something rises in Alex's throat - anger, confusion, hurt, bile. Unforgivably, he feels like he might cry” (Pg 270) 
“’Fuck I swear you don’t make it fucking easy but I’m in love with you’” (Alex Pg 271)
“’I never thought I’d be stood here faced with a choice I can’t make because I never ... I never imagined you would love me back’” (Henry pg 273)
“He’s in Henry’s face now if he’s getting his heart broken tonight he’s sure as hell going to make Henry have the guts to do it right ‘tell me you're done with me. I’ll get back on the plane. that's it. and you can live here in your tower and be miserable forever, write a whole book of sad fucking poems about it, whatever just say it’” (274)
“He’s in stupid unbearable love and Henry loves him too and at least for one night it matters, even if they both have to pretend to forget in the morning” (Pg 275)
“He tells his too fast brain: don’t miss this time he’s too important” (Alexs thoughts Pg 275)
“henry’s hands-on him are unhurried and soft and they make out lazily for hours or days.” (Pg 280) 
“Alex sighs ‘i don't think I told you but she uh. well, when she fired me she told me that if I wasn't a thousand percent serious about you. I need to break things off.’  Henry nuzzles his nose behind Alex's ear ‘a thousand percent?’” (Alex and Henry Pg 282) 
“‘Diaz you insane hopeless romantic little shit’ says the voice of the president of the united states, muffled in the bed ‘it had better be forever. Be safe’“ (Pg 284) 
“hes cut off mid-sentence because Alex has stopped in the middle of the corridor and yanked him backwards into a kiss” (pg 286) 
“’its funny’ henry says ‘i always thought of the whole thing as the most unforgivable thing about me but you act like its one of the best’“ (henry Pg 289) 
“he takes the chain off his neck and slides the ring on next to the old house key. they click together gently as he tucks them both under his shirt, two homes side by side” (Pg 291) 
“I opened my blasted mouth and said ‘because I'm not like the rest of the men in this family beginning with the fact that I'm am very deeply gay Philip’  once shaan managed to dislodge him from the chandelier Philip had quite a few words for me,” (Henry’s emails to Alex Pg 298) 
“just leaving, not coming back. maybe burning something down on the way out. it would be nice.” (henrys emails to Alex pg 299)
“I thought, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire” (henrys emails to Alex (describing how he felt when he first saw Alex) Pg 300) 
“20. the fact that you have loved me all along.” (alex’s email to henry (the list of things alex loves about henry) Pg 303) 
“‘Oh my god Z what is That? did you get engaged?’  Zahra looks down at the ring and shrugs. ‘i had the week-end off’” (June and Zahra pg 305)
“’you and me and history, remember? were just gonna fucking fight. because your it okay? Im never gonna love anybody in the world like i love you,’“ (Alex pg 312) 
“‘I swear to god if you say I'm too young I'm gonna lose my shit,’“ (Alex pg 315) 
“What did he do ‘be more specific’“ (Alex to Zahra pg 321 ) 
“’the president is sitting down with as many members of the office of communitcs we could drag out of bed at three in the morning’” (Zahra Pg 323) 
“‘pack a bag’ she says ‘we’re going to londan’” (Zahra Pg 334)
“she (Zarha) seems confident Shaan will agree to it and willing to physically overpower him if not.” (pg 334) 
“still the cocky shit head part of him is slightly pleased to finally have claim on henry. Yep, the prince? Most eligible bachelor in the world? British accent face like a greek god, legs for days? Mine” (Pg 336) 
“‘youre giving my ulcer an ulcer’“ (Zahra pg 336) 
“‘Im running on nothing but black coffee, a wetzels pretzel, and a fistful of B12. Do not even breathe in my directrion,’“ (Zahra Pg 339) 
“He leans up and kisses the underside of his jaw, finding it rough from a full fitful day,” (pg 340)
“‘What kind of family, that says we’ll take the murder, we’ll take the raping and pillaging and the colonizing, well scrub it up nice and neat in a museum but oh no you’re a bloody poof? That’s beyond our sense of decorum’” (Henry pg 347)
“Bea seizes the pot of tea from the center of the table and dumps it into his lap ‘Oh, I’m terribly sorry Pip’ she says grabbing him by the shoulders and shoving him sputtering and yelping toward the door ‘so deardfully clumsy, you know I think all that cocaine I did must have really done a job on my refexes!’” (Bea pg 357)
“Henry pulls Alex close and kisses him whispers, ‘I love you I love you I love you’ and it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if anyone sees.” (Pg 358)
And that’s when I gave up I do have more but well I didn’t want to make this list any more
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creepyalienghost · 4 years
👻Ghost part 5👻
Warning: suicide
Each night gets worst and worst for Sammy. What once was one shadow figure in the corner of his room was now many shadow figures. Each night they get closer and closer to him in his bed as he couldn’t move, calling for him and reaching and each night they never make it before Miss.polk turns on the light to contort Sammy.
