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stevesellshomes · 2 years ago
Memorial Day Weekend Real Estate & Homes Bluffton SC #Shorts
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eroticlamb · 4 months ago
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Album cover for 'Movete...Chiquita...Movete...', 1972 ♡
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amberthefantasy · 9 months ago
Nitimur in Vetitum Masterlist
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Ides of March, 44 BCE. The death of Julius Caesar.
When Caesar is assissinated his only living child, Lucretia Julia Caesaris, is left alone in the turbulant Rome. That is until her cousin, and new brother, Gaius Octavius arrives and changes the landscape of Rome forever.
chapters below↓
chapter one: sanguis (blood)
chapter two: vetita (forbidden)
chapter three: pellis (skin)
chapter four: umbra (shadow)
chapter five: chalybe (steel)
chapter six: oriri (return)
chapter seven: potentia (power)
chapter eight: nupitae (wedding)
chapter nine: cadere (fall)
chapter ten: caedes (bloodshed)
chapter eleven: amor (love)
chapter twelve: bellum (war)
chapter thirteen: faciens movet (making moves)
chapter fourteen: ligatus (bound)
chapter fifteen: tribus (three)
chapter sixteen: cena (dinner)
chapter seventeen: electiones (choices)
chapter eighteen: vinculum (bonds)
chapter nineteen: seperatio (seperation)
chapter twenty: ortus (rise)
chapter twentyone: quattor (four)
chapter twentytwo: familia (family) (in progress)
CAST LIST (chapter 1-22)
APPENDIX (skip through outline for different chapters)
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tomboy-a · 1 month ago
Frotate encima mío, movete más rápido cuando estés a punto de tener un orgasmo, apretate fuerte contra mí, marcame tus uñas en mi cuello y gemime bajito cerca del oído
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manunwn · 2 years ago
movete argentina movete
movete deja de joder
que esta hinchada esta loca
hoy no podemos perder
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put-on-a-happyface · 8 months ago
A tе scurdá 'e me, comme fajе?
'Mparame comme se fa pure a mme
Allora, overo, 'o munno è piatto
Chi s'è diviso nn's'è 'ncuntrato cchiù
Spuogliete subbito e viestete 'e me
Movete oppure fermammo 'stu tiempo
Fore è matina ma adinto nn'se vede
Uno comme me ave bisogno 'e te
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bavarianmillionaire · 9 months ago
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sietemapas · 2 years ago
DESPUÉS DE UN LARGO VIAJE/ Fabián Casas (poema elegido por Moni)
Me siento en el balcón a mirar la noche. Mi madre me decía que no valía la pena estar abatido. Movete, hacé algo, me gritaba. Pero yo nunca fui muy dotado para ser feliz. Mi madre y yo éramos diferentes y jamás llegamos a comprendernos. Sin embargo, hay algo que quisiera contar: a veces, cuando la extraño mucho, abro el ropero donde están sus vestidos y como si llegara a un lugar después de un largo viaje me meto adentro. Parece absurdo: pero a oscuras y con ese olor tengo la certeza de que nada nos separa.
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annebrontesrequiem · 2 years ago
Musica Dei donum optimi trahit homines, trahit deos; Musica truces mollit animos tristesque mentes erigit. Musica vel ipsas arbores et horridas movet feras. cunctisque solatia prestans.
Music, the gift of the supreme God, draws men, draws gods; Music makes savage souls gentle and uplifts sad minds. Music moves the very trees and wild beasts. Affording solace to all
Musica Dei Donum a 6; Orlando di Lasso
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analpalmma · 2 years ago
Che pero anoche estaba en modo criogénica no se que me pasaba
Movete baila no sé
Era el pedo que tenía literalmente 🤣
Era yo anoche paradita grabando la fiesta y no hacía pero NA DA 🤣
Estaba SHE DU RA anoche
OS TI re dura 🤣
No sé pero la gente se cree que yo cuando tomo me vuelvo más loca
No 🤣
Al contrario
Cuando tomo me pongo dura es como que me paralizo porque se me paraliza todo el cuerpo y no reacciono ósea estaba mirando nomás a todos sin moverme y sin saber que estaba viviendo 🤣🤌
Y cuando NO tomo hay si me vuelvo loca y tilingueo de lo lindo pero chimangueo de lo lindo e
Cuando no tomo soy un desastre porque estoy consciente entonces me vuelvo loca por lo que me empieza agarrar los nervios de la emoción 🤣
Y cuando estoy en pedo me quedo dura pero SHE DURA no me moves pero más
Ni te pestañeo te miro así como si fuera una estatura 🤣
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years ago
bewegen, bewog, bewogen, ein schweres wort, bei dem vorsicht noth thut. von dem einfachen verbum wird unter wiegen gehandelt; da schon das goth. vigan und vagjan in der bedeutung zusammentreffen, ist kein wunder, dasz bewegen bewog und bewegen bewegte in einander greifen.
