#Moti Soap
omgdilipsoni · 2 years
मोती साबुन (Moti Soap) इस दिवाली फिर से अमेजन पर बिक्री के लिए उपलब्ध
मोती साबुन (Moti Soap) इस दिवाली फिर से अमेजन पर बिक्री के लिए उपलब्ध #Diwali2022 #motisoap #Diwali
  मोती साबुन ( Moti Soap) एक बार फिर से अमेजन (Amazon) की दिवाली सेल (Diwali Sale) में बिकने के लिए उपलब्ध है। मोती साबुन (Moti Soap) जो कि 70 के दशक से लगातार दिवाली के दिन सबसे ज्यादा बिकता है। चलो उठो, दीवाली आ गई है, मोती स्नान का समय हो गया है, हम हमेशा दीवाली से पहले विज्ञापन देखते हैं। मोती साबुन का दिवाली विज्ञापन [ Moti Soap Diwali TVC] Amazon पर Moti Soap खरीदने के लिए लिंक पर क्लिक…
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nature-writes29 · 11 months
Dipawali special | Amv x Vanathi, VV x Kundavai
( Plz read the AN in the end, as it has info about the future posts, etc. )
      Vanathi sat on the floor drawing a big rangoli on one of the passageways in front of the big windows which looked over the scenery below. Just then she heard someone calling her from behind and a cry of a baby. She knew whose baby it was in an instant.
   "Ilavarasi! Please look at our little Ilavarasare! He just won't stop crying!"
   "Just bring him over" Vanathi shouted back, as Aamani came near her, with little madhu in her hands. Aamani handed madhu over to her. Vanathi's motherly instincts took over her as she didn't care that her fingure were lathered with pigments or that she was on the floor in an uncomfortable position, all that mattered to her was that her child was crying and she needed to console him.
      Vanathi took madhu in her hands and holded him close to her. He fitted so perfectly in her arms. His little head was resting on her shoulder as she slowly tapped his back, slowly cooing him. Someone had called Aamani from some other hallway so she had to go. She started to walk away but not before giving the mother and son duo an adoring look.
      Vanathi kept holding him. She could see the whole city below the palace starting to light up more than ever. Children's laughter, the smell of delicious delicacies cooking in the palace kitchen and the city. She wanted to stop this moment and just be in it for a long time. Everything and everyone was happy and good. And that the happiness of her life was resting on her shoulders right now.
      A few minutes after Madhu had stoped crying, she felt someone's presence behind her. She felt scared when it came all to near her. And even more scared when it slowly slid it's hand around her waist through all her clothing.
   "Who are you?" She asked as she prepared to strike the man.
   "Do I need to introduce myself to you mam?" Said the man. Vanathi relaxed as she figured out who it was.
   "Yes mister" she said playing along with him
   "Hmmm.... Let me think.... I am your husband, the father of your child and most importantly I am and will always be your yaanai paagan." Arulmozhi replied, whispering the last part, while resting his chin on her free shoulder.
      A small giggle left her mouth as he did so. Both of her loves were resting on her shoulders. They stayed like this for some time.... Just enjoying the silence, Amv had to leave for a battle in a few days, so he was cherishing all these moments.
   "Aaya, we must get up now, the Pooja and programs will start now. Besides, people will start to look for us... Common, we must get up." Vanathi said while getting up. Amv looked unhappy at this, but, well, she was right .. wasn't she.
      After getting up, he stared at both of them as she fixed her dress, after sitting for so long. He always thought that what did he do to deserve such good and beautiful wife and child. His little tiger looked like him, but had inherited Vanathi's lotus like eyes. And... He was really mischievous. And he can say it confidently that he had inherited this mischievous behaviour from his father... Much to Vanathi's dismay.
      Vanathi looked up at him and caught him starting at her. She smiled to herself.
   "Do you want to hold him?"
   "Ha" Vanathi handed him Madhu and then both of them started to walk towards the mandir.
~~•~~ VV and Kundavai
( Plz read... IMP : So, not to offend anyone, I am not a tamillian, so I don't actually know what they do there during Diwali.... I tried to search from Google but to no avail. In Maharashtra, we have a thing called 'Abhyanga Snan' in which, on the main day of Diwali (Narak chaturdashi / laxmipoojan) we wake up early morning and lather us with oils, massage, then we bath with utna and moti soap, I wanted to do something with VV and Kun on Diwali so .... Here it is)
      "Aae will you stay still! " Vanathi said. It was the morning of Diwali and Kundavai and Vanathi were massaging Vanthyathevan before the bathe. They had just did the same thing with Ponniyin selvan before VV, he had been quite but now he was sitting in front of Vanthyathevan panting like he had ran till Singhala and back.
   "Are you trying to pull my hair out!" VV screamed as Kundavai oiled his hair rather.... Violently.
   "Shut up! Look at Thambi, he sat quietly when we were massaging him! Just stay still."
   "He is a good boy! And you both were gentle with him! And you both are treating me like I am a dirty cloth, and you are cleaning me alongside a river" After making this statement, Kundavai stoped abruptly. She bended down, came near his ear, and said:
   "Maybe you are a piece of cloth."
   "But I am your piece of cloth... Ain't I?" He replied turing his head to come face to face with her's.