As he sat in Miss. Polk arms and sobbing he was thinking they were the closet they could be before grabbing him and doing god knows what. He knew the next night would be his last. He know today was his last day. He would join them soon. But He had to make a choice if he wanted to join them as them or join them as a good one.
They day went on as it had for the three months the polks joined. Nora Polk woke both him and Norman Polk. They had become great friends in these months. Norman got him to play like a Normal kid. Getting dirty, play fighting, play with sword sticks. And Sammy showed Norman his books though he never told him he could see feel and hear them. Norman told him he didn’t believe in the after life and he didn’t judge Sammy for believe. That had been alright for Sammy.
The two had gotten dress for the day and head down for breakfast. Today Mr. Wyatt made Sammy’s favorite French toast, hash browns and eggs. With a glass of orange juice. “Thank you Mr. Wyatt” he said then started eating.
“Your welcome sam.” He smiled at him.
Both Sammy and Norman listen to Nora class schedule for the day. “First hour will be ready. We’re be continuing are book we been reading and taking notes on what we’re reading.” She cut a bite then ate it before continuing on. “The Second hour will be Science. Today we’re be heading outside the classroom and studying the insects In the garden. The groundskeeper gave the ok. And the third hour will be music.”
Sammy was happy with all the subjects of his last day. He was enjoying the book they were reading and hoped they finish it. Science was his favorite main subject. It was the subject of wonder and experiment. They got to go outside a lot for science. Like for studying the planets, plants, animals and now insects. It was the funniest main one. And then music. Ah how he loves music. He was getting really good at it to. Already know 10 songs and three different Instruments. The piano, the violin and the guitar. It was his favorite subject of all.
After lunch they headed for the school room and sat at there desk, pulling out there books and flipping through the chapter there own. Chapter 27 out of 30. Yes they would get it down within the hour.
Miss. Polk started off the chapter reading a few paragraphs then switches over to Norman to read a page. Sammy read the next page and the switched around. After each chapter miss. Polk ask questions like. “What character did this.” Or “what was the main idea for this chapter. The boys would have to look back in there notes to answer her questions. After 10 questions they moved on.
The second hour they went outside and into the garden looking for different insects the sheet that miss.polk handed them assigned. Like a spider or a snail or a Caterpillar. Each one the find they checked off. It was really fully and Sammy was the winner of it by two.
The last hour was music. They washed up before going into the music room and sat up there music on the stands. Sammy got his violin and Norman got on the piano then they played on Miss. Polk Signal. each song they switched around Instruments. Sammy’s on cello while Norman’s on base or Sammy’s on xylophone while Norman’s on harp.
The music flowed into Sammy so naturally as he played any instrument. He learn each song so quickly and enjoyed to the rhythm of the music.
Over lunch the others talked about there days and what there been doing. Sammy couldn’t bring himself to join the Conversation. He couldn’t talk about what was happening or that he was sad and terrified. He only Just scooped his food around until he was release from the table.
He and Norman ended up back at the lake soon after. They were sitting near it watching the ducks swim around. “What’s been going on sam?” Norman ask.
Sammy looked up at him. “What do you mean norm?”
“There’s something wrong.”Norman looks down at him. “I can tell your not happy today. You usually talking about your passion for music. Or discussing what we read or did, over lunch. But today you were quiet. What’s wrong?”
Sammy sighed. “I...I’m fine Norman.” Sammy couldn’t tell him. He couldn’t put that Burden on him like that. ”I’m just a little sleepy today I guess..”
Norman nodded after a little moment. “Alright. But remember. You can tell me anything. Alright?”
Sammy nodded and leans into him and Norman kisses his head and rubbed his head. Sammy would miss this so much. “I..like you Norman. I really like you.” He confused.
