#Moss' autistic ramblings
zombieeclipse · 2 months
I think I am losing my special interests again....
The inbetweens are the WORST
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mossfriendly · 7 months
writing long ass letters to hometown friends now we’ve all moved away and not getting a reply breaks my heart. i really weave my love into them. it’s in the art i make, the postcards i buy, the pamphlets i collect. i’m thinking of my friends constantly.
i long to be thought of.
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concerning a recent comment on my blog:
I have pretty severe executive dysfunction, I'm talking "never ever in my life did homework" and "spent entire days crying in my bed because I could Not get up", "not indulging in interests because I can't start up a browser", but it is in no way and never will be comparable to any physical disability. It's simply a completely different experience.
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cactusnymph · 2 years
new mahariel just dropped. his name is nilan <333 me playing the dalish origin like “maybe this time tamlen won’t die” and “if i search these ruins long enough i’ll find him this time for sure”
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thoughts on shipping rerik?????????
I could write an essay about how Erik was actually queer-coded/how fruity the subtext was. Not really something I'm invested in, but I like it
Also a big fan of Raoul/Christine/Erik and Rerik/Megstine solidarity.
Also also. Love Never Dies was awful. But they had more chemistry in that song than either of them did with Christine combined
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Newest kid at work and I spent our closing time comparing our Very Neurotypical childhood behaviors
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supermilkshakebanana · 6 months
About me:
call me Moon (she/they/he), 16 y/o, in a qpr (idk anymore)
I am aroace and agender. I am also neurodivergent (high sensitive, probably autistic (not diagnosed))
I know @soupymouse irl
My fandoms and/or obsessions ranked on how obsessed i am rn:
The magnus archives (I just started so pls pls don't spoil anything) -> will be tagged as #tma (i dont wanna dive into it yet cus spoilers)
Sanders sides -> #sanders sides (occasionally #sanders side if I make a typo)
Marvel -> #marvel
Ancient Greece and it's mythology (also the language🤌) -> #greek mythology, #the odyssey (i may make typos), #the illiad, etc etc etc
EPIC: the musical -> tagged as #epic the musical
The Song of Achilles (masterpiece, will break you, 12/10 would recommend) -> #tsoa
Magnus Chase (underrated as can be) and Percy Jackson -> #pjo and #mcga
DC, mostly batfamily n stuff -> #dc
the score (i love their music sm man) -> not tagged yet
Taylor Swift (fight me) -> not tagged yet
About my oc: -> tagged as #rp
has plantpowers (bioluminescence, controlling and growing plants on the spot, can turn into plants), body is 16 y/o but soul is way older, doesn't know a lot of their past because of amnesia
adopted by @agent-maria-hill (<3) and studying to become an agent of SHIELD
besties with @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol, @azalea-romanoff and @mazakine-romanoff (I love y'all)
@squidgentheredbeakedcryptid I dunno what to think of you anymore
I post whatever I feel like, mostly rb's and occationally original posts (tagged as #moon rambles) or rp
i put a lot in queue -> #queuecumber
I am also the mod of @virginia-pepper-potts01
Some badges n stuff because nobody can stop me and i have no impulse control:
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(Credits to @xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx)
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(Credits to @moss-the-clown-guy) (Credits to @totallypumpkin) (Credits to @dustylogicalityrat)
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softcryz · 1 year
casts spell of being autistic about your characters on you
OKAY LISTEN partially late because I had to do things I AM GOING TO BE CONTAINING MYSELF IN THIS POST
BECAUSE I feel as if sharing this is illegal (even though these are literally my characters)
SO specifically for the past few days I have been very. Unwell about these very specific guys but I will need to do some explaining beforehand
I have another iterator named Times Lost In Bliss! She's in the same group as Creativity (Lands Edge) and is actually! Their senior!
Don't worry she's actually a normal senior. I say this genuinely xey are just really nice
Times was built with lower processing power than the standard Iterator, causing it to have the tendency to... Fall asleep at inopportune moments. This can last from seconds, to minutes, to hours- to several cycles. Fae has no control over this.
Iterator with narcolepsy essentially
I could go on a WHOLE other ramble about Times BUT skipping a bunch of Stuff
Times has! Guard dogs!
He made them before the mass ascension so they are OLD AS HELL but they are so. She loves them so much they're just puppies to her
They're called The Detorrents! There's eight of them and they all have their own individual names of course
Here is a doodle of fan favourite, Moss Grown Tall. He's just a happy dude
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Do NOT let this doodle trick you. These assholes are fucking MASSIVE
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And unfortunately they are god damn TERRIFYING and VERY good at their job. These fuckers can RUN. And CLIMB. And DEAR GOD YOU ARE NOT ESCAPING.
