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floresrchll-blog · 6 years ago
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I watched the Movie Bridge to Terabithia when I was on 9th grade and the feelings that I felt while watching is still the same when I re-watch it.  Jess is the only boy in his family he was bullied but not only in his school but also in their home.  As Leslie move in near to their house everything changed, they become school mate, best friend a brother and sister but not related in blood. As the day goes by jess is been outcast in everything. When the special day of jess came by Leslie gave him a gift that he really wanted to an “art materials”.  They are both run fast so they decided to run until they reach the end of the road and went to a forest, they so a tree house and they decorate it and fill it with lots of foods . one day teacher asked jess if he want to come with him in a museum, so he response  that he wanted come because he was never been there before. His teacher asked him if he want to bring his best friend but he didn’t response.  When leslie have a problem she run to their tree house, leslie has a lively imagination she saw a monster whose attacking there home. She keep fighting alone, as she was returning back it was raining the water in the bridge is getting high she grab the rope to cross the lake and it broke she died drowning. The parents of jess though he was dead too that was the only day that jess was notice in their home.  As jess blaming himself, he just wanted to die too. He thinks that if she asked jess to come with them, maybe she was still alive.
i feel the same sometimes i want to run to escape from problems. but its not good to run maybe one day i can stand  and face my fears.
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jooyoungtt · 7 years ago
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위대한 쇼맨 <마이클 그레이시>
영화를 보고 난 후, 어떤 감독이 이렇게 극적인 장면들을 잘 표현했나 찾아보았다. 마이클 그레이시, 그의 필모그래피는 놀랍게도 2편정도��� 다였다. 그것도 위대한 쇼맨 말고 한 편은 이미지 등록도 안 된 영화 한편.
“여러분들이 고대하던 순간이 왔어요. 어둠 속에서 기다려왔죠. 통증처럼 가슴을 조이는 설레임을 안고” P.T 바넘(휴 잭맨)이 영화 시작하는 부분의 첫 노래 구절이다. P.T 바넘(휴 잭맨)이 첫 노래부터 꿈의 무대라고 불리우는 것은 서커스를 한다는 것 자체에서의 의미도 있겠지만, 소외 계층들이 당당히 사회에 나오는 것이야 말로 꿈의 무대라는 것을 이야기해준다. 연출력과 무대장치를 압도하는 이 영화의 전반적인 메세지는 “장애인과 사회적 약자 혹은 소외계층이 당당히 사회에 진출을 해야 한다.”라는 메세지를 담고 있다. 바넘 역시 첫 씬부터 근엄하고 진지한 모습으로 등장하지만 그의 어렸을 때의 모습을 보면 가난으로 허덕이고 사람들에게 버림 받은 존재 중 하나였다. 그가 채리티(미셸 윌리엄스)를 만나고서 인생을 다시 설계하기 시작한다. 이름하여 “바넘의 신기한 박물관”
P.T 바넘 (휴잭맨)은 끊임없이 획기적인 아이디어를 쏟는 캐릭터이다. 가족애가 굉장히 강하며 어릴 때 세상 사람들에게 받던 편협된 시선을 바꾸려고 하는 캐릭터이다. 성공의 욕망이 크며, 그 성공의 욕망은 가족을 위해서라고 하지만 사실상 자신이 주목받기 위함이라는 것을 알게 된다. P.T 바넘의 아내 채리티 바넘(미셸 윌리엄스)는 욕망에 눈이 멀어가는 바넘을 보고 조금씩 실망하지만 이내 변하지 않을 것이라는 희망을 버리지 않고 바넘을 끝까지 응원한다.
바넘은 찰스 스트랜튼 (샘 험프리), 휠러 남매 (젠다야 콜맨, 야히아 압틴 마툴 2세),  레티 루츠 (케알라 세틀) 등을 세상 밖으로 나오게 도와주는 역할을 한다. 어둠속에만 있던 그들이 빛을 보게 되고, 세상에 그들도 주인공이 될 수 있다는 힘을 실어준다. 여기까지 바넘이 주인공 역을 맡았다면 이제부터 바넘은 뒤로 살짝 물러나고 단원들에게 주목 할 필요가 있다. 이제부터 그들이 주인공이기 때문이다.