Norman cups his cheeks and smiled. I like you to. Really like you.” Norman leans in and together shared there first kiss.
After diner they went up stairs to get ready for bed as always. Miss. Polk talked with the other adults for a bit before checking on the boys. She made sure they were dressed and had brushed there teeth.
They played games like go fish and checkers tell it was time for bed. Miss. Polk tucked her son in first then came in and tucked in Sammy. “Now. Let’s hope there’s not nightmares tonight, dear.” She kisses the top of his head.
“I don’t think they’ll be any.” Sammy replied.
Miss.polk smiled. “I’ll be just a few rooms away dear.” She leaves, shutting off the lights and cleaning the door.
As he waits for the all clear he could feel the reaching and hear them calling. There were right next to him and they were going to get him if he doesn’t do it himself.
Sammy got up after 10 minutes and quickly left his dark bedroom. He walked though the darkness trying to avoid the demons in the hallway that were now onto him and after him. Sammy started to peak up speed running down the the hallway. He needed to get off the property before he dies. Or he’ll be stuck here like the rest of them.
He dodged a demon that tried to push him over and ran down the stairs. He opened the door and out into the cold night. He ran and ran into the woods and connected with freezing water.
The morning Came and Miss.polk Came to wake the boys up for the day. She was happy there was no nightmares for Sammy that night. That is tell she Came into his room to an empty bed.
She went to Norman’s room and woke him up. “Norman. Dear. Do you know where Sammy might be?” She ask.
Norman looked confused. “He’s not in his room?” He replied.
She shook her head no. “No. His bed is empty.” She begins to worry. “Get dress. Then help me look for him.”
Norman got up quickly as Miss.polk went to the other adults to ask them. Mrs.Jade hadn’t seen him. Mr. Wyatt shook his head no. The groundskeeper hasn’t seen the kid and peter wasn’t here now.
They all began to search the house first. Checking under beds, and all the rooms, in the basement and the Attic. He was no where around.
Most of them went searching in the woods. Mrs. jade stayed behind for the officers they called. They search for two hours before finding the body of the boy in the middle of the lake.
The police got him out but by this time he was long gone. They all were heart broken. Norman especially. Mrs.polk blamed her self for what happen to him. Mr. jade had to be the one to inform peter Lawrence the bad news.
The police ruled it as an accident. They suspect the boy wondered around the woods in the darkness and fell in. Why would he be out that late. No one knew.
Peter Lawrence didn’t need the polks anymore so he let them go on good terms. An a month after he decided to sell the mansion. He didn’t lived there much and now it was Remembered with a bad memory. He let go of Mrs. jade. Mrs. Wyatt and the gardener to.
Now the house laid empty with the demons wondering around and trapped there. Sammy was safe and stuck at and around the lake. The demons no longer calling or reaching for him. They couldn’t get to him.
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Romanced companions first kiss with female sole survivor? Could you include Nick and Deacon too?
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norafike · 4 years
It's Christmas Time
>Nora, Lem and the Gang Celebrate Christmas
Words: 2411
~Not canon to my fanfic "Despite all this, I still love you~
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"And you got Dutch of all people to agree to this?"
Hosea gave her a simple nod as he hid the remainder of small gifts in the back of Arthur's wagon, hidden amongst the ammunition he had set up. For most walking by it appeared as if they were simply restocking supplies instead of hiding gifts to exchange in the coming days and it was exactly what Hosea needed them to think. "He's allowing us to throw a small get-together."
"And who's dressing up as Saint Nick? Heard you had arranged that too."
"Bill originally but he refused, so I'm either thinking Uncle or Swanson."
Nora frowned at the remaining suggestions. "Are those really the last two options?" She hoped he'd say no, that those two weren't the only choices left but he could only reply to her with an apology. "Arthur could do it but he's been doin' it for the past three years."
"So we don't wanna bother him with this again."
"Exactly, Miss Morgan." He replied.
She looked over at the scout fire where Kieran sat, telling a story to Jack who listened intently at the tale. She couldn't hide the smile on her lips as she watched from afar and Hosea needed to bite back on his teasing.
"We could ask Kieran to do it.. boy hasn't dressed up as St. Nick yet." Hosea suggested while he joined in on watching the exaggeration in his movements as he began to act out the story to Jack. "Seems like he'd enjoy it."