   "Maybe you are right" she said in almost a whisper. Their faces were so close to each other.... That.... Well.... You get it.
      "Aaiyo Akka I am also here! Don't forget that you are infront of your thambi!" Arulmozhi shouted sensing where it was going. When he shouted this Kundavai got straight up with heat creeping up her face faster than anything. She quickly looked at her thambi who had covered his eyes with his hands, and had a traumatized look on his face. Vanathi had turned away from them and was standing with her hands on her eyes.
      "Aae! Overacting machines! Got awkward by just this? Do I need to remind you how madhu came in this world in the first place?" Kundavai asked knowing full well what effect this tease was going to have on them.
   "Akka" both of them them shouted, while emerging out of their respective hiding positions. Both of their faces were tomato red. I mean... More than tomato red.
      This reaction caused both Vanthyathevan and Kundavai to laugh out loud. They both were blushing so furiously, that Vanthyathevan thought that the couple might burst out of shyness. The rest of the festive day went like this. They were happy afterall! And ... Maybe... Teasing each other was the only this which the four of them did throughout that day. And we can just say, that the teasing went a big too far away till the night, as they went to sleep, stomach paining from all that laughing.
( A/N )
Happy/ Shubh Dipawali to all of you! Hope that you guys will have a nice and prosperous year ahead!
I know, I know, this isn't good, it may seem that I have fast forwarded a few things but I needed to post this within today while doing my Diwali chores too.... So... Sorry.
My Vacation has started and now that I have time, I have started writing Care p2, Away p4 and unexpected love p2 simultaneously. I am almost finished with Care p2, with more than 1000 words, it will be out till tomorrow or day after tomorrow. The others will come one by one. I am open to requests again, so feel free to tell me. The idea for this OS came in my mind 1-2 days ago, and have been written this since, this isn't much, but... I wrote it just for fun.
I hope that you guys liked this. Instances mentioned are from the book. If any confusion let me know! :)
Any suggestions and feedback appreciated.
∆ Requests Accepted ∆
_ All work is original. Do not copy _
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ohm-myy-god · 2 years
Hello Edna and Harvey enjoyers here is my conclusive list of what Edna Bricht Aus characters would be as food (and/or drinks)
Includes all (as of my memory) characters from the first game
(Semi organized by story involvement, so “very- background character” to “supporting cast” to “main guys”)
Bruce/juppi: mushy flax cereal
Ticket inspector: coffee with raisins in it
Nervous guy: Mountain Dew monster crossover (also has sprite)
Almilio: mulch shaped into food (the kind a kid would try to sell on the playground)
The chef: a full, live lobster
Tobi (Angry guy in the watch tower): ants.
dr marcel’s chauffeur: tiramisu
Hulgor: smoothie made of egg shells and orange peels in a blender
The bartender: stinkydrink
Therapy lady: the most regular, uninteresting, unnoteworthy coffee you’ve ever seen
Security guy at the front desk: a donut with a mullet made of hardened sugar
Mr frock: codfish sandwich with mayonnaise on white bread with white coleslaw
Paleontologist guy: maple syrup candies shaped like mosquitos in amber
Beeman: a warm brownie in a mug
Newbie: biscuits and tea. trying really hard to be normal- perhaps too hard
Priest: communion wafer that’s actually a spicy potato chip
Mr hornbush: hard tack. no flavor to be detected and will absolutely break your teeth
Bobo the brain: vegetarian burger
Keymaster: a poisonous soufflé
Babbit/stiesel: cold toast thats somehow also burnt
Bladder: water
Peter: room temperature watery tea with a now unrecognizable flavor
Petra: cheap angel cake with sprinkles in it; no flavor but simultaneously too sweet
Droggeljug: a bagel (the best food)
Adrian: dog food disguised as caviar
Aluman: pure energy
Hoti: macaroni
Moti: and cheese
Dr marcel: a really expensive pizza with no cheese, no sauce, and a burnt crust, served with expensive wine that’s actually dish-soap
Mattis: grape juice that you think is spiked but no. it’s just grape juice
Edna: a milkshake with all of the available toppings as well as all of the food toppings. is it even a milkshake anymore? Also there’s lint?
Harvey: catsup and mustard combo that also has caffeine in it
Alfred: raisin cookie that someone stepped in
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cryptogids · 1 year
De XRP soap duurt voort: Zijn positieve doorbraken een voorbode van overwinning?