I've been working on slowly drawing all of them (I have concepts and colour pallets!) and EVENTUALLY having full blown references but YEAH THEY'RE ALL I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT
I am so very fond of Times' big, terrifying dogs with the internet in their brains
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phantomfelinepaws · 1 month
i kinda always felt STRONGLY that i was faekin... but I think i've realise I AM faekin, but a GOBLIN!
I am small, mischievous, love to collect stuff like rocks and sticks and leaves and pretty flowers! I've always loved moss and wanted to sleep on (have slept on back when i lived in the country hehe)
I've always loved curling up in tight spaces, back when i could fit in TEEENY tiny spaces. I love mushrooms, despite being textural adverse to them, and eat them when i can! I love getting messy and dirty and playing in creeks and lakes. Rocks always look super tasty to me and i want to chew on them.
I explore the world with my mouth a lot, literally I have to be stpped from putting everything in my mouth to check how sturdy/well-made it is. I am a VERY aggressive chewer and have chewed through even the toughest made Chewerly in under a week.
I have a horrible singing voice, but insist on serenading my Hubwife (she loves when I sing to her, even if it hurts her bc she's also autistic like me x3)
I feel most comfortable in the woods/forests and it is painful for me to live in the suburbs, though I have to live here bc I need to be close to my doctors (I am very ill both mentally and physically) and close to a grocery store, as I used to live in a food desert + around racist and uncaring doctors.
I have been begging my Hubwife, any pronouns, to take me to the park nearest to us, but it has been BLAZING hot and HUMID, and if not that it is raining, and with us both being chronically ill and fatigued and having to use canes to get around, you can see why summer is a hard season to visit a park.
I know its a stereotype that Goblins dont have finesse in the kitchen, I am actually quite good in the kitchen and make a wicked good soup and I dont even like soup generally.
My first hyperfixation I can remember was Toads + other amphibians. I was OBSESSED the SECOND i saw those adorable faces! I was never a big frog kid. I was a TOAD kid. I (stupidly, but i was a kid leave me alone) used to kiss every toad I could. Toads always seemed to very much like me, and rarely hopped away from me, unless I approached too rambunctiously. We seemed to have an understanding and mutual respect for each other, it was nice. (speaking of amphibians there is a horrible fungus ravaging thro the frog population, so do not touch any frogs or other amphibians!!)
I'm also really beautiful but in a sort of unconventional way, i think? Like you'd never do a double take (Unless you were looking at my MASSIVE mommy milkers xD) but you'd probably think "Huh, that's a cute person." and then be a bit confused why you think I'm cute/pretty. ((And i'm NOT trying to fish for compliments or dog on myself by saying this. I truly feel like I'm pretty/beautiful/cute (most days) to a very high level. I used to look in my mirror and stare at myself and take in all my features. Hell I used to want to clone myself so I could sex myself xDD))
I also used to call myself a goblin when i was VERY small, before I even really understood what a goblin was, and WELL before modern Goblincore (I'm nearly thirty lol and I was RARELY on the internet until my early 20's)
(I also didn't know Goblincore was a thing until.... like this year xD (I'm very Social media challenged, its an actual problem as I make SO many faux-pas and have lost MANY friends over the years due to my social ineptitude))
Ok that's my ramble x3 thanks for listening I'm gonna write these lil (long) blurbs for my other Kin/Theriotypes x3
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omegamoo · 1 year
HELLO OMEGAMOO .looking into your soul with my autistic eyes. can you explain the worldbuilding of wp pretty please. anything abt it i like your rambles and hearing about whittled pantheon
OH MY GOD HI MOSS.. thank u... lets go... under the cut. again. warning. there are some messy bits its not all the way figured out yet. hopefully i got all this right i guess tgm + twig can come correct me haha. and im mostly going to be explaining the failsafes and global worldbuilding here! theres lots of cultural worldbuilding we're working through but thats a lot more specific and less. plot relevant? if that makes sense.