"He's enjoying whatever he's telling Jack right now."
Hosea let out a light chuckle. "He is, yes."
"You could go ask him. I gotta grab some presents for Mary-Beth and Tilly."
"Yes the necklaces, you've not got any yet?"
She shook her head. "But Saint Denis surely has some."
He furrowed his eyebrows as she mentioned the city, thinking she would most likely be getting herself involved in some sort of trouble so close to the holiday. But when she noticed his concern she raised her hands dismissively. "Don't worry... I ain't gonna do somethin' illegal so to speak. I know a guy an' that's it."
"Just be careful, Nora."
She gave him a gentle smile before walking over to the hitching posts where the horses were, digging through the snow for grass and finding only mud. She had hay ready in her hand for Casper, who looked tired when she called for him.
"One last errand for a while boy, don't you worry." She spoke softly to the horse while she fed him and Micah snorted at the easy tone she would speak to the lesser creature in. She ignored the man, which provoked him to tease further.
"Say.. while you're out Nora why don't you try and find less of an attitude to come back with."
"Sure an' I'll find you a whole new personality too, Mr. Bell." Her witty responses weren't so well planned when she was cold and frustrated, so her attempt to annoy him wasn't as well illustrated but enough to get him off of her back for a while.
She tightened the girth of Casper's saddle before mounting up and riding out towards Saint Denis.
The door pulled open and in a rush a man walked out, colliding with Nora on the path as he tried to walk out of the Saint Denis markets. She fell backwards, landing on the stone pathway which prompted a small yelp as a reaction.
"Shit.. sorry." He apologised and immediately she recognised the voice. She looked forward and when their eyes met he quickly hid his hand behind his back to stop her from seeing what he had on him.
"What are you doin' here, N-Nora?"
"Should ask you the same." She replied, grabbing onto a flower pot to pull herself to her feet. She rubbed her lower back with her left hand, using her right to help Lem stand.
"Quite comical that we both fell." She mentioned and he hummed in response. "So what are you doing at the fence anyway, Lemuel?"
"Buyin' something. You?"
"The same really.. picking up necklaces for Mary-Beth and Tilly, as a gift you see."
"That's sweet."
She nodded gently, finding conversation awkward after not seeing him for many weeks. He too felt the same way, awkwardly whistling to divert them from silence. "Are y-you busy after?" He asked.
"Not really."
"Perhaps you'd like to go for a drink? Maybe Rhodes since I ain't so keen on Saint Denis." He offered and she gave him a light chuckle at the suggestion. "I would like that very much."
He waved goodbye as he departed from their conversation, making haste and leaving Saint Denis as soon as possible. Nora would linger on the step outside of the fence, watching the general direction in which he walked to hold onto what ghost was left before finally prying herself out of thoughts and letting herself into the shop.
"You changed your clothes." She stated as she sat opposite, taking note of the white shirt and black pants as opposed to his usual blue shirt and red vest get up. The man frowned and folded his arms as he leaned back against his chair. "No, 'how are you?' what a conversation starter."
"Sorry.. guess I got so familiar with seein' you wear that one thing."
"Oh no, no." He smiled. "I was jus' messing with you."
"Where have you been these past few weeks?"
Lemuel looked ashamed after her question and avoiding her eyes from there. "I used to love the s-snow growin' up." He changed the subject.
"Me too." She sighed. "It's real pretty."
"Yeah." He brought a glass of whiskey to his lips, taking a long drink of it. "What are you plannin' for Christmas?"
"Hosea been plannin' a party. Havin' someone dress up as Saint Nick for young Jack an' we're gonna exchange some small gifts."
"That sounds real lovely."
"You got somethin' planned that day?" With her question he looked more glum than ever. He hesitantly turned to face her, giving a gentle smile. "Not really."
"You gotta come celebrate with us then."
"I don't want to intrude."
Nora leaned towards him, grasping both of his hands with her own. He almost flinched at the contact, not expecting it but eventually warmed into the touch "Nonsense." was all she needed to say and had been enough to convince to spend Christmas with her and that strange lot back at Clemens Point.
"Would you like to go for a walk?" He asked. Nora had thought about it before nodding. Following from this, Lem grabbed his jacket from his chair and threw it on, ready for the snow outside and freezing temperatures.