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De eeuwig durende XRP soap duurt voort. Maar staan de overwinningen of doorbraken werkelijk direct in verbinding met een mogelijke overwinning in de markt. Of zorgt de aandacht hier juist voor? De crypto industrie heeft het onderstaande vanmorgen te melden over XRP. Beoordeel het zelf; XRP, een digitale munt die vaak wordt gebruikt voor internationale betalingen, heeft opnieuw de aandacht van de cryptomarkt gestolen na het bereiken van de belangrijke weerstandsmijlpaal van $0,5 - een potentieel signaal van hoe beleggers denken over de lopende juridische strijd die door de Amerikaanse SEC is aangespannen tegen Ripple. XRP boekte maar liefst 5 procent winst in de afgelopen 24 uur en handelde op het moment van schrijven op $0,511, volgens gegevens op CoinGecko. De opwaartse prijsactie ging gepaard met een piek van 82,37% in het handelsvolume gedurende hetzelfde tijdsbestek. Adverteren op Crypto-Gids XRP fluctueert XRP was de afgelopen dagen goed op stoom tot de berichten dat de SEC's zaak tegen Ripple in het voordeel van het bedrijf uit San Francisco kantelde. Vandaag heeft een plotselinge piek in het handelsvolume de prijs van XRP boven het belangrijke niveau van $0,5 gebracht. XRP heeft momenteel een market cap van 26 miljard dollar, wat neerkomt op een stijging van 4,68 procent per 24 uur. Misschien nog opmerkelijker is dat XRP de grootste stijger is onder de grote tokens, want het is nu 13,46 procent gestegen in de afgelopen zeven dagen. On-chain analysebedrijf Santiment wees er onlangs op dat XRP in de afgelopen 2 dagen de tweede en derde grootste stijgingen in adresactiviteit in de geschiedenis kende. Vergeleken met een soortgelijk voorval op 18 maart is het redelijk om een verdere prijsstijging voor XRP te verwachten. Als de geschiedenis zich herhaalt, zou de prijs van de token in 10 dagen 45% kunnen stijgen na de laatste toename van de activiteit. Wat is de volgende stap voor de XRP prijs? Er lijkt geen duidelijke katalysator te zijn geweest voor de stijging van XRP vandaag. Het zou echter een indicatie kunnen zijn dat de XRP bulls in de nabije toekomst goed nieuws verwachten over XRP en zijn ecosysteem. Sommige insiders geloven dat de SEC v. Ripple zaak bijna ten einde is. Maar weten doen we het niet. Met name de Amerikaanse districtsrechter Analisa Torres verwierp onlangs de motie van de SEC om de interne communicatie van de Commissie te verzegelen die plaatsvond vóór een toespraak van haar voormalige directeur, Willian Hinman, in juni 2018. In die toespraak stelde Hinman dat Ether geen veiligheidsactiva is. De onthulling van deze documenten zou Ripple in de richting van een cruciale juridische overwinning kunnen duwen, gezien zijn vermogen om te bewijzen dat XRP ook geen effect is. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse heeft het vertrouwen uitgesproken dat een definitieve uitspraak in de rechtszaak "binnen enkele weken" zou kunnen komen. De overwinning van Ripple zal ongetwijfeld een mega-impuls geven aan XRP en de bredere cryptomarkt opvrolijken, maar een nederlaag kan de risicoaversie weer aanwakkeren. Kortom, ze houden het spannend. Blijf op de hoogte! Word lid van de Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Facebook groep en join de Discord/Telegram om onderdeel te worden van de community. Klik hier voor een gratis crypto starters gids. Read the full article
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qalma-e-azadi · 3 years
so recently, my mom is having some free time to herself so she's been catching up on her habit of watching north-indian soaps and since i want to spend some mom-daughter time with her, i was like, why not? so i watch them with her. and there are so many thing that left me feeling like, "2021?!!!! THIS???? IN THE 21ST DECADE OF THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY????"
impromptu dulha/dulhan badalna? marriages for the sake of revenge?????: bro, is it literally janamo janamo ka saath ya ghaas katai???? AREY SHAADI KAR RAHE HO LADDU NAHI BAT RAHE HAIN KI HAA JO MANDAP PE BAITHEGA USKO DO MOTI CHOOR EXTRA and fucking imagine what the dulha/dulhan feels like after this???? nahi what? unka to kat gaya na! arey yaar IMAGINE THEY HAVE TO SPEND THEIR ENTIRE LIFE WITH THIS PERSON!!!! AUR USS PERSON KO SWAP KAR DIYA USKE BHAI/BEHEN SE??? accha chalo ab ho bhi gayi shaadi theek hai talaq kara do na that's the sensible next step BUT NAHI SHAADI EK PAVITRA RISHTA HAI ISKA MAAN KARNA CHAIYE AREY TO YEH PAVITRATA SONE GAYI THI JAB TUMNE EK DUSRI AURAT KO MANDAP PE BITHA DIYA??? KUCH SENSE BANTA HAI ISS BAAT KA??
no other religion/culture except the one that has the lead: ni matlab christianity hota hi kya hai???? exist hi nahi karta hai bhai islam kya hota hai?? arey allah hu allah hu qawali na haina? bas na? like imagine it's marwari or pretends to be (pss pss ye rishta kya kehlata hai) to behen ke pakodo bas hindu hote hain rajasthan me hain?? aisa hai to main jiss school jaati hu woh to exist hi nahi karta ha fir yaa to main khud hi catfish hu ya main bhi exist nahi karti bhoot se baat karte ho tum log yaha par?? aur aisa nahi hai ki accha delhi me set hai show EK AUR RELIGION/CULTURE DIKHA DO NAHI NAHI NAHI delhi is so diverse you would loose your shit figuring out kitne religions/cultures hain udhar ek yusuf ya joseph sunayi de jaaye mere kaano se shehed behne lag jaaye maa kasam bata rahi hu AUR JAB MAJOR MINORITIES LIKE MUSLIM AUR CHRISTIANS KO HI REP NAHI MILTA TO GHANTA AFGHANS KO YA JEWS KO YA SYRAIN CHRISTIANS KO YA IMMIGRANTS KO YA SCHEDULED CASTES KO MILEGA??