OKAY SO. the first thing u gotta know is that there's a Guy (gender neutral) who creates the universe. the Guy has no role in the story whatsoever hes just the universe creator. and anyways. he creates galaxies and solar systems and also souls. but the souls like. don't behave? they just kinda float around through each solar system and get in the way. so the guy goes well this isn't working and creates shepherds for the souls, one for each solar system. the shepherds lead the souls to the afterlife and oversee like. creation of people getting souls. life and death. in the solar system where the pantheon old world planet is, the soul-herder is Sephtis, god of death, who ends up getting involved with the pantheon and running the shepherding from the wp planet.
also, the Guy creates these entities known as the Carvers, approximately one for each solar system, to go to each of the planets and bring life to them. the Guy hands each Carver two carved wooden & prismarine figures for each planet. these figures are gods, essentially. we call them the failsafes. the Carver is supposed to go to each planet in the solar system, drop off and activate the failsafes using her blood, and then move on to the next one. the failsafes then are like. faux-carvers who will oversee the world.
more on the failsafes - there are two per planet. one is earth-centric and the other is water-centric. so like, the two things humans need to live, if that makes sense. water failsafe controls the water (duh) and the earth failsafe has the ability to open tunnels between planets. this would allow for the carver to travel between planets, especially if something is to go wrong. again, these failsafes (and all other gods) are activated by the blood of a Carver, since the Carvers are like. magic. in the old world, the two failsafes are melior, goddess of aid (she's the earth one) and palaemon (water god. duh). this is why specifically the death of palaemon throws everything so out of balance! in the new world, the only activated failsafe is aides, the earth-centric god of caves. melior gets the gods from the old world to the new world during the catalyst, and aides creates the warren (chaotic system of tunnels more on this in a bit) so that daemon can get back and save iota.
so okay. the reason why the wp planet stands out is because the solar system's Carver is the only one who decides to try and carve her own gods to help humanity. this is how we get the pantheon. she carves and activates morrighan and ludo using her blood. they're supposed to enticehumans to explore and protect humans, but they swipe the prototype carvings of iota and daemon and then fuck off to who knows where. at this point the carver goes "well maybe this isn't working" and activates the first failsafe, melior. iota & daemons carvings are set down in a spot where the carver tripped and skinned her knee which activates them. they convince the carver to carve statikos. and so it goes.
palaemon's figure gets chucked into the ocean. we haven't exactly talked in a while about how this happens. maybe it was the carver maybe ludo tried to activate it and got pissed off and threw it into the ocean. i dont rememebr. but anyways the carver dies and her blood goes down into the ocean and activates palaemon. maey and palaemon r the last gods activated.
so now all of the Carver's duties have been split up amongst the gods alongside her blood. they each carry a bit of her purpose and self. this is why they are able to pass through the tunnel into the new world
in the new world, the gods find that there is no Carver in the new world and no active failsafes, which means there's no way to get iota back. so, they activate the earth-centric failsafe, aides, using their own combined blood since it was originally the blood of the carver. this Works but only kind of. aides isn't a full god, and thus the passageway he creates back to the old world is Fucked.
uhm. okay. i think.... for the present this is it. i could get into like. the mapping of the world or i could get tgm to talk about linguistics and we have a whole calendar system set up and i have so many thoughts about. the night sky. but this is like... what you need to know. about how the world(s) came to be
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polemoss · 11 months
hi internet
i might as well introduce myself,,, I’m.. polemoss. yep. Just call me moss for short. I’m autistic, and i like to draw. I like to ramble about stuff a lot :3
am i triggered by anything? well… kinda. death threats and religious stuff isnt too appreciated here, no strict DNI. If i tell you to DNI, take that as your sign. (keep in mind proshippers, trans/homophobes are exceptions. They have no business here. If you have questions about if something is non-negotiable DNI you’re free to ask.)
Fandoms? see post tags.
how often will i post? whenever i want lmfao
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eda-does-things · 1 year
Hello everone!! My name is Eda :)
I am a nonbinary (They/them) autistic lesbian!!
I love Splatoon, vocaloid, pokemon, cosplay, & general nerdy nonsense!!
I also have a silly goofy Splatoon AU called inkblot. It's a future AU involving the agents, idols, & a couple others that follows their daily lives as adults with jobs and families. Please keep in mind this is an AU & may diverge from cannon! I talk about it often lol please ask me about it
I have been drawing since I was about 3 or 4
I am an ENFP personality type. I'm a lil awkward n clueless but I love making friends! Don't be shy ;)
I am also a Capricorn! (Jan 9 is my birthday lol)
I'm in the U.S. & CST time zone.
My Switch Code is: SW-4938-9780-2878
You're free to add me, but please lmk in advance!