ähnliche mischungen zeigten sich bei abwägen und abwiegen, bei aufwägen und aufwiegen, bei auswägen und auswiegen, wo doch das ie in wiegen (analog dem in liegen) einen halt gab, bewiegen für bewegen wird aber heute gar nicht geschrieben, früher kommt es mitunter vor (s. bewiegen). mhd. schied sich bewëgen pendere, perpendere, bewiget perpendit, praet. bewac, part. bewëgen rein ab von bewegen movere, beweget movet, praet. bewegte, part. beweget, bewëgen reimt auf dëgen, pflëgen, rëgen pluvia, bewegen auf legen, regen, movere. nhd. sollte das starke bewegen lauten wie regen pluvia, das schwache wie regen movere, legen ponere, man pflegt aber auch dieses mit ë auszusprechen, wofür wir ä in erwägen schreiben. im ablaut wurde die reinheit der vocale bald aufrecht erhalten (bewag bewagen bewegen, wie lag lagen gelegen), bald getrübt (bewog bewogen bewogen, wie wog wogen gewogen, wob woben gewoben), endlich das i in bewigst bewigt allmälich zu e geschwächt (bewegst bewegt, wie erwägst erwägt). solche formstörungen müssen auch die bedeutung beeinträchtigen, oder umgekehrt aus der schwankenden bedeutung hervorgegangen sein.
Meine Rede
Jedes Wort ist ein Wort. Darum gibt es alle Wörter, und das auch noch in jeder Sprache und jeder Version.
In der Polarforschung Aby Warburgs ist es nicht so, dass seine Überlegungen zur Bewegung, zur Animation, zum Pendeln, zur Energie und zur 'Bildgebung' in Wirklichkeit eine einzige Überlegung zum Strom der Zeichen sind. Aber alles, was Warburg berührt, geht durch: verhäkelt sich in durchgehender Trennbarkeit und Austauschbarkeit, durchgehender Übersetzbarkeit.
Die Techniken, die Bilder erscheinen lassen, indem sie Distanz schaffen, sind in Techniken übersetzbar, die Denken lassen, die pendeln lassen, die bewegen lassen, die wiegen, die wägen , die wogen und die wagen lassen. Diese Übersetzungen laufen nicht glatt, sie laufen holprig, sie laufen nicht bruchlos, vor allem selbst nicht ohne Inversionen, nicht ohne Verkehrung, nicht ohne Umkehrung, nicht ohne jene Wiederkehr, die Warburg explizit als Nachleben beschreibt, nicht als Leben. Dass in dem Bewegen oder Denken etwas von selbst funktioniere, dass es überhaupt funktioniert, dass es auf gefüllte Weise sinnvoll, bis zum Rand mit Sinn gefüllt sei, das sagt er nicht.
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jupitermartesaturnoo · 6 days ago
movete lentito arriba mio porfa
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amberthefantasy · 9 months ago
Nitimur in Vetitum
chapter thirteen: faciens movet (making moves)
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"Lucretia was never far from her brother when he made important political decisions. Her role as a mother and a wife never seemed to impede this fact."- The Life of Lucretia by Adelaide Lyons
9th Day Before the Kalends of Februarius (24th February)
Lucretia ran her hand over Gaius' arm. "You must decide, beloved brother," she whispered.
Gaius let out a groan. "If I was to execute Lucius, Marcus Antonius would have to declare war for his family honour."
"But if no one is blamed for this war, you will look weak," Lucretia retorted.
"I know," Gaius sighed. 
"Then the answer is clear," Lucretia shrugged, Gaius gave her a confused look. "We blame Fulvia. A woman angered by the perceived spurning of her husband decides to raise an army to avenge him. She convinces her husband's loyal brother to fight with her and starts a war with her husband's ally and friend."
"But she soon realises her error and surrenders. All is now well," Gaius continued, a smirk growing on his face. "You, my sweet sister, are a genius."
"I know," Lucretia flipped her hair. 