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sexism??? itna jyaada?? aur harrasment like this is illegal wala harrasment: bahu ho tameez me raho. bado se aise baat karte hain kya? saas ka hukum chalane uska haq hai. zuban kainchi ki tarah chal rahi hai. jangli murgi (yea ifkr). and in the old saath nibhana saathiya her mother-in-law literally tried to kill her, made her work in the kitchen like a slave, her husband emotionally abused her like out of nowhere, made her sleep on the floor, calls her uneducated "not worth being his wife" and like people went along with it?? also another subtle thing the guys in the show wear westernised outfits like pants and shirts and with decades those changed pants and shirts became tees and jeans and tees and jeans became shorts and hoodies BUT if the woman steps out of her bold red saari and mangalsutr or a suit/anarkali that i wouldn't even wear at my brother's wedding she is a "chudail" "par aagaye hain" "not sanskari anymore" and unconventional beauty and behavioral standards??? behen sola shringaar karke sone kaun jaata hai?? stalking is normalised, harassing normalised, domestic abuse normalised, trashy behaviour from in-laws and husband normalised and the list goes on.
pettiest of problems istg: ek rasam nahi maani, ladki wale humari ghulami nahi karte, she isn't a p*rnstar, ladka ameer nahi hai, bahu ne chalees jano ke liye khana time pe nahi banaya, bahu maaike se aadhe ghante me nahi aayi, bahu ke ladke dost hain, THE BAHU HAS TO BE PERFECT BUT LEAST SHOULD BE EXPECTED FROM THE BETA BECAUSE MEN WILL BE MEN.
classism, casteism at its finest: life is fun until you understand that "woh sanskaari hai, acche khaandaan ki hai" and "woh sundar, susheel aur sanskari hai" just means that she is patriarchal/admits to patriarchy and is rich, a virgin, uppercaste and is beautiful according to european beauty standards.
toxic relationships: "maa kabhi galat nahi chaahti hai" "baapuji kabhi galat nahi hote hain" "bhabhi ka kehna patthar ki lakeer hai" "bhaiyya ko bhagwan ki tarah maano" "tum sirf aur sirf meri ho" "usko to main wapis le kar rahungi" "iss ka to main jeena haraam kar dungi" you're lying if you've never heard at least one of them.
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caffeinechristine · 4 years
my parents are snuggled on the couch together every day at 6:30AM with their Bibles and smiles wide open. they have done this together for twenty four years and it’s the best good morning I have ever known. 
my sister is applying to medical school, completing her master’s degree, and training for a marathon. I don’t think anything or anyone could ever stop her. one summer, a pastor boy tried, but that didn’t last long. my sister almost never cries. when she laughs, it comes out of her whole body and her spine curls over in reaction to the joyful impact. 
my little brother is becoming a man. there is not a single person on earth who does not adore him. he always was and always will be the sweetest thing. an extended family favorite on both sides. we biked some big hills yesterday. I was falling behind and he yelled back at me, “if mom can do it, so can you!” 
my grandmother can walk a fifteen-minute-mile at eighty years old. the only reason it isn’t a ten-minute-mile is because she stops and talks to just about every single person we meet on the trail. I wish I had inherited her spunk. she tells me stories about Moti Lall never spending any of his money on himself, not even to buy soap, so that he could afford to pay the tuition for the orphans he brought into the school. he had nine kids and always spent more money on others than on himself or his family. I wonder if he knew that his grandson would turn out to be just like him. 
my mom just started a new job for the first time in over twenty years. for the first time, since having kids, she is doing something for herself that has nothing to do with her kids. she knows me well enough to tell me I probably wouldn’t be happy as a stay at home mom, but I hope I can be a selfless and family-oriented as her. her closest brother died when she was twenty-one. she named her second daughter after him. 
my Paps. he cannot talk about Jesus without crying. people are always asking him to speak, teach, and preach in their churches, but he says he is just an eye surgeon. there is not a single person on earth who does not adore him (well, maybe one, but she was a racist.) when he laughs, it comes out of his whole body and his spine curls over in reaction to the joyful impact. there has never been a day when he is not the absolute best person to talk to. I feel like I could go on forever about him, but somehow I am speechless. 
my grandfather’s teeth have been destroyed by alcohol, along with his liver, his brain, his lungs, and most of his personality, but he refuses to get dentures. years ago, he was an incredible musician that would tour the country with his kids and his accordion. he still thinks he’s pretty great. 
we all laugh so much in this house. 
we have our emotionally difficult and hard-to-find-peace days. but we all laugh so much.  
I hope there is always a small part of me that never wants to leave Kansas City. 
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teatimemols · 4 years
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I was mining MOTY, because I needed diamonds and I wanted to play it properly later, but the drama kept pulling me in - and OMG, MOTY is a soap opera from the amount of drama but I love it 'cause it still is a strong book nonetheless - but I hate the ❤️ options because they are so out of place, in a way it looks disturbing, although I love to get romance points 😞 (I want the romance points but I don't want to be insensitive with the subject of MCs daughter custody hearing).
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yourqueenb · 5 years
So I chose to let Guy take the picture with Zoey...