I am currently not ready to take commissions regularly, however, if you want one for whatever reason, feel free to ask me.
Please keep in mind that I am a minor and that I need tone indicators!
Have a nice day :)
Oh, and read this
★ I am very high energy and a bit anxious,, but love making friends! If you're a mutual please feel free to DM! (Just say smth like “Hi, my name is (name) and I’m just here to chat! (or whatever reason) as stuff like just “Hi” makes me anxious!)
★I am a (mostly) Splatoon account!
★ I usually reply fast but get distracted easily!
★ I go into a lot of detail with stuff I enjoy and tend to go on tangents/rambles
★ I tend to correct folks sometimes when they say something incorrect about one of my interests so I'm sorry in advance
★ C//ps/P//lice are MAJOR TRIGGERS, so please, censor them!
*Bold means it's ok if I interact FIRST
★ If you're homophobic, sexist, racist, ableist, etc. Please, leave
★ You're a proshipper, IRL shipper or support them
Proshipping is when you're fine with ANY ship, as in incest, adult and minor pairs, etc etc. Shipping is ok if it's legal!
You are not an IRL shipper if you just think two people would make a nice couple and do not actively ship them
an example of active shipping is Markiplier x Jacksepticeye
an example of thinking two people would be cute is me thinking it'd be dope if Alice Peralta and Rina Itou got together but I'm not gonna force it or anything
★ Unironically talk about or support Heterophobia (doing so satirically is ok!)
★ Dislike fanfiction/RP
★ Also please leave if you're just here to get after my comfort stuff, please leave.
★Your name is Kitty, Sebby, Moss, Dio, or Max
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mossfriendly · 11 days
had my first counselling session ever in my life and realised my family is a lot more dysfunctional than I remember and that autism really flows through me like wine flows through jesus's body or something idk I never read the bible
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good day to remind everyone that my friend's parents told him the only reason he shows autistic symptoms is cause I'm So Weird that it rubbed off
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cakeboxie · 5 months
Dmtryo // you might know me from my main @cakeboxie
Icon by @junowritings
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i this is my selfship sideblog it’s gonna be mostly rbs and me screaming about how badly I want to kiss the above tiefling on the mouth sloppy style.
If you want to know about my other selfships they’re below the break but like. I’m deep in the Zevlor obsession rn like- other than the occasional unhinged ramble it’s gonna be mostly him for the foreseeable future tho.
Tags r also down there
🌅 <- tag emoji
Ship name is hellbright
Charlie swings between just being an OC and being my self insert by the day dudes
Hhhhhhhngshsg oath of redemption paladin/oathbroken paladin….. did u want…. Devotion so deep it borders on religious…..
They have a Pinterest board bc I spend my free time thinking about them.
^ the extended lore
Welt Yang/Dmtryo
🍂 <- tag emoji
Ship name is Antigravity
Often includes !!grooming and !!agegap
The express stumbles upon a stranded ship, it cannot be repaired and its young captain is forced to become a trailblazer in hopes of finding the parts he needs to return to his nomadic lifestyle
💧 <- tag emoji
Ship name is Abyssal Eyes (shortened to AE)
Reincarnation and memories of the soul themed angst
Dmtryo is an abyss creature purified by the primordial sea. Severing his ties to the abyss but unable to free him from his monstrous form without killing him.
🛡️Argenti: chivalrous knight x guy who doesn’t need to be saved but appreciates the company
🧋Kamisato Ayato: I’m still figuring this one out
🖌️ Yusuke kitagawa: daddy issues and autistic creatives (also flat effect x hyper expressive)
👾 Spyke: childhood friends drift apart then meet again at the worst point of their lives and cling to each other (this one is endlessly toxic)
🥛Francis Mosses: girl next door but the girl is a reclusive dilf who might be a doppelgänger (he is, but he finds people fascinating and is slowly shaping his brain to be able to experience the “love” that drives humans to such extremes)
📗 Harvey: Gruff dude brings him coffee and talks with him until they end up falling in love without ever officially talking about it.
📕 Elliot: creatives bond over the hell that is writes block, gradually ramps up until they’re attached at the hip.
💾 Kinito: Stockholm syndrome with a pink football shaped pc virus.
