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ecartwright362 · 5 months ago
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Chasing the Sun: Why Dreamers Dream Big" is an inspiring exploration of the limitless power of dreams and the fearless pursuit of passions. This uplifting book delves into the hearts of those who dare to dream big, uncovering the drive that keeps them aiming higher despite challenges. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or anyone with a vision, this book reminds us that dreaming big isn't reserved for the bold—it’s for anyone willing to embrace their light, face fears, and turn dreams into reality.🌟 Filled with inspiring stories and insightful lessons, it showcases how perseverance, ambition, and passion are the fuel for success.
Dreamers of all ages and walks of life will find themselves ignited by the message of this book: no dream is too big, and no goal is unreachable if you’re willing to chase the sun. So, are you ready to follow your dreams? Let this book be your guide and inspiration to soar beyond limits!☀️💭✨
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tempertrader · 5 years ago
#tempertrader #tradingforbeginners
#tradingeducation #investoneducation #justalive
#imback #iamback #iamon
#lowrisk #lowriskstrategies
#strategictrading #strategies
#highreturn #tradeconsciously
#investconsciously #fx #forex
#forextrading #forexinvesting
#challengeaccepted #letsdoit
#wecan #wedo #weareheretodo
#challenged #tradingforaliving
#tradingforliving #motivation
#dreamwell #technicalanalysis
#tradingbasics #investingbasics
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How to Focus - Run Your Race
How to Focus - introduction
Confucius said “Person who chases two rabbits catches neither.” This statement created a very vivid image in my mind of the futility of trying to do too many things at the same time. Chasing one rabbit is hard enough. Imagine chasing two. Clearly the only way to practically deal with such a situation is to first concentrate on one rabbit and then, after catching the first one, go and catch the other.
Such common sense often eludes us when it comes to chasing our dreams. If you have big dreams and a big vision for your life it is very likely that you may feel overwhelmed at times. There may be so many things you would like to achieve, but so little time. This is particularly true if you are managing your own business and holding a job at the same time. How do you manage to get it all done?
How to Focus - Relax
The first thing you must do is to relax. Don’t panic. Don’t get overwhelmed and don’t be in too much of a hurry to get something done. Develop a sense of confidence in yourself and your ability to attain your goals. It is very important that you keep things in perspective and remember that everything worth having in life is a process and requires time to attain.
Just because things are not working out the way you expect them to does not mean they are not working out. Often it is the unexpected and the things we have not planned for that work out for our good in the end. If you are working consistently towards your objectives, things will work out for you.
How to Focus – run your race
Secondly, run your race and you will win. It cannot be won any other way but by running. If you do not run, you will not finish the race. The race will not be won with one giant leap from the starting line to the finish. It must be done one stride at a time. Each stride gets you closer to the finish line. So your dreams must be attained one little step and victory at a time. You must keep running with you dream until you reach the finish line. It is Carol Lewis that said: "Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you'll win. Channel your energy. Focus.”
How to Focus – a very valuable lesson
This analogy carries a great amount of truth for me because I experienced the power of being able to focus in a very practical way. It was sports day at secondary school where I was in form one at the time. I was the third of four runners in the 400m relay. The relay is the highlight of sports day and as was to be expected everyone in the crowd, the teachers, students, parents and friends who had come to support their teams, was expectantly watching. All the movement there had been during the day ceased, as everyone’s attention was drawn to the event.
I was the smallest of the runners on the track and should have been quite intimidated by the size of the other runners I was competing against, but I wasn’t. As the race started, my team fell behind right from the start. By the time I was getting the baton, we were in third place. The moment I got it I was off. Running barefooted, I managed to rush past the boy in second place and after a few seconds, the one in first place too. I handed over the baton to the last runner in first place. He managed to maintain and even increased our lead. We won the race!
Everyone told me how well I had run and even my team mates expressed surprise at what had happened. I had surprised myself too. Thinking about it later I tried to analyze what happened in order to find out why I had run such a good race. Then it occurred to me that at the time I was running I was not thinking about anything. I was not thinking about the crowd, nor the competition I was facing, nor the fact that we were losing before I got the baton, nor was I thinking of winning the race.
How to Focus - concentrate on running your race
The only thing I thought about was running. I was so focused on running well that I felt as though my body was being lifted off the ground by a force external to myself. The track ahead of me was the only thing I saw. The grass under my feet the only thing I felt. It was only after running that I saw the crowd cheering and everything else around me. I learnt the power of being able to focus. That race remains a reference point for me when faced with obstacles and challenges. I remember that if I can focus, I can win.