The first reason being diamonds lol. I know it was only 10, but I’m super picky about what I spend on bc I can’t afford to buy them all the time.
But the second reason is even though Guy is obviously terrible, Zoey still has a right to special moments with her father if she wants them. And I’m all for being petty, but taking the picture with her so Guy couldn’t just seemed... spiteful. And for me, that made it bigger than just a picture.
Of course, MC knows how trash he is, so it’s more than understandable for her to want to protect her child from that; however, Zoey doesn’t know him at all. That’s completely Guy’s fault, and he lost out on his right to her time. But if Zoey wants to give it to him, she should be able to. And I’m not gonna have my MC make it any harder on her than it already is. Unfortunately, whether to accept Guy back into her life or not is something Zoey’s gonna have to figure out on her own. But it’s her decision and her decision alone, even if MC knows he’s most likely gonna hurt her later on.
Anyway, that’s the end of my soap box 😅 MoTY has been a pleasant surprise, so hopefully they keep up the momentum they have going here. I wasn’t too keen on a book about having a 9 year old kid, but it’s something different and I appreciate that
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thefirstcourtesan · 5 years
It's only been two chapters, but I for one am enjoying the story so far. Not every book can be as amazing as ACoR or even MotY, and this one in particular is also really giving me a soap opera-y kinda vibe with the one-night stand with a rich man and the jealous (hopefully former) fiancé who will likely try to split them apart, and I live for this kind of storyline! And if people don't want to play it, then don't (unless they're diamond mining, but even then, they can just replay older books).
Yep! I speny my formative years watching soap opera and reading my mom’s harlequin romance novels and this is the lond of cheesy drama I love. Unexpected pregnancy, torn between two men, scheming fiancé, small town gossip. There is so much drama potential, but the cheesy low stakes kind, not the too-realistic gut punch of MoTY.
And yes, no one is making you play a book. You are making a choice. Even diamond mining is a choice.
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rudrakshatripletala · 4 years
Rudraksha Jewellery Set
A rudraksha is the seed of the Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree as well as also plays a vital duty in a spiritual seeker's life. Rudraksha is associated with Lord Shiva. This Mala includes the finest high-grade Rudraksha grains. These Rudrakshas are cleaned, sanctified and also charged (Siddhi). Uncommon belonging; this Mala can change one's life by supplying success in all the aspects. Rudraksha is associated with Lord Shiva. Rudraksha Triplet Mala India We believe that utilizing Rudraksha recommends acquiring the true blessing of Lord Shiva. Rudraksha is furthermore clinically confirmed to have many wellness and wellness advantages. This Rudraksha Triplet mala is incredibly made in 3 layers with a gold-tone chain that can endure Puja as well as likewise Spiritual feature. Generally, the grains are strung together as a mala. Normally, they believe the selection of beads is 108 plus one. Rudraksha Triplet Mala India The extra grain is the Bindu. There should constantly be a Bindu to the mala, otherwise, the power ends up being intermittent as well as also sensitive individuals may wind up being lightheaded. A grownup ought to not make use of a mala with less than 84 beads plus the Bindu. Any type of sort of number over that is great. Mala can be used consistently. You can also utilize it when you bath. If you take cold water washrooms as well as likewise are not taking advantage of any kind of chemical soap, it is specifically useful for the water to confirm it as well as upon your body. But if you are utilizing chemical soaps and additionally comfortable water, it comes to be breakable as well as will damage after a long time, so it is best to stay free from wearing it at such times.
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Advantages of Rudraksha Mala 1. The Rudraksha grain copies a protective guard that safeguards its user from unfavorable powers. 2. If you are a person who is constantly on the move, this grain appropriates for you. Considering that it provides you with security and excellent help by creating a safety covering all over you. 3. The Rudraksha grain also aids in figuring out if the food or water that we will consume is pure or not. Put water over a Rudraksha, if it relocates the clockwise direction, the water is pure as well as advised for intake. Yet, if it relocates the anti-clockwise guidelines afterward it isn't risk-free for consumption. The same holds with food products. Hold the Rudraksha grain over positively-enriched food and also the grain will certainly move in the clockwise direction but if you hold it hold over negatively-enriched food, it will certainly move the anti-clockwise direction. 4. It additionally makes his customer active and really sharp as well as additionally active. 5. For children, the Rudraksha bead can enhance their focus and likewise concentration. 6. The purity of life, usually, occurs by putting on the Rudraksha grain. 7. The Rudraksha grain is extensively used while doing representation or mentioning prayers. 8. The grain is furthermore incredibly effective in getting treatment for skin associated issues. Issues such as itchiness, skin inflammations, injuries can be addressed with the help of Rudraksha Jewellery Set India grains. Location the grain in a copper pot filled with water overnight. Following morning, take in alcohol a glass of water from the very same spot on a vacant stomach. Additionally, you can furthermore utilize a paste of a 9 much Rudraksha as well as Tulsi on injuries and likewise skin injuries.