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aliennopossumm · 3 years
Like Real People Do
Happy 11 months, @andromedaspace ! I love you more than words can describe
Pairing: currently platonic Analogical, future romantic Analogical
Warnings: some cursing, cult joke, one line mentions bullying, “nerd” used affectionately, some of Vee’s teasing makes Logan upset but xe comforts them, brief blood mention, anxiety
Characters: Logan Sanders, Virgil Berry
Character notes: autistic nonbinary Logan [they/them], autistic trans Virgil [xe/xem]
Fic summary: As they usually do, Logan adventure’s into the forest. But when they explore somewhere they haven’t been before, they meet somebody new
1,795 words 10,235 characters
Logan, despite how well they behaved academically, was never one for following orders. Whether it was pirating a video game, or staying up until 2am on a school night, they didn't mind bending a few rules. More often than not, as well, they weren't caught. Their rule breaking wasn't confined to their own apartment either, occasionally exploring the forest by their highschool, staying out ten minutes to several hours too late. No matter what weather or time, they loved to walk through the trees that towered over their, now seemingly small, self. Nature was so fascinating to them. Books about plants and animals were scattered in their room, as well as writing in a journal about their favourite parts of the world.
They brought along the book on this particular day, tucked away safely in their messenger bag, along with pens, coloured pencils and other essentials. Wind barreled through the trees and their hair, making Logan subconsciously pull their hoodie closer to their skin. It was surprisingly cold for an average windy day, possibly too cold. Logan mentally pinned it down on being close to water, taking a seat next to a large, moss-covered rock. Whilst humming along to the sound of the birds, they started to remove their journal and stationary from their bag to comment on the plants around them. They opened the book to about three-quarters through, jotting the date down on a clean page. It was starting to become difficult to find new information, laying the book open on the dirt in front of them. A small, but happy, sigh escaped their mouth, turning to the rock behind them and starting to inspect the moss, their pen balanced in their mouth.
Hardly any sound surrounded them now, only quiet chirps and now softer wind being heard. Logan looked back behind them, where-
"Oh..?" Logan breathed, now slightly concerned at the lack of their book. It wasn't as if the wind blew it away, the pencils were much lighter than the journal, and yet they were in the exact same place. Attempting to not panic, they looked to the lake first, then to the tree's, before finally looking up.
"Looking for this?" Logan gasped shakily, finding their book in the hands of a stranger.
"Give- give it back!" It became embarrassingly obvious Logan had never been in a situation even slightly similar to this one.
The stranger, dressed in dark, just laughed softly, "what even is this-" they shut the book, the only thing on the cover being a name and a small yellow, white, purple and black flag, "Logan?"
"It's a journal, now give it back!" Despite their tone attempting to be intimidating, Logan still sat on their knees, seemingly shaking. "Who... who even are you!?"
"Well, I know your name, so it's only fair if you know mine," they jumped down from where they perched on a tree branch, starting to walk over, "it's Virgil. Don't laugh."
"Why would I... I laugh?" Logan's voice was now unmasking their anxiety, watching as Virgil moved closer. Along with their dark black clothes, the way they walked only made them look more bat-like.
Virgil shrugged, crouching in front of them, "people can be rude. You're alone in a forest, you probably know that well enough." They squinted their eyes slightly at the anxious person, "but you don't look like an outcast."
"Look closer at the cover," they mumbled, biting their lip slightly. Logan turned their head away, but kept their eyes focussed on the odd stranger. Virgil did as prompted.
"It just says Logan Sanders? That isn't a weird name," it slightly surprised Logan that a nice comment escaped their lips.
They took the journal from Virgil, poking at the flag, "Nonbinary."
"Yeah," they started to pack away their stuff, "just call me a name. I'm leaving. This is obviously your turf."
Virgil gently grabbed their wrist, "no. I didn't mean it like that, I'm just dumb and-" they sighed, unzipping the black and purple patched hoodie with their free hand and pulling one side back to reveal a trans patch on their chest. "Xe/xem. My dumbass just didn't process the flag."
What felt like a boulder of anxiousness was lifted off their chest - this was somebody in their community. Of course, that doesn't make xem an inherently good person, but it helped Logan feel safer.
"That's valid. They/them," Logan anxiously held out their hand. Is this how people introduce each other?
Xe looked at the awkward hand, "are you sure you're not a part of a forest cult and this is a blood pact?"
As if Logan was literally invited to said imagery cult, they let out an almost anxious gasp. Virgil's teasing smirk started to fade, "I'm kidding, L. You just don't know how to socialise." Xe gently shook their hand.
"That's- well-" Logan tried to gather words to defend themselves before just sighing, "yeah, you're correct. I don't."