P.T 바넘의 첫번째 욕망은 채리티 아버지에게서의 가난을 무시받은 것, 두번째 욕망은 딸이 땅콩 냄새가 난다고 친구들에게 왕따를 당하는 것, 마지막으로 부와 명예의 욕망이 터져버린 시퀀스는 제니 린드(레베카 퍼거슨)을 만난 이후로 불타오른다. 제니 린드와 바넘의 첫 공연 때, 필립 칼라일(잭 에프론)이 단원들을 박스석에 앉혀야 되지 않냐고 했을 때, 바넘은 “입석이 음향이 더 좋으니까 거기에 앉히도록 해.”라고 말도 안되는 말을 한다. 이 시퀀스에서 가장 밝은 빛을 받고 있는 제니 린드(레베카 퍼거슨)과 P.T 바넘(휴 잭맨) 그리고 가장 어두운 곳에 있는 단원들. 이 시퀀스는 중반정도의 부분임에도 불구하고 주변의 인식이 바뀌지 않는 다는 것을 뜻한다. 이 영화는 밝음과 어두움의 연속이다. 단원들 뿐만이 아니라 그것은 P.T 바넘(휴 잭맨)도 마찬가자이다.
제니 린드(레베카 퍼거슨)이 부르는 노래의 가사를 보자면, “All the shine of a thousand spotlights, All the stars we steal from the night sky, Will never be enough, Never be enough” (천 개의 조명이 비쳐줘도, 밤 하늘의 모든 별을 다 가져도, 만족하지 않을 거예요, 만족할 수 없어요.) 결국 돈과 명예가 행복을 살 수 없음을 나타내지만 제니 린드(레베카 퍼거슨)를 지켜보는 P.T 바넘(휴 잭맨)의 눈빛에는 돈과 명예에 가득 찬 욕망이 그득하다. 서로 대비되는 시퀀스이다.
결국 마지막에는 제니 린드(레베카 퍼거슨)도 P.T 바넘(휴 잭맨)을 떠나고 채라티 바넘 (미셸 윌리엄스)도 떠나고 모두가 바넘을 떠나지만 단원들만 바넘의 곁을 남아서 다시 시작해보자고 한다. 그렇게 다시 밝음이 시작된다.
무대장치와 연출력이 어마무시한 이 영화에서 아쉬운 점은, 스크린에서 볼 수 없는 얕은 의미이다. 마이클 그레이시 감독은 사회적 약자와 장애인, 소외 계층에게 희망을 주고 싶은 메세지를 담았다고 생각 할 수 있지만 그것이 관객들 눈에 잘 나타나지 않았다는 점이다. 연출력에 압도되는 관객들도 있지만, 의미를 깊게 되새기는 관객들에게는 많은 혹평을 받았다. 이 영화의 끝의 ���세지에는 / “남을 행복하게 해주는 것이 진정한 예술이다.” - P.T 바넘 / 이라고 하지만 그 남을 행복하게 해주는 것은 사회적 약자, 장애인, 소외 계층들을 뜻하며 그들을 서커스단원이라고 표현하는 것도 언짢아 할 수도 있겠다 싶었다. 왜 사회적 약자나 소외된 계층 혹은 장애인들은 누군가의 도움을 받지 않으면 밖으로 나오기 힘들거라고 영화에서 이야기 하는 건지 이 부분은 도저히 이해가 불가능 했다. 그들 스스로가 아무렇지도 않을 수도 있는데 왜 굳이 이렇게 의미를 부여해야 했나. 정말 뻔한 클리셰들을 가지고 무대장치와 연출력만으로 승부하는 이 감독의 다음 영화는, 조금 더 깊은 의미에 집중을 했으면 좋겠다라는 생각이 들었다. 
의미적으로는 많이 부족했을지언정, 음악과 황홀한 연출들때문에 시간은 뾰로롱 훅 가버렸다.
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years ago
The Invisible Man (1933)
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Can you figure out the techniques behind the extensive special effects in 1933’s The Invisible Man? Probably if you look hard. Does that matter? They're still impressive and sophisticated, as is the story, direction, and writing. It’s a classic for a reason.
When a mysterious bandaged scientist (Claude Rains) takes a room at the Lion’s Head Inn, he raises suspicion among the locals. After his request to be left alone is ignored, Dr. Jack Griffin's secret is revealed: he's discovered a way to make himself invisible. Driven mad by the procedure, the Invisible Man goes on a rampage that holds the entire world in the grip of terror.