"How did your date go, Mon Ami?"
"It wasn't a date or whatever, Marcel." Lem replied, this annoyance in his tone of voice. The Frenchman had to stifle a laugh as he resumed making his moonshine, watching as Lem searched throughout the small basement.
"What are you lookin' for?"
"That bracelet I gave you, for Nora, where is it?" Marcel didn't answer and so Lem tried again, asking for the gift he trusted his friend to look after while he was away.
"I don't have it." Marcel finally replied, turning away so he wouldn't have to personally face the younger man.
Lem gasped, this anger building up inside of him as he wasn't able to replace the gift as he had spent the last of his money to purchase it. Marcel could feel the shift in mood and frowned, a string of curses being repeated in his mind that had been directed towards him. "Where is it M-Marcel?"
"I don't know." The man answered, he was honest and it crushed him to have lost something so important to Lem. "I put it on the shelf an' when I came back, it was gone."
"I don't have nothin' else to give her."
"I am sure that you will find something." It was Marcel's best attempt at comfort but it didn't do anything to help cheer Lem up. "We got two days until Christmas a-and I haven't enough money to b-buy a replacement."
"I am sorry, Lem." Was the last he could offer. Fike couldn't say anything else and left the basement in haste, slamming doors behind him as he marched outside.
Maggie curiously walked down to talk with Marcel, a scowl present at her nephew's behaviour. "What was that about?"
"I, er, I lost a bracelet he bought for Madame Morgan."
"How the hell did you manage that?"
"I.. I don't quite know."
Maggie shook her head, placing her palm against her forehead. "Well, I s'pose we should find a replacement then."
Kieran scratched at the fake beard of straw he was forced to wear, finding it rather uncomfortable against the skin. He wasn't sure why Hosea made him shave but he was certain that after this he would most likely never shave again, no matter the consequences.
He wore an old coat of Bill's, red and much too big for him. The way his belt hung loosely around his waist had elicited a chuckle from Nora when she first saw the costume and Kieran almost called it quits if it meant that the other's was going to laugh at him.
"Thank you for doin' this, Kieran." She said in a low whisper, fixing the white scarf draped around his neck for additional warmth. "It weren't nothin'."
She gave him a low smile before walking away to join the other's around the fire, whispering to Hosea that he was ready to be brought in. The older male clapped his hands together to grab their attention, when each member had looked at him he began making up a short story on how he was to be leaving now for the rest of their celebration, much to the gang members dismay.
"Stay old friend." Dutch tried to convince, but Hosea wouldn't listen.
As he left camp following the path, Lem Fike had entered and on the way he apologised to Hosea for the late arrival and that Nora invited him to join. "Trust me, you're right on time." Hosea spoke in vague terms, waving him goodbye as he went to fetch their St. Nick.
"You made it." Nora cheered, running from the campfire and wrapping her arms around the man in an embrace. He was taking back but slowly reciprocated, allowing her to take his hand and drag him back over to join the others.
"Of course I made it." He whispered but averted his attention over towards Hosea who let out a rather loud cheer. "Look who I found while out there." The second leader announced as he brought Kieran into the camp once more.
Most the men had trouble disguising their laughter at how ridiculous they found the get-up, but the women and Jack looked on with awe at 'Saint Nicholas'.
Kieran didn't know what to say, only standing there with an awkward look in his eye and so Hosea took lead and called over Jack with the wave of his hand. "Told Santa would be back again."
"Yeah." The boy spoke so softly, a little shy at seeing this mysterious being. When Kieran saw the bright smile on Jack's face he softened up and became far more confident as he took on the role of Saint Nick himself, instead of being regular Kieran Duffy.
"I have a gift for you, Jack and a gift for everyone else. Would you like to help me give them out?" Kieran asked and Jack nodded enthusiastically.
Hosea called everyone over and slowly they all began to line up in the snow, waiting for their gifts to be exchanged. "This first gift is for.. Abigail." Kieran read the scribbled name our loud and the boy approached his mother with the item in hand. She took it with thanks and tore into the paper, smiling as she pulled out a box with a very pretty ring inside.
"For Miss Gaskill." And Jack took it over, giving the gift to the person intended.
Time went quickly as they exchanged gifts and Lem felt guilty for not having anything to give so he could participate with their celebration. Soon the bag was empty and Kieran or "Santa" could be escorted out of camp by Hosea, waving his farewells to everyone.