Address: 111, DLF Tower Shivaji Marg, Moti Nagar, New Delhi - 110015 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.sambridhhi.com/
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babybenibo · 6 years
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All My Boys! /Pt.6/
My favorite B-tracks from boy groups/soloists of 2018. (In no particular order) (The 8track playlist is a shorten version of this list, you can find the complete version on Spotify under the name All My Boys! /Pt.2/)
Mark, Jinyoung, Yugyeom [GOT7] - 2 (TWO)
EXO - 24/7
DAY6 - 121U
BTS - 134340 (PLUTO)
The Boyz - 36.5° [Melting Heart]
The Boyz - Back 2 U
iKon - Beautiful
Kei.G - Black Gold (Feat.Moti)
Def. [JB] - Blind
Moti - Boa
UP10TION - Burning
SHINee - Chemistry 
Crush - Chill (Feat. Sik-K)
TVXQ! - Closer (Changmin solo)
Leo [VIXX] - Cover Girl (Feat. LE [EXID])
Kim Dong Han - D-DAY
Jooyoung - Daydream 
MONSTA X - Destroyer 
SHINee - Drive
Villain - Dunno
SHINee - Electric
Jeong Sewoon - Eye 2 Eye
Baekho [NU’EST W] - Feels 
DAY6 - Feeling Good
ONF - Fifty Fifty
Yugyeom [GOT7] - Fine
June - Gas Station
VAV - Give It To Me
PLT - Glue
Key - Good Good
HyukOh - Graduation
Jung Jin Woo - Gravity
MONSTA X - Heart Attack
Mark, Jinyoung [GOT7] - Higher
JB, Youngjae, Bambam [GOT7] - Hmmmm
Key - Honest
GOT7 - I Am Me
Jackson, Bambam, Yugyeom [GOT7] - I Like It
SHINee - I Say
Jeong Sewoon - I Wonder
MONSTA X - If Only
Key - Imagine
SHINee - Jump
Jinyoung, Bambam [GOT7] - King 
NCT 127 - Knock On 
Shinhwa - Level
BtoB - Like It
SHINee - Lock You Down
MONSTA X - Lost In The Dream
MXM - Love Me Now
Stray Kids - M.I.A.
Gaho - Memory
Jung Jin Woo - Mon Dieu
EXO-CBX - Monday Blues
Seventeen Performance Team - Moonwalker
Jinyoung [GOT7] - My Youth
MONSTA X - Myself
GOT7 - No One Else
Youngjae [GOT7] - Nobody Knows
Mark [GOT7] - OMW
JBJ - On My Mind
UNB - Only One
TRCNG - Ray Of Light
NCT 127 - Replay (PM 01:27)
SHINee - Retro
Jonghyun - Rewind
UNB - Ride With Me
NU’EST W - Shadow
NU’EST W - Signal
Pentagon - Skateboard
Villain - Soap Opera
TVXQ! - Sooner Than Later
JB [GOT7] - Sunrise
THE MAN BLK - Swimming Pool (Ya Ya Yeah)
June - The Way You Feel Inside
Mark, JB, Youngjae [GOT7] - Think About It
EXO-CBX - Thursday 
Kim Dong Han - Tipsy
Jeong Sewoon - Toc, toC!
SHINee - Tonight
VIXX - Trigger
SHINee - Undercover
MONSTA X - Underwater
EXO - Wait
Seventeen Hip Hop Team - What’s Good
Stray Kids - Who?
SHINee - Who Waits For Love
Aron [NU’EST W] - Wi-Fi
UP10TION - With You
Jackson, Bambam, Yugyeom [GOT7] - WOLO
Kanto - XX.XX
EXO - 가끔 [With You]
Jonghyun - 기름때 [Grease]
Leo [VIXX] - 꿈 Dream]
ONF - 나 말고 다 [Incomplete]
Leo [VIXX] - 나는 요즘 [Nowadays]
iKON - 나를 사랑하지 않나요? [Love Me]
Snuper - 내 눈에는 니가 [You In My Eyes]
GOT7 - 너 하나만 [One And Only You] (Feat. Hyolin)
Jeong Sewoon - 닿을 듯 말 듯 [Close Over]  
JBJ95 - 됐어 [Stay]
DAY6 - 두통 [Headache]
MONSTA X - 미쳤으니까 [Crazy In Love]
Wanna One - 보�� [Look]
Wanna One - 불꽃놀이 [Flowerbomb]
ONF - 스물네 번 [86400]
NCT 127 - 신기루 [Fly Away With Me]
DAY6 - 아픈 길 [Hurt Road]
GOT7 - 안 보여 [Come On]
SHINee - 안녕 [You & I]
Kanto - 애가 타 [Like A Baby]
MONSTA X - 어디서 뭐해 [MOHAE]
EXO - 여기 있을게 [Smile On My Face]
MYTEEN - 예뻐 [Pretty]
VAV - 예쁘다고 [Gorgeous]
Onew - 온유하게 해요 [Shine On You]
DAY6 - 완전 멋지잖아 [So Cool]
Jonghyun - 와플 [#Hashtag]
Yugyeom [GOT7] - 이젠 [From Now]
The Boyz - 자각몽 [Lucid Dream]
D-CRUNCH - 지금 [now]
GOT7 - 지켜줄게 [Save You]
MONSTA X - 폭우 [Fallin']
Stray Kids - 해장국 [Hero's Soup]
Jung Jin Woo - 햇님 [Dear Sun] (Feat. SOMA)
DAY6 - 혼잣말 [Talking To]
EXO - 후폭풍 [Bad Dream]
EXO-CBX - 휴일 [Lazy]
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Bikini Massager To Provide Takes Heaven In Delhi Hot Massage Center
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As your wishes and needs our first priorities to fulfil all the demands. Our main Delhi Massage Center motive to give you as best as we can to call you again and again for service. In Delhi, form last more years here we can see there are different types of people are living and moreover, their demands are growing up. Through the workload and stress, people are following sicker so according to the massage service Center agenda to provide the world best services for our clients to make their life easier and softer.