This is a smart, refined film. It's often darkly comical, which makes it timeless. The Invisible Man cracks jokes and taunts the helpless people in his path. That would've been gutsy back then but the picture takes it further. Wrap your mind around the fact that our main character is a villain. Griffin is not some misunderstood monster who was given the wrong brain or a group of friends confronting a blood-sucking demon from a faraway land; he's a cold-blooded murderer, a terrorist and a madman. He’s also charismatic, funny and undoubtedly brilliant. You… like him. Credit goes to actor Claude Rains. Even when he’s covered up with bandages or isn’t appearing on-screen, it’s a tremendous performance. The intonations, his speech pattern, the way he articulates his words makes you forget there’s not actually anyone on-screen.
I know what you’re thinking. A movie about an invisible man? That must’ve been cheap to make. What a genius gimmick! But you’d be wrong. Director James Whale (also responsible for Universal’s Frankenstein and its sequel, Bride of Frankenstein) has assembled a lean, fast-paced, special effects-laden film. Special effects technicians John P. Fulton, John J. Mescall and Frank D. Williams knew people would look at the film with scrutiny so they give you a lot to see. Objects are always being tossed around or moved by the Invisible Man so that you know exactly where he is on-screen. While you can probably get an idea of how they created some of the illusions and today, this sort of thing is a cinch, you try and recreate them with the equipment of the time. When you look simply at the craft of the effects, you'll be amazed. You realize the intricacy of the camera work and choreography required throughout. There's a shot in which Griffin takes off his bandages to reveal nothing… in front of a mirror. Try and figure out how they pulled that one off.
At the time, The Invisible Man was groundbreaking and today, the visuals hold up, as do the tension and humor. Claude Rains is excellent at playing the villain and many of the other parts (including Una O’Connor, whose shriek will be permanently imprinted into your mind) are memorable. It’s among the best of Universal's monster films. (On Blu-ray, April 29, 2017)
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followrahul · 2 years ago
#Pathaan #MovieReviwe #BoycottPathaanMovie @iamsrk #AskSRK @yrf #YRF50 @TheJohnAbraham @deepikapadukone @BeingSalmanKhan @PathaanTheFilm #PathaanCollection
Pathaan is a movie of YRF spy universe and banner in its 50th year. Before watching it, I checked a couple of reviews on YouTube, then watched it to realize that its over hyped movie while it has various reasons to become an all-time blockbuster. It’s a 2.26 hours movie released worldwide in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. It’s a come back movie of SRK as his previous flops were released 4-5 years…
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tanban · 10 years ago
When I blab after a movie part 3
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Simplicity never lets a memory fade. “Paper Planes” for many would be predictable movie with not much twists and hardly any shocks to make you jump off your seat and yet this movie the one thing I love about art; it makes you feel hopeful and for some absolutely happy.
To win or lose is not the point, to create something that matters is. “Paper Planes” preaches this universally acknowledged message through children and one 12 year old kid in particular. The plot is basic. Dylan discovers he can fly paper planes that can get him to do well in competitive levels and so he works hard to break each stage and reach the end, all the while battling his father’s depression after the death of his mother mere 5 months ago.
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Dylan is an optimistic good kid who rages repeatedly against his father’s darkness and hopes he comes to himself. His bully turned friend brings lovingly camaraderie onscreen in spite of him thinking Tokyo being in china. His best friend’s victory dance towards the end is one of my favorite moments, apart from Dylan’s grandfather landing up in the garage sale with his “milk shakes”. Dylan’s Japanese friend points out how she wished there weren’t winner but only beautiful flying planes and Dylan’s competitor from Australia; a boy who doesn’t want to make friends with people he wants to beat provide the contrast of two worlds. One where the journey is valued and the other where the end is all that matters.
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Unfortunately for kids from a young age, to be better than the next kid is the objective and incase of Indian parents the ever present Sharma ji’s son is the exact embodiment of this philosophy. So even if I’m in my 20s, I’ve been a product of this same system that makes me want to be the best, to always rank 1st. what a movie like this then does for me is make me want to believe in the journey again. It reminded me how much more meaningful a journey can be with or without a 1st rank featuring in it. It’s similar to the Amir Khan starrer “3 Idiots” to run not after success but towards excellence and success follows right through.
A light breezy movie with lots of smiles and warmth to fill you up, this movie has a heart that would get yours beating bright!
  ` �
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