"Are you two done?" Agrippa asked. He pushed off the wall he had been standing against and sat down beside Lucretia. 
"Oh do not feel left out Agrippa," Lucretia pouted at him. "You did your part, let us do ours."
"I do not feel 'left out'" Agrippa denied. "I am just bored."
"You can always leave," Gaius said.
Agrippa pursed his lips. "You just want me to leave so you can have her all to yourself once you finish plotting."
Lucretia rolled her eyes at his childish response. "If you want to fuck me Agrippa, just say it."
Gaius let out a choked laugh at that. Agrippa reached around Lucretia to slap his friend on the shoulder. The soldier's eyes stayed locked on Lucretia as he did this though. "Very well, let's fuck."
Lucretia giggled. Agrippa leant closer to her, his hands slowly pushing up her dress as he went to kiss her. "Don't leave me out," Gaius snapped. Lucretia felt his hands begin the run up and down her hips.
She pulled back from Agrippa's kiss and leant into Gaius. "I suppose we can take a break."
12th Day Before the Kalends of Martius (19th February)
Lucretia bounced Fabia on her hip. She had taken her daughter out to the fields surrounding Rome to look at the rivers. "See that Fabia? That's a fish," Lucretia pointed to the little shape swimming through the water.
"Fwish," Fabia repeated.
"Yes, fish." Lucretia smiled down at her daughter. If she was completely honest with herself, Lucretia had never actually thought about being a mother before she had Fabia. After her own mother had died in childbed she has, somewhat unconsciously, put the thought of ever having her own children out of mind, and after marrying Silvius it had become set in stone. Now she had Fabia, a child born of love between her and her closest companions. 
"Lucretia!" Agrippa's voice came from behind her. Lucretia glanced back at him. Agrippa was working his way through the reeds surrounding the river where Lucretia was standing with her baby on her hip. "I was wondering where you went off to."
"I wanted to show Fabia the fish," Lucretia explained.
"Fwish!" Fabia said loudly. 
Agrippa laughed. "Yes my little one, fish." He stopped beside Lucretia and the two stared out into the water for a moment.
"Why did you come looking for me," Lucretia asked after a moment of silence.
"Gaius had some strategy he wanted to run by you," Agrippa responded. He held out his arm for her to take. "Shall I take you to him?"
Lucretia smiled and took his arm. "Yes, let us go talk about what strategy my brother has devised now."
"You what?" Lucretia snapped. She was leaning over the table where a large map of Italia and the islands of the Mare Nostrum had been laid out.
Gaius stared into her eyes. "I should marry someone with a connection to Sextus, it will, hopefully, assist in negotiations over this damned blockade he is so insistent on holding Rome under."
"You mean Scribonia," Lucretia wrinkled her nose.
"She is the wisest choice," Gaius shrugged.
Lucretia could feel the disgust rising within her. "She is one of the most irritating people I have ever had the displeasure of encountering."
"You just don't like her because she wants to fuck Gaius," Agrippa cut in. Lucretia glared at him but found she had no retort to that. 
"You should marry again too," Gaius pointed to her.
"I should, should I?" Lucretia drawled.
"I will not force a marriage upon you, my love," her brother raised his hands. "But it would be politically advantageous."
Lucretia narrowed her eyes, trying her hardest to find something to say that would dispute his claim. But Gaius was correct, she was out of mourning and it would be both expected and advantageous for her to marry again. "I will not marry a man I do not care for." Was all she would find the words to say.
"Marry Agrippa," Gaius suggested.
Agrippa let out a choked cough. "What?"
Lucretia stared, dumbfounded at her brother. The idea of marrying Agrippa had never even crossed her mind but Gaius had said it so casually, like he had considered it before. "If Lucretia refuses to marry for politics, then she should marry for love. It would be... frowned upon if such a young widow did not remarry," Gaius shrugged.
"He's right," Lucretia almost whispered. She looked deeply into Agrippa's eyes, seeing all the swirling emotions within them. 
"Okay," Agrippa whispered back. Lucretia smiled at him and it only took a moment before he responded with one of his own.
"I am to marry Agrippa," Lucretia revealed. Octavia, Horatia and Scribonia stared at her, mouths slightly open. "My brother and he decided upon it a week ago."
"Congratulations!" Horatia said loudly, jumping up to grasp Lucretia's arms and pull her into a hug.
"Yes, congratulations," Scribonia smiled.
Octavia stood slowly, keeping one hand on her heavily pregnant stomach, three children in four years, gods bless her. "You must be very happy," she smiled. Horatia stepped back to allow the cousins to embrace.