"Come with me." Nora whispered, taking Lem by the hand and walking with him over to the beach so they were alone for five minutes. Mary-Beth watched with a small smile as they felt, elbowing Karen to grab her attention. "Look at them, ain't they cute?"
"Sorry I didn't take part.. felt a r-real fool out there."
"You were invited last minute, ain't your fault." She dug into her satchel before pulling out a small item wrapped in cloth.
"For you." He took the object from her hands and gently unwrapped the cloth. When he took the gift from it's wrapping a bright smile appeared on his face for she had brought him a small wood carving of a moonshine bottle. "Did you make this?"
"Kinda.. Cripps did most the work. Apparently, he knows wood carvin' an I wasn't gettin' the hang of it."
"It's lovely. Thank you." He gently placed the gift in his pocket but his moment of joy was short-lived when he remembered his lack of a present for Nora. "Unfortunately, I don't have nothin' for you."
"You don't have to buy me gifts, mind."
"I-I know.. I bought a bracelet from Saint Denis a while back for you, but trusted the wrong person with it."
"What happened?"
"Marcel lost it."
She let out a small giggle and nodded, holding onto her friend's hands with a small smile. "Can I tell you somethin'?"
"My best gift this year is spendin' it with you, Lemuel. Nothing could be that."
"Can I kiss you?"
She was taken back by his request but couldn't deny that she had thought about doing the same thing for a long time and so slowly, with a genuinely happy smile, she nodded.
His head tilted to the side as he leant forward and gently her lips were captured in a kiss, her heart beginning to race faster with the gesture. Time around them seemed to slow down and while she stood there, with her arms wrapped around his neck she thought that this, this was her best Christmas yet.
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hamlet-writes · 8 years
Epistemophobia- Pt. 1
Sometimes, the best discoveries happen completely on accident.
Three gunshots rang through the heavily perfumed air, and socialites shrieked and swore as Jonathan and his hired grunts strode calmly through the front door.  Women clutched pearls to their chests with an aghast gasp and scrambled out of the way, leaving a clear path leading directly underneath the huge yellow diamond chandelier hanging over the gala like a spider in its web.
Why do they still hold these things? Jonathan thought. They always get robbed.  He stopped just before the chandelier, holding up a hand to signal his henches to do the same.  
"Evenin' ladies and gentlemen," Jonathan said, adjusting his mask.  The whole room fell silent, all eyes fixed fearfully on him.  Excellent.
"Lovely time you're havin' here, isn't it?  No expense spared, I see.  Even had this specially made and shipped in, didn't you?" Jonathan continued, gesturing towards the chandelier. "From...Italy, I believe?"  One of the partygoers stepped forward, raising his hands in the air as Jonathan's henches trained their weapons on him.  Jonathan smirked when he saw who it was- the host himself, Bruce Wayne.
"Please, gentlemen," Wayne said, hazarding another step forward. "There's no need for violence.  We'll give you whatever it is you want."
"Oh, I'm certain you will, Mr. Wayne," Jonathan said, slipping his hand into his pocket and pulling out the trigger mechanism.  After a moment's hesitation he added, "You may want to take a step back."  With a brief glance behind him to make sure all his henches were wearing their gas masks Jonathan pressed the trigger.  The nanoexplosive planted on the chain of the chandelier blew, and Wayne dove back into the crowd as it crashed to the floor.
The discovery of frozen fear toxin, like many other great discoveries, had happened purely by accident.  In an intellectual discussion with Freeze gone wrong Jonathan had made the mistake of mentioning Nora.  Victor had attacked, Jonathan had retaliated, and the frozen fear toxin had shattered on the floor and been released just as it was now.  Gotham's richest and most influential screamed as fear gas billowed through the room, trying to no avail to escape their own personal nightmares.  Jonathan allowed himself to grin underneath his mask, observing the chaos for a moment before turning to his henches.  
"Grab anything of value and load it in the van," he said. "Quickly."  They nodded, fanning out through the crowd and relieving the now-incoherent partygoers of their possessions.  He turned his attention back to the crowd.
"Bruce Wayne," he mused, stepping over the twisted remains of the chandelier and kneeling in front of Wayne, who stared ahead in muted terror.  Jonathan grabbed him by the face, studying him carefully.