Yet again, the forest fell silent, bar the sound of the wind. By this point, Virgil let go of their arm and hand, moving back by a foot or two. Logan took this as a sign to silently unpack their bag yet again, gently laying their beloved possessions back onto the dirt. Xe glanced at the bag. "Got anything else in there?"
Logan couldn't help but interpret this as a taunt, lowering their head to focus on finding today's page in their journal, "just general stuff." They didn't look back up, still sorting through the papers, until they felt a gentle hand on their shoulder. Even a gesture as simple as that made their soul melt in the best way possible, making them crack the first smile Virgil saw of them.
"Hey, L, I was being genuine. What do you have in there?" Xe smiled back, showing sharp teeth.
Trying to not focus on how attractive that was, they nodded and pulled the bag between the two of them. Virgil let go of them, sitting opposite Logan.
"You probably now think whatever's in here would be amazing, but it's really not," Logan frowned a little at the thought of letting their new possible friend down, opening the bag wider so they could both gaze in. "It's really just essentials other than what's already out - food, water, cellphone, nature books. There's some small scissors in one of the closed pockets in case I need a sample for something. I rarely test on plants, and never on animals, but sometimes it can be pleasant to just own a part of nature." They froze up slightly once the ramble escaped their mouth, "Oh- I'm sorry for speaking so much, Virgil."
The taller one just smiled, "no, no, don't apologise. I like hearing about all your nerd ramblings, it's sorta... sweet, how much you care."
They nodded, a small smile cracking onto their face again. "Thank you. Do you uh- do you have anything in your..."
"I don't have a bag, if that is what you're asking," xe chuckled a little, inspecting the book labeled 'Common Berries and Mushrooms', "most of my stuff is kept in the jacket. Same stuff as you, mostly. Just replace books with crystals and your journal with headphones."
Logan didn't know whether to question xem about the crystals or what kind of mystical jacket could contain all those things, resulting in them blurting out the gibberish of "how crystal fit."
Xe chuckled at them, "you're adorable, L. The jacket was modified to fit more shit, deeper pockets and that. And I work with crystals, if that's what you were trying to ask." They nodded in understanding, breathing out what sounded like 'fascinating'. "So, what brings you to the forest?"
Trying to gather themselves again, Logan cleared their throat and starting to flick through one of their several books, "I find nature amazing. How a single bug could run the entire forest... it truly is beautiful. I like coming down to the forest, usually after school or dinner, and just walk around, commenting on everything I see - new or known. I love learning. I hadn't been to this part of the forest before, I tend to turn right when entering, but this time I chose the left path."
Nodding along, Virgil listened intently to another one of their infodumps, which ended in xem learning new information about the forest as well. Xe couldn't even blame Logan for finding the forest interesting once xe heard it from their perspective. In all honesty, it made xem want to learn more so they can have genuine conversations about it, as right now it was similar to Logan literally talking to a plant. The ramble continued for almost twenty more minutes, Virgil warming up to asking questions and even making a few notes in xyr phone about this all. It slowly started to form into a proper conversation, eventually leading Logan to politely question the crystals xe carried, which in turn led them to dedicating an entire page to the rocks.
By the time both had worn themselves out with talking, Virgil smiled at the orange and purple sky, "I think it's getting quite late... do you need help packing your things up?" In the time they were infodumping, they also shared a picnic of sorts, leaving a lot more mess than Logan usually had at the end of their forest sessions.
"No, I'm alright..." They smiled, starting to gently stack the large informative books at the bottom of the bag, so they would not crush anything else. "Thank you for this, Virgil, it was nice to talk to somebody."
"Mh?" Logan looked up, Virgil appearing half-blurred as their glasses had slightly fallen down.
Xe chuckled, pushing the glasses up for them with what seemed like a fountain pen, "call me Virge, it's what my friends call me."
Blushing at the gesture, Logan went back to packing their bag, "we're friends?"
"Of course, I don't sit in the forest for hours with strangers," Virgil smiled warmly, the sound of pen scratching being heard as the rest of the forest seemingly fell into quiet. The sound stopped, "well, I better get going back to my dads. I'll see you around, nerd."
As Logan looked back up, xe was already in the tree's. They chuckled softly, "bye Virgil- Virge." After a few more minutes of rearranging their items, the bag was now almost fully packed. Logan took their journal from the ground, about to close it but noticing some new writing. It was in bright purple pen and scruffy handwriting, standing out amongst the neat, black text on the rest of the page.
"Call me - +1-541-555-0130"
They smiled gently, shutting the book and placing it at the top of their bag. Maybe they should.
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