"We were hoping that you and your husband would help perform the ceremony?" Lucretia asked.
"Of course," Octavia smiled.
Lucretia grinned widely. Leading Octavia back to her seat and helping her down. She took her own seat beside her. As the four women devolved into talk about weddings, and future children of course, Lucretia took a moment to fully think about what was about to happen. She was marrying Agrippa. She was marrying her lover.
6th Day Before the Ides of Martius (10th March)
Pompona ran her hand over Lucretia's waist, fixing the small yellow belt tied there. "If it is too tight it is hard to undo, and if he cannot undo it the marriage is bad luck," she explained. 
Lucretia nodded and smiled. She kept her pale eyes locked on herself in the mirror in front of her. Her pale hair was pulled up into a braid atop her head and a white dress embellished with golden thread hung from her body like water.
"Gods," Gaius' voice came from the entrance. "You look gorgeous."
Lucretia smiled at him. "You look handsome today my beloved brother," she responded.
Gaius smiled back, he walked over and held out his arm for Lucretia to take. "Shall we?"
Lucretia flipped her yellow veil over her face then she took his arm. "We shall."
Gaius led Lucretia out of the room and to the top of the staircase. She took a breath and they began to descend. Lucretia could see her friends and family; Agrippa, already waiting on the other side of the room. Octavia, draped in pale cream, her belly bulging and waiting on the dais. Horatia and Lucius, arm in arm right in the front of the crowd. Marcellus, stood at the base of the stairs waiting to begin the ceremony.
The crowd began to clap as they descend the stairs and reached the bottom. Gaius released her arm and Lucretia gave him a small smile. She took another breathe as she walked forward alone, trying to keep the memories of her last wedding far from her mind but struggling quite a bit. 
Even after five years, and one and a half years of widowhood, the memory of the day her father disregarded her wishes and gave her away like a broodmare was always in her mind. It had been the first time she truly fought with Julius Caesar, even as he walked her down the stairs they had not one looked at each other. For the entire year between her marriage and her father's death, she had never forgiven him, and now she never could.
"Welcome friends," Marcellus' voice drew Lucretia back to the present. Agrippa had walked closer to her, dressed in matching white and yellow. He smiled subtly at her when he noticed her eyes on him. "To the wedding of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Lucretia Julia Caesaris." The two walked onto the dais to stand either side of Octavia. 
Lucretia saw some men lead forward a goat, she looked away as Marcellus began to speak, not wanting to see the sacrifice. "Great Juno, Goddess of Marriage and Fertility, accept this gift of life and blood from this great house of Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus." There was a pause as the sacrifice was made. 
"Lucretia Julia Caesaris, are you ready?" Marcellus asked her.
"Yes," Lucretia breathed.
"Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, do you agree?"
"I do," Agripa gave a single nod.
"Then she is yours," Marcellus smiled.
Octavia held out her hands, Lucretia and Agrippa both placed their hands in hers and Lucretia smiled when she felt Agrippa's skin against hers. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Lucretia threw caution to the wind, she flipped her veil out of her face and surged forward, pressing her lips against Agrippa's.
Lucretia distantly heard the gasps and muttering but she didn't really register it, so focused on the man she loved and the feel of his lips against hers. "I love you," she whispered when they pulled apart to breathe.
"I love you too," Agrippa said back.
6th Day Before the Ides of Sextilis (8th August)
Lucretia pressed her head against Agrippa's arm. "Is he coming?" she whined. 
"He said he would," Gaius responded. Lucretia looked towards where her brother was splayed out, eyes closed as if he was sleeping. 
"Can we trust him?" She insisted. Gaius didn't respond. Lucretia rolled her eyes towards Agrippa, who gave her a matching exasperated stare.
There were footsteps then, and Vinnius came into the tent. "Lord," he stopped in front of Gaius' klinai. "Maecenas is here with Sextus Pompeius." He took a moment, but when Gaius didn't respond, he simply placed a hand on his sword and left to retrieve their guests.
"Hmm," Gaius hummed. Lucretia could sense the smugness rolling off him but didn't bother to speak. He smiled, blinking open his eyes. "I told you Maecenas could get Sextus to come." Gaius told Agrippa.
It had been a large debate between the three of them. Gaius and Lucretia believed in Maecenas' silver-tongued ability to get anyone to do anything but Agrippa had had his doubts. Lucretia stepped back from her husband... her husband, she was still getting used to that, and walked around to stand behind Gaius. Agrippa gave a slight head twitch. 