"What could a spoiled little brat like you possibly be afraid of?" he wondered aloud.  Wayne murmured in his delirium, fixated on something (or someone) that wasn't there.  Jonathan leaned forward so that his ear was at Wayne's lips, listening intently to his words.
"Father...no, I'm- I couldn't- Mom..." he whispered.
"Yes, always the parents, isn't it," Jonathan noted, his lips twitching upwards in the ghost of a smile.
"No...Harvey!  You don't- Barbara!  Jason!  Jason!"
Jonathan's smile died as the realization dawned on him.  He'd heard these words all before, but someone else has been saying them.
Or else he hadn't.
"Jesus christ on a cross," Jonathan breathed, releasing Wayne and leaning back.  Hardly daring to believe it he raised one hand in the air, covering the top half of Wayne's face.  The resemblance was unmistakable.  Jonathan stood, thankful his henches couldn't see his shocked expression beneath his mask.  He gestured for the one nearest him to approach, and she did so apprehensively.
"What is it, boss?" she asked, pulling her gas mask farther up onto her face.
"Take Mr. Wayne here and load him into the back of the van with the rest of the valuables," Jonathan ordered. "And make doubly sure he's unconscious once you do."
"Not to pry, but why, sir?" she asked, grabbing Wayne by the arm and forcing him to his feet. "What do you think he's capable of?"
"Infinitely more than I realized just a moment ago," Jonathan said.  He watched numbly as the woman half lead, half dragged Wayne away, lost in thought. It seemed the greatest discoveries really did happen by accident.  He would have to remember to thank Victor. - Bruce groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, squeezing his eyes shut against what he was sure were going to be the blinding white lights of a hospital.  He couldn't remember what he'd been doing last.  Had he fallen off a building again?  Was that why his head was throbbing with steady pulses of pain?
"Evenin', Batman," a mild voice greeted him.  
Bruce forced his eyes open, taking in his surroundings.  Crane had his back  to him, still dressed in his full Scarecrow getup, save his mask.  He was bent over a long mahogany desk, covered in loose papers and notebooks no doubt filled to the brim with his "research."  The only light came from the sickly yellow glow of the beakers of fear toxin lining the shelf on the far wall, dimly illuminating the ragged and dilapidated brick walls cramping him in on all sides.  He glanced down at the cracked and discolored concrete floor, covered in water and ill-removed blood stains.  The only exit was a rusty metal door in the farthest corner away from him.  Bruce tried to shift in his seat, and noted that extra precautions had been made to secure him.  His legs had been shackled and chained around the legs of the cold steel chair he was tied to (which was bolted to the floor), and Crane had somehow managed to put him in a full-body straitjacket, which he could've easily escaped from if it weren't for the chains wrapped five times around his torso.  He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.  Bruce wondered numbly how Crane had managed to fit the straitjacket over his batsuit, then started as if he'd been struck as the realization dawned on him.
He wasn't wearing his mask.
"Or is it morning?" Crane continued, turning from his work to face him. "Well, I don't suppose you'd know, now would you?"
He'd called him Batman.  He knew.
"Starting to remember it now, are we?" Crane asked, a contemptuous smile forming on his face. "You really shouldn't hold so many parties, Mr. Wayne.  They'll be the death of you."  Bruce said nothing, setting his jaw resolutely and glaring ahead.  Crane chuckled, turning back to his desk and lifting a vial of some clear liquid in delicate fingers.  In one stride he'd crossed the distance between them, and Bruce couldn't help but notice just how much he towered over him.
"This should ease the headache," Crane said, holding it out as if offering it to him.
"How can I trust you?" Bruce managed to croak out.  His throat was dry and cracked- an after effect of fear gas he'd come to expect.
"If I were tryin' to poison you right now, would I really have to trick you to do it?" Crane asked. "No," Bruce admitted.  Without another word Crane tilted his chin up with one hand, pressing the vial to his lips and pouring it down his throat.  Bruce winced as the bitter taste hit his tongue, pulling a face that would've sent Dick into hysterics, because Crane actually let out an audible laugh.  He half-expected the hallucinations to start anew but, sure enough, the pulsing agony in his head dulled to a distant migraine.
"What do you want?" he asked.