How to Focus – concentrate on you
If you must win you must remember to focus on the one person that can make a real difference in your life. That is you. Do not look to other people to make you a success. More importantly, do not blame other people for your lack of progress and achievement. Such an attitude of blame will only serve to disempower you and make you feel helpless.
As Wayne Dwyer put it “All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.” You must focus on yourself and what you can do to change yourself and the things around you.
How to Focus – do one thing at a time
Lastly, learn to do one thing at a time. No matter how many different things you have to do you can only truly give yourself to one task at a time. Multitasking does not mean doing everything at the same time. It means acquiring the skills that will allow you to allocate each task its own time and complete it well. Whatever you are doing at any time, give yourself fully to it. Concentrate all your energy and effort on it. This is the only way you can be effective and achieve good results.
How to Focus - conclusion
Run your race. Focus on what you want and you will attain it. #MotivationForDreamers  @zeelabaptours @MetroFMSA @AfriCANSTAR @Grolschza @DesignIndaba @Studio_Riot @Boity @Nandi_Madida
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ecartwright362 · 5 months ago
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Chasing the Sun: Why Dreamers Dream Big" is an inspiring exploration of the limitless power of dreams and the fearless pursuit of passions. This uplifting book delves into the hearts of those who dare to dream big, uncovering the drive that keeps them aiming higher despite challenges. Whether you're an entrepreneur, artist, or anyone with a vision, this book reminds us that dreaming big isn't reserved for the bold—it’s for anyone willing to embrace their light, face fears, and turn dreams into reality.🌟 Filled with inspiring stories and insightful lessons, it showcases how perseverance, ambition, and passion are the fuel for success.
Dreamers of all ages and walks of life will find themselves ignited by the message of this book: no dream is too big, and no goal is unreachable if you’re willing to chase the sun. So, are you ready to follow your dreams? Let this book be your guide and inspiration to soar beyond limits!☀️💭✨
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rajeshdhimal · 5 years ago
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Learn first to Survive, then Success and finally Prosper. Most of the novice traders ( more than 90%) don't thrive the first stage or the startup stage of the trading. But your priority should be to survive and don't lose significant money/cash on those beginning days. Neither you should dream of winning lottery trades because, it is not how markets work Instead, you want to learn more and more and be familiar with the market and its terms and so on. This is "Know the Market stage." Once you become familiar with market and become a little confident with it, you may want to make little money but again you are not the pro trader yet, survival is the first priority. At this stage you gather move confidence, know more about markets and how things are and works. You may begin to correlate Financial markets to external environment like Economy, politics, weather, market cycles, news and trends. And if this, it is very positive sign that you are making progress. After too many failures, too many tests, market researchs, studies, and many up and downs, what happens is that you make up an unconscious mentality about the market moves and it's behaviors. At this stage, you become confident on yourself and your analysis. No one is going to disturb you and interrupt your opinions. This stage is what we call pro-trader. You are never going to become pro-trader overnight. It takes time, passion, capability to adapt on extremely difficult mental conditions,and more importantly a never give up attitude. #tempertrader #tradingforbeginners #tradingeducation #imback #iamon #lowrisk #lowriskstrategies #lowrisktradingstrategies #lowriskinvestingstrategies #strategictrading #strategies #tradeconsciously #investconsciously #fx #forex #forextrading #forexinvesting #forexforbeginners #forexfornovicetraders #forexeducation #strategicplanning #challengeaccepted #letsdoit #wecan #wedo #weareheretodo #tradingforaliving #tradingforliving #motivation #motivationfordreamers https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYGC-IplOz/?igshid=qjd8d616qjlz
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rajeshdhimal · 5 years ago
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Trading is a business. If you don't treat it like the Business, it Will be hard to make any positive progress and exciting results. #tempertrader #tradingforbeginners #tradingeducation #justalive #imback #lowrisk #lowrisktradingstrategies #lowriskinvestingstrategies #strategictrading #highreturn #tradeconsciously #fx #forex #forextrading #forexinvesting #forexforbeginners #forexeducation #strategicplanning #strategictradeplan #challengeaccepted #letsdoit #wecansoit #weareheretodo #tradingforliving #motivation #motivationfordreamers #technicalanalysis #fundamentalanalysis #technicalanalysisforbeginners #tradingbasics https://www.instagram.com/p/CARhma_p6ai/?igshid=1grvtwm6hrpm4