Her husband began to sharpen the dagger in his hand, dragging a small whetstone up its edge. 
"No," Gaius, who had pulled out his own dagger, said. He pointed the blade at Agrippa, who paused and looked at him. "No, we are not going to kill him."
Agrippa looked back down at his blade and began to sharpen it again. "We might never get another chance."
"His fucking fleet's starving Rome to death," Gaius snapped, holding his dagger above his face in a way that made Lucretia's heart begin to race. "We need a deal."
"He's right, my love," Lucretia said. Agrippa glanced at her through his eyelashes. She smiled at his expression. 
The tent opened again and Vinnius led Maecenas into the space. Gaius slipped the dagger back into his wrist guard and smiled. He stood, throwing his arms out in greeting. "Maecenas."
"Gaius," Maecenas smiled. The two held hands and greeted each other with a kiss.
Gaius looked behind his friend. "Where's Sextus?"
Maecenas glanced back at Lucretia. "There's just the slightest hitch. He thinks you're going to kill him."
Gaius turned to look at Lucretia and Agrippa, a small smile playing at his lips. Lucretia and Agrippa glanced at each other and then responded with two of their own. Gaius turned his gaze back to Maecenas, who looked between them confused. "What?"
"Where is he?" Lucretia asked.
Maecenas blinked at her. "But the river."
"Then, what are we waiting for?" She asked, stepping around the klinai, taking her husband by the arm and leading them all out of the tent.
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bardington · 27 days ago
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roisy · 3 months ago
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Bennett Sealing Spell: A unique spell of the Bennett witch bloodline that utilizes their magic (or blood) to make a potent sealing spell near impossible to break without the specific ingredients.
Incantation: Phasmatos veras nos ex malom. Terra mora vantis quo incandis per vasa quo errum signos
Requirements: A Bennett Witch
In Somebody That I Used to Know, it is revealed that Virginia had Lucy Bennett perform the same spell on the The Armory’s Vault, sealing it shut so that no other witch except a Bennett could unseal.
Bennett Unsealing Spell: A direct counterspell to undo the Bennett Sealing spell, of which only a Bennett witch is capable of performing.
Incantation: Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, per Vasa Quo Errum Signos. Phasmatos selvus Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, per Vasa Errum Quo Signos. Phasmatos selvus nos ex malom terra mora Vantis Quo Incandis per Vasa Quo Errum Signos. Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis.
Requirements: Bennett Witch
Used by: In Masquerade, Lucy Bennett cast this or a variant counterspell to remove Bonnie’s boundary spell in the Lockwood Mansion.
Hellfire Manipulation Spell: A powerful spell that utilized a large coven of Bennett witches to contain, control and prevent the unleashing of hellfire.
First Incantation: Phasmatos motus incendiarios!
Second Incantation: Phasmatos incendia movet, phasmatos incendia moventur, ego ex vos, vos ex unos, phasmatos incendia entrare! Phasmatos incendia movet, phasmatos incendia moveo!
Requirements: Bennett Coven of 100 witches
Used By: In I Was Feeling Epic, Bonnie, alongside the spirits of Sheila, Beatrice, Lucy, Ayana, the Witch of the Five, and other Bennett witches used the second variant spell to save Mystic Falls from destruction as well as to redirect the hellfire back to hell, destroying the dimension in the process.
Incapacitation Enchantment: An enchantment placed upon an object that will render the said target unable to breath eventually leaving them unconscious upon contact.
Incantation: Unknown
Requirements: Moonstone (Object)
Used by: In Masquerade, Lucy Bennett used this spell to take out Katherine to help her cousin and free herself from Katherine’s debt.
Linking Spell: The spell is used to link two or more beings together, such that any harm comes to one, it is also inflicted upon the other(s). The spell can be used to link similar species, i.e. witch to another witch, or to different species, i.e. human to vampire.
Incantation: Unknown
Requirements: Spirit Magic (varies per spell)
Used by: In Masquerade, Lucy Bennett used this spell to link Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce together to ensure that Katherine wouldn’t be killed because whatever harm came to her, Elena would be harmed as well.
Unlinking Spell: A spell that is used to break the link between two or more beings.
Incantation: Unknown
Requirements: Unknown; Expression
Used by: In Masquerade, Lucy Bennett used this spell to undo her linking spell she cast on Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce.
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bavarianmillionaire · 11 months ago
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