In our Japanese and Nepali massager provides you mind-blowing services. And they also provide Delhi male massager as per your needs and wants. In our Delhi massage services will also provide state and city for serving. Body to Body massage is now a very effective and powerful massage to break your daily routine and create the best moment.
We are also providing you with our best female massager for your trip to accompany you and your friends too this Delhi Massage Service will be a little expensive but the services are never forgettable. If the person has a bad fantasy and wants some massage for their part our agency providing you with those services too. Now if have some tension or are feeling depressed and your workload is disturbing you our experience Delhi massager gives you full body massage and couple to couple massage that takes you to heaven you feel awesome and forget all those worries. Our service is providing 24/7 and full week so that our client not wait.  Just you have to book your services at your place or in our Delhi service Center and prepared the decided prize for not to waste your time and ready to explore the new experience. Our gorgeous hot ladies are waiting for you. So book more appointments to know more details and offer.
Their spa facilities are also available at a reasonable price. Where you can get the massager to massage your body part in the spa. it’s your choice to choose oil or soap. We are sure your meeting with Delhi massager will be memory and you call every time when want service. We know that you will not get that massage service anywhere because our Delhi massages service in Delhi is the most popular and best provider. We know that you were frustrate by 8hrs working daily in the same place you gonna tired of all this and your body needs relaxation and warm-up. So our best female massager available to deal with your requirement. For men, we have a Famous Delhi Male Massager to give you the best massage and they also massage your main parts to feel best. Now I’m sharing some important thing that our agencies providing you modal bikini massager who easily understands your comfort and they all re brilliant and good communication skills and this is in only in our massage parlor. Our Delhi Massage Service Center is legally authorized and our service valuable.  
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cryptogids · 2 years
XRP rechtszaak: Ripple krijgt ongelooflijke steun en SEC zaak neemt verrassende wending
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De zaak tussen Ripple en de SEC blijft nieuwe wendingen nemen naarmate een schikking dichterbij komt. De aanvraag van de op crypto gerichte investeringsfirma Paradigm Operations LP om zich als amicus curiae bij de zaak aan te sluiten heeft verdere steun gekregen van een geïnteresseerde advocaat. Lewis Rinaudo Cohen, de medeoprichter van het op blockchain gerichte advocatenkantoor DLx Law LLP, heeft een motie ingediend om te verschijnen als 'pro hac vice' namens de investeringsfirma. Advocaat James K. Filan, een prominente influencer van de XRPcommunity, merkte de ontwikkeling voor het eerst op. Pro hac vice is een juridische term voor het toevoegen van een advocaat aan een zaak in een rechtsgebied waar hij niet bevoegd is om zijn beroep uit te oefenen. Cohen merkte in zijn indiening op dat hij lid is van de balies van New York en DC. De indiening voegt eraan toe dat hij niet te maken heeft met een lopende tuchtprocedure bij een staats- of federale rechtbank, wat in overeenstemming is met het juridisch protocol. De amicus brief werd in november ingediend als steunbetuiging aan Ripple. Een amicus curiae, ook bekend als "vriend van de rechtbank", is een persoon of organisatie die geen partij is in een juridisch geschil. De derde partij kan de rechtbank bijstaan door relevante informatie, expertise of inzicht te verschaffen. Eerder diende advocaat Rodrigo Seira een motie in met het verzoek om namens Paradigm Operations LP als pro hac vice in de zaak te verschijnen. Ook advocaat Michelle Kallen van Jenner & Block LLP diende een soortgelijke motie in. Stort Euro of Bitcoin en verdien een riant maandelijks passief inkomen (klik voor meer uitleg). Leden van de XRP community hongeren naar sluiting van de zaak Leden van de XRP community hebben erop gewezen dat de indieningen mogelijk te laat komen. Dit omdat ze geen invloed meer kunnen hebben op de beslissing van de rechter. Sommigen menen dat de indieningen de zaak, die al te lang duurt, kunnen vertragen. Ondertussen hebben Ripple en de SEC hun laatste brieven ingediend met het verzoek om een kort geding in de zaak. De hele XRP community is gefocust op wanneer voorzittende rechter Analisa Torres uitspraak zal doen in de zaak. Advocaat Filan heeft voorspeld dat deze uitspraak rond maart 2023 kan komen. Als deze uitspraak in het voordeel van Ripple uitvalt, verwacht de community dat de prijs van XRP omhoog zal schieten omdat het vertrouwen van de beleggers terugkeert. De verwachting is gekoppeld aan de duidelijkheid van de regelgeving die XRP zal hebben met een dergelijke uitkomst. Daarentegen zou een gunstige uitkomst de SEC in staat stellen om achter meer crypto bedrijven aan te gaan. XRP handelt op moment van van schrijven rond de $0,36 met een daling van 2,18% in de afgelopen 24 uur. Of dat het indienen wel of niet op tijd zal zijn blijft spannend in de XRP soap. Hierover binnenkort meer Word lid van de Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Facebook groep en join de Discord/Telegram om onderdeel te worden van de community Read the full article
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sambridhhiproducts · 4 years
Pure Rose Oil Manufacturing Uses And Benefits
Rose is considered the "queen of blossoms" and also had stated in numerous epic fairy tales and love stories. That is since roses are one of the most gorgeous and exotic blossoms discovered on Earth. Unnecessarily to claim that roses are extensively made use of in different types across the globe.