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rajeshdhimal · 5 years ago
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Trading without proper strategic planning is not different than Gambling. _._._.._._._.._._._._._._._._._._._._._ Follow us please! _._._._._._._._._.._._.__.._._._.__._._._ Before start trading, you must have a trading plan. Even you are trading for the first time, it is compulsory. A simple trading plan or a strategy works, but you have to have it. Actually you have to build it by yourself. Reminder, a simple and clear trading plan works best as complicated plans are different to execute regularly. And the consistently is key in trading. Trading checklist is a short list of things you set before you execute your trades. This is just like the the checklist pilot use in an airplane just before taking off and just before landing. You want to do the similar testing of your trade before taking off or landing the trades. And when you do this correctly, your take-offs and landings become smooth, consistent and controlled over time. #tempertrader #tradingforbeginners #tradingeducation #imback #lowrisk #lowriskstrategies #lowrisktradingstrategies #lowriskinvestingstrategies #strategictrading #highreturn #tradeconsciously #fx #forex #forextrading #forexforbeginners #forexfornovicetraders #forexeducation #strategicplanning #strategictadeplan #challengeaccepted #letsdoit #wecandoit #weareheretodo #challenged #tradingforliving #motivation #motivationfordreamers #technicalanalysis #fundamentalanalysis #basictechnicalanalysis https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQNmFlJaVg/?igshid=61bppps27dnu
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rajeshdhimal · 5 years ago
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"" If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the Solution"". To acknowledge any problem, you must be aware of what you are doing or what's your project is about. Unfortunately, most of the people lack this fundamental concept and struggle for success. Defining the problem means understanding the situations well. If your Trading system is consistently failing to make profitable trades, then it is time for detailed analysis of your trading system, all the things it includes like signals, Stoploss, targets, entry signals, exit signals, Economic indicators, discipline, types of trades you take, long term or short term......etc. and do experimentation but, slowly and strategically. Your goal is to know what works best for you and adjust accordingly. Do not rush to make too many changes on your trading system all at once as doing this may not produce any positive results at all. Changing too many items in the system makes difficult to notice the change on the final trading results. . . . . . . #tempertrader #tradingforbeginners #tradingeducation #iamback #iamon #lowriskstrategies #lowrisktradingstrategies #lowriskinvestingstrategies #strategictrading #tradeconsciously #investconsciously #forex #forextrading #forexinvesting #forexforbeginners #forexfornovicetraders #forexeducation #strategicplanning #strategictadeplan #challengeaccepted #letsdoit #wecan #weareheretodo #tradingforliving #motivation #motivationfordreamers #technicalanalysis #fundamentalanalysis #technicalanalysisforbeginners #basictechnicalanalysis https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQIMQLpL8T/?igshid=hup3ks5wpv2q
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rajeshdhimal · 5 years ago
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#tradingforbeginners #tempertrader #novicetrader #tradingeducation #success #successquotes #lowrisk #lowrisktrading #lowriskinvesting #strategies #strategictrading #strategicinvesting #strategicplanning #strategictradeplanning⠀⠀ #fx #forex #forextrading #forexforbeginners #forexfornovicetraders #lowriskforextrading⠀⠀ #motivation #motivationfordreamers #motivationfortraders #createmomentum #success https://www.instagram.com/p/CANZfp8JcL9/?igshid=10r63sh089126
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tempertrader · 5 years ago
#tempertrader #tradingforbeginners
#tradingeducation #investoneducation #justalive
#imback #iamback #iamon
#lowrisk #lowriskstrategies
#strategictrading #strategies
#highreturn #tradeconsciously
#investconsciously #fx #forex
#forextrading #forexinvesting
#challengeaccepted #letsdoit
#wecan #wedo #weareheretodo
#challenged #tradingforaliving
#tradingforliving #motivation
#dreamwell #technicalanalysis
#tradingbasics #investingbasics
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tempertrader · 5 years ago
What that is essential for Trading success?
What is the fundamental concept and idea behind it?
#tempertrader #tradingforbeginners
#tradingeducation #investoneducation #justalive
#imback #iamback #iamon
#lowrisk #lowriskstrategies
#strategictrading #strategies
#highreturn #tradeconsciously
#investconsciously #fx #forex
#forextrading #forexinvesting
#challengeaccepted #letsdoit
#wecan #wedo #weareheretodo
#challenged #tradingforaliving
#tradingforliving #motivation
#dreamwell #technicalanalysis
#tradingbasics #investingbasics
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