"Me?" Crane asked, pulling up the wooden chair that had been tucked beneath his desk and sitting on it backwards, straddling the seat and resting his arms on the back as he leaned towards Bruce. "Why, I just want to talk, Bruce."  That rag-doll pose made Bruce uneasy- it reminded him much more of Scarecrow than Crane.  If he had to be chained and taken hostage in a tiny room by one of them, he would much rather Crane be in control.
"Fine, let's...talk," Bruce said guardedly.
"Y'know," Crane said with a bewildered laugh. "This was just supposed to be a cash grab.  In and out before the GCPD or the Bat- well, before you could get there."
"Oh really?" Bruce said.  Crane might not have been the most boisterous out of the rogues gallery, but old habits died hard- he liked to lecture.  If Bruce could just keep him talking for as long as possible, he might be able to get out of here.
"Oh yes," Crane continued. "They say some of the greatest discoveries happen completely by accident, and that's exactly what this was.  Someone more...superstitious, might call it an act of God, but I'm inclined to believe this is just an incredible stroke of luck.  Well, on my behalf, that is."  Crane leaned forward, studying Bruce with a look of mock sympathy that made his skin crawl.
"It all makes perfect sense now, though, doesn't it?" Crane said. "Such a tragedy, to lose one's parents at such a young age.  You musta been angry.  Alone.  Terrified."
"If you think you're gonna get me to talk about that, you're even more delusional than I thought," Bruce said, glaring.  Crane chuckled.
"Oh, you will, Bruce," he said, folding his hands together. "All in due time."  Bruce clenched his jaw, glaring wordlessly ahead.
"I will admit, this is quite the clever disguise you've crafted for yourself," Crane said. "The cowl?" Bruce asked.   "The co- don't be absurd, Bruce," Crane scoffed. "You and I both know I'm talkin' 'bout your public persona." He leaned back in his chair, raising one hand as if outlining one of Gotham's dazzling bulletins.
"Bruce Wayne- carefree billionaire playboy," he announced with a derisive laugh. "And I fell for it, along with the rest of Gotham City.
"That's not the only one, either," Crane continued. "What was that other one...oh, that's right!  'Do the butts match?'  Did you start that one?"
"...Oracle," Bruce admitted.  Crane chuckled.
"Ah yes, Oracle," he mused. "I never could figure out what made her tick...that's the benefit of hiding behind a computer screen, I suppose."  Crane straightened his back, gripping the back of his chair in claw-like hands and studying Bruce with a predatory intensity.  
"But we know what makes you tick, don't we, Bruce?" he asked, smirking. "Just you and I."
"We're nothing alike," Bruce growled.  Crane sighed deeply, rising from his chair and turning to root around in one of the long, narrow drawers of his desk. "You're right, we're not," he said. "I know now the only way to overcome fear is to face it head-on.  You run from it every night, hide behind your fancy little toys, paint yourself a martyr just to hide the fact that you're terrified."  He turned back to Bruce, some sort of device made of coiled wire and electrodes dangling from his hand.
"I suppose I could hold you for ransom," Crane mused, bending over Bruce.  Cold fingers brushed the hair deliberately from his forehead as Crane set to work securing the two electrodes to Bruce's temples.
"What are you doing?" Bruce asked, dreading the answer.  Nothing good, that was certain.
"These are psychoneurotic analysis and projection instruments," Crane explained, not looking away from his work. "A gift from Tetch.  They allow me to record your brain patterns and see what you see."  He stood, working the second device over his own forehead and producing a small remote from his pocket.  Bruce glared stoically forward as Crane turned, dipping an empty syringe into one of the beakers of fear toxin and carefully filling it to the amount he'd apparently calculated.  He turned back to Bruce, lifting his chin up with one delicate hand as the ghost of a smile twitched at his lips.  
"Let's get down to business, shall we?" he said.  Bruce stiffened as the needle found the vein in his neck, clenching every muscle in his body as the toxin slid like ice through his blood.  Immediately he felt his heart begin to race, pounding against the inside of his chest, and his vision swam with tendrils of winding pitch that wound steadily around his throat, slowly squeezing the air from his lungs.
"See you in your nightmares, Bruce," Crane whispered.  His satisfied smile grew wider and wider, until it was a gaping abyss, waiting to swallow him whole.  The floor crumbled beneath Bruce's feet, and he plunged into the depths.
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