Along with their elegance, roses are favorite in the pharmaceutical and also perfumery market for their great smelling items. The fresh flowers of the Rosa damascene plant are made use of to create an aromatic compound called a pure increased oil, which is common in aromatherapy, perfumery, and also cosmetic products. Pure Rose Oil The factor for the raised use of this oil is the visibility of compounds that possess healing homes.
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Just how Is This oil Generated?
Removing this item entails many intricate procedures, and also it depends upon on completion product. The vapor distillation procedure is used for extraction of Rose necessary oil while solvent extraction for the outright crucial which is used in the perfumery. Additionally, thousands of fresh roses are essential to extract one liter of oil while doing so. That is why the rose oil price is one of the greatest in the marketplace.
Just how may the climbed oil aid you?
The rose important oil has actually got extensive use in the aromatherapy process. The concentrated oil is kept in the diffuser and also applied to the body for massage therapy. According to skilled practitioners, breathing in the molecules influences the nervous system which is sent with the skin and also a limbic system of the body. It is assumed that the rose oil may be practical in the following instances -
Decrease depression and also anxiousness.
Extreme migraine and also migraine.
Boost blood circulation of blood.
Increase libido as well as state of mind on inhalation.
Menstruation aches
Increase immunity system.
Skincare service.
Keep in mind: Thus far, there are restricted scientific studies and also proofs of their benefits worldwide. Consequently, it is suggested to make use of the item under the doctor's supervision.  Pure Rose Oil
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Top Uses of Rose Oil: The focused oil should be used on the skin nor consume inside as it develops inflammation on the surface. Individuals mix pure water to dilute the focused oil which is typically called rose water. The climbed water can be directly applied to the skin to treat numerous skin concerns like dry skin, acne, battle skin aging, and also eliminate the marks. Owing to these residential or commercial properties, making use of climbed oil for the face is commonly prevalent in India as well as around the world. In cosmetic items, it is used to make lotion as well as soap that improves the softness of skin while giving a soothing fragrance on usage.
Care: As removing pure climbed oil is highly expensive, lots of businesses are instilling chemicals with comparable smell as well as taste in the products. These products are not natural and also might be unsafe to make use of. It is essential to get the products from a trusted supplier. Though the natural increased oil is expensive, yet it worth your cash.
Also know: Various Health Benefits of Sandalwood Essential Oil
Address: 111, DLF Tower Shivaji Marg, Moti Nagar, New Delhi - 110015 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.sambridhhi.com/
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sakettimes · 4 years
Moti Luxury Bath Soap, Sandal, 150 g (Pack of 5)
Moti Luxury Bath Soap, Sandal, 150 g (Pack of 5)
Price: (as of – Details) Rediscover your natural beauty with Moti Sandal Luxury Bath Soap. Enriched with moisturizing agents that remove dryness and keep your skin silky smooth and glossy, Moti moisturises every single skin cell with its natural extracts. Its iconic round shape will leave you feeling refreshed and nostalgic as you relive your fond memories with this beauty soap from the early…
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pureroseoil · 4 years
Pure Rose Oil Production Uses And Benefits
Rosewater has been prized by numerous societies throughout the centuries for its pleasing scent in foods and additionally drinks, as an all-natural skin printer toner as well as eye cleanser and also as a terrific fragrance for both men and women.
Rose is the king of flower not only by its flower elegance however likewise in its activity along with shades. Pure Rose Oil Along with its visual worth of decorative usage, it has multi measurement influences on our wellness.
Normally rose significance, that is boosted water as well as boosted oil, is used in much corrective prep work specifically facial or skin treatment. Pure natural climbed water is 100% without synthetic energetic ingredients and also scents as well as also is used as a facial cleanser.
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Rosewater is well-known for its all-natural recuperation homes as a superb antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory item. Pure Rose Oil It is used to treat skin infections consisting of dry flaky skin, oily skin, skin inflammation, dermatitis, as well as dermatitis. It is furthermore a healing agent and also can be used in dealing with injuries.
Rose Water is additionally an astringent which reduces redness or inflammation of the skin. Pure Rose Oil Puffy inflamed pimples can be lowered by thoroughly swabbing rose water on the damaged area. Because it has anti-viral and also anti-bacterial homes, climbed water can be made use of as an anti-bacterial to maintain your house or workplace without germs in addition to bacteria. Recognized for its gorgeous and unique aroma, enhanced water is as essential made use of as an element for hair shampoos, soaps, and likewise air fresheners.
Address: 111, DLF Tower Shivaji Marg, Moti Nagar, New Delhi - 110015 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.sambridhhi.com/
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